Word formation 7 класс exercise

Form 7.

Word formation.

1.      He
got his ­­­­____ in Europe. (educate)

2.      He doesn’t
like his _____ duties. (house)

3.      He
spent his _____ (child) under the _____ eyes of his granny. (watch)

4.      The
weather in St. Petersburg is very _____. (change)

5.      It
was difficult for him to make a _____. (decide)

6.      She
has got a very good ______. (memorize)

7.      He
looked at me _____. (regretful)

8.      What
______ verbs do you know? (regular)

9.      It’s
_____ to interrupt adults. (polite)

10.  What are the most famous
_____ in Moscow? (attract)

11.   We were impressed by her
_____ smile. (charm)

12.   We were _____ to get
excellent marks. (please)

13.   What ______ scenery!

14.   What an ______ story! 

15.   He has got a strange _____
. His ears are too big. (appear)

16.   What is your favorite _____
program on TV? (educate)

17.   She couldn’t forget his
_____ eyes. (impress)

18.   Do you want to become an
____? (interpret)

19.   Ancient libraries were used
only by ______. (science)

20.   Are you proud of your _____
of fantasy books? (collect)

21.   She is always _____ and
active. (cheer)

22.   Mrs. Marple is a _____.

23.  This holiday is ____ to
soldiers who defended their motherland. (devote)

24.  They struggled for ______
many years. (independent)

25.  What is the ______ Russian
menu on this day? (tradition)

26.  He is proud of his _____ to
the family. (devote)

27.   I’ll help you with great
______. (please). – Thank you! You are always ______ (help)!

28.   It’s ____ to go there. The
shops are closed. (use)

29.  What is the _____ between
the brothers? (different)

30.   Nobody can live in _____.

31.   Can you _____English idioms
quickly? (memory)

32.   These clothes are not _____
any longer. (fashion)

33.   The _____ of the snow was
perfect. (white)

34.   Our _____  (govern) must
solve ______ (environment) problems immediately.

35.   What ____ problems do we
face nowadays? (ecology)

36.   People in Africa suffer
from _____ of drinkable water. (short)

37.   The _____ of wild life must
be stopped. (destroy)

38.   What’s the _____ to this
problem? (solve)

39.   They finished the ____
research in this area. (science)

40.   He is a _____ businessman.

41.   He is a _______ actor.

42.   What an ______ novel!

43.   It was the only book in the
whole of that ____(educate) ______ (house).

44.   Tom is always _____ and
notices everything around. (care)

45.   The film had some strange
_____ for me. (fascinate)

46.   Do you have a _____ to put
the salad in? (contain)

47.   It’s a rare _____ of this
novel. (edit)

48.   The ______ was boring and I
refused to continue reading. (introduce)

49.  The journey was ____.
Everybody liked it very much! (enjoy)

50.    What _____ facilities are
there in your city? (entertain)

Департамент образования города Москвы

Восточное окружное управление образования

Государственное Бюджетное Общеобразовательное Учреждение

Центр образования №1080 «Экополис»

Тренировочная работа по теме «Словообразование»

( суффиксы прилагательных, суффиксы существительных,

префиксы прилагательных)

Подготовила материал:

учитель английского языка

Удалова Н.В.

Москва, 2012

Работа содержит упражнения на словообразование ( суффиксы

прилагательных, суффиксы существительных, префиксы прилагательных)

для учащихся 7 класса (УМК В.П. Кузовлев)


1. I don’t know what’s wrong with him but he’s………

of everything around him. SUSPECT

2. Be careful when you go for a walk in the forest. There

may be some ………snakes around. POISON

3. We all agree that Orlando Bloom is very good looking

but we can’t say he’s a brilliant………. ACT

4. Winning gold medals both in 1,500 and 5,000 metres

was a great……….for the Moroccan athlete. ACHIEVE

5. Our team needs a…………manager to be DECIDE

…………..in the Premier League. SUCCESS

6. Regular physical…………helps you lose weight in ACTIVE

a healthy way.

7. Everybody is talking about teenage…………nowadays. VIOLENT

8. I can’t walk properly for a week because of a…………. PAINFUL

in my knee.

9. My grandfather received a medal for his…………in BRAVE

World War II.

10.The young boy was badly…………..in the accident. INJURY

The doctors are trying to keep him……………on LIVE

a life-support machine.


1. In some countries, people throw parties to celebrate their………..RETIRE

2. Wales is part of the United Kingdom, so you can’t

really call it an……………country. DEPEND

3. Summer’s here again, and sales of sunglasses, swimsuits

and the like are a……………..business. BOOM

4. I asked my sister to lend me her Tshirt;……………. SURPRISE

she said “yes”!

5. After the war, many people had to live in……………… CROWD

flats and houses.

6. Everyone asks Pauline for advice as she’s the most

………………….. member of our staff. EXPERIENCE


On a real safari.

Safari is a Swahili word meaning travel. It became part of the English language

and showed peoples’1.……………. FASCINATE with Africa. When 2. ……

…….ADVENTURE explorers and 3. ………………….HUNT traveled through

the continent, people said they were “on safari”.

