Word formation practice great britain lies to the

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Словообразование в английском языке. ПОДГОТОВКА К ОГЭ:


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  • Словообразование в английском языке. ПОДГОТОВКА К ОГЭ:


    1 слайд

    в английском языке.

    2016г., г.о. Электросталь.
    Подготовила учитель
    английского языка
    Соболева Алевтина Владимировна,
    МОУ «Гимназия №4»

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выявление уровня сформированности навыков оперирования лекси...

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    Объект контроля?

    выявление уровня сформированности навыков оперирования лексическими единицами на основе предложенных текстов.

  • Задание на словообразование предполагает:1. Осознание строгого порядка слов...

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    Задание на словообразование предполагает:
    1. Осознание строгого порядка слов в английском языке и умение опреде­лять место части речи в предложении.
    2. Знание правил словообразования, понимание значения суффиксов и пре­фиксов английского языка.
    3. Соотнесение суффиксов с частями речи.
    4. Знание особенностей написания слов английского языка.

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    Словообразование-образование производных слов в языке.
    суффиксы-после корня

    перед корнем
    образование нового слова происходит путем соединением двух и более слов в одно составное слово:
    week+ end=weekend
    образование нового слова происходит путем перехода одной части в другую:
    a pocket —> to pocket
    work——> to work

  • Суффиксы как элементы словообразованияСуффиксы глаголов: -ize/ise. 

    5 слайд

    Суффиксы как элементы словообразования
    Суффиксы глаголов: -ize/ise.
    Суффиксы существительных:
    -er/o r, -ness, -ist, -ship, -ing, -sion /tion , -ance/ence, -ment, -ity.
    Суффиксы прилагательных: -у, -ic, -ful, -al, -ly, -ian /an , -ing, -ous, -ible/able, -less, -ive.
    Суффикс наречий: -ly

  • Порядок слов             часть речиRead the sentences. Guess which part of sp...

    6 слайд

    Порядок слов часть речи
    Read the sentences. Guess which part of speech you should use: Noun Adjective Adverb Verb.
    Great Britain lies to the northwest of… (1) Europe, with Ireland to the west, and makes up the larger part o f the territory of the United Kingdom.
    Memorial Day is an American holiday observed … (2) on the last Monday of May.
    A person who receives an … (3) to a costume party has the perfect … (4) to find an outfit that will be the hit of the occasion.
    1. Adjective 2. Adverb 3. Noun 4. Noun

  • The beginning of spring is a ... (5) time to start a new year.
Most of Engla...

    7 слайд

    The beginning of spring is a … (5) time to start a new year.
    Most of England, Scotland and Wales are on the island of Great Britain, as are their … (6) capital cities: London, Edinburgh and Cardiff.
    The United States o f America is a federal… (7) republic.
    Many people visit cemeteries and memorials … (8) to honor those who died in military service.
    Christmas is a sacred … (9) holiday.
    Other people prefer to dress up as someone or something … (10) strange and unexpected.
    The agency is led by its… (11).
    5. Adjective 6. Adjective 7. Adjective 8. Adverb 9. Adjective 10. Adverb 11. Noun

  • Choose the right word to complete each sentence.

Great Britain lies to the...

    8 слайд

    Choose the right word to complete each sentence.

    Great Britain lies to the northwest o f… (1) Europe, with Ireland to the west, and makes up the larger part o f the territory of the United Kingdom.
    Memorial Day is an American holiday observed … (2) on the last Monday of May.
    A person who receives an … (3) to a costume party has the perfect … (4) to find an outfit that will be the hit of the occasion.
    The beginning of spring is a … (5) time to start a new year.

    1. A. continental 2. C. annually 3. A. invitation 4. B. opportunity 5. B. logic

  • Choose the right word to complete each sentence.

Most of England, Scotland...

    9 слайд

    Choose the right word to complete each sentence.

