Word good in chinese

Updated on March 18, 2017

 «Good» is 好 (hǎo) in Chinese. Although that is a common translation of 好, this Chinese character is also used in a variety of ​manners and meanings. 


The Mandarin Chinese character 好 (hǎo) consists of two radicals: 女 (nǔ) and 子 (zǐ). 女 means girl, woman, or daughter. 子 means child or son. 

Speculations as to why the combination of these two characters means «woman» include the by now outdated idea that it is good for women to have a child, that the love between a woman and a man is good, or that the manner of girls are or should be good. 


好 (hǎo) is spoken in the third tone. This implies starting the syllable at a high pitch, lowering the pitch, then raising it again. 

Multiple Meanings

Translating the English word for «good» to Chinese brings us the character, 好. However, translating 好 into English leads to a variety of different definitions. While 好 can mean «good», it can also mean nice, friendly, done, easy, fine, prefer, very, or something completely different depending on the context and other Chinese characters 好 is paired with.

Mandarin Vocabulary with Hǎo

Here are a few examples of how 好 can take on other definitions: 

你好 (nǐ hǎo) — Hello

好吃 (hǎo chī) — Tasty; delicious

好看 (hǎo kàn) — Pretty; attractive

好聽 (hǎo tīng) — Pleasant to the ear; sounds nice

好久 (hǎo jiǔ) — A while; a long time

好像 (hǎo xiàng) — Very similar; look alike

好笑 (hǎo xiào) — Funny

爱好​ (ài hào) — Hobby


1      (pleasant)   令 人 愉 快 的   [lìng rén yúkuài de]  
They had a really good time.      他 们 玩 得 很 开 心 。  

2      (high quality)  
[food, school, job]  
好 的   [hăo de]  
She speaks very good English.      她 英 语 说 得 很 好 。  

3      (well-behaved)  
[boy, girl, dog]  
乖 的   [guāi de]  
Were the kids good?      孩 子 们 乖 吗 ?  

4      (sensible)  
[idea, reason, advice]  
好 的   [hăode]  
It was a good idea to bring a torch.      带 手 电 筒 是 个 好 主 意 。  

5      (skilful)   好 的   [hăode]  
He’s a good footballer.      他 是 个 很 好 的 足 球 运 动 员 。  

6      (positive)  
[news, luck, example]  
好 的   [hăo de]  
a piece of good news      一 条 好 消 息  

7      (cheerful)  
[mood, temper]  
愉 快 的   [yúkuài de]  
She had a good time in Italy.      她 在 意 大 利 度 过 了 一 段 愉 快 的 时 光 。  
She’s in a good mood!      她 心 情 很 好 !  

8      (morally correct)   公 正 的   [gōngzhèngde]  
The president is a good man.      总 统 是 个 公 正 的 人 。  

      n   u     (right)      [shàn]  
the battle between good and evil      善 恶 之 争  
good!      好 !  
to be good at (doing) sth      精 于 ( 做 ) 某 事  
to be no good at (doing) sth      不 擅 长 ( 做 ) 某 事  
to be good for doing sth        (useful)   对 做 某 事 有 帮 助  
it’s no good doing…      做 . . . 没 有 用  
it didn’t do any good      没 什 么 用 处  
to be up to no good      不 怀 好 意  
it’s good for you        (healthy, beneficial)   对 你 有 益  
to be good to sb        (kind)   对 某 人 很 好  
He’s always been very good to me.      他 总 是 对 我 很 好 。  
to be good with people/with figures      擅 长 与 人 / 数 字 打 交 道  
to be good with one’s hands      手 很 灵 巧  
is it any good?        (will it do?)   这 行 吗 ?  
There’s no honey is sugar any good?      没 有 蜂 蜜 糖 行 吗 ?     (what’s it like?)   怎 么 样 ?  
Is her new novel any good?      她 的 新 小 说 怎 么 样 ?  
it’s good to see you      很 高 兴 见 到 你  
it’s a good thing you were there, it’s a good job you were there        (BRIT)   幸 亏 你 在 那 儿  
that’s very good of you      你 实 在 太 好 了  
would you be good enough to…?      可 不 可 以 请 您 . . . ?  
good morning/afternoon!      早 上 / 下 午 好 !  
good evening!      晚 上 好 !  
good night!        (before going home)
再 见 !,   (before going to bed)
晚 安 !  
to feel good        (happy)   感 到 高 兴  
to make good        [+damage, loss]   弥 补  
Three years was a short time in which to make good the deficiencies.      弥 补 这 些 不 足 , 3 年 的 时 间 是 很 短 的 。     (succeed)   成 功  
to take a good look      好 好 看 一 看  
a good while ago      很 久 以 前  
as good as        (almost)   几 乎 相 当 于  
for good        (forever)   永 久 地  
for the good of sb      为 了 某 人 的 利 益  
it’s for your own good      是 为 了 你 自 己 好  
to do sb good      对 某 人 有 益  
not until I’m good and ready      直 到 我 彻 底 准 备 好 时 才  