Today the modern safari is very 4. ………………….DIFFER from those old

times. People still travel to Africa to see the wildlife or, 5……………..SAD, to

hunt. But now they do it after they have spent a 6. ……………….COMFORT

night in a huge bed with 24hour 7…………………SERVE.

However, this is not what you get with Safari Explorations. When you travel with

them, it is not unusual to come within a very short 8. ……………..DISTANT of a

9. ………………….DANGER animal. Instead of lodges,10. ……………

ACCOMMODATE is mobile campsites, and 11. ……………….COOK is done on

open fires.

With Safari Explorations, you get a 12. …………….FEEL for what safari really



1. If you want to see this doctor, you have to get an official…………APPOINT

2. When Meg was in Rome last year, she went……………. CLUB

every night.

3. She ………………BEHAVIOUR in a very responsible way.

4. Last night we spent about two hours discussing the …………..IMPORTANT

of politics in our life.

5. When you’re camping, it’s necessary to know which…………….. DIRECT

the wind is coming from.

6. Some members of the class refused to ……………….PARTICIPANT in the



1. She’s so clever; she’s……………….of failing an exam. CAPABLE

2. Don’t you know that it’s ………………to travel without LEGAL

a ticket?

3. He was quite………………..as a baby, but now he’s very ATTRACTIVE

good looking.

4. That’s a really rude thing to say! I didn’t expect you to be so………..POLITE

5. Life is so………………! My parents blame me for everything! FAIR

6. My stepbrother is really……………..because he cheats in tests HONEST

and tells lies.

7. I love all my brothers and sisters because they are never……………KIND

to me.

8. Don’t talk about money; it’s……………… . We are fighting RELEVANT

about sharing a bedroom.

Exercise 6.

1. I’m hoping I’ll get…………….next year after all this hard work. PROMOTE

2. He hasn’t found………………since he got the sack last month. EMPLOY

3. You need to stay fit and do lots of different………………. when ACT

you retire.

4. The………………..of people like working. MAJOR

5. It’s important to get some………………from your job. ENJOY

6. Being a pilot has lots of…………………., apart ATTRACT

from money and travel.

Exercise 7.

1. My dad is so handsome that he’s the most………………… ATTRACT

man I know.

2. My friend’s new……………. is very good to him and treats EMPLOY

him very well.

3. It was your…………….. that got you the sack. Nothing else! LAZY

4. You can’t put that in your compositionit’s completely………….. RELEVANT

5. Smoking in public places should be made………………… . LEGAL

6. He must get a lot of……………… from his job as an actor. ENJOY

Exercise 8.

1. I had great………………. sleeping in the hotel because of the DIFFICULT

noise from the airport.

2. I stopped being a holiday rep because the………………….. RESPONSIBLE

was too much for me.

3. Their customs and …………….. are quite different from ours. BELIEVE

4. There were a lot of………………. for the lifeguard’s job. APPLY

5. I booked an adventure holiday because there was such a

…………………. of things to do. VARY

6. My sister and I went on separate holidays because we…………… AGREE

about where to go.

Exercise 9.

1. That was a really silly film. The story was totally……………….. BELIEVE

2. My parents……………… of me staying out late in the evening, APPROVE

so I’ll have to leave early.

3. That band plays so…………….that I think I’m going deaf. LOUD

4. What a lovely film. It was really………………. ENJOY

5. She’s so………………. that she can never choose which film to see DECISIVE

6. My mum doesn’t like my new boyfriend. She says he is……………… SUIT

for me.

Exercise 10.

1. It’s time you made a ………………. about which subject you DECIDE

want to study this year.

2. Why do my parents……………….. of everything I do? APPROVE

3. I don’t share her……………… on crime and punishment. BELIEVE

4. I get on really well with my sister. We never……………… AGREE

about anything.

5. When you go on a job interview, you have to wear……………… SUIT


6. He can never keep a job for long because he’s so…………….. RESPONSIBLE

Exercise 11.

1. I’m showing my work in a new exhibition and I’m always rather

…………… on the opening night. ANXIETY

2. Now that he’s sold some of his sculptures, his life is a bit more

……………. than it used to be. COMFORT

3. The art gallery is becoming very successful and I need

some………………. advice. FINANCE

4. The town council are having the most………………. BELIEVE

fight about whose statue to put in the town centre.

5. My parents wanted to buy a painting by a famous artist, but it was

too…………………. . EXPENSE

6. I’ve been feeling very…………….. lately, so I’ve decided to go CREATE

to art classes.

7. I love that picture even though it’s not very………………… . VALUE

8. Now that he’s become rich and famous he’s really changed.

He’s almost …………………RECOGNISE

9. It’s ………………… trying to teach me how to draw – I’m just USE

not artist.

10.There’s so much work to do! It seems ……………….! END

Exercise 12.

1. If you want to complain about the pollution in your town, write to your

local……………… . POLITICS

2. Don’t go into town today, the………………. are ENVIRONMENT

having a demonstration.

3. The Minister of Industry has been talking to…………….. PROTEST

all morning about the new factory.

