Word forms of memory

Examples from texts

When it is ready, it boots the operating system, usually staying memory resident.

Когда все готово, вирус загружает операционную систему, как правило, оставаясь резидентным в памяти.

Tanenbaum, Andrew S. / Modern Operating SystemsТаненбаум, Эндрю / Современные операционные системы

Современные операционные системы

Таненбаум, Эндрю

© Prentice Hall, Inc., 2001

© Перевод на русский язык, ЗАО Издательский дом «Питер», 2002

© ЗАО Издательский дом «Питер», 2002

Modern Operating Systems

Tanenbaum, Andrew S.

© Prentice Hall, Inc., 2001

Taking into account the fundamental role of these systems in normal cognitive processes and their dysfunction at neurodegeneration, exclusive role of 5-HT6 receptors in forming normal and “pathological” memory becomes obvious.

Учитывая фундаментальную роль этих систем в нормальных когнитивных процессах, а также их дисфункцию при нейродегенерации, становится очевидной исключительная роль 5-HT6 рецепторов в формировании нормальной или «пaтoлoгичecкoй» памяти.

Over the piezoelement there is a memory cell (1a) made also on the base of PZT and separated from the piezoelement by the dielectric layer (3), made also from silicon oxide.

Над пьезоэлементом расположена ячейка памяти (Ia) изготовленной также на основе PZT и отделенной от пьезоэлемента диэлектрическим слоем (3), выполненным также из окиси кремния.

Of course she knew it was her younger self as he remembered her, and she even thought it was rather sweet of him to carry inside his heart such a powerful memory of her at that age.

Понятное дело, она знала, что это ее более молодая версия, что именно такой он ее помнил. Она даже подумала, что это сладостно: столько лет носить в сердце такие сильные воспоминания о ней.

Card, Orson Scott / XenocideКард, Орсон Скот / Ксеноцид


Кард, Орсон Скот

© copyright 1991 by Orson Scott Card

© Copyright перевод с английского Владимир Марченко

© ООО «Издательство АСТ», 2000


Card, Orson Scott

© copyright 1991 by Orson Scott Card

The conviction, that all his faculties, even memory, and the simplest power of reflection were failing him, began to be an insufferable torture.

Уверенность, что все, даже память, даже простое соображение оставляют его, начинала нестерпимо его мучить.

Dostoevsky, Fyodor / Crime and PunishmentДостоевский, Фёдор / Преступление и наказание

Преступление и наказание

Достоевский, Фёдор

© Издательство «Художественная литература», 1970

Crime and Punishment

Dostoevsky, Fyodor

The memory of that unfortunate king and his companions, the amiable Falkland, the insolent Goring, his queen, and son, gave a peculiar interest to every part of the city which they might be supposed to have inhabited.

Память о несчастном короле и его сподвижниках, о добродушном Фолкленде, дерзком Горинге, о королеве и ее сыне придавала особый интерес каждой части города, где они, может быть, жили.

Shelley, Mary / Frankenstein; or, the Modern PrometheusШелли, Мэри / Франкенштейн, или Современный Прометей

Франкенштейн, или Современный Прометей

Шелли, Мэри

© Издательство «Художественная литература», 1989

Frankenstein; or, the Modern Prometheus

Shelley, Mary

Somewhere in the back of my mind, her words tickled a memory.

Ее слова пробудили воспоминание где-то в глубине сознания.

Mead, Richelle / Shadow KissМид, Райчел / Поцелуй тьмы

Поцелуй тьмы

Мид, Райчел

© Б. Жужунава, перевод на русский язык, 2010

© Издание на русском языке, ООО «Издательство «Эксмо», 2010

© 2008 Richelle Mead

Shadow Kiss

Mead, Richelle

I didn’t answer; I just listened to the sound of his laugh, committing it to memory.

Я не ответила, просто наслаждалась серебристым смехом.

Meyer, Stephenie / TwilightМайер, Стефани / Сумерки


Майер, Стефани

© А. Ахмерова, 2007

© Издание на русском языке AST Publishers

© Stephenie Meyer, 2005


Meyer, Stephenie

© 2005 by Stephenie Meyer

Each one had its own story and memory, like a chapter in a book.

Каждый шрам как глава книги: своя история, свои воспоминания.

Jones, James / From Here to EternityДжонс, Джеймс / Отныне и вовек

Отныне и вовек

Джонс, Джеймс

© Издательство «Правда», 1989

From Here to Eternity

Jones, James

© 1951 by James Jones

© renewed 1991 by Gloria Jones, James Anthony Phillipe Jones, and Kaylie Anne Jones

The invention implementing programs or parts thereof can be stored on various kinds of computer-readable information media including optical disks, hard disk drives, tapes, programmable read-only memory microchips and some others.

