Word group according to

Даю кучу баллов.

Group the words according to the type of assimilation in them:

tractor, dwelling, didn’t, bottle, legs, language, price, track, doctor, crow.

1) Assimilation affecting the work of vocal chords:

2) Assimilation affecting the lip position:

3) Assimilation affecting the manner of the production of noise:


17 Май, 18


(15 баллов)

в категории Английский язык

оставил комментарий

17 Май, 18


(1.1k баллов)

first, take, time, nurse, fire, parent, male, girl, care, pine

  1. Read
    and explain the rides of reading:

weak, took, another, already, tooth, teeth, death, stool, among,
deep, come, discover, other, some, cover.

  1. Form
    new words and translate them:

  1. the
    nouns by adding the suffix
    -екto examine, to lead, to teach, to
    organize, to help, to write;

  2. the
    verbs by adding the prefix
    re-: to join, to operate, to group, to make;

  3. the
    adverbs by adding the suffix
    -ly: real, special, scientiflcal, hour, day, month, week, year,
    part, bad, rapid;

  4. the
    adjectives by adding the suffix
    -al: form, practice, person, experiment, clinic

  1. Give
    full answers to the following questions:

Is your sister an adult? 2. Are you at a hostel now? 3. Has your
mother a heart disease? 4. Where are your relatives? 5. Is Biology a
special subject? 6. Are you under the care of a doctor now?

  1. Translate
    into Russian paying attention to the words in bold type:

He plans
to begin
his scientific work in May. 2. His scientificplans
are very
interesting. 3. Professors Ivanov and Smirnovhead
Students’ Scientific Society.4.
He was
of the
delegation at the Congress of Soviet Anatomists.


Студенты-медики должны обращать большое
внимание на изучение анатомии.

Кто отвечает за вашу
работу в научной лаборатории? 3. ^, Дети
всегда должны находиться под наблюдением
своих родителей. 4. На первом курсе у
студентов медиков несколько теоретических
предметов. 5. Что вы изучаете по биологии
на занятиях? 6. Человек с сердечными
забо­леванием должен находиться под
наблюдением врача. 7. Так как я дей­ствительно
интересуюсь медициной, я поступил в
медицинский институт.

  1. Give
    the Infinitive (the 1st form) of the following verbs:

got, became, meant, knew, told, was, had, went, made, took, were,
came, taught, understood, paid

  1. Read
    the verbs paying attention to the pronunciation of‘-ed’, a
    the Infinitive:

joined, studied, answered, increased, wanted, planned, helped,
continued, worked, thanked, liked, washed, watched

  1. State
    the tense of the verbs. Translate the sentences:

  1. My
    relatives got a letter from me a week ago. 2. Every mother cares for
    her children. 3. He will study many subjects at the Institute. 4.
    Last year she entered the Institute. 5. We shall read scientific
    articles in medical journals.

XXVI: Turn the 1st and 3rd sentences into Past Indefinite and the 2nd and 4th — into Future Indefinite:

Many students want to join the Foreign Language Society. 2. My friend
always helps me to learn Anatomy.

  1. He
    does not study French as he studies English. 4. Medical students
    study many clinical subjects in the fourth year.

  1. Answer
    In short:

Is your brother an adult? 2. Had you entrance examinations in
September? 3. Do you get an increased stipend?

  1. Will
    you become a doctor next year? 5. Did you join the Young Communist
    League last year? 6. Have you relatives in Moscow?

  1. Answer
    the alternative questions:

Does this fellow-student live at the hostel or with his relatives? 2.
Had you entrance examinations in July or in August? 3. Do you get an
increased or an ordinary stipend?

