Word games sounds like

July 20 2011, 18:20


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 Мне часто задают вопрос о том, какая игра подходит лучше всего для учащимся с невызсоким уровнем английского языка. Среди прочих стоит выделить Sounds like a plan.
В этой игре идет опора на обширный текстовый игровой материал. Причем этот материал достаточно простой — короткие фразы, употребляющиеся в повседневной речи и состоящие из понятных слов.
Итак, первый ведущий вытягивает лист с планом, выбирает один из пунктов плана. Он предлагает дать ему советы. У каждого игрока находится 6 карточек с различными советами. Они выбирают и кладут по одной карточке лицом вниз. Судья перемешивает карточки и затем распределяет их по своему вкусу. Задача в том, чтобы давать наиболее забавные для данного случая советы, а затем обсудить последовательность их применения и что именно имеется в виду. Обсуждение, таким образом, в игре есть. Но оно четко привязано к материалу игры и позволяет узнать новые слова, структуры предложений.

английские слова игра слов

А вы знаете, что английские слова тоже играют в игры? И именно поэтому иногда сложно оценить шутки на английском языке?

Вообще, по-научному, игра слов – это литературный
прием, основанный на явлениях полисемии и омонимии слов, и используемый в юмористических

Но, конечно, такое определение начисто отбивает охоту преследовать «юмористические цели»)))

Итак, play on words
или игра слов – что это?

Разбираемся, что такое игра слов в английском языке и
смотрим примеры из фильмов на английском.

Сначала матчасть, а чуть попозже — примеры игры слов из фильмов на английском. А можно сразу прокрутить вниз, если вы не лингвист-энтузиаст))

Игра слов или Play on words

Вот как объясняется игра слов (play on words) в толковом словаре английского языка:

Play on words is a humorous
 use of a word with more than one meaning or that sounds like another word.

Простое, человеческое определение))Собственно, words with more than one meaning
это и есть многозначность слова, когда у одного слова несколько значений (полисемия).

А words that sound like other words– это тот случай, когда
слова звучат или пишутся одинаково или очень похоже (омонимия).

Вот на таких явлениях и основана игра слов (в любом языке).

Чем многозначные слова отличаются от


Ну, вот например, слово spring. Это
одновременно и весна, и родник, и пружина. Эти три значения не связаны друг с
другом, а значит, перед нами омонимы. Всего лишь слова, которые волей случая
пишутся и произносятся одинаково (подробнее о слове spring и о том, как пользоваться английским толковым словарем)

Или слово bat, которое и бита, и
летучая мышь. И опять, связи между ними нет никакой, а значит, это омонимы.

Многозначные слова

Совсем другое дело со словом chip. Это и:

— чипс (который картофельный)
— чип (который с микросхемами)
— кусочек дерева или стекла
— фишка (как в казино)
— просто кусочек (как в chocolate chip
cookie – печенье с кусочками шоколада)

У этих слов есть что-то общее. Все они так
или иначе – кусочки чего-то большего.

Вот и получается, что chip – многозначное
слово, а не омонимы.

И несколько примеров игры слов, основанной на многозначности слов и похожем (или одинаковом) звучании.

Похожее звучание слов:

lettuce celebrate = let us celebrate

lemonaid = lemonade

Многозначность слов:

your son got stoned = 1) его инкрустировали 2) он укурился

you are both nuts  = 1) вы оба психи 2) вы оба гайки 3) вы оба орехи

Ну а теперь – отрывки из фильмов с примерами игры слов на
английском языке.

Игра слов. Примеры

Пример 1

Do you want the cancer?

The what?

Do you want the cancer?

The cancer?

The can. Sir?

Oh! No, I’m fine, thank you.

Откуда здесь берется игра слов?

Из одинакового звучания слова cancer и фразы can, sir.

С формулировкой Do you want the can, sir я бы, правда, поспорила. Все же есть более стандартные клише
для предложений-угощений. Думаю,
сценаристы намеренно взяли именно эту корявую фразу.

Пример игры слов 2

So, you’re a friend of Maggie’s? What happened to you? Oh, sorry. It’s okay.

I fell.

Evidently! Off a train?

I fell in love.

А в этом примере игра слов чуть изящнее, несмотря на ее

Игра слов основана на глаголе fall. Сам по себе он означает «упасть»,
а в устойчивом словосочетании fall in love – «влюбиться»

Пример игры слов 3

Find someone you trust.

Someone like you?

Someone you like.

В этом примере игра слов основана на многозначности и
многофункциональности слова like в английском языке.

