Word formation in english activities

Word formation is of crucial importance in language learning. It gives a chance to enrich the vocabulary with the help of already-known roots and words. In this article, we will discuss affixation (adding suffixes and prefixes to the root) as a great word formation tool.

1. It is important for learners to know how to form nouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs. If the teacher intends to devote the lesson to noun formation suffixes, he/she may prepare a poster activity with a chart of different noun formation suffixes.

word formation Skyteach

Learners are given a pack of verbs and they need to classify these verbs according to the appropriate noun formation suffIx (e.g. move, friend, revise, appear). This is a very useful activity since the learners work in groups and they come up with the forms rather than being provided with them. See an example of the chart below.

The same activity can be applied while teaching adjective or verb formation suffixes or prefixes.

2. A maze, aimed at recapping suffixes and prefixes, is a great revision activity of word formation. Students try to exit the maze looking for words which follow the same word formation rules. The task might be the following:

  • find the right path choosing adjectives whose opposites start with the prefix in-.
  • find adjectives which form nouns by adding ance/ ity, etc
  • find the words with the correct word formation.

Students are timed and it adds extra competition spirit into the activity.
See an example of the maze activity here.

3. 3. The teacher prepares two sets of word card: prefixes/suffixes and words that fit the chosen prefixes/suffixes to create new words. Students select one card from the Words pile and try to match it with the appropriate prefix /suffix to make a new word, note the new word down, put the Words card aside, and continue until they have no Words cards left. They can play individually/in pairs, in groups, against the clock or against each other to make as many correct words as possible.

The example provided here is targeted at revising noun suffixes -ment, -tion, and -sion.

Parts of Speech Bingo is an old but a tried-and-tested way of not only teaching but also revising word formation. Teacher selects words he/she intends the students to revise and prepares bingo cards. The game can be played either in this way when learners call out names of parts of speech (noun, verb, adjective, adverb), students cross out one word at a time (even if they have several nouns on their bingo card) or read out a sentence with a gap. Students who have the fitting word say it out loud and cross it out.

5. Students stand/sit in a circle, you (or any other student) select a category (word building suffix or prefix), students pass the ball around saying the words without repeating them and you monitor whether they are correct. The first person to say the wrong word/not say anything at all is eliminated (leaves the circle). The game goes on until there are two players left. Change suffixes/prefixes for each new round. It is a super engaging game and helps the learners dig deep to find a word which fits the category.

All these games are nice tools to help learners memorize word formation affixes. In order to reinforce the material, learners may be asked to come up with sentences where they need to use some of the given words, make up stories, ask questions to their partners. In this way, the knowledge of these words seems more purposeful to them and they enjoy this great way of expanding their vocabulary.

10000+ results for ‘word formation’

OGE/EGE Word formation

OGE/EGE Word formation
Missing word

by Ma1204

9-й класс
10-й класс
11 класс
Средняя школа
Word formation

 body language word formation

body language word formation
Random wheel

by Alnikat

word formation RNE


Group sort

by Puchkovadn90


verbs and adverbs

verbs and adverbs
Group sort

by Ulyana4

word formation

Word formation nouns & adjectives _ 2

Word formation nouns & adjectives _ 2
Group sort

by Tanya2

Word Formation
word formation adjectives nouns

adverbs oge

adverbs oge
Match up

by Fireflyeltresources



Match up

by Fireflyeltresources


-tion -sion nouns oge

-tion -sion nouns oge
Match up

by Fireflyeltresources


-less -able/ible adjectives oge

-less -able/ible adjectives oge

by Fireflyeltresources


Gateway B1, Unit 1. Suffixes -ment,-ion, -ence

Gateway B1, Unit 1. Suffixes -ment,-ion, -ence

by Volginaksenia

Gateway B1
word formation

Negative prefixes

Negative prefixes
Group sort

by Annieg

word formation

GW B1 Noun suffixes -ness,-ship,-dom

GW B1 Noun suffixes -ness,-ship,-dom
Group sort

by Ma1204

Gateway B1
Word formation

-ic -ly -ed -ian -ous -ish -ent adjectives oge

-ic -ly -ed -ian -ous -ish -ent adjectives oge
Match up

by Fireflyeltresources


dis- im- inter- un- oge

dis- im- inter- un- oge

by Fireflyeltresources


-al adjectives oge

-al adjectives oge

by Fireflyeltresources


-ship -ness nouns oge

-ship -ness nouns oge

by Fireflyeltresources


-y adjectives oge

-y adjectives oge
Find the match

by Fireflyeltresources


Gateway B1 Unit 1

Gateway B1 Unit 1

by Lizamoskvich

word formation

-ance/-ence -ing -ity nouns oge

-ance/-ence -ing -ity nouns oge
Find the match

by Fireflyeltresources


B2 negative pref

B2 negative pref
Group sort

by Krtek

word formation

-ment nouns oge

-ment nouns oge

by Fireflyeltresources


-ful adjectives oge

-ful adjectives oge

by Fireflyeltresources



Random cards

by Yavno

Word formation

Gateway B1, Unit 1. Developing vocabulary (-ion, -ence, -ment, -er, -or, -ist)