请勿将 be good for 和 be good to 混淆。若某事 be good for 某个个人或组织,即它有益于该人或组织。The policy is good for company morale. 如果某人 be good to 你,表示他对你很友好,很体贴。Phil cannot replace my dad but he has been very good to me.     

Good Friday  
      n   u   耶 稣 受 难 日 , 即 复 活 节 前 的 星 期 五   耶 稣 受 难 日 , 即 复 活 节 前 的 星 期 五  

      adj   好 看 的   [hăokàn de]  

性 情 温 和 的   [xìngqíng wēnhé de]  
和 善 的   [héshàn de]  

Translation English — Chinese Collins Dictionary  

Add your entry in the Collaborative Dictionary.

Phonetic script (Hanyu Pinyin)


Listen to pronunciation
(Mandarin = standard Chinese without accent)

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You’re listening to the natural voice of a native speaker of Mandarin Chinese.

English translations

good, kind, very

Chinese character and stroke order animation«How do I write 好 ( hăo ) correctly?»

The strokes that all Chinese characters are composed of are to be written in a certain order which has originally been defined by Chinese calligraphy. Writing all characters according to the same rules assures that their intended shape and style are generally preserved even if written by different writers.
This dictionary shows you the correct stroke order as an animation for all characters so you can learn and understand how to write the character correctly.


The traditional Chinese characters of hăo are identical with the modern (simplified) characters displayed above.

Chinese Pinyin example sentence with 好 ( hao / hăo ) Writing in Pinyin
Before using this Pinyin example sentence, consider that Chinese characters should always be your first choice in written communication.
If you cannot use Chinese characters, it is preferable to use the Pinyin with tones. Only use the Pinyin without tones if there’s no other option (e.g. writing a text message from/to a mobile phone that doesn’t support special characters such as ā, í, ŏ, ù).

Zhe feichang hao.

Zhè fēicháng hăo.
 – English translation: This is very good.

Tags and additional information
(Meaning of individual characters, character components etc.)

woman  |  child  |  It’s a good thing to have both a wife and a child.

好 ( hao / hăo ) belongs to the 100 most common Chinese characters (rank 58)

Chinese example words containing the character 好 ( hao / hăo )

爱好 ( àihào = hobby ), 不好意思 ( bùhăoyìsi = to feel embarrassed ), 好吃 ( hăochī = delicious ), 好处 ( hăochù = benefit ), 好看 ( hăokàn = good-looking ), 好了 ( hăole = It’s alright! ), 好听 ( hăotīng = euphonious ), 好像 ( hăoxiàng = to be like ), 好奇 ( hàoqí = curious ), 您好 ( nín hăo = good day ), 你好 ( nĭ hăo = hello ), 你好吗 ( nĭhăoma = how are you ), 你们好 ( nĭmenhăo = hello ), 问好 ( wènhăo = to say hello to ), 友好 ( yŏuhăo = friendly ), 正好 ( zhènghăo = just right ), 只好 ( zhĭhăo = to have to ), 最好 ( zuìhăo = best )

More words that mean good in Chinese

liáng ( 良 ), shàn ( 善 )

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But Frank- good old Frank- was too much for me.

context icon


But Frank- good old Frank- was too much for her.

