Word form hundred thousands

Form 7 Unit 5

Числительные hundred, thousand, million, dozen

Числительные в английском языке не имеют окончания множественного числа, поэтому не добавляйте окончание -s к словам hundred, thousand, million, dozen, если перед ними указано число:

two hundred/2 hundred

three thousand/3 thousand

four million/4 million

two dozen/2 dozen

Если нужно сказать 1 миллион, 1 тысяча, 1 сотня лет, то перед словами hundred, thousand, million говорят а или one:

a (one) hundred
a (one) thousand
a (one) million

Однако эти числительные могут превращаться в существительные. Будучи существительными и обозначая большое, но неточное количество (перед ними не указано число), hundred, thousand, million и dozen могут употребляться во множественном числе.

Hundreds of visitors, thousands of children, millions of years
Но в таком случае после hundred, thousand, million и dozen употребляется предлог of:

Dinosaurs lived hundreds of years ago.
Thousands of tourists visit the pyramids in Egypt.
There are millions of stars in the sky.
I’ve told you about it dozens of times.

Проверьте себя

Какое предложение правильное?

A: Go to the shop and buy a dozen eggs.
B: Go to the shop and buy a dozen of eggs.

Правильный ответ А.

Если вы ответили неверно, изучите дополнительные примеры:

millions of people — миллионы людей

five hundred dollars — 500 долларов

hundreds of dollars — сотни долларов

hundreds of thousands of people — сотни тысяч людей

3 dozen eggs — 3 дюжины яиц

thousands of soldiers — тысячи солдат

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It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.

Hundreds of thousands of anything is an awful lot of things, but it will help to know what the key differences between “hundred thousands” and “hundreds of thousands” are. This article will explore them and how you can make use of them yourself.

You should not use “hundred thousands” as it is incorrect. “Hundred thousand” is used instead for an exact amount of money. You should use “hundreds of thousands” when showcasing a much larger quantity of stuff without giving an exact idea of how much it is.

Is It "Hundred Thousands" Or "Hundreds Of Thousands"?

Generally, “hundred thousand” refers to money, and it’s rare to hear it used in other contexts. “Hundreds of thousands” is used to talk about just about anything that you can have in large quantities.

What Does “Hundred Of Thousands” Mean?

“Hundred of thousands” or “hundreds of thousands” means a large number. It means that it’s possible that the thousands are so large that there could be well over one hundred of them. “Hundreds of thousands” refers to anything from 100.001 – 999.999.

The definition of “hundred,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “the number 100.”

The definition of “thousand,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “the number 1.000.”

If we combine those two meanings, we’re left with the meaning of “hundreds of thousands,” which gives us a substantial number of things without worrying too much about an exact or specific number.

Is It “Hundred Thousands” Or “Hundred Thousand”?

“Hundred thousand” is correct because we use the words for numbers in the singular form when giving an exact number. “Hundred thousands” is incorrect because it uses the plural “thousands” even though it’s referring to a specific number.

Here’s when we might use it:

  • Correct: They made a profit of six hundred thousand dollars.
  • Incorrect: They made a profit of six hundred thousands dollars.

Examples Of How To Use “Hundred Thousand” In A Sentence

Let’s see how we can use “hundred thousand” in a more distinct manner. Again, it mostly refers to money, and we use it to give an exact value of something.

  1. They have six hundred thousand dollars to spend.
  2. We made five hundred thousand dollars in the last quarter.
  3. Have you got two hundred thousand dollars to spare?
  4. Last year I made nine hundred thousand dollars!
  5. We are estimated to lose eight hundred thousand dollars.

“Hundred thousand” works best when talking about exact monetary values. We have to be specific when using them, and it’s rare to talk about other quantities in such a specific way.

Examples Of How To Use “Hundreds Of Thousands” In A Sentence

“Hundreds of thousands” is much more general, and we don’t need an exact quantity to use it. Instead, we just want to show that something has a substantial number of things.

  1. They made several hundreds of thousands of dollars last year!
  2. I have hundreds of thousands of Facebook friends, but I know about twenty of them!
  3. We grow hundreds of thousands of apples every year.
  4. They drink hundreds of thousands of gallons each year!
  5. We make hundreds of thousands of dollars, though we can’t say how much!