Gateway B1, Unit 1. Developing vocabulary (-ion, -ence, -ment, -er, -or, -ist)

by Volginaksenia

Gateway B1
word formation

-ing -ive adjectives oge

-ing -ive adjectives oge
Matching pairs

by Fireflyeltresources


-ist -an -or nouns oge

-ist -an -or nouns oge

by Fireflyeltresources


Nouns made from verbs

Nouns made from verbs
Match up

by Maxromano

word formation

огэ макмиллан u3 word formation

огэ макмиллан u3 word formation
Missing word

by Truthisoutthere

word formation

Negative adjectives

Negative adjectives

by Alnikat

word formation RNE

ОГЭ 26-31

ОГЭ 26-31
Missing word

by Puchkovadn90


Compound nouns health and medicine/body parts

Compound nouns health and medicine/body parts

by Lizamoskvich

word formation
Gateway B1


Match up

by Alnikat

word formation RNE

Word formation er or

Word formation er or
Group sort

by Elenkaby4kova

Motivate 2
word formation

FF6 unit 2 dis- in-

FF6 unit 2 dis- in-
Match up

by Maiborodaed

word formation

FF6 unit 3 word formation

FF6 unit 3 word formation
Match up

by Maiborodaed

word formation

-inter word formation

-inter word formation
Match up

by Maiborodaed

9-й класс
word formation

Optimise B1 Word Formation NOUN (U5)

Optimise B1 Word Formation NOUN (U5)
Open the box

by Zhavoronka

7-й класс
Word formation
Optimise B1

word formation -un

word formation -un
Match up

by Maiborodaed

9-й класс
word formation


Group sort

by Puchkovadn90


Word formation EGE

Word formation EGE
Missing word

by Kaily96


Word Formation

Word Formation
Missing word

by Innatsareva75

Word families (suffixes) - Solutions Interm 3ed unit 3E

Word families (suffixes) — Solutions Interm 3ed unit 3E
Group sort

by Ggopchenko

Solutions Intermediate 3ed
word formation

U3 Gateway B1 Neg Adj Prefixes Un- in- im- ir- il-

U3 Gateway B1 Neg Adj Prefixes Un- in- im- ir- il-

by Tatimrs

Gateway B1
Negative prefixes
word formation

Macmillan grammar & vocabulary u2 word formation

Macmillan grammar & vocabulary u2 word formation

by Truthisoutthere

9-й класс
11 класс
word formation

Word formation

Word formation
Missing word

by Myenglishforever2007

Gateway B1+ adjectives (unit 9)

Gateway B1+ adjectives (unit 9)

by Zhuravlevaelena

Gateway B1 plus
Word formation


Group sort

by Puchkovadn90


WF огэ макмиллан fun&games

WF огэ макмиллан fun&games

by Truthisoutthere

word formation

Word formation

Word formation
Group sort

by Maiborodaed

word formation
Верещагина 4

Word formation

Word formation
Group sort

by Grmteacher

Spotlight 7

Word formation

Word formation

by Burutinairina

word formation

word formation

by Miroevskaiamari

word formation

word formation

by English7

word formation

word formation
Random wheel

by Ezhugina

Word formation

Word formation
Flash cards

by Ukos2746


word formation

word formation
Group sort

by Pakhnolena1974


Group sort

by Puchkovadn90


U3 Gateway B1 Neg Adj Prefixes Un- in- im- ir- il-

U3 Gateway B1 Neg Adj Prefixes Un- in- im- ir- il-

by Tatimrs

Gateway B1
Negative prefixes
word formation

Word formation

Word formation
Missing word

by Kaily96


U3 Gateway B1 Negative prefixes un-,in-,im-,ir-,il-, dis-, non-

U3 Gateway B1 Negative prefixes un-,in-,im-,ir-,il-, dis-, non-
Group sort

by Tatimrs

Gateway B1
Negative prefixes
word formation

Word formation is probably the easiest part of Cambridge exams to gamify (from the root word GAME of course). Use any of these word formation games as a quick intro or filler for your classes. Most of them require little to no preparation so you can keep them in your bag of TEFL tricks for a rainy day.

word formation games

Word Formation Flash Cards

Whenever I do a word formation activity in class or review a practice exam, I add cards to my Quizlet sets. These flash cards can be shared with your students or used in class for revision.

