Word friend had an end

1- Look, the conservation volunteers ……….cheerfully in the sunshine all morning, unlike yesterday, when they ………. to work in the rain.
A) worked/are refusing
B) are working/were refusing
C) will be working/have refused
D) have been working/refused
E) will have worked/had refused

2- A: Is that your pure wool pullover in the washing machine? It ……….. you know!
     B: No, I ………. it several times in the machine already. I use the wool cycle and it’s fine.
A) was shrinking/wash
B) has shrunk/had washed
C) will shrink/washed
D) is going to shrink/have washed
E) is shrinking/have been washing

3- The weather conditions ………. throughout the day and now the ground officials are confident that the championship game ……… ahead.
A) have been improving/will go
B) will be improving/is going
C) have improved/was going
D) are improving/has gone
E) improved/went

4- Some of us will be needed tomorrow to finish the fence because, at this rate, two sections ………. unfinished when we ………. work tonight.
A) have remained/stopped
B) will have remained/were stopping
C) are going to remain/will stop
D) are remaining/are stopping
E) will remain/stop

5- Decoupage, an art form that ……… in France during the I7th century, ……… cutting out designs and patterned materials and fastening them permanently to a surface.
A) has originated/will involve
B) originated/involves
C) was originating/is involving
D) will have originated/involved
E) is originating/was involving

6- They ………. so many hotels in the region in recent years that gradually they ………. the natural beauty of the area.
A) were building/destroy
B) will build/have been destroying
C) have built/are destroying
D) are building/have destroyed
E) have been building/destroyed

7- After she ……….. to me for the fifth time, I…….. another word she said and put an end to our friendship.
A) has lied/don’t believe
B) has been lying/won’t believe
C) was lying/haven’t believed
D) is lying/hadn’t believed
E) had lied/didn’t believe

8- Since they ………. part in their first conversation volunteer week, they ………. on several projects with great pleasure.
A) are taking/worked
B) take/will have worked
C) are going to take/are working
D) took/have worked
E) have been taking/work

9- Asia ………. the world’s largest land mass and ………. just over half of the world’s people.
A) has had/held
B) is having/is holding
C) has/holds
D) was having/was holding
E) has been having/will hold

10- I …….. to the bank during my lunch-break today, but an old colleague ………. to visit us, so, naturally, I wanted to hear all the news.
A) was going to go/came
B) went/is coming
C) have gone/was coming
D) had gone/has come
E) am going to go/comes

1. D
2. D
3. A
4. E
5. B
6. C
7. E
8. D
9. C
10. A

Words Ending in J, Q, V, End, and How

The J, Q, and V tiles in games like Scrabble and Words With Friends are notoriously tough to play. Sure, there’s JO, which is great for hooking, or QI and ZA. But, if the tiles don’t lie right, what kind of words end in V, Q, or J?

Which words end with END?

Most of these words ending in END are either bingoes or six letters long. For every SPEND, UPEND, and WEND, there are twice as many longer words. They include: DIVIDEND, REVEREND, PORTEND, DESCEND, and BARTEND, among three dozen others.

Which words end with HOW?

There aren’t many. Some of the long words include ROADSHOW, PEEPSHOW, SALCHOW, and AIRSHOW There are only three four-letter words that end with HOW: SHOW, DHOW, and CHOW.

Which three-letter words end in J?

There are only three three-letter words ending in J. They are: RAJ, HAJ, and TAJ. In fact, there are only seven words in total that end in J. the other four are: HADJ, HAJI, SVARAJ, and SWARAJ. The three-letter words are good for getting rid of the J in the end game when you don’t have an O to make JO.

The camaraderie between Russian men is widely praised, so it’s no wonder Russians have an array of words for ‘friend’, each of them carrying a slightly different meaning.

1. Брат (brat, ‘brother’)

Kira Lisitskaya (Photo: Alexey Kudenko/Sputnik; Legion Media)

Brother is, of course, much more than friend, so this is how Russian guys call each other if they’re really close and have been through some ordeals together. A diminutive братишка (‘brat-ishka’) is a more friendly variant and ‘bratan’ carries an air of respect and dignity. Also, Russians from the Caucasian region, who practice Islam, consider all fellow Muslim believers “brothers” and even slightly abuse this word, especially with strangers.

However, it’s not uncommon to be called ‘brat’ by a complete stranger on the street in Russia – but in most cases, the person may simply want something from you, like a cigarette or some spare change.

2. Друг (droog, ‘friend’)

The obvious word for a friend has also many derivatives in Russian – дружбан (‘droozhban’), дружище (‘droozhishche’), друган (‘droogan’). All of them just emphasize the meaning of ‘friend’. After брат, друг stands above all other words in terms of seriousness of friendship.

Again, if a stranger wants something from you on the street, they might address you as ‘droog’, trying to imply they mean no harm.

3. Кореш (‘koresh’)

This word came from criminal circles in the early 20th century. In Yiddish, ‘korev’ means ‘relative’. Since the Russian criminal world had many Jewish people speaking Yiddish, their words migrated into Russian. Currently, the word ‘koresh’ just means “a close friend” and doesn’t really carry any criminal meaning.

4. Земляк (zemlyak, ‘homie’)

A clean analogue of ‘homeboy’, земляк (“the one from the same land”) is used to mean that somebody is from the same place as you are, where земля means ‘land’ in Russian. In a vast country, people who go to work and live in Moscow or St. Petersburg from other cities and towns of Russia often end up making friends with people who come from the same regions, often referring to them as ‘zemlyak’, or with a touching diminutive – ‘zemelya’.

5. Старик (starik, ‘old man’)

Used in reference to boys only, ‘starik’ means someone you’ve known for a long time. It is also used ironically, when an older person addresses the younger one, who obviously can’t be an “old man”. However, referring to a girl or a woman as ‘starukha’ (‘old hag’) is an insult, even between girls.

6. Кент (kent, ‘buddy’)

Kira Lisitskaya (Photo: Dmitry Feoktistov/TASS; Legion Media)

Just like ‘koresh’, ‘kent’ probably came from Yiddish, where it means “the one who knows [you]”. This word is also borrowed from the language of criminals and is still used there. Normally, if a Russian guy calls someone ‘kent’, he implies that the friendship is really close and that he and his ‘kent’ overcame some tough times together.

7. Кирюха (kiryukha, ‘a drinking bud’)

Derived from the slang term кирять (kiryat, ‘to drink’), this word means a drink lover and also a buddy who you’re drinking with.

8. Приятель (priyatel, ‘pal’)

You wouldn’t want to call your friend a ‘priyatel’, because it really means a person you have just an easy relationship with, but it can’t be called friendship – yet. ‘Priyatels’ can become friends, but they don’t always do.

9. Товарищ (tovarisch, ‘comrade’)

Kira Lisitskaya (Photo: Isaak Dynin/TASS; Sergey Mamontov/Sputnik)

Derived from the word ‘tovar’ (‘product’), ‘tovarisch’ was initially used in Russia to mean a business partner. But, in the Soviet times, it became a widespread address form for the people in the USSR – and not only men; a woman could also be called a ‘tovarisch’. Currently, this word is used less often and it can be compared to ‘priyatel’ in terms of usage. We also have a separate article for this word.

10. Знакомый (znakomyi, ‘acquaintance’)

This word is the “least friendly” of them all and it’s used to mean a person you know of, but aren’t friends or pals with; you just happen to have their acquaintance and don’t necessarily have good relations with the person.

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Losing a friend can be as hard as breaking up with a lover, but it’s necessary when things just aren’t working out. If your friendship is more toxic than beneficial, it might be time to pull the plug. Friendships change, and friendships end. If you’ve got to cut the cord, then you should at least do it with grace and humility.

  1. Image titled Be Mature Step 16


    End it if you can’t stop fighting. Do you think your anger will subside, or is this really the end? Friends fight and still stay friends, and you can’t expect perfection from them all the time. But if you’re fighting more than feeling friendly, it’s probably time to bail. Who wants to be with someone they’re always arguing with, anyway?[1]
    Ask yourself some questions to better understand things:

    • Was your disagreement a one-time occurrence or has been ongoing? If your disagreement just won’t die, maybe the friendship should.
    • Does the issue itself matter more than the friendship? Voting for different people is one thing, but if someone deeply disagrees with your core beliefs, it may be a deal-breaker.
    • Is there a hurt or a slight that neither of you will apologize for? Are you so proud/upset that you can’t say «I’m sorry» and move on with your lives?


    Jin Kim is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist based out of Los Angeles, California. Jin specializes in working with LGBTQ individuals, people of color, and those that may have challenges related to reconciling multiple and intersectional identities. Jin received his Masters in Clinical Psychology from Antioch University Los Angeles, with a specialization in LGBT-Affirming Psychology, in 2015.

    Jin S. Kim, MA

    Evaluate whether the relationship is a healthy one. Having a strong friendship requires cultivation and work. For it to be balanced, you should both reach out and contribute to that friendship. In addition, in a healthy friendship, you should both have respect for the other person and their boundaries.

  2. Image titled Not Be Intimidated by Other Girls Step 3


    Consider ending it if you’re growing distant and apart, and neither of you wants to fix it. Sometimes friendships don’t end with a fight, but with a fizzle. Has it been a while since you felt like calling up your friend for a chat? Do you find yourself making excuses not to hang out? If so, ask yourself whether you or your friend could do anything to save the relationship, or whether you even want to. People change — it sucks, but it is true. Don’t fight it if you don’t have a reason to.

    • If you’re old friends, give it another shot. People go through rough patches, and it’s no excuse to cut and run because things aren’t fun for a few weeks.
    • Drifting apart doesn’t mean you won’t one day drift back together. Just stop hanging out for a while — it’s as simple as that.