Программы, осуществляющие изобретение или его части, могут храниться на разных видах носителей информации, считываемой компьютером, включая оптические диски, накопители на жестких дисках, ленты, микросхемы программируемой постоянной памяти и другие.

From the NLP standpoint it is interesting to note that his definition is highly visual (i.e., «colorful succession», «memory pictures», «images»).

С точки зрения НЛП, интересно заметить, что его определение очень визуально — “яркая последовательность”, “картины воспоминаний”, “образы”.

Dilts, Robert / Strategies of Genius. Volume II: Albert EinsteinДилтс, Роберт / Стратегии гениев. Том 2. Альберт Эйнштейн

Стратегии гениев. Том 2. Альберт Эйнштейн

Дилтс, Роберт

Strategies of Genius. Volume II: Albert Einstein

Dilts, Robert

© Copyright 1994 by Meta Publications

Some pages are very resistant to recycling, such as those that belong to the kernel and those that are shared between more than eight processes (this helps to keep shared libraries in memory).

Некоторые страницы не поддаются изъятию. Скажем, страницы, принадлежащие ядру, или страницы, которые совместно используются более чем восемью процессами (за счет этого разделяемые библиотеки хранятся в памяти).

Musumeci, Gian-Paolo D.,Loukides, Mike / System Performance TuningМусумеси, Джан-Паоло Д.,Лукидес, Майк / Настройка производительности UNIX-систем

Настройка производительности UNIX-систем

Мусумеси, Джан-Паоло Д.,Лукидес, Майк

© Издательство Символ-Плюс, 2003

© 2002 O’Reilly & Associates Inc.

System Performance Tuning

Musumeci, Gian-Paolo D.,Loukides, Mike

© 2002,1990 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc.

Law enforcement issues increasingly determined whether missions could be downsized and it would therefore be helpful for the Civilian Police Division to have sufficient institutional memory to accomplish its mission.

Правоохранительные вопросы все чаще диктуют целесообразность сокращения миссий, поэтому для Отдела гражданской полиции будет полезно сформировать достаточную информационную базу для выполнения стоящих перед ним задач.

© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год

Since a system may have many thousands of threads, the kernel stacks must be kept small to avoid wasting too much physical memory.

Поскольку в системе может быть несколько тысяч потоков, стек ядра должен поддерживаться небольшим, чтобы избежать чрезмерного расходования физической памяти.

McKusick, Marshall Kirk,Neville-Neil, George V. / The design and implementation of the FreeBSD operating systemМакКузик, Маршалл Кирк,Невилл-Нил, Джордж В. / FreeBSD: архитектура и реализация

FreeBSD: архитектура и реализация

МакКузик, Маршалл Кирк,Невилл-Нил, Джордж В.

© 2005 by Pearson Education, Inc.

© Перевод «ИД КУДИЦ-ОБРАЗ», 2006

The design and implementation of the FreeBSD operating system

McKusick, Marshall Kirk,Neville-Neil, George V.

© 2005 by Pearson Education, Inc.

FreeBSD avoids this startup time by demand paging the program into memory rather than preloading the program.

FreeBSD избегает этого, используя для программы страничную подкачку по требованию вместо ее предварительной загрузки.

McKusick, Marshall Kirk,Neville-Neil, George V. / The design and implementation of the FreeBSD operating systemМакКузик, Маршалл Кирк,Невилл-Нил, Джордж В. / FreeBSD: архитектура и реализация

FreeBSD: архитектура и реализация

МакКузик, Маршалл Кирк,Невилл-Нил, Джордж В.

© 2005 by Pearson Education, Inc.

© Перевод «ИД КУДИЦ-ОБРАЗ», 2006

The design and implementation of the FreeBSD operating system

McKusick, Marshall Kirk,Neville-Neil, George V.

© 2005 by Pearson Education, Inc.

