10000+ результатов для ‘word formation prefixes’
U3 Gateway B1 Neg Adj Prefixes Un- in- im- ir- il-
от Tatimrs
Gateway B1
Negative prefixes
word formation
U3 Gateway B1 Neg Adj Prefixes Un- in- im- ir- il-
от Tatimrs
Gateway B1
Negative prefixes
word formation
U3 Gateway B1 Negative prefixes un-,in-,im-,ir-,il-, dis-, non-
Групповая сортировка
от Tatimrs
Gateway B1
Negative prefixes
word formation
OGE/EGE Word formation
Пропущенное слово
от Ma1204
9-й класс
10-й класс
11 класс
Средняя школа
Word formation
body language word formation
Случайное колесо
от Alnikat
word formation RNE
Групповая сортировка
от Puchkovadn90
Word formation — Prefixes C1
от Daria3
U3 Gateway B1 Negative prefixes un-,in-,im-,ir-,il-, dis-, non-
Групповая сортировка
от Tatimrs
Gateway B1
Negative prefixes
word formation
Negative prefixes
Групповая сортировка
от Annieg
word formation
Word Formation (Negative Prefixes)
Групповая сортировка
от Sunny0704
verbs and adverbs
Групповая сортировка
от Ulyana4
word formation
word formation PREFIXES
Ударь крота
от Maryys
ЕГЭ/ Word Formation (Negative Prefixes)
Групповая сортировка
от Konshina
Word formation nouns & adjectives _ 2
Групповая сортировка
от Tanya2
Word Formation
word formation adjectives nouns
adverbs oge
от Fireflyeltresources
от Fireflyeltresources
-less -able/ible adjectives oge
от Fireflyeltresources
Gateway B1, Unit 1. Suffixes -ment,-ion, -ence
от Volginaksenia
Gateway B1
word formation
-tion -sion nouns oge
от Fireflyeltresources
GW B1 Noun suffixes -ness,-ship,-dom
Групповая сортировка
от Ma1204
Gateway B1
Word formation
-ic -ly -ed -ian -ous -ish -ent adjectives oge
от Fireflyeltresources
dis- im- inter- un- oge
Угадай буквы
от Fireflyeltresources
-al adjectives oge
Угадай буквы
от Fireflyeltresources
-ship -ness nouns oge
Угадай буквы
от Fireflyeltresources
-y adjectives oge
Найди пару
от Fireflyeltresources
Gateway B1 Unit 1
Угадай буквы
от Lizamoskvich
word formation
-ance/-ence -ing -ity nouns oge
Найди пару
от Fireflyeltresources
-ment nouns oge
от Fireflyeltresources
-ful adjectives oge
Поиск слов
от Fireflyeltresources
B2 negative pref
Групповая сортировка
от Krtek
word formation
Случайные карты
от Yavno
Word formation
Word Formation (Negative Prefixes)
Групповая сортировка
от Konshina
Word Formation (Negative Prefixes)
Групповая сортировка
от Cherr79
Negative prefixes word formation
Угадай буквы
от Anna76vas
4-й класс
5-й класс
Oxford Heroes 2
word formation: adj prefixes
Групповая сортировка
от Nosovanadyaa
Word Formation (Negative Prefixes)
Групповая сортировка
от Tulajane
vocabulary (word formation prefixes)
Найди пару
от Zoyabeltr95
Word formation. Adjectives. Prefixes.
