Word hunt about hobbies


Примеры из нашего сообщества

10000+ результатов для ‘hobbies talking’

2. Talking about hobbies

2. Talking about hobbies

от Wildandsavage

Wider World 1 Unit 6.6 Talking about hobbies and interests

Wider World 1 Unit 6.6 Talking about hobbies and interests

от Anufrievanatali

Wider World 1



от Alisakats


Talking about hobbies. Dialogue 2

Talking about hobbies. Dialogue 2
Диаграмма с метками

от Guruskype

talking about hobbies and interests

talking about hobbies and interests
Случайное колесо

от Murzina9914


Talking about hobbies. Dialogue 1

Talking about hobbies. Dialogue 1
Диаграмма с метками

от Guruskype

Extreme Hobbies

Extreme Hobbies
Угадай буквы

от Mikhailina2


Sports and hobbies

Sports and hobbies
Поиск слов

от Vmolchanova

Kids box 2 U10 Our hobbies


Случайное колесо

от Alisakats


Starlight 3 Module 4 Talent show

Starlight 3 Module 4 Talent show

от Juliadron1987

3 класс
Начальная школа / начальная

Kid's Box 2 - U10 Our Hobbies - Image quiz

Kid’s Box 2 — U10 Our Hobbies — Image quiz
Викторина с изображением

от Vmolchanova

Kids box 2 U10 Our hobbies



от Jane37



от Anna1693

Spotlight 7


Случайное колесо

от Sidorchukmrn



от Ksenia7


Случайное колесо

от Firstvirus1

KB2 - U10 Our hobbies - questions with "like / love doing smth"

KB2 — U10 Our hobbies — questions with «like / love doing smth»
Привести в порядок

от Vmolchanova

Kids box 2 U10 Our hobbies



от Maryys


Групповая сортировка

от Marsla

Talking about hobbies IELTS Expert 6 UNIT 5

Talking about hobbies IELTS Expert 6 UNIT 5
План рассадки

от Evnosonovich

KB2 - U10 Sports and hobbies - picture story split sentences

KB2 — U10 Sports and hobbies — picture story split sentences

от Vmolchanova

Kids box 2 U10 Our hobbies


Случайное колесо

от Julia16998


Групповая сортировка

от Heini92

Hobbies (Elementary Solutions) Unit 2A

Hobbies (Elementary Solutions) Unit 2A

от Mashaskor

Hobbies/ free time


Случайное колесо

от Irinamakar


Случайные карты

от Beeskneesenglish



Найди пару

от Lorapolspb



от Rachelvdroid




от Vystavkinanadez


Откройте поле

от Myagkovaangelin

Unit 4, Future Forms, Upper, Speaking

Unit 4, Future Forms, Upper, Speaking
Откройте поле

от Elenapros

Talking about the future

Starlight 3 Module 4 Talent show

Starlight 3 Module 4 Talent show
Выиграй или проиграй викторину

от Juliadron1987

3 класс
Начальная школа / начальная


Случайные карты

от Kseniya36



от Iblilyaib


Случайные карты

от Irinaaloha73


Случайные карты

от Marygrid97


Случайное колесо

от Tanagoria


Перевернуть плитки

от Mkurkova1


Викторина с изображением

от Katisoboleva

Hangman Hobbies

Hangman Hobbies
Угадай буквы

от Jane37


Случайное колесо

от Panicheva131219


Случайное колесо

от Daryabolgova

Hobbies (Balloon Pop)

Hobbies (Balloon Pop)
Сбить воздушный шар

от Egorliskin

Wordsearch  Hobbies

Wordsearch Hobbies
Поиск слов

от Jane37



от Inotext

Spotlight 3



от Mia20890

anagram Hobbies

anagram Hobbies

от Jane39


Откройте поле

от Oksana47


Викторина «Игровое шоу»

от Dardanelka99


Случайное колесо

от Gorshenevairina


Случайные карты

от Maltaza

Hobbies Hangman

Hobbies Hangman
Угадай буквы

от Mkurkova1



от Coeurvaincu

Power Up 1



от Marialazareva3


Случайное колесо

от Oksi1297n



от My12box


Поиск слов

от Himrandel



от Britannikapopov1


Найди пару

от Ekaterina26



от Mgrose

Эта статья — большой сборник английских слов и фраз на тему хобби и увлечений. Вся необходимая лексика по теме поделена на несколько частей. Воспользуйтесь оглавлением, чтобы найти нужные фразы.

Список увлечений (хобби)

В этом списке вы найдёте все интересующие вас хобби на английском языке. Эти словосочетания можно использовать во время рассказа о своих увлечениях.

free time (leisure time) — свободное время

listen to music — слушать музыку

watch TV — смотреть телевизор

paint / draw — рисовать

fly a kite — запускать воздушного змея

take photos — фотографировать

write stories — писать рассказы

surf the internet — «бродить» по интернету

watch videos online — смотреть видео в интернете

check my social media accounts — заходить в соцсети

send messages to my friends — отправлять сообщения друзьям

chat with my friends — болтать с друзьями

dance — танцевать

play dominoes — играть в домино

play with dolls — играть в куклы

play with toys — играть в игрушки

go to the cinema (= go to the movies) — ходить в кино

Больше лексики на киношную тему можно найти в статье «Поговорим о кино на английском«.

