Word in between good and bad

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I was wondering if there were any words for something in-between good and bad in reference to events. So, the period of time between a good event and a bad event.
Does such a word exist? I feel like there’s one on the tip of my tongue but I just can’t remember it.

Help would be appreciated as soon as possible! Thank you

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These weren’t the best of times. These weren’t the worst of times. They were so-so times. They were fair to middling times.

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Vocabulary Tips: Synonyms for ‘Good’ and ‘Bad’

The words ‘good’ and ‘bad’ are simple ways of expressing how we feel about something. However, they’re also overused, which means they can lack impact. So to make your writing more powerful and descriptive, you might need a few of the synonyms for ‘good’ and ‘bad’ detailed below.

Synonyms for ‘Good’

‘Good’ is a word with many uses, including as a noun and an adjective. We’ll focus on the adjectival uses here, where its basic meaning is ‘desirable’ or ‘of a high standard’. However, even then ‘good’ has several uses, so the best alternative will depend on what you are trying to say. Some common senses of ‘good’ and suitable synonyms can be found below, for example:




Acceptable in quality or degree

We have a good sense of how to proceed.

Adequate, fair, satisfactory, sufficient

High quality or desirable

Ghostbusters is a very good film. Brilliant, excellent, great, outstanding, superb

Useful or beneficial

Regular exercise is good for your health. Advantageous, helpful, positive, valuable

Morally good or agreeable

A good person helps those in need. Admirable, decent, respectable, virtuous

Skilled or capable

He is a very good singer. Accomplished, proficient, skilful, talented

Pleasant or pleasing

That flower smells good. Delightful, enjoyable, nice, pleasurable, satisfying

As the table above shows, the way to pick a ‘good’ (i.e. acceptable) synonym is to know what you are trying to say. This will often lead you to a more descriptive alternative. It is therefore important to check the definition of synonyms for ‘good’ to make sure they fit the situations.

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Synonyms for ‘Bad’

We say something is ‘bad’ to express a negative opinion. It is thus the opposite of good in all of its senses. And as with ‘good’, we have several options for how to use this word, including:




Low quality or faulty

A bad diet can cause health issues. Deficient, inadequate, mediocre, poor

Of a very low quality

Bathing in a tub of scorpions was a bad idea. Awful, dreadful, terrible, unacceptable

Harmful or negative

Smoking is bad for you. Damaging, detrimental, injurious, unhealthy

Immoral or disagreeable

Bad behaviour will be punished. Evil, reprehensible, unpleasant, wrong

Unpleasant or unwelcome

We saw the bad news on television. Abhorrent, disagreeable, troublesome, undesirable

There are other uses of ‘bad’ not described here, such as when we describe an injured body part (e.g. a ‘bad back’) or rotten food (e.g. ‘bad meat’). And as with ‘good’ above, this range of meanings shows that it’s important to check the definition of synonyms for ‘bad’ before you use them.

‘Good’ and ‘Bad’ in Academic Writing

It’s fine to use words like ‘good’ and ‘bad’ in academic writing, but they’re not usually enough by themselves. This is because they’re evaluative rather than descriptive. For example, if we were writing about management techniques, we might say that ‘unpaid overtime is bad for staff morale’. That is an evaluation because we say it is ‘bad’. But to demonstrate our understanding, we’d also need to explain why it is bad and how we reached that conclusion.

The answer here, then, is to remember that academic writing involves explaining our judgements. And the same applies to using words like ‘good’ and ‘bad’ in other forms of critical writing.

When something is neither good nor bad, it can be hard to know which word best describes it. However, this article will help you understand a few good choices to describe this idea. Let’s look into some of the options available to you!

Which Words Can Describe Being “Neither Good Nor Bad”?

When something is not good or bad, it’s hard to know what to say. But, we recommend you try out one of these words to see which words for you:

  • Benign
  • Indifferent
  • Moderate
  • Standard
  • Ordinary
  • Average
  • Medium
  • Somewhere in between
  • Mediocre
  • Passable

Best Words To Describe “Neither Good Nor Bad”

The preferred version is “benign.” It works well to show that something is between “good” and “bad.” It’s harmless in most ways, and it’s not likely that it’ll ever be viewed as anything more than either good or bad depending on the people looking at it.