4. ………………….. are working night and day to try and BIOLOGY

find chemical substitutes for extinct species of plants.

5. The government has sent a team of………………..to look INSPECT

into the chemical spill.

6. It is us, the……………………. who can make a difference to VOTE

the environment. Join the Green Party today!

7. We must become the……………… of the planet because PROTECT

there isn’t anyone else.

8. The…………………….. have been busy sending out newsletters CAMPAIGN

to all the business in town.

9. The Nature Reserve has many…………….. from all over the world. VISIT

Exercise 13.

1. He doesn’t have many friends at school, in fact

he’s very………………. . POPULAR

2. She’s been very depressed ever since she became……………… . EMPLOY

3. We made an ……………….about whose job it is to take AGREE

out the rubbish.

4. You should ………………. your exercise routine so that you VARIETY

don’t get bored.

5. The doctor wrote me a ……………… for some antibiotics. PRESCRIBE

6. …………………… the bus wasn’t full and we found seats LUCK

upstairs at the front.

7. She must be very rich she’s always so………………. dressed EXPENSIVE

8. I can’t put a price on your help. It’s completely……………… . VALUE

9. If nobody has any…………………. , we’ll finish the meeting OBJECT


10. She looks after her own ………………. business now. FINANCE

11. I’m sorry but there’s no ………………. for your illness. TREAT

It will get better by itself in time.

Exercise 14.

Many people, perhaps even the 0. majority, are not particularly MAJOR

happy in their job. They go to work, get paid, and 1…. for EMPLOY

them is just a way of paying the bills. This leads to 2 … at LAZY

work and unhappy workers often don’t show enough 3… POLITE

to customers or 4 … to their fellow workers. Many people KIND

feel that they have no chance of 5 … and they are PROMOTE

unhappy with the 6 … conditions. WORK

If you want to get 7 … from your work, make sure that ENJOY

it involves doing an 8 … that you like. Ask yourself whether ACTIVE

the job will have the same 9 … after five years. A careful ATTRACT

choice now can save you a lot of 10 … in the future. HAPPY

Exercise 15.

Love them or hate, 0 reality shows are very popular. REAL

Why are we so interested in the 1 … and in the RELATION

2 … of the ordinary people? It’s because they are just like ARGUE

us. We all have strong 3 … towards the people we live FEEL

and work with. Often, we find it hard to get 4 … on any ADVISE

problems we are having. By watching the 5 … they DECIDE

make on our screens, we gain 6 … about how people KNOW

react to tense situations. It’s almost like a 7 … PSYCHOLOGY

experiment. We can see when they are 8 … and SUCCEED

make the situation worse. This 9 … helps us in our INFORM

own lives. As always, TV is much more than just 10 … . ENTERTAIN

Exercise 16.

Dear Mr. Coco,

Thank you for your 0 application for the position of manager. APPLY

I am afraid that after a long 1 … we have decided to DISCUSS

appoint someone else. We would like to explain our 2… . CHOOSE

All of us were a little surprised by your 3 … when you APPEAR

came for the interview. “Dressed like a clown” was the 4 … DESCRIBE

used by one of us. A great 5 … of different people work for us, VARY

but we thought the red nose showed a lack of 6 … . We RESPONSIBLE

were all in 7… that many of our customers would have great AGREE

8 … in taking seriously a manager in size 76 shoes. DIFFICULT

We hope this 9 … helps. I would like to finish by expressing EXPLAIN

my 10 … that you will go far in business. Show business. BELIEVE

Yours faithfully,

Justine Carter,

Personnel Manager

Exercise 17.

Street 0 performers, or “buskers”, help make any city centre a PERFORM

place of 1 … . In any major city, you can find young, ENTERTAIN

2 … people juggling, playing the guitar or even doing EMPLOY

magic tricks for money. All they need is a 3 … place to SUIT

perform and a good crowd. Some people might 4 … APPROVE

of busking, but most people agree that it’s an 5 … ENJOY

break to have an 6 … show when you’re out EXPECT


Some young people, 7 … to afford a luxury trip ABLE

around the world, busk in order to travel. It’s 8 … , but COMFORT

it’s cheap. Unless you are 9 … , a few hours playing LUCK

will pay for a bed. The 10 … is that you need to have ADVANTAGE

some talent or you might go hungry!

Exercise 18.

The key to being a 0 professional artist is to understand what PROFESSION

the art world wants and then produce it. The 1 … SUCCESS

artist needs to have a 2 … style and to make works RECOGNISE

of art that other people find 3 … . It takes an artist DESIRE

4 … practice to develop their own style but the END

5 … rewards can be amazing. People don’t just FINANCE

want art. They want 6 … art because they think that EXPENSE

the more 7 … a painting is, the better it is. Often, that VALUE

is true, but sometimes bad art sells for an 8 … price. BELIEVE

Many 9 … artists made very little money from their art, FAME

but now we can see how important their 10 … really are. CREATE

Exercise 19.

