Word from your mom

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

The babysitter’s agreed to stay, but no word from your mother, so I’m not leaving.

Kind words from your mother will not suffice.

When you want to create an English sentence, do not translate the words from your Mother tongue.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Keeping Virgil away from your mom is just about keeping her



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Держать Верджила подальше от мамы— это только забота о ее безопасности?

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Я понял, что твоя мама сфокусировалась на лиге плюща.

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И никто не заберет тебя у мамы.

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dad passed away, nell and I bought the farm from your mom.

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После того, как


отец умер, Нелл и я выкупили ферму у твоей матери.

This letter from your mom arrived at our dorm just a few days after her funeral.

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Это письмо от твоей мамы принесли в общежитие через несколько дней после похорон.

Got some good news, I think I found a pretty great apartment downtown,

not too far from your mom, and I got a lead on a job giving’ guitar lessons.

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У меня хорошие новости, кажется, я нашел неплохую квартирку в центре,

и недалеко от твоей мамы, есть вариант подзаработать, давая уроки игры на гитаре.

You know, I was thinking that we haven’t heard from your mom since we got that email in Visnja Gora.

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Ты знаешь, я думала о том, что мы не получали больше посланий от твоей мамы после Вишни Горы.

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word from — перевод на русский

Flammatory words from a union boss?

Пламенные слова от профсоюзного босса?

I never thought to hear those words from Bertie Wooster!

Никогда не думал услышать такие слова от Берти Вустера.

Ten years and not one single solitary word from you ?

10 лет и ни одного слова от тебя.

I made those promises but hadn’t heard a single word from Shizuru.

Я дал необходимые обещания но не услышал не единого слова от Шизуру.

I’m just waiting for word from Fitzwallace.

Я жду только слова от Фитцуоллеса.

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Any word from Petach battalion?

Есть новости от батальона Петах?

Any word from the Enterprise?

Есть новости от «Энтерпрайза»?

— Any word from NBC?

— Есть новости от NBC?

Any word from or about Gen. Hague?

Есть новости от или о генерале Хейге?

— Any word from Franklin or Marcus?

— Есть новости от Франклина и Маркуса?

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Still no word from Captain Kirk on the surface below us.

До сих пор ничего не слышно от капитана Кирка с поверхности.

is there any word from Israel?

Что-нибудь слышно от израильтян?

— Any word from… — What did Cinque say?

Что слышно от Адамса?

Any word from the mayor’s office?

Что слышно от мэра?

Any word from Chakotay?

Что-то слышно от Чакотэй?

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-Any word from Nana?

Вести от бабушки?

— Any word from the doctor?

— Есть вести от врача? — Нет.

Any word from the Admiral?

Есть вести от адмирала?

I bring word from Elrond of Rivendell.

Я принес вести от Элронда из Ривенделла.

Any word from Pooh-Bear?

Эй. Есть вести от Медведика?

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Word from Lieutenant Hearn’s patrol.

Сообщение от патруля лейтенанта Хирна.

I’ve just had word from one of our supporters in the dome.

Я только что получил сообщение от одного из наших сторонников в куполе.

Captain, we just got word from Bajoran lntelligence.

Капитан, мы только что получили сообщение от баджорской разведки.

We just got word from the Tok’ra.

Мы получили сообщение от ТокРа.

Sir, we’ve received word from the Tok’ra.

Сэр, мы получили сообщение от ТокРа.

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Any word from her?

Никакого известия от нее?

Any word from Jackson?

Есть известия от Джексона?

— Any more word from Teal’c?

— Есть известия от Тилка?

Any word from Sheppard yet?

Есть известия от Шеппарда?

— Is there any word from Alaya?

— Есть известия от Элаи?

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No word from Shinkichi yet?

Никакой весточки от Синкичи?

Because every day that goes by with no word from her is a day closer to the moment when we’ll be sitting here talking about the murder of my only child.

Ведь каждый день без единой весточки от нее приближает нас к тому моменту, когда мы начнем говорить об убийстве моей единственной дочери.

Yet no word from your wife?

Все еще нет весточки от жены?

we have not received word from you, ilithyia.

Мы не получали весточки от тебя, Илития.

Any word from David or DiNozzo yet?

Весточки от Давид или ДиНоззо ещё не было?

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I just got word from the commander of the drug unit that you ran one of their targets.

Я только что говорил с главой отдела по борьбе с наркотиками, и он сказал, что ты наткнулась на один из их объектов.

I’ve just had word from my wife’s sister that my children are with her.

Я только что говорил с сестрой своей жены, и мои дети с ней.

Joan, I just got word from Annie they’re an hour south of the Kazbegi border crossing.