    Most of England, Scotland and Wales are on the island of Great Britain, as are their … (6) capital cities: London, Edinburgh and Cardiff.
    The United States o f America is a federal… (7) republic. Many people visit cemeteries and memorials … (8) to honor those who died in military service.
    Christmas is a sacred … (9) holiday.
    Other people prefer to dress up as someone or something … (10) strange and unexpected.
    The agency is led by its… (11).
    6. B. respective 7. B. constitutional 8. B. particularly 9. B. religious 10. A. completely 11. A. administration

  • VERBS ---Suffixes ise/ize
Применение суффикса -ise или -ize, как правило, опр...

    10 слайд

    VERBS —Suffixes ise/ize

    Применение суффикса -ise или -ize, как правило, определяется американ­ским или британским вариантами английского языка (-ize — американский вариант английского языка, -ise — британский вариант английского языка): organize, organise; recognize, recognise.
    Но существуют глаголы, которые имеют закрепленное написание суффик­сов, и менять их нельзя:
    advertise, formalize, summarize.

    Suffixes ise/ize используются для образования глаголов на основе прилагательных и существительных и обозначают действия и процессы:

    1 модель: NOUN + IZE /ISE
    scandal + ize -> scandalize (возмущать, шокировать)

    2 модель: ADJECTIVE + IZE /ISE
    formal + ize -> formalize(оформлять)

  • Complete the following word chains using the words from the table below.

    11 слайд

    Complete the following word chains using the words from the table below.

  • Determine what part of speech it is necessary to use in the following senten...

    12 слайд

    Determine what part of speech it is necessary to use in the following sentences. Complete them using words above:

    1. It is easier to demand an … than to deliver one.
    a. apology b. apologize c. apologetic d. apologetically
    2. Much free television can already be watched … on computers and mobile phones.
    a. legality b. legalize c. legal d. legally
    3. The cat and the dog live in … in the Jones’ household.
    a. harmony b. harmonize c. harmonious d. harmoniously
    4. The waiter … took the dish back to the kitchen and quickly brought Mr. Apple another one.
    apology b. apologize c. apologetic d. apologetically
    5. We are happy to clarify this and … for the mistake.
    a. apology b. apologize c. apologetic d. apologetically
    1. Apology, 2. Legally, 3. Harmonize, 4. Apologetically, 5. Apologise,

  • 6. They tend to ... the situation and to hope for the best. 
ideal b. idealiz...

    13 слайд

    6. They tend to … the situation and to hope for the best.
    ideal b. idealize c. ideally
    7. Even if the referendum itself does little, the vote will be of huge … importance.
    symbol b. symbolize c. symbolic d. symbolically
    8. The paintings reflect the human effort to create a … blend of nature and art.
    harmony b. harmonize c. harmonious d. harmoniously
    9. It would be … if students could draw their diagrams on large pieces of construction paper.
    a. ideal b. idealize c. ideally
    10. W hat I did was perfectly … .
    a. legality b. legalize c. legal d. legally
    11. Scientists don’t know what all these ancient drawings, called petroglyphs,….
    a. symbol b. symbolize c. symbolic d. symbolically
    6. Idealize, 7. Symbolic, 8. Harmonious, 9. Ideal, 10. Legal, 11. Symbolize.

  • Make new sentences using verbs (-ize, -ise) so they mean the same as the firs...

    14 слайд

    Make new sentences using verbs (-ize, -ise) so they mean the same as the first ones.
    Model: The realization that a catastrophe could occur at any time sobered (отрезвлять) them up. — They realized that a catastrophe could occur at any time and it sobered them up.
    1. The main characteristic of her writings is an excellent taste.
    2 . I gave my old friend a smile o f recognition.
    3. He spoke with special emphasis on the subject of civil rights.
    4. The owl is the symbol o f wisdom and learning.
    5. The specialization of a lot of Portuguese restaurants is seafood.

  • Check yourselves1. That excellent taste characterizes her writings. 
2. I rec...

    15 слайд

    Check yourselves
    1. That excellent taste characterizes her writings.
    2. I recognized my old friend and smiled at him .
    3. He emphasized the subject of civil rights in his speech.
    4.The owl symbolizes wisdom and learning.
    5. A lot o f Portuguese restaurants specialize in seafood.