Mass protest in city centre

Many 0 visitors to the city were surprised today to find the roads VISIT

blocked by 1 … . Around ten thousand people took to PROTEST

the streets to try to get 2 … to take seriously recent POLITICS

warnings from 3 … . They claim that unless something ENVIRONMENT

is done about the 4 … of our coasts, then many PROTECT

5 … species of bird will disappear. Among those DANGER

facing 6 … is the rare puffin, found only in a few areas. EXTINCT

Some 7 … say that it may already be too late for this SCIENCE

bird, but immediate action is needed to ensure the 8 … SURVIVE

of other rare birds. The 9 … of habitats all along our DESTROY

shores and effects of 10 … warming have been blamed. GLOBE

Exercise 20.


Would you like to be 1 … ? Do you think you would enjoy FAME

being rich and successful 2… ? Although it sounds CELEBRATE

attractive, a lot of stars are more 3 … than you would think. HAPPY

Some feel 4 … being in the public eye all the time. They’re COMFORT

often 5 … even to go to the supermarket without being ABLE

followed by the press. Many of them complain it’s 6 … to POSSIBLE

have a private life. Others are terrified of becoming 7 … . POPULAR

They’re 8 … about their future and worry that they’ll lose CERTAIN

their fame and career, and end up 9 … . It may be hard work EMPLOY

getting to the top, but it’s even 10 … to stay there! HARD


Ex.1 1.suspicious 2.poisonous 3.actor 4.achievement 5.decisive,successful

6.activity 7.violence 8.pain 9.bravery 10.injured, alive

Ex.2 1.retirement 2.independent 3.booming 4.surprisingly 5.overcrowded


Ex.3 1.fascination 2.adventurous 3.hunters 4.different 5.sadly 6.comfortable

7.service 8.distance 9.dangerous 10.accomodation 11.cooking


Ex.4 1.appointment 2.clubbing 3.behaved 4.importance 5.direction


Ex.5 1.incapable 2.illegal 3.unattractive 4.impolite 5.unfair 6.dishonest

7.unkind 8.irrelevant

Ex.6 1.promotion 2.employment 3.activities 4.majority 5.enjoyment


Ex.7 1.attractive 2.employer 3.laziness 4.irrelevant 5.illegal 6.enjoyment

Ex.8 1.difficulty 2.responsibility 3.beliefs 4.applications 5.variety


Ex.9 1.unbelievable 2.disapprove 3.loudly 4.enjoyable 5.indecisive


Ex.10 1.decision 2.disapprove 3.beliefs 4.disagree 5.suitable 6.irresponsible

Ex.11 1.anxious 2.comfortable 3.financial 4.unbelievable 5.expensive

6.creative 7.valuable 8.unrecognisable 9.useless 10.endless

Ex.12 1.politician 2.environmentalists 3.protestors 4.Biologists 5.inspectors

6.voters 7.protectors 8.campaigners 9.visitors

Ex.13 1.unpopular 2.unemployed 3.agreement 4.vary 5.prescription 6Luckily

7.expensively 8.invaluable 9.objections 10.financial 11.treatment

Ex.14 1.employment 2.laziness 3.politeness 4.kindness 5.promotion

6.working 7.enjoyment 8.activity 9.attraction 10.unhappiness

Ex.15 1.relationships 2.arguments 3.feelings 4.advice 5.decisions

6.knowledge 7.psychological 8.unsuccessful 9.information


Ex.16 1.discussion 2.choice 3.appearance 4.description 5.variety

6.responsibility 7.agreement 8.difficulty 9.explanation 10.belief

Ex.17 1.entertainment 2.unemployed 3.suitable 4.disapprove 5.enjoyable

6.unexpected 7.unable 8.uncomfortable 9.unlucky 10.disadvantage

Ex.18 1.successful 2.recognisable 3.desirable 4.endless 5.financial

6.expensive 7.valuable 8.unbelievable 9.famous 10.creations

Ex.19 1.protestors 2.politicians 3.environmentalists 4.protection 5.endangered

6.extinction 7.scientists 8.survival 9.destruction 10.global

Ex.20 1.famous 2.celebrity 3.unhappy 4.uncomfortable 5.unable

6.impossible 7.unpopular 8.uncertain 9.unemployed 10.harder

Упражнения по словообразованию и грамматике на II ступени обучения.

6 класс

  1. Составьте пары слов:                                                                                                        

Win     gymnast    cyclist    football    finishing   champion   winner    footballer    cycling    player    championship   gym   finish   play

Keys: gymnast – gym, cyclist – cycling, football – footballer, finishing – finish,                          champion – championship, player – play.

  1. Составьте слова и заполните ими пропуски в предложениях:
  1. Deco            sents
  2. Stoc             cker
  3. Tin               ration
  4. Christ           place
  5. Pre               sel
  6. Fire              king
  7. Cra               mas

Keys: decoration, stocking, tinsel, Christmas, presents, fireplace, cracker.

Christmas and the New Year are the best festivals of the year. Before Christmas, people decorate their houses with lights and (1)_________ . People decorate the (2) _________ tree with toys, (3) __________ and lights. They put (4) ___________  for all the family under the tree. Children hang (5) __________ for Father (6) ____________ near the fireplace.