“Benign” works well to show that something is neither good nor evil. It’s common to use when talking about medical issues like tumors that are not harmful or deadly. They are “bad” because they’re a problem in the body, but they are “good” because they cause no damage.

The definition of “benign,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “not harmful or severe.”

Check out these examples to see how it works:

  • The benign tumor in my brain seems like it’s going to stick around. I wish I could do something to change that!
  • I wish you didn’t have to have such a benign problem! I can’t stand listening to your boring problems anymore!
  • It’s not as benign as you think it is, though I can appreciate why you do. Maybe we can work on communicating better next time?


“Indifferent” shows a lack of care or allegiance to either “good” or “bad” things. Since we do not care where something is placed on a “goodness scale,” we simply put it in the middle to show it’s between the two.

The definition of “indifferent,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “not thinking about or interested in someone or something.”

These examples will help you with “indifferent:”

  • I’m indifferent about these matters because I know they won’t affect my family or me.
  • I’m too indifferent to make a decision on this, so I’ll leave it to you. I trust that you’ll make the right one!
  • The indifference shown by the public makes it clear that we’re doing our jobs wrong!


“Moderate” works well to show that something is neither “good” nor “bad.” We can use the word to show that something is between the two values, and there isn’t a true way for us to measure the goodness or badness that might come from it.

The definition of “moderate,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “neither small nor large in size, amount, degree, or strength.”

Check out these examples if you want to see it in action:

  • I feel like this is far more moderate than you realize, which is why it won’t affect my decision.
  • This was a moderate outcome. I guess I expected it, but I’m still somewhat disappointed that you all chose it.
  • This was far too moderate for me to want to recreate! Come up with a better idea that might turn heads next time!


“Standard” works well to show how things should be. Ideally, “good” and “bad” are things that we should strive for or avoid. However, if something is “standard,” it means it should be acceptable to all, and we should all try and get those outcomes.

The definition of “standard,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “usual rather than special, especially when thought of as being correct or acceptable.”

Check out these examples to help you with it:

  • Honestly, their response was standard. It wasn’t helpful, but it wasn’t wasted on me either.
  • You can expect them to contact you in the standard amount of time. They won’t get in touch sooner than that.
  • I wouldn’t worry about the standard they set for you. Just do whatever you feel works best, mate!


“Ordinary” is a great word to use to show that someone or something is not different or special. Therefore, we can show that they are just “average” and somewhere between “good” and “bad.”

The definition of “ordinary,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “not different or special or unexpected in any way; usual.”

Check out these examples to see how it works:

  • You’re nothing short of ordinary, Patrick.
  • I think the politics in this government are ordinary, and we do not have to fear them.
  • Trust me; this is all far too ordinary to put a single care into!


“Average” works to show that something is standard and between two values. Typically, we can look at “good” and “bad” as a scale, and “average” things tend to sit somewhere in the middle with no real clarification.

The definition of “average,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a standard or level that is considered to be typical or usual.”

Some of these examples might be useful to you:

  • I think you’ve found something that’s entirely average. That’s good to know.
  • Your ideas are average, which is why I keep you here. You’ll never challenge my power.
  • I think you’ve found an average to go to, and I’ll work with what you’ve chosen.


“Medium” works well when we want to show that a value is between two amounts. In this case, the “amounts” are “good” and “bad.” This helps us to demonstrate that something is firmly in the middle and has no positive or negative effects.

The definition of “medium,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “being in the middle between an upper and lower amount, size, degree, or value.”

Why not try some of these examples to see how it works:

  • I believe there’s a happy medium that is neither good nor bad.
  • You should look into a medium that everyone will accept with minimal consequences.
  • Don’t forget to try and bargain on the medium that you get from the deal.

Somewhere In Between

“Somewhere in between” is a useful phrase for this situation. It works to show that there is a middle ground that a person or object occupies. They are neither good nor bad, so it’s up to us to place them in the middle based on their actions.

Here are some examples to help you:

  • I think Jack is somewhere in between morally corrupt and morally just; I just can’t figure it out.
  • This company is somewhere in between good and evil. I don’t know how I feel about that.
  • You’re certainly somewhere in between the two.


