Word formation multiple choice tests

1   Use a prefix to make a word negative: fair.

a) infair

b) unfair

c) misfair

2   Use a prefix to make a word negative: competent.

a) incompetent

b) acompetent

c) discompetent

3   Use a suffix to form an adjective from a given word: guilt.

a) guiltful

b) guiltous

c) guilty

4   Use a suffix to form a noun from a given word: recover.

a) recovered

b) recovery

c) recoverment

5   Form a compound adjective from two words: slow + move.

a) slowing-move

b) moving-slow

c) move-slowly

d) slow-moving

6   Use a suffix to form an adjective from a given word: efficiency.

a) efficient

b) efficienal

c) efficiencive

7   Find the correct word formation chain (noun-adjective-verb): analysis.

a) analysor-analytical-analyse

b) analyser-analytic-analyse

c) analyst-analytical-analyse

d) analysian-analysable-analysize

8   Find the correct word formation chain (noun-adjective-verb): assassination.

a) assassin-assassinated-assassinate

b) assassinor-assassinous-assassinate

c) assassinian-assassinated-assassinize

d) assassin-assassinative-assassinate

9   Find the correct word formation chain (noun-adjective-verb): agitation.

a) agitater-agitateful-agitate

b) agitator-agitated-agitate

c) agitatian-agitated-agitize

d) agitator-agitative-agitate

10   Use a suffix to form an adjective from a given word: baby.

a) babylous

b) babyish

c) babyly

11   Form a compounds adjective from two words: single + storey.

a) single-storey

b) single-storeyed

c) storey-single

d) single-storeying

12   Use a suffix to form a noun from a given word: refuge.

a) refugee

b) refugion

c) refugist

13   Find the correct word formation chain (noun-adjective-verb): admiration.

a) admirer-admiring-admirate

b) admirer-admirable-admiring

c) admiror-admiring-admire

d) admirer-admiring-admire

14   Find the correct word formation chain (noun-adjective-verb): addiction.

a) addict-addictive-to become addicting

b) addict-addictous-to become addicted

c) addictian-addictive-to become addicted

d) addict-addictive-to become addicted

15   Use a prefix to make a word negative: perfect.

a) unperfect

b) disperfect

c) imperfect

16   Use a suffix to form an adjective from a given word: worth.

a) worthive

b) worthless

c) worthable

17   Find the correct word formation chain (noun-adjective-verb): achievement.

a) achiever-achieved-achieve

b) achievor-achieved-achieve

c) achiever-achievent-achieve

d) achiever-achieved-achievate

18   Form a compounds adjective from two words: brand + new.

a) brand-newly

b) new-brand

c) brand-new

19   Use a suffix to form a noun from a given word: advertise.

a) advertisness

b) advertised

c) advertisement

20   Use a prefix to make a work negative: legibility.

a) illegibility

b) imlegibility

c) unlegibility

21   Use a suffix to form an adjective from a given word: accident.

a) accidentous

b) accidentent

c) accidental

22   Find the correct word formation chain (noun-adjective-verb): authorization.

a) authoritor-authoritarian-authorize

b) authority-authoritarous-authorize

c) authority-authoritarian-authorize

d) authority-authoritarian-authoritate

23   Find the correct word formation chain (noun-adjective-verb): administration.

a) administrater-administrative-administrate

b) administrator-administrative-administrate

c) administrator-administratous-adminisrate

d) administrator-administrative-administrize

24   Use a suffix to form an adjective from a given word: sympathy.

a) sympathetic

b) sympathish

c) sympathent

25   Use a prefix to make a word negative: rational.

a) disrational

b) inrational

c) irrational

26   Form a compound adjective from two words: good + look.

a) look-good

b) good-looking

c) good-lookly

27   Find the correct word formation chain (noun-adjective-verb): aggravation.

a) aggresser-aggravating-aggravate

b) aggressor-aggravating-aggravate

c) aggressor-aggravative-aggravate

d) aggressor-aggravating-aggravatize

28   Use a suffix to form a noun from a given word: disturb.

a) disturbity

b) disturbness

c) disturbance

29   Use a suffix to form an adjective from a given word: humour.

a) humouric

b) humourive

c) humorous

30   Find the correct word formation chain (noun-adjective-verb): advice.

a) advicer-advicory-advice

b) adviser-advisory-advise

c) advisor-advisoral-advise

d) adviser-advisorous-advise

For questions 1- 8, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line.