в английском может быть и глаголом, и предлогом. И вообще, резвится как хочет))

Подробнее о слове like.

Пример 4

Are you becoming religious?

I dunno (don’t know). I dunno what I’m becoming. But I wanna change.


No, really change… Must be Eli. So I better change.

в английском – слово многозначное (то есть разные значения по сути связаны
между собой).

В первой фразе I wanna change персонаж говорит о глобальных
переменах — измениться, стать лучше.

А во второй I better change он уже имеет в виду «Надо бы

Пример 5

— Now, I know it’s tradition at the rehearsal dinner for the maid of honor
to reveal embarrassing things about the bride. But in our group we
never kiss and tell. So, I’d like to make a toast to the groom.
— There’s a word he’s heard before!
— Who is that again?
— Karl… he’s a partner at the firm.
— Karl’s kind of a jerk.
— You know what they say – three times a charm!
— Hey
«dick wad»… I’m speaking. Now. There were times when we had our doubts
about this gorgeous man. But after careful observation over the last
hundred years, my doubts are over. So… here’s to the groom. A man who
finally got «Carrie-d» away.

Шикарная игра слов:

  • A man who finally got ‘Carrie-d’ away

Carrie – имя невесты
Got carried away (от слова carry) = снесло крышу

Пример игры слов 6

Rach, I got a message from you! Who’s Michael?

Oh, my god, oh, my god. Ross, hang up the phone! Give me the phone. Ross, give me the phone, give me the phone.

You’re over me?

Oh, god!

You’re over me? When were you under me?

You’re over me = твои чувства ко мне прошли?

В этом контексте over означает «все прошло, я перестал думать о чем-то / переживать».

Но over еще и предлог места, такой же, как behind, next to, under.

You’re over me?
= Твои чувства ко мне прошли?
= Ты надо мной?

When were you under me?
= А когда ты была подо мной?

Отсюда и игра слов и смех за кадром))

Пример 7

Do you think there’s a town in Missouri or someplace, called Sample? And
as you’re driving into the town, there’s, like, a sign and it says,
You’re in Sample.

Здесь игра слов основана на одинаковом звучании фразы:

  • You’re in Sample = Вы в (городе) Сэмпл


  • Urine sample = образец мочи

Прелесть какая, да?))

Пример игры слов 8

Этот отрывок с Аль Пачино прекрасен весь от начала до конца, чудный совершенно разговор! Но если ближе к теме поста — в этом отрывке два примера игры слов.

He wants to stay indefinitely, and I can give him the honeymoon suite.

He doesn’t want the honeymoon suite. It’s not my honeymoon, and I’m not very sweet.

Здесь игра слов основана на одинаковом звучании слов

  • suite = a room in a hotel
  • sweet = nice

I’ll check you in, okay?

While you’re checking me in, I’ll check you out.

Применимо к гостиницам, check in и check out — антонимы. Но дело в том, что у слова check out есть еще одно значение — «оценить», «заценить», «любоваться».

Вот и получается:

  • while you’re checking me in, I’ll check you out
  • пока вы меня регистрируете, я вас оценю / я на вас полюбуюсь

Не знаю, как вы, а я очень люблю этот литературный прием,
основанный на полисемии и омонимии игру слов – и в английском, и в русском.
Вот натурально смакую каждый раз особенно талантливые и неожиданные фразы.

А вот тем, кто учит английский, приходится туго. Особенно
поначалу. Игра слов в английском – это все-таки развлечение для продвинутых. Но
ничего, трудно только первые 30 лет))

А вы любите игру слов? Понимаете? Оставьте комментарий — обсудим.

Автор: Дарья Масловская

I have seen for myself how well games can work for helping children learn to read and write at home during distance learning but I have also learned that not just any old game will do. Games should be genuinely fun (as all learning should be!) as well as interactive, and of course accessible on tablets as well as computers so that kids can play them more easily. I wanted to see how many games that fit this description (that are also completely free) are out there and have put together a trustworthy, teacher-approved list for you.

I have scoured the internet — seriously I spent hours — looking for games that will help kids take those first important steps towards learning to read at home and games that are interactive where kids can improve their blending skills.

I have been very strict about listing only games that

  • are completely free

  • don’t require flash

  • can be used on any device

  • are actually FUN

  • are interactive

  • support children with CVC words

What are CVC words?

CVC stands for Consonant — Vowel — Consonant. So a CVC word is made from this pattern of letters. CVC words are the very first words that children encounter as they learn to read because they are the easiest.