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The affairs of a believer are good both in this world and the hereafter.

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The good times, the peace.

He I very good tactically.

context icon

All good nations are great nations.

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Gonna give him a good career.

context icon

He was always there with you in good times and in bad.

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The good of the family is also the good of the Church.

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Good designers recognise that not every idea is good.

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Good, clear, high resolution pictures.

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Remember forever this good moment.

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It’s a good economic cycle.

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That is on the good side.

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That ability comes from good self-control and conscientiousness.

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Ers finally get some good news.

A good book and quick read.

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Have you ever felt good and bad emotions at the same time?

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That one good person is more weighty.».

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It was good to change, but not because I wasn’t happy with Aurier.

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Make good use of the school library.

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Good days were 213 days,

occupied 58.3% in the whole year;

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Ethics is good only in real life not for business.

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Making you a good child is God ‘s highest reward.

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Making you a good child is God ‘s highest reward.

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To profit from good advice requires more wisdom than to give it.

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We are too good for this world.

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Results: 152351,
Time: 0.0397





How to pronounce «good»Synonyms of «good»«good» in a sentence«good» meaning

Translationmobile phoneMobile

  • adj.
    (better; best ) (opp. bad)
    4.技能好的,有本事的;老练的;有资格的 (at)。
    7.有效的;适当的,合适的;正当的,有利的,有益的 (for)。


    1.善,善良,美德 (opp. evil, harm)。
    3.〔the good〕 好人 (opp. the bad, the wicked)。


    = well

  • «a good» in Chinese :    相当
  • «as good as» in Chinese :    和…几乎一样, 实际上等于..; 和…一样好; 几乎(实际)已经; 几乎 …
  • «be good» in Chinese :    听话; 做个好人》
  • «be good at» in Chinese :    对…好(这是实际行动)或者是比 在…(体育,英语)方面很好; 对…… …
  • «be good for» in Chinese :    对有利; 对……有益,有效期; 对……有益;对……有好处; 对……有益的; …
  • «be good to» in Chinese :    对…好;对…很慈善; 对什么和蔼; 适于;易于;对……好
  • «be good with» in Chinese :    擅长; 善于…
  • «for good» in Chinese :    长期地,永久地; 启动地,一劳永逸地; 永久的; 永久地, 永远地, 一劳永 …
  • «for the good of» in Chinese :    为了…的好处
  • «good and» in Chinese :    非常, 完全
  • «good as» in Chinese :    跟什么什么一样好; 几乎已经
  • «good at» in Chinese :    你擅长的技能; 擅长..; 擅长于; 在.方面好,善于
  • «good for» in Chinese :    宜于; 有效,适用,胜任; 有效的;值…;胜任; 有支付…能力的; 值… …
  • «good to» in Chinese :    对…很好
  • «good will» in Chinese :    好意; 有好,善意


  • We ought to follow her good example .
  • Good secretaries are always in demand .
  • A miss is as good as a mile .
  • The change of scene will do her some good .
  • I gladly bear witness to his good character .
  • His night vision is not quite good enough .
  • Would it be good to rub my feet with snow ?
  • Mr. knightley’s air is so remarkably good .
  • So we’ll be seeing a good deal of you .
  • If you’re a good fellow you cooperate .
  • More examples:  1  2  3  4  5



  • having desirable or positive qualities especially those suitable for a thing specified; «good news from the hospital»; «a good report card»; «when she was good she was very very good»; «a good knife is one good for cutting»; «this stump will make a good picnic table»; «a good check»; «a good joke»; «a good exterior paint»; «a good secretary»; «a good dress for the office»
  • morally admirable
  • Adverb