  1. Make
    sentences from the following words:

in future, become, doctors, shall, we; 2. in Anatomy, yesterday, had,
we, a lecture; 3. the library, take, the, students, from, books


Соседние файлы в предмете Английский язык

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>Definition of a word-group and its basic features Structure of word-groups Meaning of word-groups
Definition of a word-group and its basic features Structure of word-groups Meaning of word-groups Motivation in word-groups

>Word-Group the largest two-facet language unit consists of more than one word studied in
Word-Group the largest two-facet language unit consists of more than one word studied in the syntagmatic level of analysis

>Word-Group the degree of structural and semantic cohesion may vary e.g. at least, by
Word-Group the degree of structural and semantic cohesion may vary e.g. at least, by means of, take place – semantically and structurally inseparable e.g. a week ago, kind to people – have greater semantic and structural independence

>Free-Word Combination word-groups that have a greater semantic and structural independence freely composed by
Free-Word Combination word-groups that have a greater semantic and structural independence freely composed by the speaker in his speech according to his purpose

>Features of Word-groups Lexical Valency Grammatical Valency
Features of Word-groups Lexical Valency Grammatical Valency

>Lexical Valency (Collocability) The ability of a word to appear in various combinations with
Lexical Valency (Collocability) The ability of a word to appear in various combinations with other words, or lexical contexts e.g. question – vital/pressing/urgent/etc., question at issue, to raise a question, a question on the agenda

>Lexical Valency (Collocability) words habitually collocated in speech make a cliché e.g. to put
Lexical Valency (Collocability) words habitually collocated in speech make a cliché e.g. to put forward a question

>Lexical Valency (Collocability) lexical valency of correlated words in different languages is different e.g.
Lexical Valency (Collocability) lexical valency of correlated words in different languages is different e.g. flower цветок garden flowers садовые цветы hot-house flowers оранжерейные цветы pot flowers комнатные цветы

>Lexical Valency (Collocability) different meanings of one and the same word may be revealed
Lexical Valency (Collocability) different meanings of one and the same word may be revealed through different type of lexical valency e.g. heavy table, book heavy snow, rain heavy drinker, eater heavy sorrow, sleep heavy industry

>Grammatical Valency The ability of a word to appear in specific grammatical structures, or
Grammatical Valency The ability of a word to appear in specific grammatical structures, or grammatical contexts

>Grammatical Valency the minimal grammatical context in which the words are used when brought
Grammatical Valency the minimal grammatical context in which the words are used when brought together to form a word-group is called the pattern of the word-group

>Grammatical Valency restricted by the part of speech e.g. an adjective + noun, infinitive,
Grammatical Valency restricted by the part of speech e.g. an adjective + noun, infinitive, prepositional group a kind man, kind to people, heavy to lift limited by the inner structure of the language e.g. to propose a plan – to suggest a plan to propose to do smth —

>Grammatical Valency grammatical valency of correlated words in different languages is different e.g. enter
Grammatical Valency grammatical valency of correlated words in different languages is different e.g. enter the room — войти в комнату

>Classifications of word-groups according to the distribution according to the head-word according to the
Classifications of word-groups according to the distribution according to the head-word according to the syntactic pattern

>Word-groups according to distribution endocentric – central member functionally equivalent to the whole word-group
Word-groups according to distribution endocentric – central member functionally equivalent to the whole word-group e.g. red flower ( I saw a red flower – I saw a flower) exocentric – the distribution of the whole word-group is different from either of its components e.g. side by side, grow smaller, John runs

>Word-groups according to the head word nominal groups e.g. red flower adjectival groups e.g.
Word-groups according to the head word nominal groups e.g. red flower adjectival groups e.g. kind to people verbal groups e.g. to speak well

>Word-groups according to the syntactic pattern predicative – have a syntactic structure similar to
Word-groups according to the syntactic pattern predicative – have a syntactic structure similar to that of a sentence e.g. John went, he works non-predicative – do not have a structure similar to a sentence e.g. red flower, running John

>Non-predicative and endocentric word-groups coordinative – elements of a word-group are coordinated with each
Non-predicative and endocentric word-groups coordinative – elements of a word-group are coordinated with each other e.g. day and night, do or die subordinative – one member of a word-group is subordinated to the central element e.g. red flower, a man of wisdom

