Word garden in italian

The word for garden in Italian is giardino (masculine, plural: giardini). Both come from the French jardin which in turn derives from the Germanic gart or garto.

italian word for garden

Giardino can refer to any kind of garden, from the small variety (giardinetto) to the stately kinds that surround large houses. Some of the most popular types include:

  • giardino di fiori = flower garden
  • giardino botanico = botanic garden
  • giardino roccioso = rock garden
  • giardino pensile = hanging garden
  • giardino ornamentale = ornamental garden
  • giardino di erbe aromatiche = herb garden
  • giardino all’inglese = English garden
  • giardino zoologico = zoo (often Italians just say zoo)
garden at the back of a summer house
Un bel giardino sul retro = a beautiful garden at the back

La casa è circondata da un giardino immenso.

The house is surrounded by an immense garden.

The way to say to garden in Italian is fare giardinaggio (lit: to do gardening) but there are other verbs you’ll often see used alongside this word as well such as curare il giardino (to garden / take care of the garden) and lavorare in giardino (to work in the garden).

Gardening tools and spring flowers in the garden
Lavorare in giardino = Working in the garden

Two other possible translations for giardino in English are yard, referring to the area outside of one’s house, and park. Un giardino pubblico, for example, specifically denotes a large park with paths, trees, plants, animals, benches and a playground for children, created within the boundaries of a city for the entertainment of its inhabitants. (Keep in mind that in this sense, it is often used in the plural form giardini pubblici.)

Porto i bambini ai giardini pubblici dopo la scuola.

I’ll take the kids to the park after school.

park in the middle of a city
Central Park a New York

Giardino can also function as an adjective to describe places that are surrounded by greenery such as a garden city (città giardino), the word for a self-contained residential community designed with lots of open green spaces.

A giardiniere is the generic word for a gardener whereas giardiniera, in addition to meaning female gardener, can also translate as pickled vegetables or jardiniere, an ornamental pot or stand for the display of growing plants.

Figuratively speaking, giardino may be used to describe a country that is fertile, verdant and pleasant.

L’Italia è il giardino d’Europa.

Italy is the garden of Europe.

How to build garden boxes and run lines and drip systems and so on and so forth.

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Quindi come costruire orti, sistemi d’irrigazione e così via.

Winter Garden‘ restaurant with large panorama windows and a light dome.

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Ristorante „Giardino d‘inverno“ con grandi finestre panoramiche.

I went back to madison square garden to the circus.

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Sono andato a Madison Square Garden… al circo.

All I want to do is get to the garden.

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Va bene!- Voglio solo andare al Garden…- Detective!

Dream! Garden! Don’t just chant it, engrave it in your mind!

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DREAM GARDEN! Non ripetetelo e basta, stampatevelo in mente!

Sports/ Leisure time snowshoe hiking, garden/ meadow, billiards table.

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Escursioni con le ciaspole, giardino/ prato, tavolo da biliardo.

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Garden floor:- 2 double bedded rooms 2

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PIANO GIARDINO:- 2 camere con ciascuna un letto

Sea view and garden so seen on swimming pool of metropolis.

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Vista mare & giardino anche visto su piscina della metropoli.

Rooms available 3 + summer garden + smoking room.

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Sale disponibili 3 + giardino estivo + sala fumatori.

Apartment 45,00m² + covered terrace 7,00m² + garden 112,00m.

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+ portico mq. 7,00 + giardino mq. 112,00.

The accommodation has a barbecue, garden and sun terrace.

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L’alloggio dispone di un barbecue, giardino e terrazza solarium.

Rooms available 2 + summer garden.

Rooms available 3 + summer garden.

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Sale disponibili 3 + giardino all’aperto.

All on the first floor + private garden of approx.

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Tutta al piano primo + giardino privato di mq.

ground floor and first floor + private garden of approx.

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piano terra e piano primo + giardino privato di mq.

Square meters(whole ground floor) + private garden of approx.

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Tutta la piano terra + giardino privato di mq.

All on the ground floor + private garden of approx.

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Tutta al piano terra + giardino privato di mq.

Will you tell Mrs. Garden I will be late?

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Può dire a Mrs Garden che farò tardi?

A lot of love, things grow. And if you give your garden.

Your garden looks pretty bad to me.

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Signora… il suo girdino mi sembra piuttosto malmesso.

Oh, yeah. Will you tell Mrs Garden I will be late?

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Può dire a Mrs Garden che farò tardi? Oh, sì?

For you to come! and waits… She sits in that garden.

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Si siede sempre in quel giardino… e aspetta… che tu torni da lei!

Working on the Peace Garden issue. Yes. I pulled an all-nighter.

I pulled an all-nighter Yes. working on the Peace Garden issue.

Scram! Get out of my dad’s garden, you lousy coyote.