“Hundreds of thousands” is more general than “hundred thousand.” We use it to talk about a large figure, but we don’t know the exact number or we’re not willing to give the exact number.

Should I Use A Hyphen With “Hundred Thousand”?

Sometimes, you’ll find that hyphens are useful, especially when working with written-down numbers. However, this doesn’t seem to be the case when using “hundred thousand.”

You do not need to use a hyphen with “hundred thousand.” We only use hyphens for adjectives when they modify nouns; in this case, “hundred thousand” doesn’t modify a noun, so we don’t have to use it.

Is It “Hundreds Of Thousands” Or “Hundred Of Thousands”?

If we’re going to use the plural of “thousands,” we also have to use the plural of “hundreds.”

“Hundreds of thousands” is correct when we want to show the grand scale of something without a specific number. “Hundred of thousands is never used, but it would imply that only somewhere between 100.001 and 199.999 things are possibly (since it specifies the “hundred”).

Using “hundreds of thousands” shows an almost endless scale of something. Having both “hundreds” and “thousands” in the plural form works to show that something is impossible to count because there are so many things.

If we simply used “hundred” in the singular form, it would mean that we have a much better idea of how much is available. It also means that the number can only be somewhere in the first hundred thousand potential options.

“Hundreds Of Thousands” Or “Hundreds And Thousands”?

“Hundreds of thousands” is correct when you want to show an indefinite but large number of things. “Hundreds and thousands” is correct when you want to talk about small decorative candy that you put on sweets.

The definition of “hundreds and thousands,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “small hard pieces of colored sugar used to decorate cakes, biscuits, sweets, etc.”

How Do You Write Hundreds Of Thousands?

If we were to stop using the words, we would use numbers instead. When writing “hundreds of thousands” in number format, it’s important that we get the decimal placement correct.

You should write “100.000” or more when writing “hundreds of thousands.” The decimal is placed directly after the first “hundred” (100) to separate “hundred” and “thousand.”

Interestingly, a decimal is used in US English, while a comma is used for the same reason in UK English. Depending on which language you write in, you might want to use one over the other, but both are correct.

Hundreds Of Thousands – Synonyms

It might help you to have a few synonyms lined up in place of “hundreds of thousands” when you want to talk about something on a grand scale without a definitive number.

  • Few hundred thousand
  • Several hundred thousand
  • Couple hundred grand
  • More than a hundred grand
  • Hundred thou
  • Hundreds of millions

All of these options are great synonyms to use instead of “hundreds of thousands.”

You might also like: “Tens Of Thousands” Meaning: 9 Example Sentences (Complete Guide)

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

Числительные – не такая уж и хитрая часть речи, по сравнению, например, с существительными или глаголами. Но есть несколько ошибок, которые преследуют студентов (и преподавателей, знаю по себе) вплоть до самых высоких уровней знания языка. Давайте посмотрим на 5 правил, которые избавят вас от большинства проблем с числительными.

1. 40

Число 40 пишется как forty. Именно так, forty, а не fourty, как подсказывает логика. Почему? Почему в словах four, fourth, fourteen буква u есть, а в слове forty нет? Не знаю, “так сложилось”. Ведь до 17 века число 40 писалось именно как fourty, а потом буква u где-то затерялась. Никто вовремя не хватился пропажи, и forty стало грамматической нормой.

2. Дефис

ninety-eight, ninety-nine, one hundred! Ready or not, here I come!Еще одна вещь, которую проще запомнить, чем понять. В числах от 21 до 99 (кроме кратных десяти, т.е. кроме 30, 40, 50 и т.д.) нужен дефис.

The answer to life the universe and everything is forty-two. Ответ на вопрос о жизни, Вселенной и всем остальном – 42. 

Ninety-nine bottles of beer on the wall, ninety-nine bottles of beer. Take one down, pass it around, ninety-eight bottles of beer on the wall… – слова песни, которой можно скоротать время во время длинной дороги.

Справедливости ради замечу, что далеко не все носители следуют этому правилу…

3. Hundred или hundreds (thousand или thousands) в числах?

Когда на русском языке мы называем число с несколькими тысячами – в каком числе стоят тысячи? Глупый вопрос – скажете вы, конечно во множественном, ведь тысяч несколько: две тысячи, три тысячи… А как в английском – two thousand или two thousands?

