Word forms and simple present tense

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In this course, “Word Forms and Simple Present Tense,” you will learn about different word forms, like nouns, proper nouns, plural forms and singular forms. You will learn when to use the articles “a” and “an.” You will also learn about the BE verb in English, how to form it and when to use it. Then you will learn how to form other verbs in the simple present, including some spelling rules, and how to make negative forms.


  • Introduction & BE Verb
    • In this first week, we will look at word forms. You learn about different kinds of words like nouns, verbs, and adjectives. Then you will learn about different kinds of nouns. You will learn about plural and singular nouns, how to make spelling changes, and when to use the articles “a” and “an.” You will also learn about verbs in the simple present. We will start with the BE verb. BE is very common. We use it all of the time.
  • Simple Present
    • This week, we will look at other verbs in the simple present. You will learn how to form and use the simple present. You will also learn about the different spelling changes that happen when you add an “s” to a verb in the simple present. You will also learn about possessive adjectives and the apostrophe “s” to show someone has something.
  • Simple Present Negative
    • This week, you will learn more about the simple present. We will look at how to form the negative for the BE verb and for all other verbs. The BE verb always has rules that are different from other verbs. You will also learn how to use “There is” and “There are” to describe things in a place.
  • Yes/No Questions
    • This week, we will start with how to ask yes/no questions using the BE verb. Then, you will practice asking questions using “Is there…?” and “Are there…?” Finally, You will learn how to use “do” and “does” to ask yes/no questions in the simple present.

Taught by

Rachel Fernandez and Karen Vallejo


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Простое время в английском языке — лучший способ рассказать собеседнику о своих привычках и предпочтениях, о том, что мы умеем делать или делаем каждый день. Это одно из самых часто встречающихся времен в повседневной речи, поэтому важно понять и изучить его с самого начала.

Сегодня поговорим о том, что такое Present Simple Tense, распространенные случаи употребления, узнаем основные правила образования Present Simple, какие существуют маркеры времени и рассмотрим примеры предложений.

Что такое Present Simple?

Это простое настоящее время, обозначающее действие в самом широком смысле этого слова. Одна из самых распространенных и простых форм в английском языке для описания действий.

Действия могут быть связаны с привычками, хобби, ежедневным событием вроде подъема по утрам или чем-то, что случается регулярно.

Как образуется Present Simple?

Нет ничего проще, чем поставить глагол в форму Present Simple. Для этого нужно убрать у глагола в инфинитиве частицу «to» и поставить глагол после подлежащего. Это и есть основное правило Present Simple.


I / We / You / They + V

She / He / It + V + s (es)

I go to work every day — Я хожу на работу каждый день.

They usually play tennis every weekend — Они обычно играют в теннис каждые выходные.

She brings me coffee every morning — Она приносит мне кофе каждое утро.

It snows in winter — Зимой идет снег.

ВАЖНО: В Present Simple форма глагола практически всегда совпадает с изначальной. Исключение составляет третье лицо единственного числа (he / she / it) — к нему прибавляется окончание -s:

I ride — She rides

I dream — He dreams

Если глагол оканчивается на -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -o, то к нему прибавляется окончание -es

I wish — She wishes

I teach — She teaches

Если глагол оканчивается на -y, а ему предшествует согласная, то к нему прибавляется окончание -es, но -y заменяется на -i

I try — She tries

I fly — He flies

Если глагол оканчивается на -y, а ему предшествует гласная, то к нему также прибавляется окончание -s, но -y не меняется.

I play — She plays

I stay — He stays


Чтобы составить отрицательное предложение — нужно поставить вспомогательный глагол между подлежащим и глаголом.

I / We / You / They + do not (don’t) + V

She / He / It + does not (doesn’t) + V

I don’t go to school every day — Я не хожу в школу каждый день

They don’t drink beer — Они не пьют пиво

She doesn’t like the weather in London — Ей не нравится погода в Лондоне

He doesn’t drive the car — Он не водит машину

Отрицание также можно выразить при помощи отрицательных местоимений и наречий.

Nobody speaks Arabic — Никто не говорит по-арабски

I do nothing — Я ничего не делаю


При составлении вопросительных предложений вспомогательный глагол ставится перед подлежащим и последующим глаголом. Обычно — в начало предложения.

Do + I / we / you / they + V ?

Does + she / he / it  + V ?

Do you like pizza? — Тебе нравится пицца?

Do they play football? — Они играют в футбол?

Does she learn Russian? — Она изучает русский язык?

Does he live in Spain? — Он живет в Испании?

Иногда в вопросительном предложении употребляются question words (вопросительные слова) и фразы, которые помогают задать более точный и корректный вопрос собеседнику.

К таким словам относятся: how long (как долго), why (почему), where (где) и другие. Как и в других временах, они ставятся в самом начале предложения перед вопросительной конструкцией Present Simple.

QW + do (does) + I / We / You / They / She / He / It + V ?

Where does he live in Prague? — Где он живет в Праге?

Why do you drink green tea? — Почему ты пьешь зеленый чай?

Когда в предложении с Present Simple появляется вспомогательный глагол — у основного глагола пропадает окончание -s. Считайте, что это такой своеобразный «магнит», который «перетягивает» к себе это окончание. Это касается отрицательной и вопросительной форм Present Simple.

ВАЖНО: иногда вспомогательный глагол do / does можно встретить и в утвердительных предложениях, чтобы добавить экспрессии и яркости высказыванию.

I do want to try this — Я действительно хочу это попробовать

Mary does know how to cook — Мэри действительно умеет готовить

Глагол to be в Present Simple

Глагол to be (быть) всегда является особенным и его употребление во времени Present Simple зависит от подлежащего. Он имеет 3 разных формы:

  • am (для 1-го лица единственного числа: I)
  • is (для 3-го лица единственного числа: she / he / it)
  • are (для 1-го, 2-го и 3-го лица множественного числа: we / you / they)

I am ready — Я готов

She is ready — Она готова

We are ready — Мы готовы

Когда используется Present Simple?

Present Simple используется в описании действий, которые происходят постоянно, на регулярной

основе, но не привязаны к моменту речи.

Употребление Present Simple уместно в тех случаях, когда мы хотим рассказать о нашей ежедневной рутине, достоверно известных фактах, действиях в широком смысле слова или расписании поездов.

Регулярные, повторяющиеся действия:

I often go to the bar — Я часто хожу в бар

They play music every Sunday — Они играют музыку каждое воскресенье

Действие в широком смысле слова (без привязки к моменту речи):

I live in Dublin — Я живу в Дублине.

She speaks Chinese — Она говорит по-китайски.

Факты, о которых знают все:

The Earth rotates around its axis — Земля вращается вокруг своей оси.

Moscow is the largest city in Russia — Москва самый большой город в России

Будущие действия, которые произойдут согласно расписанию:

The airplane takes off at 4.30 am — Самолет взлетит в 4.30 утра.

The train leaves at 9 pm tomorrow — Поезд отходит завтра в 9 вечера.

Рецепты и инструкции (используется вместо повелительного наклонения):

You push the red button to turn on the radio — Нажмите на красную кнопку, чтобы включить радио

First you turn left and then you go down the street — Сперва поверните налево, затем идите до конца улицы

При перечислении каких-то действий и их определенной последовательности также используется время Present Simple

You take the bus into the city center and then you take a taxi to the restaurant — Вы едете на автобусе до центра города, а затем берете такси до ресторана.

Иногда время Present Simple используется в отношении прошедшего времени. Например, в заголовках газет (указывают на факт произошедшего действия) или в рассказе о событии (когда мы говорим о ком-то и его действиях).

The bus with American tourists crashes in India — В Индии разбился автобус с американскими туристами

I met John last week. He comes to me and says: “Hello, old friend” — На прошлой неделе я встретил Джона. Он подошел ко мне и сказал: «Привет, старый друг»

Маркеры времени Present Simple

Для того, чтобы лучше сориентироваться где и когда употребляются глаголы Present Simple — обратите внимание на особые маркеры в тексте.

Такими «маячками» для Present Simple являются наречия (often, always, usually, etc.) и указатели времени (every day, in the morning, on Fridays, etc.).

She always drinks coffee in the morning — Она всегда пьет кофе по утрам

I usually wake up at 6 am — Обычно я просыпаюсь в 6 утра

They often talk about sport — Они часто говорят о спорте

I check my smartphone every 15 minutes — Я проверяю свой телефон каждые 15 минут

He takes a shower twice a day — Он принимает душ два раза в день

On Mondays we go to the central park — По понедельникам мы ходим в центральный парк

He comes here sometimes — Иногда он приходит сюда

Примеры предложений с Present Simple:

Утвердительные предложения:

I read a book every evening — Я читаю книгу каждый вечер

He likes to be polite — Ему нравится быть вежливым

It takes two hours to fly from Berlin — Полет из Берлина займет два часа

Cats like milk — Кошки любят молоко

Отрицательные предложения:

I don’t buy food in the supermarket — Я не покупаю еду в супермаркете

He doesn’t play piano very well — Он не очень хорошо играет на пианино

They don’t read books — Они не читают книги

Duck don’t eat fish — Утки не едят рыбу

Вопросительные предложения:

Do you live in Paris? — Ты живешь в Париже?

Does she play in a band? — Она играет в группе?

Do you eat fish? — Ты ешь рыбу?

Do they like coffee? — Им нравится кофе?

Use of present simple time. Present Simple time: rules and methods of use

present simple how it is constructed

Hello! Today you will get acquainted with a real indefinite (simple) time in English — Present Simple, or as it is also called Present Indefenite. The study of the tenses of the verb in English always begins with Present Simple, since it is basic. If you understand the structure of this time, it will be easy for you to deal with the rest of the times.

After studying the material, you will find out in which cases the Present Simple time is used, get acquainted with the rules for the formation of Present Simple and with many other nuances of using the Present Simple time, shown in individual examples.

Present Simple Tense Meaning

First, let’s define the Present Simple time value. So, Present Simple expresses actions or states in the present tense, while not indicating their duration, completeness, precedence in relation to another action, etc.

Actions expressed in Present Simple refer to the present tense, but, as a rule, do not occur at the time of speech. This is how Present Simple differs from the present tense in Russian.

