Word government in french

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

However the process was delayed due to the transitional government.

Toutefois, le processus a été retardé avec le gouvernement de transition.

He’s extremely influential in shaping his government‘s economic policy.

Il est extrêmement influençable dans l’élaboration économique de son gouvernement.

Germany recommended that the government urgently improve prison conditions.

Elle a recommandé au Gouvernement d’améliorer d’urgence les conditions de détention.

The government of your so-called democratic country takes part in child abductions.

Votre gouvernement soit-disant démocratique prend part aux enlèvements d’enfants.

The public service is responsible for implementing the policies of government.

Le service public est chargé d’appliquer les politiques du gouvernement.

The government encourages private industry to contract research to universities.

Le Gouvernement encourage l’industrie privée à sous-traiter la recherche aux universités.

Central government will continue to promote the use of these courses.

Le gouvernement central continuera à promouvoir l’utilisation de ces stages.

The government puts people with supernatural powers on an island.

Le gouvernement met les gens avec des pouvoirs surnaturels dans une île.

The federal government currently has an annual fleet of about 25,000 cars.

Le parc automobile du gouvernement fédéral comprend actuellement 25000 véhicules.

The advertising industry isn’t going well, especially with this government.

L’industrie publicitaire est en crise surtout avec ce gouvernement.

The government has not ignored the findings of these other commissions.

Le gouvernement n’a pas rejeté les conclusions des autres commissions.

The government says that their proposal will eliminate double dipping.

Le gouvernement prétend que sa proposition va permettre d’éliminer le cumul.

The government has already consulted various groups on the issue.

Le gouvernement a déjà consulté divers groupes au sujet de cette question.

The government‘s commitment to ensure this amendment works remains.

Le gouvernement demeure engagé envers la mise en oeuvre de cette modification.

The government is currently finalizing the details of both programs.

Le gouvernement est en train de peaufiner les détails des deux programmes.

The federal government invested a lot of money in this project.

Le gouvernement fédéral a investi énormément d’argent dans ce projet.

The member doubts that the government has honoured its commitments.

Le député craint que le gouvernement n’ait pas respecté ses engagements.

The government wishes to transform everything in a rather ridiculous way.

Le gouvernement veut transformer le tout de manière un peu ridicule.

Our government is committed to ensuring this strategy is a success.

Notre gouvernement s’engage à faire de cette stratégie un succès.

The government has said that we should move a confidence motion.

Le gouvernement dit que nous devrions présenter une motion de défiance.

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No government has expressed its position on this Information memorandum.

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Aucune autorité ne s’est prononcée sur le Mémorandum d’information.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Government of Manitoba, Family Services and Labour. n.

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icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

For the Government of Turkmenistan Signature illegible.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Written replies by the government of chad concerning.

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icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Government of canada securities outstanding par value.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Working Party on Centres of Government— Egypt, P MoroccoP.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Groupe de travail sur les centres de gouvernement- Égypte, P MarocP.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Government bonds, the explosion of negative interest rates 03/2016.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Emprunts d’Etat, l’explosion des taux d’intérêts négatifs 03/2016.

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On 1 December, a government helicopter was shot down by the rebels.

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Le 1er décembre, un hélicoptère du régime est abattu par les rebelles.

Yasunori rescued the poor and improved government through a policy promoting agriculture.

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Yasunori secourt


pauvres et améliore la gouvernement par une politique d’aide à l’agriculture.

I’m not a huge believer that government provides a whole lot of solutions.

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The latter joined the government as Minister for Finances and the Armed Forces.

One form is a strong central government as in France and China.

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C’est un Etat fortement centralisé, comme la France.

The Government decided to construct a major port there.

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La municipalité décide de construire un véritable port à cet endroit.

He voted for the government in the 16 May 1877 crisis.

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Il s’opposa avec détermination aux conservateurs lors de la crise du 16 mai 1877.

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Le ministère grec chargé des sports est

le ministère



Culture et des Sports.

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In the 1940s the Government of Alberta bought the building.

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En 1970, la mairie de Lacaune achète le bâtiment.

Tibetan government in exile condemns torch protests.

The Falkland Islands Government is committed to the attainment of this objective.

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Total des dépenses publiques.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Ensuring government support for climate-smart practices.

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S’assurer du soutien des pratiques“intelligentes” pour le climat du gouvernement.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Government requires you to acquire power from renewable sources.

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La Confédération exige une électricité issue de l‘énergie renouvelable.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Government by reference to the partnership values.

