Word going in spanish

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I’m digging the whole Erykah Badu thing you got going.

Estoy cavando la totalidad Erykah Badu lo que se puso en marcha.

Everything is going great, and suddenly the sky falls in.

Todo iba genial y de repente se le cae el cielo encima.

I’m not going anywhere until I hear this from her.

Yo no voy a ninguna parte hasta que oigo esto desde ella.

Rodney and I are going fishing on the mainland this afternoon.

Rodney y yo vamos a ir a pescar al continente esta tarde.

That’s kind of what I was going for, so…

Eso es algo de lo que me iba para, así que…

You know how I hate going for things from the chemist.

Vd. sabe cuánto odio ir a buscar cosas a la botica.

Heights are not my favourite thing and we’re going higher.

Las alturas no me apasionan, y vamos cada vez más alto.

I left an excellent set of prints both going and returning.

Dejé un excelente grupo de pisadas de ida… y de vuelta.

The guy can’t get two words out without going flush.

El hombre no puede obtener dos palabras cabo sin ir al ras.

It was yesterday morning, she was going shopping as usual…

Fue ayer por la mañana, ella iba de compras como siempre…

It’s okay, since our love is not going anywhere.

Está todo bien, si lo nuestro no va a ningún sitio.

We are not going anywhere until you show me the spell.

No vamos a ningún sitio hasta que no me enseñes el hechizo.

If my brother doesn’t go, I’m not going.

Si mi hermano no puede ir al pueblo, yo no voy.

Simone isn’t going anywhere, it’s a school night.

Simone no va a ninguna parte, está en la escuela nocturna.

By mistake I boarded a train going in the opposite direction.

Por error yo abordé un tren que iba en la dirección opuesta.

I wasn’t even planning going swimming, I lay out.

Ni siquiera estaba planeando ir a nadar, me acosté a cabo.

Most people said that their parents had stopped them from going.

La mayoría de ellos dijeron que sus padres les habían impedido ir.

Because this piece is going in the magazine under your name.

Porque este artículo va a publicarse en la revista bajo tu nombre.

The difference between genders, time going in only one direction…

La diferencia entre géneros, el tiempo yendo en una sola dirección…

He must have been going after a specific person or people.

Que debe haber ido tras una persona o grupo de personas específico.

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A noun is a word referring to a person, animal, place, thing, feeling or idea (e.g. man, dog, house).


1. (departure)

a. la partida

(f) means that a noun is feminine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol).


Her going signaled the end of an era in the company.Su partida marcó el fin de una época en la empresa.

b. la marcha

(f) means that a noun is feminine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol).


The evil stepmother’s going was a cause for celebration.La marcha de la malvada madrastra fue causa de celebración.

2. (condition of a path)

a. el camino

(m) means that a noun is masculine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol).


The snow made the going up the mountain difficult.La nieve hizo que el camino a la cima de la montaña fuera difícil.

b. la pista

(f) means that a noun is feminine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol).



The horse race was canceled because the going was muddy.La carrera de caballos se canceló porque la pista era un lodazal.

3. (progress)


This refers to an idiomatic word or phrase for which there is no word-for-word translation.

no direct translation

I’m working on a project that is very slow going.Estoy trabajando en un proyecto que avanza muy lentamente.

The surgery was good going, and the patient is recovering well.La operación fue rápida y el paciente se está recuperando bien.

An adjective is a word that describes a noun (e.g. the big dog).


4. (current)


This refers to an idiomatic word or phrase for which there is no word-for-word translation.

no direct translation

I refuse to pay more than the going price.Rehuso pagar más del precio corriente.

What’s the going rate for a one-bedroom apartment in the city?¿Cuánto cuesta ahora un apartamento de una habitación en la ciudad?

5. (in operation)

a. en marcha

The bookstore continues to be a going business, even in the digital age.La librería sigue siendo un negocio en marcha, aun en la época digital.

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A noun is a word referring to a person, animal, place, thing, feeling or idea (e.g. man, dog, house).