spend time with family — проводить время с семьёй

go out with friends — встречаться с друзьями (ходить куда-нибудь)

play a musical instrument — играть на музыкальном инструменте

play the piano — играть на пианино

play the guitar — играть на гитаре

play the drums — играть на барабанах

play the trumpet — играть на трубе

play the violin — играть на скрипке

sing — петь

sing karaoke — петь караоке

read — читать

read a book — читать книгу (read books — читать книги)

read the newspaper — читать газету

read magazines — читать журналы

read comics — читать комиксы

go shopping — ходить за покупками (заниматься шоппингом)

cook — готовить

sew — шить

crochet — вязать крючком

knit — вязать спицами

go to the gym — ходить в спортзал

play a sport — заниматься спортом (играть в спортивную игру)

play tennis — играть в теннис

play soccer / play football — играть в футбол

play basketball — играть в баскетбол

play chess — играть в шахматы

play video games — играть в видеоигры

play with friends — играть с друзьями

play board games — играть в настольные игры

go fishing — заниматься рыбалкой

go swimming — плавать

go skateboarding — кататься на скейтборде

go skiing — кататься на лыжах

do the gardening — работать в саду

do pottery — лепить из глины

do jigsaw puzzles — собирать пазлы

do crosswords — разгадывать кроссворды

learn a language — изучать иностранный язык

ride a bike — кататься на велосипеде

ride a horse — кататься верхом

collect stamps — собирать марки

do blogging — вести блог

Читайте также: Повседневные дела на английском

Вопросы про хобби

Для начала разберёмся, как спрашивать об увлечениях на английском языке. Вот несколько примеров вопросов.

Have you got a hobby? — У тебя есть хобби?

What is your hobby? — Какое у тебя хобби?

What do you like doing? — Что ты любишь делать?

What sort of hobbies do you have? — Какие у тебя увлечения?

What do you get up to in your free time? — Чем ты занимаешься в свободное время?

Why did you start your hobby? — Почему ты стал этим заниматься?

Why do you like that hobby? — Почему тебе это нравится?

How many hours a week do you spend on your hobby? — Сколько часов в неделю ты тратишь на своё увлечение?

Does your hobby interfere with your work/study/personal life? — Мешает ли хобби твоей работе/учебе/личной жизни?

Did you have any hobbies when you were a child? — У тебя были какме-нибудь увлечения в детстве?

Как рассказать о своём хобби

Рассказать о хобби на английском можно, используя базовые фразы. Например:

In my free time I… — В свободное время я…

In my free time, I like playing basketball. — В свободное время я ллюблю играть в баскетбол.

In my free time, I like relaxing with my family. — В свободное время я люблю отдыхать с семьёй.

When I have some spare time I… — Когда у меня есть свободное время, я…

When I get the time, I… — Когда у меня есть время, я…

When I have free time, I love to travel. — Когда у меня есть свободное время, я люблю путешествовать.

In my free time, I like to study English. — В свободное время я люблю изучать английский язык.

My hobbies are… — Мои хобби — это…

Также можно использовать глаголы like и love (любить). Герундий используется, когда мы говорим об увлечении в целом:

I like fishing. — Я люблю рыбачить.

Когда мы хотим уточнить, рассказать подробнее о занятии чем-либо, используется инфинитив глагола:

I like to read. — Я люблю читать.

I like to play soccer. — Я люблю играть в футбол.

I like to play video games. — Я люблю играть в видеоигры.

I like to talk to my friends. — Я люблю общаться с друзьями.

Playing chess is hard but I love it. — Играть в шахматы сложно, но я люблю это.

Ещё несколько примеров предложений, которыми можно описать свои увлечения более подробно.

I love running every morning after 8. — Я люблю бегать по утрам после 8.

I like to go fishing at the weekend. — На выходных я люблю рыбачить.

I play football every Friday evening. — Я играю в футбол каждый вечер пятницы.

I really like taking photos, but I don’t get the chance to do it often. — Я очень люблю фотографировать, но у меня не часто получается это делать.

I started playing basketball when I was twelve. — Я начал играть в баскетбол, когда мне было двенадцать.

I’ve always enjoyed painting and drawing. — Мне всегда нравилось рисовать.

Most weekends, I like to relax at home and spend time with my family. — В большинстве случаев в выходные я люблю отдыхать дома и проводить время с семьей.

I’ve always loved traveling since I was very young, so I try to travel somewhere at least once a month. — Я любил путешествовать с раннего детства, поэтому стараюсь куда-то ездить хотя бы раз в месяц.

I used to play chess in middle school and I haven’t stopped since then. — Я играл в шахматы в средней школе и с тех пор не переставал.

I’ve been learning to paint for six months now. — Я учусь рисовать уже полгода.

I go to the gym 2 times a week when I’m not to busy at work. — Я хожу в спортзал 2 раза в неделю, когда не занят на работе.

My friend got me into climbing. — Мой друг втянул меня в скалолазание.

My best friend loves to hike so started going with her and I absolutely loved it. — Мой лучший друг любит ходить в походы, поэтому я начал ходить с ним, и мне очень понравилось.

Хобби: пример описания на английском

Чем я занимаюсь в свободное время на английском

Увлечения и хобби на английском

Рассказ о хобби на английском

Свои интересы и увлечения можно также описать фразами:

I’m interested in… — Я интересуюсь…

I’m keen on… — Я увлекаюсь (люблю)…

I’m into… — Я увлекаюсь (люблю)…

I enjoy… — Мне нравится…

I’m really keen on football. — Я очень люблю футбол.

I enjoy being physically active, and spend a lot of time playing sports and team games. — Мне нравится быть физически активным, и я провожу много времени, занимаясь спортом и командными играми.



