Word formation from given letters

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Make a Word With the Given Letters

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Letters Input Field


according to the pattern


? — any letter

* — consonants

_ — vowels

To complement with



Result by random parameters

Language: en >

Construct according to the pattern >



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Builds words from the given letters («scrabble» — «laser», «barbel»), unscrambles words.

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— «a rag man»).

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— tread — trend»).

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In word formation, a word is given in question and we have to choose that word from the given options, which can or cannot be formed from the letters of the given word.

Sometimes, a set of English letters is given in a jumbled order and the candidates are asked to arrange them in a meaningful order.
In some situations, we are asked to choose particular letters from a word and arrange them to form a meaningful word.

Types of Questions

There are three types of questions based on the word formation which are generally asked in various competitive examinations.

Type #1:
 Word Formation Using Letters from a Given Word

In this type of questions, a word has been given, followed by four other words. The candidate has to identify the word which can or cannot be formed by using the letters of main word.

Directions (Example Nos. 1-2) In the following questions, select the word from the given alternative which cannot be formed using the letters of the given word.

Example: 1   CHARACTER

(a) TRACER              (b) CHARTER

(c) HEARTY              (d) CRATE

Solutions (c) By using the letters of the given word, HEARTY can’t be formed because in the given word, letter Y is absent.


(a) RATION               (b) MINISTER

(c) MIND                   (d) STATION

Solutions  (b) By using the letters of the given word, MINISTER can’t be formed because in the given word, letter E is absent.

Directions (Example Nos. 3-4) In each of the following question, a word has been given, followed by four other words, one of which can be formed by using the letters of the given word. Find that word.

Example: 3    DEMOCRACY

(a) SECRECY               (b) MICRO

(c) MARCY                  (d) DEMON

Solutions (c) MARCY — All the letters of this word are present in the main word.

Hence, ‘MARCY’ can be formed from the letters of the given word ‘DEMOCRACY’.

Example: 4     COMPENSATION

(a) TINY                       (b) COPY

(c) MENTION                (d) MOTIVE

Solutions (c) MENTION — All the letters of the word are present in the main word. Hence, ‘MENTION’ can be formed from the letters of the given word ‘COMPENSATION’.

Type #2:
 Forming Word with Selected Letters of Given Word

In this type of questions, a word has been given and the candidate is required to make new meaningful words using letters at different positions like 1st, 2nd, 5th, 8th etc of the given word.

Example: 5 If it is possible to make only one meaningful word from the 3rd, the 6th, the 9th and the 10th letters of the word ‘PARENTHESIS’ using each letter only once, last letter of the word is your answer. If no such word can be formed, your answer is ‘X’ and if more than one such word can be formed, your answer Y.

(a) R                            (b) T

(c) X                            (d) Y

Solutions (a) 


Since, 3rd, 6th, 9th and 10th letters are R, T, S and I respectively. Hence, only one meaningful word STIR can be formed. last letter of this word is R, so correct option is (a).

Example: 6  If it is possible to make a meaningful word ‘INTERPRETATION’, then which of the following will be the third letter of that word? If more than one such word can be made, then give ‘M’ as the answer and if no such word can be formed, then give ‘X’ as the answer.

(a) T                    (b) R

(c) M                   (d) X

Solutions  (c) 


Since, 1st, 4th, 7th and 11th letters are I, E, R and T respectively. Hence, three meaningful words RITE, TIRE and TIER can be formed. Since, more than one words are formed from the given letters, so answer is M.

Type #3:
 Forming Meaningful Words Using Given Letters

In this type of questions, a word has been given and the candidates are required to form as many meaningful English words as possible from the given word, using each letter only once in each word.

Example: 7 How many meaningful English words can be formed by using letters of the word ‘ALEP’?

(a) One                            (b) Two

(c) Three                         (d) More than three

Solutions (c) Such meaningful words are ‘PEAL’, ‘LEAP’ and ‘PALE’.

Example: 8  How many meaningful English words can be made with the letters IFEL, using each letter only once in each word?.

(a) None                    (b) One

(c) Two                      (d) Three

Solutions  (c) Such meaningful words are ‘FILE’ and ‘LIFE’.

Type #4:
 Word Formation by Unscrambling Letters

In this type of questions, a set of English letters is given in a jumbled order. The candidate is required ton arrange these letters to form a meaningful word.


