Word in dialog based


by   Wentao Ma, et al.

Harbin Institute of Technology



Human conversations contain many types of information, e.g., knowledge,
common sense, and language habits. In this paper, we propose a conversational
word embedding method named PR-Embedding, which utilizes the conversation pairs
〈post, reply〉 to learn word embedding. Different
from previous works, PR-Embedding uses the vectors from two different semantic
spaces to represent the words in post and reply. To catch the information among
the pair, we first introduce the word alignment model from statistical machine
translation to generate the cross-sentence window, then train the embedding on
word-level and sentence-level. We evaluate the method on single-turn and
multi-turn response selection tasks for retrieval-based dialog systems. The
experiment results show that PR-Embedding can improve the quality of the
selected response. PR-Embedding source code is available at


Andrei Smolin

Posted on Thursday, February 16th, 2012 at 7:43 am by .

This blog is about a sample add-in project (with source code) demonstrating how to use Word dialogs programmatically. With this add-in you can:

  1. check if a given dialog is suitable for your task
  2. get version-specific information about that dialog and its properties

Microsoft Word contains a lot of built-in dialogs; there are 238 of them in Word 2010! Although the whole feature seems to be abandoned, it looks like many dialogs can be used. Run this add-in to check if any given dialog is okay.

The UI of the add-in is built into an Advanced Word Task Pane. You specify a Word version (#1 in the screenshot), choose a Word dialog (#2), set a property (#3) and click an action button (#4) to invoke a method that the Word.Dialog interface provides.

Many dialogs provide properties e.g. the dialog identified by the constant wdDialogConnect provides the properties Drive, Password and Path (see the screenshot). Dialog properties are accessible via late binding only, see code samples in How to: Use Built-In Dialog Boxes in Word on MSDN or pay attention to the property WdBuiltinDialogProperty.Value in the code of this add-in. Properties names are published in MSDN. They are also available in the code of the add-in.

Word Dialogs: Backward compatibility issues

You should know that Office applications are almost 100% backward-compatible. Dialog properties is the area where backward compatibility gets broken too often. The list of properties existing in every Word version of every Word dialog is contained in the constructor of the WdBuiltinDialogs class, see the code of the add-in.

Good luck!

Available downloads:

These sample COM Add-ins were developed using Add-in Express for Office and .net:

C# sample COM add-in

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In this tutorial, we are going to create a simple dialog based application. We will use Button, Edit Box, Combo Box, List Box and Static text controls to develop our project. We will be going through the process of adding these controls into their dialog box, using the ClassWizard to link these controls to variables, and handle messages sent by the controls.

I am going to assume you have good knowledge in C++ and you are an absolute beginner to Visual C++. The first thing you need to do is load up your Visual C++ 6 software and create a new project.

Creating a New Project

To create a new project, start by clicking on File in the menu of the Visual C++ 6 window, then on New.

The view should look like the image below:

Image 1

Write Dialog1 in the project name and choose an MFC AppWizard (exe) from the list of the available Wizards, then click OK. The MFC Application Wizard will start.

  • In Step 1 of the Wizard, click on Dialog based option, then click Next.
  • In Steps 2 and 3, accept the default settings, just click Next to do this.
  • In Step 4, click Finish, then you will get the project information. Click OK.

Now the Wizard has created for you a simple empty Dialog Based application. You will need to make few changes and write the necessary code for your application to customise it to your specifications.

Designing the Dialog

Click on the text TODO : Place dialog controls here, then press Delete. This will remove the unwanted text label.

Image 2

Click on bottom right edge of the dialog box. A rectangle appears around the edges of the box itself. Resize the dialog box using the sizing points as shown below.

Click on the sizing point on the bottom-right corner, keeping the mouse button pressed. Move the mouse, keeping the button pressed. An outline of the new dialog box size is shown as the mouse is moved. Release the mouse button when the dialog box size is 230 x 126.

Image 3

Click on the Cancel button and press Delete to remove the Cancel button, then right click the mouse on the OK button and a context menu will appear as shown below.

Select Properties from the context menu.

Image 4

The Push Button Properties dialog box appears. Select the General tab; then in Caption box, replace the word OK with Close as shown below.

Image 5

On the controls toolbar, select the static text control. Click the dialog box near the upper left corner. A static text control appears on the dialog box, with the default text Static.