Групповая сортировка
от Nverokh
Gateway B1, Unit 1. Developing vocabulary (-ion, -ence, -ment, -er, -or, -ist)
Ударь крота
от Volginaksenia
Gateway B1
word formation
Word Formation (Negative Prefixes)
Групповая сортировка
от Canterbury
Word Formation (Negative Prefixes)
Групповая сортировка
от Anaana
Word Formation (Negative Prefixes)
Групповая сортировка
от Mashaskor
-ing -ive adjectives oge
Совпадающие пары
от Fireflyeltresources
-ist -an -or nouns oge
Поиск слов
от Fireflyeltresources
Nouns made from verbs
от Maxromano
word formation
огэ макмиллан u3 word formation
Пропущенное слово
от Truthisoutthere
word formation
Negative adjectives
от Alnikat
word formation RNE
ОГЭ 26-31
Пропущенное слово
от Puchkovadn90
OGE Word-formation prefixes verbs
Групповая сортировка
от Zadoyatatyana
ЕГЭ/ Word Formation (Negative Prefixes)
Групповая сортировка
от Polinaidrissova
от Alnikat
word formation RNE
Compound nouns health and medicine/body parts
Ударь крота
от Lizamoskvich
word formation
Gateway B1
Word formation er or
Групповая сортировка
от Elenkaby4kova
Motivate 2
word formation
FF6 unit 2 dis- in-
от Maiborodaed
word formation
FF6 unit 3 word formation
от Maiborodaed
word formation
-inter word formation
от Maiborodaed
9-й класс
word formation
Optimise B1 Word Formation NOUN (U5)
Откройте поле
от Zhavoronka
7-й класс
Word formation
Optimise B1
word formation -un
от Maiborodaed
9-й класс
word formation
Word formation unit 3 negative prefixes
Групповая сортировка
от Pakhnolena1974
Групповая сортировка
от Puchkovadn90
Саюкова Наталья Александровна
учитель английского языка
НОУ ООЦ «Школа» г. Тольятти
В последнее время перед учителями российских школ возникла необходимость эффективной подготовки к ЕГЭ. Все языковые экзамены направлены на контроль эффективности коммуникации в устной и письменной речи. Это предполагает наличие в них заданий на контроль навыков аудирования, чтения, говорения, письма и лексико-грамматических заданий. Особую сложность у выпускников наших школ вызывает раздел по словообразованию.В своей педагогической практике при подготовке к ЕГЭ я использовала следующие таблицы с прификсами и суффиксами для определенных частей речи, упражнения и тестовые задания. Я надеюсь, что учителям английского языка, работающим в выпускных классах эти материалы окажутся полезными при подготовке к ЕГЭ и к другим существующим международным и национальным экзаменам по иностранному языку.
These prefixes change the meaning of the word from positive to negative:
Un – | equal fair important official |
unequal unfair unimportant unofficial |
In — | ability adequate capable comparable |
in ability in adequate in capable in comparable |
Im – (before -m and -p) |
mobile measurable patient possible |
immobile immeasurable impatient impossible |
Dis — | order advantage honest |
disorder disadvantage dishonest |
il – (before l) |
legal logical BUT! limited likable |
illegal illogical unlimited unlikable |
Ir – (before r) |
regular resolute |
irregular irresolute |
Mis — | fortune trust |
misfortune mistrust |
Non — | sense resistance |
nonsense nonresistance |
Complete each word with prefixes in-, un-,ir-,il-,dis.
1. I am afraid that the world is full of ___ justice.
2. ___ agreements about causes of this disease seem likely to continue for many years.