  3. Image titled Be Calm Step 21


    Compare life without your friend to life with a little bit less of them. Rushing from «best friends» to «I’ll never see them again» is childish and extreme. Would just hanging out less accomplish the same goals? Does it make you sad to imagine life without the person, or does it make you feel relieved? If you aren’t sure this is what you want to do, then just try seeing less of them. It’s a lot easier, less dramatic, and mature than cutting them out of your life all at once.[2]

    • Simply put, are you still willing to put in the energy to keep this relationship going? If the answer is no, then move on and make the break.
    • If you already know that you’ll be happy to get rid of the drama, boredom, or other negative feelings that you associate with this person, ending it is a good idea. Ignore the mutual friends, activities, and other nonsense. If they’re bad for you, end it.
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  1. Image titled Apologize For Cheating on Your Partner Step 16


    Cut off toxic friendships cold turkey. If your friend is a danger to you or your health, screw social etiquette and end it immediately. If your friend is manipulative/hurtful[3]
    or you’re afraid he or she will have a violent reaction to your friendship’s end, just hit the brakes now. No conversation needed. Stop taking calls and texts, unfriend the person on Facebook, and don’t show up in places where you know that person will be.

    • If you’re in danger, notify authorities (a boss, school officials, the police) immediately. This is no longer a friendship worth handling alone.[4]


    Jin Kim is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist based out of Los Angeles, California. Jin specializes in working with LGBTQ individuals, people of color, and those that may have challenges related to reconciling multiple and intersectional identities. Jin received his Masters in Clinical Psychology from Antioch University Los Angeles, with a specialization in LGBT-Affirming Psychology, in 2015.

    Jin S. Kim, MA

    Consider whether the other person regularly disregards your boundaries. If your friend regularly disregards your boundaries or makes you engage in activities or situations that you don’t feel comfortable in, it may be time to re-evaluate that relationship. Ending any relationship is uncomfortable, but if it’s a toxic situation, it’s imperative to end it in order to protect yourself.

  2. Image titled Be a Mean Girl Step 8


    Don’t hang out together. Let the friendship fade naturally. Friends go to different schools, move to different towns, or gravitate to different activities, and they start hanging out with other people. It’s quick, painless, and usually mutual. To gracefully put a friendship out of its misery (or let it wilt, if that sounds too harsh), you should:[5]

    • Keep your conversations in safe, shallow territory. Keep all of the emotional, personal baggage in your own bedroom and out of their house.
    • Lose touch with them. Don’t make as big an effort to call or text. Skip a phone call or two. Don’t overdo it, of course. But if you’re not friends, you don’t need to be in constant communication.
    • Decline invitations to chill. As the distance between you grows, stop spending time with the ex-friend. They’ll stop calling eventually, once they get the idea.
  3. Image titled Be Mature Step 5


    End the friendship in person, directly. If you need to, cut it off quickly. Do you want straightforward results? Be a straight shooter. Rather than leaving the person guessing why you aren’t talking to him or her anymore, set aside a few minutes to talk to them. If you’re just not interested in hanging out with someone, this may be a bit extreme. But if they are toxic to your life, old pals, or otherwise damaging your life you need to own up to your decision and tell them honestly.


    Jin Kim is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist based out of Los Angeles, California. Jin specializes in working with LGBTQ individuals, people of color, and those that may have challenges related to reconciling multiple and intersectional identities. Jin received his Masters in Clinical Psychology from Antioch University Los Angeles, with a specialization in LGBT-Affirming Psychology, in 2015.

    Jin S. Kim, MA

    Our Expert Agrees: Aside from extreme circumstances, it’s usually best to have a discussion where you explain why you’re ending the friendship, or at least to express how you feel about the friendship before you determine whether you’re going to end it. This reinforces healthy communication and it could potentially minimize any residual animosities between the two of you.

  4. Image titled Communicate Effectively Step 2


    Choose a quiet, but still public, spot to talk. This way you can hightail it out of there when the conversation is over, or if things get heated (which they hopefully will not). Coffee shops and public parks are good choices.

  5. Image titled Tell Your Best Friend You Are Depressed Step 20


    Let them know your concerns politely, firmly, and quickly. Cut right to the chase — «I don’t think we should hang out anymore» is about as blunt, and effective, as it gets.

  6. Image titled Be Mature Step 14


    Keep the conversation focused on you. Don’t throw blame or talk trash about them. For example, instead of accusing the person of drinking too much, go with «I need time to focus more on my studies and less on partying.»

  7. Image titled Stop Yourself from Crying Step 16


    Give the other person a chance to talk. Make sure they understand your position too. It’s important to let your friend tell you what he or she thinks about the situation. However, it should not change your decision. You spent a lot of time thinking about this. Don’t undo it all in thirty seconds.

  8. Image titled Apologize For Cheating on Your Partner Step 2


    Leave once you’ve said your piece. You may also be tempted to apologize for ending the friendship. But unless you’ve done something wrong, there is no reason to be sorry for choosing to cut ties with someone. Just get it done and get out of there.

  9. Image titled Make Your Husband Fall in Love with You Again Step 12


    Establish clear boundaries for the end of the relationship. No matter how you end a friendship, the person is likely to try to get in touch once or twice. Let the person know if they are still welcome to talk to you or not. If you are not crystal clear about your expectations, then don’t end things until you are. If you’re wishy-washy now, both of you will likely slip into old habits later.

    • If you are willing to keep in touch with this person, make it clear what kind of communication is cool with you. You don’t have to ignore someone’s very existence just because you don’t want to hang out anymore.
    • If you never want to speak to your former friend again, warn them of the consequences if they don’t listen. And, like any other promise, make sure you follow through if they do.
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  1. Image titled Apologize For Cheating on Your Partner Step 1


    Brace yourself for the sadness of a lost friendship. Sometimes losing the worst people hurts you the most. You had good times, though. They were cool, fun, and funny when you were friends. Losing them, no matter how bad things got, is going to feel like ripping off a bandage. It hurts, and it stings in the open air, but it’s for the best.[6]

    • Your friend might not take it well. One or both of you might end up crying, begging, or flying off in rage. But whatever the current emotions, they do not erase the reasons you had for ending things.
    • You’re going to feel guilty, end of story. Just remember that, no matter how broken your relationship may have been, it’s normal to feel responsible for the death of a good thing. It will pass with time.
  2. Image titled Be Mature Step 15


    Contain your anger. It isn’t doing you or anyone else any favors. Chances are good that your friend will be angry enough for the both of you. Hurt feelings morph quickly into anger, and anger leads to doing things you’d probably rather not do. If you feel tempers rising on either side, take a step back and get out of there shortly. Like cookies on a hot tray, you’ll both cool off faster when you’re separated.

    • If your former friend tends to become aggressive when confronted, you should expect verbal or even physical backlash. End things in public, and bring a friend or write a letter if you’re really worried.
    • You’re going to be angry for a while if your friend hurt you. It’s normal. But don’t let your anger pull you to the dark side, young padawan. Once you let the friendship go, let the emotions go as well.
  3. Image titled Deal With Bullies Step 1Bullet2


    Prepare your defenses for incoming passive-aggression. More likely than not, it’s impossible to completely break it off, especially if you still have to see the person at school or work. Passive aggression, the great weapon of slighted friends the world over, can only hurt you if you let it. Get mentally ready to deal with some mind games in the months after you cut things off. The best defense is completely ignoring the attack.

    • If your former friend is passive-aggressive, expect back-stabbing behavior after you break off the friendship. Try and remember that it is, in the end, kind of your fault for ending things and that you shouldn’t strike back.
    • You already ended the relationship. Don’t make things worse by trying to sabotage or hurt them after you’ve already ended it.
  4. Image titled Deal With Being Hated Step 1


    Accept the friends who don’t take your side. It’s nothing personal. It is just hard for people to be friends with two people who are no longer friends for each other. People will naturally gravitate toward either you or your friend because playing both sides puts them in the middle of the war they want none of. Note, however, that this is by far the most melodramatic outcome. More often than not your social group will shift a bit and move on.

  5. Image titled Make the Most of Your Summer Vacation (for Teens) Step 11


    Meet some new people and stop harping on the old. Meeting new people will signal to your former friend that you have a life outside of him or her. It will also help you feel better about the friendship’s end since you’ll have great new people in your life. Some fresh ideas will do you good — as long as you’re on the lookout for behavior similar to the friend you had to leave.

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  • You have the right to preserve and protect your own joy. If your friend robs you of joy, it is an unhealthy relationship.

  • Don’t allow friends or family guilt you into staying in a harmful friendship. Consider your own well-being.

  • If you really feel that you need to break up with your friend, do it. Just make sure that it is the right decision before you make it, but if you have to, then do what is best for you.

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  • Don’t just ignore the symptoms of a failing friendship. Unless you do something about it, things will most likely not get better on their own.

  • Avoid the temptation to tell people all about your former friend’s character flaws. If you do this, chances are you will receive the same treatment.



About This Article

Article SummaryX

Losing a friend is hard, but if your relationship is harmful then it may be better to end it. To break off a friendship, you can let it fade naturally by keeping your conversations shallow and not going out of your way to call or text them. You can also avoid spending time together so they eventually get the idea and stop inviting you to things. If you don’t want to wait for the relationship to end, tell them directly that you aren’t interested in being friends anymore and why. It’s better to be firm, so you can say something like “I don’t think we should hang out anymore because we fight too much.” Even though it shouldn’t change your decision, make sure to give them a chance to say what they think to be polite. For more advice, including how to set boundaries after ending a friendship, read on!

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come to an end — перевод на русский

The time of Apophis has finally come to an end.

Время Апофиса наконец подошло к концу.

Stevie, our time here in Mexico has come to an end.

Стиви, наше пребывание в Мексике подошло к концу.

Our time together has come to an end.

Наше сотрудничество подошло к концу.

These hard times should come to an end.

— Но это время подошло к концу.

But sadly, his time in this world came to an end.

его время в этом мире подошло к концу.

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Dear Caroline, the first part of this journey is coming to an end.

Дорогая Каролайн, первая часть путешествия подходит к концу.

The reign of biological life-forms is coming to an end.

Правление биологических форм жизни подходит к концу.

Before we knew it, our compulsory education was coming to an end.

Прежде, чем мы знали это, наше обязательное образование подходит к концу.

The honeymoon period’s coming to an end.

Медовый месяц подходит к концу.

The time of plots and revenge is coming to an end.

Время заговоров и мести подходит к концу.

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Your father and I… Our time together has come to an end.

Да… наше с ним время подходит к концу.