steel that doesn’t rust

Harry Brearley, the son of a Sheffield steel smelter, left school at 12 to go to work in one of the city’s steelworks. He was an (1) … chap and started to study metallurgy at home and in evening classes. He (2) … built a reputation for expertise, and still in his 30s was chosen to run a new (3) … facility funded by two of Sheffield’s largest steel companies. In 1912, he was tasked by a small-arms manufacturer to find a material that could (4) … the life of their gun barrels. He set out to find erosion-resistant steel, but found corrosion-resistant steel instead. The story goes that in 1913 he threw out some (5) … steel made of 12.8 per cent chromium and 0.24 per cent carbon. A few weeks later, he found it in the yard still (6) … as new. This apparently serendipitous discovery led to the (7) … of the already established cutlery industry in Sheffield. Stainless steel is now used in everything from (8) … instruments and turbine blades to architectural cladding.

[start-answers-block type=1 columns=2 textTransform=none]

[answer=»AMBITIOUS» label=»AMBITION»]

[answer=»GRADUALLY» label=»GRADUAL»]

[answer=»RESEARCH» label=»SEARCH»]

[answer=»PROLONG» label=»LONG»]


[answer=»SHINY» label=»SHINE»]


[answer=»SURGICAL» label=»SURGERY»]



GAP 1 (AMBITIOUS) … steelworks. He was an ambitious chap and started to study metallurgy at home and … 
Root Words
1). She was the kind of friend who was so ambitiously motivated about her goals. AMBITIOUS + LY => ADVERB
2). They were very ambitious for their children. AMBITI(ON) + OUS => ADJECTIVE
3). It was an unambitious plan, probably reflecting the need for economy. UN + AMBITI(ON) + OUS => ADJECTIVE

GAP 2 (GRADUALLY) … evening classes. He gradually built a reputation for expertise, and still in his 30s … 
Root Words
1). John is a Harvard graduate. GRAD(E)U + ATE => NOUN
2). After graduation Maria returned to Spain. GRADUAT(E) + ION => NOUN
3). She gradually became aware of an awful smell. GRADUAL + LY => ADVERB

GAP 3 (RESEARCH) … chosen to run a new research facility funded by two of Sheffield’s largest steel companies … 
Root Words
1). She is working on cancer research. RE + SEARCH => NOUN
2). Researchers conducted telephone interviews with over 7,000 members of public. RE + SEARCH + ER => NOUN
3). He avoided her long searching look. SEARCH + ING => ADJECTIVE

GAP 4 (PROLONG) … material that could prolong the life of their gun barrels. He set out to find … 
PRO => PREFIX (IN VERBS) before in time or position, anterior, forward. (PROCEEDE/PROLOGUE/PRODUCE)
Root Words
1). The river is 600 kilometres in length. LONG => LENGTH (INTERNAL CHANGE) 
2). Could you lengthen this skirt for me? LENGTH + EN => VERB
3). The city lies at longitude 14° west. LONG + ITUDE => NOUN

GAP 5 (EXPERIMENTAL) … threw out some experimental steel made of 12.8 per cent chromium and 0.24 … 
Root Words
1). This theory can be confirmed experimentally. EXPERIMENTAL + LY => ADVERB
2). The equipment is still at the experimental stage. EXPERIMENT + AL => ADJECTIVE
3). He performs chemical experiments. EXPERIMENT => NOUN