Always try to place the letters according to the numbers provided in options rather than doing it on the basis of your vocabulary knowledge

Example: 9  Select the combination of numbers that forms a meaningful word.

(a) 2, 7, 8, 6, 4, 3, 1, 5       (b) 4, 7, 5, 2, 6, 8, 1, 3

(c) 7, 1, 8, 5, 6, 2, 4, 3       (d) 5, 3, 7, 1, 6, 4, 8, 2

Solutions (d) 

Clearly, the given letters, when arranged in the order of ‘5, 3, 7, 1, 6, 4, 8, 2,’ from the word ‘COMPLAIN’.

Example: 10  Rearrange the letters A, R, T, Y and D to form a meaningful word and select from the given alternatives, the word which is almost opposite in meaning to the word so formed.

(a) Dirty                     (b) Quiet

(c) Quick                    (d) Queek

Solutions  (c) The word that can be formed by rearranging the given letters is ‘Tardy’ which means ‘Sluggish’ and opposite of this word is ‘Quick’.

Type #5:
 Formation of Meaningful word by adding letters/words in the given word(s)

In this type of questions, some words are given and the candidate has to either suffix or prefix same letter in each of the given words to make new meaningful words.

It also includes questions based on forming two meaningful words by inserting a word in between the given word.

Example: 11 Given below are some group of letters. Which of the options can be joined at the end of these letters to make them meaningful words?


(a) A                            (b) D

(c) B                            (d) K

Solutions (b) Letter D is suffixed to the given words





Example: 12  Which single letter can be prefixed to the following words to form entirely new words?

(a) H                    (b) S

(c) B                    (d) C

Solutions  (B) Letter S is prefixed to the given words






Example: 13 Choose the middle words.

(a) ORED                   (b) AGE

(c) ICK                       (d) OR

Solutions  (d) MIRR (OR) ANCE.

The two words formed are MIRROR and ORANGE.

LearnFrenzy provides you lots of fully solved «Word Formation» Questions and Answers with explanation.


Word formation is a process of utilizing your intellectual knowledge to form a meaningful word from a given series of jumbled letters. numbered You should have strong vocabulary knowledge to solve these types of questions. Unless you are not good at judging the write spelling of a word, situation may become difficult for you with a rise in complexity of the questions. To understand the basic of this type of question, let’s start with a simple example.

Sample Example

Consider the following jumbled letters


Rearrange them in such a manner that it will indicate a name of a fruit and mark the first letter of the word as your answer from the following options.

A — A

B — P

C — E

D — G

Answer − Option D

Explanation − Here a careful reading of the question will show that the examiner is asking us to design a word that will indicate the name of a fruit. Now with a hit and trial method and with correct logical approach, we can get to know that the word is “GRAPE”, the first letter of which is G. Hence; our answer will be option D.

Now, you must be wondering that how can one arrive at correct word so suddenly? Well, as we have told before, this is completely your test upon verbal knowledge and it will take a lot of practise to know the methods by yourself to arrive at the correct word quickly. Let’s now discuss some different types of questions that may arise under this category.

Different Types

Though the process involves the same; judging the right word from the given jumbled letters, yet, we must be aware with other different types of possible variations that are asked in this sections. Let’s discuss some of them.


Sometimes jumbled letters are given followed by some numbers. In the options, there will be four possible structures of numbers. One of them will indicate a meaningful word. You have to choose that option as your answer. Let’s take an example.


Consider the following arrangement of letters with their respective numbers. Choose the best option the structure of which describes a meaningful word.


1 2 3 4 5 6

A — 612534

B — 623154

C — 234561

D — 123456

Answer − Option A

Explanation − We can clearly see that only the structures of numbers given in option A gives rise to a meaningful word.

Type –II

In this type, whole series of alphabets will be given in a series of two rows. Some statements will be given that will direct the student to choose letters from that series and design a meaningful word out of that. Let’s take an example to understand it.


Consider the following arrangement −



Take the middle and left most 1st letter of the 1st row. Similarly take the middle and 2nd letter from the left end of the 2nd row. Form a word that will indicate the category of an animal. Mark the first letter of that word as your answer.