Static text controls can be used to display some information (we are going to use few of them as labels). You need three static text controls. Therefore, you need to repeat the process of dropping static text control on to the dialog box. Make sure to drop each control next to each other.

On the controls toolbar, select the edit control and as you did before with text control. Drop two edit controls. Select Combo Box from the controls toolbar and drop it into the dialog box. Then select List Box control and drop it to the dialog box. Select button control from the controls toolbar and drop it into the dialog box.

Change the Caption of the new button to Add and its ID to IDC_ADD, then arrange the controls on the dialog box as show below. Right click static text control and change its properties change Caption to Title as shown below:

Image 6

Change the Caption for each static text control as shown below. Change the ID in Edit Properties for first Edit Box control to IDC_FIRSTNAME and the second edit control to IDC_LASTNAME.

Image 7

Change the ID in List Box Properties to IDC_NAMELIST and the ID Combo Box Properties to IDC_TITLE.

Click on Data in Combo Box Properties and populate the Data as shown below. After each entry is added in the list, remember to press Ctrl + Enter to go to a new line.

Image 8

On the Styles tab, change the Combo Box’s Type to Drop List. Position your mouse over the Combo Box dropdown button, then left-click. Another rectangle will appear (see below) that allows you to specify the size of the open Combo Box’s List.

Image 9

Assigning Member Variables to Controls

Press Ctrl + W to start ClassWizard, or from the View menu select ClassWizard. The MFC ClassWizard dialog box appears as shown below. Select the Member Variables tab, then select the dialog class in the Class name : combo box; use CDialog1Dlg. Select IDC_FIRSTNAME, click Add Variable button. The dialog box appears (see below). Select Value from Category and select CString from Member variable type.

Type m_strFirstName for Member variable name.

Repeat the same process to add CString member variable m_strLastName for IDC_LASTNAME, and m_strTitle for IDC_TITLE.

Image 10

For IDC_NAMELIST, add a Member variable of Category Control and Variable Type CListBox as shown below. Select the ClassView tab from the project workspace pane. The class list will appear as shown below. Right click CDialog1Dlg class and select add member variable. The Add Member Variable dialog box will appear. Type CString in the variable and m_strFullName in Variable Name.

Image 11

Adding Message Handlers for the Controls

Press Ctrl + W to start the ClassWizard, or right click the Add button and select ClassWizard from the context menu. Open ClassWizard, select Message Maps tab. In Class name select CDialog1Dlg, on Object IDs select IDC_ADD , then choose BN_CLICKED from the Messages list as shown below.

Click on Add Function. Click OK, then click Edit Code. The ClassWizard will write a new empty function called Add() with the proper prototype in the class header.

Image 12

Add the code in bold — just below //TODO: Add your control notification handler code here:

void CDialog1Dlg::OnAdd() 
	CString strTitle ;
	int nIndex;

		nIndex = GetDlgItemText(IDC_TITLE, strTitle);  	m_strFullName = strTitle + " " + m_strFirstName + " " + m_strLastName;

	UpdateData(FALSE); 	                  }

Building and Running the Program

Click on the Title Combo Box and choose a Title. Write your first name in first name edit box and last name in last name edit box then click Add. If everything goes as planned, then you will get your full name and correct title in the list box as shown below.

Image 13

This program could be part of a large database project, but for now we going to leave it at that. I hope you enjoyed the tutorial. In my next tutorial, I am going to use some of these controls to develop a simple, but very useful project: a multi-internet search engine and much more.


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This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it’s interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.

Well, first, Iran has always been ready for a dialogue based on respect and justice.

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Therefore, we should encourage dialogue based on partnership and cooperation,

involving all stakeholders and aimed at proper and effective solutions.

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Поэтому мы должны поощрять диалог, основанный на партнерстве и сотрудничестве,

предусматривающий участие всех заинтересованных сторон и направленный на поиски надлежащих и эффективных решений.

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SPS is a policy tool and platform for dialogue based on scientific research, innovation, and knowledge exchange.

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НМБ является инструментом осуществления политики и платформой для диалога, основанного на научных исследованиях, новаторстве и обмене знаниями.

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The delegation of Pakistan wished to know the source of that information and considered that it would be pointless to conduct a dialogue based on unreliable and unverified information.