The Russian present tense denotes both actions that relate to the present period of time and actions that occur at the time of speech.

In English, to express the latter, another form of the present is used, namely Present Continuous. You can see this with the following example:

  • Present Simple: I speak Russian. — I speak Russian. (meaning, I can speak Russian in general)
  • Present Continuous: I am speaking Russian — I speak Russian. (in the meaning, I speak Russian at the moment)

Pay attention to the rules!

Present Simple Tense Education Rules

And now is the time to move on to the main thing — to the rules of education Present Simple Tense in English.

Present Simple affirmativeTense

Auxiliary verbs are not required to form the present Simple affirmative form. For persons I, you singular and we, you, they plural, the forms of the verb in Present Simple coincide with the infinitive form. This applies to both regular and irregular verbs.

Only in the 3rd person singular (he, she, it) the ending is added to the verb — s or — es… Pronounce these endings as [s], [z] or . For example:

  • I make — he makes
  • I sing—he sings
  • I rise — he rises [ˈRaɪzɪz]

The pronunciation and spelling rules for these endings are the same as for plural endings. You can familiarize yourself with them in the article Plural of nouns in English.

in the affirmative

Present Simple interrogative formTense

The interrogative form is formed using an auxiliary verb to doexcept for modal verbs and verbs to be и to have… But we’ll talk about these exceptions a little later. So the auxiliary verb to do used in forms do or does (For he, she, it), agreeing in person and number with the subject, and the main verb in all persons has the infinitive form.

To form the Present Simple interrogative form, the auxiliary verb do (does) is placed first before the subject, and the subject is followed by the main verb in the infinitive form.

Conjugations of verbs in Present Simple Tense

in interrogative form

Present Simple negative formTense

The negative form is also formed with the auxiliary verb do (does), but combined with a negative particle Note… So, in the first place the subject is put, then the auxiliary verb do (does) + negative particle Note, and the main verb in infinitive form.

Auxiliary do (does) usually merges into one word with a particle Note:

  • do not — do not
  • does not — Does not

Present Simple Tense Verb Conjugation Table

in negative form

Present Simple Tense verb conjugation rules

Exceptions to the rules

Now is the time to talk about exceptions to the rule! Remember!
Modal verbs can, ought, may, should, must, would, as well as verbs to be and to have do not form Present Simple forms according to general rules!

In the affirmative form, modal verbs in the 3rd person singular do not have an ending — s or — es:

  • I can-he can
  • I may —he may
  • I ought—he ought
  • I must-he must
  • I should — he should
  • I would -he would

Verb to be in the affirmative form am, is, are, was, were, depending on person and number, and the verb to have forms — Have и has.

In interrogative and negative forms, all of these verbs are used as auxiliary verbs!

Take a good look at the following tables and memorize them!

Conjugation table of the verb to be in Present Simple Tense

Number Face Affirmative form Interrogative form negative form
Unit. h. 1 23 I am you are He / She / It is Am I?Are you?Is he / she / it? I am (I »m) not you are not (aren «t) He / She / It is not (isn «t)
Mn. h. 1 23 We are you are They are Are we?Are you?Are they? We are not (aren «t) you are not (aren «t) They are not (aren «t)

Conjugation of the verb to be in Present Simple Tense

Conjugation table of the verb to have in Present SimpleTense

Number Face Affirmative form Interrogative form negative form
Unit. h. 1 23 I Have you Have He / She / It has Have I?Have you?you he / she / it? I have not (haven «t) you have not (haven «t) He / She / It has not (hasn «t)
Mn. h. 1 23 We Have you Have They Have Have we?Have you?Have they? We have not (haven «t) you have not (haven «t) They have not (haven «t)

It should be noted that such a conjugation of the verb to have takes place only when to have denotes the possession of something. In American English, and in this sense, it is preferred to conjugate the verb to have with the auxiliary verb to do according to the general rules of Present Simple:

  • British — I haven’t any pens.
  • American — I don’t have any pens.

If the verb to have has a meaning — to receive, take, receive, experience, etc., then it is conjugated according to the general rules, both in British and American. For example:

  • Do you Have any difficulties getting there? — Is it difficult for you to get there?

In informal British English, the construction is often used instead of to have have got, in which have plays the role of an auxiliary verb. For example:

  • I haven’t got any pens — I have no pens

Another way to express the negative form of the verb to have is to use the particle no instead of not a / not any:

  • I haven’t any pens = I haven’t got any pens = I have no pens

Present Simple Tense Modal Verb Conjugation Table

(using the example of the verb — can)

Number Face Affirmative form Interrogative form negative form
Unit. h. 1 23 I can you can He / She / It can Dog I?Dog you?Dog he / she / it? I cannot (can «t) you cannot (can «t) He / She / It cannot (can «t)
Mn. h. 1 23 We can you can They can Dog we?Dog you?Dog they? We cannot (can «t) you cannot (can «t) They cannot (can «t)

Present Simple Tense is used:

1. When expressing repetitive or constant actions in the present. Very often in such sentences there are circumstances of the time that express the frequency of action:

  • аlways — always
  • often — often
  • daily — daily
  • usually — usually
  • every day — every day
  • regularly — regularly
  • never — never
  • sometimes — sometimes
  • seldom — rarely
  • rarely — infrequently

In most cases, the circumstances of the time are placed between the subject and the predicate. Examples:

  • I always help my brother in his studies. — I always help my brother with his studies.
  • She usually gets up at eight o’clock. “She usually wakes up at eight o’clock.
  • We have breakfast Cada dia.− We have breakfast every day.
  • Do you often visit your Grandmother? — Do you often visit your grandmother?
  • Sandra daily makes exercises. — Sandra does exercises every day.
  • I seldom meet with Jim. — I rarely meet with Jim.
  • Nick never goes home before nine. — Nick never goes home before nine.
  • My mother doesn’t often give me work. — My mom doesn’t often give me a job.
  • She Sometimes goes in our swimming-pool. — She sometimes goes to our pool.

The meaning of repetitive or constant actions can be shown not only by adverbs, but also by the Present Simple form itself, for example, if the place or time of a normal action is indicated, or in the case of listing sequential actions.

  • Nick goes to school at 9 o’clock… — Nick goes to school at 9 o’clock.
  • I wake up, wash, have my breakfast, dress and go to university. — I wake up, wash, eat breakfast, get dressed and go to the university.

2. When expressing an action or property that characterizes the subject at the present moment in time or constantly. For example:

  • Nick speaks Russian very well. — Nick speaks Russian very well.
  • My brother plays violin and sings. — My brother plays the violin and sings.
  • He is a student. — He is a student.
  • What is your name? — What’s your name?

3. When expressing general provisions or well-known truths:

  • The earth goes round the sun in 24 hours. — The earth makes a circle around the sun in 24 hours.
  • Two and two is four. — Twice two four.

4. When designating actions or states that occur at a given moment of speech, if they are expressed by verbs that are not used in the present for a long time. Usually these are verbs that denote feelings, states, desires, thoughts, etc.

  • Verbs of desire and expression of will: to want — to want, to desire — to wish, to wish — to wish, to mind — to worry, to refuse — to refuse, to forgive — to forgive, to demand — to demand
  • Verbs of feelings and emotions: to love — to love, to hate — to hate, to — to like, to dis — not to like, not to love, to adore — to adore, to respect — to respect, to detest — to disgust, to care for — to love,
  • Verbs of physical perception and thinking:

Source: https://www.latinkvartal.ru/upotreblenie-vremeni-present-simple-vremya-present-simple-pravila-i-sposoby-upotrebleniya.html

Present Simple — from A to Z in simple words

present simple how it is constructed

In this article, we will analyze step-by-step instructions on how to fully understand the most used time of the English language — present simpleand also how to remember its construction forever. The information will be so comprehensive that you will no longer have the desire to read something extra. But get ready to sweat and sort it out!

At the end of the article, I will tell you about the main types of mistakes students face when using time. present simple.

PresentSimple — what it is

Present Simple — What is it? If we look at what time the most requests were made, we will see what exactly Present simple , because we simply cannot do without this time. Since he is so popular, then we will give him enough attention.

I think it is worth starting with the question: «What are times in general?» English tenses (grammatical tenses), those same 12 pieces, are, in fact, a mixture of 4 subtypes and 3 real tenses.

We have three real times: present, past and future… Within each time there are 4 subspecies, each of which means something different, and is built according to a special recipe. If translated into the language of confectioners, then each time corresponds to a separate cake, which is served on different occasions and baked according to an individual recipe.

So, Present simple (present simple) — this is the very first, and as many mistakenly believe, the simplest of the 12 considered. Let’s think about the meaning of the words contained in its title. Present translated «present», that is, real time — present. Simple — simple. Why simple? It is simple not because it is constructed simply, but because its meaning is very simple.

The main meaning of Present Simple is to talk about constant, regular actions that occur at an enviable frequency.

Despite the fact that formally Present simple (present simple) in the table of times one, in fact, it would be wrong not to mention one very curious moment. Many grammar textbooks (and I agree with them on this) refer to the presentation of a simple sentence with a verb to be (to be), having in the present tense — is am are (is). 

Therefore, you and I, precious ones, will act consistently:

  • First, we will deal with the forms of verbs, and understand what the first form of the verb is.
  • Then we will consider what kind of is-am-are we have and how to build sentences with them.
  • Then we will get acquainted with Present Simple in its broad sense and what is the logic of its construction.
  • Let’s analyze all possible meanings of Present Simple
  • Let’s list the TOP5 errors when building this time

Have driven!

Before proceeding to the next step, I ask you to draw your attention to the fact that I have other articles that may interest you. Many of them contain videos on the topic. Don’t be afraid to click on the links, they will open in new tabs.

I also have an instagram and a channel on which I constantly post new useful information on similar and many other topics. I am glad that you stumbled upon my article, and now you can finally understand the intricacies of the English language. The most important thing is to act. Here you can read all possible options for working with me, and choose the most suitable one.