1. (progress)


that’s very good going!¡es un buen ritmo!

it’s slow goinges muy trabajoso(a)

2. (condition of path)

a. el camino

(m) means that a noun is masculine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol).


3. (in horseracing)

a. el terreno

(m) means that a noun is masculine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol).


5. (fig)


to get out while the going is goodretirarse mientras las cosas van bien

An adjective is a word that describes a noun (e.g. the big dog).


6. (functioning)


a going concernun negocio en marcha y rentable

7. (current)


the going price or ratela tasa or el precio vigente

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going [ˈɡəʊɪŋ]


1 (departure) salida (f); partida (f)

2 (progress)

it was slow going se avanzaba a paso lento; good going! ¡bien hecho!; that was good going eso fue muy rápido; the climb was hard going la subida fue muy dura

Climbing the mountain proved hard going

the meeting was hard going en la reunión se complicaron bastante las cosas

Although the talks had been hard going at the start, they had become more friendly Finding your mortgage hard going? How about asking your building society for a lower interest rate?

the book was heavy going la lectura del libro resultó pesada; it’s heavy going talking to her es pesado hablar con ella

3 (state of surface etc) estado (m) del camino; (Horse Racing) etc estado (m) de la pista

let’s cross while the going is good aprovechemos para cruzar; we made money while the going was good mientras las condiciones eran favorables ganábamos dinero


1 (thriving) [+business, concern] establecido

2 (current) [+price, rate] corriente

3 (available)

the best one going el mejor que hay

Collins Complete Spanish Electronic Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers 2011


Where are you going?

¿A dónde vas?

¿A dónde van?

I am going


How is it going?

¿Qué tal?

we are going to

vamos a

I am going to sleep

voy a dormir

what are you going to do

qué vas a hacer

How’s it going?

¿Cómo te va?

how’s it going

cómo te va

how is your day going

qué tal tu día

I’m going to

voy a

voy para

are you going


What’s going on?

¿Qué pasa?

¿Qué está pasando?

where are we going

adónde vamos

keep going


sigue adelante

I am going home

me voy a casa

what is going on

qué está pasando

lo que está pasando

they are going


I’m going


me voy

I am going to eat

voy a comer

I am going to school

voy a la escuela

estoy yendo a la escuela

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Let’s keep bingo going strong, everyone!

How’s this Olympics thing going then?

Free online going out with us.

What have you tried going without?

But it’s going nowhere, for me.

Red daggers going into red hearts.

Going pretty well though, nearly finished!

That’s your better option going forward.

Then get going and have fun.

Andrews thought about going into law.

‘going’ tiene referencia cruzada con ‘go’. Se encuentra en una o más de las líneas abajo.‘going’ is cross-referenced with ‘go’. It is in one or more of the lines below.

