Word i never said meaning

Lupe Fiasco’s story is a strange one. He made his name as an off-kilter rapper with an urgent message of social justice and sometimes anti-corporate sentiment, but he made his debut on Atlantic Records, one of the largest music corporations in the world. With the backing of both Kanye West and Jay-Z on his first album, Lupe Fiasco’s Food and Liquor, Fiasco seemed to be taking (corporate) hip-hop by storm. The album, released in 2006, received rave reviews, and Fiasco found himself listed as GQ’s «Breakout Man of the Year», among other pop culture honors. Critics called the album «bold and different» and «one of the best rap albums of 2006.» But from the start, there seemed to be a sentiment that Lupe could afford to bring his grandstanding tone down a notch. «He doesn’t have to be a savior,» wrote Pitchfork. «There’s no one to save.»

At 23, Lupe Fiasco did come off as an emcee with a mission. Raised on Chicago’s West Side by devout Muslims who were also political activists (his father had been a Black Panther), Wasalu Muhammad Jaco openly admits that he didn’t initially love hip-hop. Sexist lyrics and materialistic bragging drove him the other away, especially since his Muslim religion includes teachings against drinking and materialism. But he came to love the music for its catchy sway and open creative potential, and he began to hone his skills as an emcee around age sixteen. He worked his way up to an appearance on a Kanye West track, and the rest is history.

Well, maybe it wasn’t that easy. After his breakthrough moment, Fiasco got famous fast, but fame didn’t quite suit him. Even on his debut album, when he was more than knee deep into the land of pop-rap and corporate control, he kept his politics as far to the left as he could get away with on a major record label (see, for example, Food and Liquor’s «American Terrorist»). As early as 2006, he could be found giving interviews about his critiques of corporate-controlled music. He released a follow-up album, Lupe Fiasco’s The Cool, and again he was hailed by critics, but it fell short of being a classic. Then in 2008, Fiasco rather oddly announced his retirement, which was to be marked by the release of a three-disc album called LupE.N.D.

That turned out to be an awkward announcement, for a few reasons. First of all, as of 2011, Fiasco does not appear to have actually retired. Second, LupE.N.D. still does not exist. In fact, after LupE.N.D. was announced in 2008, years went by without the release of any third Fiasco album. It seemed Lupe had gotten into a power struggle with Atlantic record execs and producers. Among other things, they wanted top-40s hits, while he wanted more raw, political material. They wanted him to sign a 360 deal, which he refused (these deals give record companies a cut of just about everything the artist does). About Atlantic, Fiasco said publicly, «They think I’m whack.» And there you have the heart of the problem: Lupe Fiasco’s independence and originality had finally gone head-to-head with Atlantic’s big-box mentality.

The standoff got increasingly heated, and without Lupe’s urging, fans started an online petition demanding the release of the album. One thing led to another, and in October 2010 Fiasco fans actually protested around the world. More than 200 people showed up outside of Atlantic’s New York offices, receiving a defensive visit from the CEO and a delighted visit from Lupe, who seemed genuinely tickled and a little humbled by the show of support. Well, sometimes direct action works. Soon after the protests, Atlantic promised the public a release date.

When the first single on the album, the Kanye-produced track «The Show Goes On,» was finally released, fans and critics were pretty pleased (the song also samples Modest Mouse, a big bonus for indie rock geeks). But Lupe told the press that he felt he’d been duped: «It’s their [Atlantic’s] record. My words, their music. They forced this song to be a No. 1 single, and that’s what they got. I can’t take any credit for it.» Weirdly, «The Show Goes On» is an uplifting celebration of an artist overcoming obstacles in order to get out and give a great show to a loving audience. Atlantic got their big hit, and in March 2011, along came Lasers.

The overwhelming response was that Fiasco’s third album was, well, underwhelming. New Music Express and a host of other reviewers had kind words, but for only two tracks on the album. «Save for the brief reprieves of the barbed, anti-everything ‘Words I Never Said’ and the historical rewrite of ‘All Black Everything’, Lasers walks a fine line between conscious hip-hop and sleepwalking,» they moaned. At Pop Matters, one reviewer wrote, «My jaw remains affixed to the ground, my main goal from this point onwards remains to never hear Lasers in its entirety again.»

