Word have double meaning

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

иметь двойной смысл

иметь двойное значение

Both readings make sense in the context of the verse, so the word is probably intended to have a double meaning: without reward, without rest.

Оба чтения имеют смысл в контексте стих, так слово, вероятно, предназначен, чтобы иметь двойной смысл: без вознаграждения, без отдыха.

The title Predators is intended to have a double meaning, in that it refers to both the film’s alien creatures, as well as the group of humans who are going against them.

Название «Хищники» должно иметь двойной смысл, поскольку оно относится как к пришельцам, так и к группе людей, которые сражаются с ними.

You’re saying every one of these tattoos could have a double meaning?

«Baiting» is how women flirt too, so be on the lookout for things she might be «joking» about or things that could have a double meaning.

«Травля», как флиртуют тоже, так что в поисках вещей, которые она может «шутя» о или вещи, которые могут иметь двойное значение.

Many of these cues can be misinterpreted because they sometimes have a double meaning.

Многие из этих сигналов могут быть неверно истолкованы, потому что они иногда имеют двойной смысл.

We need to do away with words that have a double meaning.

Euphemisms have a double meaning: What terms connote and what they really mean.

Эвфемизмы имеют двойной смысл: то, как термин звучит и то, что он на самом деле значит.

Implicature implicit meaning: If everything we know is viewed as a transition from something else — Freud said in The Antithetical Meaning of Primal Words 4, every experience must have a double meaning or for every meaning there must be two aspects.

Если все, что мы знаем, оценивается как переход от чего-то еще — Фрейд в своей работе «Антитетическое значение первобытных слов» отмечал, что каждый опыт должен иметь двойное значение или каждое значение должно иметь два аспекта.

Look, these words often have a double meaning.

Most of our songs have a double meaning.

Everything seems to have a double meaning at the very least.

Such dream might have a double meaning.

And this phrase can have a double meaning.

There is no phrase that doesn’t have a double meaning.

In Dutch they actually have a double meaning.

If they have a double meaning, including something from the future, there is no indication in the text.

Если они имеют двойное значение, в том числе, что-то о будущем, на это нет никаких указаний в тексте.

So you have a double meaning.

And don’t forget to check that all the icons on the screen don’t have a double meaning.

I always wanted to have a double meaning, like in the universe.

General: A conversation you have with a coworker or collaborator today will have a double meaning, although one of you might not realize it until it’s too late.

Разговор с коллегой или союзником может приобрести оттенок двойственности, хотя один из вас и не будет этого осознавать, пока не станет слишком поздно.

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Many English words have multiple meanings. This means that the same word, with the same spelling and pronunciation may have more than one meaning. Sometimes the meanings may be very different. This can be confusing for people learning English. You may wonder,” How do I know what the meaning is?” The best way is rely on context, illustrations, or diagrams in the text. However, if you still are not sure of the meaning, look it up. A dictionary will tell you all the meanings of any word. This posting cannot discuss every word with multiple meanings. There are simply too many of them. In this posting, however, I talk about 25 common words with multiple meanings. These are word you may see and hear in your daily life. I show you parts of speech, definitions, and example sentences for each meaning of each word.The download at the end will give you additional practice understanding words with multiple meanings.

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Below is a list of common words with multiple meanings.


  1. bank

2. bark

3. bill

4. break

5. bug


6. charge

7. company

8. current


9. date

10. fair

11. fast

12. fly

13. hit


14. jam

15. left

16. mine

17. nail


18. patient

19. pool

20. pupil

21. run


22. season

23. set

24. take

25. turn

You now know many common English words with multiple meanings. Often you can guess the meaning of the word through context. If that is not helpful, however, don’t hesitate to look the word up. The download will give you additional practice understanding words with multiple meanings.

You can download the practice sheet NOW!

Idioms of the day

  1. no picnic–This means something is difficult and not pleasant. I’m glad I moved, but making all the preparations was no picnic
  2. turn a blind eye to–This means to not notice a very obvious problem. Her husband comes home drunk every night, but she turns a blind eye to his problems. She insists that he’s not an alcoholic. 

Polysemic words are words that are spelled exactly the same, but have different meanings.i.e. words with double meaning or double meaning. For example: leaf (can be leaf from trees or leaf from a notebook).

That is, its grammatical, syntagmatic and morphological structure is the same, but its meaning varies. In this article we will know 50 words with double meaning (or more senses), so that you are alert whenever someone uses them and you can sense their true meaning.

Let’s see 50 words with double meaning, and know their possible meanings. We must mention that some of them have even more meanings, but in this article we include the most used, common and frequent meanings in the Spanish language.