  • Use the words given in capitals to form a word that fits in the space in the...

    16 слайд

    Use the words given in capitals to form a word that fits in the space in the text. Pay attention to the grammar tenses you should use.

    1. Our restaurant___________ in one type o f m eat, so look for pictures of the animal you wish to eat before entering.
    2. Yesterday he ___________ to his wife and children for losing his temper.
    3. We___ just____________for the mistake and we promise that it won’t happen again.
    4. H e ___________his company 50 years ago.
    5. W e___________in the last meeting that the situation
    was hopeless.
    6. I’m certain in the future everyone_________ his actions.
    1. specializes, 2. apologized, 3. have … apologized, 4. organized, 5. recognized, 6. will criticize.

  • Прочитайте приведенные ниже предложения. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные...

    17 слайд

    Прочитайте приведенные ниже предложения. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 17-21 так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.


  • Литература

М.А. Бодоньи          Английский язык. Словообразование.- Легион,...

    19 слайд


    М.А. Бодоньи Английский язык. Словообразование.- Легион, 2013 год.

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The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Geographical position and climate

1. Brainstorming: Talk to your partner first, then have a class discussion.

How many countries does the UK include?

Can you name the main parts of the UK?

What are their capitals?

What do you know about climate of this country?

2. Read, translate and learn new words.

contiguous – близкийto distinguish – различать

to be surrounded – бытьокруженнымtocomprise – составлять

latitude широтаaxisось

topredominate – преобладать unsettled – неустойчивый

mild –мягкий wet – влажный

windy –ветреный range – диапазон

dry –сухой slight – небольшой

3. Read and translate the text.

B ritain is the term used for the island containing the contiguous nations of England, Scotland and Wales. Great Britain is used to distinguish Britain from Brittania Minor, or Brittany, in France. The term «Great Britain» was officially used only after King James I acceded to the throne of England and Wales in 1603.

England, Scotland and Wales together with the province of Northern Ireland, form the country officially known as «The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland» or simply the United Kingdom.

The United Kingdom (including the Channel Islands, but without the Isle of Man) is a member of the European Union.

Great Britain or Britain is an island situated to the northwest of Continental Europe. It is the ninth largest island in the world, and the largest European island, as well as the largest of the British Isles. With a population of about 60.0 million people in mid-2009, it is the third most populous island in the world, after Java and Honshū. Great Britain is surrounded by over 1,000 smaller islands and islets. The island of Ireland lies to its west. Politically, Great Britain may also refer to the island itself together with a number of surrounding islands which comprise the territory of England, Scotland and Wales.

All of the island is territory of the sovereign state of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and most of the United Kingdom’s territory is in Great Britain. Most of England, Scotland, and Wales are on the island of Great Britain, as are their respective capital cities: London, Edinburgh, and Cardiff.

Great Britain lies to the northwest of Continental Europe and east of Ireland. It is separated from the continent by the North Sea and by the English Channel, which narrows to 34 kilometres at the Straits of Dover. It stretches over about ten degrees of latitude on its longer, north-south axis, and occupies an area of 209,331 km2, excluding all the smaller surrounding islands of the archipelago. The North Channel, Irish Sea, St George’s Channel and Celtic Sea separate the island from the island of Ireland to its west. The island is physically connected with continental Europe with the Channel Tunnel, the longest undersea rail tunnel in the world which was completed in 1993. Geographically, the island is marked by low, rolling countryside in the east and south, while hills and mountains predominate in the western and northern regions. It is surrounded by over 1,000 smaller islands and islets. The greatest distance between two points is 968 km or 1,349 km using the national road network.

In the UK the large temperature variation creates instability and this is a major factor that influences the often unsettled weather the country experiences, where many types of weather can be experienced in a single day. Regional climates in the United Kingdom are influenced by the Atlantic Ocean and latitude. Northern Ireland, Wales and western parts of England and Scotland, being closest to the Atlantic, are generally the mildest, wettest and windiest regions of the UK, and temperature ranges here are seldom extreme. Eastern areas are drier, cooler, and less windy. Northern areas are generally cooler, wetter and have a slight bigger temperature range than southern areas.