3. Discrimination in hiring is ___ legal.
4. Thank you for your help. It was ___ valuable.
5. The ___ armament Conference will be held in Geneva.
6. The amount of food aid the country received is quite ___ sufficient.
7. The garden is divided into ___ equal parts.
8. Your passport is ___ valid. The date expired two month ago.
9. Why are you so ___ sensitive to other people’s problems?
10. One ___ advantage of city living is high cost.
11. I can’t believe this is happening. This is so ___ fair.
12. The newspapers depicted her as a greedy,___ responsible betrayer of the truth.
13. The teacher expressed ___ satisfaction with the work of our committee.
14. Everything is possible. The ___ possible just takes longer.
15. Good answers don’t always come quickly. So don’t be too ___ patient.
16. I was so frustrated because my dad was ___ willing to see my problems through my eyes.
Mis – (со значением неправильно, неверно) |
misinterpretation misunderstanding misusage misuse |
неверное истолкование недоразумение плохое обращение неправильное использование |
Under – (со значением недостаточно) |
undernutrition underproduction undersupply undereducated |
недостаточное питание недопроизводство недостаточное снабжение не имеющий достаточного образования |
Pre – (со значением перед, ранее; соответствует в русском языке приставке пред-) |
precaution predecessor prediction preface prehistoric |
предосторожность предшественник предсказание предисловие доисторический |
Post – (со значением после; соответствует в русском языке приставке после-, пост-) |
postglacial postwar Post-impressionism |
послеледниковый период послевоенный постимпрессионизм |
Anti – (соответствует в русском языке приставке анти-) |
anticyclone antioxidant antidepressant antipode |
антициклон антиоксидант антидепрессант антипод |
Counter – (соответствует в русском языке приставке проти-, контр-, противо- ) |
counterforce countermeasure counterpropaganda counterclockwise |
сила противодействия контрмера контрпропаганда против часовой стрелки |
Co – (обозначает сотрудничество) |
co-education cooperation coexistence |
совместное обучение сотрудничество сосуществование |
Inter – (со значением между-, взаимо-) |
interaction interdependence/cy international interdisciplinary |
взаимодействие взаимозависимость международный междисциплинарный |
Ex – (соответствует приставке экс -, бывший) |
ex-husband ex-wife ex-champion ex-president |
бывший (экс-) муж бывшая (экс-) жена бывший (экс-) чемпион бывший (экс-) президент |
Ultra – (со значением ультра-, сверх-) |
ultrasound ultramodern ultraviolet ultrasonic |
ультразвук ультрасовременный ультрафиолетовый сверхзвуковой, ультразвуковой |
Sub – (соответствует в русском языке приставке под-, суб-) |
subcommittee subconsciousness subculture submarine |
подкомитет подсознание субкультура подводная лодка |
Over – (со значением сверх-, чрезмерно-) |
overproduction overestimate overcharge |
перепроизводство слишком высокая оценка слишком высокая цена |
(1) NOUN-building suffixes:
-ty (образует существительные от прилагательных) |
social (общественный) stupid (глупый) certain (определенный) able (способный) equal (равный) |
society (общество) stupidity (глупость) certainty (определенность) ability (способность) equality (равенство) |
-ion (-ation, -tion, -sion, -ssion) (образует существительные от глаголов) |
suggest (предлагать) combine (комбинировать) elect (избирать) include (включать) transmit (передавать) |
suggestion (предложение) combination (комбинация) election (выборы) inclusion (включение) transmission (передача) |
-er,-or (присоединяется к глаголам для обозначения действующего лица) |
produce (производить) lead (вести) build (строить) govern (управлять) direct (направлять) |
producer (производитель) leader (ведущий, лидер) builder (строитель) governor (губернатор) director (директор) |
-ee (служит для обозначения лица, на которое направлено действие) |
train (тренировать(ся), обучать(ся)) address (адресовать) employ (нанимать) |
trainee (практикант, стажер) addressee (адресат) employee (служащий) |
-ness (образует существительное от прилагательных) |
bitter (горький) sick (больной) aware (осведомленный) near (близкий) weak (слабый) |
bitterness (горечь) sickness (болезнь) awareness (осведомленность) nearness (близость) weakness (слабость) |
-ian, -an, -n (для обозначения профессии, национальной принадлежности) |
history (история) library (библиотека) Canada (Канада) |
historian (историк) librarian (библиотекарь) Canadian (канадец) |
-ist (как и в русском языке для обозначения принадлежности к политическому или научному направлению и др.) |
social (социальный) science (наука) method (метод) tour (тур) |
socialist (социалист) scientist (ученый) methodist (методист) tourist (турист) |
-ment (образует существительные от глаголов) |
announce (объявлять) advertise (рекламировать) place (размещать) arrange (организовывать) require (требовать) |
announcement (объявление) advertisement (реклама) placement (размещение) arrangement (мероприятие) requirement (требование) |
-ance or ence (образует существительные от глаголов) |
occur (случаться) exist (существовать) persist (настаивать) assure (уверять) appear (появляться) |
occurrence (случай) existence (существование) persistence (настойчивость) assurance (заверение) appearance (появление) |
-age (обычно образует существительные от глаголов) |
marry (жениться) pass (проходить) |
marriage (брак) passage (проход) |
-ure (образует существительные от глаголов) |
depart (уезжать) please (доставлять удовольствие) press (давить) |
departure (отъезд) pleasure (удовольствие) pressure (давление) |
-dom (образует существительные от прилагательных и существительных) |
free (свободный) wise (мудрый) king (король) bore (скучный человек) |
freedom (свобода) wisdom (мудрость) kingdom (королевство) boredom (скука) |
-hood м(обычно образует существительные от других существительных) | brother (брат) man (мужчина) mother (мать) neighbor (сосед) adult (взрослый) |
brotherhood (братство) manhood (мужественность) motherhood (материнство) neighborhood (соседство) adulthood (зрелость) |
-ship (образует существительные от других существительных) |
citizen (гражданин) dictator (диктатор) owner (владелец) |
citizenship (гражданство) dictatorship (диктатура) ownership (собственность, право собственности) |
-ism (образует абстрактные имена существительные, ср. –изм в русском языке) |
profession (профессия) individuality (индивидуальность) journalist (журналист) |
professionalism (профессионализм) individualism (индивидуализм) journalism (журнализм) |
-th образует сущ. от прилагательных) |
warm (теплый) long (длинный) wide (широкий) young (молодой) |
warmth (теплота) length (длина) width (ширина) youth (молодость) |
Exercise 2. NOUN-building suffixes.