Это правило тоже придется запомнить. В числах, где «столько-то тысяч» (или миллионов, миллиардов) – эти самые тысячи и миллиарды стоят в единственном числе: two hundred или three thousand (а также million, billion и даже brazillion).

Three billion human lives ended on August 29, 1997. The survivors of the nuclear fire called the war ‘Judgment Day’. Три миллиарда человеческих жизней оборвались 29 августа 1997 года. Те, кто пережил ядерное пекло, назвали ту войну “Судный день” (Terminator 2)

Suddenly... Buttons... Millions of them everywhereИсключение – фразы hundreds of, thousands of, (millions of и т.д.), и все остальные случаи, когда речь идет о сотнях и тысячах, не называя конкретного числа.

I spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on her, to make her a big star. Я потратил сотни и тысячи долларов, чтобы сделать из нее звезду (Godfather).

4. Проценты: 100 percent или percents?

Only kills 99.9 percent of germs? not buyingПутаница возникает и в процентах, ведь в русском языке мы привыкли говорить «увеличилось на 5 процентов», «выполнено на 100 процентов». В этом случае, надо запомнить, что процент – это всегда percent (или per cent, если вы общаетесь с британцем), но никогда не percents. Что логично, ведь percent, это, в переводе с латыни «на сотню»: пять на сотню, сто на сотню – форма не меняется.

Any other time you’d be 100 percent right. This time you’re 100 percent wrong. В любом другом случае ты была бы права на 100 процентов. В этот раз ты на 100 процентов ошибаешься (Kill Bill 2)

5. Five-dollars bill или five-dollar bill?

И последний момент, возможно, самый сложный. Всегда ли надо ставить существительное после числительного во множественное число? Оказывается, не всегда – давайте разбираться.

And then I said: I will be ready in 5 minutesЧислительное в английском языке может играть 2 разные роли в предложении. Оно может означать количество чего-то, например, «не имей сто рублей, а имей сто друзей». Второй вариант – оно может быть частью составного прилагательного, например «сторублевая купюра». Если по-прежнему звучит путано, то попробуйте следующий фокус. Если числительное отвечает на вопрос «сколько?» – это количество. Сколько – два кусочека колбаски, три рубля – это количество. А если отвечает на вопрос «какой?» – это составное прилагательное: трехметровый, пятизвездочный.

На этом сложная часть закончилось, а само правило очень простое. С количеством (“сколько?”) множественное число нужно:

We set out from Rivendell with seven companions. Мы вышли из Ривенделла, с нами было семеро. (Lord of the Rings)

Took a 10-Minute nap. Fully awake.А вот с составным прилагательным (“какой?”), наоборот, не нужно. И еще один момент: раз это составное прилагательное, пишется оно через дефис.

Contrary to what many people think, a two-dollar bill isn’t worth anything more than two dollars. – Несмотря на популярное заблуждение, двухдолларовая купюра не стоит больше, чем два доллара.

A thousand-li journey begins with the first step. Путешествие в тысячу ли начинается с первого шага. (Китайская пословица). Для любопытных: ли – единица длины, равная примерно половине километра.

Будьте внимательны со словами-исключениями.

It’s a two-man job. Это работа для двоих человек.
I wouldn’t touch it with a ten-foot pole. Я этого даже десятифутовой палкой не хочу касаться. (так говорят о чем-то очень неприятном).

Вот и все про английские числительные. Успехов в вычислениях и в изучении английского языка.

1) twenty-three thousand, six hundred a) 23 060 b) 23 600 c) 23 006 2) fifty-four thousand, twenty-seven a) 54 27 b) 54 270 c) 54 027 3) two hundred sixty-five thousand, nine hundred a) 265 009 b) 265 090 c) 265 900 4) 700 024 a) seven hundred thousand, twenty-four b) seven hundred twenty-four c) seven hundred thousands, two-four 5) 940 011 a) nine hundred forty thousand, eleven hundred b) nine hundred forty, eleven c) nine hundred forty thousand, eleven

Таблица лидеров

Эта таблица лидеров в настоящее время является частной. Нажмите Поделиться, чтобы сделать ее общедоступной.
Эта таблица лидеров была отключена владельцем ресурса.
Эта таблица лидеров отключена, так как у вас и у владельца ресурса разные значения параметров.