  • (often used as a combining form) in a good or proper or satisfactory manner or to a high standard (`good» is a nonstandard dialectal variant for `well»); «the children behaved well»; «a task well done»; «the party went well»; «he slept well»; «a well-argued thesis»; «a well-seasoned dish»; «a well-planned party»; «the baby can walk pretty good»
    Synonyms: well, well,
  • completely and absolutely (`good» is sometimes used informally for `thoroughly»); «he was soundly defeated»; «we beat him good»
    Synonyms: thoroughly, soundly, thoroughly, soundly,
  • (often used as a combining form) in a good or proper or satisfactory manner or to a high standard (`good» is a nonstandard dialectal variant for `well»); «the children behaved well»; «a task well done»; «the party went well»; «he slept well»; «a well-argued thesis»; «a well-seasoned dish»; «a well-planned party»; «the baby can walk pretty good»
    Synonyms: well, well,
  • completely and absolutely (`good» is sometimes used informally for `thoroughly»); «he was soundly defeated»; «we beat him good»
    Synonyms: thoroughly, soundly, thoroughly, soundly,
  • Adjective

  • promoting or enhancing well-being; «an arms limitation agreement beneficial to all countries»; «the beneficial effects of a temperate climate»; «the experience was good for her»
    Synonyms: beneficial,
  • having the normally expected amount; «gives full measure»; «gives good measure»; «a good mile from here»
    Synonyms: full,
  • with or in a close or intimate relationship; «a good friend»; «my sisters and brothers are near and dear»
    Synonyms: dear, near,
  • thorough; «had a good workout»; «gave the house a good cleaning»
  • generally admired; «good taste»
  • exerting force or influence; «the law is effective immediately»; «a warranty good for two years»; «the law is already in effect (or in force)»
    Synonyms: effective, in effect, in force,
  • resulting favorably; «it»s a good thing that I wasn»t there»; «it is good that you stayed»; «it is well that no one saw you»; «all»s well that ends well»
    Synonyms: well,
  • not left to spoil; «the meat is still good»
    Synonyms: undecomposed, unspoiled, unspoilt,
  • not forged; «a good dollar bill»
    Synonyms: honest,
  • tending to promote physical well-being; beneficial to health; «beneficial effects of a balanced diet»; «a good night»s sleep»; «the salutary influence of pure air»
    Synonyms: salutary,
  • in excellent physical condition; «good teeth»; «I still have one good leg»; «a sound mind in a sound body»
    Synonyms: sound,
  • appealing to the mind; «good music»; «a serious book»
    Synonyms: serious,
  • agreeable or pleasing; «we all had a good time»; «good manners»
  • most suitable or right for a particular purpose; «a good time to plant tomatoes»; «the right time to act»; «the time is ripe for great sociological changes»
    Synonyms: right, ripe,
  • capable of pleasing; «good looks»
  • deserving of esteem and respect; «all respectable companies give guarantees»; «ruined the family»s good name»
    Synonyms: estimable, honorable, respectable,
  • of moral excellence; «a genuinely good person»; «a just cause»; «an upright and respectable man»
    Synonyms: just, upright,
  • having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude; «adept in handicrafts»; «an adept juggler»; «an expert job»; «a good mechanic»; «a practiced marksman»; «a proficient engineer»; «a lesser-known but no less skillful composer»; «the effect was achieved by skillful retouching»
    Synonyms: adept, expert, practiced, proficient, skillful, skilful,
  • financially sound; «a good investment»; «a secure investment»
    Synonyms: dependable, safe, secure,
  • Noun

  • articles of commerce
    Synonyms: commodity, trade good,
  • moral excellence or admirableness; «there is much good to be found in people»
    Synonyms: goodness,
  • that which is pleasing or valuable or useful; «weigh the good against the bad»; «among the highest goods of all are happiness and self-realization»
    Synonyms: goodness,
  • benefit; «for your own good»; «what»s the good of worrying?»

Other Languages

  • «good» meaning: — Noun: good    gûd Benefit «f…
  • «good» meaning in Japanese: 1good n. 善, 善事; 幸福, 利益; よい部分; 善人. 【動詞+】 ◆He was able to ac…
  • «good» meaning in Korean: noun, 좋은, 잘된, 훌륭한, 행복한, 아름다운, 선량한, 예의바른, 현명한, 친절한, 관대한, 능숙…
  • «good» meaning in Russian: 1) добро, благо Ex: good and evil добро и зло Ex: to do sm…
  • «good» meaning in Arabic: adj. كريم, جيد, خير, طيب, صالح, لذيذ, ممتع
  • «good» meaning in French: n. utilité, bénéfice; le bon; faveur; marchandise adj. …