As the day and the second round came to an end, there was genuine excitement.

К концу дня и второго раунда, началось большое волнение.

The fact that this choice exists would make all pre-formed destiny come to an end.

И тот простой факт, что такой выбор существует, привел бы к концу всех предопределенных судеб.

Crone time comes, this life come to an end.

Жизнь подходит к концу.

Competition is early coming to an end.

Наше шоу походит к концу.

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Once I posess Arang, all this will come to an end.

все закончится.

Once I possess Arang, everything will come to an end.

все закончится.

Turns out, the transferrence is eventually going to come to an end.

Оказалось, хм, трансформация в конечном счете закончится.

And all this is gonna come to an end.

И все это закончится.

What does it matter whether such a blighted life as mine comes to an end now, next week, next year?

Какая это имеет значение, закончится ли моя загубленная жизнь сейчас, на следующей неделе, в следующем году?

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So tomorrow, Howard goes back to the old format… and all of this gutter depravity comes to an end.

Поэтому завтра Говард вернётся в старый формат… и всей этой безнравственной желтухе придёт конец.

And as long as nothing gets in our way, we could go on like this for millions of years. But sooner or later we know that this smooth ride will come to an end. We just don’t know when.

И если не встретится никаких препятствий, то так может продолжаться миллионы лет, но рано или поздно этому гладкому движению, мы знаем, придет конец.

I’m standing on the very spot where many Christians believe the world will come to an end.

Я стою на том самом месте. где, как верят многие христиане, миру придет конец.

The world as we know it will come to an end.

Миру, таким каким мы его знаем, придет конец.

But if you believe that the world is gonna come to an end, and perhaps any day now, does it not drain one’s motivation to improve life on earth while we’re here?

-Коран, Сура 3:151 Но, если вы верите, что миру придет конец, и возможно в любой момент, разве это не истощает вашу мотивацию на улучшение жизни на земле, пока мы здесь?

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They say with time, wisdom comes to an end.

Говорят, со временем мудрость заканчивается.

Rosa, I reckon our beautiful friendship comes to an end at this point…

Роза, я думаю, что наша прекрасная дружба заканчивается именно здесь.

And finally it came to an end and we spent the night in each other’s arms.

Наконец, всё заканчивается, и мы досыпаем ночь в объятьях друг друга.

So another sordid chapter in the love life of Joey Potter comes to an end.

И так ещё одна отвратительная глава в любовной жизни мисс Джоуи Поттер заканчивается.

(MAN) What action is being taken to make sure we actively continue to tackle world poverty after the current programme comes to an end?

Какие действия предпринимаются, чтобы подтвердить, что мы продолжаем бороться с нищетой, так как текущая программа заканчивается?

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But every element in life comes to an end.

Но рано или поздно всему в этой жизни приходит конец.

While the world comes to an end, what do you do?

Миру приходит конец, а ты чем занят?

Everything comes to an end.

Всему приходит конец.

And be an example to others, so not only this war, but every war waged may come to an end as well.

И служите примером другим, ибо любой войне, не только этой, приходит конец.

All good things must come to an end.

Всему хорошему когда-нибудь приходит конец.

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Ooh, I thought it would never come to an end, that I did.

О-ох, думала, никогда это не кончится.

I don’t know when all this hate and revenge will come to an end!

Даже и не знаю, когда кончится вся эта ненависть и месть!

It will come to an end by itself very soon.

Скоро, скоро оно кончится и так.

Would the fall never come to an end?

Неужели это никогда не кончится?

This nightmare is coming to an end.

И наконец-то этот кошмар кончится.

Показать ещё примеры для «кончится»…

I don’t care if the world comes to an end tomorrow night you are through with that play!

Меня не волнует. Хоть конец света завтра. Ты больше не играешь.

You give him a ball and he goes pro, that’s the world coming to an end?

Но если парень хочет быть профессиональным игроком, то все, конец света?

The world has to come to an end?

Наступает конец света?

The world isn’t coming to an end.

Это не конец света.

They’d manage to stay on the air if the world was coming to an end.

Они остались бы в эфире, даже при конце света.

Показать ещё примеры для «конец света»…

alas, all good things come to an end.

Увы, все хорошие вещи когда-нибудь заканчиваются.

All stories must come to an end.

Все истории когда-нибудь заканчиваются.

All good things got to come to an end, boo.

Все хорошие вещи, когда-нибудь заканчиваются.

I’m so sorry, but all good things must come to an end.

Мне очень жаль, но все хорошее когда-нибудь заканчивается.

but… all good things must come to an end.

но…все хорошее когда-нибудь заканчивается.

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  • подошло к концу
  • подходит к концу
  • к концу
  • закончится
  • придёт конец
  • заканчивается
  • приходит конец
  • кончится
  • конец света
  • когда-нибудь заканчиваются

A list of scrabble words ending with A

We’ve put together a list of 2,298 words that end with the letter
«A» for word games like Scrabble and Words with Friends. This list starts with the highest scoring words
and is then organized by how many letters the word has, with the longest at the top (so, for 7-8 letter words
ending with «A», start at the top).

If this list isn’t cutting it, use our
Scrabble Word Finder to triangulate the
exact word you’re looking for.
Also, check out our list of
words starting with A
for more «A» related fun.

If you came here looking for hints for today’s Wordle puzzle, consider using our
Wordle Answer Finder tool.
Simply enter the letters you already know, then see a list of possible word combinations to get you started.
You can also see a list of historical Wordle answers here if you’re curious!

A is not a Scrabble word.


  • Highest scoring words ending with A
  • 8-letter words ending with A
  • 7-letter words ending with A
  • 6-letter words ending with A
  • 5-letter words ending with A
  • 4-letter words ending with A
  • 3-letter words ending with A
  • 2-letter words ending with A
  • FAQs about words that end in A

The highest scoring words ending with A

Want to go straight to the words that will get you the best score? Here are all the highest scoring words with a,
not including the 50-point bonus if they use seven letters.

Top words ending with A Scrabble Points Words With Friends Points
zelkova 23 25
britzka 22 23
zemstva 21 23
chutzpa 23 25
zyzzyva 43 42
hypoxia 22 21
cerveza 21 23
bazooka 22 23
buzukia 22 25
mazurka 22 24