Упражнение 1, с. 10

1. a) In a minute write as many hobbies as you can think of. Compare your list with your partner’s. — За минуту напишите столько увлечений, сколько сможете придумать. Сравните свой список сo списком вашего партнера.

model making, stamp/coin collecting, jewellery making, reading, hiking, skateboarding, etc

изготовление моделей, коллекционирование марок/монет, изготовление ювелирных изделий, чтение, пешие прогулки, скейтбординг и т. д.

b) Listen and say. Do you know any of these activities (A-E)? Which one  would you like to try? Why/Why not? — Послушай и произнеси вслух. Знаете ли вы какие-либо из этих видов деятельности (A-E)? Какой из них вы хотели бы попробовать? Почему/Почему нет?

A ghost hunting — охота на призраков

B robot building — роботостроение

C tornado chasing — погоня за торнадо

D metal detecting — обнаружение металла

E UFO haunting — преследовать НЛО


I have heard of all of these hobbies, but I don’t do any of them. I would like to try metal detecting some day. I think it would be fun and I might find buried treasure. I wouldn’t like to try ghost hunting because I think it would be quite scary.

Я слышал обо всех этих увлечениях, но ни одним из них не занимаюсь. Я хотел бы когда-нибудь попробовать обнаружить металл. Я думаю, это было бы весело, и я мог бы найти зарытые сокровища. Я бы не хотел пытаться охотиться на призраков, потому что думаю, что это было бы довольно страшно.


Упражнение 2, с. 10

2. a) Read the title and the introduction to the article. What does Nick’s hobby involve? Listen, read and check. — Прочитайте название и введение к статье. В чём заключается хобби Ника? Послушайте, прочитайте и проверьте.


Nick’s hobby involves investigating and recording information about UFO sightings.

Хобби Ника включает в себя расследование и запись информации о наблюдениях НЛО.

Check these words

fascinated [ˈfæsɪneɪtɪd] очарованный
strange object [streɪndʒ ˈɒbdʒɪkt] странный предмет
planet [ˈplænɪt] планета
meteor [ˈmiːtiɔː] метеор
military plane [ˈmɪlətri pleɪn] военный самолёт
curious [ˈkjʊəriəs] любопытный, странный 
explanation [ˌekspləˈneɪʃn] объяснение

involve [ɪnˈvɒlv] включать
mostly [ˈməʊstli] главным образом
investigate [ɪnˈvestɪɡeɪt] расследовать, исследовать, изучать
sighting [ˈsaɪtɪŋ] обнаружение, прицеливание
interview witness [ˈɪntəvjuː ˈwɪtnəs] допрос свидетеля
analyse [ˈænəlaɪz] анализировать

hotspot [ˈhɒtspɒt] горячая точка, популярное место
rooftop [ˈruːftɒp] плоская крыша
hillside [ˈhɪlsaɪd] склон холма
record information [rɪˈkɔːd ˌɪnfəˈmeɪʃn] записывать информацию
camcorder [ˈkæmˌkɔːdə] видеокамера
telescope [ˈtelɪskəʊp] телескоп
device [dɪˈvaɪs] устройство

take up [teɪk ʌp] начать (заниматься чем-либо) 
enthusiastic [ɪnˌθjuːziˈæstɪk] восторженный, полный энтузиазма, увлеченный
patient [ˈpeɪʃnt] терпеливый
find out [faɪnd aʊt] выяснять, узнавать
spot [spɒt] пятно

UFO hunter!
Охотник на НЛО!

A strange shape is moving across the sky. Is it a bird? Is it an aeroplane? Or is it a UFO? Nick Porter is fascinated by the possibility of life on other planets, so in his free time he tries to find out what these object are. We asked him some questions about his unusual hobby.

По небу движется странная фигура. Это птица? Это самолёт? Или это НЛО? Ник Портер очарован возможностью жизни на других планетах, поэтому в свободное время он пытается выяснить, что это за объекты. Мы задали ему несколько вопросов о его необычном хобби.

So, Nick, why are you so interested in UFOs?

Итак, Ник, почему ты так интересуешься НЛО?

Well, thousands of people see strange objects in the sky all over the world. Most of these are planets, meteors, or military planes — but what about the rest? I’m a very curious person, so I want to find an explanation!

Ну, тысячи людей видят странные объекты в небе по всему миру. Большинство из них — планеты, метеориты или военные самолёты, но как насчёт остальных? Я очень любопытный человек, поэтому я хочу найти объяснение!

And what exactly does your hobby involve?

A что именно включает в себя ваше хобби?

Well, I started a UFO club and we mostly investigate sightings. We interview witness and analyse videos and photos. Sometimes we go out to a UFO ‘hotspot’, too. In fact, we’re going out tonight. We usually go high up on a rooftop or a hillside. If we see something strange, we record as much information as we can! We use camcorders, cameras, telescopes, and other devices. Then we analyse the information on our laptops.

Ну, я основал клуб НЛО, и мы в основном расследуем случаи наблюдения. Мы опрашиваем свидетелей и анализируем видео и фотографии. Иногда мы тоже отправляемся в «горячую точку» НЛО. На самом деле, мы собираемся куда-то сегодня вечером. Обычно мы поднимаемся высоко на крышу или на склон холма. Если мы видим что-то странное, мы записываем как можно больше информации! Мы используем видеокамеры, фотоаппараты, телескопы и другие устройства. Затем мы анализируем информацию на наших ноутбуках.