«goochcrucible» in Chinese,   «goochfilter» in Chinese,   «goochi» in Chinese,   «goochland» in Chinese,   «goock» in Chinese,   «good in english reading and writing» in Chinese,   «good , firm bond» in Chinese,   «good ability of reporting» in Chinese,   «good about myself» in Chinese,   


What is the meaning of good in Chinese and how to say good in Chinese? good Chinese meaning, good的中文,good的中文,good的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.

chinese adjectives

Last updated:

September 9, 2022

Without adjectives, you won’t be able to describe anything.

When you’re learning Chinese, you’ll find it insanely difficult to communicate when simple, key adjectives are missing from your vocabulary.

So today, I’m here to teach you 50 of the most common Chinese adjectives you’ll hear (and use) all day every day.

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1. 漂亮 (piào liang) — pretty

Like in English, Chinese has several ways to express that you find someone or something pleasing to the eyes. One of the most common choices is 漂亮.


wǒ de mā ma hěn piào liang

My mom is so pretty.

2. 好 (hǎo) — good

好 can be used the same way the words “good” or “well” are used in English.

While 好 can be used by Chinese speaker to describe positive experiences, feelings, or things, it’s also commonly used in conjunction with other words to make new, logical meanings..

For example, you might recognize it from likely the first phrase you ever learned in Chinese: 你 (nǐ hǎo). You already know this means “hello,” but it literally translates to “you good.” Interesting how language works, right?


tā chàng gē chàng de fēi cháng hǎo

He sings very good/well.

3. 不好 / 坏 (bù hǎo / huài) — bad

Saying “bad” is quite simple in Mandarin—just say “not good!”

Or, opt for the word 坏.


jīn tiān de tiān qì kàn qǐ lái bù hǎo

Today’s weather looks bad.


tā de pí qì hěn huài 

Her temper is very bad.

4. 美 (měi) — beautiful

Remember how we talked about the multiple ways to express attractiveness or beauty? Here’s another! Except, 美 is a bit stronger than 漂亮, similar to how “beautiful” is stronger than “pretty” in English.


zhè li de huán jìng zhēn měi

The environment here is really beautiful.

5. 大 (dà) — big

To remember this Chinese word, many learners imagine the character as a stick figure holding his arms out to say, “It was this big!”


nà ge shì zuì dà de

That one is the biggest.

6. 小 (xiǎo) — small

As with 好, Chinese speakers use 小 to make many related words. For example, the word “snack” is 小吃 (xiǎo chī), which literally means “small eat.”


wǒ de qún zi tài xiǎo le

My dress is too small.

7. 胖 (pàng) — fat

This Chinese adjective might become useful after the holidays, like when you’ve eaten one too many 月饼 (yuè bǐng — moon cakes) during 中秋节 (zhōng qiū jié — Mid Autumn Festival).


wǒ de xiǎo gǒu hěn pàng 

My puppy is fat.

8. 瘦 (shòu) — skinny/thin

The opposite of 胖 is 瘦. When I first learned this word, I remembered it by thinking “if you want your muscles to 瘦 (shòu), you need to be thin.” Scientific truthfulness aside, it’s an easy mnemonic that worked for me.


nǐ yīng gāi duō chī yì diǎn, nǐ tài shòu le!

You should eat a bit more, you’re too skinny!

9. 高 (gāo) — tall

The Mandarin word for “tall” is 高, which looks like a tall building. It even has a roof on top!


wǒ de nán péng you hěn gāo

My boyfriend is very tall.

10. 矮 (ǎi) — short (in height)


wǒ bǐ tā ǎi

I’m shorter than her.

11. 长 (cháng) — long

In Chinese, there are two ways to say “long,” but they have slightly different meanings. This one, 长 (cháng), refers to length. The other word, 久 (jiǔ), refers to time.


wǒ bǐ jiào xǐ huān cháng tóu fa de nǚ shēng

I prefer girls with long hair.