Keys: 1) decorations, 2) Christmas, 3) tinsel, 4) presents, 5) stockings, 6) Christmas

7 класс

           Task 1.Make up new words from the verbs in the box and fill in the gaps.      

Sing      drum    guitar    play    dance   compose

 A pop group can have many forms, but a traditional one has a single lead singer. There is nearly always a (1) ____________ sitting behind his drams and two or three (2) ___________ playing electric guitars. Nowadays there is always a keyboard (3) ________________ .

     Finally some groups have a saxophone player and might even have one or two (4) ______________ .

Some groups have their own songwriter and (5) ___________ who write the lyrics and music for them.

Keys: 1) drummer 2) guitarists 3) player 4) dancers 5) composers

Task 2. Complete the lines with the adjectives from the list:

There are some extra words in the box.

Adventurous    artistic    bossy    bubbly    caring    chatty    cheerful    confident    dreamy      fun-loving    happy    hard-working    home-loving    outgoing    romantic    secretive    selfish    sensitive    shy    unselfish    cheerful

  1. – ive:    secretive ______________________________________________
  2. – y:       dreamy _______________________________________________
  3. – ic:      romantic _____________________________________________
  4. – ing:    caring _______________________________________________
  5. – ish:     selfish _______________________________________________

Describe these people with adjectives from the box:

Example: Peter likes doing sport. – Peter is sporty.

  1.  Andrew likes dreaming.
  2.  Boris never stops chatting.
  3.  Kate always does her homework and she works hard at school.
  4.  I always talk to Jane about my problems and feelings. Jane can always understand me.
  5.  Max is always nervous when he meets new people.
  6.  Ann always feels sure that she is doing the right thing.
  7.  Bob is always thinks only about herself and never about other people.

Keys: 1.dreamy; 2.chatty; 3.hard-working; 4. Sensitive; 5.shy; 6.confident; 7.fun-loving; 8.selfish.

Task 4. Read the sentences and write noun or verb for the words in CAPITALS.

Example: What’s the MATTER?   Noun

  1. In this café you can TASTE very delicious ice cream.
  2. House RHYMES with mouse.
  3. “There’s somebody in the room,” he said in a WISPER.
  4. The LAUNCH of the spaceship is planned for Friday.
  5. Whom do you SUSPECT?
  6. The astronauts worked in ORBIT for forty days.

Keys: a) verb, b) verb, c) noun, d) noun, e) verb, f) noun

8 класс

Task 1.Choose the best word to make up a sentence.         

Example: He speaks German very well/ very good.

  1. Can I have a quick / quickly word with you?
  2. The teacher explained the task clear / clearly.
  3. I usually spell the words correct / correctly.
  4. My dad drives his car careful / carefully.
  5. My neighbor have a beautiful / beautifully cat.
  6. Tom’s uncle has travelled a lot and always tells interesting / interestingly stories.

Keys: 1) quick, 2) clearly, 3) correctly, 4) carefully, 5) beautiful, 6) interesting

Task 2. Fill in the gaps with the right form of the word from the box.

  1. Widely (1) rely  (2) confidence  (3) create  (4) care  (5) ambition  (6) excellence

Change the form of the word if necessary.

A broad hand with a wide palm and chunky fingers shows that this person is (1) _______ and very (2) _________ . She /He can get bored easily and often comes up with (3) _________ ideas. She / He is (4) _________ to make the ideas work, but likes to make people agree to do everything the way that she /he likes. These people are quite (5) __________ and can make an (6) ___________ career as firefighters, photographers or new reporters.

Keys: 1) reliable, 2) confident, 3) creative, 4) careful, 5) ambitious, 6) excellent

Task 3. Rephrase the underlined parts of the sentences using one of the words in the box in the right form.

  1. There is one extra word.

Find out   examine    investigate    commit   suspect

  1. The police looked at the doctor’s surgery and the area around it carefully because they wanted to find out more about it.
  2. Inspector Morse was appointed to try to find out the truth about the case of the robbery at the bank.
  3. Miss Marple by chance got the information that Mr Smith had not been at home on the day of the crime.
  4. Nobody thought that it could be true that Miss Springwood had stolen the coin collection.

Keys: 1) examined, 2)to investigate, 3) found out, 4) suspected

Task 5. Correct the mistakes in the sentences. Make any necessary changes.

  1. We tried to make her change her mind, but we failure.
  2. It’s a difficult test, but she seems quite confidence.
  3. My little brother has won the music contest – I am pride of him.
  4. She had a lot of fail before she found the right way to do it.
  5. When you have had more experience, you become more self-confidence speaking in front of groups of people.

Keys: 1) failed, 2) confident, 3) proud, 4) failures, 5) self-confident.

Task 6. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box in the right form.

  1. There is one extra word.

Regret    proud    gain    fail    self-confident    cause

  1. They lost the game, but they ________ a lot of new experience.
  2. I decided to give up my piano lessons – a decision I later _____ .
  3. Nightmares are often _________ by stress.
  4. We got excellent results in the test and our teacher was ______ of us.
  5. Sometimes we all _________ but we should not give up.