Викторина — это открытый шаблон. Он не создает баллы для таблицы лидеров.

Требуется вход в систему


Требуется вход в систему


Переключить шаблон


Дополнительные форматы будут отображаться при выполнении занятия.

There is not necessarily a logical grammatical justification. In the case of million, usage patterns have shifted.

«Two millions» vs. «Two million»

According to Google Ngram, «two millions» has long been the standard expression. However, starting around 1850, its usage declined while «two million» rose in popularity. Around 1920, «two million» became the new norm, and today «two millions» is rarely used.

Google Ngram of "Two millions" vs. "Two million"

«Two thousands», «Two hundreds»

In contrast, neither «two thousands» nor «two hundreds» has ever been accepted usage.

Google Ngram of "Two thousand(s)" and "Two hundred(s)"

If I had to speculate on the reason for the difference, it is probably because million has Latin origins, whereas hundred and thousand have Germanic origins. Therefore, the Old English-based inflection rules have always applied to hundred and thousand, as @MarkBeadles says, but the French-based rules for million have only recently started giving way.

Числительное (numerals) – это цифра, буква, слово (а иногда их сочетание), представляющее собой определённое число. Числительные английского языка делятся на две большие группы: количественные (cardinals) и порядковые (ordinals). В этой статье мы с вами поговорим о количественных.

Количественные числительные в английском языке

Виды количественных чисел (простые, производные, составные)

Cardinals обозначают конкретное число, количество или сумму. Они могут быть выражены как цифрами (1, 10, 100), так и словами (one, ten, hundred). Отвечают они на вопрос «Сколько?» (How much/many?).

– I don’t think ten glasses are enough for the party. – Я не думаю, что десяти стаканов хватит для вечеринки.

Cardinal numerals классифицируются на простые (simple), производные (derived) и составные (compound).

Simple numerals имеют одну основу. К ним относятся числа от one (один) до twelve (двенадцать), hundred (сотня), thousand (тысяча), million (миллион).

– More than a hundred people were arrested. – Более сотни человек были арестованы.

К derived numerals относятся все числа, содержащие суффиксы –teen и –ty, т.е. от thirteen (тринадцать) до nineteen (девятнадцать) и все десятки: twenty (двадцать), thirty (тридцать), forty (сорок) и т.д.

– They have been sailing for thirty days. – Они плывут уже тридцать дней.

Обратите внимание на разницу в написании однокоренных слов:
three-thirteen-thirty; four-fourteen-forty; five-fifteen-fifty.

К compound numerals относятся все числа от 21 до 29, от 31 до 39, от 41 до 49 и т.д. Составные числительные пишутся через дефис: twenty-one (21), forty-five (45), ninety-nine (99).

– Nearly ninety-nine percent of Austrians speak German. – Почти девяносто девять процентов австрийцев говорят на немецком.

Числа после 100, обозначающие сотни/тысячи и десятки/единицы, разделяются соединительным союзом and:

  • 115 – one hundred and fifteen;
  • 237 – two hundred and thirty-seven;
  • 1571 – one thousand five hundred and seventy-one.

Обратите внимание, перед словами hundred, thousand, million, если они не являются частью составного числительного, стоит неопределённый артикль – ‘а’ или числительное one: a hundred/one hundred, a thousand/thousand, a million/one million. Но употребление артикля ‘a’ более предпочтительно.