Complete each sentence with the words which end in –ance, -ence, -ment, -tion, -ness.
1. Dan continued to write the essay after midnight. This ___ of writing was necessary for him.
2. Schools usually place new students in different English classes depending on their English abilities. The students’ ___ depends on the scores they get on an English test.
3. President Abraham Lincoln declared Thanksgiving a national holyday. He made this happy ___ in 1864.
4. Television stations announce news. They interrupt programs to make important ___ as soon as they receive the news.
5. Winnie and Loretta are good friends. They are very close and tell each other everything. Their ___ will continue for many years.
6. Scientists are working to develop a cure for all kinds of cancer. The ___ of a cure will be welcome all around the world.
7. There were several ___ of Janet’s illness before she began to get well. Then her illness occurred again, and she was very unhappy.
8. Jason is my best friend. He always encourages me when I have a difficult problem. In fact, his ___ has helped me to succeed many times.
9. For centuries no one could prove the ___ of the ninth planet. Then in 1930 Clyde Tombaugh proved that Plato existed when he located it through a telescope.
10. Edward assured me enough that the plane travel was safe. In spite of all his ___ , I was very frightened on my first plane trip.
11. Alice went to doctor because she had ___ in her leg. The doctor told her that she felt weak because she didn’t exercise enough.
12. My dad wanted me to be aware of the heavy traffic on the highway. My ___ of driving conditions saved me a lot of times.
Exercise 3. NOUN-building suffixes.
Complete each word so that it ends in -hood, -ship, -dom, -ness, -ty.
1. A true friend ___ lasts throughout life.
2. After ten years in prison Paul was given his free ___.
3. Repetition of ads on TV has an incredible effect on the popular ___ of the product.
4. I spend most of my child ___ playing computer games.
5. It is very unlikely that someone could penetrate the U.S. military secure ___ system.
(2) ADJECTIVE-building suffixes:
Many adjectives do not have particular endings (young, old, pretty, etc.). However, there are some common endings for adjectives formed from nouns and verbs.
-able, -ible | changeable acceptable horrible responsible |
-ar | popular regular similar |
-ent, -ant | consistent confident distant resistant |
-ate | passionate literate (illiterate) obstinate |
-like | businesslike ladylike |
-ist | racist journalist |
-al | central cultural natural |
-ary | imaginary legendary revolutionary |
-esque | picturesque grotesque |
-ive | attentive sensitive competitive |
-ious, -ous | victorious dangerous glorious spacious |
-some | troublesome lonesome tiresome |
-ly | friendly timely dailyм weakly |
-ic/-ical | heroic tragic historical economical |
-y | lucky dirty cloudy healthy |
-ish | boyish reddish Swedish foolish |
-ful | successful useful purposeful doubtful |
-ory | contradictory compulsory introductory |
-less | jobless hopeless careless useless |
-an, -ian | Mexican Russian Indian Scandinavian |
Exercise 4. ADJACTIVE-building suffixes.
Fill in an appropriate adjective derived from the given word.
1. He had a very ___ career. success
2. He is quite ___ when making up his mind. decide
3. The solution was positively ___ . ingenuity
4. The ___ burden of running a place like this is really great. finance
5. Windsor Castle is a ___ residence, situated not far from London. luxury
6. The Castle is located in a very ___ place. picture
7. ___ chatting with a friend is not the best way to prepare for the examination. Mind
8. It is ___ inviting Barry to the party as he is so busy. worth
9. Can’t you see she is ___ after being up all night. edge
10. His words were ___ but his look became grave. play
11. Ghana is a ___ country of thick ___ forests and great beaches. color, tropics
12. The person I’m thinking of is ___ , ___ and accurate. observe, inquire
PROGRESS TEST (Word Formation)
Choose the correct item.