Principal Translations Inglés Español going adj (current, prevalent) normal adj mf   That’s much higher than the going price.   Eso es mucho más que el precio normal. going adj (active, alive) activo/a adj   Even after ninety years, the old man was still going.   Aun después de noventa años, el viejo seguía activo. going adj (operating successfully) activo/a adj Note: «Going» in this sense often modifies other words related to business, such as «company» and «concern.»   Her advertising company is still a going business.   Su compañía de publicidad todavía es un negocio activo.
Additional Translations Inglés Español going n (departure) partida, marcha nf   His going will leave the department with a big pair of shoes to fill.   Su partida (or: marcha) dejará al departamento con una vacante difícil de llenar. going n (trail or route conditions) condiciones del camino nfpl + loc adj    (formal) viabilidad nf   The going’s good as far as the river, then it gets heavy.   Las condiciones del camino son buenas hasta el río; después se ponen difíciles. the going n informal (progress) (informal) las cosas loc nom fpl     la situación loc nom f   If the going gets tough at work, ask for help.   Si las cosas se ponen difíciles en el trabajo, pide ayuda.
Principal Translations Inglés Español go⇒ vi (leave, depart) irse v prnl    (formal) partir⇒ vi   You’d better go. It’s getting late.   Es mejor que te vayas. Se está haciendo tarde. go to [sth] vi + prep (proceed to, head for) ir a vi + prep     ir para vi + prep   I’m going to London this summer.   Anne went to Italy for her holiday last year.   Robert goes to the market every Saturday morning.   Voy a Londres este verano. // Ana fue a Italia de vacaciones el año pasado. // Roberto va al mercado todos los domingos por la mañana. go vi (move along, advance) ir vi     circular⇒ vi   The train was going at top speed. Electricity goes along wires.   El tren iba a la velocidad máxima.   La electricidad circula por los cables. go vi (extend) llegar⇒ vi    (formal) extenderse⇒ v prnl   Our property goes all the way down to the river.   Nuestra propiedad llega hasta el río. go to [sth] vi + prep (lead to) ir a vi + prep     llevar a vi + prep     conducir a vi + prep    (informal) dar a vi + prep   These stairs go to the attic.   Estas escaleras van al ático. go vi (with adverb: turn out, pass) salir⇒ vi     resultar⇒ vi     quedar⇒ vi   The wedding went very well, thank you.   La boda salió muy bien, gracias. go vi (with adjective: become) volverse⇒ v prnl   I think I’m going crazy.   Creo que me estoy volviendo loco. go vi (with adjective: act in a given way) volverse⇒ v prnl   They went crazy when they heard the news.   Se volvieron locos cuando escucharon la noticia. be going to do [sth] v aux (future) (futuro) ir a [+ infinitivo] loc verb   Jake is going to clean the bathroom later.   Jake va a limpiar el baño más tarde.
Additional Translations Inglés Español go adj informal (ready) listo/a adj     a punto loc adv   All systems are go.   Todos los sistemas están listos.   Todos los sistemas están a punto. go interj (cheering on a team, participant) vamos interj     ánimo interj   The fans were shouting «Go Steelers!»   Los fans gritaban «¡Vamos, Steelers!». go n colloquial (energy) brío nm    (ES) nervio nm     impulso nm   She’s sure got a lot of go.   Ella tiene mucho brío.   Ella tiene mucho nervio. go n informal (try) intento nm     intentar⇒, probar⇒ vtr   Can I have a go?   ¿Puedo hacer un intento? go n informal (turn) turno nm    (ES) vez nf   It’s your go. Here are the dice.   Es tu turno. Toma los dados. go,
n often capitalized (board game) Go n propio m   Go is played with black and white counters on a wooden board. go to do [sth] v expr (make a move to do) ir a hacer algo loc verb   Jake went to brush a stray hair from Leah’s cheek, but at that moment she turned away.   Jake fue a sacar un pelo de la mejilla de Leah, pero ella justo se dio vuelta. go⇒ vi (function, perform) funcionar⇒ vi     andar⇒ vi   This fan won’t go.   El ventilador no funciona. go vi (time: pass) pasar⇒ vi     irse vi   Weekends go really fast.   Los fines de semana pasan muy rápido. go vi (tend to be) atañer⇒ vi     concernir⇒ vi   As exams go, that wasn’t too bad.   En lo que a exámenes atañe, ese no estuvo tan mal. go vi (be sold) vender⇒ vtr    (informal) irse v prnl   The rare book will go quickly at auction.   