What’s an example of a CVC word?

An example of a CVC word that kids come across early on as they begin reading would be mat. Other first CVC words could be sat, cat, tap, map, rat etc.

Reading CVC words

Before beginning to read CVC words, kids should know the sounds that some letters of the alphabet make. They don’t need to know every single letter sound necessarily but they’ll need enough to make a few simple words. Keep in mind that knowing the vowel sounds — a, e, i, o, u — will be helpful for them to be able to read more CVC words.

How to sound out CVC words

When children read words they are taught to say each of the sounds the letters make and then attempt to blend or put the sounds together, to get the word. For example, when reading sat correctly kids should first say “sss-ah-t” and then as they get better at blending they will be able to put the sounds together more and more easily and get the word.

CVC words and sight words

What’s the difference between CVC words and sight words? Whereas CVC words can be ‘sounded out’ using the sounds of the letters that the child has learned, ‘sight words’ or ‘tricky words’ are irregular. This means that the letters in the words aren’t pronounced the typical way that children are taught. For example we. If you were to try to read the word we by saying the sounds of the letters W and E, you’d say ‘w-eh’. Tricky words or sight words simply have to be memorised so that they can be recognised on sight.

CVC words games online

I have scoured the internet for the best CVC word games which include four focuses. Some of the games require the child to match a CVC word to a picture which is good because it means kids can play the games on their own, promoting independent learning. A few of the games focus on thinking about whether a CVC word is a ‘real’ word or a ‘fake’ word. (Also known as ‘alien’ words or even ‘silly’ words in my classroom!) Some games help kids sound out CVC words which supports their early reading skills and some support writing as they teach kids how to blend CVC words.

Free phonics websites

These games are all from free phonics websites where you can access tablet-friendly CVC word games. No sign up required. Some games ask which Phase you want to practise — select Phase 2. If you are asked which sets you want to practise you should choose the sets of letters that your child has covered. If you’re not sure I’d say select them all and then see which sounds your child isn’t familiar with yet, start again and uncheck those ones. Alternatively, you could teach your child the unfamiliar sounds and then practise them straight away on these games!

If you visit other areas of these sites keep in mind that Phonics Play is offering full free access at the moment for home learning and that Topmarks contains other games which are Flash-based that won’t work on mobile devices.

Here are the tablet-friendly and interactive CVC word games that I have found for you online:

Games for sounding out CVC words

Word machines CVC word interactive game online

Word machines

This is a great one for kids who are brand new to words and I love the idea of a machine that spits out words along with the object that matches the word. Choose which middle vowel you’d like to practice and then children see a picture that shows what the word says, hear it sounded out and then hear the word itself. The word machine then says “Now your turn” and your child should have a go at saying the sounds and then the word.

The best part about Word Machines is that after kids sound out and say the word they get to choose whether to swap the first or the last consonant from the word to make a new word by pressing a big red button or by pulling a lever! This is a really helpful way to teach beginner blenders how to read that I use in the classroom too.

Real and fake words phonics games

Differentiating between real and fake words is great practice for children to be able to understand what they are reading which will be more and more important as they get older. These games help even the youngest kids start to work on their reading comprehension in really fun and interactive ways.

Obb and Bob

This game is set in space where kids see alien characters: Obb and Bob. Bob loves real words and Obb loves alien words! I use the idea of Obb and Bob characters often in my own classroom, as do other teachers, so it’s possible that your kids may even know them already! Children have to read the word by sounding it out and then decide whether it’s a real word or an alien word. They should drag the alien words onto Obb and the real words over to Bob!

This game is so popular that there are actually several versions of it across the internet but the best ones are on Phonics Bloom, where it is (mistakenly maybe) titled Odd and Bob and on Phonics play where the game is called Picnic on Pluto.

Buried treasure pirate themed CVC word interactive game online

Buried Treasure

Buried Treasure is the exact same concept as Obb and Bob where kids sound out the words and then decide if they are real or fake words except this game is pirate-themed! Kids will have to drag the word onto the bin if they think it’s a fake word but into the treasure chest if they think it’s real. I love the whistling tune that plays when you get one right! A great interactive game with funny pirate sound effects that kids who are into pirates will love.

Dragons den CVC word interactive game online

Dragons Den

Another real or fake word sorting game but this time featuring dragons who breathe fire when you give them a word! Dragons den is exciting and interactive and is another great option for kids who need that bit of extra practice with their blending but would like a change from aliens and pirates!