1. The Roosevelts spent a year in Europe traveling about, seeing ___ sights, visiting museums. (history)
2. If Teddy wanted a ___ career, he would have to go abroad for three years of study. (science)
3. He learned that ___ is a matter of give and take. (policy)
4. The Labor Party had nominated a popular and ___ leader. (power)
5. While running for presidency he made three to five ___ every day. (speak)
6. People loved their new president for his ___ . (young)
7. He started on his biggest and most ___ project. (success)
8. He described ___ deeds of American people. (hero)
9. They were ideal parents because they had ___ patience, love for children and the home life. (end)
10. In the 19th century there was ___ in London, homelessness and all attendant problems associated with big cities. (poor)
11. He had come to England shortly after the ___ of his mother. (dead)
12. This new CD tower system is attractive and ___ . (style)
13. Each evening Julia would surf through the World Wide Web in at all the information available. (amaze)
14. When a boy found a lizard he measured the total ___ of its tail with his ruler. (long)
15. We found the script ___ , and we enjoyed the dialogue between the main characters very much. (fascinate)
16. The water in many lakes and rivers is ___ . As a result, it needs to be cleaned before people can drink it. (pure)
17. ___ in large multinational companies have excellent career opportunities if they are willing to travel. (employ)
18. From this spot, we travel through ___ , rolling country to Gettysburg, a town of historic interest. (picture)
19. His dream was to become the world’s greatest ___ . (biology)
20. The lack of knowledge or reliance upon ___ is harmful. (information)
21. The population ___ in this area is very low. (dense)
22. Such kind of behavior only seems ___ . (logical)
23. The theme of his report was ___ for war. (ready)
24. On the yacht we’ve often seen passengers talking in whispers and exchanging packages. (mystery)
- English ESL Worksheets
- Vocabulary Practice
- Word formation
- Prefixes (e.g. A, UN, IM, DIS, MIS, EN, etc. )
Worksheet details
worksheet summary
Two exercises to practise word formation involving prefixes. Thanks Phillip Martin for clipart. Hope it’s useful! Gloria
Language goals
Vocabulary practice
Grammar topic
Other pedagogical goals
Student type
Elementary schoolers
High schoolers
Solutions included
Quality check
Quality not yet verified by the community.
This resource does not contain any images, words or ideas that would upset a reasonable person in any culture.
Copyright license
Published 16/11/2012
Gloenglish is from/lives in Spain and has been a member of iSLCollective since 2011-05-16. Gloenglish last logged in on 2023-04-02, and has shared 267 resources on iSLCollective so far.
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Был в сети 18.01.2023 21:09
Гурков Виталий Викторович
Учитель английского языка
23 578
Беларусь, Могилёвская область, г. Горки
Ex.1. Use the word given in brackets to form the one that fits in the sentence.
co- |
обозначает общность, совместность действий, сотрудничество |
ex- |
имеет значение бывший, прежний; слова с этим префиксом пишутся через черточку: |
inter- |
соответствует в русском языке приставкам меж-, между-, пере-, взаимно- |
- The __________ (-pilot) took over the plane’s control while the captain had coffee and a sandwich.
- The US and Russia have the capacity to attack each other with __________
(-continental) missiles.
- Germany and France are __________ (-operate) on the design of a new space rocket.
- She is divorced but she on good terms with her __________ (-husband).
- Does __________ (national) sport really improve relations between countries?
- The local trains are slow but the __________ (-city) services are excellent.
- Men who once served in the armed services are called __________ (-servicemen).
- Both boys and girls go to that school. It is __________ (-educational).
- Graham is an __________ (-soldier); he left the army six months ago.
- The two communities enjoyed a period of peaceful __________ (existence).
Ex.4. Use the word given in brackets to form the one that fits in the sentence.
post- |
соответствует в русском языке приставкам после-, по- |
mono- |
соответствует в русском языке приставкам одно-, едино- |
anti- |
соответствует в русском языке приставкам против-, анти- |
non- |
обозначает отсутствие или отрицание |
- He got his university degree last year. Now he is doing __________ (graduate) studies.
- Some flights go from London to the Middle East __________ (-stop).
- The words ‘fat’, ‘help’ and ‘come’ are all __________ (syllables).
- That is __________ (sense)! You do not know what you are talking about.
- The principal __________ (-war) problem was to rebuild the destroyed cities and industries.
- Maybe future trains will run on just a single track. The system is called a __________ (rail).
- To prevent petrol from freezing, put __________ (freeze) in the tank.
- I am not __________ (-marriage). I think it is a very good custom.
- I am afraid the club is not open to ___________ (-members).
- She is __________ (social). She does not like meeting new people.
Ex.4. In each space below put a verb made from the word in brackets.
en- |
встречается в глаголах, образованных от а) основ существительных со значениям включения, заключения, вхождения во что-либо или окружения чего-либо (to encircle); b) основ существительных и прилагательных со значением приведения в какое-л. состояние (to encourage); c) глагольных основ обычно с усилением значения (to enlighten. |
im- (in-) |
указывает на движение внутрь чего-либо, во что-то |
- The teachers __________ the pupils to study. (courage)
- Free education __________ ordinary people to reach positions of power. (able)
- The garden is __________ by a high wall. (close)
- Travel __________ people’s lives. (rich)
- They both __________ in the army a year before the war broke out. (list)
- The new photocopier will __________ documents by up to 100%. (large)
- They want to __________ their children in their local school. (roll)
- We __________ a number of difficulties in our first job. (counter)
- We must be careful not to do anything that might __________ the economic recovery. (danger)
- The new teacher had failed to __________ any sort of discipline. (force)
- He was __________ in 1965 for attempted murder. (prison)
- The owner’s name and address is stored on a microchip and __________ in the dog’s body. (plant)
- That look of hatred would be __________ on her mind forever. (print)
Ex.10. In each space below put a verb made from the word in brackets.