El libro raro se venderá rápidamente en la subasta. go vi (pass, fit, enter) pasar⇒ vi     entrar⇒ vi     caber⇒ vi   The couch just won’t go through the door.   El sofá sencillamente no pasa por la puerta. go vi informal, euphemism (relieve yourself) ir al baño vi + loc adv     usar el baño loc verb   Excuse me. I’ve got to go. Is there a bathroom near here?   Discúlpeme. Tengo que ir al baño. ¿Hay un baño por aquí cerca? go vi (perform an action) hacer⇒ vi   Go like this with your hands.   Haz así con tus manos. go vi (be valid) hacerse⇒ v prnl   Whatever Mike says, goes.   Lo que diga Mike se hace. go vi informal (say) (coloquial) rezar⇒, decir⇒ vi   Boys will be boys, as the saying goes.   Los muchachos siempre serán muchachos, según reza (or: dice) el refrán. go vi euphemism (die) morir⇒ vi    (figurado) irse v prnl   He went just after midnight, with his wife at his side.   Murió justo después de media noche, con su esposa a su lado. go vi informal (give way, collapse) ceder⇒ vi   There was so much snow the roof went.   Había tanta nieve que el techo cedió. go vi informal (stop working) (figurado) morir⇒ vi   The car engine went, so we had to walk home.   El motor del auto murió así que tuvimos que caminar a casa. go to [sth],
go on [sth]
vi + prep (be allotted) destinarse a v prnl + prep    (informal) irse en v prnl + prep   A quarter of their income goes to food.   Una cuarta parte de sus ingresos se destina a comida.   Una cuarta parte de sus ingresos se va en comida. go to [sb] vi + prep (pass to [sb] in a will) pasar a vi + prep   His house went to the elder son, its contents to the younger.   Su casa pasó a su hijo mayor y el contenido, al menor. go into [sth] vi + prep (number: be divisor of) (coloquial) caber en vi + prep     ser divisible entre, ser divisible por v cop + loc adj     ser múltiplo de v cop + loc adj     dividir a vtr + prep   How many times does six go into eighty-four?   ¿Ochenta y cuatro cabe en seis?   ¿Ochenta y cuatro es divisible entre (or: es divisible por) seis?   ¿Ochenta y cuatro es múltiplo de seis?   ¿Seis divide a ochenta y cuatro? go to [sb/sth] vi + prep (be awarded to) ir para vi + prep     ser para, ser de v cop + prep   And the Oscar goes to Steve McQueen!   ¡Y el Óscar va para Steve McQueen! go to [sth] vi phrasal (resort: to [sth]) hacer⇒ vtr   They went to great effort to get here on time.   Hicieron un gran esfuerzo para llegar aquí a tiempo. go to [sb] vtr phrasal insep figurative (consult, ask a favor of) recurrir a vi + prep     ir con vi + prep   When I need advice, I go to my rabbi.   Cuando necesito consejo, recurro a mi rabino.
Compound Forms:
going | go Inglés Español continual coming and going n (movement: many people) continuo ir y venir adj + loc nom m   The continual coming and going of library visitors made it impossible for me to concentrate.     flujo constante de personas nm + loc adj     ir y venir constante loc nom m + adj continual coming and going n (movement: one person) el ir y venir de loc nom m easygoing (US),
easy-going (UK)
adj ([sb], personality: relaxed) fácil de tratar loc adj     de buen trato loc adj     de trato fácil loc adj   I love being with her because she’s a nice easy-going girl.   Me encanta estar con ella porque es una chica amable y fácil de tratar.    (persona) suelto/a adj     relajado/a adj   Me encanta estar con ella porque es una chica amable y suelta. get going v expr informal (leave now) salir⇒ vi     ponerse en marcha v prnl + loc adv   If we don’t get going soon, we’ll be late.   Si no salimos pronto, llegaremos tarde.   Si no nos ponemos en marcha pronto, llegaremos tarde. get going v expr informal (start) empezar⇒, comenzar⇒ vi   The campaign got going in 1983.   La campaña empezó en 1983, get going on [sth],
get going with [sth]