Джоан, я говорил с Энни. Они в часе езды от погранпоста в Казбеги.

I hadn’t heard a word from her since she left.

Я не говорил с ней после отъезда.

What word from the Sensor Section?

Что говорят сенсоры?

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We keep waiting for word from Washington, or where they’ve evacuated to.

Мы будем ждать информацию из Вашингтона, или из того места, куда их эвакуировали.

I have received word from New York.

Я получил информацию из Нью-Йорка.

But I just got word from the Hill. It now looks like the disaster relief bill is not going to pass.

Но я только что получила информацию из Конгресса, Похоже, закон о ликвидации последствий землетрясения не пройдет.

Got word from Byron about those telepaths you wanted.

Есть информация от Байрона о тех телепатах, которыми ты интересовался.

Has there been any word from Galyan?

— Есть информация от Регальяна? — Я боюсь нет, Первый Чародей.

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One more word from you and I’m gonna knock you down. Do you understand me?

Скажешь еще хoть слoвo, и я изoбью тебя пo-настoящему.

Any word from your husband?

Скажешь мужу?

First, she’d like a few words from you. Right? OK.

Она бы хотела, чтобы ты ей что-то сказал.

[Sighs] What’s the word from the «lipstick yeti»?

Что сказал » накрашенный йети»?

Vas will give me the account number… and I call Seale and authorize the transfer of money. As soon as I get the word from Seale…

Вас даст номер счёта, и я скажу Силу, чтобьI он перевёл деньги.

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An anachronistic corruption of the phrase «word to the mother», which was a popular reference to Africa or «The Motherland» during the late 1980s Afrocentric movement. While the replacement of «the» with «your» effectively obliterated the term’s Afrocentric roots, it continued to be used in the same manner, that is, to express agreement. Alternatively, the «your» could take on sinister connotations, implying that speaker was sexually intimate with the listener’s mother, as in «say hi to your mom for me», or, in keeping with the whack terminology, «props to your mom, she’s da bomb». Finally, the phrase might mean nothing at all, and be used to ineptly feign street cred, in the style of Vanilla Ice.

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Originally «word to the mother.» Used by African Americans as a salutation. It means «Give due respect to the motherland from which we came.» Can be used in the same context as «Keep it real.» or, also, can be used to literally express respect to the motherland and African-American customs and traditions.

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Word to your mother was a phrase used back in the 80s and 90s. Though it was originated by the African American community, saying to keep it real or to respect the motherland, it then became the retarded phrase of white boys trying to act gangsta. They sound so gay and make respectable white people like me look like the skid-mark on the underpants of society when they say it. Thanks a lot Vanilla Ice.

Black guy 1: «Yo nigga, what’s happenin’?»

Black guy 2: «I’m fine, man. Keepin’ it real.»

Black guy 1: «word to your mother.»

White boy who overhears the conversation and immediately thinks thinks of ice ice baby: «What’s good, niggas?»

Black guy 1: «What you call us bitch?»

WB: » Yo man, keep it real. Word to your mother.»

Black guy 1 knocks him out and he and Black guy 2 laugh and walk away while listening to the Beastie Boys, a well respectable white hip hop group.

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“Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh the joys of those who take refuge in him” Psalms 34:8. TASTE – and see that the Lord is good. The words of this scripture are purposeful. As a kid, I often heard my mom say, “Watch your mouth!”. She would hear me speak some sort of nastiness, and there were those words, sometimes coupled with the bitter taste of soap, letting me know, if I wasn’t going to stop ugly things from coming out, she was going to wash them out for me.

Just the thought of that disgusting taste sends my tongue across my teeth in an effort to rid mouth of any remaining soap residue, YUCK. I’m older now, with a family of my own. I’ve outgrown my mom washing my mouth out, but I’ll never outgrow the need to hear those words and be reminded to, “watch your mouth.”

The tongue is a small muscle with immense ability. A quick study reveals the average size of a woman’s is 3.1 inches, a man’s is slightly larger. We are reliant on it for speech, chewing, and swallowing. Food is important. We need it for survival. Our tongue is the means by which it is ushered in to our system to be broken down and distributed throughout our body for fuel. On it, we find an average of 10,000 taste buds. Taste buds, as we know, detect flavors – salty, sour, bitter, and sweet.

We choose what we put into our mouths.

Sometimes we make wise choices, we go for the fresh bowl of fruit, and reap their benefits. Others, we make less wise choices – and reach for that chocolate donut, the one with the angel fluff hidden inside (My mouth is watering just thinking of it). We joyfully partake in a mouthful (or fistful) of this tastefully satisfying, yet TOTALLY empty of nutrition delight. Empty of nutrition, indeed, but powerless it is not, with its ability to create cravings and sugar addictions that leave us wanting more. Eat too much, and we find ourselves fueling our body with food that deceptively keeps our body alive but causes unseen havoc to our physical well-being.