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Smamma! Via dall’orto di mio padre, schifoso coyote.

It’s like the Hatton Garden job,?

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Working on the Peace Garden issue. I pulled an all-nighter Yes.

Hello, ma’am. My goodness, you have such an attractive little garden here.

Garden of the Château de La Trémouille.

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Somebody called about a garden gnome.

Qualcuno ha chiamato per un nano da giardino.

You buried them in your garden like gerbils.

Li avete sepolti nel vostro giardino come se fossero dei piccoli roditori.

Washington showed me this when I started the garden.

Me l’ha fatto leggere Washington, quando ho iniziato con l’orto.

Muriel was teaching in the garden.

Muriel stava facendo la sua lezione in giardino.

Not something found in your everyday garden.

Non è qualcosa che si trova in un normale giardino.

Nothing more glorious than a garden.

Non c’è niente di meraviglioso quanto un giardino.

Heading north toward the overlook by the flower garden.

Si dirige a nord, verso il punto panoramico accanto al giardino floreale.

Since father died our garden has been totally neglected.

Da quando papà è morto, il giardino è stato completamente trascurato.

Romance blooms in the garden of spontaneity.

La loro storia d’amore sbocciera’ nel giardino della spontaneità.

Our garden shelters are all unique.

Tutti i nostri capanni da giardino sono modelli esclusivi.

His output ranged from garden ornaments to railway bridges.

La sua produzione variava da ornamenti da giardino a ponti ferroviari.

He also designed the garden there.

Disegnò, ugualmente, il giardino a lago.

After you help me replant my garden.

Dopo che mi avrai aiutato a sistemare il giardino.

Today’s garden contains about 5,000 specimens representing 1200 taxa.

Il giardino di oggi contiene circa 5.000 campioni rappresentanti oltre 1.200 specie diverse.

My best to your wife and garden.

I miei migliori auguri per sua moglie e per il giardino.

Thanks for outfitting the boy with garden equipment.

Grazie di aver dato al ragazzo gli attrezzi da giardino.

But the Yorkshire scenery is our garden of remembrance.

Ma il paesaggio dello Yorkshire è il nostro giardino della memoria.

Clearly not the garden variety Cordyceps fungi.

Di certo non la varietà da giardino del Cordyceps Fungus.

Cultivation can take place in: informal garden, gravel garden, Mediterranean garden, pot or container, architectural garden, terrace or courtyard, rock garden, lawn or open field, flower garden, country garden, coastal garden, sub-tropical garden.

La coltivazione può avvenire in: giardino informale, giardino di ghiaia, giardino mediterraneo, vaso o contenitore, giardino architettonico, terrazzo o cortile, giardino roccioso, prato o in pieno campo, giardino fiorito, giardino di campagna, giardino costiero, giardino sub-tropicale.

Village house with garden and adjacent garden.