>Meaning of Word-Groups lexical meaning structural meaning
Meaning of Word-Groups lexical meaning structural meaning

>Lexical meaning the combined lexical meaning of the component words BUT the meaning of
Lexical meaning the combined lexical meaning of the component words BUT the meaning of the word-group predominates over the lexical meanings of its components e.g. atomic weight, atomic warfare

>Lexical meaning polysemantic words are used only in one of their meanings e.g. man
Lexical meaning polysemantic words are used only in one of their meanings e.g. man and wife, blind man stylistic reference of a word-group may be different from that of its components e.g. old, boy, bags, fun – old boy (дружище), bags of fun

>Structural meaning meaning conveyed by the arrangement of components of a word-group e.g. school
Structural meaning meaning conveyed by the arrangement of components of a word-group e.g. school grammar – grammar school

>Structural meaning structural and lexical meanings are interdependent and inseparable e.g. school children –
Structural meaning structural and lexical meanings are interdependent and inseparable e.g. school children – to school children all the sun long – all the night long, all the week long

>Motivation in Word-groups lexically motivated - the combined lexical meaning of a group is
Motivation in Word-groups lexically motivated — the combined lexical meaning of a group is deducible from the meanings of its components lexically non-motivated – the meaning of the whole is not seen through the meanings of the elements

>Motivation in Word-groups lexically motivated e.g. red flower lexically non-motivated e.g. red tape –
Motivation in Word-groups lexically motivated e.g. red flower lexically non-motivated e.g. red tape – ‘official bureaucratic methods’

>Motivation in Word-groups e.g. apple sauce – ‘a sauce made of apples’ apple sauce
Motivation in Word-groups e.g. apple sauce – ‘a sauce made of apples’ apple sauce – ‘nonsense’

>Motivation in Word-groups Non-motivated word-groups are called phraseological units or idioms
Motivation in Word-groups Non-motivated word-groups are called phraseological units or idioms

1. МОРФОЛОГИЯ английского языка


Морфология — раздел грамматики, изучающий
форму слова. Слово является основной единицей
морфологии, и, следовательно, необходимо начать с его
Известный лингвист Юрий Сергеевич Маслов определил
слово как минимальную единицу языка, обладающую
подчеркивает, с одной стороны, подвижность слова в
предложении (в различных предложениях одно и то же слово
может занимать различные позиции) и, с другой стороны, тот
факт, что слово — наименьшая дискретная (т. е. существующая
раздельно) единица языка.

синтаксическому функционированию, и самая крупная единица
Наименьшая единица морфологии — морфема – это
наименьшая значащая единица, не имеющая позиционной
самостоятельности, но имеющая звуковое выражение. Морфемы
включают корень и аффиксы — префиксы и суффиксы.


Аффиксы имеют двоякое назначение в языке: одни используются в словообразовании, т.
е. при образовании новых слов от производящих основ той или другой части речи;
другие служат для образования различных форм одного и того же слова, т. е.
словоизменения. Словообразование и словоизменение имеют каждое свой
собственный набор аффиксов: совпадение их может быть только случайной
омонимией (ср. -еr в агентивных существительных — writer и -еr в форме
сравнительной степени прилагательных — longer).
Префиксы в английском имеют только словообразовательные функции.
Суффиксы же подразделяются на словообразовательные и словоизменительные;
последние имеют прямое отношение к грамматическому строю.
Корневая морфема, по определению Виктории Николаевны Ярцевой, — это то, что едино
в словах, принадлежащих к различным лексико-грамматическим разрядам (black,
blackish, blacken). В этом ряду выделяется корневая морфема black-.
Морфема реально представлена в языке своими вариантами, называемыми
алломорфами, имеющими определённую звуковую и смысловую общность
(морфема множественного числа в английском языке, которую мы можем обозначить как s, бывает регулярно представлена алломорфами /s/ — cats, bets, /iz/ — buses, sizes, /z/ dogs, knives.