A — G

B — A

C — M

D — P

Answer − Option A

Explanation − In the first series that is present from A-M, the left most 1st letter is A and the in the series of 13 letters, the middle letter is G. Similarly in the 2nd row, the middle letter is T and the 2nd left side letter is O.

Now as we have got the letters, we have to design a word that indicates the name of an animal. With possible structures of letters, we can arrive at the word GOAT. Now here the first letter is G and hence; option A is our answer.


In this type of category, we will discuss about those cases in which the answer will be asked in terms of “X”, where X may be the first or last letter of the formulated word or may be something else as directed by the questioner. Let’s take an example to understand it in a better way.


Rearrange the following jumbled letters ”NKEAS” to get a meaningful word that will indicate the name of an animal and the first letter of that word will be X. Mark the correct option that describes X well.

A — A

B — K

C — S

D — None of these

Answer − Option C

Explanation − The correct arrangement will lead to the word “Snake” and its first letter is X. Hence; the value of X will be S i.e. Option C.


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Yes, you can play Pictionary game by using our Word Generator tool. Without game boards or cards, you can generate Pictionary words to play with your family and friends.

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Yes, word generators are very useful for scholastic purposes. Students can learn new words along with the meanings to skill their vocabulary.

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Yes, our online free Word Generator tool gives you precise and accurate results instantly. Just visit our site https://wordswithletters.org to get a great experience.

Can I create new words from the Word Generator tool?

Yes, you can create new words from our Word Generator tool by rearranging the letters of existing words in all the combinations and check if the word is valid or not.

What does the Word Generator tool do?

Our Word Generator tool automatically generates meaningful words from the letters that our user enters.

How to use the Word Generator tool?

Using our Word Generator tool is very simple. All you have to do is enter the letters you want to make words out of. You can enter up to 15 letters at a time. Next, select the type of dictionary you want to use for the words to be generated- the options available are «Dictionary», TWL06(US, Canada, Thailand), SOWPODS(the UK and others), and Enable(Words with Friends). You can then enable the Advanced filters option. Then click on the search button, which is the magnifying glass. And voila! Our tool will generate the maximum possible number of words from the entered letters for you.

How many letters can I enter for the tool to make words out of letters?

You can enter up to 15 letters in our Word Generator tool to make words out of random letters.

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No, our tool is completely free to use. You don’t have to pay us to use the tool.

Why do I need to generate words?

Our Word Generator Tool helps you during playing competitive word games like Scrabbler, Anagram Solver, Wordle, or to prepare a Word list. This tool also helps to create scramble words or to unscramble random words.

Can this tool help with word games like Wordle and Scrabble?

Yes absolutely. If you need any help while playing word games like Scrabble and Wordle, our Word Generator tool will help you in making words with highest scoring points.

Can I solve jumbled words with the help of this tool?

Definitely, our tool will help you to solve the jumbled words easily. All you need to do is enter the letters as per requirement and specify the word length, instantly our tool will provide you with all the possible words.

What are the different dictionary options available?

In this tool, you can select the type of dictionary you want to use for the words to be generated- the options available are «Dictionary», TWL06(US, Canada, Thailand), SOWPODS(UK and others), and Enable(Words with Friends).

How can I use the advanced filters?

The advanced filters in our tool includes the option for you to specify which letters the result words must start or end with, which letters the words must contain, which letters you would like the tool to exclude, and what the desired word length is. All you need to do is just click on the advanced filters button and input the data as you desire.

Can I specify word length in Word Generator Tool?

Yes, you can specify word length of your choice using the advanced filters available in this tool.

Can I exclude certain alphabets while making words?

Yes, you can exclude certain alphabets while making specific words using the advanced filters section.

Can I specify compulsory letters to Word Generator?

Yes, you can specify the letters of your choice while making words in Word Generator using advanced filters.

Can I specify which letter the words should begin or end with?

Yes, you can use the advanced filters section of our tool to specify which letters you want your words to begin as well as end with.

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Yes, it is safe to use our Word Generator tool as it doesn’t save your personal data. There is no need of downloading or sign up to use this tool. It is a hassle-free tool without any harmful links.

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As our online Word Generator tool is free, there might be a few ads pop up while using this tool without disturbing the quality of results.

Will the Random Word Generator tool save my data to the server?

Our online free Random Word Generator tool does not save any of your personal data as we value user privacy.