Maybe some of our readers are thinking about taking up UFO hunting now! What advice do you have for them?

Возможно, некоторые из наших читателей подумывают о том, чтобы заняться охотой на НЛО прямо сейчас! Что вы можете им посоветовать?

Well, anyone can become a UFO hunter. You just need to be enthusiastic and patient. You also need to join a local UFO club. This way, you find out where the UFO hotspot are, and you have witness if you spot something.

Ну, любой может стать охотником на НЛО. Вам просто нужно быть полными энтузиазма и терпения. Вам также нужно вступить в местный клуб НЛО. Таким образом, вы узнаете, где находится горячая точка НЛО, и у вас есть свидетель, если вы что-то заметите.

So, what are you waiting for? UFO hunting is a lot of fun, and you never know — you might just turn science fiction into science fact!

Итак, чего же вы ждёте? Охота на НЛО — это очень весело, и вы никогда не знаете — вы можете просто превратить научную фантастику в научный факт!

b) Read the article again and complete the sentences. Imagine you are Nick and use the words in the Check these words box to talk about your hobby to the class. — Прочитайте статью ещё раз и завершите предложения. Представьте, что вы Ник, и используйте слова из Check these words, чтобы рассказать классу о своём хобби.

1 Nick Porter like UFO hunting because he is fascinated by the possibility of life on other planets. (line 3)

Ник Портер любит охоту на НЛО, потому что он очарован возможностью жизни на других планетах. (строка 3)

2 His UFO club members mainly investigate sightings. (line 12)

Члены его клуба НЛО в основном расследуют наблюдения. (строка 12)

3 When they go out, they have camcorders, cameras, telescopes and other devices with them. (lines 16-17)

Когда они выходят на улицу, у них с собой видеокамеры, фотоаппараты, телескопы и другие устройства. (строки 16-17)

4 If you want to take up UFO hunting, you need to be enthusiastic and patient. (line 24)

Если вы хотите заняться охотой на НЛО, вам нужно проявить энтузиазм и терпение. (строка 24)


I am fascinated by the possibility of life on other planets, and my hobby is UFO hunting. I look for strange objects in the sky. Most of the time they are meteors or military planes, but not always. I like to find explanations and investigate sightings. I watch for UFOs on rooftops and hilltops, and record information. I use camcorders, cameras and other devices. If you are enthusiastic and patient, you can take up UFO hunting, too. You may spot something!

Я очарован возможностью жизни на других планетах, и моё хобби — охота на НЛО. Я ищу странные объекты в небе. В большинстве случаев это метеоры или военные самолёты, но не всегда. Мне нравится находить объяснения и расследовать наблюдения. Я наблюдаю за НЛО на крышах и вершинах холмов и записываю информацию. Я использую видеокамеры, фотоаппараты и другие устройства. Если вы полны энтузиазма и терпения, вы тоже можете заняться охотой на НЛО. Вы можете что-нибудь заметить!

Упражнение 3, с. 10

3. Think! Complete the sentences in your notebook. — Подумай! Завершите предложения в своей тетради.

1 I find UFO hunting exciting because there are many UFOs out there and we can’t explain what they are.

Я нахожу охоту на НЛО захватывающей, потому что там много НЛО, и мы не можем объяснить, что это такое.

2 I don’t like ghost hunting because I don’t believe in ghosts.

Мне не нравится охота на призраков, потому что я не верю в призраков.

3 My hobby is metal detecting because I find a lot of old coins and other interesting things.

Моё хобби — обнаружение металла, потому что я нахожу много старых монет и других интересных вещей.

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ГДЗ по английскому языку. Starlight. Звёздный английский. Учебник. 7 класс. Баранова К.М., Дули Д., Копылова В.В.

Рабочая тетрадь. Starlight. 7 класс. Workbook

Английский язык. 7 класс


List of hobbies in English! A hobby is an activity that people like to do for pleasure in their free time.

List Of Hobbies


Activities, Angling, Antique collecting, Aquariums, Art, Artifacts, Avocation


Backpacking, Ballooning, Biking, Bingo, Bird-watching, Board games, Boating, Bridge


Camping, Cards, Carpentry, Carving, Ceramics, Classes, Coin collecting, Collectibles, Collection, Cooking


Dancing, Dealer, Decoupage, Delight


Embroidery, Enjoy, Enrichment, Entertainment, Expertise


Fishing, Free time


Gambling, Games, Gardening


Handicrafts, Hiking, Hunting


Ice-skating, Ikebana, Interests


Ice-skating, Ikebana, Interests


Kite flying, Knitting


Leisure, Linger, Loiter


Macrame, Magic, Model airplanes, Model cars, Model trains, Models, Mountaineering


Needlepoint, Numismatics


Obsession, Origami


Painting, Passion, Pastime, Philately, Photography, Playing cards, Pleasure, Possession, Pottery making, Puppetry, Purchases, Puzzles




Reading, Relaxation, Retirement, Riding, Rock climbing, Rug hooking


Sales, Scrimshaw, Scuba diving, Sewing, Sharing, Shells, Shopping, Skeet shooting, Skill, Skydiving, Snorkeling, Spelunking, Sports, Stamp collections, Stitch, Surfing


Time, Trinkets


Weaving, Whittling, Woodworking


Yachting, Yoga

Hobbies Vocabulary Words

There is a range of hobbies, some of which are done outdoors whilst others can be done indoors.