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Results: 628801,
Time: 0.0314





‘government’ a une référence dans l’entrée ‘govt.’. Il se trouve dans une ou plusieurs des lignes ci-dessous.‘government’ is cross-referenced with ‘govt.’. It is in one or more of the lines below.

Formes composées
government | govt. Anglais Français antigovernment,
adj (opposed to government) antigouvernemental adj cabinet government (parliamentary government) gouvernement nm caretaker government n (temporary, acting government) gouvernement intérimaire nm centralized government n (concentrated power) gouvernement centralisé nm coalition government n (government formed by an alliance) gouvernement de coalition nm   If there isn’t a clear majority after the ballots are counted, it is likely that the liberals will ask the smaller parties to form a coalition government. devolved government n (decentralized authority) administration décentralisée nf   Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are part of the UK but enjoy devolved government. federal government n (law: central government) gouvernement fédéral nm government agency n (group or department) (Can) organisme gouvernemental nm government assistance n (government subsidy) aide de l’État nf government bond n often plural (finance: from national government) (Finance) obligation d’État nf    (France, équivalent, abr) OAT nf government building n (building used for government business) bâtiment officiel, bâtiment de l’État nm government building n (building owned by the government) bâtiment gouvernemental, bâtiment officiel nm government de facto n (law: in actuality) gouvernement de facto nm     gouvernement de fait nm government de jure n (law: legitimate) (Droit, latinisme) gouvernement de jure nm     gouvernement de droit nm government debt n (money owed by government) dette publique nf   Government debt is currently very high. government employee n (person employed by a government) fonctionnaire nmf government issue adj (issued by government) fourni par le gouvernement, fourni par l’État adj government ordinance n (government-issued decree) décret gouvernemental nm government security n often plural (business: certificates, bonds, etc.) obligation d’État nf   The market for U.S. Government securities is highly competitive. government subsidized,
adj (partially paid) subventionné par l’État loc adj government-funded adj (paid for by government) financé par l’État loc adj     gouvernemental adj government-owned adj (business, company) (entreprise,…) public, publique adj     d’État loc adj local government n (local authority, council) administration locale nf     collectivité territoriale, collectivité locale nf   We expect to have a new mayor after our local government election next year.    (France, d’une ville) conseil municipal nm    (France, d’un département) conseil général nm    (France, d’une région) conseil régional nm military government n (military in charge) gouvernement militaire nm national government n (law: governs country) gouvernement national nm representative government n (rule by elected politicians) gouvernement représentatif nm seat of government n (parliament building) siège du gouvernement nm   The Presidential Building of the Government of the Canary Islands is the seat of government. seat of government n (location of government) siège du gouvernement nm   The Hague is the seat of government for the Netherlands. self-government n (law: political autonomy) autonomie gouvernementale, autonomie politique nf
  • 1





    ; gouvernement


    , régime


    ; gouvernement


    , État



    (b) gouvernement


    , direction


    ; administration


    , gestion


    ; conduite


    gouvernemental, du gouvernement; de l’État, public; du gouvernement

    British government broker agent


    du Trésor;

    British Government Communications Headquarters = centre d’interception des télécommunications étrangères en Grande-Bretagne;

    government health warning = avertissement officiel contre les dangers du tabac figurant sur les paquets de cigarettes et dans les publicités pour le tabac;

    this car/computer should carry a government health warning cette voiture/cet ordinateur est une catastrophe;

    British Government House palais


    du gouverneur;

    American the Government Printing Office = maison d’édition publiant les ouvrages ou documents émanant du gouvernement,




    Un panorama unique de l’anglais et du français > government

  • 2



    [minister, official, plan, intervention, investigator] du gouvernement ; [agency, decree, department, grant, majority, policy, publication] gouvernemental ; [expenditure, borrowing] de l’État ; [loan, funds] public/-ique.

    Big English-French dictionary > government

  • 3

    [policy, decision, intervention, spending] du gouvernement ; [grant] d’État ; [responsibility, loan] de l’État


    gouvernement has ou instead of o and an extra e in the middle.