Two types of Present Simple

From the very beginning we will have to keep in mind the idea that in fact there are two types present simple (present simple):

1) The one with verbs is-am-are and means «where, what or what is our subject»

2) The one that with all other verbs — love, hate, know and so on, denoting regular actions

Why is this so important? The fact is that these types of sentences are constructed in completely different ways, and if this idea is not kept in mind, then most likely you will get the following sentences:

Do you afraid of dogs? — instead of Are you afraid of dogs? — Are you afraid of dogs?

Do you at home? — instead of Are you at home? — Are you at home?

Or vice versa.

Where are you live? — instead of Where do you live? — Where do you live?

Where do all these come from are и do?

This is a completely different story, and we will consider this issue in the next paragraph of our article.

A little theory about the verb and its forms — otherwise we will not be able to grasp the logic of everything that happens

So, how is it being built with us Present simple (present simple)? As I said, we cannot talk about Present simple (present simple), as about one type of construction, but as about two: with the verbs is-am-are and all other verbs. But they have something in common — both of these types denote the present, which means

First, let’s define the concepts.

Time is with us the present, then verbstanding right away after subject, must be in present time, or in other words, in the first form.

This is natural for both Russian and English — after the subject «who-what» there must be a verb indicating the time. And since the tense is present, then the verb must be in the form of the present tense.

In general, whatever one may say — it is very logical!

It is not clear what forms of the verb are in question? And no wonder! Usually you are asked to just memorize the tenses table! But you and I will not go this way. I am with all my paws for you to grasp the logic of the construction. And to be honest, it’s not difficult at all, you just have to spend a little time.

Therefore, I bring to your attention two videos, from which you will learn:

  • What forms of verbs are there in general
  • How personal forms of verbs behave in Russian and English

We draw an intermediate conclusion once again: Since we are building the present tense, then in any case we will need the first form of the verb — the form of the present tense!

For ordinary verbs (all but the verb to be), the first form looks like a verb with or without the S ending.

For example:

— s

Source: http://natanevata.ru/present-simple-prezent-simpl-ot-a-do-z-prostymi-slovami/

Present Simple — educational rules, examples of use

present simple how it is constructed

Present Simple means action in the present in the broadest sense of the word. It is used to refer to ordinary, regularly repeated or constant actions, for example, when we talk about someone’s habits, daily routine, schedule, etc.

Present simple denotes actions that are currently taking place, but are not tied specifically to the moment of speech.

Affirmative sentences in Present Simple

Present Simple affirmative form is formed according to a simple scheme:

Actor + action (initial verb)

If the action is done: It does Note change. / It won’t change.

Note! When do we use do Note и does Note, the ending is no longer added to the verb s / es.

After all, it is these auxiliary verbs that show the time.

He does not read_ books. / He doesn’t read books. / He does not read’s books.

We can cut a particle Note in the following way:

  • Don’t= do not
  • Does not = Does not

Question in Present Simple

Auxiliary and special modal verbs are taken as a basis for constructing questions in Present Simple. Such sentences are built according to the following scheme: interrogative word + special auxiliary / modal verbs + subject + predicate.

If various forms of the verb to be are used, it must be taken as the basis for constructing the question. For example:

  • He is a teacher. — He is to teacher.
  • He is a teacher? — Is he a teacher?

In general questions, it is modal verbs that are used, not auxiliary ones. For example:

  • She knows how to jump into the pool. — She can jump in the pool.
  • Can she jump into the pool? — Can she jump in the pool?

It is important: when using the does form, the ending -s is not used for the main predicate.

Negation in Present Simple

To construct a negative sentence, we turn to the auxiliary verb do (does) and the negative particle not. Here again, apart from everyone, there will be pronouns he, she, it and nouns in the singular — the form does is used with them. Do is used with other pronouns and nouns. We put the particle not between the auxiliary and the main verb.

[ninja_tables id = «12878»]

  • Don’t and doesn’t Are abbreviated forms from do not и does not, they are used colloquially:
  • We don’t smile.
  • A boy doesn’t jump.

Note! Using does the ending -s disappears from the main verb. The auxiliary verb always pulls on itself -s (do + es = does)so we don’t need to use this ending a second time. When does goes away, the main verb reappears -s.

Verb to be in Present Simple

In sentences with the verb to be (to be, to be), as well as with modal verbs (can, may, should, etc.), auxiliary verbs are not needed, the negation is constructed using the not particle, which is placed immediately after the verb:

  • You can’t buy a new iPhone — You can’t buy a new iPhone.
  • I shouldn’t come tomorrow “I shouldn’t come tomorrow.
  • We can’t live together — We cannot live together.
  • You shouldn’t leave me here without any food “You can’t leave me here without any food.

In interrogative sentences with modal verbs and the verb to be, auxiliary words are not used at all:

  • Is she a good doctor — Is she a good doctor?
  • Can I help you? — Can i help you?
  • Is he your husband? — Is he your husband?
  • Can we share this delicious pizza? — Can we share this delicious pizza?

Examples of using Present Simple

The simple present is used to describe the following cases:

Current circumstances

  • He works for a bank. — He works in bank.
  • My brother is thirty years old. — My brother is thirty years old.
  • She is a doctor. — She is a doctor.

Regularly recurring action

  • He reads newspapers every morning… — Every morning he reads the newspapers.

Also in this case, adverbs of the frequency of action (sometimes, often, always, never — sometimes, often, always, never) can be used:

  • They sometimes go to the swimming pool… — Sometimes they go to the pool.
  • She never misses lessons. — She never misses lessons.

An immutable fact that is always true

  • The sun sets in the west. — The sun sets in the west.
  • Two plus four equals six. “Two plus four equals six.

Future events that happen on schedule or schedule

  • The school starts in September. — Classes at the school begin in September.
  • The plane departs at 18.50. — The plane leaves at 18:50.
  • Next week he goes to London on a business trip. “He’s going on a business trip to London next week.


Add ending -(e) swhere needed:

  1. your father. that we are here. (know)
  2. These cameras. too much for me. (cost)
  3. Paul. interested. (seem)
  4. I. coffee very much. ()
  5. The bus. at the corner. (Stop)
  6. Chuck. Jessica to the movies every Saturday. (take)
  7. The children. just their mother. (look)
  8. He. everything you teach us. (remember)

Form negative and interrogative sentences. If there is a question word in parentheses, the question must be special. Please note that the question may contain negation. In such cases, there will be a little hint in parentheses.

  1. Mr. Baker works in a bank. (where?)
  2. Bob’s parents play tennis. (who?)
  3. The soup tastes good.
  4. The plane leaves at 6’olock. (when?)
  5. Wood and paper burn easily, but glass doesn’t burn at all. (what? (What doesn’t burn at all?)
  6. Jane love flowers. (who?)
  7. This house belongs to Mary.
  8. I go to the market every week. (how often?)

Memorization cards

Repeat tenses with cards.

  1. I listen — I’m listening to
  2. you listen — You are listening
  3. She listens — She is listening
  4. He listens — He is listening
  5. They listen — They are listening
  6. We listen — We listen
  7. I don’t listen — I am not listening
  8. You don’t listen — You are not listening
  9. She doesn’t listen — She doesn’t listen
  10. We don’t listen — We are not listening
  11. They don’t listen — They don’t listen
  12. Do I listen? — I’m listening to?
  13. Do you listen? — You are listening?
  14. Does he listen? — He is listening?
  15. Do we listen? — We listen?
  16. Do they listen? — They are listening?

The simple present is one of the most important and frequently used tenses in the English language. The study of verbs begins precisely from this time. Practice as often as possible and you will quickly get a hold of this material!

Source: https://englandlearn.com/grammatika/present-simple

Present Simple — sentences with translation and educational rules

By Natalia January 21, 2019

Present Simple or Present Indefinite Tense (or simple present tense) usually reflects one or another type of routine. However, this is only one of its functions, the simplest, albeit the most common. In order to speak English at a high level, it is necessary to understand as best as possible all the intricacies of the education of his times. In what we will try to help you.

Formation of a standard sentence of the affirmative form in Present Simple

The narrative form in the simple present tense is formed according to a rather simple scheme:

subject — predicate — all other members of the sentence.

Important! The subject and predicate cannot be moved — this can lead to a complete loss of the meaning of the sentence.

  • youlistentomusic… (Right!)Do you listen to music.
  • youtomusiclisten… (Wrong!) — The construction is incorrect. This sentence makes no sense.

Important! 3rd person singular verb h

(that is, when using the pronouns he (he), she (she), it (it, inanimate objects), as well as nouns substituting for them) always gets the ending –s / -es. Why is the time the same, but the endings are different? It’s actually simple: The ending -es is added to verbs ending in -o, -y, -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -tch, -x, -z.

Otherwise, the combination of these sounds with the -s ending would be extremely difficult to pronounce.

  • Heknowsaboutit. — He knows about it.
  • ShewishesmeMerryChristmas. — She wishes me a Merry Christmas.

An important clarification: if there is a consonant before the letter -y, then you need to add the ending -es and change it to -i (hurry — hurries, etc.). But if there is a vowel before -y, then -s is added and no change occurs (buy — buys, etc.)

Formation of an interrogative sentence in Present Simple

The formation of the interrogative form of the sentence in Present Simple occurs according to the following formula:

auxiliary verb — subject — predicate — all other members of the sentence.

The auxiliary verb must be put in the sentence in the appropriate form.

The forms of the verb to be will be discussed above. The verb to do in Present Simple has only two forms: does when used with the aforementioned pronouns he, she, it and their substitute nouns, and do in all other cases.

Important! To do is used as an auxiliary verb only if there is another (not auxiliary) verb in the text. Otherwise, the verb to be is used.

  • Doyouseethisbook? — Do you see this book?
  • Do people hear it? — Do people hear it?
  • Does he know this story? — Does he know this story?

The scheme for constructing questions using interrogative words (Where? — Where ?, When? — When ?, Why? — Why? What? — What? etc.) is somewhat different from the above scheme, in which there are no interrogative words: the interrogative word is put in the first place, then the auxiliary verb — subject — predicate — definition (if any) — addition (if any).

It should be noted that questions with the word Who? (Who?) Are constructed differently than with all the other interrogative words. Here we need a scheme: Who — a verb in the form of 3 person singular. — other members of the proposal.