re- |
образует новые глаголы, придавая им значение а) повторности или совершения действия заново (to re—read); b) возвращения в прежнее состояние (to reanimate) |
- Ten minutes later she __________ from the storeroom holding a picture. (appear)
- Jane is going to be late, so we have to __________ the order of speakers. (arrange)
- The meeting was designed to __________ parents whose children were taking exams that summer. (assure)
- The cathedral was completely __________ in 1625 after it had been destroyed by fire. (build)
- Can you __________ what happened last night? (call)
- As far as I can __________, his name is Edward. (collect)
- The police tried to __________ the crime using the statements of the witnesses. (construct)
- It took her a long time to __________ from her heart operation. (cover)
- She is trying to be __________. (-elect)
- The Japanese __________ more than half their waste paper. (cycle)
- The men came to __________ the rubbish from outside the house. (move)
- I promised to __________ the plate I had dropped. (place)
- The first edition sold out so we are to __________ it. (print)
- His work was __________ on posters, leaflets and magazines. (produce)
- The news of the accident meant she had to __________ her speech. (write)
- Will you __________ the tape so we can hear it again? (wind)
- She __________ her speech for a younger audience. (work)
28.02.2016 10:19
Рекомендуем курсы ПК и ППК для учителей
Похожие записи
In a
sentence or text you have to change the form of a word, e.g. from a noun to an
adjective, or from a verb to a noun. For example:
_____ was very nervous. (sing)
have to complete the sentence with the person noun (singer). You change
the verb (sing) into the person noun (singer).
Look at the word you have to change. Which words do you know that
are in the same word family?
The beginning of the word is often the same and the end of the
word changes.
What form is the new word? A verb? A noun? An adjective? An
Nouns often end: -ment, -ion, -ness, -ity.
People nouns often end: -er, -or, -ist, -ian.
Adjectives often end: -able, -ible, -ive, -al, -ic, -ed, -ing.
Some verbs end: -ise, -ate, -en.
Adverbs often end: -ly.
Is the new word negative? If so, you may need a prefix, e.g. un- (unhappy),
im- (impolite), in- (inexperienced), dis- (dishonest),
If you don’t know the new word, guess. You
may be right!
There are many word beginnings (prefixes) and word
endings (suffixes) that can be added to a word to change its meaning or its
word class. The most common ones are shown here, followed by examples of how
they are used in the process of word formation. More can be found in the
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.
Verb Formation
The endings ize and ify can be added to nouns and
adjectives to form verbs.
Noun + ize = Verb
American + ize = Americanize Legal + ize = legalize
This will make the factory more modern. This will
modernize the factory. Adjective + ize = Verb
False + ify = Falsify Humid + ify = humidify
These tablets make the water pure. They purify the
Adverb Formation
The ending ly can be added to most adjectives to form
Adjective + ly = Adverb
Easy + ly = easily His behaviour was stupid. He
behaved stupidly
Noun Formation
The endings er, ment, and ation can be added to many
verbs to form nouns.
Verb + er = Noun Fasten + er = faster Open
+ er = opener
John drives a bus. He is a bus driver.
Amaze + ment = amazement Retire + ment = retirement
Children develop very quickly. Their development is
very quick.
Admire + ation = admiration Organize + ation =
The doctor examined me. The doctor gave me an
The endings ity/ty and ness can be added to many
adjectives to form nouns.
Stupid + ity = stupidity Don’t be so cruel. I hate
Adjective Formation
The endings y, ic, ical, ful, and less can be added to
many nouns to form adjectives. The ending able can be added to many verbs to
form adjectives.
Noun + y = Adjective Dirt + y = dirty
That was an awful smell. It was very smelly.
Atom + ic = atomic That was a book of poetry. It was a
poetic book.
Hope + ful = hopeful His broken leg caused pain. It
was very painful.
Care + less = careless The operation didn’t cause
pain. It was painless.
Verb + able = Adjective Love + able = lovable You can
wash this coat.