  • Knitting
  • Sewing
  • Chess
  • Board games
  • Watching movies
  • Candle making
  • Cooking
  • Homebrewing wine or beer
  • Cross stitch
  • Magic
  • Bowling
  • Language learning
  • Calligraphy
  • Meditation
  • Podcasting
  • Singing
  • Dancing
  • Scrapbooking
  • Blogging
  • Carpentry
  • Playing a musical instrument
  • Jewellery making
  • Dominoes
  • Flower arranging
  • Video gaming
  • Home improvements/DIY
  • Reading
  • Nail art
  • Indoor gardening-bonsai trees, miniature herb garden, pot plants
  • Drawing
  • Painting
  • Colouring
  • Astronomy
  • Baking
  • Card games
  • Creative writing
  • DJing
  • Acting/drama
  • Embroidery
  • Furniture building
  • Ice skating
  • Swimming
  • Jigsaw puzzles
  • Journalling
  • Karate
  • Listening to music
  • Model building
  • Origami
  • Photography
  • Table tennis
  • Squash
  • Boxing
  • Wrestling
  • Darts
  • Fencing
  • Gymnastics
  • Laser tag
  • Mahjong
  • Yoga
  • Weight training
  • Snooker
  • Pool
  • Collecting


  • Archery
  • Volleyball
  • Car racing
  • Breakdancing
  • Golf
  • Hockey
  • Skateboarding
  • Water polo
  • Backpacking
  • Football/soccer
  • Badminton
  • Cheerleading
  • Tennis
  • Baseball
  • Running
  • Hiking
  • Basketball
  • Netball
  • Horse riding
  • Hunting
  • Skiing
  • Snowboarding
  • Surfing
  • Birdwatching
  • Beekeeping
  • Cycling
  • Camping
  • Caving
  • Boating
  • Fishing
  • Gardening
  • Canoeing
  • Flying
  • Handball
  • Skating
  • Kite flying
  • Martial arts
  • Lacrosse
  • Climbing
  • Metal detecting
  • Sunbathing
  • Outdoor swimming
  • Parkour
  • Rugby
  • Cricket
  • River rafting
  • Polo
  • Sandcastle building
  • Scuba diving
  • Snorkelling
  • Shooting
  • Skydiving
  • Shopping
  • Walking

List Of Hobbies | Image



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Lesson 6: My Hobby

what is a hobby in english

Lesson plan:

Vocabulary: My hobby (My hobby)

Grammar: Present Continuous

Conversation patterns: Free time

Speech Clichés: Preferences

Hobby types, hobby essay writing, hobby topics

We will start today’s lesson with a lexical topic about a hobby, which will appeal not only to parents, educators and teachers, but also to children.


“What is a hobby? A hobby is what you enjoy doing in your free time. Hobbies make your life more interesting ”, — it is written in the picture.

Speaking about hobbies in English, we mean the types of hobbies, i.e. activities that you can do in your free time and that can become favorite activities in a child’s life. In the table, we have collected the popular activities today, which are the hobbies of many children and their parents.


For the qualitative development of speech, modern programs offer younger students such a type of activity as writing an essay on the topic «Hobbies» (essay about hobbies). To do this, you cannot do without knowing the words from the table above.

On social networks, in tutorials and manuals, you can find many topics (topics) about hobbies. These are stories on a given topic that help the child learn to formulate their thoughts, develop speech and reading skills.

Time rules PresentContinuous, use of the present for a long time, verbs in PresentContinuous

One of the leading grammatical instructions is the canons of the temporal. And if younger schoolchildren could already hear about the Present Simple time in English, then Present Continuous will become a discovery for that audience who has not yet studied this grammatical category.

Present Continuous time in English is a process that lasts for a certain period of time in the present, i.e. an action taking place in a given period of time. There is a certain rule for using this time, which must be followed in order to correctly formulate sentences in English in Present Continuous. To do this, you need to get acquainted with the auxiliary verbs of the studied grammatical unit.

Present Continuous verbs — verbs of the present long tense.

Present Continuous verbs can be divided into two groups. The first group is auxiliary verbs that are used in sentences and texts, sometimes in dialogues. The second group is all the other verbs that denote the action of the object.

The first group of verbs in English in Present Continuous tense:

For example:

I am dancing now. I’m dancing now.

He is dancing now. He’s dancing now.

We are listening to music now. We are now listening to music.


Rule PresentContinuous in english:

Not much different from other tenses, in Present Continuous (present long) there are three forms of the verb — positive (+), interrogative (?) And negative (-).


Pronoun I + auxiliary Verb am + verb (verb)+end «ing«;

Pronouns He, She, It +auxiliary verb is +verb+end «ing«;

Pronouns We, you, They +auxiliary verb are + verb+ ending «ing».


In the tense category Present Continuous, the adverbs «now» and «at the moment» are used:

Conversation patterns: Free time


There are no basic phrases intended to describe your time in your free time. However, your attention is offered words and phrases that can often be used by children in their essays on this topic. It will not be difficult to tell about your free time in English if you put into practice the speech patterns that we have prepared:

Free time is a favorite topic not only of junior schoolchildren, but also of their parents, as the child is inspired by the fact that in the lesson he needed to tell about what he likes to do in his free time.

This fosters a love for the subject, a craving for new knowledge, and also develops communication skills, imagination, speech and many other functions necessary for a child at this stage.

How I spend my free time — after learning the material in this lesson, the topic «Hobbies» and «Free time» will become one of your child’s favorite topics and can cause them to become attracted to foreign languages.