Formation of a negative sentence in Present Simple

Negation in Present Simple is formed according to the following scheme: subject — an auxiliary verb with a particle not — predicate — definition (if any) — addition (if any).

  • You don’t want to speak. — You do not want to talk.
  • They don’t stay at home. — They don’t stay at home.
  • HedoesNotetrytodoit. — He doesn’t want to try to do it.


  1. As a rule, the particle not in combination with an auxiliary verb takes an abbreviated form(does not = doesn’t, do not = don’t). This is done for the sake of pronunciation.
  2. To do as an auxiliary verb can also be used in affirmative sentences — to enhance the emotional coloring. For example: Ido want to help him. — I (really / really / very much) want to help him.

Source: https://eng911.ru/rules/grammar/present-simple.html

The Present Simple Tense (rules for beginners)

Unlike the Russian language, in which the verb has only ONE present tense, in English there are as many as FOUR of them:

The Present Simple Tense, The Present Continuous Tense, The Present Perfect Tense belong to the basic level. And today you will find out basic rules of Present Simple Tense, namely:

1. When should you use Present Simple Tense in a sentence?

2. What temporal expressions indicate Present Simple Tense?

3. What is the form of the verb in Present Simple Tense?

4. How to write a sentence in Present Simple Tense?

5. When should you add the -S ending to a verb in Present Simple Tense?

6. How is the ending -S / -ES pronounced in a verb?

* * *

1. When should you use a simple present tense in a sentence?

We’ll start our conversation about the times from the simple present tense (The Present Simple Tense), which sometimes does not seem simple, but is such in essence, since you can use it in any sentence that is relevant to the present time, that is, the verb which answers the question what does the object do?

Attention! Further, we will replace the word object with the word actor and designate it — D.L, and instead of the word verb we will use the word action, which we denote — D.

The only exceptions to this case are situations in which D.L. commits D. at this moment in time, but then the sentence contains the words: now, at this moment, listen! Look. In this case, you need to use The Present Continuous Tense (present for a long time).

Rule 1. If the action in the sentence takes place in the present tense NOT at the moment, then you can safely use the simple present tense of the verb — The Present Simple Tense.

* * *

2. What temporal expressions indicate a simple present?

Formally Present simple tense used in a sentence if it contains temporary expressions (hints): every day (week, month, year), once a week (day, month, year), on Saturdays (Sundays,), always — never, often — seldom, usually — sometimes


  • I go to work every day.
  • We go to the park once a week.
  • He usually comes home late.

When should you add the -S ending to an action verb? — HERE

Translation of these expressions:

  • every day — every day (week, month, year)
  • once a week — once a week (day, month, year)
  • on Saturdays — on Saturdays (Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, etc.)
  • always — always
  • never — never
  • often — often
  • seldom — rarely
  • usually — usually
  • sometimes — sometimes

or other words. The CONTEXT is also a hint (but this is no longer the basic level).

Rule 2. If the sentence contains temporary expressions always — never, often — seldom, usually — sometimes, etc. and the action takes place in the present tense, then you can safely use the simple present tense of the verb — The Present Simple Tense.

* * *

3. What is the form of the verb in the simple present tense?

Rule 3. The verb in the simple present tense stands in first form… This is the basic form of the verb and you will find it in the dictionary. Sometimes they call her —  infinitive of a verb without a particle to… Further, we will designate this form — D. (action).

* * *

4. How to write a sentence in Present Simple Tense?

Rule 4. Below are three schemes of sentences in Present Simple. Use the schemes.

(from the book “English Grammar: Simple on the Difficult)

Note that the auxiliary DOES appears in a negative and interrogative sentence only in the 3rd person singular. number.  CM. Rule 5 (below).

* * *

5. When should the ending -S be added to a verb in the present simple tense?

Rule 5. The ending -S is added to the action verb in the affirmative sentencewhen D.L. (subject in a sentence) is in the third person singular, that is, it is a pronoun he, she, it or it can be replaced with a pronoun he, she, it.


He reads every day. — The boy reads every day.

Source: http://englishinn.ru/prostoe-nastoyashhee-vremya-glagola-the-present-simple-tense.html

Everything about Present Simple

Russian-speaking people think the English system of more than 10 times is very complex, meaningless and unnecessary. Behind this seeming meaninglessness, there is simply a different mentality. In fact, each time in its own way is important and necessary in the language!

What is the simple present tense for in English

Very often in our speech situations arise when it is necessary to say or talk about what you usually do. For example, friends might ask, «What do you do on weekends?» relatives ask: «Why are you so busy every day that you cannot come to visit us?» or a disgruntled stranger to make a complaint: «Do you always park your car like this?»

Just to compose your answer, you will use Present Simple! In Russian, the name of the time sounds like «Real simple».

How is formed

When studying modern times, we have been taught since school times that the first and most important rule is the way of education and the description of the construction of sentences of any time. Let’s consider how Present Simple is built and behaves in different types of sentences.

No auxiliary verb needed when forming
We Have breakfast all together every day. It’s our family tradition. In the example, the affirmative form of the verb. This is the most favorite type of sentence construction for students. The scheme for constructing a sentence: take a subject, put a real simple form of the verb in English (that is, the initial form, which is fixed in the dictionary) and get affirmative sentence.
My little brother drives his ty car with pleasure. In this affirmative sentence there is a little addition that is often forgotten — s. The ending must be added: when we are not talking about ourselves, but about someone else, one person; in affirmative sentences and questions to the subject.

Source: https://englishfun.ru/grammatika/vsyo-o-present-simple

Conditionals or conditional sentences in English

conditionals, or conditional clauses are complex sentences consisting of 2 parts: main (main sentence) and dependent (if-sentence). They are united by one question — On what condition? (Under what condition?). This condition is formed in the dependent clause using the union if (if).

Conditional sentences are divided into several types depending on their meaning:

1. Zero conditional

Based on the name, it can be understood that Zero Conditional used in speech when we talk about 100% regularity, about obtaining a consistently identical result if the specified condition is met. This pattern is so stable that when is usually meant instead of if.

A conditional sentence in Zero Conditional is formed as follows:

If + subject + verb in Present Simple form (dependent clause), subject + in Present Simple form (main clause)

For example:

  • If you put something under the water, it gets wet. — If you put something under water, it gets wet.
  • If you mix blue and yellow, you get green. — If you mix blue and yellow, you get green.
  • If you cut your finger, it bleeds. “If you cut your finger, it bleeds.

That is, every time we fulfill a certain condition, it leads to a certain result.

2. First Conditional (The first conditional mood, or «It may or may not be»)

The first conditional type expresses a completely feasible condition in the present or future tense. But there is a fundamental difference from the zero conditional inclination: the result can be unstable. That is, this result may well be both possible and impossible. It depends on the fulfillment of the necessary conditions, which may or may not be present.

In this case, the proposal is structured as follows:

If + Subject + Present Simple verb (dependent clause), subject + Future Simple verb (main clause)

For example:

  • If I come later, I will call you. — If I come later, I’ll call you.
  • If Joe asks us, we will help him. — If Joe asks us, we will help him.
  • If she has enough time, she will visit her friends. “If she has enough time, she will visit her friends.

3. Second Conditional

The second conditional mood is used to express an unlikely or impossible action in the present or future tense, one that is either unlikely to occur or not at all. In this case, the result is practically impracticable and only hypothetically assumed.

A sentence using this mood is constructed as follows:

Source: https://eforward.ru/blog/conditionals-ili-uslovnie-predlozheniya/

Interrogative sentences in Past Simple: rules and examples

As mentioned in the first lesson of this topic, interrogative sentences in Past Simple are formed using an auxiliary verb did.

General question

General question — this is a question for the whole proposal. In all grammatical tenses of the English language in general at the first place to be an auxiliary verb, on the second — subject, on the third place there is a predicate in the form of an infinitive, then there are minor members of the sentence.

1 2 3 4 5 6
Did I make a mistake in the last test?
you want__ to buy a dog?
She listen__ to the teacher Attentively?
It rain hard yesterday

A short answer to a general question is constructed in the same way as in Present Simple:

Did you have a good time? — Yes, I did.
Did they buy anything? — No, they didn’t/ No, they did not.

Special Issues

Special questions are asked in order to clarify in detail any details. The structure of the special question is almost the same as the general one — in the first place is the interrogative word, in the second is the auxiliary verb, in the third place is the subject, in the fourth place is the predicate in the form of the infinitive.

Typical of the past simple tense is a special question starting with When.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
What did I do yesterday?
Where you spend your last holidays?
When he pass the exams?
Why it happen__ to me?

Question to the subject

The subject question is a special case of a special question. A feature of this question is the absence of a clearly expressed subject (object of the question) and an auxiliary verb.

The subject is the question word itself who/what… And since there is no auxiliary verb in the question, then the semantic verb (predicate) retains the current tense form, in this case the form of the past simple tense.

1 2 3 4 5
Who helped you about the house?
What went Wrongs With the concert?


If there is a compound verb predicate in a sentence, then its first part has the form of the current grammatical tense, and the second — the form of an infinitive with a particle to.

Did you to play soccer?
What did you do to become so clever?

Negative questions

Any of the above questions can be made negative by simply adding the particle Note after the auxiliary verb. As a rule, in negative questions, a short form of denial is used, in this case it is did not.

1 2 3 4 5
What did not you do on holiday?
Why did not she talk is it me?
Who did not hear the question?
Didnt you get my hint?

Source: https://www.study.ru/courses/elementary/did

Present Simple (Indefinite)

Many people look ahead with fear when they start learning the English Temporal System. How can you remember all this? How to understand everything? Gradually, moving from rule to rule, from example to example, from exercise to exercise. And the first time that meets on the path of students is Present Simple (Indefinite).

The general meaning of this rule is a reflection of actions that occur usually, regularly, habitually. In other words, Present Indefinite Tense states a fact, simply communicates some information. The English sentence is structured according to a clear pattern, but each time has its own characteristics. What you need to know about present simple (indefinite)?


An affirmative sentence is composed according to the following principle: Subject + verb + minor members. But not everything is so easy. If in place of the main member of the sentence there are pronouns she / he / it or nouns in the 3rd person singular, then we add the ending -s (es) to the verb. Thus, the diagram looks like this: S + V (Vs).