It’s washable Opposites Prefixes added to the front of
many words can produce an opposite meaning. un + fortunate = unfortunate I’m
not very happy. In fact I’m very unhappy.
Put the correct
form of the word in brackets into the blank .
1. The results were very strange! In fact,
they were ___________________ ! (BELIEVE)
2. He has an unfortunate
___________________ to understand people’s feelings (ABLE)
3. Due to the clerk’s
______________________ we missed the train (STUBBORN)
4. What we saw was beyond all
______________________ (EXPECT)
5. She is a student of the
______________________ (HUMAN)
6. The book contains some great
______________________ (ILLUSTRATE)
7. Please give us details of your present
______________________ (OCCUPY)
8. What is the ______________________ of
the Danube River (LONG)
9. The ______________________ of our
agriculture is important if we want to produce more food (MECHANIC)
10. Drug ______________________ is a
problem causing great concern (ADDICT)
11. The ______________________ of the
awards is scheduled for next Friday (PRESENT)
12. I have been sworn to
______________________ so I can’t say a word (SECRET)
13. After losing her job she was
______________________ for a month (EMPLOY)
14. Pushing into a queue is considered to
be extremely ______________________ (POLITE)
15. The audience gave the violinist a
round of ______________________ (APPLAUD)
16. He isn’t happy with his job because he
feels he is ______________________ (PAY)
17. We have just been shown another
example of ______________________ killing (SENSE)
18. My sister’s ______________________
makes hers social life difficult (SHY)
19. I’m not sure at all I really can’t say
with ______________________ (CERTAIN)
20. My ______________________ is the
history of Elizabethan England (SPECIAL)
21. The police were told by their
______________________ where to find the criminal (INFORM)
22. He received many medals for his acts
of ______________________ during the war (HERO)
23. The ______________________ of the
company is said to be dangerous to small firms (EXPAND)
24. For all of us, Marilyn Monroe was the
______________________ of beauty (PERSON)
25. I can guarantee the ______________________
of our new product (RELY)
26. The government is encouraging heavy
______________________ (INVEST)
27. People who suffer from
______________________ should buy themselves a pet (LONELY)
28. George and I have been friends since
______________________ (CHILD)
29. Everybody is worried about the
______________________ of the rain forest (DESTROY)
30. Some MPs are calling for
______________________ without trial (DETAIN)
31. My grandfather was given a medal for ______________________
32. My father takes great
______________________ in his work (PROUD)
33. This bag contains all my photographic
______________________ (EQUIP)
34. ______________________ is probably the
most useful form of energy (ELECTRIC)
35. John turned up on the wrong day
because of a ______________________ (UNDERSTAND)
36. Jake had another
______________________ with his boss (AGREE)
37. The bank robbers were sentenced to
twelve years of ______________________ (PRISON)
38. Mary suddenly felt sick, so we needed
a ______________________ for her part in the play (REPLACE)
39. Failure to apply in time may result in
a ______________________ of benefits (LOSE)
Pat was accused of stealing some ______________________ documents (CONFIDENT)
Put the correct
form of the word in brackets into the blank.
1. In the future the public will have a
wider __________________ of television programs. (CHOOSE)
2. Looking after the health of 700
children is heavy ______________________ . (RESPONSIBLE)
3. The town spent more money on
__________________ and health than ever before (HOUSE)
4. Do you have any particular
__________________ where we sit? (PREFER)
5. There’s a __________________ contrast
between what he does and what he says. (STRIKE)
6. The party turned out to be a huge
______________________ (DISAPPOINT)
7. He was fined and __________________ for
reckless driving (QUALIFY).
8. Is it possible to remove the smell from
the books that have been in _______________ for such a long time? (STORE)
9. Many people are interested in job
__________________ more than in earning large amount of money (SATISFY).
10. I hadn’t made a __________________ ,
so I just got on the first flight available. (RESERVE)
11. The anti-doping association believes
that all sports must be free of drug __________________ (USE).