Speech Clichés: Preferences

Sharing Preferences in English means relaxing a little during an English lesson and telling your classmates about your favorite activities.

Educators see this topic as an additional impetus for students in the fight against learning English.

Every schoolchild, tired of learning alphabets, solving mathematical examples and copying texts, dreams of telling about what he really likes (s), albeit in English. In the table, we have collected preference verbs in English:


When using preference verbs in your sentences, you must follow one simple rule:

After the preference verbs, add the ending “ing»and then your proposal would look like this:

I enjoy swimming (I like swimming).

Source: https://100urokov.ru/predmety/urok-6-moyo-hobbi

How to learn English with a hobby?

what is a hobby in english

It is no secret that English is the language of international communication, so it is logical that there is much more new and useful information on any topic in the English-speaking segment of the Internet. You have probably noticed that many instructions and diagrams have been translated from English. Why wait for someone to translate a new instruction when you can read or listen to it yourself in the original?

Learning English for your hobby is not that difficult. Make a list of basic terms, translate them using multitran.ru dictionary or any other, and keep this glossary close at hand.

Next, remember what sources you use to find information about your hobby in your native language and find similar ones, only in English. In addition, if you are looking for something in a search engine, then enter the original query immediately in English.

Here are some ideas for where you can find useful hobby information:

— subscribe to blogs by interest.

— watch video guides and tutorials in English in

— communicate on thematic forums

— study English-language sites that sell goods for your hobby, this will help to significantly expand your vocabulary in the right direction

— subscribe to mailing lists

— take an online English course on your hobby

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Source: http://www.comfortenglish.com/learn-english-with-hobby/

Let’s talk about a hobby?

what is a hobby in english

A simple rule of thumb: If a conversation with a person is not going well, ask about their hobbies. If your interlocutor is passionate about catching butterflies, fishing, carving wooden trinkets or some other pleasant nonsense and loves to talk about this occupation, consider that the dialogue was a success. The hobby topic is inexhaustible, because you can spend hours discussing knitting threads or chess problems, arguing and agreeing, finding common ground and learning new things.

In this article, we will find the right phrases and words for talking about hobbies in English.

What can I ask?

What is your hobby? How do you spare your free time?

What kinds of activities do you prefer in a free time?

Having heard such questions, we immediately answer:

  • When I have a free time, I
  • In my spare time I
  • When I’m free from routine activities, I do
  • I relax by (go hiking)
  • I’m interested in
  • I enjoy
  • I’m keen on

Add “quite” or “really” to heighten the emotion and show you are passionate about it, so everyone will believe in your enthusiasm and interest.

You can not limit yourself to short answers, but give a detailed explanation: what exactly, when and how fanatically you are doing. Did they ask? So let them listen:

  • I handmade. I’m very creative person keen on doing unusual things by myself.
  • I sport activities, such as riding a bike in summer and skiing in winter, athletics and volleyball. This make me feel good and keep fit.
  • Music is my favorite hobby. I to listen to it, visit concerts and parties. Also I play guitar and piano.

Why are you doing this?

You can explain why your hobby is interesting and useful, why do you spend all your free time, effort, money on some business? Sports, for example. After all, how many lazy people are going to sign up and do not sign up for training, in sections, different clubs. Maybe by telling your friend what sport is so wonderful about, you will gain a like-minded person? This is done something like this:

I really enjoy going to the fitness center because

Source: http://begin-english.ru/article/sprosit-o-hobbi-na-angliyskom/

The strangest hobbies of stars and ordinary people

Each person has a hobby: someone loves to embroider, someone plays football, someone bakes delicious pies. But there are people whose favorite hobby raises only one question: “What? Are you really doing this? » Today we want to tell you about the weird hobbies that are practiced abroad. At the same time, you will enrich your vocabulary with useful vocabulary, and your horizons with fascinating information.

Giving away ten dollars to strangers — giving away 10 dollars to strangers

Reed Sandridge is unemployed who distributes money to passers-by. Every day he gives $ 10 to someone he thinks are going through tough times. Reed keeps a notebook where he writes down when and to whom he gave the money, as well as how the person intends to spend it.

The benefactor is well aware that $ 10 is precious little even for a beggar (down-and-out). However, the purpose of his action is not to enrich anyone, but rather to spread an idea that it is necessary to help someone who needs it.

You can read Reed’s blog and learn more about this movement.

Egg shell carving — egg shell carving

Remember the saying You can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs (you can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs), an analogue of our «The forest is chopped — the chips are flying»? Times are changing, and now this saying has lost its meaning: an omelet can be made without breaking eggs, but by turning them into works of art.

While you and I are making scrambled eggs and poached eggs, foreigners are carving amazing patterns on the shell. This is truly intricate work. This hobby requires deep concentration and attention to detail, you have to tinker with the shells (bother with egg shells).

But this lesson helps to take your mind off the routine and create a real masterpiece with your own hands.

Geocahing — geocaching

If as a child you read adventure books and always dreamed of finding treasure, take up this hobby. Abroad, about 3 million people are fond of geocaching, who like to spend time outdoors (outdoorsman).

So, people take a thing of little value, put it in a waterproof box and hide it in some historical or just interesting place, although sometimes «caches» can be hidden in the wilderness (off the beaten track) … At the same time, they write down the coordinates of the location of the thing and register them on the site.

Another «cache» takes coordinates and looks for a thing, after finding a cache, he hides his «treasure» in another place, then history repeats itself. This hobby will take you out into the fresh air and introduce you to interesting locations.