With interrogative and negative sentences, Present Simple grammar dictates a completely different principle to us. The auxiliary verbs do / does appear, where does is used with the pronouns she / he / it and the subjects of the 3rd person singular, and do with all the others. They are not translated, have no semantic meaning.

These are assistants who, in questions, take a place before the subject, and in negations after, but with a particle of not. It is worth noting that the predicate here again changes its form — the infinitive without to (as the verb is presented in the dictionary). The question and denial patterns are as follows: Do / Does + S + V1? and S + do / does + not + V1.

I train I don’t train Do I train?
She (He, it) trains  She (He, it) does not train Does she (He, it) train?
We train We do not train Do we train?
you train You do not train Do you train?
they train They do not train Do they train?

In colloquial speech, many words are connected so that the sentence is not cumbersome. That is why they often use short forms:

do not = don’t

does not = doesn’t

It is important to know!

Present Simple (Indefinite) rules are not limited to this. There are little things to learn.

1. Writing features verbs ending in s or es.

  • if the verb ends with a letter «O», then we add es: goes, does.
  • the same situation with hissing consonants, if the word ends with them: s, x, ch, sh:

Source: http://azenglish.ru/present-simple-indefinite/

Present Simple  used when it comes to ordinary, regular or more / less constant actions in the present tense.

I read every day. — I read every day.
This sentence is about a routine that repeats every day.

She loves to travel. — She s to travel.
She generally loves to travel.

For the formation of Present Simple, we use the initial one, that is Form I a verb (the form given in dictionaries).


I work -I am working
We work — We are working
you work — You work / You work
They work — They work
my parents work — My parents are working

In statements in the 3rd person unit. h. (he, she, it) the ending is added to the verb -s (-es):

He works — He works
She works — She works
It works — He (for example, a computer) works
My brother works — My brother works


Negation in Present Simple is formed using an auxiliary verb do and particles Note… Do not is placed before the main verb.

I do not work — I am not working
We do not work- We do not work
you do not work- you don’t work / you don’t work
They do not work — They don’t work
my parents do not work — My parents do not work

In denials in the 3rd person unit. h (he, she, it) ending -s (-es) added to the auxiliary verb do, and the main verb is used without ending (do+esNote) [dʌz].

He does not work — It does not work
She does not work — It does not work
It does not work — It (computer) does not work
My brother does not work — My brother is not working

Note that doNote и does not also used in short form:

do not = do not (I don’t work — I don’t work)

does not = Does not (He doesn’t work — He doesn’t work)


An auxiliary verb is used to form interrogative sentences do, which is placed before the subject.

Do you work? — You are working? / Do you work?
Do they work? — They work?
Do your parents work? — Do your parents work?

For the formation of questions in the 3rd person ed. h. an auxiliary verb is placed in front of the subject do with ending -Is, the main verb remains without an ending.

Does he work? — He works?
Does she work? — She works?
Does it work? — Does he (the computer) work?
Does your brother work? — Does your brother work?

If the question starts with an interrogative word (what? Where? Why? When? Etc.), then that interrogative word is placed before the auxiliary verb.

Where do you work? — Where do you work?
Where does she work? — Where does she work?

Note that the subject question who? (who?) is formed differently. In this case, no auxiliary verb is required. The interrogative word who? is put in the place of the subject, while the semantic verb has the form of 3 liters. singular, so the ending -s (-es) is added to it.

Who works in a bank? — Who works at the bank?
Who’s to travel? — Who likes to travel?

Features of adding the ending -s (-es) to verbs in 3 liters. units h

If the verb ends in:

  • -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -o, -zz then added -Is: I miss — he misses, I wish — he wishes, I teach- he teaches, I fix — he fixes, I go — he goes, I buzz — he buzzes.
  • consonant + y, then -y changes to i, and adds -es (ies): I cry — he cries, I try — he tries.
  • vowel + y, then the ending is added -s: I play — he plays, I enjoy — he enjoys.

In all other cases, the ending is added -s.

Exception: I have — he has

Pronunciation features of the ending -s (-es)

If the verb ends in:

  • voiceless consonant, then the ending -s (-es) is pronounced [s]: I start [stɑːt] — he starts [stɑːts], I write [raɪt] — he writes [raɪts].
  • media or vowel soundsthen -s (-es) is pronounced [z]: I build [bɪld] — he builds [bɪldz], I come [kʌm] — he comes [kʌmz], I go [ɡəʊ] — he goes [ɡəʊz], I play [pleɪ] — he plays [pleɪz].
  • hissing or whistling sound (that is, the letters -s, -ss, -z, -sh, -ch, -tch, -x, -dge, -ge), then -s (-es) is pronounced as [ɪz]: I kiss [kɪs] — he kisses [kɪsɪz], I wash [wɒʃ] — he washes [wɒʃɪz], I catch [kætʃ] — he catches [kætʃɪz], I fix [fɪks] — he fixes [fɪksɪz], I change [tʃeɪndʒ] — he changes [tʃeɪndʒɪz].

Verb to be (to be) is a special verb. To be does not obey the general rules of education of the present simple time. Read about the use of the verb to be in Present Simple in this handbook article:

Verb to be in Present Simple

Using Present Simple

Present Simple (present simple tense) is used in different situations, that is, it can express:

Regularly repetitive, routine activities in the present tense

Often with the words: Cada dia (everyday), every week (every week), from time to time (occasionally), Sometimes (sometimes), usually (usually), always (always), often (often), seldom (rarely), never (never), once a week (once a week), twice a year (twice a year)

I play tennis every Friday. — I play tennis every Friday.
We often go to the cinema. — We often go to the movies.
He never plays football. — He never plays football.

More or less constant actions in the present tense

That which «in general» is happening in the present tense.

Source: https://myefe.ru/reference/verbs/tenses/present-simple

Present simple — educational rules and examples

The English language has an extensive system of tenses. One of the most commonly used variations is the present simple tense. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at everything related to this temporary form, including education, rules and examples of the present simple, as well as special use cases.

Definition and use

This time covers a fairly long period of time. It does not indicate the duration of the action or its completeness, for example, as a perfect time. Present Simple describes the process as such. So, the present simple rule says that this temporary form is used in the following cases:

1. When the speaker communicates about regularly repeated actions, habits, patterns. Often, such sentences are accompanied by satellite adverbs. These include: usually (usually), every month / day / week / (every month / day / week), always (always), seldom (rarely), often (often), daily (daily), etc.

Example: He always wakes up at 6 am — He always wakes up at 6 am.

I often visit my parents. — I often visit my parents.

They never go to clubs. — They never go to clubs.

2. Schedules and work schedules also use time in English, present simple.

The train arrives at 7 am — The train arrives at 7 am.

The theater works till 11 pm — The theater is open until 11 pm.

3. When all known truths, facts, statements, stereotypes are mentioned.

Example: Io is Jupiter’s satellite. — Io is a satellite of Jupiter.

Boys love cars. — Boys love cars.

Winter comes after autumn. — After autumn comes winter.

4. When mentioning the present action without linking it to a specific moment of speech.

For example: His grandpa lives in Australia. — His grandfather lives in Australia.

Lila learns chemistry. — Leela is studying chemistry.

5. When narrating. When the speaker is leading a story, communicating someone’s actions.

My husband wakes up at 5 am, has his breakfast, gets dressed, and goes to work. — My husband wakes up at 5 o’clock in the morning, has breakfast, gets dressed and goes to work.

6. Present Indefinite time is also used to compose instructions, manuals, recipes (often in the imperative mood).

Take two eggs, add a glass of water, and cook it for 20 minutes. — Take two eggs, add a glass of water and cook for 20 minutes.

7. Commentators also use Present Simple in their speech.

Arshavin takes the ball and gets it to the box. — Arshavin takes the ball and sends it to the penalty area.

8. When mentioning planned events taking place in the future. In this case, such a temporary form is used contrary to the rules of the future tense to emphasize the planned action.

He arrives next week. — He’s coming next week.

9. Newspaper headlines are used instead of past tense to avoid bulky headlines

Russia Launches A New Satellite. — Russia is launching a new satellite.

Time Education Present Simple

The present indefinite time has one of the simplest forms of education. When using Present Indefinite, no one should have any difficulties. To understand everything about the formation of the present simple, let us single out 3 subparagraphs for a separate consideration of the affirmative, negative, and interrogative forms of this tense.

Schemes for constructing English sentences in groups of times Simple, Continuous, Perfect

In the previous article, we have already touched on the formation of 4 main groups of tenses, and now we will analyze, using examples, the basics of composing simple sentences to express the past, present and future tense.

Affirmative sentences

Let’s start with Present Simple. All affirmative sentences are structured as follows:

Sentence member order Example

Subject + predicate + minor terms I go to school.
  1. «I» in this example is the subject. It should not be confused with the complement, since the subject performs an action, and it is performed on the complement. Moreover, in Russian, the word order is not important to us, because it is already clear who is performing the action. We can freely say: «I eat the cake.» But in English, it will not work to construct a sentence like that, because in the first place should be the one who performs the action, otherwise they will simply laugh at you when you say: «The cake is eating me.» Even through the passive voice, such a phrase will sound very strange.
  2. In second place should be the predicate, which expresses the action itself. In Russian, sentences are often found with an incomplete grammatical base, where there is no subject or predicate, or both are absent. In the latter case, we are dealing with an impersonal sentence: «Dark.» In English, there should always be a subject and a predicate. So, if there is no verb in the Russian sentence, then it will definitely appear in English. Take, for example, a one-part sentence that does not contain the predicate: «The phone is on the table.» To translate it correctly, we need to use the verb «to be», which connects the subject with the predicate. As a result, the phrase will literally translate as: «The phone is on the table.»
  3. In third place are the minor members of the sentence according to a certain rule: first there is a direct addition (answers the question «who?», «What?», «Who?»), Then indirect (answers the same questions, but with ? «,» To whom? «, Etc.). This rule is not always followed and is not strict.

As in Russian, English verbs change depending on the person. The main changes occur in the 3rd person singular (he, she, it), where the suffix «s» or «es» is added to the predicate. As a result, we get the sentence: “He goes to school”.