4. Complete the sentences.

1) Britain is the term used for the island containing the nations of … .

2) England, Scotland and Wales together with the province of Northern Ireland, form the country officially known as … .

3) Britain is an island situated to the … of Continental Europe.

4) … is the third most populous island in the world, after Java and Honshū.

5) Great Britain is surrounded by over … smaller islands and islets.

6) Most of the United Kingdom’s territory is … .

7) Great Britain is separated from the continent by … .

8) The island is physically connected with continental Europe with … .

9) Regional climates in the United Kingdom are influenced by … .

10) … areas are drier, cooler, and less windy.

5. Write down the right answers to the test.

1) The UK includes … parts.

a) 2b) 3c) 4d) 5

2) Great Britain is an island situated to the … of Continental Europe.

a) northeastb) northwestc) northd) south

3) Great Britain is the … largest island in the world.

a) 11th b) 6th c) 9th d) 10th

4) The island of Ireland lies to Britain’s … .

a) northb) westc) southd) east

5) The capital of the UK is … .

a) Belfastb) Edinburghc) Cardiffd) London

6. Express agreement or disagreement with the statements.

1) Great Britain lies to the southwest of Continental Europe.

2) The North Channel, Irish Sea, St George’s Channel and Celtic Sea separate the island from the island of Ireland to its south.

3) The climate of the UK is sharply continental.

4) England, Scotland and Wales together with the province of Northern Ireland, form the country officially known as «The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland» or simply the United Kingdom.

5) Regional climates in the United Kingdom are influenced by the Atlantic Ocean and latitude.

Talk to your partner and answer the questions of exercise 1.

8. Project work: collect some more information about The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Prepare a presentation.

Great Britain is an
situated to the northwest of Continental
Europe. It is the
largest island in the world,
and the largest European
island. With a population of about 59.6 million people in
mid-2008, it is the
most populated

island on Earth.
Great Britain is surrounded
by over 1,000 smaller
and islets.
The island of Ireland
lies to its west. Politically, Great Britain may also refer to the
island itself together with a number of surrounding islands which
the territory
of England,
and Wales.

All of the island is territory
of the sovereign state of
the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,
and most of the United Kingdom’s territory is in Great Britain. The
term «Great Britain» (and the abbreviation ‘GB’) is the
traditional ‘short form’ of the full country title ‘the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland’,
although usage of ‘the UK’ has increased more recently. Most of
England, Scotland, and Wales are on the island of Great Britain, as
are their respective
capital cities: London,
and Cardiff.

The Kingdom
of Great Britain
from the political union of the kingdoms of England
and Scotland
with the Acts
of Union 1707 on 1
May 1707 under Queen

In 1801, under a new Act
of Union, this
kingdom merged with the Kingdom
of Ireland to
create the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.
After the Irish
War of Independence,
most of Ireland seceded from the Union. Currently the kingdom is
named the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Political definition

Main articles: Kingdom
of Great Britain
and United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Great Britain is the largest island of the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Politically, Great Britain also refers
to England, Scotland and Wales in combination, and therefore also
includes a number of outlying islands such as the Isle
of Wight,
the Isles
of Scilly, the
and the island groups of Orkney
and Shetland.
It does not include
the Isle
of Man and the
Islands which are
not part of the United Kingdom, instead being self-governing
dependent territories of that state with their own legislative
and taxation systems.

The union of the kingdoms of England
and Scotland
began with the 1603 Union
of Crowns, a
personal union under James
VI of Scotland, I
of England. The
political union that joined the two countries happened in 1707, with
the Acts
of Union merging
the parliaments of each nation, and forming the Kingdom
of Great Britain,
which covered the entire island.