Fiasco blames Atlantic for the dumbing down of his music and message on Lasers. Although the album debuted at #1, Fiasco himself went on record saying that he was a «hostage» to Atlantic and claiming to both love and hate the album. Commercial success was already in his corner, but the artistic compromise was a huge letdown. «I was specifically told, ‘Don’t rap too deep on this record,’» Fiasco said to the Chicago Sun Times. «That was a specific order from the top. ‘You’re rapping too fast or too slow, or it’s too complex.’ … There are consequences and combat that comes from that process and the eventual compromise. With me, though, I’m not writing about someone else. I’m writing about me. This is my life. It’s very personal for me. So for somebody to kind of put their fingers in that and play with that, it becomes more damaging.» He even spoke about being suicidal while making this album. It seems that the corporate game really got to him.

The only redemption that a lot of critics saw for the album was none other than its final single, «Words I Never Said,» which manages to be a complex and edgy political condemnation even as it incorporates a predictable, catchy hook and the synthy pop sound some reviewers so hated. «‘Words I Never Said’ is like B.o.B’s ‘Airplanes’ or Eminem’s ‘Love the Way You Lie’ with a dash of early-’90s Ice Cube and a whole bunch of Evanescence angst,» wrote Spin magazine. «Armed with that wonky combination, Fiasco smuggles 9/11 conspiracies and a fairly sophisticated take on the Middle East into a pop-rap anthem. Compared to Lasers‘ other confrontational crossover songs, ‘Words’ is an effective attempt at culture-jamming the Billboard charts.»

Culture jamming? We thought that was supposed to be some sort of anti-commercial enterprise that made fun of the big wigs who control the media and limit freedom of expression through corporate control. It’s a counter-cultural movement typically led by people on the outside, not the inside, of big media outlets. Lupe may feel like a «hostage,» but a contract with Atlantic is definite insider access. So was Lupe Fiasco culture jamming the top 40s or selling out to the big records companies? Is the fame he has gained by signing with Atlantic worth the pain and compromise he’s attested to going through?

The mere existence of «Words I’ve Never Said,» which attacks everyone from Rush Limbaugh to Barack Obama and everything from the War on Terror to television to diet soda, seems like pretty strong evidence for at least a slice of victory on Fiasco’s end. Even an irritated reviewer at The Guardian (who called Lasers «occasionally likeable, sometimes excruciating») had a couple of kind words for «Words,» calling it «an inspired blast of honed, intelligent, political frustration; Lupe targeting both easy targets – Glenn Beck, crooked bankers – and unexpected ones – Barack Obama, Islamic fundamentalists – before turning his attention to himself.»

After everything that he’s been through, Lupe Fiasco probably won’t go in for another big contract at Atlantic, although you never know. His story might also serve as a lesson for up-and-coming rappers with drive and vision but who don’t want the artistic life sucked out of them. Plus, no one can accuse him of selling out down the road, since he basically did that already, whether or not he meant to. And «Words I Never Said» is a pretty impressive piece of political resistance for a #1 album on a major label.

What of the dissatisfied rapper himself? He still has a little love for Lasers. «Lasers is a great album,» Fiasco told the Sun Times, who describe him choosing his words carefully. «I feel I got to say what I wanted even with… It doesn’t make up for what it took to get through it. It’s still being argued and debated upon. … The climate of this record was very weird, in some instances surreal. I became very abstract. I had to create this commercial art that appeases the corporate side. I had to acquiesce to certain forces. Hopefully within that I snuck in some things I actually wanted to say any way I can.»

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

я этого не говорил

я ничего не говорил

я никогда этого не говорил

я такого не говорил

я никогда такого не говорил

я ничего не говорила

я такого не говорила

я этого не говорила

я никогда такого не говорила

я никогда не говорю

я такого никогда не говорил

Я не сказала

I Never Said

я никогда не говорил, что

я не говорил, что

I never said it would be easy.

Than the words I never said.

I never said that making these choices are easy.

I never said this process was perfect.

I never said that the indigenous nations were not nations.

I never said he’d disappeared.

I never said no to technology.

I never said no to technology.

But I never said anything because again it wasn’t official.

Но я никогда ничего не говорил, потому что, опять-таки, это было неофициально.

I never said they were not mandatory.

I never said I could sing well.

I never said that I had hard times here.

I never said that to you or anyone else.

I never said I believed her.

I never said I believed her.

I never said she stole my money.

I never said he went there.

I never said we had a deal.

Except I never said I would negotiate with you about anything.

No results found for this meaning.

Results: 1791. Exact: 1791. Elapsed time: 243 ms.


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“I never said she stole my money” has 7 different meanings depending on the stressed word.