2,298 Scrabble words ending with a

8 Letter Words That End in A

  • abdomina13
  • abrachia15
  • abscissa12
  • academia13
  • aceldama13
  • achillea13
  • acidemia13
  • aciduria11
  • adularia9
  • adynamia14
  • agenesia9
  • agnomina11
  • agraphia14
  • agrypnia14
  • akinesia12
  • albizzia28
  • algaroba11
  • alleluia8
  • alopecia12
  • amberina12
  • ambrosia12
  • amphibia17
  • amygdala15
  • anabaena10
  • anaconda11
  • analecta10
  • analemma12
  • anaphora13
  • anasarca10
  • anathema13
  • anecdota11
  • angelica11
  • anoopsia10
  • anorexia15
  • anoxemia17
  • antefixa18
  • anthelia11
  • anthemia13
  • anthodia12
  • antidora9
  • antisera8
  • apimania12
  • apologia11
  • arapaima12
  • arboreta10
  • arethusa11
  • armonica12
  • arythmia16
  • asphyxia23
  • aspirata10
  • asthenia11
  • astigmia11
  • asyndeta12
  • ataraxia15
  • atheroma13
  • atrophia13
  • aubretia10
  • aubrieta10
  • auricula10
  • automata10
  • avifauna14
  • ayurveda15
  • azotemia19
  • azoturia17
  • babirusa12
  • babushka19
  • bacteria12
  • baidarka15
  • ballista10
  • bandanna11
  • baptisia12
  • barathea13
  • barranca12
  • basilica12
  • battalia10
  • bauhinia13
  • bedsonia11
  • berretta10
  • bethesda14
  • bignonia11
  • birretta10
  • blastema12
  • blastoma12
  • blastula10
  • boltonia10
  • borrelia10
  • botanica12
  • braciola12
  • branchia15
  • brassica12
  • bregmata13
  • britzska23
  • bronchia15
  • brouhaha16
  • brucella12
  • buddleia12
  • cabresta12
  • cabretta12
  • cabrilla12
  • cachexia22
  • cachucha20
  • calabaza21
  • calamata12
  • calcanea12
  • calcaria12
  • calctufa15
  • caldaria11
  • calisaya13
  • calvaria13
  • calyptra15
  • cambogia15
  • camellia12
  • campagna15
  • capitula12
  • capoeira12
  • caponata12
  • capybara17
  • caracara12
  • caragana11
  • carnauba12
  • carpalia12
  • cathedra14
  • cattleya13
  • cavatina13
  • cecropia14
  • celomata12
  • cercaria12
  • chalazia22
  • champaca19
  • chaqueta22
  • charisma15
  • chatchka22
  • chickpea21
  • chimaera15
  • chloasma15
  • cinchona15
  • cisterna10
  • claustra10
  • clitella10
  • coccidia15
  • cocinera12
  • cocobola14
  • collegia11
  • colluvia13
  • collyria13
  • coloboma14
  • columnea12
  • comatula12
  • conferva16
  • contagia11
  • contessa10
  • continua10
  • copremia14
  • coxalgia18
  • credenda12
  • credenza20
  • criteria10
  • ctenidia11
  • cubicula14
  • cuticula12
  • cymbidia18
  • czarevna22
  • czaritza28
  • dahabiya17
  • decennia11
  • dementia11
  • demerara11
  • dentalia9
  • diarrhea12
  • diaspora11
  • diastema11
  • dicentra11
  • dichasia14
  • diplegia12
  • diplopia13
  • djellaba18
  • dracaena11
  • dulciana11
  • dulcinea11
  • dyslexia19
  • dyspnoea14
  • dystaxia19
  • dystocia14
  • dystonia12
  • dystopia14
  • earthpea13
  • ecclesia12
  • effluvia17
  • egomania11
  • empanada13
  • encaenia10
  • endameba13
  • endostea9
  • enigmata11
  • entameba12
  • ependyma16
  • ephemera15
  • epicedia13
  • epifauna13
  • epimysia15
  • epopoeia12
  • equiseta17
  • erythema16
  • estancia10
  • esthesia11
  • etcetera10
  • eupepsia12
  • euphoria13
  • exonumia17
  • fanegada13
  • fantasia11
  • fenestra11
  • feterita11
  • fibrilla13
  • flabella13
  • flagella12
  • flotilla11
  • focaccia17
  • foramina13
  • frittata11
  • furcraea13
  • galabiya14
  • galleria9
  • gambusia13
  • gammadia14
  • gardenia10
  • gastraea9
  • gastrula9
  • gelsemia11
  • gematria11
  • gerardia10
  • gesneria9
  • glabella11
  • gladiola10
  • glaucoma13
  • gliomata11
  • glossina9
  • gloxinia16
  • golconda12
  • golgotha13
  • guerilla9
  • gymkhana21
  • gymnasia14
  • gynaecea14
  • gynaecia14
  • gynoecia14
  • habanera13
  • hacienda14
  • hamartia13
  • haphtara16
  • haplopia15
  • hatteria11
  • hematoma15
  • hemiolia13
  • hepatica15
  • hepatoma15
  • herbaria13
  • hiragana12
  • hordeola12
  • hospitia13
  • hydrilla15
  • hyphemia21
  • hyponoia16
  • hypopnea18
  • hysteria14
  • icekhana17
  • insignia9
  • insomnia10
  • intarsia8
  • intifada12
  • ischemia15
  • japonica19
  • javelina18
  • jipijapa26
  • kalamata14
  • kalyptra17
  • kamaaina14
  • katakana16
  • katchina17
  • kavakava22
  • keratoma14
  • kielbasa14
  • labrusca12
  • lavalava14
  • leucemia12
  • leukemia14
  • levodopa14
  • linguica11
  • linguisa9
  • lipomata12
  • listeria8
  • lithemia13
  • lymphoma20
  • madrassa11
  • magnesia11
  • magnolia11
  • maharaja20
  • maiolica12
  • majolica19
  • malaroma12
  • malvasia13
  • mamaliga13
  • mammilla14
  • mandioca13
  • mantilla10
  • mantissa10
  • manubria12
  • marchesa15
  • marinara10
  • mariposa12
  • marsupia12
  • mausolea10
  • mazaedia20
  • mazourka23
  • mbaqanga22
  • mechitza24
  • melanoma12
  • melodica13
  • menstrua10
  • meshugga15
  • mesoglea11
  • miasmata12
  • miliaria10
  • mollusca12
  • monstera10
  • moussaka14
  • movieola13
  • mozzetta28
  • mridanga12
  • mycetoma17
  • myotonia13
  • myxameba24
  • myxedema23
  • myxomata22
  • nonquota17
  • occipita14
  • oedemata11
  • oiticica12
  • oliguria9
  • omnivora13
  • opercula12
  • operetta10
  • opuscula12
  • palestra10
  • palladia11
  • palpebra14
  • panatela10
  • pancetta12
  • panetela10
  • panmixia19
  • panorama12
  • parabola12
  • paranoea10
  • paranoia10
  • parhelia13
  • parosmia12
  • pashmina15
  • pellagra11
  • penumbra14
  • peponida13
  • perfecta15
  • petechia15
  • phelonia13
  • photopia15
  • piassaba12
  • piassava13
  • pignolia11
  • pitahaya16
  • pizzeria28
  • placenta12
  • planaria10
  • plethora13
  • plumeria12
  • pollinia10
  • polygala14
  • polypnea15
  • polyuria13
  • postcava15
  • predella11
  • presidia11
  • proforma15
  • progeria11
  • protozoa19
  • prunella10
  • psoralea10
  • pterygia14
  • puerpera12
  • putamina12
  • pycnidia16
  • pyoderma16
  • pyorrhea16
  • qindarka22
  • quadriga19
  • quillaia17
  • quillaja24
  • quinella17
  • quiniela17
  • rachilla13
  • radialia9
  • ramtilla10
  • rendzina18
  • reptilia10
  • responsa10
  • reticula10
  • retinula8
  • rhizobia22
  • rostella8
  • rutabaga11
  • sacraria10
  • salsilla8
  • santeria8
  • sapremia12
  • sarmenta10
  • sastruga9
  • sayonara11
  • scabiosa12
  • schemata15
  • sciatica12
  • scleroma12
  • scolioma12
  • scotopia12
  • scrofula13
  • scutella10
  • semicoma14
  • semigala11
  • seminoma12
  • semolina10
  • senorita8
  • sensilla8
  • sensoria8
  • septaria10
  • serenata8
  • shigella12
  • shillala11
  • silicula10
  • simaruba12
  • sinfonia11
  • sonatina8
  • spartina10
  • spirilla10
  • sporozoa19
  • stapelia10
  • stemmata12
  • sterigma11
  • stigmata11
  • stoccata12
  • stokesia12
  • stomodea11
  • stotinka12
  • strobila10
  • stromata10
  • strontia8
  • subphyla18
  • subpoena12
  • subtopia12
  • suburbia12
  • swastica13
  • swastika15
  • sympodia16
  • symposia15
  • syncytia16
  • synergia12
  • synkarya18
  • syntagma14
  • tamandua11
  • tamboura12
  • tapadera11
  • taqueria17
  • tegmenta11
  • tegumina11
  • tenacula10
  • tentoria8
  • teratoma10
  • terraria8
  • terrella8
  • theriaca13
  • thiotepa13
  • thiourea11
  • tithonia11
  • tokonoma14
  • tortilla8
  • tourista8
  • toxaemia17
  • trachoma15
  • trapezia19
  • traumata10
  • trichina13
  • triennia8
  • trifecta13
  • triforia11
  • trihedra12
  • triptyca15
  • tristeza17
  • trochlea13
  • tsarevna11
  • tsaritza17
  • tzarevna20
  • tzaritza26
  • ultimata10
  • umbrella12
  • undersea9
  • unguenta9
  • uredinia9
  • urinemia10
  • uropygia14
  • vaccinia15
  • valencia13
  • velamina13
  • vendetta12
  • veratria11
  • veronica13
  • vertebra13
  • vesicula13
  • vestigia12
  • vibrissa13
  • victoria13
  • viewdata15
  • vinifera14
  • virtuosa11
  • viscacha18
  • vivipara16
  • vizcacha27
  • wahconda17
  • weigelia12
  • wistaria11
  • wisteria11
  • xanthoma20
  • yokozuna24
  • ytterbia13
  • zarzuela26
  • zastruga18
  • zirconia19
  • zoogloea18
  • zoomania19
  • zygomata23