Keys: 1) gained, 2) regretted, 3) caused, 4) proud, 5) fail

Английский в фокусе 7 класс  Словообразование МБОУ лицей № 4 г. Воронеж Мосолова Елена Николаевна, учитель английского языка ВКК

Английский в фокусе 7 класс Словообразование

МБОУ лицей № 4 г. Воронеж

Мосолова Елена Николаевна, учитель английского языка ВКК

 ? danger – danger ous dirt – dirt y  education – education al tradition – tradition al  fam e – fam ous  use – use ful  Module 5  Sb 4 p.53  -ous  - y  noun  - al  adjective  - ful


  • danger – danger ous
  • dirt – dirt y
  • education – education al
  • tradition – tradition al
  • fam e – fam ous
  • use – use ful

Module 5 Sb 4 p.53


— y

noun — al adjective

— ful

Transform the nouns into adjectives. Thanks, your advice was very ……….. (use). Arthur Conan Doyle is a ………. (fame) English writer. A new ……. (education) programme starts next week. The weather is ….. (rain) today. Don’t forget the umbrella. Mary Poplins is a popular …… (music) film.

Transform the nouns into adjectives.

  • Thanks, your advice was very ……….. (use).
  • Arthur Conan Doyle is a ………. (fame) English writer.
  • A new ……. (education) programme starts next week.
  • The weather is ….. (rain) today. Don’t forget the umbrella.
  • Mary Poplins is a popular …… (music) film.

Turn more nouns into adjectives Hope Crime Fog Peace Health Beauty Courage Snow Glamour Conversation Hopeful Criminal Foggy Peaceful Healthy Beautiful Courageous Snowy Glamorous conversational

Turn more nouns into adjectives

  • Hope
  • Crime
  • Fog
  • Peace
  • Health
  • Beauty
  • Courage
  • Snow
  • Glamour
  • Conversation
  • Hopeful
  • Criminal
  • Foggy
  • Peaceful
  • Healthy
  • Beautiful
  • Courageous
  • Snowy
  • Glamorous
  • conversational

Use the adjectives in the sentences below. BEAUTY MYSTERY SNOW FICTION GLAMOUR It’s a fairy tale about a _________ princess and a beast. The film tells us a ________ story of a doctor from Scotland. The ______ weather caused a lot of traffic jams. Miss Marple is a ________ character of Agatha Christy’s books. Young girls are fond of ________ magazines with fashion and beauty advice.

Use the adjectives in the sentences below.

  • SNOW
  • It’s a fairy tale about a _________ princess and a beast.
  • The film tells us a ________ story of a doctor from Scotland.
  • The ______ weather caused a lot of traffic jams.
  • Miss Marple is a ________ character of Agatha Christy’s books.
  • Young girls are fond of ________ magazines with fashion and beauty advice.

Module 6 Opposite adjectives: what are the rule to form them? Sb 5 p.61 ?  Logical – illogical Responsible – irresponsible Believable –unbelievable Possible – impossible Active – inactive Balanced – imbalanced Forgettable – unforgettable positive l egal negative il l egal r egular ir r egular happy un happy friendly p olite un friendly im p olite m oral im m oral c orrect in correct

Module 6 Opposite adjectives: what are the rule to form them?

  • Sb 5 p.61 ?
  • Logical – illogical
  • Responsible – irresponsible
  • Believable –unbelievable
  • Possible – impossible
  • Active – inactive
  • Balanced – imbalanced
  • Forgettable – unforgettable


l egal


il l egal

r egular

ir r egular


un happy


p olite

un friendly

im p olite

m oral

im m oral

c orrect

in correct

Transform the adjectives. RESPONSIBLE FORGETTABLE ACTIVE MORTAL LOGICAL WELL I can’t trust David, he’s __________. It was the most _________ moment in my life. The icon of the webpage is _____ now. Kastchey the ________ is an evil character of Russian tales. Ann’s letter was ________ and with many mistakes. I feel really ______ today.

Transform the adjectives.

  • WELL
  • I can’t trust David, he’s __________.
  • It was the most _________ moment in my life.
  • The icon of the webpage is _____ now.
  • Kastchey the ________ is an evil character of Russian tales.
  • Ann’s letter was ________ and with many mistakes.
  • I feel really ______ today.

Module 7  Adjectives from nouns Sb 5 p.70 nouns Positive hope adjective -ful Negative hopeful 1 success adjectives -less successful hopeless 2 care 3 thought careful - thoughtful careless 4 speech thoughtless - 5 beauty beautiful speechless ? use - useful useless

Module 7 Adjectives from nouns Sb 5 p.70




adjective -ful



1 success

adjectives -less



2 care

3 thought




4 speech


5 beauty



? use



Transform the nouns into adjectives CARE SUCCESS BEAUTY USE CARE HOPE THOUGHT Bob is a _____ driver. He gets lots of fines. Steve has his own company, he’s a _____ businessman. What a ______ day! Let’s have a walk now. This TV programme is silly and _______ . Be _______ ! The bus is coming. I can’t do anything with the task, it’s ______ . It’s very _____ of you to lose the passport!