1. Leaf

A leaf can be a green leaf that grows on trees (the leaves of trees) or a notebook leaf (i.e., paper). It can also be a periodical (e.g. a parish blade), and the blade found in some tools and weapons.

2. Coffee

Coffee is the aromatic bean that allows us to drink cups of coffee, or it can be the brown color.

3. Letter

We have the letter that we send to our friends or family (a letter written on paper) or the letter that refers to the daily menu of a restaurant.

4. Merengue

Merengue is a dessert, which consists of a preparation based on sugar and egg white, and is also a type of dance.

5. Pen

The pen is a tool or article that is used to write with ink; it can also be the feather of birds (the horny formation that covers the body of birds), and it is even used to allude to a male who uses gestures or “effeminate” words.

6. Orange

Orange is a color and it is a fruit; in fact, the fruit is orange.

7. General

Something general is something that affects or concerns “everyone,” and it is also a military grade.

8. Tibia

The word tibia is used to allude to a medium temperature (of water, for example), that is, warm; which is neither cold nor hot. In turn, the tibia is also a bone located in the lower extremities (legs).

9. Saw

A saw is, in turn, a mountain range of mountains and a tool to cut wood or other materials.

10. Mouse

A mouse is a small animal (rodent) and a device that we connect to the computer to move the pointer.

11. Low

A bass is a musical instrument (stringed, similar to a guitar), is a person of low height and is an inferior position to others.

12. Yolk

The yolk is a part of the egg (the orange/yellowish one) and is the tip of the fingers.

13. Skirt

A skirt can be the bottom or bottom of a mountain, a type of cut in meats and a piece of clothing.

14. Peak

A beak is a short kiss on the lips; it is also a part of birds and other animals (their jaw) and a tool for digging into the ground.

15. Channel

A channel is the deepest part of a port entrance; it is also a television channel (frequency band in which one program or another is broadcast) and an artificial channel through which water circulates.

16. Plant

A plant is a living being, any type of plant or shrub; it is also the lower zone of the feet (the only zone of the body that is in contact with the ground) and each of the divisions of a building (from bottom to top or vice versa).

17. Taco

A taco is a Mexican food product, and is a footwear worn by soccer players.

18. Pending

An earring is a decoration that is placed on the ears, and is usually made of gold, silver, wood, metal … and is also a thing that must be done, which is “earring” to do.

19. Bank

A bench can be a seat to sit on (two or more people), and also a group of fish, as well as a place to keep and withdraw money. It also refers to the company that is in charge of carrying out financial operations.

20. Cat

A cat is a feline animal, and also a tool used to lift weight (and used mostly in cars).

21. White

White is a colour, and it is also said of the person who always receives something concrete from everyone, for example: “you are the white of all glances”, or “you are the white of all criticism”.

22. Capital

The capital refers to the main (and most important) population of a country, province, district, etc. It’s also an important amount of money.

23. Cure

The cure is the healing of a wound, or the remedy of some disease; it is also a figure/charge of the church (a priest who makes mass).

24. Apple

The apple is a fruit (fruit of the apple tree), is the pommel of the sword and is a square-shaped built space delimited by streets.

25. Witness

A witness is a person who has witnessed (seen, heard…) a crime, a hit and run, a criminal act, etc. It is also an object that is passed in relay races.

26. Temporary

Temporal is somewhat time-bound, transient, and also a big storm.

27. Monkey

A monkey is an animal; it is also a qualifier to allude to someone “nice” or “adorable”, and it is the unrestrained desire to do something (especially in addictions; for example having a smoking monkey).

28. Libra

A pound is a type of currency (monetary unit) used in some countries, and is also a zodiac sign.

29. Don

A gift is a special talent, and is a word that is used before the name to name important or recognized persons (e.g. Don Patricio).

30. Bar

The bar (elongated furniture where to place the glasses and plates) and the bread bar (elongated bread). We also found a lot of “bar” (a lot of snout).

31. Front

The front of something (e.g., step forward) and an area of the body above the eyes.

32. Entrance

The front part of a building, park, etc., through which it is accessed. It is also the area of the head where hair begins to grow (“you have tickets”) and a ticket that serves to access a show, monument, etc..

33. Doll

A part of the body (that which precedes the hand) and a toy (that simulates a real girl).

34. Handle

Elongated part of an object or a piece and tropical fruit.

35. Needle

Clock hand, sharp object for sewing, and tool for drawing blood or administering medications.

36. Wine

A type of alcoholic beverage and verbal conjugation of the verb “venir” (she came).

37. Foot

A part of the body and the end part (bracket) of a lamp.

38. Ridge

A part of the rooster and a part of the wave of the sea.