    * * *



    1) () () gouvernement m; () administration f

    2) () gouvernement m; () l’État m


    English-French dictionary > government

  • 4

    (of country) gouvernement


    ; (of company, organization) gestion


    English-French business dictionary > government

  • 5

    English-French dictionary > government

  • 6


    1) gouvernement; pouvoirs publics; administration; souv. l’État

    2) direction, conduite, gestion des affaires

    English-French dictionary of law, politics, economics & finance > government

  • 7

    sub. Etat, adj. de l’Etat, d’Etat (TP)

    English-French insurance dictionari > government

  • 8
    government securities

    Big English-French dictionary > government securities

  • 9

    parrainé par le gouvernement;

    Un panorama unique de l’anglais et du français > government-sponsored

  • 10
    Government Accounting Office

    Big English-French dictionary > Government Accounting Office

  • 11
    government bond

    Big English-French dictionary > government bond

  • 12
    government contractor

    Big English-French dictionary > government contractor

  • 13
    government corporation

    Big English-French dictionary > government corporation

  • 14
    government employee

    Big English-French dictionary > government employee

  • 15
    Government House

    Big English-French dictionary > Government House

  • 16
    government issue

    Big English-French dictionary > government issue

  • 17
    government office

    Big English-French dictionary > government office

  • 18
    government official

    Big English-French dictionary > government official

  • 19
    Government Printing Office

    Big English-French dictionary > Government Printing Office

  • 20

    Big English-French dictionary > government-funded


  • Следующая →
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  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • government — gov‧ern‧ment [ˈgʌvmənt, ˈgʌvnmənt ǁ ˈgʌvərn ] also Government noun [countable] the group of people responsible for running a country or state and making decisions about taxes, laws, public services etc: • The Government is planning further cuts …   Financial and business terms

  • government — gov·ern·ment / gə vər mənt, vərn / n 1: the act or process of governing; specif: authoritative direction or control 2: the office, authority, or function of governing 3: the continuous exercise of authority over and the performance of functions… …   Law dictionary

  • government — [guv′ərn mənt, guv΄ərmənt] n. [OFr governement: see GOVERN & MENT] 1. a) the exercise of authority over a state, district, organization, institution, etc.; direction; control; rule; management b) the right, function, or power of governing 2 …   English World dictionary

  • Government — Gov ern*ment, n. [F. gouvernement. See {Govern}.] 1. The act of governing; the exercise of authority; the administration of laws; control; direction; regulation; as, civil, church, or family government. [1913 Webster] 2. The mode of governing;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • government — government, governance Note the n in the middle of government (based on the word govern with the noun suffix ment), and that it should be pronounced as well as written. Government is the workaday word for the system by which a state or community… …   Modern English usage

  • Government — athlete tax carry tax competitive compassion declinism democrazy dollarize endism fast food zoning …   New words

  • government — late 14c., act of governing or ruling; 1550s, system by which a thing is governed (especially a state), from O.Fr. governement (Mod.Fr. gouvernement), from governer (see GOVERN (Cf. govern)). Replaced M.E. governance. Meaning governing power in a …   Etymology dictionary

  • government — [n] management, administration authority, bureaucracy, command, control, direction, domination, dominion, empire, execution, executive, governance, guidance, influence, jurisdiction, law, ministry, patronage, political practice, politics, polity …   New thesaurus

  • government — ► NOUN 1) (treated as sing. or pl. ) the governing body of a state. 2) the system by which a state or community is governed. 3) the action or manner of governing a state, organization, or people. DERIVATIVES governmental adjective …   English terms dictionary

  • government — governmental /guv euhrn men tl, euhr men /, adj. governmentally, adv. /guv euhrn meuhnt, euhr meuhnt/, n. 1. the political direction and control exercised over the actions of the members, citizens, or inhabitants of communities, societies, and… …   Universalium

  • Government — For government in linguistics, see Government (linguistics). Part of the Politics series Basic forms of government …   Wikipedia

What is the government in French?


Is Gare masculine or feminine?

Remembering the GENDER of the French word for station – gare is easier with a FEMALE CHARACTER to remind us of the gender. In French all nouns are either masculine or feminine. And it is not always easy to remember which. Hence we add a GENDER TRIGGER.

What does the word government refer to?

A government is the system or group of people governing an organised community, often a State and a country. While all types of organisations have governance, the term government is used more specifically, to refer to the approximately 200 independent national governments and those within these nations.

What is correct called in French?

C’est exact.

Who is head of government in France?

Jean CastexSince 2020.

What type of government is the US?

United States/Government.

Is Pont in French masculine or feminine?

The gender of pont is masculine. E.g. le pont.

Is train feminine in French?

The gender of train is masculine. E.g. le train.

What is the meaning of La Gare?

La gare means train station but it can have other meanings so can you give a context ? See a translation.

What is government easy language?

A government is a group of people that have the power to rule in a territory, according to the administrative law. This territory may be a country, a state or province within a country, or a region. Governments make laws, rules, and regulations, collect taxes and print money.

What is government short answer?