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powerful memory — хорошая память

good memory for names — хорошая память на имена

in memory of smb. / smth. — в память кого-л. / чего-л.

to jog smb.’s memory — всколыхнуть чью-л. память

to lose one’s memory — потерять память

to the best of my memory — насколько я помню

if my memory serves me right, if my memory does not fail me — если память мне не изменяет

User translations


The part of speech is not specified


acoustic memory

акустическая память

acoustic memory

акустическое запоминающее устройство

acquire more memory

запрашивать дополнительную память

active memory

активная память

active memory

память с вычислительными возможностями

activity memory

память действий

add-in memory

память для расширения системы

add-on memory

память для расширения системы

addressable memory

адресуемая память

addressable mode of memory operation

адресный способ организации работы памяти

addressed memory

адресная память

addressed memory

адресное запоминающее устройство

addressed memory

адресуемая память

addressed memory

память с обращением по адресу

address-map memory

память таблицы адресов


- something that is remembered

search as he would, the memory was lost

- the cognitive processes whereby past experience is remembered

he can do it from memory

- the power of retaining and recalling past experience (syn: retention)

he had a good memory when he was younger

- an electronic memory device (syn: storage, store)

a memory and the CPU form the central part of a computer to which peripherals are attached

- the area of cognitive psychology that studies memory processes

he taught a graduate course on learning and memory

Extra examples

He began to lose his memory as he grew older.

Dad has a selective memory: he remembers the times he was right and forgets the times he was wrong.

We have pleasant memories of the trip.

His name evokes memories of a happier time.

That time is just a dim memory to me now.

The happiness of those times is still vivid in my memory.

Her name has faded from memory.

I seem to have very little memory of that time in my life.

The sudden shock jogged his memory and everything came flooding back into his mind.

My memory ‘s not as good as it once was.

She has a terrible memory for names.

Those of you with long memories will remember this song.

The pianist played the whole piece from memory.

I’m speaking from memory, but I believe it was last May.

The first symptom of the disease is often short-term memory loss.

Word forms

singular: memory
plural: memories

память, воспоминание, запоминающее устройство, запись, регистрация


- память, способность запоминать

- воспоминание, память (о чём-л., о ком-л.)

- посмертная слава, репутация

of happy [blessed] memory — счастливой [блаженной] памяти
sacred to the memory of smb., smth. — священной памяти кого-л., чего-л.
of famous memory — знаменитый, прославленный
of notorious memory — пресловутый, дурной славы
to leave a sad memory behind — оставить по себе недобрую память

- вчт. машинная память, запоминающее устройство ЭВМ

external memory — внешняя память, внешнее запоминающее устройство
memory allocation — распределение памяти
memory guard /protection/ — защита памяти

- спец. память

memory of generations — биол. механизм наследственности, память поколений

- тех. запись, регистрация

Мои примеры


a picture imprinted in my memory — образ, запечатлевшийся в моей памяти  
the fewest birds in recent memory — наименьшее количество птиц за последнее время  
to call to mind / memory — припомнить, вспомнить  
chased on her memory — запечатлевшийся в её памяти  
memory cleaning — очистка памяти  
that day is embedded in my memory — этот день запечатлелся в моей памяти  
to fade from the memory — исчезать из памяти  
memory impairment — ухудшение памяти  
irretention of memory — слабая память  
lapse of memory — провал памяти  
leaky memory — дырявая память  
long memory — долгая, хорошая память  

Примеры с переводом

He has a long memory.

У него хорошая память.

A word rings in my memory.

Мне всё вспоминается одно слово.

Alice’s memory will live on.

Память об Алисе будет жить.

The lessons remain fresh in her memory.

Эти уроки по-прежнему свежи в её памяти.

That day is embedded in my memory.

Этот день запечатлелся в моей памяти.

128 Mb of memory

128 Мб памяти (о компьютерах)

I cherish the memory of that day.

Я лелею воспоминания о том дне.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Возможные однокоренные слова

memorable  — памятный, незабываемый, достопамятный, незабвенный, легко запоминающийся
memorize  — запоминать, заучивать наизусть, увековечивать память

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): memory
мн. ч.(plural): memories

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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

[ memuh-ree ]

/ ˈmɛm ə ri /

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

noun, plural mem·o·ries.

the mental capacity or faculty of retaining and reviving facts, events, impressions, etc., or of recalling or recognizing previous experiences.

this faculty as possessed by a particular individual: to have a good memory.

the act or fact of retaining and recalling impressions, facts, etc.; remembrance; recollection: to draw from memory.

the length of time over which recollection extends: a time within the memory of living persons.

a mental impression retained; a recollection: one’s earliest memories.

the reputation of a person or thing, especially after death; fame: a ruler of beloved memory.

the state or fact of being remembered.

a person, thing, event, fact, etc., remembered.

commemorative remembrance; commemoration: a monument in memory of Columbus.

the ability of certain materials to return to an original shape after deformation.

Also called computer memory, storage. Computers.

  1. the capacity of a computer to store information subject to recall.
  2. the components of the computer in which such information is stored.

Rhetoric. the step in the classical preparation of a speech in which the wording is memorized.



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Which sentence is correct?