Ghost hunting — ghost hunting

Have you always envied the guys from the Ghostbusters movie and wanted to hunt afterworld guests? Then join the fans of this hobby, hunt down ghosts and explore paranormal phenomena.

Ghostbusters travel to haunted places and try to collect evidence of the existence of ghosts.

I must say that this is an expensive hobby, so for people with ordinary income it can only be an occupation in their free time (avocation).

Bug fighting — beetle fights

Source: https://englex.ru/the-strangest-hobbies/

Hobbies and Pastimes. Hobbies and hobbies in English

Pauline Updated January 10, 2019

Hobby is what we do in our free time, what we are very passionate about and interested in. In your free time from what? From work? Someone can refute such a definition, since they managed to combine their favorite activities with earning a living, and someone even got rich on this!

Pastimes is a pleasant pastime. That is, watching movies or going shopping can hardly be called a hobby, but rather pastimes. Although, if you are a movie fan, for example, then it may well be a hobby.

So we will not be tied strictly to definitions, set a framework, let’s just talk about interests!

Acting — Game (acting) backpacking — Backpacking
baking — baking biking — Cycling blogging — Blogging
board-game — Board games camping — Camping with tents cards — cards
carpentry — Carpentry carving — Carving chess — Chess
collecting — Collecting cooking — Cooking crafts — Crafts
Crossword puzzles — Crossword Puzzles dancing — dancing drawing — Drawing
embroidery — embroidery fishing — Fishing gardening — gardening
genealogy — Genealogy graffiti — Graffiti handicraft — Handicraft, handicraft
hiking — Hiking hunting — Hunting ice-skating — Ice skating
ikebana — ikebana Jigsaw puzzles — Puzzles jogging — Jogging
juggling — juggling kite-flying — Launching kites knitting — Knitting
languages ​​- Languages model-making — modeling movies — movies
music — music origami — origami painting — Drawing
photography graphy Playing the piano — Playing the piano poetry — poetry
pottery-making — Pottery puppetry — Puppet theater puzzle — Riddles, puzzles
reading — Reading Rock climbing — rock climbing scrapbook — Scrapbooking
scuba diving sewing — Sewing shopping — Shopping trip
skydiving — Skydiving snooker — Billiards snooker snooker / pool / billiard — Billiards snooker
snorkelling — Snorkeling sports — sports weaving — weaving
woodworking — Woodworking writing — writing art yoga — yoga

How to tell about your interests

  • My hobbies are. (painting and embroidery) — My hobbies are painting and embroidery.
  • I / love (dancing) — I like to dance.
  • I’m interested in (ofing sports) — I am interested in sports.
  • I’m passionate about (playing the violin) — I like to play the violin (I have a passion to play the violin)
  • I’m very enthusiastic about (writeing stories) — I am very fond of writing stories (I write with enthusiasm).
  • I’m fond of (watching American movies) — I love watching American movies.
  • I’m keen on (gardening) — I am fond of gardening.
  • I am a (film) buff — I’m a big movie lover.
  • (Playing snooker) is fun — playing billiards is exciting.

Pay attention to the prepositions in the constructions — be interested IN, be keen ON, be fond OF, be passionate ABOUT. Be enthusiastic ABOUT — these are the prepositions to remember. Also, note that the gerund (-ing) is always used after preposition constructions, not the infinitive. For more details, see the article on the gerund and infinitive in English.

Hobbies in China and the Philippines

Of course, this is not a complete list of hobbies, only the most common ones.

I would like to tell you a little about hobbies in different countries.

Many of my Chinese students do not understand what a hobby is at all. And in general, what is free time, since some children in high school leave for classes at 5 am, return home at 10 pm !!! Not all schools have such a strict army regime, but in general they are definitely stricter than in Russia. Teaches discipline, clogs their brain with information, but. Does not develop creative inclinations at all. And I think this is important!

Moreover, one 18-year-old student of mine recounted in tears that her father had forbidden her to practice dancing and playing the guitar — dancing and playing the guitar (which one has long dreamed of with all her heart!), and told her — if you want a hobby — sit better, draw. And then music is too emotional and distracts from studying And in China, it is customary to listen to your parents. And not only at the age of 18.

Of those who are luckier — play computer games, go in for sports (mainly ping-pong, tennis, badminton, basketball), drawing, painting, music… Many Chinese people say that their hobby is eating! But they really are foodies.

The older generation dance a lot, play national instruments, sing in parks, play their games — Majong and Xiangqi (chess).

Also, many in the parks play Wazi — shuttlecock, which is kicked. We bought ourselves one, practice

Source: https://4lang.ru/english/vocabulary/hobbies-and-pastimes

How to talk about a hobby in English?

Among the methods of studying and better mastering a foreign language, one can single out the compilation of texts and writing essays on various topics. One of the most exciting topics is “My hobby. My hobby «.

The ability to talk or write about your hobby in English will interest the interlocutor, impress the selection committee or potential employer.

It will be interesting for native speakers to hear from you not only information about work and study, but also to find out how you spend your free time.

What does the word «hobby» mean?

The word «hobby» comes from the English hobby, as they once called miniature horses and ponies, and then — a children’s toy horse (hobby horse). This phrase acquired the meaning of a favorite pastime after the release of Laurence Stern’s novel The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman. Each hero of this work is endowed with his own «hobby horse».