Negative sentences

In addition to the statement, there is also a negation, the scheme of which is as follows:

Sentence member order Example

Subject + do / does + not + predicate + minor members I don’t go to school.

In this scheme, all the same components are found, except for the linking verb «do» and the particle «not», which is equivalent to the negative particle «not» in Russian.

What is an auxiliary verb and why is it needed? Unlike Russian, where we just put the «not» particle in front of the verb, in English there must be an auxiliary verb before the «not» particle.

It is different for each time, and in the case of Present Simple it will have the form either «do» or «does», depending on the number and person of the subject. Example: “She does not go to school”.

Interrogative sentences

So, we examined the statement, the negation, and we are left with a question, the formation of which also requires an auxiliary verb:

Sentence member order Example

Do / does + subject + predicate + minor members Does she go to school?

Source: https://englishbro.ru/grammar/english-tenses-tables-and-chart

Present (présent)

Présent(present) serves to express the action currently taking place. Formed from stem verbs (i.e. without the infinitive ending !!!) in indefinite form and the following endings:

How to define a verb group?

Face Singular Plural
Group I verbs (-er in unidentified form) Group II verbs (-ir in unidentified form) Group III verbs I, II, III groups
1 -e -is -s / -x we
2 -Is -is -s / -x -ez / -es
3 -e -Item -t / -d -ent
Note: for group II verbs in the plural, a suffix appears before the ending iss
Verb conjugation pattern I groups in présent — parlerJe parleTu parlesIl, elle, on parleNous parlonsVous parlezIls, elles parlent Group 1 verbs ending in —heaven, before endings that start with —a and —o, change from to ç: nous commençons Verbs ending in —gives, before endings that start with —a and —o, the letter appears e: nous mangeons. Verb conjugation pattern II groups in présent — finirJe finisTu finisIl, elle, on finitNous finissonsVous finissezIls, elles finissent

Exercises for conjugation of verbs of the 2nd group

Exercise 1

Exercise 2

Exercise 3

Exercise 4

Source: http://irgol.ru/grammaticheskij-spravochnik/vremena-frantsuzskogo-glagola/nastoyashhee-vremya-present/

Present Simple — present simple tense in English: rules, use, education

In English, 12 temporary forms are used, in contrast to Russian. Here, we will look at the Present Simple in English. The second name of the present tense is Present Indefinite. This tense is pronounced in English (present simple, stress on the first syllable [preznt sɪmpl]).

Native speakers use this time very often in everyday life, it is quite easy to understand it and at the same time it is important. Having studied the material on the site, you can easily understand the rules for using Present Simple.

Start exploring. We Believe in You! We believe in you!

Read the mini-story and notice the highlighted words. In this text, you will see how verbs are used in the Present Simple tense.

Leonard s hockey. He is a goalkeeper. A goalkeeper pickings to catch the puck.
Leonard plays hockey Cada dia… His training starts at 4 p.m.

After school, he goes home, packs his bag and goes to hockey training. He learns new tricks every minute.
After the training goes home on foot.

He does his housework, eat, brushes the teeth and goes to bed.

Use cases for Present Simple, rules with examples

  • 1. Persistent situations or states.

For example:

— He works as a driver — she works as a driver.
— They own a large restaurant — they own a large restaurant.

  • 2. Repetitive actions or habits (habitual actions), especially those used with adverbs often, usually etc.

For example:

— I usually wake up at 8 am — I usually wake up at 8 am.
— Do you go to church every Sunday? — Do you go to church every Sunday?

  • 3. Laws of nature or truth.

For example:

— Money doesn’t buy happiness — Money cannot buy happiness.
— Magnet attracts iron — The magnet attracts iron.
— Milk contains a lot of vitamins — Milk contains many vitamins.
— The earth rotates round its axis — The earth rotates on its axis.

  • 4. a) Schedule or programs (indication of future times). And also with the verbs of movement to come, to leave, to arrive etc.

For example:

— The match finishes at 8 pm — The match will end at 8 pm.
— His training starts at five o’clock — His training will begin at 5 o’clock.

— We find the same phenomenon in the Russian language:
He is leaving tomorrow.

b) In the conditional clause and time after unions as long as, before, after, till, as soon as, on provided that etc.

For example:

— I promise not to bother you as long as you love me — I promise not to bother you as long as you love me.
— Can you tell me her number before you go? — Can you tell me her number before you leave?

  • 5. Sports commentary / dramatic story / reviews.

For example:

— Angelina Jolie acts brilliantly in this film — She played brilliantly in this film (news reviews).
— The ball hits the bar — The ball hit the goal post (sports commentary).
— The thief enter the room and opens the safe — The thief enters the room and opens the safe (dramatic story).

For example:

— A cat has four legs — The cat has four legs.
— I live in Russia — I live in Russia.
— The President of the USA lives in The White House — The President of the United States lives in the White House.

  • 7. With verbs not used in Continuous form, that is, those actions that are taking place at the moment.

For example:

— I hear somebody knock. Go and open the door — I hear that someone is knocking. Go and open the door.

Rule details ON Stative verbs

Companion words (markers) that are used with Present Simple

These are the words that tell you what time you should use. They are also called the words signals, let’s look at examples with them:

In the morning / evening / afternoon, seldom, usually, almost never, as a rule, from time to time, off and on, as a rule, in general, most of the time, often, always, as a rule, rarely, never, sometimes, frequently, at night, on Monday.

Once a ___ (minute, hour, day, week, month, year, etc).

Every ___ (minute, hour, day, week, month, year, etc).

He drinks a liter of milk Cada dia — He drinks a liter of milk every day.

I always do yoga — I always do yoga.

They often play outside — They often play outside.

I Meet my friends in the evening — I meet with friends in the evenings.

We get up late on Fridays “We wake up late on Fridays.

Mary goes to the seaside every summer — Mary goes to the sea every summer.

Present Simple sentence forms

You have learned when to use the simple present in English and you know how to use the rule. Consider how sentences are built: affirmative, negative, interrogative.

It is important to know! — In the 3rd person singular (3rd person singular) the ending –s is added.

Present Simple affirmative

The verb in affirmative sentences is written without a particle to and is placed in second place after subject. Did you know that there is no auxiliary verb in Present Indefinite?

Examples in affirmative sentences. Verb conjugation table:

Person Singular (singular) Plural (plural)
IIIIII I breath — I breathe you sneeze — You sneeze He / She / It waits — he, she, it waits We go — we go Cry — you cry fly — they fly

+ Bonus Rule

Auxiliary do / does is put in affirmative sentences when we want to indicate that we really want something badly or love something.

For example:

I do listen to the teacher — I really listen to the teacher.

He does love her — he actually loves her.

But remember that it cannot be shortened.

Present Simple negative form

An auxiliary verb is used to build negative sentences Do / does with not after the subject… Who does not know, in English it will be Auxiliary verb. Do not forget that Does is used in 3 liters. Units

Examples in negative sentences. Verb conjugation table:

Person Singular (singular) Plural (plural)
IIIIII  I do not  snore — I do not snore You do not  study — You don’t study He / She / It  does not wait — he, she, it does not wait  We do not write — we do not write You do not sleep — you do not sleep They do not sing — they don’t sing

In colloquial speech, the abbreviated negative form is very often used.

Do not — unabbreviated form

Do not — with apostrophe, abbreviated form.


I do not want to go and you do not want to stay — I don’t want to go, and you don’t want to stay.

John Does not swim — John is not swimming.

Present Simple interrogative form

In interrogative sentences auxiliary do / does rises in first place, after it the subject is used, and after the subject the semantic verb (main verb). When we use Does with a 3rd person singular, the ending (-s or –Es) is not used in a semantic verb.

Person Singular (singular) Plural (plural)
IIIIII Do I cook? — I’m cooking? Do you run? — You run?Does he / she / it sing? — He, she, it sings? Do we laugh? — We laugh? Do you cook? — You cook?Do they train? — Do they train?

Interrogative sentences are divided into:

General Questions — Yes / No questions
Alternative questions
Separation questions — Tag questions
Special questions — Special or WH-questions

Present Simple (Indefinite) — present simple (indefinite) tense. Education and use

Present Simple refers to the most common tenses of the English language in a sentence and denotes an action that occurs regularly, constantly, as can be seen in the following example:

Jane is a nurse. She works in a hospital. Jane looks after patients. Jane is a nurse. She works at a hospital. Jane is caring for patients.

This example shows what Jane does on a regular basis (for example, Monday through Friday). However, this does not mean at all that Jane is doing the same action right now: perhaps now she has a day off, and she is resting or doing something unrelated to her profession.

Below are the rules for the formation of Present Simple Tense and examples of sentences in the tables.

Formation of the affirmative form Present Simple

Affirmative, that is, a non-interrogative and not containing a negative not form of the verb is formed by using the original form of the verb in a sentence without the particle to, for example:

to drive I drive a bus because I am a bus driver. I drive a bus because I am a bus driver.
to sleep Koala bears Sleep up to 22 hours a day. Koalas sleep up to 22 hours a day.
to go away They usually go away on holidays. They usually leave while on vacation.

However, if the subject in the sentence is expressed in the form 3rd person singular (to which the pronouns correspond he — he, she — she, it — it), then the verb gets the ending — (e)s:

to travel He usually travels two times a year. He usually travels twice a year.
to earn tom earns a lot of money. Tom makes a lot of money.
to smoke Jim smokes 10 cigarettes a day. Jim smokes 10 cigarettes a day.

Features of the formation of the 3rd person singular form of some verbs

  1. If the verb ends in -s, -z, -sh, -ch, -x, or -o, then the ending is added to form this form es:

Source: https://1hello.ru/grammatika/present-simple-indefinite-nastoyashhee-prostoe-neopredelennoe-vremya-obrazovanie-i-upotreblenie.html

Английские времена обычно начинают изучать с Present Simple. Сегодня разберем формулу образования настоящего простого времени и примеры его употребления. Помните, что Present Simple не так прост, как его название — узнаем все детали в этой статье.

Present Simple


  • 1. Как образуется время Present Simple
  • 2. Глагол to be в Present Simple
  • 3. Когда употребляется Present Simple
  • 4. Маркеры Present Simple

Как образуется Present Simple

Давайте посмотрим, как образуются утвердительные, отрицательные и вопросительные предложения в Present Simple.