7 Letter Words That End in A

  • abomasa11
  • aboulia9
  • abrosia9
  • acantha12
  • acapnia11
  • accidia12
  • acequia18
  • acerola9
  • acholia12
  • acicula11
  • acrasia9
  • acromia11
  • actinia9
  • addenda10
  • adenoma10
  • aecidia10
  • aerobia9
  • agnosia8
  • agrapha13
  • alameda10
  • albizia18
  • alfalfa13
  • alforja17
  • algebra10
  • allodia8
  • alluvia10
  • althaea10
  • alumina9
  • amanita9
  • amboina11
  • amboyna14
  • amentia9
  • ammonia11
  • amnesia9
  • amphora14
  • ampulla11
  • amreeta9
  • anaemia9
  • analgia8
  • anchusa12
  • ancilla9
  • anergia8
  • angaria8
  • angioma10
  • anhinga11
  • anopsia9
  • anosmia9
  • antenna7
  • aphagia13
  • aphasia12
  • aphelia12
  • aphonia12
  • aplasia9
  • apraxia16
  • apteria9
  • aquaria16
  • arabica11
  • araroba9
  • arcadia10
  • archaea12
  • arietta7
  • armilla9
  • arugola8
  • arugula8
  • ascidia10
  • astasia7
  • asteria7
  • atalaya10
  • atemoya12
  • atresia7
  • aureola7
  • babesia11
  • baccara13
  • baklava16
  • baklawa16
  • bandana10
  • bandora10
  • banksia13
  • barilla9
  • barista9
  • basidia10
  • bazooka22
  • begonia10
  • begorra10
  • beretta9
  • bhangra13
  • bidarka14
  • biennia9
  • biretta9
  • bisnaga10
  • biznaga19
  • boffola15
  • bohemia14
  • bolivia12
  • bologna10
  • bonanza18
  • bothria12
  • brachia14
  • bravura12
  • breccia13
  • britska13
  • britzka22
  • bubinga12
  • bulimia11
  • bumelia11
  • bursera9
  • buzukia22
  • cabbala13
  • cabomba15
  • cadenza19
  • caesura9
  • caldera10
  • camelia11
  • camisia11
  • camorra11
  • canasta9
  • candela10
  • candida11
  • canella9
  • cannula9
  • cantala9
  • cantata9
  • cantina9
  • canzona18
  • caramba13
  • carbora11
  • carioca11
  • cascara11
  • cassaba11
  • cassata9
  • cassava12
  • cassena9
  • cassina9
  • catalpa11
  • catawba14
  • cavalla12
  • cedilla10
  • celesta9
  • celosia9
  • cementa11
  • cerebra11
  • cerveza21
  • chachka21
  • chalaza21
  • chalupa14
  • chamisa14
  • charkha19
  • chiasma14
  • chimera14
  • cholera12
  • chrisma14
  • chutzpa23
  • ciboria11
  • cingula10
  • cithara12
  • clarkia13
  • coagula10
  • cochlea14
  • codeina10
  • comitia11
  • commata13
  • conidia10
  • copaiba13
  • coquina18
  • corbina11
  • cordoba12
  • coremia11
  • corolla9
  • corpora11
  • corrida10
  • cortina9
  • corvina12
  • cotinga10
  • crapola11
  • curacoa11
  • curcuma13
  • curiosa9
  • cymatia14
  • cypsela14
  • czarina18
  • damiana10
  • daphnia13
  • decidua11
  • dejecta17
  • deliria8
  • deodara9
  • deutzia17
  • dhourra11
  • dicamba14
  • digamma13
  • dilemma12
  • diluvia11
  • diorama10
  • diploma12
  • diptera10
  • diptyca15
  • dogmata11
  • dongola9
  • dracena10
  • drachma15
  • drosera8
  • duodena9
  • dyspnea13
  • dysuria11
  • echidna13
  • ecthyma17
  • ectopia11
  • ectozoa18
  • edemata10
  • emerita9
  • emporia11
  • empyema16
  • encomia11
  • enemata9
  • entasia7
  • entozoa16
  • ephedra13
  • episcia11
  • erotica9
  • eugenia8
  • euglena8
  • eulogia8
  • eupnoea9
  • excreta16
  • exempla18
  • exhedra18
  • exordia15
  • exotica16
  • extrema16
  • exurbia16
  • falbala12
  • farinha13
  • favella13
  • fazenda20
  • felucca14
  • fermata12
  • fibroma14
  • filaria10
  • fimbria14
  • fistula10
  • fontina10
  • formica14
  • formula12
  • foveola13
  • freesia10
  • frenula10
  • fuchsia15
  • furcula12
  • fusaria10
  • galabia10
  • galanga9
  • galatea8
  • galleta8
  • gallica10
  • ganglia9
  • gangsta9
  • gastrea8
  • gazania17
  • gerbera10
  • germina10
  • giardia9
  • gingiva12
  • glomera10
  • godetia9
  • gondola9
  • gonidia9
  • gordita9
  • gorilla8
  • grandma11
  • grandpa11
  • granita8
  • granola8
  • gravida12
  • guarana8
  • gummata12
  • gynecia13
  • haftara13
  • haggada13
  • halacha15
  • halakha17
  • hammada15
  • hariana10
  • harissa10
  • helluva13
  • hemiola12
  • hetaera10
  • hetaira10
  • hexapla19
  • himatia12
  • hosanna10
  • hryvnia16
  • hymenia15
  • hypogea16
  • hyponea15
  • hypoxia22
  • ignatia8
  • ikebana13
  • illuvia10
  • imperia11
  • impresa11
  • indicia10
  • indusia8
  • inedita8
  • inertia7
  • infanta10
  • infauna10
  • ingesta8
  • inocula9
  • ipomoea11
  • jellaba16
  • kabbala15
  • kachina16
  • kalimba15
  • katcina13
  • katsura11
  • keitloa11
  • kerygma17
  • khalifa17
  • kithara14
  • kopiyka20
  • labella9
  • lambada12
  • lamella9
  • lantana7
  • lasagna8
  • latakia11
  • latilla7
  • lemmata11
  • lempira11
  • leucoma11
  • leukoma13
  • lingula8
  • lixivia17
  • lobelia9
  • locusta9
  • logania8
  • lomenta9
  • lordoma10
  • macchia16
  • macumba15
  • madeira10
  • madonna10
  • madrasa10
  • madrona10
  • magenta10
  • magmata12
  • mahatma14
  • mahonia12
  • majagua17
  • malacca13
  • malanga10
  • malaria9
  • mandala10
  • mandola10
  • manilla9
  • manioca11
  • maquila18
  • maranta9
  • marasca11
  • maremma13
  • marimba13
  • markkaa17
  • marsala9
  • mascara11
  • mastaba11
  • matilda10
  • maxilla16
  • mazurka22
  • medulla10
  • megilla10
  • melisma11
  • melodia10
  • meropia11
  • meshuga13
  • mestiza18
  • metazoa18
  • micella11
  • militia9
  • minorca11
  • minutia9
  • mochila14
  • mojarra16
  • momenta11
  • monarda10
  • morphia14
  • mousaka13
  • moviola12
  • mozetta18
  • myalgia13
  • mycelia14
  • myeloma14
  • myomata14
  • nandina8
  • naphtha15
  • narcoma11
  • neuroma9
  • neurula7
  • nigella8
  • nirvana10
  • noncola9
  • noumena9
  • novella10
  • ocarina9
  • olestra7
  • oogonia8
  • ootheca12
  • opuntia9
  • oquassa16
  • organza17
  • osmunda10
  • ossetra7
  • osteoma9
  • ostraca9
  • ostraka11
  • otalgia8
  • ouguiya11
  • oversea10
  • ovipara12
  • oxymora19
  • paisana9
  • palabra11
  • palmyra14
  • panacea11
  • pandora10
  • pandura10
  • panocha14
  • papilla11
  • paprica13
  • paprika15
  • pareira9
  • parerga10
  • partita9
  • pastina9
  • patagia10
  • patella9
  • pavlova15
  • peculia11
  • peloria9
  • pembina13
  • pergola10
  • peridia10
  • perilla9
  • perinea9
  • persona9
  • petunia9
  • philtra12
  • piasaba11
  • piasava12
  • piccata13
  • pignora10
  • pinnula9
  • pintada10
  • piragua10
  • piranha12
  • piscina11
  • planula9
  • platina9
  • plectra11
  • plugola10
  • podagra11
  • podesta10
  • pogonia10
  • polenta9
  • polynya15
  • polyoma14
  • precava14
  • prepupa13
  • primula11
  • pronota9
  • propria11
  • propyla14
  • prosoma11
  • pteryla12
  • pudenda11
  • puparia11
  • purpura11
  • pyaemia14
  • pygidia14
  • pyrexia19
  • pyxidia20
  • quassia16
  • querida17
  • quinela16
  • quinina16
  • ramenta9
  • rasbora9
  • ratafia10
  • refugia11
  • regalia8
  • regatta8
  • regmata10
  • replica11
  • residua8
  • retsina7
  • rhizoma21
  • rhodora11
  • ricksha16
  • ricotta9
  • rikisha14
  • riviera10
  • robusta9
  • rosacea9
  • rosaria7
  • roseola7
  • rotunda8
  • rubella9
  • rubeola9
  • rufiyaa13
  • sambuca13
  • samsara9
  • sangria8
  • santera7
  • saphena12
  • sarcina9
  • sarcoma11
  • sardana8
  • satsuma9
  • savanna10
  • saxtuba16
  • scandia10
  • scapula11
  • scholia12
  • scopula11
  • scotoma11
  • sedilia8
  • senhora10
  • senopia9
  • sequela16
  • sequoia16
  • seriema9
  • seringa8
  • sestina7
  • sevruga11
  • shicksa16
  • shortia10
  • signora8
  • silesia7
  • siliqua16
  • sinopia9
  • solaria7
  • solatia7
  • spatula9
  • spectra11
  • specula11
  • spicula11
  • spinula9
  • spiraea9
  • spirula9
  • splenia9
  • squilla16
  • sraddha12
  • stamina9
  • stasima9
  • sthenia10
  • stomata9
  • stretta7
  • striata7
  • subarea9
  • subidea10
  • subpena11
  • subtaxa16
  • succuba13
  • sudaria8
  • sultana7
  • syconia12
  • synovia13
  • syringa11
  • taffeta13
  • talaria7
  • talooka11
  • tamasha12
  • tambala11
  • tambura11
  • tampala11
  • tantara7
  • tapioca11
  • tartana7
  • taverna10
  • tegmina10
  • tempera11
  • tempura11
  • tequila16
  • tessera7
  • tilapia9
  • timpana11
  • titania7
  • toccata11
  • tombola11
  • tomenta9
  • tostada8
  • toxemia16
  • trachea12
  • trehala10
  • tritoma9
  • trymata12
  • tsarina7
  • tuatara7
  • tuatera7
  • turista7
  • tympana14
  • tzarina16
  • uraemia9
  • urethra10
  • vaccina14
  • valonia10
  • valvula13
  • vanilla10
  • variola10
  • vascula12
  • vedalia11
  • velaria10
  • veranda11
  • verbena12
  • verruca12
  • vexilla17
  • viatica12
  • vicugna13
  • vincula12
  • viremia12
  • viscera12
  • vivaria13
  • wakanda15
  • weigela11
  • whoopla15
  • wommera14
  • woodsia11
  • woomera12
  • yamalka16
  • yamulka16
  • yeshiva16
  • zamarra18
  • zareeba18
  • zelkova23
  • zemstva21
  • zenaida17
  • zingara17
  • zooecia18
  • zooglea17
  • zorilla16
  • zyzzyva43