Transform the nouns into adjectives

  • CARE
  • USE
  • CARE
  • HOPE
  • Bob is a _____ driver. He gets lots of fines.
  • Steve has his own company, he’s a _____ businessman.
  • What a ______ day! Let’s have a walk now.
  • This TV programme is silly and _______ .
  • Be _______ ! The bus is coming.
  • I can’t do anything with the task, it’s ______ .
  • It’s very _____ of you to lose the passport!

Module 10 Adjectives from nouns Sb 5 p.101 Impress ive Inform ative Protect ive Creat ive Attract ive Act ive Imagin ative noun - ive act act ive - ative adjective imagine imagin ative

Module 10 Adjectives from nouns

  • Sb 5 p.101
  • Impress ive
  • Inform ative
  • Protect ive
  • Creat ive
  • Attract ive
  • Act ive
  • Imagin ative


— ive

act act ive

— ative


imagine imagin ative

Transform the nouns into adjectives Sarah is really ________, she can’t stay still even a moment. I admire Degas's ________paintings . The articles in the newspaper were very __________ . The bear was _______ towards her cubs. A new ______ café was opened next to my block of flats.  ACT IMPRESS INFORM PROTECT ATTRACT

Transform the nouns into adjectives

  • Sarah is really ________, she can’t stay still even a moment.
  • I admire Degas’s ________paintings .
  • The articles in the newspaper were very __________ .
  • The bear was _______ towards her cubs.
  • A new ______ café was opened next to my block of flats.
  • ACT

RESOURCES  Английский в фокусе. 7 класс : учеб. для общеобразовательных учреждений/ Ю.Е. Ваулина, Дж.Дули, О.Е. Подоляко, В. Эванс – М. : Express publishing: Просвещение, 2016г.


  • Английский в фокусе. 7 класс : учеб. для общеобразовательных учреждений/ Ю.Е. Ваулина, Дж.Дули, О.Е. Подоляко, В. Эванс – М. : Express publishing: Просвещение, 2016г.

10000+ результатов для ‘7 й класс word formation’

OGE/EGE Word formation

OGE/EGE Word formation
Пропущенное слово

от Ma1204

9-й класс
10-й класс
11 класс
Средняя школа
Word formation

 body language word formation

body language word formation
Случайное колесо

от Alnikat

word formation RNE

Optimise B1 Word Formation NOUN (U5)

Optimise B1 Word Formation NOUN (U5)
Откройте поле

от Zhavoronka

7-й класс
Word formation
Optimise B1


Групповая сортировка

от Puchkovadn90


spotlight 7 unit 7 word formation

spotlight 7 unit 7 word formation

от Ekaterinai

7-й класс
Spotlight 7

Spotlight 7 6d  word formation

Spotlight 7 6d word formation
Пропущенное слово

от Krasnoesolnishk

7-й класс

verbs and adverbs

verbs and adverbs
Групповая сортировка

от Ulyana4

word formation

Starlight 7 p.39 word formation

Starlight 7 p.39 word formation
Пропущенное слово

от Krasnoesolnishk

7-й класс

ВПР 7 класс , описание картинки

ВПР 7 класс , описание картинки

от Izuminka1982

7-й класс

Starlight 7 p.39 word formation

Starlight 7 p.39 word formation
Пропущенное слово

от Krasnoesolnishk

7-й класс

Word formation nouns & adjectives _ 2

Word formation nouns & adjectives _ 2
Групповая сортировка

от Tanya2

Word Formation
word formation adjectives nouns

adverbs oge

adverbs oge

от Fireflyeltresources




от Fireflyeltresources




от Ekoshka

1-й класс-4-й класс
Spotlight 2

Starlight 7 p.39 word formation

Starlight 7 p.39 word formation

от Krasnoesolnishk

7-й класс

Starlight 7 p.39 word formation

Starlight 7 p.39 word formation

от Krasnoesolnishk

7-й класс

Английский язык 3-й год Unit 4

Английский язык 3-й год Unit 4

от Princessod75

7-й класс
Английский 7 класс второй язык

Starlight 7 p.39 word formation

Starlight 7 p.39 word formation

от Krasnoesolnishk

7-й класс

З или С на конце приставки

З или С на конце приставки
Правда или ложь

от Kapna

7 класс
9 класс
6 класс
5-й класс
6 класс
7-й класс
8 класс
9-й класс
10-й класс
11 класс
12-й класс
Средняя школа
Русский язык

Starlight 7 p.39 word formation

Starlight 7 p.39 word formation
Групповая сортировка

от Krasnoesolnishk

7-й класс

Starlight 7 p.39 word formation

Starlight 7 p.39 word formation
Найди пару

от Krasnoesolnishk

7-й класс

Starlight 7 p.39 word formation

Starlight 7 p.39 word formation

от Krasnoesolnishk

7-й класс

Starlight 7 p.39 word formation

Starlight 7 p.39 word formation

от Krasnoesolnishk

7-й класс

Starlight 7 p.39 word formation

Starlight 7 p.39 word formation
Найди пару

от Krasnoesolnishk

7-й класс

Starlight 7 p.39 word formation

Starlight 7 p.39 word formation
Привести в порядок

от Krasnoesolnishk

7-й класс

ВПР- 7 (6)