GAP 6 (SHINY) … it in the yard still shiny as new. This apparently serendipitous discovery … 
Y => SUFFIX (IN ADJECTIVES) having the qualities of something. (DUSTY/MUDDY/RUNNY)
Root Words
1). She had shining black hair. SHIN(E) + ING => ADJECTIVE
2). George has bought a shiny black car. SHIN(E) + Y => ADJECTIVE
3). Nothing like a little shininess to make things look expensive. SHIN(E)I + NESS => NOUN

GAP 7 (TRANSFORMATION) … discovery led to the transformation of the already established cutlery industry … 
ATION => SUFFIX (IN NOUNS) the action or process of doing something. (FASCINATION/PROVOCATION/DECORATION) 
Root Words
1). The car industry has undergone a dramatic transformation. TRANSFORM + ATION => NOUN
2). It was an event that would transform my life. TRANSFORM => VERB
3). Do you happen to know how to repair this faulty transformer? TRANFORM + ER => NOUN

GAP 8 (SURGICAL) … in everything from surgical instruments and turbine blades to architectural cladding … 
Root Words
1). He required surgery on his left leg. SURGE + RY => NOUN
2). Andy is a heart surgeon. SURGE + ON => NOUN
3). The lumps will need to be  surgically removed. SURGICAL + LY => ADVERB

Word Formation Exercises quiz

This quiz will test your knowledge of English word formation rules. It covers both regular and irregular words.

Word formation exercises help you improve your English vocabulary and learn how to use new words. These exercises are suitable for both classroom use and self-study.

Go to English Grammar Exercises

Question 1: It is necessary for good health to ________ excess weight.

(A) loss

(B) loosen

(C) loose

(D) lose

Question 2: After a decade, Calgary will be one of the most developed ________ cities in Canada.

(A) Industrious

(B) Industry

(C) Industrial

(D) Industries

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(C) Industrial

Question 3: Every citizen of USA has a fundamental ________ to education.

(A) write

(B) rite

(C) wright

(D) right

Question 4: He just cannot sleep. He spent ________ lying awake in the bed.

(A) all of the night

(B) all night

(C) hole night

(D) whole night

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(D) whole night 

Question 5: Some famous writers had to ________ school because of poverty.

(A) quit

(B) fire

(C) sack

(D) dismiss

Question 6: You can hear everything that is going on next door because the walls are paper ________ .

(A) thin

(B) wide

(C) long

(D) tall

Question 7: We are going to the college tonight to hear Prof. Ramdas ________ a paper on language learning on the net.

(A) speak

(B) raise

(C) talk

(D) deliver

Question 8: I cannot see the point of trying to settle the dispute between those two institutions because you will just be papering over the ________ .

(A) cracks

(B) fissures

(C) splits

(D) divisions

Question 9: ________ other mammals, whales do not have a sense of smell.

(A) Not alike

(B) Unlikely

(C) Unlike

(D) Dislike

Question 10: Select a proper word.

That good boy always speaks ________ .

(A) Polite

(B) Politely

(C) Impolitely

(D) Politeness

Question 11: The cyclone caused ________ damage to the city.

(A) extend

(B) extended

(C) extension

(D) extensive

Question 12: My cello pen ________ working in the essay competition.

(A) nice

(B) nicely

(C) ncie

(D) necie

Question 13: I have to recite Tagore’s sonnet, I will be the ________ one to do so in my school.

(A) solitary

(B) only

(C) earliest

(D) initial

Question 14:  Choose the correct alternative for underline part.

The passengers were afraid, but the captain consoled them that there was no danger.

(A) assured

(B) confided

(C) guaranteed

(D) No improvement

Question 15: Change the noun into verb: Application

(A) Applicant

(B) Appliance

(C) Apply

(D) Applicable

Question 16: Changes the noun into verb : Intention

(A) intension

(B) intent

(C) intensity

(D) intention

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(C) intensity

Question 17: ________ upon a time, there lived a king in a big palace.