CVC word matching games

Match cards CVC word interactive game online with pictures

Match cards

Kids have to sound out the word and then drag the picture that matches the word onto it. I’m a big fan of Match Cards because it’s SO clear and child-friendly that a young child could easily play it by themselves and won’t need help once they know how the game works.

CVC word writing practice

Rocket rescue CVC word interactive game online

Rocket Rescue

The rocket is broken! Children are shown a picture and hear the word aloud (so turn your volume up!) and they have to type in the CVC word to help put the rocket back together. Each word that they type in adds another piece and the rocket is slowly put back together.

My favourite thing about Rocket Rescue is that the kids get to actually type the word in — this is so great for kids to interact with technology in different ways and get some early typing practise in! It’s also an added fun element because many kids will enjoy the use of the computer keyboard or an on-screen keyboard in itself.

space race CVC word interactive game online

Space Race

Obb and Bob are back! In this game, kids are spelling out the CVC words to help the spaceship zoom across space from planet to planet so that Obb and Bob can be reunited! This game does include the odd longer word, like rabbit, so may be better for children who are already very familiar with phase 2 sounds and have a good grasp of blending already.

On the other hand, if you’d like your child to begin to move on from CVC words and help kids read longer words then Space Race would be an ideal starting place. Kids could be encouraged to type out their answer and then check it by sounding out what they have written so see if they think it’s right.

CVC Word Boom Cards

I made three decks of CVC word Boom Cards where kids drag the missing letter into the gap to complete the CVC word. Start by practising filling in the missing first letter and then move on to the decks where kids practise working out the missing middle sound and the missing last sound of the CVC word. Pictures on each card help kids to guess what the incomplete word could be and with the CVC word Boom Card bundle, you can play all three of the decks.

What are Boom Cards and how can I play them at home?


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Of course they are! While the concept of word games might sound kind of dull, take a second to think about all the kinds of great word games that you played growing up. Games like Word Search and Hangman are absolute classics that almost everyone has played and loved! 

There are plenty of riffs on word games on our Word Games Playlist! Pretty much all of our playlists on Coolmath Games have fun spins on the ordinary genre, and the Word Games Playlist is no exception. Several titles are more like regular games that happen to have words as a part of them. As mentioned before, the game Misspelled is a game where you use magic to get through the levels. By spelling words correctly, you will be rewarded with abilities like extra platforms and more jumps. A few other games like this include Candy Word and Word Worm, both of which make spelling a whole lot more fun than you would think possible.

Maybe best of all, word games will improve your spelling without it feeling like school. Getting to learn while having fun can often be difficult, but word games are a great way to learn in an exciting way. Who knows, maybe playing something like Grabble or Word Detector will help you get a little bit better of a grade in your next spelling test without even feeling like you were studying. 

Kiz Phonics provides interactive online phonics games to help teach children the connection between letters and sounds. These games develop the skills needed to read and write. All our games activities are designed based on years of teaching.

Phonics Games & Online Activities by Grade

This page was set up so that you can easily find our phonics games online by type and level.

Second Grade Phonics Games, Level 1

second grade phonics games

You will find our phonics games for teaching second grade level 1. These games will develop skills in the following areas:

  • Long vs. Short O, Silent E
  • Vowel Digraphs oa, ow, ou, ui, ue
  • Long vs. Short U, Silent E
  • R-Controlled Vowels ar, or, ir, er, ur
  • Special Vowels & Diphthongs, aw, ew, oi, oy

Phonics Vowel Games

phonics vowel games

The games provide an exercise to help review vowel combinations without the boredom. Kids will learn and review word families or word patterns, spelling and listening for exact phonemes. Each game focuses on one aspect of phonemic awareness. The word families in each game are carefully arranged around the vowel sounds.

Phonics Word Family Games

word family phonics games

Practice word families and different phonemes with these interactive phonics games. These games can be used with phonics learners of kindergarten, 1st grade and 2nd grades. The help kids practice long and short vowel sounds, as well as digraphs and blends.

Sentence Games

sentence games

These are interactive sentence monkey games to practice different sentences. Fun games to learn English while helping the monkey get the banana by filling in the blank spaces in the game.

 Register Now to Unlock the Full Wealth of this Site.

Why Play Phonics Games

Phonics is a method of teaching children to read by combining letter sounds to read words. This system of sounds and word building, is by its very nature, challenging for children who are only just learning how to read. Therefore, phonics games are a must in making learning fun. Games help children learn without thinking about the learning. Games for phonics can be online or in-class. Often, in-class phonics games involve the use of phonics flashcards, visual crafts and tactile resources to both introduce and reinforce learning of letter sounds — called phonemes. Letter sound games typically involve students listening and recognizing sounds by their letter or combination of letters with flashcards as teaching aids.