Origin of memory

1275–1325; Middle English memorie<Latin memoria, equivalent to memor mindful, remembering + -ia-y3

Words nearby memory

memoried, memories, memorist, memoriter, memorize, memory, memory bank, memory card, memory cell, memory, computer, memory lane

Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023


What does memory mean?

Memory is the ability to retain and recall past events or information in a person’s mind, as in Memory is possible thanks to the brain.

Memory can also mean an individual person’s ability to do this, as in I have a really good memory when it comes to people’s names.

Memory can also refer to the actual retained accounts themselves, as in I have a strong memory of last summer.

Memory is an amazing ability that humans (and other animals) have. It refers to the brain’s ability to store accounts or mental images of past events or information. In other words, to remember something.

For example, you use memory to be able to know what your phone number is whenever you are asked. At one time, you learned this information and your brain has kept it available for when you need it.

The verb memorize means to store something as a memory as in I memorized the words to my favorite song.

The noun memorial means something that is intended to preserve a memory of something else, as in We had lunch next to the war memorial outside the museum.

Example: I have to leave myself a lot of reminders because I have a really bad memory.

Where does memory come from?

The first records of memory come from around 1275. It ultimately comes from the Latin memor, meaning “mindful” or “remembering.” The verb remember shares this origin and means “to recall something from memory” or “to try and commit something to memory.”

Not every person’s memory works exactly the same. Some people are really good at remembering things, while others struggle at it. Head injuries and brain disorders, such as amnesia, can also drastically affect a person’s memory or cause memory loss, meaning a person has a much harder time storing memories than they once did.

Computer memory is the storage space for information and applications within the computer or connected to the computer. Unlike a human being, when a computer runs out of memory space, we can usually add more storage space or store the information externally, as on a separate hard drive.

Did you know … ?

How is memory used in real life?

Memory is a common word that often refers to the ability to recall the past or to a person’s mental images of the past. It can also refer to a computer’s storage space for information and applications.

Perks of having a bad memory part II: Everyday is Christmas when amazon brings you packages.

— Ashley Sofia (@Ashley_Sofia) December 13, 2020

People will come and go. Keep the good memories. Always choose to remember the moments the made you happy 😊

— Kimpoy Feliciano (@kimpoyfeliciano) March 9, 2019

Former NFL player Aaron Hernandez suffered substantial damage to parts of the brain that affect memory, judgment and behavior from the most severe case of CTE ever found in someone so young, according to a researcher https://t.co/Zbo5QplmLM pic.twitter.com/6TNzldtNF3

— CBS News (@CBSNews) November 10, 2017

Try using memory!

Which of the following words would most likely be used to describe a memory?

A. present
B. past
C. future

Words related to memory

consciousness, mind, recollection, remembrance, thought, fantasy, image, memoir, picture, reminder, vision, anamnesis, awareness, cognizance, flashback, memorization, mindfulness, recall, recapture, recognition

How to use memory in a sentence

  • Unlike the original Game Boy, the new console’s memory allows games to resume play at the exact same spot after a power interruption.

  • Various kinds of immune memory, including some with mechanisms similar to trained immunity, likely also helped invertebrates to survive.

  • Nasdaq’s nifty bounce yesterday, its biggest gains since April, seems like a distant memory as markets turn negative once again on Thursday.

  • Kornell compares our memory to water in a bucket that has a small leak.

  • Last week, Tesla CEO Elon Musk demonstrated the latest iteration of Neuralink, his brain-implant startup that aims to one day help paralyzed people walk and even save memories or control computers with just a thought.

  • And there is definitely something to finding solace in food, familiarity, and memory.

  • That idea is often invoked in regards to the tricks memory plays, but I wonder how it might come into play in other ways.

  • The folk memory of medieval community life had been wiped out by the industrial revolution.

  • He has become the most radical pope in modern memory for his economic populism.

  • I had no memory of the other two, and that information was used to discredit my recollection of what had happened to me.

  • The memory of him shall not depart away, and his name shall be in request from generation to generation.

  • So intelligent were her methods that she doubtless had great influence in making the memory of his art enduring.

  • However great the power of Revival, there is no memory unless there was a First Impression.

  • First Impressions are usually vivid but the power to revive them is weak—a poor memory.

  • First Impressions are usually weak but the power to revive them is strong—still a poor memory.