Taste and see…

When I was a kid, I despised tomatoes. The texture was offensive. One glimpse would send my appetite out the door. Learning about positive nutrition’s purpose in fueling our body, and its disease fighting ability, however, has caused me to re-think my stance. As a result, I began to weigh in my mind the purposeful vitamins they are packed full of, against my disgust for their taste. Consequently, their benefit to me far outweighed my distaste for them and I have LEARNED to enjoy them.

Our tongue has the ability to acquire tastes. The more we eat of something, the more we accept it. Acquiring a taste is a wonderful thing in helping us overcome food aversion. But just as it can serve as a catalyst to healthy lifestyle, it also proves problematic even detrimental when we realize that just as it can acquire a taste for healthy things it can also acquire a taste for non-healthy things. Similarly, just as you can taste and see the things of the Lord, you can also taste and see things that are NOT of the Lord.

Consider with me:

Spew a word of hate in a moment of rage, and sense your tongues ability to satisfy your flesh with those words.

Speak a sharp word out of retaliation, and detect the pleasure of pride prancing through your mouth.

Utter a careless word in the midst of your pain, and feel a satiny delight settle on your taste buds.

Express a word of bitterness, and be aware of your tongues temptation to go in for another bite.

Verbalize your dislike for someone, and discern the discord your tongue is lured into.

Declare gossip-ful words, and notice your craving for more.

The more you speak these things, the more your tongue craves them just as it does a sugary midday pick-me up. These things however, are much like that donut wreaking havoc on our inward man.

It’s not just your momma, what does God’s word say about watching your mouth?

Proverbs 18:21, “The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences.”

Proverbs 25:23, “As surely as a north wind brings rain, so a gossiping tongue causes anger!

Proverbs 26:28. “A lying tongue hates its victims and flattering words cause ruin.”

James 3:8 warns us, “but no one can tame the tongue. It is restless and evil, full of deadly poison.”

James 1:26, “If you claim to be religious but don’t control your tongue, you are fooling yourself, and your religion is worthless.”

Luke 6:45 “… for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh” These words are a necessary (and at times painful) check point in gauging our walk with the Lord. When we read these words, it’s important we take inventory.

Take inventory:

Are the words I speak spreading life or death?

Do the words I choose, stir anger? The Word tells us, the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God. How sobering of a thought to consider our tongue may be the tool used to turn someone (even ourselves) toward unrighteousness.

Am I speaking truth? Lies are hate, no matter how big, how small, whether a half-truth, or a morsel of truth. If there’s any inkling of lie, we’re spreading hate – that’s not God.

Do I have control over my tongue? And if not, my religion is worthless. I need repentance, and the power of the Holy Ghost to overcome.

God says the condition of our heart should be love, what do the words we speak say about the condition of our heart, and what sort of speech have we acquired a taste for?

Overcoming the aversion to watch your mouth

Once you’ve acquired a taste for something, it’s difficult to change, but certainly not impossible. The key is the same as overcoming food aversion. Understanding the impact of healthy eating gives us the reason we need to change our eating habits. Similarly, knowing the impact of our words, and the power hidden inside gives us the reason to change them.

1 Peter 3:10 “Whoever desires to love life and see good days, let him keep his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking deceit.”

Colossians 4:6, “Let your conversation be gracious and attractive[a] so that you will have the right response for everyone.”

Ephesians 4:29, “Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.” This world is full of negativity, and division. How rare is it to find someone who will breath life and encouragement into another? Be that one.

Will you join me?

Proverbs 15:28, “The heart of the godly thinks carefully before speaking; the mouth of the wicked overflows with evil words.” I want to be Godly, I know you do too, and we need God’s help to make it happen.

Transforming the words, we speak is not an easy task. We must break some habits, and change our view through intention, focus, and effort. It’s overwhelming to think about, but thank the Lord he doesn’t leave us on our own. He gives us a promise, and says just taste, and we’ll see that He IS GOOD. He says, “just take a bite,” He’ll prove it, and he doesn’t stop there, he says, “let me help you,” and provides his powerful Spirit as a source of strength.

I wonder today if you’ve come to the point where you’re ready to realize the power of the words we speak, as we are reminded of our need to watch our mouth and Choose Him.

Psalm 141:3 Take control of what I say, O Lord,
and guard my lips.

Looking for more encouragement and taking control of your tongue, maybe what you’re up against is A Root Problem

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