39. Candle

Part of a boat and wax object that is lit by a flame to illuminate or heat.

40. Band

A band is a group of thieves, and also a music group. It’s also a part of an object.

41. Rebecca

A garment and a woman’s name.

42. Layer

A garment and that which covers or bathes something (e.g. a coat of paint).

43. Ratchet

A bird and a musical instrument.

44. Hard

A type of currency (pesetas) and a characteristic of an object (the opposite of soft).

45. River

Water flow and conjugation of the verb reír (“I river”).

46. March

The military march (movement of troops), way of walking and conjugation of the verb to leave (“he leaves”).

47. Emperor

A type of fish and an important figure in a population (sovereign, supreme chief…).

48. Fabric

A type of fabric or texture and some areas of the human body (made up of millions of cells).

49. Bridge

A type of construction where people cross between two sides of earth and a piece of metal to hold the artificial teeth.

50. Garment

A piece of clothing and a person of “dubious reputation”.

Bibliographic references

  • Fernández, M. (1990). Around polysemy and homonymy. Yearbook of Philological Studies, 193-205.

  • Royal Spanish Academy. (2001). Dictionary of the Spanish Language (22nd ed.). Madrid, Spain: Author.

have a double meaning

Макаров: быть двусмысленным

Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «have a double meaning» в других словарях:

  • double — dou|ble1 [ dʌbl ] adjective *** 1. ) consisting of two things or parts of the same type: He went through the double doors. Place the bacon on a double layer of paper towels. a ) involving two things happening at the same time: a double murder He… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • double — I UK [ˈdʌb(ə)l] / US adjective *** 1) consisting of two things or parts of the same type He went through the double doors. Place the sausages on a double layer of kitchen paper. a) involving two things happening at the same time a double murder… …   English dictionary

  • double*/*/ — [ˈdʌb(ə)l] adj I 1) consisting of two things or parts He went through the double doors.[/ex] a double murder[/ex] She suspected his words might have a double meaning (= two different meanings).[/ex] 2) containing or consisting of twice as much as …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • Double spaced sentences — Double spacing at the ends of sentences is a typographical convention that has sometimes been termed English spacing. Since the mid 1990s, it has often been termed French spacing, although that term has traditionally referred to the practice of… …   Wikipedia

  • Double entendre — An 1814 engraving of a double entendre. He: My sweet honey, I hope you are to be let with the Lodgins! She: No, sir, I am to be let alone. A double entendre (French pronunciation: [dublɑ̃tɑ̃dʁə]) or adianoeta[1] is a figure of speech in …   Wikipedia

  • Double (association football) — This article is about The Double in football. For other uses, see Double. The Double is a term in association football which refers to winning a country s top tier division and its primary cup competition in the same season. It can also mean… …   Wikipedia

  • meaning — noun 1 what sth means ADJECTIVE ▪ clear, exact, precise ▪ The context makes the meaning clear. ▪ What is the exact meaning of this phrase? ▪ intended …   Collocations dictionary

  • double — /ˈdʌbəl / (say dubuhl) adjective 1. twice as great, heavy, strong, etc.: double pay. 2. twofold in form, size, amount, extent, etc.; of extra size or weight: a double blanket. 3. composed of two like parts or members; paired: a double cherry. 4.… …  

  • double — 1 / dVbFl/ adjective 1 OF TWO PARTS consisting of two parts that are similar or exactly the same: You can t park on double yellow lines. 2 double l/s/9 etc BrE spoken used when you are spelling a word or telling someone a number, to show that a… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • Double-headed eagle — Two headed eagle redirects here. This article is about the device in heraldry . For the American coin, see Double Eagle. Double headed eagle emblem of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople (Istanbul), based on insignia of the Byzantine… …   Wikipedia

  • double — doub|le1 W2S1 [ˈdʌbəl] adj [usually before noun] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(of two parts)¦ 2¦(two different uses)¦ 3¦(twice as big)¦ 4¦(for two people)¦ 5¦(two letters/numbers)¦ 6¦(flower)¦ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [Date: 1100 1200; : Old French; Origin: Latin duplus, from duo …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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y  *

Убрать слово из словаря

амер.  |dʌbl ˈmiːnɪŋ|

брит.  |dʌbl ˈmiːnɪŋ|

Russian  English 

двоякое значение, двусмысленность, вводящий в заблуждение, обманчивый


- обманчивый, вводящий в заблуждение

Мои примеры


double meaning of an expression — двоякое толкование выражения  
double-meaning — неоднозначность; двойной смысл  
have a double meaning — быть двусмысленным  
with a double meaning — надвое  

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