The word government refers to a governing body that makes decisions and gets things done for the welfare of it’s citizens.

What are the words associated with government?

Synonyms of government administration, authority, governance, jurisdiction, regime. (also régime), regimen, rule.

Is Reverso a good translator?

While Reverso boasts of being a powerful and accurate translation platform, its ease-of-use makes it suitable for beginners and professionals alike. The application is intuitively designed so that individuals can enjoy using it.

How accurate is Reverso?

Reverso Context–very useful app! It translates words (as well as phrases, although not as well) based on sentences it’s found in movie scripts and the like, so it’s actually pretty accurate on how words are used, rather than literal translation.

Is there Grammarly for French?

Have you ever asked yourself, “does Grammarly check French?” Well, the short answer to that is “no”: Grammarly is solely an English-based grammar checker.

What is the motto of France?

A legacy of the Age of Enlightenment, the motto “Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité” first appeared during the French Revolution. Although it was often called into question, it finally established itself under the Third Republic.

What Republic is France in now?

The Fifth Republic (French: Cinquième République) is France’s current republican system of government.French Fifth Republic. French Republic République Française (French) Government Unitary semi-presidential constitutional republic • President Emmanuel Macron • Prime Minister Jean Castex Legislature Parliament.

What is the name of flag of France?

The “tricolore” (three-colour) flag is an emblem of the Fifth Republic. It had its origins in the union, at the time of the French Revolution, of the colours of the King (white) and the City of Paris (blue and red). Today, the “tricolour” flies over all public buildings.

Is China a democratic country?

China is not a democracy. It is an authoritarian state which has been characterized as totalitarian surveillance state, and a dictatorship. During a visit to Europe in 2014, Chinese Communist Party general secretary Xi Jinping said that a multi-party system would not work for China.

What type of government is Russia?


What type of government is Canada?


Does Pont mean Bridge in French?

The literal translation of the French expression “faire le pont” is to “make a bridge”, but it means more to the French than that.

What is un pont?

Wiktionary: pont → bridge, deck. pont → bridge, backbend, bridge day, bridging day, deck.

How do you say bridge in other languages?

In other languages bridge Arabic: جِسْر Brazilian Portuguese: ponte. Chinese: 桥 Croatian: most. Czech: most. Danish: bro. Dutch: brug. European Spanish: puente.

What is a restaurant in French?

le restaurant (restauration; brasserie; bistro; cantine; buffet) the beanery; the eating-house; the eating house.

What is your name in French?

If you’d like to say “What is your name?” in French, you generally have two options. To pose the question formally, you’d say “Comment vous-appelez vous? Speaking informally, you can simply ask “Comment t’appelles-tu?”.

Is Bank feminine in French?

Places you go like a museum, un musée, a restaurant, un restaurant, a bank, which is une banque, or a beach, une plage, also are either masculine or feminine.

Is Hotel masculine or feminine in French?

All those contracted words with the L in front, such as l’hotel, must still be treated as femenine or masculine in French usage. For those of us who are fairly new with French, I have a suggestion. I bought Barron’s French-English dictionary.

Is college masculine or feminine in French?

collège {masculine} high school {noun} [Amer.].

What is the central government also called?

he Government of India, officially known as the Union Government, and also known as the Central Government, was established by the Constitution of India, and is the governing authority of a union of 28 states and seven union territories, collectively called the Republic of India.

What are the 3 main types of government?

The type of government a nation has can be classified as one of three main types: Democracy. Monarchy. Dictatorship.

What are the 7 forms of government?

There are 7 Types of Government Democracy. Dictatorship. Monarchy. Theocracy. Totalitarian. Republic. Anarchy.

What is a government class 6 answer?

Ans: By the word, ‘government’ we understand that the organisation which takes decisions and makes laws for the citizens of a country is the government.

What books and burials tell us?

What Books and Burials Tell Us Summary One of the oldest books in the world. How Historians study the Rigveda. Cattle, Horses and Chariots. Words to describe people. Silent sentinels – the story of the megaliths. Finding out about social differences. Were some burial spots meant for certain families.

What are the 5 words of governance?

governance administration, authority, government, jurisdiction, regime. (also régime), regimen, rule.

What is the government synonym?

In this page you can discover 95 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for government, like: administration, authority, direction, house, rule, polity, equity, political-science, command, superiority and congress.

What is the word for controlling government?

Some common synonyms of control are authority, command, dominion, jurisdiction, power, and sway. While all these words mean “the right to govern or rule or determine,” control stresses the power to direct and restrain.

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