Количественные числительные от 1 до 100

Количественные числительные в английском имеют устойчивую (постоянную) форму и никак не склоняются.
Чтобы образовать числа от 13 до 19, берём за основу числа от 3 до 9 и добавляем суффикс –teen:

  • three + teen = thirteen (13)
  • four + teen = fourteen (14)
  • five + teen = fifteen (15)
  • six + teen = sixteen (16)
  • seven + teen = seventeen (17)
  • eight + teen = eighteen (18)
  • nine + teen = nineteen (19)

Для образования десятков есть своё правило: также берём за основу числа от 2 до 9 и добавляем суффикс –ty:

  • two + ty = twenty (20)
  • three + ty = thirty (30)
  • four + ty = forty (40)
  • five + ty = fifty (50)
  • six + ty = sixty (60)
  • seven + ty = seventy (70)
  • eight + ty = eighty (80)
  • nine + ty = ninety (90)

Для лучшего запоминания, можно воспользоваться следующей ассоциацией:

  • от 1 до 12 – это «маленькие» числа (small numerals);
  • от 13 до 19 – это числа-подростки (от англ. слова teen – подросток);
  • от 20 до 90 – «взрослая вечеринка» (от англ. слова party – вечеринка)

Таблица количественных числительных в английском языке от 1 до 100

Таблица количественных числительных в английском языке от 1 до 100

Числительные в английском до 100 могут иметь множественное число: ones, twos, threes…nines. Но, в основном, это касается десятков, когда речь идёт о годах. Чтобы их преобразовать в мн.ч. нужно придерживаться следующего принципа: ‘y’ меняем на ‘i’ и добавляем ‘es’.

  • ten – tens (10е)
  • twenty – twenties (20е)
  • thirty – thirties (30е)
  • forty – forties (40е)
  • fifty – fifties (50е)
  • sixty – sixties (60е)
  • seventy – seventies (70е)
  • eighty – eighties (80е)
  • ninety – nineties (90е)

– In the early 1920’s Americans were plagued by diphtheria. – В начале 1920-х американцы были поражены дифтерией.

[qsm quiz=59]

Количественные числительные от 100

С numerals от 100 дела обстоят несколько иначе. Числительные сотня (100,200 и т.д.) и тысяча (1000, 2000 и т.д.) в английском образуются так: необходимо к слову hundred/thousand спереди добавить цифру от 2 до 9.

Количественные числительные от 100

То же самое касается миллионов (million), миллиардов (billion) и т.д.

Ещё один нюанс – между британскими и американскими числительными есть как сходства, так и различия.

В numerals от тысячи и больше принято каждые три цифры (считая с конца) отделять запятой: 5,793; 69,527; 731,020; 4,552,300.

В британском английском в числах, начиная с 100, перед десятками или единицами (если нет десятков) ставится союз and.


  • 101 – one hundred and one;
  • 899 – eight hundred and ninety-nine;
  • 5,634 – five thousand six hundred and thirty-four.

Обратите внимание, что союз and также ставится перед десятками и единицами в числах от 100 тысяч:

  • 101,257 – one hundred and one thousand two hundred and fifty-seven

В американском же варианте этот союз опускается:

  • 101 – one hundred one;
  • 899 – eight hundred nine;
  • 5,634 – five thousand six hundred thirty-four.

Numerals от 100 также могут приобретать форму множественного числа: hundreds (сотни), thousands (тысячи), millions (миллионы).

Thousands of people have gone out into the streets. – Тысячи людей вышли на улицы.

Обратите внимание, что в составе больших числительных эти слова не имеют окончание -s.

К числительным, помимо самих чисел, относятся такие слова как zero – ноль (и его синонимы – nought, cipher, nil), dozen – дюжина, score – два десятка.

Употребление количественных числительных в английском

  • Numerals могут использоваться в качестве определения или местоимения:

– We had a long discussion about one occasion. – У нас была долгая беседа насчёт одного случая. (определение)

– Five of us spread out over a little distance in the wood. – Пятеро из нас разошлись по лесу на небольшое расстояние. (местоимение)

  • После numerals в роли местоимения могут использоваться следующие выражения:
  • …of them – …из них
  • …of the… – …из… (когда речь идёт об определённом количестве из общего числа)
  • … in the morning/afternoon/night – …утра/дня/ночи (когда речь идёт о времени)
  • …A.D. / B.C. – нашей эры/до нашей эры (когда речь идёт о годах)

Five of the seven prisoners were hanged. – Пятеро из семи заключённых было повешено.

– Egyptian priest Manetho lived in about 305-283 B.C. – Египетский жрец Манефон жил приблизительно в 305-283 годах до нашей эры.