Как образуется время Present Continuous

Примеры утвердительных предложений в Present Simple:

We live in a huge industrial city. — Мы живем в огромном промышленном городе.
Sophie drinks 3 cups of coffee a day. — Софи выпивает 3 чашки кофе в день.
Teachers check lots of homework every day. — Учителя проверяют много домашних заданий каждый день.

Примеры отрицательных предложений в Present Simple:

Joanne doesn’t spend much time on the Internet. — Джоан не проводит много времени в интернете.
They don’t like her. — Она им не нравится.
My back doesn’t hurt. — Моя спина не болит.

Примеры вопросительных предложений в Present Simple:

Do you often get together with your relatives? — Вы часто встречаетесь с родственниками?
Does Fiona know your parents? — Фиона знакома с твоими родителями?

Когда вопрос предполагает ответ «да» или «нет», это общий вопрос (general question). Но в английском языке мы не просто отвечаем yes или no, а используем следующие шаблоны:

Вопрос Короткий положительный ответ Короткий отрицательный ответ
Do you study English? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.
Do you study English? Yes, we do. No, we don’t.
Do they study English? Yes, they do. No, they don’t.
Does he study English? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.

Есть несколько особенностей образования формы глагола в третьем лице:

  • Глагол to have (иметь) трансформируется в has.

    I have a modern laptop. — У меня есть современный ноутбук.
    He has no siblings. — У него нет братьев и сестер.

  • Если глагол оканчивается на -sh,-ch,-s,-x, -o, к нему необходимо добавить окончание -es.
    Глагол в начальной форме Глагол + окончание -es
    watch watches
    do does
    wash washes
    mix mixes
    pass passes

    My sister-in-law watches TV a lot. — Моя невестка часто смотрит телевизор.

  • Если глагол оканчивается на букву -y и перед ней стоит согласная буква, мы должны заменить -y на -i и добавить окончание -es. Если же перед -y стоит гласная, просто добавляем -s.
    Глагол в начальной форме Глагол + окончание -es/-s
    study studies
    carry carries
    play plays
    stay stays

    Mike’s son studies French at school. — Сын Майка изучает французский в школе.

Глагол to be в Present Simple

Глагол to be — это особый глагол-связка, который буквально переводится как «есть», «быть». У него есть три формы, которые используются с разными местоимениями:

I he, she, it you, we, they
am is are

В простом настоящем времени глагол to be связывает подлежащее с прилагательным (adjective), существительным (noun) или местоимением (pronoun). Если в предложении действие описывается с помощью другого глагола, то глагол-связка to be нам уже не нужен.

Допустим, мы хотим сказать: «Я голодный». В таком примере нет действия, есть только подлежащее «я» и прилагательное «голодный». Для того чтобы связать их в предложение, мы используем глагол-связку to be: I am hungry.

А сейчас мы научимся определять, какой глагол использовать в Present Simple:

Построение предложения в Present Simple

I am at work. — Я на работе. (где?)
He isn’t an engineer. — Он не инженер. (кто?)
Are you curious? — Ты любопытный? (какой?)

We watch films every day. — Мы смотрим фильмы каждый день. (что делаем?)
She doesn’t speak Italian. — Она не говорит по-итальянски. (что делает?)
Do they remember him? — Они помнят его? (что делают?)

Для того чтобы не бояться никаких времен в английском и употреблять их с легкостью, попробуйте наш курс «Практическая грамматика».

Когда употребляется Present Simple

Как можно предположить из названия этого времени, оно используется в тех случаях, когда мы говорим о настоящем. Давайте же раз и навсегда разберемся с тем, в каких конкретно ситуациях нужно использовать Present Simple.

  1. Неизменные, постоянные события, факты

    Прежде всего, Present Simple охватывает настоящее в самом широком плане. Когда мы хотим сказать о законах природы и прочих неизменных фактах, используем Present Simple. Также мы употребляем это время, когда высказываем общие факты о себе или о других. Обычно это что-то постоянное, не привязанное к конкретному моменту.

    Water boils at 100 degrees. — Вода закипает при 100 градусах. (закон природы)
    My neighbours speak French. — Мои соседи говорят на французском. (неизменный факт)
    Mary works for an international company. — Мэри работает в международной компании. (общий факт о Мэри)

  2. Привычки, регулярные действия

    Используем Present Simple, чтобы описать действия, которые повторяются с определенной регулярностью.

    I go to Europe every spring. — Я езжу в Европу каждую весну.
    They don’t buy fast food when they are travelling. — Они не покупают фаст-фуд, когда путешествуют.
    He never eats broccoli. — Он никогда не ест брокколи.

  3. Расписание

    Используйте Present Simple для описания действия, которое происходит согласно определенному графику.

    Breaking Bad series starts at half past nine. — Сериал «Во все тяжкие» начинается в половину десятого.
    The train leaves at 8.00 on Thursdays. — Поезд отправляется в 8:00 по четвергам.
    Does the souvenir shop close at 18.00? — Магазин сувениров закрывается в 18:00?

  4. Действия, происходящие одно за другим
    • Последовательные действия в сюжете книги или фильма

      The hero wants to save the world. He starts a journey full of adventures and losses. But does he know all the truth? — Герой хочет спасти мир. Он отправляется в путешествие, полное приключений и потерь. Но знает ли он всю правду?

    • Реплики спортивных комментаторов

      He kicks the ball and scores! — Он ударяет по мячу и забивает гол!

    • Инструкции

      Don’t forget: first you go to the check-in desk, then you show your things at the customs. — Не забудь: сначала ты идешь на стойку регистрации, затем показываешь вещи на таможне.

    • Демонстрация процесса

      So, I add some pepper and serve the dinner. Voila! — Итак, я добавляю немного перца и подаю ужин. Вуаля!

  5. Заголовки

    заголовкиВы можете встретить Present Simple в заголовках статей, видеороликов и других материалов. Они могут указывать как на настоящие, так и на прошлые или будущие события:

    The queen meets ambassadors from Spain. — Королева встретилась с послами из Испании.
    Apple introduces their new gadgets next week. — Apple презентует новые гаджеты на следующей неделе.

Обратите внимание: Present Simple не используется, чтобы сказать, чем мы занимаемся прямо сейчас. Для таких предложений применяется Present Continuous. Читайте, как не перепутать Present Continuous и Present Simple.

Маркеры Present Simple

Иногда бывает сложно понять, какое грамматическое время стоит применить в отдельно взятой ситуации. В этом случае на помощь могут прийти слова, которые обычно употребляются в том или ином времени. Рассмотрим слова-маркеры Present Simple, их можно условно поделить на две категории:

  1. Наречия частоты

    С помощью этих слов можно сказать, как часто выполняются определенные действия. Основные наречия частоты приведены в таблице:

    Слово Перевод
    always всегда
    usually обычно
    often часто
    generally в большинстве случаев
    sometimes иногда
    rarely, seldom редко
    hardly ever почти никогда
    never никогда

    Примеры предложений с наречиями частоты в Present Simple:

    He always gets up at 7 a.m. — Он всегда встает в 7 утра.
    They are usually at home in the evening. — Они обычно дома вечером.
    Miranda and Greg often visit their grandmother. — Миранда и Грег часто посещают свою бабушку.

    She rarely meets her friends. — Она редко встречается с друзьями.
    We are hardly ever late for work. — Мы почти никогда не опаздываем на работу.
    I never borrow money from my friends. — Я никогда не одалживаю деньги у друзей.

    Обычно наречия частоты ставятся перед основным глаголом предложения, например:

    I sometimes have a shower in the morning. — Я иногда принимаю душ по утрам.
    Mark doesn’t always give his girlfriend flowers. — Марк не всегда дарит цветы своей девушке.

    Но есть одна ситуация, когда такой порядок слов нарушается — когда в предложении есть глагол to be, наречия частоты ставятся после него, например:

    She is hardly ever worried. — Она почти никогда не переживает.
    Helen and Mike aren’t usually at work at this time. — Хелен и Майк обычно не на работе в это время.

  2. Словосочетания, выражающие частоту — они обычно ставятся в конце предложения.
    • Словосочетания, образованные с помощью слова every:
      every + day/week/month/year

      I go shopping every day. — Я хожу по магазинам каждый день.
      Scarlett watches a new film every week. — Скарлетт смотрит новый фильм каждую неделю.

      She visits her mother-in-law every month. — Она навещает свою свекровь каждый месяц.
      Molly goes on holiday every year. — Молли ездит в отпуск каждый год.

    • Словосочетания, образованные с помощью слов once и twice:
      once + a week/month/year и twice + a week/month/year

      We see each other once a month. — Мы видимся раз в месяц.
      Ivan has English lessons twice a week. — Иван занимается английским два раза в неделю.

    • Начиная с трех раз и более мы используем слово times:
      three times a month, four times a year

      Charlotte’s daughter usually comes to see her about ten times a year. — Дочь Шарлотты обычно навещает ее около десяти раз в год.

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Simple Present Tense (Present Indefinite Tense) – Rules, Examples, and Exercises. Use of Simple Present tense, Learn how to make and use Simple Present Tense Sentences in English Grammar. This lesson is useful for those who are learning English. It is used to express the actions of the present time. You can also review the Present Indefinite Tense Examples, rules, and exercises.

What is the Simple Present Tense?

Simple Present Tense is used to express the general time actions, repeated actions or habits, universal truth, and future. It is also called the Present Indefinite Tense. For Example:

  1. She runs.
  2. They play.
  3. I run there.
  4. We are honest.
  5. The man is not sure.

Note: The base form of the verb is used to form simple present tense. If the subject is singular, ‘s or es‘ is added to the main verb.