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Пакистанская делегация настаивает на выяснении источников этой информации и полагает, что диалог, основанный на недостоверной и не поддающейся проверке информации, являлся бы ничем иным как фарсом.

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It recalls the importance of an open political dialogue based on constitutional provisions to foster national reconciliation

and durable peace in the country.

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Он напоминает о важности открытого политического диалога, основанного на конституционных положениях, для укрепления процесса национального примирения

и установления прочного мира в стране.

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A true partnership derives from a willingness to engage with each other in a dialogue based upon equality and mutual respect.

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Подлинное партнерство проистекает из готовности вступать друг с другом в диалог, основанный на равенстве и взаимном уважении.

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Similarly, the Republic of Angola will continue to enhance the international cooperation with the United Nations Human Rights Mechanisms through a frank and

open dialogue based on respect of the country’s sovereignty.

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Аналогичным образом Республика Ангола будет продолжать укреплять сотрудничество с правозащитными механизмами Организации Объединенных Наций путем ведения откровенного и

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That conflict was not racist, religious or cultural, but political,

and could be resolved only by political dialogue based on mutual respect and compromise.

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Этот конфликт является политическим, а не расистским, религиозным или культурным,

и может быть разрешен только с помощью политического диалога, основанного на взаимоуважении и компромиссе.

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Today we are even more convinced that all

problems can be solved only through dialogue based on good political will.

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Сегодня мы еще больше убеждены в том,

что все проблемы могут быть решены лишь через диалог, основанный на доброй политической воле.

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Children compelled to commit atrocities during the conflict

reported that they had gained acceptance in their communities through dialogue based on traditional healing mechanisms.

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Дети, которых вынуждали совершать злодеяния в ходе конфликтов, говорили о том,

что они были приняты в свои общины благодаря диалогу, основанному на традиционных механизмах исцеления.

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The Vienna Institute for International


and Cooperation promotes critical public debate on issues related to colonialism and racism,

as well as international dialogue based on equality and respect.

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Венский институт развития и сотрудничества содействует проведению критических общественных дискуссий по вопросам, касающимся колониализма и расизма,

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Within countries,

it is crucial to have an open and constructive multisectoral dialogue based on shared and fundamental societal values and principles,

such as solidarity, integration, human rights and participation, as well as sound public health principles.

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Внутри стран исключительно важно проводить открытый и конструктивный многоотраслевой диалог, основанный на общих и основополагающих общественных ценностях и принципах, таких

как солидарность, интеграция, права человека и участие, а также на рациональных принципах общественного здравоохранения.

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the only way to ensure that all enjoyed the basic rights and freedoms guaranteed by the International Declaration of Human Rights and its associated international instruments.

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является единственным способом обеспечения того, чтобы все пользовались основными правами и свободами, гарантированными Международной декларацией о правах человека и связанными с ней международными документами.

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We believe that

an open and constructive multisectoral dialogue based on shared and fundamental societal values and principles—

such as solidarity, integration, human rights and participation— and sound public health standards can contribute to improving health outcomes for migrants and host communities alike.

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По нашему мнению, открытый и конструктивный многосекторальный диалог, основанный на общих и фундаментальных общественных ценностях и принципах—

таких, как солидарность, интеграция, права человека и участие,— а также разумные стандарты в области здравоохранения могут способствовать улучшению здоровья как мигрантов, так и населения принимающих их стран.

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This declaration underlines the importance of systematically encouraging intercultural and

inter-religious dialogue based on the primacy of common values, as a means of promoting awareness

and understanding of each other, preventing conflicts, promoting reconciliation and ensuring the cohesion of society, through formal and non-formal education.

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В этой декларации подчеркивается важность систематического поощрения межкультурного и

межконфессионального диалога, основанного на первичности общих ценностей в качестве средства повышения осведомленности

и понимания друг друга, предотвращения конфликтов, содействия примирению и обеспечения сплоченности общества через формальное и неформальное обучение.

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Within countries,

it is crucial to have an open and constructive multisectoral dialogue based on shared and fundamental societal values and principles,

such as solidarity, integration, human rights and participation, as well as sound public health principles.

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В первом случае крайне важно вести внутри страны открытый и конструктивный многосекторальный диалог, основанный на общих и фундаментальных общественных ценностях и принципах,

таких как солидарность, интеграция, права человека и участие, а также на твердых принципах общественного здравоохранения.