12. The country is facing a population
__________________ . (EXPLODE)
13. It is __________________ to fasten
your seat-belts before take-off (ADVISE)
14. She claimed __________________ benefit
for over six months. (EMPLOY)
15. Tax __________________ is one of the
biggest problems that face the new country. (EVADE)
16. You can basically wear what you want
but there is an _____________ law that says you must not wear jeans. (WRITE)
17. The __________________ course is being
paid for by the company. (MANAGE)
18. It’s a __________________ shame that
she didn’t have a better chance in life. (CRY)
19. The farm house we stayed in was
completely off the __________________ track. (BEAT)
20. The police searched the house
_______________________ . (SYSTEM)
21. He is a __________________ -paid
senior executive. (HIGH)
22. A full-scale ____________________ of
our company is urgently needed (ORGANIZE)
23. Are we going to be saved
__________________ by our oil supplies? (ECONOMY)
24. Experts have tried to find a
__________________ to the personnel problems. (SOLVE)
25. She’s a specialist in psychology and
human __________________ . (BEHAVE)
26. The __________________ of the most
important port of the country eliminated all trade. (BLOCK)
27. The __________________ system of some
countries used to be based on gold. (MONEY)
28. He recovered from his injuries in the
__________________ hospital (NAVY)
29. He has loved her __________________
ever since they first met. (PASSION)
30. The importance of this
__________________ has been extremely overrated. (INVENT)
31. He is a convinced __________________
of Chinese communism (FOLLOW)
32. Jane’s party was more of an
__________________ test than anything else. (ENDURE)
33. The government has committed itself to
developing __________________ sources of energy. (NEW)
34. He took a job as a sales
__________________ in a big department store. (ASSIST)
35. The potential benefits of this
treatment __________________ the risks. (WEIGH)
36. Make sure the hairdryer is
__________________ before you fix the switch. (CONNECT)
37. They say that travel
__________________ the mind. (BROAD)
38. Without his teacher’s __________________
he would have given up long ago. (ENCOURAGE)
39. Dickens’s last novel was
__________________ The Mystery of Edwin Drood. (TITLE)
She has known me for two years now but she still __________________ my name. (PRONOUNCE)
Before exploring these prefixes and suffixes exercises with answers pdf, this introduction will definitely help you recognize prefixes and suffixes. So, What is a prefix? What is a suffix?
A prefix is a letter or letters added to the beginning of a word or base word. (il- is an example of prefix). If you add the prefix il- to the word legal, you get the word illegal.
As you can notice, the prefix il- changes the meaning of the word legal to its opposite. So, generally speaking, prefixes change the meaning of the words they are attached to.
On the other hand, a suffix is a letter or a small group of letters that can be added to the end of a word to make a new word. (-ful and -less are suffix examples).
If you add the suffixes -ful or less to the base word ‘help’, you form the words helpful and helpless. You can notice that when you attach a suffix to the end of a word, you not only change the meaning of this word but you also change its part of speech (= you change the word class).
Prefixes and Suffixes Exercises with Answers pdf
Here are two important prefixes and suffixes exercises with answers pdf.
1. Prefixes Exercises with Answers
Fill in the blanks with the correct prefix from the list: over-, under-, re-, ir-, un-, im-, il-,
- My desk is —tidy. I need to clean it up.
- It was —fair of the teacher not to treat the students equally.
- I do not think that she will be —elected for another term.
- It is considered —polite to ask about somebody’s salary.
- He is still —employed. He has been looking for a job for months.
- I did not like the meat. It was —cooked.
- My father is —partial. He does not discriminate between his children.
- You should learn —regular verbs by heart.
- Janet is totally —reliable as a source of information.
- He always acts in an —responsible manner when he loses his temper.
- Some students displayed —proper behavior during the activity.
- In some poor countries, a lot of people are —literate.
- I did not do well on the last test. I think I’ll have to —take it.
- The fish is —cooked . It is totally burnt.
- You should learn —regular verbs by heart.
- Nobody trusts her because she is —honest.
2. Suffixes Exercises with Answers
Fill in the blanks with the right suffix from the list. Make any necessary changes: -al, -ic, -ment, -fy -ful, -ness, -able, -en, -ism, –ance
- Success— people always set smart goals.
- I go to a fit— centre twice a week.
- This sofa is comfort—.
- He could not go to work yesterday because of his sick—.
- I do not advise you to talk to him. He is not help—.
- Reading is the best way to broad— your knowledge.
- Poor countries suffer from unemploy—.
- The weather is too cold in this area. I have to buy some wool— clothes.
- Equal— is the belief that everyone should be equal.
- We are looking for hard-working and rely— employees.
- Could you simple— your instructions, please?
- The belief that things will improve is called optim—, whereas the belief that things will get worse is called pessim—.
- Persevere— is looked upon as one of the most essential qualities for success in life.
- The government has taken a history— decision.
- The whole world is undergoing an economy— crisis.
- Those warning notices are not readily understand—. People may misunderstand them.
Prefixes and suffixes PDF/Prefixes and Suffixes Exercises with Answers pdf
Download the the prefixes and suffixes exercises with answers pdf here.