British Dictionary definitions for memory

noun plural -ries

  1. the ability of the mind to store and recall past sensations, thoughts, knowledge, etche can do it from memory
  2. the part of the brain that appears to have this function

the sum of everything retained by the mind

a particular recollection of an event, person, etc

the time over which recollection extendswithin his memory

commemoration or remembrancein memory of our leader

the state of being remembered, as after death

Also called: RAM, main store, store a part of a computer in which information is stored for immediate use by the central processing unitSee also backing store, virtual storage

the tendency for a material, system, etc, to show effects that depend on its past treatment or history

the ability of a material, etc, to return to a former state after a constraint has been removed

Word Origin for memory

C14: from Old French memorie, from Latin memoria, from memor mindful

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Scientific definitions for memory

  1. The ability to remember past experiences or learned information, involving advanced mental processes such as learning, retention, recall, and recognition and resulting from chemical changes between neurons in several different areas of the brain, including the hippocampus. Immediate memory lasts for just a few seconds. Short-term memory stores information that has been minimally processed and is available only for a few minutes, as in remembering a phone number just long enough to use it. Short-term memory is transferred into long-term memory, which can last for many years, only when repeated use of the information facilitates neurochemical changes that allow it to be retained. The loss of memory because of disease or injury is called amnesia.
  2. The collection of information gained from past learning or experience that is stored in a person’s mind.
  3. A piece of information, such as the mental image of an experience, that is stored in the memory.
  1. A part of a computer in which data is stored for later use.
  2. The capacity of a computer, chips, and storage devices to preserve data and programs for retrieval. Memory is measured in bytes. See more at hard disk RAM ROM.

The capacity of a material, such as plastic or metal, to return to a previous shape or condition.

The capacity of the immune system to produce a specific immune response to an antigen it has previously encountered.

The American Heritage® Science Dictionary
Copyright © 2011. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Other Idioms and Phrases with memory

see commit to memory; in memory of.

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.


Alternative forms[edit]

  • memorie (archaic)


From Anglo-Norman memorie, Old French memoire etc., from Latin memoria (the faculty of remembering, remembrance, memory, a historical account), from memor (mindful, remembering), from Proto-Indo-European *(s)mer- (to remember), related to Ancient Greek μνήμη (mnḗmē, memory) μέρμερος (mérmeros, anxious), μέριμνα (mérimna, care, thought), Old English mimor (mindful, remembering). More at mimmer. Doublet of memoir and memoria. Displaced native Old English ġemynd.


  • IPA(key): /ˈmɛm(ə)ɹi/
  • (pinpen merger) IPA(key): /ˈmɪm(ə)ɹi/
  • Hyphenation: mem‧o‧ry,
  • Rhymes: -ɛmɹi, -ɛməɹi, -ɪmɹi, -ɪməɹi


memory (countable and uncountable, plural memories)

  1. (uncountable) The ability of the brain to record information or impressions with the facility of recalling them later at will.
    Synonym: recall

    Memory is a facility common to all animals.

  2. A record of a thing or an event stored and available for later use by the organism.
    Synonyms: recall, recollection

    I have no memory of that event.

    My wedding is one of my happiest memories.

  3. (computing) The part of a computer that stores variable executable code or data (RAM) or unalterable executable code or default data (ROM).
    Synonym: (dated) core

    This data passes from the CPU to the memory.

    • 1987 July 27, Jerry Pournelle, “Law of Expanding Memory: Applications Will Also Expand Until RAM Is Full”, in InfoWorld, volume 9, number 30, InfoWorld Media Group Inc, page 46:

      My first microcomputer had 12K of memory. When I expanded to a full 64K, I thought I had all the memory I’d ever need. Hah. I know better now.

  4. The time within which past events can be or are remembered.

    in recent memory

    in living memory

  5. (attributive, of a material) Which returns to its original shape when heated

    memory metal

    memory plastic

  6. (obsolete) A memorial.
    • c. 1603–1606, William Shakespeare, “The Tragedie of King Lear”, in Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies [] (First Folio), London: [] Isaac Iaggard, and Ed[ward] Blount, published 1623, →OCLC, [Act IV, scene vii]:

      These weeds are memories of those worser hours.

  7. Synonym of pelmanism (memory card game).
    • 2010 July 30, Paula Schwartz, “Lyndsea Cochrane and Ethan Cherkasky”, in The New York Times[1]:

      After he saw her a few more times, Mr. Cherkasky asked Ms. Cochrane out on a date in May 2008 to Central Park. He brought along some games to break the ice, and Ms. Cochrane brought cupcakes. They found a quiet place to sit and played Memory and Yahtzee, both of which were new to Ms. Cochrane.

    • 2010, Jason Fincanon, “Advergaming and Applications”, in Flash Advertising: Flash Platform Development of Microsites, Advergames and Branded Applications, Burlington, MA: Focal Press, →ISBN, page 183:

      One example of that would be a memory game that I originally worked on with a friend of mine at Ovrflo Media some time ago. If you aren’t familiar with the game of memory, it’s a matching game where you are presented with several cards in the facedown position.