“Mediocre” works well to show that something is acceptable but not good or bad. It works to show that we can talk about things that have no profound positive or negative effect on somebody or something.

The definition of “mediocre,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “just acceptable but not good; not good enough.”

Here are some examples:

  • I expected something mediocre from you, and you managed to deliver.
  • I’m not as mediocre as many people seem to think I am.
  • I like the mediocre decisions they’re making because they have a very limited impact on the running of my company.


“Passable” works well to show that something is happily in between good and bad. It shows that something is good, but not great or bad, but not terrible. It’s the perfect happy medium that many people look for in most objects.

The definition of “passable,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “satisfactory but not excellent.”

Check out these examples to see how it works:

  • I think it’s fairly passable, which is why I’ve allowed it to go on.
  • Their politics are passable enough, and they don’t really affect me.
  • Your ideas are passable, so I think you should take them to the boss.

What Does “Neither Good Nor Bad” Mean?

Now that we’ve seen all the best words let’s check out what it means when something is neither good nor bad.

“Neither good nor bad” means that something is often harmless. It might not be the most sightly or “good” thing in nature, but it also doesn’t have a profoundly negative effect on the people or things that it’s near.

You might be a little confused about how things can be somewhere in between the scale of “good” or “bad.” The truth is, it’s a subjective matter. Many people might see certain things as “good,” while others see them as “bad,” and even more see it as somewhere in the middle.

It’s best to develop your own opinion to see what you think fits into the category of “indifference” or being “benign.”

What Are Examples Of Something That Is “Neither Good Nor Bad”?

There are a few good examples of things that are “neither good nor bad.” To help get your head around it, you could look into the following:

  • A malignant tumor (harmless, but tumors are not “good”)
  • Actors in different movie roles
  • Many scientific practices that might me morally unbalanced

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martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

Lesson Five. Good & Bad — Хорошо и плохо

In this lesson we take a look at the words ‘good’ and ‘bad’ and their general use.

You know — вы знаете, the world of English — мир английского is a fun это увлекательное and exciting place to be –и захватывающее место.

I’m so glad — я так рад, you could join me — что вы смогли присоединиться ко мне for another lesson — на очередном уроке.

Hi everybody,привет всем, this is Misterduncan in Englandэто Мистер Данкан из Англии. How are you today — как вы сегодня? Are you OK — вы в порядке? I hope so — надеюсь, что да. Are you happyвы счастливы? I hope soнадеюсь, что так. In this lessonв этой лекции we will take a look — мы рассмотрим at two common words — два общих слова, which have — которые имеют opposite meanings — противоположное значение and many uses — и часто используются within the English languageв английском языке. Today we will look — сегодня мы рассмотрим at Good and Badслова Хорошо и Плохо .

In English,в английском языке, just like — так же как any other language,и в любом другом языке, we need to be ableнам необходимо иметь возможность to express — выразить то, that which is Positiveчто позитивно and that which is Negativeи то, что негативно.

The words good and bad — слова хорошо и плохо give us a very simple,дают нам очень простой, but useful way — но полезный способ of expressing — выражения these descriptions easily, — этих описаний легко.

But there are many other ways — но есть есть много и других способов of showing what is Good or OKпоказать, что это хорошо and what is Badили что это плохо or Not OK или не окей.

We can use — мы можем применить Good or Bad — слова хорошо или плохо to describe the way we feel — для описания того, что мы чувствуем…

How are you feeling today — как Вы чувствуете себя сегодня?

I feel good — я чувствую себя хорошо.

I feel bad я чувствую себя плохо.

In the positive sentence,в позитивных высказываниях good can mean — good может означать: well or happy, хорошо или счастлив, and in negative sentence,а в негативных высказываниях bad can mean — bad может означать.. Unwell or Unhappy — плохо или несчастливо.

Good and Bad can be used — Good и Bad могут использоваться для того, to show Enjoyment — чтобы показать удовольствие or a Dislike — или неудовольствие towards somethingпо отношению к чемулибо.

Did you enjoy the movieвам понравился фильм? Yes, it was good — да, он был хорошим. No, it was bad нет, он был плохой.

Of course you can useконечно, вы можете использовать good and bad — хорошо и плохо to describe a person – чтобы описать человека and their characterи его характера.