(A) Once

(B) Oence

(C) Ounce

(D) One’s

Question 18: Undoubtedly, English is the most ________ spoken language in the world today.

(A) greatly

(B) broadly

(C) beautifully

(D) widley

Question 19: At present I am going to office, I will read that book ________ .

(A) letter

(B) later

(C) leter

(D) lettar

Question 20: Which one of the following words is a noun?

(A) knowledge

(B) knowingly

(C) knew

(D) known

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(A) knowledge

Question 21: ‘We are ________ the possibility of buying our own house.’

(A) considering

(B) judging

(C) gauging

(D) applying

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(A) considering

Question 22: Give adjective form of: ‘Suffice’.

(A) Sufficient

(B) Sufficience

(C) Suffix

(D) sufficiency

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(A) Sufficient

Question 23: Give the verb form of: ‘Familiar’.

(A) Familiarize

(B) Family

(C) Familiarly

(D) Familiarty

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(A) Familiarize

Question 24: Given are four sentences. Choose the sentence which belongs to the class “adverb of manner”.

(A) She sings delightfully.

(B) The weather is delightfully cool.

(C) He is far better now.

(D) I have told you twice.

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(A) She sings delightfully. 

Question 25: Kajal says she can’t ________ our invitation for lunch today.

(A) across

(B) accept

(C) almost

(D) angel

Question 26: Find out ‘Adverb’ from the following sentence:

The good persons always act honestly with other people.

(A) honestly

(B) other

(C) people

(D) good

Question 27: Select the appropriate option for the blank.

A cap seller moved from village to village and sold caps on a ________ summer.

(A) heated

(B) hotter

(C) hottest

(D) hot

Question 28: The father donated his kidney to his son. This is a great ________ .

(A) sacrifice

(B) joy

(C) curiosity

(D) award

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(A) sacrifice

Question 29: After some moves, Anand said, “Amma, suppose I move my bishop here, I can capture your King.”

In Chess capturing the king is called ________.

(A) Check box

(B) Checklist

(C) Checkmark

(D) Checkmate

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(D) Checkmate

Question 30: A miser expires but ________ for more till his end.

(A) aspires

(B) espires

(C) inspires

(D) desires

Question 31: He was ________ dressed for party. Choose the right antonym of the word ‘Immaculately’ for filling the blank.

(A) Imperfectly

(B) Irresponsibly

(C) Incompletely

(D) Moderately

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(D) Moderately

Question 32: A true ________ is one who keeps one’s country’s secret to oneself.

(A) confident

(B) confidunt

(C) confidant

(D) A conffident

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(C) confidant

Question 33: Illiteracy is related to Education, in the same way.

Drought is related to ________ .

(A) well

(B) river

(C) dam

(D) rain

Question 34: Give the first verb form of: ‘bereft’

(A) bereave

(B) bear

(C) barefoot

(D) beareve

Question 35: A true ________ is one who keeps one’s friend’s secrets to oneself.

(A) confidant

(B) confident

(C) conffident

(D) donfidunt

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(A) confidant

Question 36: Complete the Sentence:

The man who has committed such an ________ crime must get the most severe punishment.

(A) injurious

(B) uncharitable

(C) unworthy

(D) abominable

Question 37: Find noun form:

The works of many great poets have been placed on reserve.

(A) many

(B) great

(C) placed

(D) reserve

Question 38: Identify the correct option:

This fishing pole Nathan, has seen better days.

(A) pole, Nathan

(B) has, seen

(C) Nathan

(D) no error

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(A) pole, Nathan

Question 39: You should read this novel – it’s been ________ recommended by all the critics.

(A) truly

(B) highly

(C) fully

(D) deeply

Question 40: Sentence completion by appropriate word. 

I have often ________ why she went to live abroad.