  8. (zoology, collective, rare) A term of venery for a social group of elephants, normally called a herd.


  • base memory
  • bubble memory
  • collective memory
  • constructive memory
  • convential memory
  • core memory
  • declarative memory
  • dynamic memory
  • echoic memory
  • eidetic memory
  • episodic memory
  • expanded memory
  • extended memory
  • extinction memory
  • false memory
  • flash memory
  • flashbulb memory
  • folk memory
  • genetic memory
  • institutional memory
  • living memory
  • long memory
  • long-term memory
  • main memory
  • muscle memory
  • photographic memory
  • procedural memory
  • race memory
  • random access memory
  • read-only memory
  • recent memory
  • recovered memory
  • retrospective memory
  • selective memory
  • semantic memory
  • semiconductor memory
  • sensory memory
  • shadow memory
  • short-term memory
  • translation memory
  • virtual memory
  • volatile memory
  • water memory
  • working memory

Derived terms[edit]

  • in-memory


  • memo
  • memoir
  • memorable
  • memorandum
  • memorate
  • memorial
  • memorise, memorize
  • memory bank
  • memory card
  • memory foam
  • memory lane
  • memory-ridden


ability to recall

  • Afrikaans: geheue (af)
  • Albanian: kujtesë (sq) f
  • Amharic: ትዝታ (təzta), ትውስታ (təwsəta)
  • Arabic: ذَاكِرَة‎ f (ḏākira), حَافِظَة‎ f (ḥāfiẓa)
  • Armenian: հիշողություն (hy) (hišołutʿyun), հուշ (hy) (huš)
  • Aromanian: please add this translation if you can
  • Asturian: memoria f
  • Azerbaijani: yaddaş, hafizə, xatirə (az)
  • Bashkir: иҫ (), хәтер (xäter)
  • Belarusian: па́мяць f (pámjacʹ)
  • Bengali: স্মৃতি (śriti), ইয়াদ (bn) (iẏad)
  • Breton: koun (br) m
  • Bulgarian: па́мет (bg) f (pámet)
  • Burmese: မှတ်ဉာဏ် (my) (hmatnyan), စိတ်မှတ် (my) (cithmat)
  • Catalan: memòria (ca) f
  • Central Melanau: keneng
  • Cherokee: ᎠᏅᏓᏗᏍᏗ (anvdadisdi)
  • Chinese:
    Cantonese: 記性记性 (gei3 sing3)
    Mandarin: 記憶记忆 (zh) (jìyì), 記性记性 (zh) (jìxing), 記性兒记性儿 (zh) (jìxingr)
  • Czech: paměť (cs) f
  • Danish: hukommelse c
  • Dutch: geheugen (nl) n
  • Erzya: мелем (meľem)
  • Esperanto: memoro
  • Estonian: mälu
  • Faroese: minni n
  • Finnish: muisti (fi)
  • French: mémoire (fr) f
  • Friulian: please add this translation if you can
  • Galician: memoria (gl) f, acordanza f
  • Georgian: მეხსიერება (mexsiereba), მახსოვრობა (maxsovroba)
  • German: Gedächtnis (de) n
  • Greek: μνήμη (el) f (mními)
    Ancient: μνημοσύνη f (mnēmosúnē)
  • Gujarati: યાદ f (yād)
  • Hausa: please add this translation if you can
  • Hawaiian: hoʻomanaʻo ʻana, haliʻa
  • Hebrew: זיכרון זִכָּרוֹן (he) m (zikarón)
  • Hindi: स्मृति (hi) f (smŕti), याद (hi) f (yād), हाफ़िज़ा m (hāfizā)
  • Hungarian: emlékezet (hu), memória (hu)
  • Icelandic: minni (is) n
  • Ido: memoro (io)
  • Indonesian: ingatan (id), memori (id)
  • Irish: cuimhne f
  • Italian: memoria (it) f
  • Japanese: 記憶 (ja) (きおく, kioku)
  • Kannada: ನೆನಪು (kn) (nenapu)
  • Kazakh: ес (kk) (es), жад (jad)