Thank you for your help,спасибо за твою помощь, you are goodты хороший
That man stole my bike,
этот человек украл мой велосипед, he is badон плохой.

Lets look at some — давайте рассмотрим некоторые longer sentences — более длинные предложения using с использованием слов good and bad — хорошо и плохо.

My boss gave me the morning offмой босс освободил меня утром from workот работы. So I went shopping — так, я отправился в магазин. I had a really good morning — у меня было по-настоящему хорошее утро.

I lost my wallet this morningя потерял мой кошелёк этим утром, and then I was late for work, — и потом я опоздал на работу. I had a really bad morning — у меня было по-настоящему плохое утро.

I went to lunch todayя отправился на ланч сегодня with a good friend of mineсегодня с моим хорошим другом, but the food at the restaurant was badно еда в ресторане была плохой.

I’m not going there againя не пойду туда снова.

We had a good time todayу нас сегодня был хороший день, to bad we have to say goodbyeтак плохо было говорить до свидания.

In the last sentence, too bad meansв последнем предложении too bad так плохоозначает. It is a pity or it isn’t that a shame так жаль дословноэто жальили разве это не досадно? It’s too bad — ‘то так плохо!

It would seem that there are many more usesказалось бы, что есть намного больше применений for the word «good» than «bad»,для слова «хорошо«, чем для «плохо» which is quite a good thing, don’t you agreeчто довольно хорошо, вы не согласны?

Hey! Hey there — эй! I’m talking to you — я говорю с тобой!

Rude bird — невоспитанная птица!

It is worth remembering — стоит помнить, that the words Well and Good cannot always be — что слова well и good не всегда могут быть used as similes — использованы как синонимы.

For example, you can not say — например, вы не можете сказать:

He sang good today — он пел хорошо сегодня .

She ran good today — она хорошо бежала сегодня.

They played good today — они хорошо играли сегодня.

In these sentences, you can only use well — в этих предложениях вы можете использовать только well.

However, when we look at it the other way round, — однако, когда мы рассматриваем эту ситуацию наоборот, well can be used instead of good — well может быть использовано вместо good .

When describing the way you feel когда мы описываем, что мы чувствуем.

So saying that you feel well — так, сказать, что вы чувствуете себя well or that you feel good are both correct или что вы чувствуете себя good — и то, и другое верно.

This rule can cause a lot of confusionэто правило часто может стать причиной путаницы for some English studentsдля некоторых студентов, изучающих английский.

Finally we can use good and bad — и, наконец, мы можем использовать good и bad as basic ways of expressing как базовый способ выражения того, what is right and wrong — что правильно или неверно.

Good is opposite of Evil and Wicked — Good — противоположность злу или нечисти.

In Religion, we often see — в религии мы часто видим, the words good and evil used as opposites — что слова добро и зло используются как противоположности.

There is a saying in English — есть поговорка в английском языке, that goes — которая гласит. You must take the good with the bad — ты должен брать принимать хорошее вместе с плохим or The rough with smooth — или шершавое с гладким.

This means that life is not always — это означает, что жизнь не всегда fair or easy — справедлива или проста. You must accept the unpleasant experiences — ты должен принимать неприятный опыт and hard times for what they are — и трудное время таким, как оно есть. All experiences — любой опыт are a part of living,- это часть жизни, be the good or bad — будет он хорошим или он или плохим.

Well that is all from me for today, — что ж, это всё от меня на сегодня, but do not feel bad — но не чувствуйте себя плохо, because I will be back again very soon — потому что я вернусь очень скоро.

Is that good for you — это хорошо для вас?

I hope so — надеюсь, что так!

This is Misterduncan in England saying — это Мистер Данкан из Англии говорит.

Thank you for watching me, teaching you — спасибо за просмотр и обучение and of course…

Tata for now — и конечно, пока-пока! 

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u/cynicalchicken1007 avatar

Words between good and bad (aka “just okay”)

I feel like I often want to express that something is somewhat good but not that good, like how in English I might use okay/fine/alright as an adjective to mean that it’s “just okay”, it’s not bad but it’s not super good either. But I can’t think of many words beyond just the ones for good and bad, which both feel too strong. How would I express this?

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