Geographical definition

Further information: Geography
of England, Geography
of Scotland, and Geography
of Wales

Great Britain lies to the northwest of Continental
Europe and east of
Ireland. It is separated from the continent by the North
Sea and by the
Channel, which
narrows to
34 kilometres
(21 miles)
at the Straits
of Dover. The
island is physically connected with
continental Europe via
the Channel
Tunnel, the
longest undersea rail tunnel in the world which was completed in
It stretches over about ten degrees of latitude
on its longer, north-south axis,
and occupies an area of 209,331 km² (80,823 square
miles).Geographically, the island is marked by low, rolling
countryside in the east and south, while hills and mountains
in the western and northern regions. It is surrounded by over 1,000
smaller islands
and islets.

It is the third
most populous island
after Java
and Honshū.

The English
Channel is thought
to have been created between 450,000 and 180,000 years ago by
two catastrophic glacial
lake outburst
floods caused by
the breaching
of the Weald-Artois
Anticline, a ridge
which held
a large proglacial
, now submerged
under the North Sea. Around 10,000 years ago, during the
with its lower sea
level, Great
Britain was not an island, but an upland region of northwestern
Europe, lying partially underneath
the Eurasian ice sheet. The sea level was about 120 metres
(390 ft) lower than today, and the bed of the North Sea was dry
and acted as a land bridge to Europe, now known as Doggerland.
It is generally thought that as sea levels gradually rose after the
end of the last glacial period of the current ice age, Doggerland
became submerged beneath the North Sea, cutting off what was
previously the British peninsula
from the European mainland
by around 6500BC. An alternative hypothesis is that much of the land
was inundated
about the same time by a tsunami,
caused by a submarine landslide
off the coast of Norway known as the Storegga

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For questions 56 – 65, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Example:  0: independence


If Athens is all Greek to you, try visiting in November.

It’s festival time!

Lord Byron, champion of Greek (O) independence, could hardly DEPEND

have imagined it. Today, years after his (56) ….. , 2 mil- DIE

lion of his compatriots, although less (57) ….. , make HERO

the annual (58) ….. to Greece for the ‘Britain and Greece PILGRIM


The (59) ….. Ambassador speaks of the festival as a BRITAIN

(60) ….. of the strong links between the two countries, CELEBRATE

but also as ‘an (61) ….. to those who wish to create INSPIRE

new links,’ a (62) ….. that 2004 and the Athens Olym- REMIND

pies are not too far away. Everything about the festival highlights

the theme of (63) …..  . The commercial exhibition ‘Part- PARTNER

ners in Trade’ will focus on (64)…… goods and ser- INDUSTRY

vices, design, travel and software (65) ….. including DEVELOP 

opportunities for ‘Olympics 2004’.

Check your answers here

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Данные задания на  слоовообразование в английском языке составлены по материалам пособия «Сборник тестов для подготовки к ЕГЭ по английскому языку» (М. Вербицкая, Малколм Манн и др.) и входят в цикл «Английский язык. Подготовка к ЕГЭ. СЛОВООБРАЗОВАНИЕ». Задания на словообразование рекомендуется выполнять после изучения теоретического материала, ссылки на который даны перед упражнениями.

Словообразование. Задания в формате ЕГЭ


  1. Задания на суффиксы существительного
  2. Задания на суффиксы и префиксы прилагательного
  3. Задания на суффиксы и префиксы глагола

* * *

Суффиксы существительного

Задание 1. Измените слова так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию предложения.


Слово «лексически» означает, что к слову нужно добавить суффикс или префикс.

Слово «грамматически» означает, что к преобразованному слову, возможно, нужно добавить окончание.

ПРИМЕР. Animal __________ will enjoy the performance. love

Animal lovers will enjoy the performance. — Любители животных получат удовольствие от представления.

Здесь требуется поставить существительное — lover во мн. число, исходя из контекста.