  • Khmer: សតិ (km) (saʼteʼ)
  • Korean: 기억(記憶) (ko) (gieok)
  • Kurdish:
    Central Kurdish: بیر (ckb) (bîr)
    Northern Kurdish: bîr (ku), bîrkan, hafize (ku)
  • Kurmanji: bîrkan
  • Kyrgyz: эс (ky) (es)
  • Lao: ຄວາມຊົງຈຳ (lo) (khuām song cham), ຄວາມຈຳ (khuām cham)
  • Latgalian: atguods m
  • Latin: memoria f
  • Latvian: atmiņa f
  • Lithuanian: atmintis (lt) f
  • Luganda: please add this translation if you can
  • Luxembourgish: Gediechtnes n, Memoire f, Erënnerung f
  • Macedonian: меморија f (memorija), сеќавање n (seḱavanje), памтење n (pamtenje), помнење n (pomnenje),
  • Malay: ingatan (ms)
  • Malayalam: ഓർമ്മശക്തി (ōṟmmaśakti)
  • Maltese: memorja f
  • Manchu: ᡝᠵᡝᠰᡠ (ejesu)
  • Manx: cooinaght m
  • Maori: maharatanga
  • Marathi: स्मृती (smrutī)
  • Mirandese: mimória
  • Mongolian: ой ухаан (oj uxaan)
  • Nepali: स्मृति (ne) (smr̥ti)
  • Norman: mémouaithe f
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: hukommelse (no) m, minne (no) n
    Nynorsk: minne n
  • Occitan: memòria (oc) f
  • Old Church Slavonic:
    Cyrillic: памѧть f (pamętĭ)
  • Old East Slavic: памѧть f (pamętĭ)
  • Old English: ġemynd f
  • Oriya: please add this translation if you can
  • Pashto: حافظه (ps) f (hāfezá), ياد (ps) m (yād)
  • Persian: حافظه (fa) (hâfeze), یاد (fa) (yâd)
  • Polish: pamięć (pl) f
  • Portuguese: memória (pt) f
  • Punjabi: ਯਾਦ f (yād)
  • Quechua: yarpay
  • Rajasthani: please add this translation if you can
  • Romanian: memorie (ro) f
  • Romansch: regurdientscha f (Rumantsch Grischun, Sursilvan, Surmiran), ragurdànza f, ragurdientscha f (Sutsilvan), algurdaunza f (Puter), algordanza f (Vallader), algord m (Puter)
  • Russian: па́мять (ru) f (pámjatʹ)
  • Sanskrit: स्मरणशक्ति f (smaraṇaśakti), स्मृति (sa) f (smṛti)
  • Scots: please add this translation if you can
  • Scottish Gaelic: cuimhne f
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: па̑мће̄ње n
    Roman: pȃmćēnje n
  • Shor: эс (es)
  • Sindhi: please add this translation if you can
  • Sinhalese: මතක (mataka)
  • Slovak: pamäť f
  • Slovene: spomin (sl) m
  • Spanish: memoria (es) f
  • Swahili: kumbukumbu (sw)
  • Swedish: minne (sv) n, hågkomst (sv) c, erinring (sv) c
  • Tagalog: alaala (tl)
  • Tajik: ёд (yod), зеҳн (zehn), хотир (tg) (xotir), ҳофиза (hofiza)
  • Tamil: ஞாபகம் (ta) (ñāpakam)
  • Tatar: хәтер (tt) (xäter), ис (tt) (is)
  • Telugu: జ్ఞాపకము (te) (jñāpakamu)
  • Thai: ความจำ (th) (kwaam-jam), ความทรงจำ (kwaam-song-jam)
  • Tibetan: ཁྱིམ་དྲན་སེམས་ནད (khyim dran sems nad)
  • Turkish: hafıza (tr), bellek (tr), hatır (tr)
  • Turkmen: hakyda, huş, ýadygär, ýat, ýatlama
  • Ukrainian: па́м’ять f (pámʺjatʹ)
  • Urdu: یاد (ur) f (yād), حافظه‎ f (hāfiza)
  • Uyghur: خاتىرە(xatire), ياد(yad)
  • Uzbek: yod (uz), xotira (uz), hofiza (uz)
  • Vietnamese: trí nhớ (vi)
  • Volapük: please add this translation if you can
  • Welsh: cof
  • Yagnobi: ёд (yod)
  • Yiddish: זכּרון‎ m (zikorn), זיקאָרן‎ m (zikorn)
  • Zazaki: xafıze c, vir n
  • Zhuang: geiqsingq, geiq