How much time does it need to make the words with letters?

It takes just a few seconds for our free Word Generator to do its job. It swiftly creates words from specified letters. The results are fast and a 100% accurate.

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No sign up or log in is required to use our Word Generator. You can just visit our website for free without any prompts of downloading.

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Yes. Our free word generating feature works on all platforms. You can access our site from your mobile phones. Simply type in the letters of your choice from your phone and our tool will provide you with the best possible results.

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Yes, our Word Generator tool and all other tools support both Android and iOS platforms.

Does the Word Generator work on desktops and laptops?

Yes. Our online Word Generator supports all platforms. You can use this free tool from your desktop as well as your laptop. Just enter up to 15 random letters to generate words of your choice using advanced filters and also learn meanings with the help of the dictionaries available.

Which Windows versions does the Word Generator tool support?

Our Word Generator feature is completely web based and supports cross platform which means that our tool supports all versions of Windows.

What are possible words making from letters ‘PLAYING’?

All the possible words making from letters ‘PLAYING’ are as follows playing, gainly, laying, paling, paying, plying, algin, align, aping, gaily, inlay, lapin, liang, ligan, linga, lingy, lying, plain, agin, agly, anil, ayin, gain, gapy, glia, inly, lain, lang, ling, liny, lipa, nail, nipa, pail, pain, paly, pang, pial, pian, pily, pina, ping, piny, plan, play, pyin, yagi, yang, ail, ain, alp, ani, any, gal, gan, gap, gay, gin, gip, gyp, lag, lap, lay, lin, lip, nag, nap, nay, nil, nip, pal, pan, pay, pia, pig, pin, ply, pya, yag, yap, yin, yip, ag, ai, al, an, ay, gi, in, la, li, na, pa, pi, and ya

What are possible word generators from the letters ‘AGENCY’?

All the possible letter to word generators using the letter AGENCY are as follows agency, cagey, acne, cage, cagy, cane, cyan, gaen, gane, yang, yean, ace, age, ane, any, aye, can, cay, eng, gae, gan, gay, gen, gey, nae, nag, nay, yag, yea, yen, ae, ag, an, ay, en, na, ne, ya, ye.

What are all the 5 letter word generator from the letters BLUETOOTH?

All the 5 letter words that can be generated from these letters BLUETOOTH are as follows bhoot, bluet, booth, botel, boule, buteo, butle, butte, helot, hotel, lotte, lotto, obole, thole, tooth

What are all the 5 letter word generator from the letters BEDSIDE?

All the 5 letter words that can be generated from the letters BEDSIDE are as follows bided, bides, deeds, sided

What are all the four letter word generator with the letters LYING?

All the four letter words that can be generated with the letters LYING are as follows inly, ling, liny

What are all the 4 letter word generator with the letters TABLETOP?

All the 4 letter words that can be generated with the letters TABLETOP are as follows abet, able, aloe, alto, atop, bale, bate, batt, beat, belt, beta, blae, blat, blet, blot, boat, bola, bole, bolt, bota, bott, late, leap, lept, lobe, lope, lota, olea, opal, pale, pate, peal, peat, pelt, plat, plea, pleb, plot, poet, pole, tael, tale, tape, tate, teal, teat, tela, tepa, toea, tola, tole, tope, tote

What will be the word generator with letters NEGATIVE?

If you are looking for a word generator then you are at the right place. In this case all the letters that can be created using the letters NEGATIVE are as follows agentive, negative, naivete, ventage, vintage, avenge, eating, geneva, ingate, native, negate, teeing, teniae, agene, agent, eaten, enate, entia, event, evite, ganev, genet, genie, giant, given, naevi, naive, nieve, tenia, tinea, tinge, veena, vegan, vegie, venae, venge, vitae, agee, agin, ante, anti, eave, etna, even, gaen, gain, gait, gane, gate, gave, gene, gent, geta, gien, gite, give, gnat, nave, neat, neve, nevi, nite, tain, tang, teen, tine, ting, vagi, vain, vane, vang, vein, vena, vent, viga, vina, vine, vita, age, ain, ait, ane, ani, ant, ate, ave, eat, eng, eta, eve, gae, gan, gat, gee, gen, get, gie, gin, git, nae, nag, nee, net, nit, tae, tag, tan, tav, tea, tee, teg, ten, tie, tin, van, vat, vee, veg, vet, via, vie, vig, ae, ag, ai, an, at, en, et, gi, in, it, na, ne, ta, ti

What will be the word generator with letters POSITIVE?