  1. This __________ is passed through the generations. able
  2. Stress is the ___________ with which syllables are pronounced. strong
  3. His ______________led him to discovering a lot of information. curious
  4. This book contains _________of the centuries. wise
  5. This film takes me back to my ____________. child
  6. The ___________of this corridor was surprising. long
  7. It will be disastrous for the ___________. human
  8. I appreciate our ___________. friend
  9. I will die of ____________if I live that long. bored
  10. The __________of her feelings was unexpected for me.  warm
  11. The____________is given to particularly bright students. scholar
  12. He was famous for his ___________ . serious
  13. The ___________of this song is incredible. popular
  14. We were surprised at the _________in her speech. differ
  15. It is easy to learn how to do this _________. active
  16. The airplane started to lose __________. high

Задание 2. Form nouns from the words in bold. 

  1. The Hercules was famous for his _________ . strong
  2. The ____________of the swimming pool was about 5 meters. wide
  3. I was surprised by the ______________ of the tablecloth. white
  4. The _________of the Tower and the __________ of the walls made it a perfect prison. high, thick
  5. The ___________was delayed by fog for an hour. fly
  6. Giving alive ___________is quite different from performing on a film. perform
  7. Our ___________to predict the weather depends on the information we have. able
  8. Another major ____________is the shape of the ball. different
  9. The __________of the baseball is very great in America. popular
  10. Much of his ________ Chekhov lived in severe poverty. child
  11. The ______of London since then has been incredible. grow
  12. We moved to our new ______________last spring. resident
  13. Many encyclopedias state with __________that the Nile is the longest river in the world. confident
  14. Her acting is closer to __________. real
  15. The story of the dodo`s ___________is one example of man`s effect on the environment. disappear
  16. He had ____________in finding a job. difficult
  17. Each _____________is worth considering. possible

Задание 3. Form nouns from the words in bold. 

  1. The ______________ of this building took 20 years from start to finish. construct
  2. Famous __________were held in the Tower. prison
  3. Many _____________come to London each year. visit
  4. Before the ____________of the hot air balloon, no human had ever successfully flown into the air. invent
  5. The first successful __________was in 1783. fly
  6. The ___________of the balloon depends on the wind. direct
  7. The _____________and response of the audience can affect how the actor feels and performs. behave
  8. They want to have the opportunity to do some real _____. act
  9. London is an ideal place nightlife ____________. entertain
  10. Special _____________is used to collect weather data. equip
  11. He never seemed to be interested in ____________. educate
  12. An _______________called Clarence went on an expedition to Canada with his family. explore
  13. He is famous for his finding the __________to the problem. solve
  14. His success was an remarkable_______.  achieve
  15. The ____________of its place is unknown. locate
  16. What is your ______________of the performance? impress

Задание 4. Form nouns from the words in bold. 

  1. ________will find these products on sale in the supermarkets. shop
  2. In New York he became a ____________at drama school. study
  3. The ship left for New York with a crew of seven professional _________. sail
  4. To the crew’s__________ they discovered that nobody was on the island. astonish
  5. Each flag has its additional _____________. mean
  6. Another ___________started at once. argue
  7. Brighton is an ideal place for____________ . relax
  8. There are eleven ___________in each team in cricket. play
  9. They tried to persuade the ______________to introduce new laws. govern
  10. The road __________must be improved. safe
  11. Finding a good job is uneasy without proper ____________. qualify
  12. Many people consider the ____________of moving away. possible
  13. It is necessary to fill the _______________form. apply
  14. The rate of _________________is very high. employ
  15. You have a great _____________. imagine
  16. To our great ___________, it started to rain. disappoint
  17. The better your education is, the less_____________you will have in finding a job. difficult

Суффиксы и префиксы прилагательного

Задание 5. Form adjectives from the words in bold. 