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Principal Translations/Traduzioni principali Inglese Italiano garden n (plot: flowers) (di piante) giardino nm   I’ve planted some tulips in the garden in front of the house.   Ho piantato qualche tulipano nel giardino di fronte la casa. garden n (plot: vegetables) (di ortaggi) orto nm   These onions are from the garden in my backyard.   Queste cipolle sono dell’orto sul retro della casa. garden n UK (yard: area outside house, esp. with lawn) giardino nm   My house has a small garden where Lily and Kyle like to play.   Casa mia ha un piccolo giardino dove Lily e Kyle giocano volentieri. garden n (botanic park) giardino botanico nm     orto botanico nm   Let’s go for a walk in the garden, which is famous for its collection of rare plants.   Facciamo una passeggiata in questo giardino botanico, che è famoso per la sua collezione di piante rare. garden n often plural (park) parco nm     giardini nmpl   Kensington Garden is a lovely oasis in the city.   Il parco di Kensington è una bella oasi nella città. garden⇒ vi (cultivate plants) fare giardinaggio vtr   She gardens for fun.   Fa giardinaggio per divertimento.
Compound Forms/Forme composte
garden Inglese Italiano back yard,
backyard (US),
back garden (UK)
n (rear garden) (di casa) giardino nm     cortile nm     giardino dietro casa, cortile dietro casa nm   They sit in the backyard and read all summer.   Passano tutta l’estate seduti in giardino a leggere. beer garden n (pub’s outdoor area) birreria all’aperto nf botanical garden,
botanic garden
n (where plants are cultivated) orto botanico nm     giardino botanico nm   Orchids are in full bloom now at the botanical garden.   Adesso all’orto botanico le orchidee sono in piena fioritura. butterfly garden n (outdoor area for butterflies) giardino per le farfalle nm   Butterfly gardens are planted with flowers that attract the insects.   I giardini per le farfalle ospitano dei fiori che attraggono gli insetti. common or garden,
adj UK, figurative, informal (ordinary) comune agg flower garden n (plot for flowers) giardino di fiori nm garden center (US),
garden centre (UK)
n (store selling gardening supplies) negozio di articoli di giardinaggio loc agg     vivaio nm garden city n (community with landscaped spaces) città giardino nf garden cress n (plant) (pianta) crescione inglese nm garden designer n (landscape planner) garden designer, paesaggista nm garden fork n (tool for turning soil) forca nf     forcone nm   Use a garden fork to loosen the soil. garden gate n (door providing access to a garden) cancello del giardino nm garden hose,
also UK: hosepipe
n (for water) tubo da giardino, tubo per irrigazione nm     canna dell’acqua nf    (informale: tubo per irrigazione) canna, gomma, pompa nf   I have to attach the garden hose to the outdoor tap in order to water my garden.   Devo collegare il tubo per irrigazione al rubinetto in giardino per poter innaffiare il mio giardino. garden house n (small shelter in a garden) gazebo da giardino loc nom     casetta da giardino loc nom garden party n (outdoor party) festa in giardino nf garden path n (paved walkway) (di giardino) vialetto, sentiero nm   He failed to notice the bright flowers as he walked down the cool garden path.   Non notò neanche i fiori mentre camminava in quel fantastico vialetto. garden pea n (vegetable) pisello nm garden pond n (water feature) laghetto da giardino, laghetto del giardino nm   He had a collection of Japanese koi in the garden pond.   Nel laghetto del suo giardino aveva una collezione di carpe koi. garden salad n (dish: raw vegetables) insalata giardiniera nf   I’ll have the garden salad with blue cheese dressing.   Prendo l’insalata giardiniera con salsa blue cheese. garden shed n (wooden outhouse) casotto da giardino, casetta da giardino, capanno da giardino nm   My husband spends a lot of time in his garden shed.   Mio marito passa ore nel casotto da giardino. garden wall n (wall around a garden) muro del giardino nm garden waste n (plant matter) (resti di potature, sfalci, ecc.) scarti di giardino, residui da giardino nmpl garden-variety adj US, figurative (common, unexceptional) comune, diffuso agg gardening leave,
garden leave
n UK: figurative (time off before end of contract) preavviso di licenziamento con divieto al lavoro nm gnome,
garden gnome
n (ornamental garden figure) (da giardino) nano nm   Jack has a collection of gnomes in his garden.   Jack ha una collezione di nani nel suo giardino. hanging garden n (landscape architecture) (architettura del paesaggio) giardini pensili nmpl herb garden n (where herbs are grown) giardino di erbe aromatiche nm kitchen garden n (plot for vegetables, herbs) orto nm    (informale, vezzeggiativo) orticello nm landscaped garden,
landscape garden
n often plural (formally styled park) giardino progettato, giardino pianificato nm lead [sb] down the garden path,
lead [sb] up the garden path
v expr informal, figurative (deceive) ingannare⇒, raggirare⇒, truffare⇒ vtr    (informale) fregare⇒, gabbare⇒ vtr    (informale) prendere in giro vtr   I never suspected he was just leading me down the garden path.   Non ho mai sospettato che mi stesse raggirando. market garden n (growing vegetables) (per l’esportazione) orticoltura su larga scala nf market garden n historical (WWII: Allied code name) (storico: operazione militare) Market garden nf ornamental garden n (landscaped and cultivated area) giardino ornamentale nm   The Moorish ornamental garden at the Alhambra Palace is one of the most-visited sites in Europe. rock garden n (rockery) giardino roccioso nm   These plants are suitable for rock gardens. roof garden n (garden on flat roof of building) giardino pensile nm roof garden n (top storey having a garden) giardino pensile nm rose garden n (where roses are grown) roseto nm   Charles and Lavinia met secretly in the rose garden.   Charles e Lavinia si incontrarono in segreto nel roseto. tea garden n (outdoor tearoom) giardino da tè nf vegetable garden n (allotment) orto nm   I’m growing tomatoes and squash in my vegetable garden.   Nel mio orto sto coltivando pomodori e zucche. victory garden n (vegetable garden) orto coltivato in tempo di guerra nm walled garden n (enclosed outdoor area) giardino recintato nm winter garden n (outdoor garden of strong plants) giardino d’inverno nm winter garden n (garden inside conservatory) serra solare nf zoological garden n formal (zoo, animal park) (zoo, formale) giardino zoologico nm   I bambini con gli insegnanti hanno visitato con entusiasmo il giardino zoologico.




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If you want to know how to say garden in Italian, you will find the translation here. We hope this will help you to understand Italian better.

Here is the translation and the Italian word for garden:


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  • garden
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«Garden in Italian.» In Different Languages, https://www.indifferentlanguages.com/words/garden/italian. Accessed 14 Apr 2023.



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