Here are the links to my Quizlet sets. Feel free to use them or copy them.

First (FCE) Word Formation Flash Cards – Quizlet

Advanced (CAE) Word Formation Flash Cards – Quizlet

Quizlet lets you print out the cards too and then you can use them for a variety of different word formation games. Here are a few that I recommend.


Split your class into teams of 2-3 and have them sit in a circle. Students have 30 seconds to describe as many words with their affixes (e.g. happiness) as possible to their partner(s) . They are not allowed to use any of the forms of the word in their description. If they use any, the other teams can buzz them and their turn ends.

Climb the ladder

Students line up 5-10 cards in a vertical line on their desk. They have to name all the possible forms for the root word. If they are correct, they climb the ladder to the next card. If they are wrong they fall all the way down the ladder and have to start over from the first card. This forces students to see multiple forms over and over again which helps retention.


Students lay out 12-20 cards in a square on their desks with the root word facing up. They turn over one card to see its affixes. They then have to choose another card which shares one of the same affixes.

If they are correct, they keep the cards as points. If they are wrong, they turn them back over in the same place and play passes to the next student. This can be good to use with words that your students might not know yet as it teaches them the affixes also.

word formation board game

Do you have any other games you like to play with flash cards to practise word formation? Let us know in the comments!

Word formation board games can be found all over the internet, including on this website. Here are the links to my word formation board games which include a make-your-own version.

First (FCE) Word Formation Board Game

Advanced (CAE) Word Formation Board Game

Word Formation Dice Race

This is a good one for those of you who like zero planning minimal materials activities. Put a 2×3 grid on the board with the numbers 1-6 in each box. Then add a root word to each box and at least 6 more outside the grid.

Students or pairs take turns to roll a dice and they have 30 seconds to think of as many words with that root as possible. They get one point for each correct word. Then the team with the most points in that round gets to replace the used root word with another one from outside the grid. Rinse and repeat.

It’s amazing how much students love rolling dice!

Word Formation Tennis

If anything is more fun than dice, it’s throwing a ball around the classroom.

For this word formation game, get your students into two teams and have them stand on opposite sides of the classroom. You give them either a root word or a suffix and they have to name a word and pass the ball to the other team.

No repeats, no invented words and a 3 second time limit to keep the game moving fast. Scoring goes like tennis, so 15-30-40-(Advantage)-Game.

word formation ball game

Word Formation Board Race

A TEFL classic, the board race can be well adapted into a word formation game.

Split your class into two or three teams and get them to line up in single file in front of the board. Draw a line down the middle of the board and give each team a marker. For each round, put either a root word or affix at the top of the board and the students take turns to write as many words as possible in the form of a relay race. Give a time limit of 1 minute to increase the pressure.

Teams get a point for each word. Any misspelled or illegible words don’t count.

Word Formation Stop the Bus

Another adaptable TEFL classic. Stop the Bus require a pen and paper. Students work either individually or in pairs.

Normally Stop the Bus is played with categories, but for this version instead of writing categories in the columns at the top, write a suffix (prefixes won’t work here). Students then work as fast as they can to think of a word with that suffix that starts with the letter you provide. The first team to complete all the columns shouts STOP THE BUS and everyone stops.

Score 10 points for an original word and 5 points if its repeated by another team. No points for incorrect spelling!

stop the bus

PDFs and teaching ideas on affixes (prefixes and suffixes), changing verbs to nouns, etc. If you like anything here and want more, please support TEFLtastic.

Teaching word formation articles

7 word formation games – LINK UPDATED

FCE Use of English Part Three word formation teaching tips

Index pages in this section

Prefixes games/ worksheets

Photocopiable word formation classroom activities

Describing processes word formation (in this bargain e-book)

Word formation spelling rules for IELTS Academic Writing (in this very cheap e-book)

CPE Use of English Part Three word formation hangman

Suffixes for describing people subject questions quiz (-er, -or, -ee, -ant, -ist, etc)

Word formation list dictation game

Adverbs in CPE Use of English Part Three game

Prefixes with opposite meanings jigsaw

Negative prefixes jigsaws (with CPE and academic vocabulary versions and presentation stage)

Character words with negative prefixes games (jigsaw and speaking)

Word formation reversi memory game

Prefixes with opposite meanings discussion and presentation

Affixes with opposite meanings reversi game

CPE word formation brainstorming game

Key words in business writing Word formation games

Academic Word List word formation challenge game

Cambridge First Certificate word formation challenge game

Weather and adverbs of frequency speaking game (with weather vocabulary word formation)