Simple Present Tense (Present Indefinite Tense) - Rules and Examples

Simple Present Tense in English Grammar

Structure: Subject + verb + object + other words

Helping Verbs – Do, Does

Main Verb – Verb I (Base Form)

Rules for Simple/Affirmative Sentences:

  • We do not use Helping Verbs (Auxiliary Verbs) in simple or affirmative sentences.
  • We add ‘s’ or ‘es’ to the main verb for the 3rd person singular (he, she, it, or Singular Countable Noun).
  • For the verb to be (is, am, are), we do not use an auxiliary (do, does), even for questions and negatives.
  • We add ‘es‘ to the main verb if there are s, ss, sh, ch, o, x, z in the last.
    • Go – Goes, Rush – Rushes, Do – Does, Watch – Watches
  • If there is a consonant before ‘y’ in the main verb, we add ‘ies‘ by removing ‘y
    • Fly – Flies, Cry – Cries, Fry – Fries
  • If there is a vowel before the – y:
  • play –> plays, pray –> prays,

Exception – does, goes

Simple Present Tense Chart

Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I sing. I do not sing. Do I sing?
He sings. He does not sing. Does he sing?
You sing. You do not sing. Do you sing?

Simple/Affirmative Sentences

The structure of an affirmative sentence is very simple. First of all, we put ‘Subject’ or ‘Noun’ or ‘Pronoun’ of the sentence. The base form of the verb is used after the subject. It is also called the ‘Main Verb’. The Simple Present Tense Sentence Structure is given below:

Structure – Subject + Verb + Object + Other Words

Examples –

  • He sings a song.
  • She drives a car.
  • It rains daily.
  • Jack writes an essay.
  • I read a book every week.
  • You go for a walk in the evening.
  • We fly kites daily.
  • They ride their bikes.
  • The girls play hockey.
  • My friends come to meet me on Sunday.
  • The workers of this factory come on time.
  • I want to study abroad.

Simple Present Tense of the verb ‘To be’

The verb ‘to be’ is used in the simple present tense to express the condition, fact, or general information. The forms of the verb ‘to be’ are used.

Form of the to be

  • is
  • am
  • are

Is, am, and are‘ used to make the simple present tense. They are also used in the present continuous tense.

Structure for Verb To Be – Subject + to be (is/am/are) + noun/adjective

Examples –

  • He is a doctor.
  • She is a lawyer.
  • It is a chair.
  • John is a teacher.
  • I am a doctor.
  • We are the police officers.
  • You are a director of Hollywood.
  • They are players of cricket.
  • The boys are free.
  • The girls of this city are talented.

Read also:

  • 100 sentences of simple present tense in Hindi

Rules for Negative Sentences –

Negative Sentences Structure and Rules of Simple Present Tense are given below:

  • We don’t add ‘s or es‘ to the main verb in the negative sentences.
  • We use the helping verb do or does in the negative sentences.
  • Do‘ is used for the plural subjects. ( You do not, We do not They do not, The girls do not, The boys do not).
  • Do‘ is used with I. (I do not).
  • Does‘ is used with Singular Subjects. (He does not, She does not, It does not, John does not, The girl does not, The boy does not)
  • We use ‘not’ after the forms of the verb ‘to be’ – is not, am not, are not.

Structure – Subject + Do/Does + not + Verb I + Object 


  • He does not play here.
  • She does not sing in the bar.
  • It does not rain in February.
  • John does not work at night.
  • I do not abuse anyone.
  • We do not run on the road.
  • You do not swim in the sea.
  • The boys do not study in the room.
  • We do not hesitate to ask anything from him.
  • They do not want to change the terms of the agreement.
  • The women of our country take part in the games.

Note – If there is use of ‘never‘ in the sentences, we do not use do or does. We make sentences according to the following structure:

Structure – Subject + never + verb I + object + other words.

Examples –

  • He never tells a lie.
  • I never beat my child.
  • You never speak the truth.

Nobody, No one, Nothing in the sentences

  • Nobody comes here.
  • No one waits for me.
  • Nothing is here.
  • Nobody is at the door.

Negative Sentences Structure for the verb ‘to be’

Structure: Subject + to be (is am are) + noun/adjective or other words.

Examples –

  • She is not a singer.
  • It is not a chair.
  • Johnny is not happy today.
  • The earth is round.
  • I am not a racer.
  • You are not a policeman.
  • We are not students.
  • They are not busy today.

Note: Simple Present Tense in English can be learned by reading these rules. Study these rules carefully and try to use the sentences in daily life.

Rules for Interrogative Sentences –

There are two types of Interrogative Sentences –

Yes-No type questions

The sentences which start with ‘helping verbs’ or ‘auxiliary verbs’ are called Yes-No Type Questions.

Wh-word type questions

The Sentences which start with interrogative words (question words) are called wh-word type questions.

Structure for Yes-No type – Do/Does + Subject + verb I + object + other words + ?


  • Does he go to see the film?
  • Does she write a letter to her friend?
  • Does it rain here?
  • Does Ram wash his clothes?
  • Do I drink water?
  • Do you play with me?
  • Do they learn English?
  • Do we open the windows?
  • Does this store open at 7 am daily?
  • Does he go to school by bus?
  • Do we hate her?
  • Does the bus arrive at 6 pm?

Structure for Wh-word – Question word + do/does + subject + verb I + object + other words +?


  • Why does he go there?
  • When does she cook the food?
  • Whom do you like?
  • How does he swim in the river?
  • Where do you live?
  • Who calls you?
  • Which book do you want to buy?
  • How far is your office?

Simple Present Tense Rules and Examples

Simple Present Tense Examples

Verb ‘To Be’ Interrogative Sentences

Structure for Yes-No Type: Is/am/are + subject + noun/adjective +?


  1. Is the man busy?
  2. Are the books on the table?
  3. Are you happy?
  4. Am I fit now?
  5. Is he your relative?
  6. Am I her teacher?
  7. Are we satisfied?
  8. Is this website good for us?

Structure for Wh-word Types Questions: Question word + is/am/are + Subject + noun/adjective or other words + ?


  1. Why are you here?
  2. Who is there?
  3. How are you?
  4. When is your birthday?
  5. Whose brother is in the USA?
  6. What is that?

Read also:

  • Fruits Name
  • Vegetables Name
  • Birds Name
  • Animals Name

Interrogative Negative Sentences

In the interrogative negative sentences, we use ‘not‘ after subject. For example:

  • Does she not talk to you?
  • Does the boy not cry?
  • Why do you not play with me?
  • What does he not know?
  • When does it not rain?

Simple Present Tense (Present Indefinite Tense) - Rules and Examples

Simple Present Tense Examples

Emphatic Sentences of Simple Present Tense

To make the emphatic sentences, we put ‘do or does’ according to number and person of a subject. We don’t add s or es to the main verb.

Structure: Subject + do/does + verb I (base form) + object + other words


Non-Emphatic Emphatic
I read a book. I do read a book.
We play cricket. We do play cricket.
You write a letter. You do write a letter.
He sings a song. He does song a song.
It rains. I does rain
They wash the clothes. They do was the clothes.
The man walks. The man does walk.
The boys play. The boys do play

Use of Simple Present Tense/Present Indefinite Tense

The Simple Present Tense is used to denote the following: –

To express Habitual Actions –

  • He reads the newspaper daily.
  • My father gets up every day at four o’clock.
  • Ram goes to school at eight o’clock.
  • You go to the office daily.
  • I get up at 5 a.m. in the morning.
  • We visit our village every month.

Note – Some Time expressing adverbs are used to express habitual or repeated actions for example –

  • She always goes to the office at nine a.m.
  • She often visits us.
  • He usually comes here in the morning.
  • He never tells a lie.
  • He rarely meets me.

To express General Truths (Universal Truths, Principle or Permanent Activities) –


  • Fortune favors the brave.
  • The earth moves around the sun.
  • The sun rises in the east.
  • Two and two and make four.
  • The sun shines by day.
  • Water boils at 100°C.
  • Honey is sweet.

In the Exclamatory sentences which starts with Here or There –


  • Here comes the king!
  • Here comes the boy!
  • There goes the bell!
  • There goes the kite!

To express Possession


  • I have a red hat.
  • Mr. Verma owns a big house.
  • She has a frock.
  • This book belongs to me.

To express feelings, emotions, and mental activities –


  • I think you are a good singer.
  • I believe in God.
  • I like mangoes.
  • He knows everything about me.
  • I hate you.

To express live commentaries –


  • Sachin runs after the ball, catches it, and throws it on the stumps.
  • The bowler throws the ball on the stump.

To express fixed program or event –


  • The match starts at 5 o’clock.
  • The coffee house opens at 8 a.m.
  • The chief minister comes here tomorrow.
  • Our school reopens in July.
  • The flight leaves at 3.30 p.m.
  • My brother comes the next day.

Present Indefinite Tewnse is used in Conditional Sentences –


  • If you work hard, you will pass.
  • If he sings well, he will win the competition.
  • When he comes here, he will run with you.
  • Unless you work, you will not pass.
  • She will give you money if she comes here.

To express Past Events (Historic or Graphic present) –


  • Akbar attacks the enemy and kills.
  • The king runs towards the enemy and attacks.

To present the statement or quotation of an author –


  • Shakespeare says, “We know what we are, but know not what we may be.”
  • Alexander Pope says – To err is human, to forgive, divine.

Simple Present Tense Examples

Here are some more examples to understand the Simple Present Tense –


  1. I live in India.
  2. The Moon goes around the Earth.
  3. Jack drives a car.
  4. He does not drive a bus.
  5. They do not work at night.
  6. Do you play football?
  7. He gets up early in the morning.
  8. The girl reads the newspaper.
  9. I take my breakfast at 7 a.m.
  10. Dad says, “I don’t know your friends.”
  11. I go to the library and read books every day.
  12. Our gardeners bring fruits for us.
  13. Shally opens her store at 7 am.
  14. Does that child cry at night?
  15. What do you mean?
  16. What do you think?

Read also –

  • Present Continuous Tense
  • Present Perfect Tense
  • Present Perfect Continuous Tense
  • Simple Past Tense
  • Past Continuous Tense
  • Past Perfect Tense
  • English Grammar in Hindi


In this post, we have described the simple present tense rules and examples in detail. This tense is also used to describe our daily routine and general time activities. You are advised to read all the rules of the simple present tense (present indefinite tense). Don’t skip any rule. Try to make sentences of this tense and use in your daily life. We have written some examples of this in this post that may give you an idea of making sentences of Simple Present Tense.

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