4. Служебные морфемы

Служебные морфемы, т. е. словоизменительные
аффиксы, отличаются в английском от того, что обычно
понимается под термином «флексия». В языках
флективных флексия передает несколько
грамматических значений в одном и том же аффиксе.
Английские словоизменительные аффиксы
передают только одно значение.
Набор словоизменительных морфем весьма скуден;
он ограничивается аффиксами , -s, -ed, -ing , -еп —
показатель некоторых причастий вторых от
нестандартных глаголов и множественного числа
существительных ox-en, childr-en.


Morphemes that can stand alone as
words are called free morphemes –
nouns, verbs, adjectives
(boy, food, in, on)
The morphemes that occur only in
combination are called
bound morphemes
(-ed, -s, -ing).
Words that have
meaning by
themselves: boy,
food, door
Words that function (-s, -est, -ing)
to specify the
between one
lexical morpheme
and another
at, in, on
(ful, -like, -ly, un-,

6. Bound morpheme

Root (-ceive,
Prefix (pre-, un-,
Suffix (-ly, -ist, ment)
-fere, -mit)
Suffix (-ing, -est,
-en, -ed, -er, est, -s, -’s)

7. Дистрибутивный анализ

• На первом этапе этого метода
синтагматическая цепь лингвистических
единиц делится на значащие отрезки –
• He/start/ed/laugh/ing
• Затем повторяющиеся сегменты
анализируются в различных текстовых
окружениях (распределениях) и
устанавливается три типа дистрибуции:

8. Три типа дистрибуции

He started laughing –
He starts laughing
learned- learnt
He started laughing
He stopped laughing
Разные морфемы
Свободные варианты
одной морфемы

9. Попарно противопоставляемые дистрибутивные типы морфем

Free (свободные)
Bound (связные)
Образуют отдельные слова
Используются в качестве частей слова
Overt (oткрытые)
Covert (закрытые)
Показывают значимое отсутствие морфем, выявляемое в
оппозициях противопоставляемых грамматических форм в
парадигмах: «нулевые морфемы (zero morpheme)»
Hand *
Full (значимые)
Empty (пустые)
Не обладают значением и выделяются в виде остатка после
вычленения значимых морфем
Segmental (сегментные)
Состоят из фонем
Suprasegmental (сверхсегментные)
Оставляют фонемный облик слова неизменным, но
изменяют его значение с помощью разнообразных
сверхсегментных единиц
‘convert (N)
con’vert (V)

10. Попарно противопоставляемые дистрибутивные типы морфем

Additive (аддитивные)
Свободно объединяющиеся в слова
Replacive (субституционные)
Корневые морфемы, замещающие
друг друга в рамках морфологической
Сontinuous (непрерывные)
Морфемы, объединяющиеся друг с
другом в рамках одного слова
Discontinuous (разрывные)
Состоят из двух компонентов,
совместно используемых при
построении аналитических форм
Have work/ed
Is work/ing



12. The longest English words

Chemical name of titin, the largest known
Technical; not in dictionary;
disputed whether it is a word
Longest published word[1]
Longest word coined by a major
author,[2] the longest word ever to appear
in literature.[3]
Coined; not in
dictionary; Ancient
Longest word in a major dictionary[4]
Technical; coined to be the
longest word
Famous for being created for the Mary
Poppins film and musical
Longest non-coined word in a major
Longest unchallenged nontechnical word
Longest non-coined and nontechnical
Longest word in Shakespeare’s works;
longest word in the English language
featuring alternating consonants and