12. 短 (duǎn) — short (in length)

Similar to the last adjective, 短 means “short” and refers to length while the adjective 矮 refers to height, as we learned earlier.


wǒ meì mei de tóu fa hěn duǎn

My little sister’s hair is very short.

13. 忙 (máng) — busy

Chinese speakers use also use this as a way to say “what’s up?” or “what have you been up to lately?”


nǐ zuì jìn máng shén me?

What’s up? / What have you been up to lately?


jīn tiān tài máng le, wǒ méi yǒu kòng

Today is too busy, I don’t have free time.

14. 累 (lèi) — tired

I don’t know about you, but when I’m really tired, all I want to do is 累 (lèi) down.


tā zuó tiān gōng zuò dào hěn wǎn, suǒ yǐ jīn tiān jué de hěn leì

He worked late yesterday, so today (he) feels very tired.

15. 多 (duō) — many, a lot

(duō) is a powerful, multifaceted little word. It can be used as an adjective, a quantity and a question word. You’ve probably heard it in phrases like “多少钱 (duō shǎo qián) — How much does it cost?” and “多长时间 (duō cháng shí jiān) — How long?”.

But you can also use it when you want to say there’s a lot (or too much) of something, like in the example sentence below.


rén tài duō le, wǒ kàn bù qīng chu

There are too many people, I can’t see clearly.

16. 少 (shǎo) — few

Like 多, 少 has a myriad of uses, making it a handy adjective to know. You can use it in combination with 多 to ask questions—like how much something costs (多少钱 — duō shǎo qián)—or to say there isn’t a lot or enough of something.


wǒ de qián tài shǎo le, wǒ mǎi bù qǐ

I have too little money, I can’t afford it.

17. 可爱 (kě ài) — cute

可 comes from the word 可以 (kě yǐ — can) and 爱 (ài) means “love,” so if you translate it part-by-part, this adjective means “can love.”


suǒ yǒu de xiǎo gǎo dōu hěn kě ài!

All puppies are cute!

18. 好吃 (hǎo chī) — delicious

Remember how I said 好 can be combined with other words to make new adjectives? Well, this is one of them. 好吃 literally means “good eat.”


nà ge cān tīng de fàn hěn hǎo chī

That restaurant’s food is delicious.

19. 难吃 (nán chī) — not delicious

(nán) means “hard” or “difficult,” so to say something doesn’t taste good, all you need to say is that it’s literally “hard to eat” with the word 难吃!


wǒ zuò de fàn hěn nán chī

The food I cooked is very awful.

20. 好玩 (hǎo wán) — fun

Another 好 combination, the word for “fun” in Chinese literally means “good play.”


tā shì gè hěn hǎo wán de rén

He is a fun person.

21. 有趣 (yǒu qù) — interesting, funny

There are two ways to say “interesting” in Mandarin: 有趣 and 有意思 (yǒu yì si). Textbooks usually teach 有意思 first, but in my opinion, you’re better off getting comfortable with 有趣.

Why? For one, it means both interesting and funny. Kill two birds with one stone by learning one word with two useful meanings.

And second, 有趣 just seems (in my personal experience) to be used more often by native speakers.


duì wǒ lái shuō, lì shǐ shì zuì yǒu qù de kē mù 

To me, history is the most interesting subject.

22. 无聊 (wú liáo) — boring, bored

Like many adjectives, 无聊 can be used to say that something/someone is boring or someone/something is bored. For example:


wǒ bú tài xǐ huān nà ge diàn shì jù. yīn wèi tā tài wú liáo le

I don’t really like that TV show, because it is too boring.


wǒ zài jiā dāi le yì zhěng tiān, gǎn jué hěn wú liáo 

I stayed at home the whole day (and I) feel very bored.

23. 快 (kuài) — fast

I wish I had a clever mnemonic or interesting fact for this adjective, but the best I have is that 快 sounds similar to “quick.”


tā pǎo bù pǎo de nà me kuài a! 

He runs so fast!

24. 慢 (màn) — slow

I know several people whose pet peeve is a 慢 (màn) walking or driving too slow.


qǐng shuō màn yì diǎn

Please speak slower.

25. 容易 (róng yì) — easy


zhōng wén bǐ yīng wén róng yì

Chinese is easier than English.