(A) amazed

(B) wondered

(C) puzzled

(D) engrossed

Question 41: The passenger and the crew members of aeroplane had a ________ escape when it was taking off the run way.-Fill in the blank.

(A) narrow

(B) large

(C) little

(D) brief

Question 42: Fill in the blank:

There were ________ views on the issue of promotion to the employees.

(A) independent

(B) divergent

(C) modest

(D) adverse

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(B) divergent

Question 43: Both the tiger and the leopard are cats; the former animal is much larger than the ________. (late)

(A) latter

(B) later

(C) letar

(D) letter

Question 44: Choose the correct possessive and fill in the blank:

”Do you know ________ mother ?”

(A) Sanjays’

(B) Sanjay

(C) Sanjay’

(D) Sanjay’s

Question 45: Fill in the blank.

The ________ to the estate was a mere child.

(A) Hair

(B) Hare

(C) Heir

(D) Here

Question 46: ‘The pan was scalding hot.’ – In the given sentence scalding is ________ .

(A) punctuation

(B) adverb of degree

(C) adverb of certainty

(D) pronoun

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(B) adverb of degree

Question 47: ‘Why are you standing in the queue?’-Find the present continuous verb.

(A) queue

(B) why are you

(C) standing

(D) you standing

Question 48: Choose the correct possessive and fill in the blank.

(A) children park

(B) children’s park

(C) childrens park

(D) None of these

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(B) children’s park

Question 49: The police are ________ with enforcement of law and order.

(A) ensured

(B) responsible

(C) entrusted

(D) necessary

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(C) entrusted

Question 50: I was hoping to ________ my phone but the store said I would need to replace it.

(A) order

(B) repair

(C) reorder

(D) return

  • English ESL Worksheets
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  • Word formation
  • Word formation

Worksheet details

worksheet summary

A multiple choice exercise with the word formation.

Language goals


Vocabulary practice

Grammar topic

Other pedagogical goals


The above lesson is a great teaching resource for:Pre-intermediate (A2), Intermediate (B1)

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This resource is intended for:High schoolers


High schoolers


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This resource does not contain any images, words or ideas that would upset a reasonable person in any culture.

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This resource is licensed by Mirita1959 under the iSLCollective Copyright License.

Published 12/08/2014

Mirita1959 is from/lives in Portugal and has been a member of iSLCollective since 2012-04-12. Mirita1959 last logged in on 2023-03-23, and has shared 134 resources on iSLCollective so far.


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Question: 1

Select the combination of numbers so that letters arranged accordingly will form a meaningful word.

1 2 3 4 5 6

(A) 3  2  5  4  6  1

(B) 4  2  3  5  6  1

(C) 4  2  3  6  5  1

(D) 3  2  4  5  6  1

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Ans: C


Question: 2

Select the combination of numbers so that letters arranged accordingly will form a meaningful word.

1 2 3 4 5 6

(A) 1  4  3  6  2  5

(B) 6  4  3  5  2  1

(C) 3  5  2  4  6  1

(D) 5  4  3  2  6  1

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Ans: C


Question: 3

Select the combination of numbers so that letters arranged accordingly will form a meaningful word.

1 2 3 4 5 6

(A) 4  5  2  3  1  6

(B) 6  3  4  5  2  1

(C) 3  2  4  5  1  6

(D) 2  3  1  6  4  5

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Ans: A


Question: 4

Select the combination of numbers so that letters arranged accordingly will form a meaningful word.

1 2 3 4 5 6

(A) 1  3  2  6  4  5

(B) 3  2  4  6  1  5

(C) 4  3  2  5  1  6

(D) 4  6  5  2  3  1

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Ans: C


Question: 5

Select the combination of numbers so that letters arranged accordingly will form a meaningful word.

1 2 3 4 5

(A) 3  2  4  5  1

(B) 5  3  4  1  2

(C) 1  5  4  2  3

(D) 4  5  3  2  1

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Ans: A


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