13. I. Do the morphemic analysis of the words on the lines of the traditional and distributional classifications.

MODEL: Do the morphemic analysis of the word «inseparable».
On the lines of the traditional classification the word «inseparable» is treated as a
three-morpheme word consisting of the root «-separ-«, the prefix «in-» and the
lexical suffix «-able».
On the lines of the distributional analysis the root «-separ-» is a bound, overt,
continuous, additive morpheme; the prefix «in-» is bound, overt, continuous,
additive; the suffix «-able» is bound, overt, continuous, additive.
• a) unmistakably, children’s (books), disfigured, underspecified, surroundings,
presume, kingdom, brotherhood, plentiful, imperishable, unprecedented,
oxen, embodiment, outlandish;
• b) hammer, students’ (papers), sing — sang — singing — singer, really, proficient deficient — efficient, gooseberry, unreproved, incomparable;
• c) quiet, perceptions, wheaterina, bell, unbelievably, glassy,
uncommunicative, inexplicable, infamy, strenuousness;
• d) inconceivable, prefigurations, southernism, semidarkness, adventuresses,
insurmountable, susceptibility, ineptitude, unfathomable, insufficiency, to
prejudge, cranberry.

14. II. Define the type of the morphemic distribution according to which the given words are grouped.

• MODEL: insensible — incapable
The morphs «-ible» and «-able» are in
complementary distribution, as they have the same
meaning but are different in their form which is
explained by their different environments.
a) impeccable, indelicate, illiterate, irrelevant;
b) undisputable, indisputable;
c) published, rimmed;
d) seams, seamless, seamy.

15. III. Group the words according to a particular type of morphemic distribution.

MODEL: worked — bells — tells -fells — telling — spells — spelled spelt -felled — bell.
• spells — spelled: the allomorphs «-s» and «-ed» are in contrastive
distribution (= fells — felled);
• bell — bells: the allomorph «-s» and the zero allomorph are in
contrastive distribution;
• spelt — spelled: the allomorphs «-t» and «-ed» are in non-contrastive
• worked — spelled: the allomorphs «-ed» [t] and «-ed» [d] are in com-,
plementary distribution, etc.
a) burning — burns — burned — burnt;
b) dig — digs — digging — digged — dug — digger;
c) light — lit — lighted — lighting — lighter;
d) worked — working — worker — workable — workoholic.

16. IV. Group the words according to a particular type of morphemic distribution:

1. mice, leapt, appendices, kittens, cats, witches,
leaping, children, leaped, leaps, formulae, stimuli,
matrices, sanatoria;
2. geese, dogs, chickens, deer, mats, bade, bid,
phenomena, formulae, formulas, genii, geniuses, scissors;
3. genera, brethren, brothers, trout, gestures, blessed,
blest, tins, pots, matches, antennae, antennas;
4. anthems, classes, lice, handkerchiefs, handkerchieves,
bereft, bereaved, grouse, cleaved, cleft, clove.

Подборка по базе: MULTIPLICATION AND DIVISION.docx, Таблица «Перечень нормативных документов по работе с рецептурным, IELTS Actual Writing TASK 1 Oct-Jan 2021 2022.pdf, II. Multiplication and Division III.Involution IV. Evolution.d, A sample proposal with comment.pdf, 002 comments.doc, 001 comments.doc, Заявление на службу в Academy of Central Patrol Division с гражд, 449_9- IELTS Speaking Actual Tests and Suggested Answers (Januar, _Білім туралы_ 2007 жылғы 27 шілдедегі № 319-III Қазақстан Респу

Объедините в группы:

  1. исчисляемые существительные;
  1. существительные singularia tantum;
  1. существительные pluralia tantum

army, cavalry, crowd, courage, peace, tongs, advice, peasantry, evidence, family, money, hair, wages, acoustics.

  1. Define the type of the morphemic distribution according to which the given words are grouped.

MODEL: insensible incapable The morphs «-ible» and «-able» are in complementary distribution, as they have the same meaning but are different in their form which is explained by their different environments.