26. 难 (nán) — hard

First introduced with the adjective 难吃, 难 (nán) means “hard” or “difficult.”


nǐ jué de xué zhōng wén nán ma? 

Do you think learning Chinese is hard? / Do you find it difficult to learn Chinese?

27. 新 (xīn) — new

To me, 新 (xīn) kind of sounds like “shiny.” So when I hear it, I think of shiny new things.


zhè shì wǒ de xīn chē

This is my new car.

28. 老 (lǎo) — old

Another multi-use word, 老 can describe someone or something’s age, but is also used in conjunction with other words to create new meanings (especially when denoting authority or superiority in status).

Take words like 老师 (lǎo shī — teacher) , 老公 (lǎo gōng — husband) and 老板 (lǎo bǎn — boss) as examples of this.


wǒ hěn xǐ huan lǎo fáng zi

I really like old houses.

29. 聪明 (cōng míng) — smart

(míng), the last part of 聪明, literally means “bright.” This is helpful since “bright” can be used in English to mean smart or clever.


wǒ de nǚ ér hěn cōng míng

My daughter is smart.

30. 远 (yuǎn) — far

This word is easy to mix up with 元 (yuán), the Chinese currency. Just remember that 远 (yuǎn) has a third tone instead of a second!

You can remember this by imagining the dip in the third tone represents a valley, and the other side is far away.


nǐ jiā lí wǒ de bàn gōng shì hěn yuǎn

Your home/house is far from my office.

31. 近 (jìn) — close

The opposite of 远 is 近. Try using the mnemonic “Jean is close” to remember this one!


wǒ zhù de hěn jìn

I live close by.

32. 便宜 (pián yi) — cheap

This adjective is one we all find useful! No matter how much 钱 (qián — money) you have, I’m willing to bet everyone here is a sucker for great deals.


zhè ge shāng diàn yǒu hěn duō pián yi de yī fu

This shop has a lot of cheap clothes.

33. 贵 (guì) — expensive

No matter how much haggling you might do, some things will just always be expensive. In this case, you might want to tell the shop owner or the street vendor that the item you’re looking at is just a tad over budget.


zhè jiàn máo yī tài guì le

This sweater is too expensive.

34. 快乐 (kuài lè) — happy

快乐 is helpful for describing emotions, but it’s also the word you use to wish someone a happy holiday—like in the phrase, 新年快乐!(xīn nián kuài lè!) — Happy New Year!


tā jué de zì jǐ hěn kuài lè

She thinks she is very happy.

35. 伤心 (shāng xīn) — sad

伤心 literally means “hurt heart.” Good luck trying to convince me there’s a more perfect way to describe sadness.


zhè shì yí bù lìng rén shāng xīn de diàn yǐng

This is a movie that is breaking people’s heart/This is a sad movie.

36. 有名 (yǒu míng) — famous

Hopefully, by now you’re starting to see that Chinese words have a lot of sense behind them. This one is no different. The word “famous” is 有名, which literally means “has name.”


wǒ de péng yǒu hěn yǒu míng

My friend is famous.

37. 内向 (nèi xiàng) — introverted

The word 内 (nèi) means “inside, within,” and 向 (xiàng) means “orientation, direction.” So to say someone is introverted is like saying they’re inner-oriented. That sounds much cooler than our English version if you ask me!


tā fēi cháng nèi xiàng, bù xǐ huān hé rén liáo tiān

She’s very introverted and doesn’t like to chat with people.

38. 外向 (wài xiàng) — extroverted/outgoing

After learning 内向, you could probably guess what this adjective means just by looking at it. It means extroverted, which makes perfect sense once you realize that 外 (wài) means “outside.”


wǒ de péng you hěn xǐ huān jù huì, yīn wèi tā shì gè wài xiàng de rén

My friend likes to party because he is an extroverted/outgoing person.

39. 热 (rè) — hot

All it takes to remember this Chinese adjective is thinking of the English phrase red-hot.


zuó tiān wǎn shàng tài rè le, wǒ shuì bù zháo jiào

Last night was too hot, I couldn’t fall asleep.