6 Letter Words That End in A

  • abasia8
  • abelia8
  • abolla8
  • abulia8
  • acacia10
  • acedia9
  • adnexa14
  • aftosa9
  • agenda8
  • aggada9
  • ahimsa11
  • alaska10
  • albata8
  • alexia13
  • alodia7
  • alpaca10
  • althea9
  • alumna8
  • amarna8
  • amoeba10
  • amrita8
  • amusia8
  • anemia8
  • angina7
  • angora7
  • annona6
  • anopia8
  • anoxia13
  • anuria6
  • aphtha14
  • apnoea8
  • aporia8
  • arcana8
  • areola6
  • argala7
  • arista6
  • armada9
  • arnica8
  • arriba8
  • arroba8
  • asrama8
  • asthma11
  • ataxia13
  • atonia6
  • aucuba10
  • aurora6
  • axilla13
  • azalea15
  • bacula10
  • balata8
  • balboa10
  • banana8
  • baryta11
  • beflea11
  • beluga9
  • bemata10
  • bertha11
  • bhakta15
  • bilboa10
  • boccia12
  • bodega10
  • bonita8
  • brahma13
  • bregma11
  • buckra14
  • buddha13
  • bugsha12
  • buqsha20
  • bushwa14
  • cabala10
  • cabana10
  • caeoma10
  • calesa8
  • cambia12
  • camera10
  • camisa10
  • cancha13
  • canola8
  • canula8
  • capita10
  • cardia9
  • carina8
  • casaba10
  • casava11
  • casita8
  • cassia8
  • catena8
  • cedula9
  • centra8
  • cesura8
  • chacma15
  • chaeta11
  • chakra15
  • challa11
  • charka15
  • chimla13
  • choana11
  • cholla11
  • chorea11
  • chroma13
  • chukka19
  • chuppa15
  • cicada11
  • cicala10
  • cinema10
  • citola8
  • clivia11
  • cloaca10
  • codeia9
  • concha13
  • contra8
  • coppra12
  • copula10
  • cornea8
  • cornua8
  • corona8
  • coryza20
  • cowpea13
  • crania8
  • crissa8
  • crista8
  • cuesta8
  • cumbia12
  • cupola10
  • cupula10
  • curara8
  • dagoba10
  • dahlia10
  • datcha12
  • datura7
  • deflea10
  • dharma12
  • dharna10
  • dhoora10
  • dhurna10
  • duenna7
  • eczema19
  • egesta7
  • eidola7
  • ejecta15
  • elodea7
  • eluvia9
  • elytra9
  • encina8
  • enigma9
  • entera6
  • epizoa17
  • errata6
  • eupnea8
  • eureka10
  • exacta15
  • exedra14
  • exuvia16
  • facula11
  • fajita16
  • fanega10
  • farina9
  • fascia11
  • favela12
  • fecula11
  • fedora10
  • feijoa16
  • femora11
  • ferula9
  • fibula11
  • fiesta9
  • flauta9
  • fraena9
  • frusta9
  • fulcra11
  • funkia13
  • fusuma11
  • galena7
  • gambia11
  • geisha10
  • gelada8
  • genera7
  • geneva10
  • glioma9
  • gloria7
  • glossa7
  • goanna7
  • gotcha12
  • gramma11
  • grampa11
  • grappa11
  • gringa8
  • guinea7
  • gyttja17
  • halala9
  • halloa9
  • hamada12
  • haniwa12
  • hawala12
  • hegira10
  • hejira16
  • hernia9
  • hilloa9
  • holloa9
  • hoopla11
  • hryvna15
  • hulloa9
  • hutzpa20
  • hyaena12
  • hydria13
  • iguana7
  • impala10
  • indaba9
  • intima8
  • ischia11
  • jacana15
  • jarina13
  • jejuna20
  • jerboa15
  • jicama17
  • jojoba22
  • judoka18
  • jugula14
  • kabaka16
  • kabala12
  • kabaya15
  • kahuna13
  • kalmia12
  • kamala12
  • kanaka14
  • kerria10
  • kinara10
  • kinema12
  • kishka17
  • koruna10
  • kwacha18
  • kwanza22
  • labara8
  • lacuna8
  • laguna7
  • lambda11
  • lamina8
  • latina6
  • latria6
  • lexica15
  • ligula7
  • likuta10
  • limina8
  • lingua7
  • lipoma10
  • lithia9
  • lochia11
  • loggia8
  • lorica8
  • lumina8
  • lunula6
  • lustra6
  • macula10
  • maffia14
  • makuta12
  • maltha11
  • manana8
  • manila8
  • mantra8
  • mantua8
  • maraca10
  • marina8
  • markka16
  • masala8
  • maxima17
  • mazuma19
  • medaka13
  • medina9
  • medusa9
  • megara9
  • melena8
  • metepa10
  • mezuza26
  • miasma10
  • mimosa10
  • minima10
  • mizuna17
  • modica11
  • morula8
  • mucosa10
  • muleta8
  • murrha11
  • myopia13
  • myrica13
  • myxoma20
  • nagana7
  • nausea6
  • nebula8
  • nepeta8
  • nomina8
  • novena9
  • numina8
  • nutria6
  • nympha16
  • obelia8
  • ochrea11
  • oedema9
  • omenta8
  • optima10
  • organa7
  • orisha9
  • oscula8
  • osetra6
  • ottava9
  • paella8
  • pagoda10
  • pajama17
  • pakeha15
  • pakora12
  • palapa10
  • pallia8
  • panada9
  • panama10
  • papaya13
  • papula10
  • parura8
  • pataca10
  • patina8
  • payola11
  • pelota8
  • pennia8
  • pereia8
  • peseta8
  • pesewa11
  • phobia13
  • piazza26
  • picara10
  • pinata8
  • pineta8
  • pirana8
  • piraya11
  • pitaya11
  • plasma10
  • pleura8
  • pneuma10
  • poisha11
  • posada9
  • prajna15
  • protea8
  • psylla11
  • purana8
  • pyemia13
  • pyjama20
  • pyrola11
  • pyuria11
  • qabala17
  • quagga17
  • qualia15
  • quanta15
  • quelea15
  • quinoa15
  • quinta15
  • quokka23
  • quotha18
  • radula7
  • raffia12
  • ramada9
  • rambla10
  • ramona8
  • ranula6
  • raphia11
  • realia6
  • redowa10
  • regina7
  • remora8
  • remuda9
  • reseda7
  • retina6
  • rhumba13
  • ristra6
  • rostra6
  • rugola7
  • rugosa7
  • rumina8
  • salina6
  • saliva9
  • salvia9
  • samara8
  • samosa8
  • sancta8
  • sapota8
  • satara6
  • schema13
  • scilla8
  • sclera8
  • scoria8
  • scotia8
  • scrota8
  • semina8
  • seneca8
  • senega7
  • senora6
  • serosa6
  • sharia9
  • sheila9
  • shelta9
  • sherpa11
  • shiksa13
  • sienna6
  • sierra6
  • siesta6
  • sifaka13
  • silica8
  • sistra6
  • smegma11
  • somata8
  • sonata6
  • spirea8
  • squama17
  • sradha10
  • stadia7
  • stanza15
  • stella6
  • stemma10
  • sterna6
  • stigma9
  • strata6
  • stroma8
  • struma8
  • subsea8
  • sulpha11
  • synura9
  • taenia6
  • taffia12
  • taluka10
  • tantra6
  • tapeta8
  • tarama8
  • tarsia6
  • telega7
  • tephra11
  • terbia8
  • thoria9
  • thulia9
  • torula6
  • trauma8
  • trivia9
  • troika10
  • tundra7
  • tunica8
  • ultima8
  • ungula7
  • urania6
  • uredia7
  • uremia8
  • utopia8
  • valuta9
  • vesica11
  • vicuna11
  • vimina11
  • vizsla18
  • vomica13
  • womera11
  • yakuza22
  • yantra9
  • yautia9
  • yttria9
  • zanana15
  • zareba17
  • zariba17
  • zenana15
  • zeugma18
  • zinnia15
  • zoaria15
  • zoecia17
  • zonula15
  • zoysia18
  • zygoma21

5 Letter Words That End in A

  • abaca9
  • abaka11
  • abaya10
  • aboma9
  • aceta7
  • adyta9
  • aecia7
  • agama8
  • agita6
  • agora6
  • agria6
  • ajiva15
  • ajuga13
  • akela9
  • aliya8
  • aloha8
  • alpha10
  • alula5
  • ameba9
  • amiga8
  • amnia7
  • anima7
  • antra5
  • aorta5
  • apnea7
  • areca7
  • arena5
  • arepa7
  • aroma7
  • asana5
  • asyla8
  • atria5
  • babka13
  • bacca11
  • baiza16
  • balsa7
  • banda8
  • barca9
  • belga8
  • betta7
  • biota7
  • bohea10
  • boyla10
  • brava10
  • braza16
  • bubba11
  • bulla7
  • bunya10
  • burka11
  • burqa16
  • bursa7
  • bwana10
  • caeca9
  • calla7
  • canna7
  • ceiba9
  • cella7
  • ceria7
  • cesta7
  • chela10
  • chica12
  • china10
  • chola10
  • chufa13
  • cilia7
  • circa9
  • cnida8
  • coala7
  • cobia9
  • cobra9
  • cocoa9
  • colza16
  • comma11
  • conga8
  • copra9
  • coria7
  • costa7
  • cotta7
  • crura7
  • culpa9
  • cuppa11
  • curia7
  • dacha11
  • dagga8
  • delta6
  • derma8
  • dicta8
  • dobla8
  • dobra8
  • dogma9
  • dolma8
  • donga7
  • donna6
  • dorsa6
  • doula6
  • douma8
  • doura6
  • drama8
  • dulia6
  • dumka12
  • durra6
  • edema8
  • enema7
  • entia5
  • erica7
  • etyma10
  • extra12
  • facia10
  • faena8
  • fanga9
  • fatwa11
  • fauna8
  • fella8
  • feria8
  • finca10
  • flora8
  • flota8
  • folia8
  • fossa8
  • fovea11
  • frena8
  • galea6
  • gamba10
  • gamma10
  • ganja13
  • garda7
  • gemma10
  • genoa6
  • genua6
  • gleba8
  • gonia6
  • grama8
  • grana6
  • guava9
  • gumma10
  • gutta6
  • gyoza18
  • haika12
  • halma10
  • halva11
  • hamza19
  • hansa8
  • henna8
  • herma10
  • hijra15
  • holla8
  • honda9
  • hooka12
  • hosta8
  • huzza26
  • hydra12
  • hyena11
  • hypha16
  • infra8
  • ixora12
  • jagra13
  • jnana12
  • junta12
  • kalpa11
  • kappa13
  • karma11
  • kasha12
  • kheda13
  • kibla11
  • koala9
  • koppa13
  • korma11
  • krona9
  • kurta9
  • labia7
  • labra7
  • lamia7
  • larva8
  • laura5
  • lehua8
  • lemma9
  • lepta7
  • liana5
  • libra7
  • limba9
  • limpa9
  • linga6
  • llama7
  • logia6
  • loofa8
  • louma7
  • luffa11
  • lutea5
  • lycea10
  • lycra10
  • lyssa8
  • lytta8
  • mafia10
  • magma10
  • mamba11
  • mamma11
  • manga8
  • mania7
  • manna7
  • manta7
  • maria7
  • marka11
  • massa7
  • matza16
  • mbira9
  • mecca11
  • media8
  • mensa7
  • menta7
  • micra9
  • mikra11
  • milia7
  • milpa9
  • mirza16
  • mocha12
  • moira7
  • momma11
  • moola7
  • mudra8
  • mulla7
  • murra7
  • musca9
  • myoma12
  • naira5
  • nakfa12
  • nappa9
  • ninja12
  • noria5
  • nubia7
  • nucha10
  • nyala8
  • ocrea7
  • oidia6
  • omasa7
  • omega8
  • opera7
  • ossia5
  • ostia5
  • pacha12
  • paisa7
  • palea7
  • pampa11
  • panda8
  • panga8
  • parka11
  • pasha10
  • pasta7
  • penna7
  • pepla9
  • perea7
  • phyla13
  • pieta7
  • pilea7
  • pinna7
  • pinta7
  • pitta7
  • pizza25
  • playa10
  • plaza16
  • plena7
  • plica9
  • podia8
  • polka11
  • poppa11
  • presa7
  • prima9
  • pruta7
  • pucka13
  • pukka15
  • punka11
  • purda8
  • quota14
  • raita5
  • reata5
  • recta7
  • redia6
  • regma8
  • regna6
  • retia5
  • rhyta11
  • riata5
  • rioja12
  • ruana5
  • rumba9
  • sabra7
  • sacra7
  • saiga6
  • salpa7
  • salsa5
  • samba9
  • sanga6
  • sauna5
  • scena7
  • schwa13
  • scuba9
  • scuta7
  • selva8
  • senna5
  • sensa5
  • sepia7
  • septa7
  • shiva11
  • sigla6
  • sigma8
  • signa6
  • silva8
  • sirra5
  • softa8
  • sorta5
  • spica9
  • sputa7
  • stela5
  • stoma7
  • stria5
  • stupa7
  • sulfa8
  • summa9
  • sunna5
  • supra7
  • surra5
  • sutra5
  • sutta5
  • sylva11
  • tabla7
  • tafia8
  • taiga6
  • tanga6
  • tanka9
  • tazza23
  • tecta7
  • tegua6
  • telia5
  • tenia5
  • terga6
  • terra5
  • tesla5
  • testa5
  • tetra5
  • theca10
  • theta8
  • thuja15
  • thuya11
  • tiara5
  • tibia7
  • tikka13
  • tinea5
  • tonga6
  • torta5
  • trona5
  • tryma10
  • tsuba7
  • ulama7
  • ulema7
  • ultra5
  • umbra9
  • uncia7
  • urbia7
  • usnea5
  • uvula8
  • vacua10
  • vanda9
  • varia8
  • varna8
  • veena8
  • vesta8
  • vigia9
  • villa8
  • vinca10
  • viola8
  • virga9
  • vista8
  • vitta8
  • vodka13
  • voila8
  • volta8
  • volva11
  • vulva11
  • walla8
  • wicca12
  • wirra8
  • wisha11
  • xenia12
  • yenta8
  • yerba10
  • yucca12
  • yurta8
  • zamia16
  • zanza23
  • zebra16