Food vocabulary word formation challenge game

Meanings of affixes

Word formation discussion questions

Word formation Compare your weeks

Ranking things that make people feel good and bad Word formation

Word formation Call my bluff (students can then go on to set each other similar challenges)

Academic Word List vocabulary with negative prefixes

Word formation extended speaking

Word formation and responding sympathetically

Education vocabulary word formation

Use of English Part Three practice of speculating language (linking speaking and Use of English)

Use of English Part Three word formation practice of comparing and contrasting for Speaking Part Two (ditto)

Related pages

FCE Use of English Part Three word formation games/ worksheets

CPE Use of English page (including Part Three on word formation)

Updated 31 August 2022

Fun classroom activities for prefixes and suffixes, especially useful for FCE, CAE and other exam classes.

Word formation is the addition of affixes like -ly and semi- to make longer words and different kinds of speech. Although it is often included in EFL exams and higher-level textbooks, it still probably gets just a few percent of the attention of lists of similar vocabulary, let alone tenses. Perhaps one reason for that is the lack of fun things you can do with it, something that this article seeks to start redressing.

Word formation brainstorming races

Give students a couple of minutes to brainstorm words with a single affix, e.g. il- or –ity. If it isn’t a prefix, you could also give them an additional two minutes with a (paper) dictionary to try to add to their answers. Then give them a big list of such words to compare their answers to (something which you can easily make by searching the internet for lists of words “beginning with…” or “ending with…” then editing the lists down). If there are patterns in those words (e.g. im- usually being with words beginning in P or M), see if they can work them out for themselves, perhaps with some good examples highlighted to help them.

There are also ways of making this more competitive, e.g. as Board Race or with different groups brainstorming different things and correcting each other (losing points if their corrections didn’t turn out to be correct).

Word formation list dictation

This is kind of the opposite of the game above. Read out a list of words which have something in common, e.g. words which take –en to make verbs (broad, wide, length, etc). Students listen to the list until they work out the missing affix, with five points for a correct guess, minus one point for a guess which isn’t true about those words, and no points for a guess which is also true but isn’t what the teacher is thinking of. They can then do the same thing with a version of the worksheet that the teacher is reading from with the answers taken out, check their answers, and test each other in groups. They could also use dictionaries or the internet to make similar lists to test other groups with.

A variation is to read a list of words that already have affixes on them in which all the affixes have the same meaning, e.g. –ship for relationships, asking students to guess the meaning of the affix for that list of words.

Word formation snap/pelmanism

This is a livelier game for practising several similar ways of forming words, e.g. un-, il-, ir- and im- for opposites or –ment, -ness and –ity for nouns. Prepare a pack of cards without those affixes. With the usual rules of Snap or Pelmanism, students have to try to get cards by finding pairs which match by the affix that could be added to them.

Word formation sentence halves matching pairwork

Find or create some sentences that include the affixes that you are practising. Split the sentences at the affix, e.g. “A sense of wonder” “ment is essential in a great artist”. As in this example, the sentence halves should be matchable by both the affix and the meaning. Give the sentences halves to different students and ask them to match them without showing them to each other (i.e. just speaking and listening). They should try to do so just with the split words first, then use the whole sentence to check their answers. There are several ways of organising this. The easiest is to give pairs of students Student A and Student B worksheets with the sentence halves in mixed up order, asking them to match sentence starter 1 with sentence ending J etc. It can also be organised as a mingling activity with single cut up sentence halves, with students coming up to the teacher for more when they think they have found matches.

Word formation jigsaw text

This is like an extended version of the task above. Cut up a whole text before suffixes and after prefixes, e.g. “The plan was completely il” “conceived and badly planned but somehow the original” “ity of how it was carried out made some kind of crazy sense and…” Students work together to put the text back together from logical and word formation clues. It might also be possible to design this as an oral task.

Word formation Call My Bluff

Students find examples of real word formation in a dictionary and make up two or three wrong alternatives, e.g. “punishment”, “punishness” and “punishation”. They read them out to another group, seeing if they can fool them about which one is the real one.

Something similar can also be done with written exercises such as FCE Use of English word formation ones. Students fill the gaps with a mix of the real and wrong answers and other groups see if they can spot which is which.

Word formation sentence transformations

The keyword sentence transformation exercises in FCE Use of English can also be used for word formation, e.g. by giving them “I was happily playing in the sandpit when the snake appeared – happy” for them to make “Playing in the sandpit was making me happy when the snake appeared”. Games with this include memory games like Grammar Reversi and challenging them to use as many different forms of the underlined word as they can to express exactly the same meaning as the original sentence.

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