About him Stern wrote the following: “This is a playful horse that takes us away from reality — a whim, a butterfly, a picture, nonsense () — in a word, everything we try to sit on in order to gallop away from everyday worries and troubles. «He is the most useful animal in the world — and I positively do not see how people could do without him.» Thus, the English phraseological unit to ride a hobby appeared, corresponding to the Russian equivalent of «to sit on your skate», that is, to talk on a favorite topic.

Writing a story about your hobby

The first thing you need to do in order to write an essay about your hobby is to decide on the type of hobby. If you are simultaneously passionate about playing the piano, collecting watches and painting, you can try writing an essay about everything at once, but it will be easier to settle on one thing.

When the topic is selected, and you have decided what you want to talk about, it remains only to correctly present your hobby, you can use as a sample any topic in English on the topic “my hobby”, which can be found on the relevant Internet resources.

Or you can do it yourself. There are several general rules, following which you can write an interesting and uncomplicated story about your hobby.

1. Decide on a topic. Make sure you know the English version of your hobby.

2. Write down the basic terms that will be needed in the story.

3. Divide the story into semantic paragraphs (introduction — main part — conclusion). Getting started, as they say, is already half the battle, so start beautifully competently and intriguingly. Here are some phrases that would work for such an introduction.

  • I can’t imagine my life without — I can’t imagine my life without
  • You won’t believe but I really enjoy — You won’t believe, but I really like
  • Actually, I’m keen on — Actually I’m addicted
  • I’m fond of — I like

Source: https://englishfull.ru/topiki/o-hobbi-na-anglijskom.html

About hobbies in English

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The pace of modern life is so fast that sometimes we do not have enough time to devote enough attention to ourselves and our interests. But in no case can you ignore yourself.

Any activity that brings you pleasure can be turned into a hobby. By doing it, you will not only fight everyday stress, but also broaden your horizons.

In this article you will find out where the word «hobby» came from, what types of hobbies exist and, most importantly, how to tell about a hobby in English.

How did the word «hobby» appear?

The word «hobby» is of English origin. It used to be the name of small horses and ponies, and then — a children’s toy horse (hobby horse). The phrase hobby horse in the meaning of a favorite pastime became popular after the release of the novel The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, a Gentleman, written by Lawrence Stern.

Each hero of this work has his own «hobby horse», about which Stern writes: «This is a playful horse that takes us away from reality — a whim, a butterfly, a picture, nonsense () — in a word, everything we try sit on horseback to gallop away from everyday worries and troubles. «He is the most useful animal in the world — and I positively do not see how people could do without him.»

This is the origin of the English phraseological unit to ride a hobby, which corresponds to the Russian equivalent of «to sit on your skate», that is, to speak on a favorite topic. Now is the time to find out what kinds of hobbies exist.

Active hobbies in English. Active hobbies

Of all the active hobbies, the first thing that comes to mind is, of course, sports. Any sport can become your hobby.


Swimming Swimming
Tennis Tennis
Archery Archery
Bodybuilding Body-building
Gymnastics Gymnastics
Football Футбол
Diving Diving
Hand-to-hand fighting Hand-to-hand fight
Running Running
Yoga Yoga

For adrenaline lovers, extreme hobbies are more suitable.


Mountain biking Mountain bike
Rock climbing Rock climbing
Parkour / free running Parkour
parachuting Parachuting
hang gliding Hang gliding
Snowboarding Snowboarding
Windsurfing Windsurfing
Rafting River rafting (rafting)

Also, the following activities can be attributed to active types of hobbies.


Dancing Dancing
Visiting theater, museums Visiting theaters, museums
Travelling Travels
Camping Camping with tents
Paintball Paintball
Airsoft Airsoft
Mushrooming Picking up mushrooms
Graffiti Graffiti
Historical restoration Historical reconstruction
horse riding Riding
Darts Darts
Speleology / caveology Speleology

Calm hobbies in English. Quiet hobbies

Quiet hobbies include activities that you can indulge in without leaving your home. Although, for example, yoga can be practiced at home, you still won’t be able to sit quietly on the couch. So, what types of hobbies do not require much physical effort from you.


Reading Reading
Writing (poems, stories) Writing (poetry, stories)
Drawing Drawing
language learning Learning languages
self-education Self-education
Watching movies, cartoons Watching films, cartoons
Doing puzzles Collecting puzzles
Table games (chess, checks, narde) Board games (chess, checkers, backgammon)
Doing crosswords, Sudoku Solving crosswords, Sudoku
Calligraphy Calligraphy
Cooking Cooking

If you are a child of the computer age and prefer to spend your free time in front of the monitor, then you can find your hobby on the Internet (online hobbies):

  • Search for information you are interested in on various sites (surf the Internet).
  • Start a blog.
  • Study web design, programming, 3D graphics.
  • Play online games (play free online games).
  • Become a Wikipedia editor.

Needlework. Handicraft

Or maybe you like handicraft? Sleight of hand and no stress — this is the motto of needlewomen! Let’s see what you can do with your hands.


macrame Macrame
Painting on wood / glass / fabric Painting on wood / glass / fabric
woodcarving Woodcarving
Making of hand-made things Hand-made things
clothes decoration Dressing up clothes
Embroidering Embroidery
Knitting and crocheting Knitting and crocheting
Bead weaving Beading
Scrap booking Scrapbooking
patchwork fabric Patchwork sewing
Clay modeling Clay crafting

Collecting. Collecting

We should also highlight collecting, because anything that surrounds us can become its objects. Let’s find out how to call this hobby in English. So, you can collect the following items.


Money, coins (numismatics) Money, coins (numismatics)

Source: https://engblog.ru/about-hobby

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