If you are looking for a word generator then you are at the right place. In this case all the letters that can be created using the letters POSITIVE are as follows positive, pities, pivots, potsie, sopite, soviet, estop, ivies, pesto, piste, pivot, poets, poise, posit, spite, stipe, stope, stove, tipis, topes, topis, visit, votes, epos, opes, opts, peso, pest, pets, pies, piso, pits, poet, pois, pose, post, pots, sept, sipe, site, spit, spiv, spot, step, stop, ties, tipi, tips, toes, tope, topi, tops, vest, veto, vets, vies, vise, voes, vote, its, oes, ope, ops, opt, ose, pes, pet, pie, pis, pit, poi, pot, psi, sei, set, sip, sit, sop, sot, tie, tip, tis, toe, top, vet, vie, vis, voe, es, et, is, it, oe, oi, op, os, pe, pi, si, so, ti, to

What are the word generator using letters ‘FALLOUT’?

All the words that can be generated using the letters FALLOUT are as follows fallout, outfall, afoul, allot, aloft, atoll, fault, float, flota, flout, alto, auto, fall, flat, foal, foul, full, latu, loaf, loft, lota, lout, olla, tall, tofu, tola, toll, tolu, tufa, aft, all, alt, fat, flu, fou, lat, lot, oaf, oat, oft, out, tao, tau, uta, al, at, fa, la, lo, of, ta, to, and ut.

What will be the word generator using the letters ‘GLOWING’?

All the words that can be generated using the letters GLOWING are as follows glowing, lowing, ogling, going, lingo, owing, glow, gong, gown, ling, lino, lion, loin, long, lown, nogg, noil, wing, wino, gig, gin, igg, ion, lin, log, low, nil, nog, now, oil, owl, own, wig, win, won, gi, go, in, li, lo, no, oi, on, ow, and wo.

What are the word generators containing the letters ‘FULLFORM’?

All the possible words that can be generated from the words FULLFORM are as follows formful, flour, fluor, forum, form, foul, four, from, full, furl, lour, luff, moll, muff, mull, rolf, roll, ruff, flu, for, fou, fro, fur, lum, mol, mor, off, our, rom, rum, lo, mo, mu, of, om, or, and um.

What are the word generator containing the letters ‘BLACK’?

All the possible words that can be generated from the words BLACK are as follows black, back, balk, calk, lack, alb, bal, cab, kab, lab, lac, ab, al, ba, ka, and la.

How to obtain a 7-letter word generator from the letters RAINFOREST?

It is quite simple to generate words from 7 letters. Just enter the letters of your choice greater or equal to 7 and less than 15 in the search box and click enter to get the results. You can also customize the results using the advanced features. In this case, all the 7 letter words that you can create using the letters RAINFOREST are as follows anestri, antsier, aroints, artsier, atoners, atonies, erasion, errants, fainest, fainter, fairest, foreran, forints, forties, fraters, fronter, frontes, infares, insofar, ironers, nastier, norites, oestrin, orients, rafters, ranters, ratines, rations, refrain, refront, retains, retinas, retrain, retsina, rioters, roaster, roister, rotifer, senator, serrano, sierran, snifter, snorter, stainer, stearin, stonier, strafer, tarries, tarsier, terrain, trainer, treason.

How to obtain a seven-letter word generator from the letters TROPICAL?

Visit our site to obtain seven letter word generators by just entering letters greater or equal to 7 and up to 15 in the search box and enter to get the results instantly. There is an option for advanced filters to customize the results as per your choice. In this case, all the seven letter words that you can create using the letters TROPICAL are as follows apricot, aprotic, caltrop, capitol, coalpit, optical, parotic, and topical.

What are all the word generators from the letters ‘TRUCK’?

All the words that can be generated using the letters TRUCK are as follows truck, curt, ruck, tuck, turk, cur, cut, rut, and ut.

What are all the word generators from the letters ‘AEIOU’?

All the words that can be generated using the letters AEIOU are as follows eau, ae, ai, oe, and oi.

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