stored record

  • Armenian: հիշողություն (hy) (hišołutʿyun), հիշատակ (hy) (hišatak), հուշ (hy) (huš)
  • Asturian: memoria f, recuerdu m
  • Azerbaijani: xatirə (az)
  • Bashkir: иҫтәлек (iθtälek), хәтер (xäter), хәтирә (xätirä)
  • Belarusian: успамі́н m (uspamín), успаміна́нне n (uspaminánnje)
  • Bulgarian: спо́мен (bg) m (spómen)
  • Catalan: record (ca) m
  • Chinese:
    Cantonese: 記憶记忆 (gei3 jik1)
    Mandarin: 記憶记忆 (zh) (jìyì), 記性记性 (zh) (jìxing), 回憶回忆 (zh) (huíyì), 追憶追忆 (zh) (zhuīyì)
  • Czech: vzpomínka (cs) f
  • Dutch: herinnering (nl) f
  • Esperanto: memoro
  • Finnish: muistikuva, muisto (fi), muisti (fi)
  • French: souvenir (fr) m
  • Galician: memoria (gl) f, lembranza f
  • German: Erinnerung (de) f
  • Greek: ανάμνηση (el) f (anámnisi), θύμηση (el) f (thýmisi), μνήμη (el) f (mními)
    Ancient: μνήμη f (mnḗmē)
  • Hebrew: זיכרון זִכָּרוֹן (he) m (zikarón)
  • Hungarian: emlék (hu)
  • Indonesian: memori (id)
  • Italian: memoria (it) f, ricordo (it) m
  • Japanese: 記憶 (ja) (きおく, kioku), 思い出 (ja) (おもいで, omoide), 回想 (ja) (かいそう, kaisō), 追憶 (ついおく, tsuioku)
  • Korean: 회상 (ko) (hoesang), 추억 (ko) (chueok)
  • Latin: memoria f
  • Luxembourgish: Erënnerung f
  • Macedonian: спомен m (spomen)
  • Malay: kenangan
  • Malayalam: ഓർമ്മ (ōṟmma)
  • Maori: pūmaharatanga
  • Occitan: memòria (oc) f
  • Persian: یادگار (fa) (yâdegâr, yâdgâr)
  • Polish: wspomnienie (pl) n
  • Portuguese: lembrança (pt) f, recordação (pt) f
  • Romanian: amintire (ro) f
  • Russian: воспомина́ние (ru) n (vospominánije)
  • Scottish Gaelic: cuimhne f
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: памћење n
    Roman: pȃmćēnje n
  • Slovak: spomienka f
  • Slovene: spomin (sl) m
  • Spanish: recuerdo (es) m
  • Swedish: minne (sv) n
  • Tamil: ஞாபகம் (ta) (ñāpakam)
  • Turkish: hatıra (tr), anı (tr)
  • Ukrainian: спо́гад m (spóhad), спо́мин m (spómyn), зга́дка f (zhádka), спо́минка f (spómynka), спо́минок m (spómynok)
  • Vietnamese: kỷ niệm (vi), kí ức (vi)
  • Volapük: mem (vo)
  • Yiddish: זכּרון‎ m (zikorn), אָנדענק‎ m (ondenk)
  • Zazaki: mêras m


  • Armenian: հիշողություն (hy) (hišołutʿyun)
  • Azerbaijani: yaddaş
  • Belarusian: па́мяць f (pámjacʹ)
  • Bulgarian: па́мет (bg) f (pámet)
  • Catalan: memòria (ca) f
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 內存内存 (zh) (nèicún)
  • Czech: paměť (cs) f
  • Danish: hukommelse c
  • Dutch: geheugen (nl) n
  • Faroese: minni n
  • Finnish: muisti (fi)
  • French: mémoire (fr) f
  • Galician: memoria (gl) f
  • German: Speicher (de) m
  • Greek: μνήμη (el) f (mními)
  • Hebrew: זכרון (he) m (zikarón)
  • Hungarian: memória (hu)
  • Indonesian: memori (id)
  • Italian: memoria (it) f
  • Japanese: メモリ (ja) (memori), メモリー (ja) (memorī)
  • Korean: 메모리 (memori)
  • Latin: memoria f
  • Latvian: atmiņa f
  • Lithuanian: atmintinė (lt) f
  • Luxembourgish: Späicher m
  • Macedonian: меморија f (memorija)
  • Malayalam: മെമ്മറി (memmaṟi)
  • Maori: pātaka (mi)
  • Norman: mémouaithe f
  • Norwegian: dataminne n
  • Persian: حافظه (fa) (hâfeze)
  • Polish: pamięć (pl) f
  • Portuguese: memória (pt) f
  • Romanian: memorie (ro) f
  • Russian: па́мять (ru) f (pámjatʹ)
  • Slovak: pamäť f
  • Slovene: spomin (sl) m
  • Spanish: memoria (es) f
  • Swedish: minne (sv) n
  • Tamil: நினைவகம் (ta) (niṉaivakam)
  • Turkish: bellek (tr)
  • Ukrainian: па́м’ять f (pámʺjatʹ)
  • Vietnamese: bộ nhớ
  • Zazaki: hafıze f

See also[edit]

  • memory on Wikipedia.Wikipedia
  • remember
  • mnemonics

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