4 Letter Words That End in A

  • abba8
  • acta6
  • agha8
  • agma7
  • alba6
  • alfa7
  • alga5
  • alma6
  • amia6
  • anga5
  • anna4
  • anoa4
  • ansa4
  • anta4
  • aqua13
  • area4
  • aria4
  • asea4
  • atma6
  • aura4
  • baba8
  • bema8
  • beta6
  • bima8
  • bola6
  • bora6
  • bota6
  • buna6
  • bura6
  • caca8
  • casa6
  • ceca8
  • chia9
  • coca8
  • coda7
  • cola6
  • coma8
  • coxa13
  • cyma11
  • dada6
  • data5
  • deva8
  • dita5
  • diva8
  • dona5
  • dopa7
  • duma7
  • dura5
  • epha9
  • etna4
  • eyra7
  • fava10
  • feta7
  • fila7
  • flea7
  • fora7
  • gaga6
  • gala5
  • gama7
  • geta5
  • giga6
  • glia5
  • haha10
  • hila7
  • hora7
  • hoya10
  • hula7
  • hyla10
  • idea5
  • ilea4
  • ilia4
  • ilka8
  • inia4
  • iota4
  • isba6
  • ixia11
  • java14
  • jota11
  • juba13
  • juga12
  • jura11
  • kaka12
  • kana8
  • kapa10
  • kata8
  • kava11
  • kina8
  • kiva11
  • kola8
  • kora8
  • kuna8
  • lama6
  • lava7
  • leva7
  • lima6
  • lipa6
  • lira4
  • loca6
  • lota4
  • luma6
  • luna4
  • mama8
  • mana6
  • mara6
  • masa6
  • maya9
  • mega7
  • mesa6
  • meta6
  • mica8
  • mina6
  • mola6
  • mora6
  • moxa13
  • mura6
  • myna9
  • nada5
  • nala4
  • nana4
  • napa6
  • nema6
  • nipa6
  • noma6
  • nona4
  • nota4
  • nova7
  • obia6
  • odea5
  • ohia7
  • okra8
  • olea4
  • olla4
  • orca6
  • orra4
  • ossa4
  • paca8
  • papa8
  • para6
  • pica8
  • pika10
  • pima8
  • pina6
  • pita6
  • plea6
  • proa6
  • puja13
  • pula6
  • puma8
  • puna6
  • pupa8
  • raga5
  • raia4
  • raja11
  • raya7
  • rhea7
  • rota4
  • ruga5
  • saga5
  • sera4
  • seta4
  • shea7
  • shwa10
  • sika8
  • sima6
  • skua8
  • soba6
  • soca6
  • soda5
  • sofa7
  • soja11
  • sola4
  • soma6
  • sora4
  • soya7
  • stoa4
  • suba6
  • sura4
  • taka8
  • tala4
  • tapa6
  • taxa11
  • tela4
  • tepa6
  • toea4
  • toga5
  • tola4
  • tora4
  • tuba6
  • tufa7
  • tuna4
  • ulna4
  • ulva7
  • urea4
  • ursa4
  • uvea7
  • vara7
  • vasa7
  • vela7
  • vena7
  • vera7
  • viga8
  • vina7
  • visa7
  • vita7
  • viva10
  • weka11
  • whoa10
  • yoga8
  • yuca9
  • yuga8
  • zeta13
  • zoea13
  • zona13

FAQ on words ending with A

What are the best Scrabble words ending with A?

The highest scoring Scrabble word ending with A is Zyzzyva, which is worth at least 43 points without
any bonuses.
The next best word ending with A is britzka, which is worth 22 points.
Other high score words ending with A are
zemstva (21),
chutzpa (23),
hypoxia (22),
cerveza (21),
bazooka (22),
buzukia (22),
mazurka (22).

How many words end in A?

There are 2,298 words that end with A in the Scrabble dictionary.
Of those
535 are 8 letter
640 are 7 letter
468 are 6 letter
389 are 5 letter
213 are 4 letter
41 are 3 letter
12 are 2 letter

How many two letter words end with A?

There are 12 two letter words that end with the letter A.
They are

Пословицы и поговорки – это отражение народной мысли, установок, моральных ценностей. Обычно они имеют аналоги в других языках, поскольку воспроизводят “простые истины”, свойственные любому человеку каждой нации. Пословица может иметь другие образы, но будет доносить тот же смысл:

Английские пословицы      Русские эквиваленты английских пословиц
When in Rome, do as the Romans do.      В чужой монастырь со своим уставом не ходят.
The early bird catches the worm.      Кто рано встаёт – тому Бог подает.
Too many cooks spoil the broth.      У семи нянек дитя без глазу.

Но есть высказывания, которые вообще не имеют эквивалента в русском языке. Такие пословицы в наибольшей степени отражают отличия менталитета, поэтому составляют для нас особый интерес.

Английские пословицы, не имеющие русских аналогов

Кстати, сегодня мы узнаем не только смысл этих английских пословиц, но и связанные с ними занимательные истории.

Обрати внимание: если вдруг ты не согласен с описанным примером и точно знаешь русский аналог, то обязательно пиши об этом в комментариях – подискутируем! 🙂

Уникальное наследие: пословицы на английском языке с переводом

1. If you can’t be good, be careful.

Дословный перевод: Если не можешь быть хорошим, будь осторожен.

Если ты собираешься делать безнравственные вещи, убедись, что они не опасны для тебя или общества. Когда ты планируешь сделать что-то аморальное, удостоверься, что об этом никто не узнает.

Первое упоминание именно этой формулировки датируется 1903-м годом, но смысл выражения намного старше и берет свое начало из латинской пословицы “Si non caste, tamen caute” (если не целомудренно, то по крайней мере осторожно).

2. A volunteer is worth twenty pressed men.

Дословный перевод: Один доброволец стоит двадцати принужденных.

Значение пословицы по сути прямое: даже маленькая группа людей может быть полезнее, если у нее есть энтузиазм, стремление и т.д. Зародилась эта пословица в начале 18-го века.

В то время Королевский флот имел группу матросов, вооруженных дубинками, чья цель была “насобирать” моряков на флот. Они могли делать это, рассказывая о небывалых преимуществах службы, или же просто силой (все же вооружены дубинками они были неспроста).

Английская пословица: A volunteer is worth twenty pressed men.

Такое стечение обстоятельств не делало принужденного хорошим моряком. Отсюда и “вытекло” это умозаключение.

Заметь, что в этой пословице можно менять соотношение цифр:

100 volunteers are worth 200 press’d men.

One volunteer is worth two pressed men

и т.д.

3. Suffering for a friend doubleth friendship.

Дословный перевод: Страдание за друга удваивает дружбу.

Значение этой шотландской пословицы понятно без особых объяснений. Казалось бы, в русском языке есть довольно похожая пословица “друг познается в беде”. При этом очень интересен сам смысл “страдания за друга”. Если в русском варианте говорится о том, чтобы не отвернуться от друга и помочь ему в трудной ситуации, то здесь именно страдать вместе с ним, тем самым усиливая дружбу.

Еще одна интересная с точки зрения образов английская пословица о дружбе: Friends are made in wine and proven in tears (дружба рождается в вине, а проверяется в слезах).

Также читайте: Какой он — живой английский язык?

4. A woman’s work is never done.

Дословный перевод: Женский труд никогда не заканчивается.

Ну вот и о нашей нелегкой женской доле английские пословицы позаботились 🙂 Выражение пошло от старинного двустишия:

Man may work from sun to sun,
But woman’s work is never done.

Получается, значение пословицы в том, что женские дела (в отличие от мужских) длятся бесконечно. Видно это из примера:

“A woman’s work is never done!”, said Leila. She added: “As soon as I finish washing the breakfast dishes, it’s time to start preparing lunch. Then I have to go shopping and when the kids are back home I have to help them with their homework.”