  1. Huge ___________dinosaurs used to walk on the Earth. power
  2. There are a lot of ______________courses to improve your skills. train
  3. This private boat carried a cargo of _______________products. commerce
  4. The dodo lived on an island where he had no ___________enemies. nature
  5. There are hundreds of ______________hotels in sunny Brighton. comfort
  6. Enjoy delicious dishes in ____________ restaurants. fashion
  7. Taking part in this attraction can be a bit ______. risk
  8. The story describes the ______________action of people. hero
  9. _________plays are staged on Broadway. vary
  10. The road was in ________________condition. excellence
  11. The _____________method is always in great use. help
  12. My father doesn’t buy _____________newspapers. expense
  13. Who is _______________for making changes in our society? response
  14. The Russians are considered to be very _____________. hospitality
  15. The ______________equipment needs to be checked. electricity
  16. I was impressed by French ______________cuisine. delicacy
  17. She is not self- ________________. confidence
  18. The job will give him more _______________freedom. artist
  19. Paul’s Cathedral is an _________________building. impress
  20. In the old days the only ___________means of transport was the horse. person
  21. The trip was very ______________. benefit
  22. Is your answer _______________ from mine? differ

Задание 6. Form adjectives from the words in bold.  Mind the prefix UN-

  1. Two _____________brothers Montgolfier were responsible for designing the first air balloon. France
  2. The design of the balloon was based on ____________________law. science
  3. Some ________________flyers have had an accident. fortunate
  4. The first ________________flight was in 1783. success
  5. You can go on a _______________ride on a horse back. enjoy
  6. He had an ____________________idea. imagine
  7. More ______________visitors can try «The Vampire Ride». adventure
  8. Riding fast high above the park can be a ______________experience . scare
  9. Nature is so ___________________that’s why we cannot forecast more than for a few days. predict
  10. _______ people or things existed in the past are considered to be a part of history. history
  11. ____________baseball began in the USA in 1865. profession
  12. In the USA baseball is considered as a __________sport. nation
  13. It will be an ________________experience for me. forget
  14. He started his own business and became ________________. wealth
  15. The bridge was very ________________. use
  16. It has become the place of _______________importance. globe
  17. At first sight it seems _________________. believe
  18. The situation is becoming more __________________. understand
  19. She is a very _________________woman. effect
  20. Everyone fell _____________in the room. silence
  21. It was the most _________________journey I have ever had. please
  22. It is ___________to drive without seatbelt. legal

 Задания в формате ЕГЭ. Суффиксы и префиксы глагола

Задание 7. Form verbs from the words in bold.

  1. He _______________ and lay on the bed. dress
  2. He could enter the house because the door was ___________. lock
  3. The usual practice at the History lesson is to ___________texts. tell
  4. The exercise must be ________________. write
  5. Teachers sometimes _____________students. understand
  6. When the child ______________ she was unable to cope with him. behave
  7. The parents ____________  the child to go out late at night. allow
  8. When the days begin to ____________then the cold begins to _____________. long/ strong
  9. They’re trying to _____________our name. black
  10. The snow ____________the mountain tops. white
  11. He was ____________by his family to learn music at a young age. courage
  12. The town is ______________by fortified walls. circle
  13. The route was built to ______________trucks to get around a waterfall. able
  14. No argument can __________a war. just
  15. If you ____________ a substance, you make it pure by removing any dirty substances from it. pure
  16. You have ______________him as an ambitious person. character
  17. His mother rarely___________ him or any of her children. critic
  18. I’m sure Rose will _____________many of us. live

Задание 8. Form verbs from the words in bold.

  1. The symptoms of her illness have____________. appear
  2. The student__________the teacher and did the wrong exercise. hear
  3. Last week the government ______________ the citizens about the political situation in the country. inform
  4. His own mind was ___________and ______________by foreign travel. large/rich
  5. Martin ___________all the people in the area. He died at the age of 101. live
  6. The elderly are usually _______________with the young. satisfy
  7. Nowadays the risk of serious illness has________. less
  8. Do you mean to____________ me? threat
  9. Unfortunately, the cooperation between two countries was _______________. organize
  10. The line was ___________, though not dead. connect
  11. I am very ________________ with you. appoint
  12. The students _______________ the teacher. obey
  13. What does the emblem _______________? symbol
  14. If someone_________a word, they spell it wrongly. spell
  15. Don’t let this ______________ you. courage
  16. He recognized her voice and his face ____________.  soft
  17. The men tried to __________ each other in their generosity. do

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