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As the Secretary-General has eloquently pointed

out, we need to undertake a true


of civilizations— a dialogue based on solidarity,

the law, tolerance and remembering; a


that never forgets slavery, colonialism, fascism, xenophobia, racism, the fate of Palestine.

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Как красноречиво отметил Генеральный секретарь,

нам необходимо начать подлинный


цивилизаций— диалог, основанный на солидарности, законности,

терпимости и памяти;


в котором не будут преданы забвению рабство, колониализм, фашизм, ксенофобия, расизм, судьба Палестины.

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He concluded by saying that the harmonization of the views of the various States and the strengthening of international cooperation required responsible, objective, impartial,

non-selective and transparent dialogue based on mutual respect for national sovereignty

and for the territorial integrity of States.

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Она завершила утверждением о том, что сближение мнений различных государств и укрепление международного сотрудничества происходит посредством установления ответственного, объективного, беспристрастного,

неизбирательного и открытого диалога, основанного на взаимоуважении национального суверенитета и территориальной целостности государств.

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The Government of the Republic of Mali issues an appeal to Niger’s political circles to uphold the Republic’s legality and

invites it to foster dialogue based on respect for democratic principles as the only means

of achieving a peaceful and lasting settlement of the crisis in that country.

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Правительство Республики Мали обращается к политическим кругам Нигера с призывом защитить законные республиканские институты и

избрать диалог, основанный на уважении демократических принципов, в качестве единственного

средства мирного и прочного урегулирования кризиса в этой стране.

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In our own region we are anguished by the continuing strife in Afghanistan,

and urge all Afghan leaders to resolve differences through peaceful dialogue based on accords signed in Istanbul, Mecca and Tehran.

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В нашем районе мы с болью наблюдаем за продолжающейся междоусобицей в Афганистане и

призываем всех афганских руководителей разрешить свои разногласия путем мирного диалога, основанного на соглашениях, подписанных в Стамбуле, Мекке и Тегеране.

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Moreover, simple ways of selecting a principal theme or themes in order to focus the substantive debate under each cluster of the agenda should be explored,

thus allowing for more dialogue based on an integrated approach to development issues.

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Кроме того, следует изучить простые пути выбора главной темы или тем для того, чтобы фокусировать прения по существу каждого блока вопросов повестки,

таким образом создав возможность для более широкого диалога, основанного на интегрированном подходе к вопросам развития.

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Whether mankind succeeds in seizing the present opportunity for peace and economic progress depends crucially on the

United Nations as a mechanism for a new global dialogue based on genuine partnership between States with widely differing philosophies,

policies and practices.

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Добьется ли человечество успеха в использовании нынешней благоприятной возможности для мира и экономического прогресса, зависит исключительно от

Организации Объединенных Наций как механизма для нового глобального диалога, основанного на подлинном партнерстве между государствами с глубоко различными идеологией,

политикой и практикой.

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In that regard, we need to give sway to reason and dialogue based on full respect for the economic

and political model that works best for the interests of the Cuban people, in accordance with their identity and unique characteristics.

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Поэтому мы должны добиться, чтобы верх взял разум и диалог, основанный на всеобъемлющем уважении экономической и политической модели,

которая наилучшим образом отвечает интересам кубинского народа, принимает во внимание его национальные особенности и его уникальные качества.

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In conclusion, she said that responsible and constructive dialogue based on mutual respect for national sovereignty and territorial integrity,

as well as on neutrality, non-selectivity and transparency, was the proper way to bring views closer together and strengthen international cooperation on human rights.

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В заключение оратор заявляет, что для сближения точек зрения и укрепления международного сотрудничества в области прав человека необходим ответственный и конструктивный диалог, основанный на взаимном уважении к национальному суверенитету и территориальной целостности,

а также на беспристрастности, неизбирательности и транспарентности.

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We want to ensure that we are incorporated into the regenerative trend of free

market economy with a strong social component and dialogue based on patriotism, flexibility

and tolerance among all the political forces and throughout civil society in our country.

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Мы хотим включиться


восстановительную тенденцию экономики

свободного рынка с сильным социальным компонентом и в диалог, основанный на патриотизме, гибкости

и терпимости всех политических сил и всего гражданского общества нашей страны.