Phonics games online complement in-class games by providing interactive activities which allow children to drive their own learning. To practice phonics, teachers and parents select a game that focuses on a particular sound or phoneme and let children practice for the session. Yes, the teacher or parent’s input is necessary to provide structure and guidance!

It is always a good idea to focus on one or two phonemes in each phonics practice or lesson session. Unless it is a review lesson, playing too many online games to review multiple phonemes in one session is a sure way to get children to either become bored or lose the meaning of the activity.

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At Kiz Phonics, we offer a variety of games and interactive phonics activities to help kids practice the sounds at preschool, kindergarten or nursery, first grade and second-grade levels. 

  • Preschool Phonics Games: Our preschool phonics games are activities to help learners recognize letters and sounds from A to Z.  Focusing on the first 26 letters of the alphabet, and the essential sounds they make is a useful departure point for early literacy. Explore our full range of preschool games.
  • Kindergarten Phonics Games Level 1: Our Level 1 kindergarten phonics games help develop skills in recognizing and sounding out beginning and ending consonants. These gaming exercises also emphasize practice on short vowels ‘a’ and ‘e’, which are later combined with consonants to form word families such as ‘at’, and ‘et’ in words like bat and bet.
  • Kindergarten Phonics Games Level 2: Our Level 2 kindergarten phonics games contain activities centered around all the short vowels, word families and several ending consonant sounds.
  • First Grade Phonics Games Level 1: Moving up to our 1st grade phonics games for level 1, students practice sounds such as consonant digraphs and S blends. We offer games to practice digraphs ch, sh, th, ph and more. Others games review S and L blends as well as the soft c and g. 
  • First Grade Phonics Games Level 2: Under 1st grade phonics games level 2, you will find activities to practice vowel digraphs and long vowels. Children in grade 1 will also develop skills in reading R blends and L blends. Mastery of vowel digraphs such as ‘ai’, ‘ee’ and ‘ay’, which recur in several English words, will help supercharge children’s literacy skills. At this stage, you will find your child confidently reading short stories and reading road signs. They will also begin to ask you how to pronounce unfamiliar words which they notice around them. Pay particular attention to the child at this stage and respond to their requests promptly. That way, you continue to build their literacy confidence.
  • Second Grade Phonics Games: Our phonics games in the second grade level, help children practice those sounds that tend to be a little trickier to teach. We offer activities to practice sounds such as r-controlled vowels – ir, ar, er, ur – which are not the most straightforward phonemic sounds to teach. Then there are various sounds of y and double vowel sounds.  There is a reason these sounds are introduced later when children have developed confidence in reading words and sentences.

Kiz Phonics also offers a number of games and activities to practice specific phonics skills. You will find games on word families, sentence reading practice and 

  • Word Families Phonics Games for Kindergarten: Kindergarteners can practice a range of word families games from here. These activities mainly use short vowel and consonant combinations to develop word families. 
  • Word Families Phonics Games for 1st Grade: Activities to practice word families for grade one learners can also be found here. These activities mainly review word families with and vowel digraphs.  
  • Word Families Phonics Games for 2nd Grade : Grade two phonics learners can also develop competence in reading by practicing with word families that use long vowel sounds and vowel digraphs.
  • Sentence Games for Phonics: Looking for games to practice reading short sentences? Then you are hereby covered.

So now you know how and why games are important to the teaching of phonics. But remember, it is not the only tool you need. The beauty of Kiz Phonics is that we provide a variety of teaching tools that adapt to various contexts as well as learning styles. We remain the one-stop-shop for your phonics needs. Bookmark this page so you never lose it. 

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Pre-K & Kindergarten Books

Phonics set 1

Want hard copies of our products? No problem. You may order our phonics activity books and more from our store — for Preschool & Kindergarten. Each set comes with CDs and the playing card sets and board game.

1st & 2nd Grade Books

phonics set 2

Want hard copies of our products? No problem. You may order our phonics activity books and more from our store — For 1st Grade & 2nd Grade. Each set comes with CDs and the playing card sets and board game.

Board Games & Playing Card Sets

phonics board games

The teaching set is complete with board games and phonemic cards. we have grapheme cards, phoneme cards, alphabet cards which can all be used with the board game for fun phonics learning.

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