(“Женский труд никогда не заканчивается!”, – Сказала Лейла. Она добавила: “Как только я заканчиваю мыть посуду после завтрака, приходит время готовить обед. Потом я должна идти по магазинам и, когда дети возвращаются домой, я должна помогать им с домашним заданием”.)

Пословица на английском: A woman’s work is never done.

5. Comparisons are odious / odorous.

Дословный перевод: Сравнения отвратительны / воняют.

Люди должны оцениваться по их собственным заслугам, не стоит кого-либо или что-либо сравнивать между собой.

Два варианта пословица имеет не просто так. Первый вариант (Comparisons are odious) очень древний, и впервые он был запечатлен еще в 1440 году. А вот измененный вариант (Comparisons are odorous) был “создан” Шекспиром и использован им в пьесе “Много шума из ничего”.

6. Money talks.

Дословный перевод: Деньги говорят (сами за себя).

Значение – деньги решают все. Происхождение выражения является предметом споров среди лингвистов. Одни считают, что пословица зародилась в Америке 19-го века, другие – что в средневековой Англии.

Кстати, пословица использована в названии песни австралийской рок-группы AC/DC.

7. Don’t keep a dog and bark yourself.

Дословный перевод: Не держи собаку, если лаешь сам.

Значение этой английском пословицы: не работай за своего подчиненного. Высказывание очень древнее: первое упоминание зафиксировано еще в 1583 году.

По поводу отсутствия аналога: в разных источниках дана разная информация. Кто-то согласен с тем, что аналогов в русском языке нет, другие в качестве эквивалента предлагают пословицу:

За то собаку кормят, что она лает.

Однако, в Большом словаре русских пословиц такой пословицы о собаке нет вообще. Возможно, то что предлагают нам в качестве альтернативы, это адаптированный перевод именно английской пословицы (такое бывает).

8. Every man has his price.

Дословный перевод: У каждого есть своя цена.

Согласно этой пословице, подкупить можно любого, главное предложить достаточную цену. Наблюдение впервые зафиксировано в 1734 году, но, скорее всего, имеет и более давнюю историю.

Также читайте: История Англии: список лучших документальных фильмов

9. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Дословный перевод: Подражание – самая искренняя форма лести.

Значение пословицы прямое. Эта формулировка восходит к началу 19-го века. Но сама мысль еще древнее и встречалась в текстах 18-го века, например, в 1714 году у журналиста Юстаса Баджелла:

Imitation is a kind of artless Flattery (Имитация является своего рода бесхитростной лестью).

10. It’s better to light a candle than curse the darkness.

Дословный перевод: Лучше зажечь свечу, чем проклинать темноту.

Вопрос об аналоге снова спорен: в некоторых источниках, где даны английские пословицы с переводом на русский, эквивалентом называют:

Лучше пойти и плюнуть, чем плюнуть и не пойти.

Хочу с этим поспорить. Значение русской пословицы: лучше сделать, чем жалеть, что не сделал. Смысл английской – лучше исправить положение, чем жаловаться на него. Лично мне смысловая составляющая про жалобы кажется первостепенной, поэтому приравнивать эти пословицы я бы не стала.

11. Stupid is as stupid does

Дословный перевод: Глуп тот, кто глупо поступает.

На самом деле это не совсем “народная пословица”, а фраза, которой Форест Гамп отбивался от назойливых вопросов о своем интеллекте:

Фраза ушла в народ 🙂 Прародитель этого выражения – пословица “Handsome is as handsome does” (красив тот, кто красиво поступает), уже имеющая аналог в русском языке: “Не тот хорош, кто лицом пригож, а тот хорош, кто для дела гож”.

Также читайте: Игра престолов с Lingualeo, или Hear me roar

12. You can’t make bricks without straw

Дословный перевод: Нельзя сделать кирпич без соломы.

Опять же в некоторых источниках в качестве аналога указывается русское “без труда не вытащишь и рыбку из пруда”. При этом английская пословица говорит не о трудолюбии, а о невозможности выполнить задачу без необходимых материалов.

“It’s no good trying to build a website if you don’t know any html, you can’t make bricks without straw.” (Не пытайся создать веб-сайт, если ты не знаешь HTML: ты не можешь делать кирпичи без соломы).

Согласно википедии выражение берет начало из библейского сюжета, когда Фараон в наказание запрещает давать израильтянам солому, но приказывает делать то же количество кирпичей, как и раньше.

Где искать пословицы и поговорки на английском языке по темам?

Возможно, это не все высказывания, не имеющие русских аналогов, ведь английских пословиц (и их значений) огромное множество. Кстати, ты вполне можешь поискать их самостоятельно в нашей Библиотеке материалов по запросу “proverb”, чтобы насытить свою английскую речь чудесными выражениями. Успехов! 🙂

35 ways to close a friendly letter

A friendly letter is a great way to keep in contact with people and stay on their radar while you build rapport and relationships. However, because there are so many different ways to show your appreciation and friendship while maintaining the right tone for your particular relationship, it can be difficult to know how to end your friendly letter. In this post, we’ll highlight a variety of different ideas you can use when ending your friendly letter. 

Remember that a friendly letter is normally a fairly informal letter, but it doesn’t have to be. In letter writing, you may find occasion to write a business letter or other professional letter. With business correspondence like cover letters or other written items, the letter closing you choose may differ from those found in this article. These are intended more for personal letters. However, if you have a close friend that’s also a business associate, or if you’re writing business letters to contact you know well, your concluding paragraph and your sign-off can be less formal.

 When the reason is clear when writing a friendly letter, it’s best to send a handwritten letter, especially if you’re sending the letter via regular mail. Handwritten letters allow you to show that you care and they convey a level of personalization that a printed letter can not match.


— Add a personal greeting to the beginning of the letter. 

 — Include what you want from this person in the letter.

— Keep it short and sweet and make sure to include a ending like one of the following phrases at the end. For a cover letter this is particularly true.

 — Bonus tip — make sure your friendly letter is handwritten (it’s easier than you think).

SEE ALSO — How to Write a Thank You Note — Best Tips and Examples

A woman handwriting a friendly letter.


— Don’t write too long or the person will not be interested in reading more. 

 — Do not use formal or legal language, show that you are an individual not some kind of company by using informal language. 

 — Avoid using unnecessary punctuation like exclamation points


A friendly sign-off is important when you end a letter because it shows that you care about the person, leaving the conversation on a positive note. It can be difficult to end a friendly letter without coming across as insincere or rude. If you show consideration for the other person’s feelings, whether it’s someone close to you or not, you are showing empathy and building rapport. 

Your tone should reflect how much you value the relationship with the person. For example if it is someone close to you, the tone should be sentimental and friendly. On the other hand, if it is a business relationship and you’re just trying to maintain a good rapport with them, your tone could be more professional. 

 To achieve the right tone for your letter, consider how much you value or respect this person or how close you are to this person before.

SEE ALSO — Best Ways to End a Greeting Card

A person sitting at her computer handwriting a letter.


#1 Best friends forever. 

 #2 You’re the best. 

 #3 Thank you very much for your help and support, love you lots! 

 #4 Lots of love, (Your Name). 

 #5 I hope we can stay friends forever! 

 #6 Your friend, (Your Name). 

 #7 My best friend in the whole wide world, (Your Name). 

 #8 See you soon, love you lots 

 #9 Good luck with everything, you deserve the best! 

 #10 It was a pleasure to meet you, I hope we can keep in touch. 

 #11 Hope we stay friends forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever! 

 #12 Best wishes to you always, (Your Name). 

 #13 Good luck in everything you do, I’m always here for you. 

 #14 Lots of love and kisses, (Your Name). 

 #15 Warm regards! 

 #16 Best ever friend forever, (Your Name) miss you lots. 

 #17 All the best to my best buddy!

 #18 We may be apart, but our friendship will carry on. 

 #19 I’ll always be here if you need me. 

 #20 You’re my best friend and I don’t ever want to lose you. 

 #21 Lots of love and hugs, (Your Name). 

 #22 Good luck at work! 

 #23 I hope we’ll see each other soon! 

 #24 Lots of love from, (Your Name).

 #25 Bye-bye, buddy. I appreciate you a lot and will miss you a lot. 

 #26 Sincerely, 

 #27 Yours truly, 

 #28 Best wishes, 

 #29 Cheers. 

 #30 Regards, 

 #31 Warm wishes, 

 #32 With love and best wishes always. 

 #33 You are a good friend. 

 #34 Thanks again. 

 #35 Thank you so much for your continuing support and encouragement. You really mean a lot to me!

SEE ALSO — Not Sure the Best Way to Sign That Handwritten Card? Here’s Advice for Every Occasion!

A woman handwriting a letter outside.

Always Think About How You Can Make Them Feel Good

When you are writing a friendly letter it’s important to think about how you can make the person feel good. A lot of people like receiving gifts or cards because they will be reminded of something positive. For example, if the person is moving away you could send them postcards from different places so they don’t forget about you. Handwritten friendly letters show how much effort and consideration you put into your relationship with the person and can make them feel valued and appreciated. A friendly sign-off is important because it lets the other person know that they’re cared about and loved, as well as how much you value this relationship.

Make Sure Your Letter is Handwritten

Handwriting is important because it feels personal. People might forget about the letter if they only type it. Handwriting on the other hand makes it more personable and shows how much you care for this person. Handwritten also feels more sincere than typed letters. 

 Another reason handwritten letters are so important is because you can show the person you are communicating with how much they mean to you. You have to think about what it is that person likes or doesn’t like. Handwritten letters allow you to personalize the letter and show the person how much you care. Handwriting shows how much time, effort, consideration, and love you are putting into this relationship. Handwritten is more informal than typed so it’s important to think about how much formality this person likes before ending your friendly letter

SEE ALSO — How to Make Your Greetings Culturally Appropriate


Need Help Sending Your Handwritten Friendly Letters?

Do you wish to improve the speed with which you can write handwritten letters? Then Simply Noted, a firm that makes it simple to send genuine handwritten letters in pen and ink, is something you should consider. Simply Noted has developed proprietary robotic technology that enables you to send thousands of custom-written letters without lifting a finger. If you want to work with a company that understands the importance of friendly sign-offs, check out Simply Noted today. 

 I hope my instructions on how to end a friendly letter have been helpful!

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