v expr informal (start [sth](con verbo infinitivo) empezar a vtr + prep    (con sustantivo) empezar⇒ vtr    (coloquial) arrancar a vtr + prep   The chef got going with peeling the vegetables.   El chef empezó a pelar as verduras.   Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. La empleada empezó el inventario. be going nowhere v expr figurative, informal (person: be aimless, unsuccessful) (figurado, coloquial) no ir para ningún lado loc verb     no caminar loc verb     no comerse un rosco loc verb going away expr (by a wide margin) encabezar con un amplio margen loc verb going concern n (viable business) empresa solvente nf + adj mf     empresa en marcha nf + loc adj   The business had been taken over as a going concern.   Han absorbido el negocio al tratarse de una empresa solvente. going forward adv jargon (in the future) de ahora en adelante loc adv     a partir de ahora loc adv     en el futuro loc adv   Going forward, we really need to change how we do business.   De ahora en adelante, tenemos que cambiar nuestra forma de hacer negocios. going on prep informal (approaching: a given age) (edad) sobre los loc prep   Tom always refuses to disclose his age, but he must be going on seventy.   Tom siempre se rehúsa a revelar su edad, pero debe estar sobre los setenta.     para cumplir, por cumplir loc prep   Tom siempre se rehúsa a revelar su edad, pero debe estar para cumplir los setenta. going on for prep informal (almost, approaching) ir por vi + prep     llegando a loc verb   The couple have been married going on for thirty years.   La pareja va por los treinta años de casados. going out n (doing [sth] entertaining outside home) salir⇒ vi   Going out is more expensive than staying in.   Salir es más caro que quedarse en casa. going-out adj (for entertainment outside home) (informal) de salir loc adj     para salir loc adj   Beatrice wants to buy a going-out dress for the party.   Beatriz quiere comprar un vestido de salir para la fiesta. going price n (current average cost) precio corriente nm + adj     valor de mercado nm + loc adj going rate n (current usual cost) precio vigente nm + adj mf     tarifa actual nf + adj mf be going strong v expr informal (effort, entity: continuing successfully) seguir teniendo éxito loc verb be going strong v expr informal (person: still healthy, vigorous) seguir teniendo buena salud loc verb going-over n (inspection) inspección nf going-over n (verbal attack) ataque verbal loc nom m going-over n (cleaning) limpieza nf     repaso nm going-over n (physical beating) paliza nf hard going n informal ([sth] difficult or strenuous) trabajoso/a, arduo/a, penoso/a adj   The climb was hard going, but the view from the top was magificent.   La subida era trabajosa, pero la vista desde la cumbre ere magnífica. have [sth] going for you v expr informal (have as an asset) tener algo a favor loc verb heavy going,
adj (laborious, dull) pesado/a adj     denso/a adj I am going,
I’m going
interj (I am about to leave) voy interj     estoy yendo loc interj Note: «I’m going» is usually used in speech and informal writing. «I am going» may be used for emphasis to express determination.   I know I’m late for lunch. I am going now!   Ya sé que estoy llegando tarde al almuerzo, ¡ahora voy! ingoing,
adj (coming in, on its way in) que entra loc adj     entrante adj mf   The in-going plane was just arriving at the airport.   El avión entrante justo va llegando al aeropuerto. it was easy going expr UK (task went smoothly) ser fácil loc verb     no ser para tanto loc verb   Although the professor said that we would struggle with the translation, it was easy going for our group.   A pesar de que el profesor nos dijo que tendríamos problemas con la traducción, fue muy fácil para nuestro grupo. keep going v expr (persist, continue) no detenerse, no parar loc verb     continuar⇒, seguir⇒ vi     seguir adelante vi + adv   Keep going, you’re almost to the top of the hill.   No te detengas (or: no pares): ya queda poco para llegar a la cima. Nice going! interj slang (well done) ¡qué bien! loc interj   Nice going, John, you really did a great job with that paint.   ¡Qué bien, Juan, hiciste un gran trabajo con esa pintura.     ¡buen trabajo! loc interj   ¡Buen trabajo, Juan! Hiciste una gran obra con esa pintura. Nice going. interj slang, ironic (badly done) (irónico) muy bien, qué bien loc interj   Nice going, you idiot; you spilled coffee all over me.   Muy bien, idiota, me tiraste todo el café encima. ocean-going,
also US: oceangoing
adj (ship: for sailing at sea) oceánico/a adj     transatlántico/a adj still be going,
be still going
v expr (person, animal: continue to be alive) seguir vivo loc verb   Even after ninety years, the old man was still going. still be going,
be still going
v expr ([sth]: continue to be open or active) seguir abierto loc verb     seguir existiendo loc verb   The newsagent’s on the corner of my street is still going after forty years. when the going gets tough,
the tough get going
expr informal (adversity reveals strength of character) Al mal tiempo, buena cara expr