  1. impeccable, indelicate, illiterate, irrelevant;
  1. undisputable, indisputable;
  1. published, rimmed;
  2. seams, seamless, seamy.
  1. Group the words according to a particular type of morphemic distribution. MODEL: worked — bells — tells -fells — telling — spells — spelled — spelt -felled — bell. spells spelled: the allomorphs «-s» and «-ed» are in contrastive distribution (= fells felled); bell — bells: the allomorph «-s» and the zero allomorph are in contrastive distribution; spelt — spelled: the allomorphs «-t» and «-ed» are in non-contrastive distribution; worked — spelled: the allomorphs «-ed» [t] and «-ed» [d] are in complementary distribution, etc.
  1. burning burns burned burnt;
  1. dig — digs — digging — digged — dug — digger;
  1. light lit — lighted — lighting — lighter;
  1. worked working worker workable workoholic.

7. Define the types of the clauses making up the following sentences:

  1. As her invitation was so pressing, and observing that Carrie wished to go, we promised we would visit her the next Saturday week (Clause of Reason)(Grossmith).
  2. Lupin, whoseback wastowardsme, did not hear me come in. (Grossmith). (Relative/adjective clause)
  1. I rather disapprove of his wearing a check suit on a Sunday(Nominal clause), and I think he ought to have gone to church this morning (Independent clause)(Grossmith).
  2. It irritated the youth that his elder brother should be made something of a hero by the women,(Nominal clause) just because he didn’t live at home and was a lace-designer and almost a gentleman (Clause of Reason)(Lawrence).
  3. But Alfred was something of a Prometheus Bound, so the women loved him (Lawrence).(Clause of Reason)
  4. She hated him in a despair that shattered her and broke her down (Relative clause), so that shesufferedsheerdissolutionlikeacorpse,(Result clause) and was unconscious of everything save the horrible sickness of dissolution that was taking place within her, body andsoul(Relative clause) (Lawrence).
  5. Strange as my circumstances were, the terms of this debate are as old and commonplace as man (Stevenson). (Comparative clause)
  6. Then, astheendlessmomentwasbrokenbythemaid’sterrifiedlittlecry, he pushed through the portieres into the next room (Fitzgerald). (Adverbial clause of time)
  7. La Falterona watched him scornfully ashegroveledonthefloor (Maugham). (Adverbial clause of time)

8. Define the type of the subject and the predicate of the following sentences:

  1. The door was opened by a scraggy girl of fifteen with long legs and a tousled head (Maugham).
  2. «We’ve been married for 35 years, my dear. It’s too long.» (Maugham)
  1. I should merely have sent for the doctor (Maugham).
  1. Mrs. Albert Forrester began to be discouraged (Maugham).
  1. «Who is Corrinne?» «It’s my name. My mother was half French.» «That explains a great deal.» (Maugham)
  2. I could never hope to please the masses (Maugham).
  1. The coincidence was extraordinary (Maugham).
  1. Why should the devil have all the best tunes? (Maugham)
  1. No one yet has explored its potentialities (Maugham).
  1. I’m fearfully late (Maugham).
  1. Define the types of syntactical relations between the constituents of the following word combinations: 1. saw him, 2. these pearls, 3. insanely jealous.
  2. Paraphrase the following circumlocutions using word combinations of the pattern Adj + N:
  1. insects with four wings — four-winged insects
  1. youths with long hair — longhaired youths
  1. a substance that sticks easily — easily-sticking substance
  1. a colour that is slightly red — reddish color
  1. manners typical of apes — ape-like manners

11. Point out participle I, gerund and verbal noun in the following sentences:

  1. In the soul of the minister a struggle awoke. From wanting to reach the ears of Kate Swift, and through his sermons to delve into her soul, he began to want also to look again at the figure lying white and quiet in the bed (Anderson).
  2. That was where our fishing began (Hemingway).
  1. But she didn’t hear him for the beating of her heart (Hemingway).
  1. Henry Marston’s trembling became a shaking; it would be pleasant if this were the end and nothing more need be done, he thought, and with a certain hope he sat down on a stool. But it is seldom really the end, and after a while, as he became too exhausted to care, the shaking stopped and he was better (Fitzgerald).

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