Whether it is verbal communication or written, how you structure your words can play an integral role. It is very important to emphasize the correct words if you do not want there to be any miscommunication. On which word the emphasis is placed can completely change the meaning of what we are communicating.


In any language, even the most simplest of sentences can have many levels of meaning based on the word you stress. We will illustrate this phenomenon using an example. Consider the following sentence someone may have said upon having money stolen:

“I never said she stole my money”

Simply read, the sentence can be taken to mean that the person never said that their money had been stolen by the girl/woman. However, this sentence can have seven different meanings, depending on which word we put an emphasis on. We will explain each of them separately. “I never said she stole my money” When the emphasis is placed on “I”, the person means to say that THEY never said that she stole their money. Rather, someone else had said it and this person implicitly agreed with them.

“I never said she stole my money” If emphasis is placed on “never”, the person may be trying to imply that the entire idea of someone stealing money is downright outrageous. In other words, they are denying ever blaming the girl/woman for stealing the money. “I never said she stole my money” When the emphasis is being placed on “said” the person may be implying that she stole their money but never said it out in these words. In other words, there is no way to prove that the person blamed her for stealing the money. “I never said she stole my money” If the person places emphasis on “she”, they are stating that they never implied that the girl/woman stole their money. Rather, they are trying to explain that someone did steal their money but not necessarily her. “I never said she stole my money” When the person emphasizes the word “stole”, they mean to say that they never considered their money STOLEN by the girl/woman. Rather, the money had been missing and it was her who had it but it could have been borrowed. “I never said she stole my money” When emphasis is placed on the word “my”, the person considered the money stolen but not their own money. So when they said these words, they were trying to saying that they never said their own money was stolen, rather they were referring to someone else’s stolen money. “I never said she stole my money” If the individual is placing emphasis on “money”, they are trying to say that it was not money that was stolen. In other words, they did not say that the girl/woman stole their MONEY, rather something else. The person may be trying to say that she stole stuff which cost them money to replace. As we can see, there are many different ways in which this sentence can be understood. A simple act of shifting the emphasis can completely alter the meaning implied by the speaker or the writer. The important point to remember is that the true meaning of the sentence is also expressed through the stressed word or words. It does not just end at the emphasized words. In more complex sentences which employ punctuations, the placement of a comma or colons can also change the meaning of the sentence significantly. We can illustrate this using a classic example:

  • A woman without her man is nothing.
  • A woman: without her, man is nothing.

The first sentence implies that a woman is completely dependent on a man i.e. she would be nothing without him. By just adding the colon and comma in the second sentence, we have changed the meaning of the sentence into something opposite. It now implies that it is the man who is dependent on a woman, without whom he would be nothing. Using another example, we can show that even something as small as a hyphen can completely change the meaning of a sentence.

  • You will be required to work twenty four-hour shifts.
  • You will be required to work twenty-four hour shifts.

In conclusion, it is pretty evident that the words you stress and the placement of punctuations can fully modify the underlying meaning of a sentence. This is why we have to be very careful in making sure our words are not misinterpreted. This is especially important when it comes to written communication where the tone cannot be judged easily. You never know when a small comma or an incorrectly emphasized word can end up causing a huge amount of misunderstanding

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But I never said anything,’cause


didn’t want to hurt your feelings.

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I never said signing McKernon was the key to making partner.

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Я не говорил, что подписание МакКернона обеспечит повышение.

Johnny, I never said this before, but I’m proud of you, man.

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I never said what flavor they were, but they were, in fact, peanut butter.

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Я не говорил, с каким вкусом они были, а они были с арахисовым маслом.

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I never said


wanted— Look, just come with me to the cops, OK?

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When Derek broke up with you, I never said«You’re better off without him.

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Когда Дерек бросил тебя, я не говорила» Тебе будет лучше без него.

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Results: 434,
Time: 0.0273





never said — перевод на русский

I never said I was a leper…

Я никогда не говорил, что у меня проказа…

But I never said anything like that.

Я никогда не говорил ничего такого.

You never said that to me before, Temple.

Ты никогда не говорил так прежде, Темпл.

Maybe, but I’ve never said the opposite either!

Возможно! Но и обратного я никогда не говорил!

My father never said a thing.

Мой отец никогда не говорил о вещах.

Показать ещё примеры для «никогда не говорил»…

I never said that and I never thought it for a minute.

Я этого не говорил и никогда так не думал.

I never said that, daughter and I never will.

Я этого не говорил, дочка. И никогда не скажу.

I’ve never said anything like that.

Я ничего подобного не говорил.