ВПР- 7 (6)
Пропущенное слово

от Carnation2000

7-й класс

-less -able/ible adjectives oge

-less -able/ible adjectives oge

от Fireflyeltresources


Gateway B1, Unit 1. Suffixes -ment,-ion, -ence

Gateway B1, Unit 1. Suffixes -ment,-ion, -ence

от Volginaksenia

Gateway B1
word formation

-tion -sion nouns oge

-tion -sion nouns oge

от Fireflyeltresources


Negative prefixes

Negative prefixes
Групповая сортировка

от Annieg

word formation

GW B1 Noun suffixes -ness,-ship,-dom

GW B1 Noun suffixes -ness,-ship,-dom
Групповая сортировка

от Ma1204

Gateway B1
Word formation

-inter word formation

-inter word formation

от Maiborodaed

9-й класс
word formation

-ic -ly -ed -ian -ous -ish -ent adjectives oge

-ic -ly -ed -ian -ous -ish -ent adjectives oge

от Fireflyeltresources


word formation -un

word formation -un

от Maiborodaed

9-й класс
word formation

dis- im- inter- un- oge

dis- im- inter- un- oge
Угадай буквы

от Fireflyeltresources


Части речи (7 класс)

Части речи (7 класс)

от Repetitorus

7-й класс
Части речи

Word formation

Word formation
Групповая сортировка

от Marylaze

7-й класс

-al adjectives oge

-al adjectives oge
Угадай буквы

от Fireflyeltresources


Рук VII 8 урок 1-3 текст слова картинки иероглифы

Рук VII 8 урок 1-3 текст слова картинки иероглифы
Откройте поле

от Fed0rovich

7-й класс
Рукодельникова 7 класс

Кентервильское привидение

Кентервильское привидение
Случайное колесо

от Sverbeckaya

7-й класс
Вербицкая 7 класс

Рук VII 3 урок 2 текст слова пиньинь

Рук VII 3 урок 2 текст слова пиньинь
Найди пару

от Fed0rovich

7-й класс
Рукодельникова 7 класс

Рук VII 3 урок 3 текст слова пиньинь

Рук VII 3 урок 3 текст слова пиньинь
Найди пару

от Fed0rovich

7-й класс
Рукодельникова 7 класс

Рук VII 3 урок 2 текст слова картинки пиньинь

Рук VII 3 урок 2 текст слова картинки пиньинь
Откройте поле

от Fed0rovich

7-й класс
Рукодельникова 7 класс

Рук VII 8 урок 3 текст слова картинки пиньинь

Рук VII 8 урок 3 текст слова картинки пиньинь
Откройте поле

от Fed0rovich

7-й класс
Рукодельникова 7 класс

Рук VII 8 урок 3 текст слова картинки иероглифы

Рук VII 8 урок 3 текст слова картинки иероглифы
Откройте поле

от Fed0rovich

7-й класс
Рукодельникова 7 класс

Рук VII 3 урок 1 текст слова иероглифы

Рук VII 3 урок 1 текст слова иероглифы
Откройте поле

от Fed0rovich

7-й класс
Рукодельникова 7 класс

рукодельникова 7 класс урок 6 (1)

рукодельникова 7 класс урок 6 (1)

от 6qingyue

7-й класс
8 класс
рукодельникова 7 класс

-ship -ness nouns oge

-ship -ness nouns oge
Угадай буквы

от Fireflyeltresources


-y adjectives oge

-y adjectives oge
Найди пару

от Fireflyeltresources


Рук VII 3 урок 1 текст слова пиньинь

Рук VII 3 урок 1 текст слова пиньинь
Найди пару

от Fed0rovich

7-й класс
Рукодельникова 7 класс

Рук VII 3 урок 1 текст  картинки пиньинь

Рук VII 3 урок 1 текст картинки пиньинь
Откройте поле

от Fed0rovich

7-й класс
Рукодельникова 7 класс

Gateway B1 Unit 1

Gateway B1 Unit 1
Угадай буквы

от Lizamoskvich

word formation

-ance/-ence -ing -ity nouns oge

-ance/-ence -ing -ity nouns oge
Найди пару

от Fireflyeltresources


Macmillan grammar & vocabulary u2 word formation

Macmillan grammar & vocabulary u2 word formation

от Truthisoutthere

9-й класс
11 класс
word formation

B2 negative pref

B2 negative pref
Групповая сортировка

от Krtek

word formation

-ment nouns oge

-ment nouns oge

от Fireflyeltresources


-ful adjectives oge

-ful adjectives oge
Поиск слов

от Fireflyeltresources


7 класс

7 класс
Найди пару

от Gumarova

7-й класс

Информатика 7 класс

Информатика 7 класс
Случайное колесо

от Yasenock

7-й класс

Физика 7 класс

Физика 7 класс
Ударь крота

от Miheeva1500

7-й класс

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