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We hope that Israel and Syria will resume dialogue based on the principle of exchanging land for peace,

the gradual withdrawal of Israeli troops and the demilitarization of the Syrian Golan.

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Мы выражаем надежду на то,

что Израиль и Сирия смогут вновь приступить к диалогу, основанному на принципе» земля в обмен на мир»,

поэтапном выводе израильских войск и демилитаризации сирийских Голан.

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The reality is that the crisis requires international dialogue based on common interests and mutual interdependence with a view to establishing

an international code of conduct that addresses the current expansion in the production of biofuels as an alternative source to traditional energy and sets standards for the responsible use of agricultural crops.

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Реальность состоит в том, что для урегулирования этого кризиса необходим международный диалог, основанный на общих интересах и взаимозависимости,

в целях установления международного кодекса поведения, который решал бы проблему нынешнего расширения производства биотоплива как альтернативы традиционным источникам энергии и определял стандарты ответственного использования продуктов сельскохозяйственного производства.

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Responsible and objective dialogue based on mutual respect for national sovereignty,

territorial integrity, non-selectivity, transparency and absence of hegemony in international relations were the best means of fostering closer ties and promoting cooperation in support of human rights and ensuring everyone’s enjoyment of those rights through laws and international instruments.

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Ответственный и объективный диалог, основанный на взаимном уважении национального суверенитета,

территориальной целостности, принципах неизбирательности и транспарентности, при условии отсутствия стремления к гегемонии в международных отношениях является лучшим способом для дальнейшего сближения и расширения сотрудничества в интересах защиты прав человека и предоставления гарантий всеобщего осуществления этих прав посредством реализации международных норм и документов.

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As a party to international conventions on human rights, my country is of the view that human rights issues should be addressed in the global context,

through constructive and mutually beneficial cooperation and dialogue based on the principles of objectivity,

non-selectivity and transparency, taking into account the political, historical, social and religious specificities of each country.

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Являясь государством— участником международных конвенций по правам человека, наша страна придерживается той точки зрения, что к вопросу о правах человека следует подходить в глобальном контексте,

на основе конструктивного и взаимовыгодного сотрудничества и диалога, основанного на принципах объективности,

неизбирательного отношения и гласности с учетом политических, исторических, социальных и религиозных особенностей каждой страны.

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It will be recalled that in the note submitted last year(A/49/542), an attempt was made to identify, on the basis of a brief review of the historical experience,

the essential ingredients of a dialogue based on partnership

and the elements in the present international situation that create a compelling need to promote such a


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Следует напомнить, что в записке, представленной в прошлом году( A/ 49/ 542), была предпринята попытка, исходя из краткого обзора исторического опыта,

определить важнейшие составные части диалога, основанного на партнерстве, и элементы нынешней международной ситуации,

обусловливающей насущную потребность в поощрении такого.

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I think that the articles you cite look like very bad advice. I see what they’re saying, but I wonder if following these rules will really cause a reader to decide that a story touches them more or makes them realize deeper insights.

Okay, seriously — and I admit up front, I am about to get highly opinionated here: Yes, there’s a point in there about drawing the reader into the action. But to say that using these words makes a bad story and not using them makes a good story is not just mind-numbingly simplistic, it’s in an entirely wrong direction.

«She wondered how she could make it across the busy road» is lame but «How could she make it across the busy road?» is enthralling? Get real. If only good writing could be reduced to such a simple formula. The argument here seems to be that writing in the first person, or a sort of pseudo-first person, is good; but writing in the third person is bad. No. Each has its place. Learn the pros and cons of each.

The to-be article is even sillier. For example, it contrasts «That school is great» — bad sentence, with «That school has wonderful teachers, terrific students, and supportive parents» — good sentence. I agree that the second is a more interesting sentence. But is the important difference that the first uses «is» and the second doesn’t? No. What if we rewrote them as, «That school does great» and «That school is a place with wonderful teachers, terrific students, and supportive parents.» Now I’ve switched which uses «is» and which doesn’t. Did that make the first sentence the better one? No. The difference is that the first has no depth, it gives us no reason for the judgment, while the second gives some explanation. Actually I think the second is still a pretty dull sentence, as it gives no clue why the writer thinks the teachers are wonderful, etc. It’s still a statement of unsupported opinion, just a slightly more detailed one.

There may be some simple formulas to better writing, but I don’t think these are it.

End of opinionated rant.

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