I never said it was good news…

Я не говорил, что это хорошие новости…

I never said anything about Vichy, did I?

Я ничего не говорил о Виши, да?

Показать ещё примеры для «не говорил»…

And you never said a word.

И ты не сказал ни слова.

And he never said a word to me about leaving.

И ни слова мне не сказал, что уезжает.

«You won’t believe me Sir, once » I lived in a dirty, old hut, » but I never said a word.

«Вы не поверите, но я раньше жил в лагере в ужасном бараке, но я и слова не сказал.

I never said I wasn’t interested.

Я не сказал, что мне не интересно.

He walked right past me and never said a word, he did.

Прошёл мимо и слова не сказал. Простите, мадам.

Показать ещё примеры для «не сказал»…

You’ve never said anything that makes sense.

Ты никогда не скажешь что-либо значимое.

— You’ll never say that to her face.

– Ты никогда не скажешь такое в лицо.

You said you’d never say it again.

Ты же сказал, никогда не скажешь это снова.

Never say uncle!

Никогда не скажешь!

As you’d never say to Adams?

Чего ты никогда не скажешь Адамсу?

Показать ещё примеры для «никогда не скажешь»…

Never say die.

Никогда не сдавайся.

English ingenuity, never say die, all that sort of thing.

јнглийска€ находчивость — никогда не сдавайс€.

Never say die.

Никогда не отчаиваться.

Never say die.

Никогда не сдавайся.

You can never say that.

Это никогда не известно.

Показать ещё примеры для «никогда не»…

They never said what the caliber of the bullet was.

И, самое главное, нет ни слова о калибре оружия.

Grace, I’ll never say it again.

Грейс, клянусь, больше ни слова. — Врешь.

The guy never says a fuckin’ word to me. We’re drivin’25 minutes… never a sigh, no throat clearing, nothing.

Пока мы ехали, 25 минут, он ни слова не произнес, ни вздохнул, ни кашлянул, ни звука!

She never said another word to me for the rest of the year, not a fucking word except,

И ни слова мне не говорит до конца года. Ни одного слова!

I come 3000 miles, you never said nothing about Nino all of a sudden he’s my blind date?

— я еду п€ть тыс€ч километров, ни слова про Ќино — и вдруг свидание вслепую?

Показать ещё примеры для «ни слова»…

I never said anything.

Я ничего не рассказывала.

— You never said

Почему ты мне не рассказывала?

By the way you never said anything to George about Jerry and me, did you?

Кстати ты ведь ничего не рассказывала Джорджу о нас с Джерри?

-You never said.

— А ты не рассказывала.

He never said anything.

— Он ничего не рассказывал!

Показать ещё примеры для «не рассказывала»…

You never said it was such a nice place.

Рокко, что же ты молчал, что здесь так здорово?

Bobby: We all called Tony «Mouth» because he never said much of nothin’.

Тони мы прозвали Молчуном, потому что он почти все время молчал.

They never say a word.

Они все время молчат.

They recognized me, but they never said a word about it.

Они меня узнали, но все это время молчали.

Never say anything… unless you’re sure everyone feels exactly the same way you do.

Молчи… пока не убедишься, что все остальные придерживаются того же мнения, что и ты.

Показать ещё примеры для «молчал»…

I never said anything to the contrary.

Я никогда не утверждал обратного.

I never said I was.

Я никогда не утверждал обратного.

I never said it was him.

Вспомнил! Я никогда не утверждала, что это он.

-l never said that.

Никогда этого не утверждал.

Never said you were.

— Я никогда так не утверждал.

Oh, I could never say anything to her about that.

Я не могу сказать ей такое.

Don’t you know I would never say the word fuck?

Ты не знаешь, что я не могу сказать слово жопа?

So that they can never said that this land is our property, it must be included in the document of utilization; the obligation to deliver to the monastery as a rent a basket of fish like Cotolay gave the abbot.

Так что они не могут сказать, что эта земля является нашей собственностью, мы должны включить в правовые документы обязательство по поставке в монастырь в качестве арендной платы … корзины с рыбой, которую Котолай отдал настоятелю.

I’d never say that.

Я не могла такого сказать.

I’d like to think so, but one can never say.

Я хотел бы так думать, но никто не может сказать как выйдет.

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Смотрите также

  • никогда не говорил
  • не говорил
  • не сказал
  • никогда не скажешь
  • никогда не
  • ни слова
  • не рассказывала
  • молчал
  • никогда не утверждал
  • не могу сказать

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