40. 冷 (lěng) — cold

How should you remember this word? Breathing in cold air can make your 冷 (lěng)s hurt.


wǒ xiàn zài hěn lěng, yīn wèi wǒ méi yǒu chuān máo yī

I’m cold now because I don’t wear a sweater.

41. 努力 (nǔ lì) — hard working

By itself, 力 (lì) means “force” or “power.” When combined with 努 (nǔ), it becomes “hard-working”.

努力 is paired with a verb and depending on context, it can mean either to “do something hard” or “do something with effort.”

In the first example sentence, 努力 is used with the verb 学 (xué) to mean “study hard.” In the second, it’s simply used as an adjective to describe someone’s character.


wǒ mā ma gào sù wǒ, rú guǒ nǐ xiǎng zhǎo yí fèn hǎo gōng zuò, nǐ jiù xū yào nǔ lì xué xí

My mom told me, if you want to find a good job, you need to study hard.


wǒ xiǎng zhǎo yí gè hěn nǔ lì de nán péng yǒu

I want to find a hard-working boyfriend.

42. 懒 (lǎn) — lazy

This word might come in handy on the weekends when your friends want to go out but all you want to do is stay home to have a movie marathon on the couch.


wǒ yí dào wǎn shàng jiù biàn de hěn lǎn

When the evening comes, I become lazy/I become lazy at night.

43. 帅 (shuài) — handsome

You might hear this word in the phrase 帅哥美女 (shuài gē měi nǚ), which is used to describe a good-looking group of young people and literally means “handsome man beautiful woman.”

Even more common is just 帅哥 (shuài gē) by itself, which you’ll hear a lot if you fancy Chinese dramas. This is like the Chinese version of the Korean “oppa.” But in English, we’d usually just say “handsome/cute boy” or “a lady’s man.”


wǒ de nán péng you yòu cōng míng yòu shuài

My boyfriend is both smart and handsome.

44. 好看 (hǎo kàn) — good-looking

And here we have another 好 combination adjective! Since the word 看 (kàn) can mean “see, look, read or watch,” 好看 can be used the same way. Check out the examples to see how agile this adjective is.


nǐ chuān zhè ge cháng qún hǎo kàn 

You look good in this dress.


zhè běn shū hěn hǎo kàn

This book is a good read.


zhè bù diàn yǐng hěn hǎo kàn

This movie is a good watch.

45. 难看 (nán kàn) — bad-looking, ugly

Remember how 难吃 (not delicious) literally meant “hard to eat?” Well, bad-looking in Chinese is literally “hard to look at”: 难看.


nà ge yán sè hěn nán kàn

That color is ugly.

46. 甜 (tián) — sweet


zhè ge dàn gāo tài tián le

This cake is too sweet.

47. 辣 (là) — spicy, hot

Spicy is one of those flavors you either love or hate. Either way, you’ll be using this word a lot when talking about food, especially if you visit 四川省 (sì chuān shěng) — Sichuan Province, which has long been known for its spicy cuisine.


wǒ bú tài néng chī là de dōng xi

I can’t eat spicy things that much.

48. 酸 (suān) — sour

In my opinion, 酸 is the perfect pronunciation for a word that means “sour.” When your lips pucker up from sourness, repeating “suān” is a fool-proof way to straighten them back out.


nǐ xǐ huan tián de shí wù hái shì suān de shí wù?

Do you like sweet or sour food?

49. 干净 (gān jìng) — clean

干净 is both an adjective and a verb (meaning “to clean”)!


nǐ de fáng jiān bǐ wǒ de fáng jiān gān jìng 

Your room is cleaner than mine.

50. 脏 (zāng) — dirty

Last but not least, we have the opposite of 干净.


wǒ dì di de yī fu zǒng shì hěn zāng

My little brother’s clothes are always dirty.

Chinese adjectives are the perfect tools for adding flavor to your speech, sounding more like a native and getting one step closer to fluency.

While there are many more out there, learning these 50 will give you the solid foundation you need to memorize others.

I can almost guarantee that once you immerse yourself in Chinese—whether through travel or online Chinese media—you’ll hear these words 25/8!

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