Going Meaning in Spanish

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Definition & Synonyms

• Going
Definition & Meaning

  1. (n.) Departure.
  2. (n.) Course of life; behavior; doings; ways.
  3. (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Go
  4. (n.) Pregnancy; gestation; childbearing.
  5. (n.) The act of moving in any manner; traveling; as, the going is bad.
  6. (p. pr.) Of or pert. to a going business or concern; as, the going value of a company.
  7. (p. pr.) Carrying on its ordinary business; conducting business, or carried on, with an indefinite prospect of continuance; — chiefly used in the phrases a going business, concern, etc.
  8. (p. pr.) That goes; in existence; available for present use or enjoyment; current; obtainable; also, moving; working; in operation; departing; as, he is of the brightest men going; going prices or rate.

• Go
Definition & Meaning

  1. (v. i.) To have recourse; to resort; as, to go to law.
  2. (v. i.) To be passed on fron one to another; to pass; to circulate; hence, with for, to have currency; to be taken, accepted, or regarded.
  3. (v. i.) To proceed by a mental operation; to pass in mind or by an act of the memory or imagination; — generally with over or through.
  4. (v. i.) To proceed or tend toward a result, consequence, or product; to tend; to conduce; to be an ingredient; to avail; to apply; to contribute; — often with the infinitive; as, this goes to show.
  5. (v. i.) To pass from one place to another; to be in motion; to be in a state not motionless or at rest; to proceed; to advance; to make progress; — used, in various applications, of the movement of both animate and inanimate beings, by whatever means, and also of the movements of the mind; also figuratively applied.
  6. (v. t.) To bet or wager; as, Ill go you a shilling.
  7. (n.) Act; working; operation.
  8. (v. i.) To pass away; to depart forever; to be lost or ruined; to perish; to decline; to decease; to die.
  9. (n.) The fashion or mode; as, quite the go.
  10. (p. p.) Gone.
  11. (n.) Power of going or doing; energy; vitality; perseverance; push; as, there is no go in him.
  12. (v. i.) To move from the person speaking, or from the point whence the action is contemplated; to pass away; to leave; to depart; — in opposition to stay and come.
  13. (n.) Noisy merriment; as, a high go.
  14. (v. t.) To take, as a share in an enterprise; to undertake or become responsible for; to bear a part in.
  15. (v. i.) To reach; to extend; to lead; as, a line goes across the street; his land goes to the river; this road goes to New York.
  16. (v. i.) To be with young; to be pregnant; to gestate.
  17. (n.) That condition in the course of the game when a player can not lay down a card which will not carry the aggregate count above thirty-one.
  18. (n.) A circumstance or occurrence; an incident.
  19. (v. i.) To proceed or happen in a given manner; to fare; to move on or be carried on; to have course; to come to an issue or result; to succeed; to turn out.
  20. (v. i.) To apply ones self; to set ones self; to undertake.
  21. (n.) A glass of spirits.
  22. (v. i.) To move upon the feet, or step by step; to walk; also, to walk step by step, or leisurely.
  23. (n.) Something that goes or is successful; a success; as, he made a go of it; also, an agreement.

Multi Language Dictionary



 — present, current, continuing 


 — normal, usual, standard 


 — to go, to lead, to extend, to stretch, to work, to function, to get on, to get along 


 — to leave, to go, to leak, to be used up, to be gone 


 — to go out, to come out, to get out, to set out, to leave, to depart, to appear, to project, to stick out, to cost, to come to, to turn out, to prove, to come up, to occur 


 — to disappear, to vanish, to cause to disappear 


 — to move, to pass, to go away, to slip one’s mind, to forget, to go too far 


 — to arrive, to come 


 — to function, to run, to work, (informal, figurative) to do the trick 


 — to go, to travel, to walk, to work, to go, to march 


 — to walk, to travel, to walk, to go, to travel, to run, to function, to ride, to be 


 — to follow, to go on, to keep going, to remain, to continue to be, to go along, to keep on 

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