  • А вот перед numerals можно использовать так называемые «усилители»:
  • Nearly – почти
  • About – около, примерно
  • Over – более
  • Some – около, примерно
  • Around – приблизительно
  • …or so – или около того
  • Only – только, всего лишь

– I’ve been living here for nearly nine years. – Я живу здесь почти девять лет.

– We found ten stones or so. – Мы нашли десять или около того камней.

В этой статье мы с вами рассмотрели количественные числительные, а именно, какие виды numerals существуют, как их образовывать и употреблять в предложениях.

Упражнения на количественные числительные

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Автоматический перевод

сто тысяч долларов

Перевод по словам

hundred  — сто, сотня, число сто, сотнями, по сотням, округ
thousand  — тысяча, множество, масса, тысяча


The hundred thousand miles glissade of some shooting meteor.

Тысячемильное скольжение какого-то разлетающегося метеора.

The final cost of the project will easily run into six figures (=be over one hundred thousand pounds or dollars).

Окончательная стоимость проекта без труда достигнет шестизначной суммы (т.е. превысит сто тысяч фунтов или долларов).

I have a hundred thousand bucks in the kick. *

У меня в кармане сто тысяч баксов.

I have a hundred thousand booboos in the kick. *

У меня в кармане сто тысяч зеленых.

I figured him to be worth a few hundred thousand. *

Я прикинул, что его состояние может составлять несколько сотен тысяч.

Hundreds of thousands turned out for the anti-war rally in New York.

Сотни тысяч людей собрались на антивоенный митинг в Нью-Йорке.

Примеры, отмеченные *, могут содержать сленг и разговорные фразы.

Cardinal numbers in English

что такое числительное в английском языке

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There are numbers and numbers in any language, so this topic is not considered difficult to understand. The numerals of each language have their own characteristics, which may not be in the native language. Therefore, while studying this part of speech, it is necessary to remember the names of numbers and numbers, as well as the cases of their correct use.

Numbers in English

In English, there are 10 figures: from 0 to 9. Various combinations of these “numbers” form “numbers”. These ten numbers in English with transcription are as follows:

  • 0 — zero / ‘ziərəu /;
  • 1 — one / wʌn /;
  • 2 — two / tu: /;
  • 3 — three / θri: /;
  • 4 — four / fɔ: /;
  • 5 — five / faiv /;
  • 6 — six / siks /;
  • 7 — seven / ‘sev (ə) n /;
  • 8 — eight / eit /;
  • 9 — nine / nain /.

Now let’s see what numbers we can form using numbers.

Cardinal numbers from 1 to 100

As in Russian, in English there are numerals with which we count something. They are called «quantitative» (cardinal numbers), answer the question «how much?»: One — one, two — two. And there are also numbers that are responsible for the order of something when counting. These numbers are called «ordinal numbers» and answer the question «which one?»: First — the first, second — the second.

  • We advise you to study the article on ordinal numbers in our blog separately.

These are the numbers you can find in English.

1 — one 13 — thirteen 30 — thirty
2 — two 14 — fourteen 40 — forty
3 — three 15 — fifteen 50 — fifty
4 — four 16 — sixteen 60 — sixty
5 — five 17 — seventeen 70 — seventy
6 — six 18 — eighteen 80 — eighty
7 — seven 19 — nineteen 90 — ninety
8 — eight 20 — twenty 100 — one hundred
9 — nine 21 — twenty-one
10 — ten 22 — twenty-two
11 — eleven 23 — twenty-three
12 — twelve 24 — twenty-four

See how native speaker Ronnie pronounces these numbers in English. Try to repeat after her to get used to the correct pronunciation and stress in these words.

Cardinal numbers in English are:

  1. Simple: one (1), three (3), hundred (100), thousand (1000).
  2. Derivatives, that is, those that have the suffixes -teen and -ty: seventeen (17), fifty (50).
  3. Compounds that include two or more words: eight hundred (800), five hundred and forty-three (543), six thousand, three hundred and ninety-nine (6399).

Cardinal numbers from 100 to

And this is how cardinal numbers over a hundred are formed.

101 — one hundred and one
102 — one hundred and two
200 — two hundred
300 — three hundred
1000 — one thousand
1001 — one thousand and one
1346 — one thousand, three hundred and forty-six
3000 — three thousand
10 — ten thousand
100 000 — one hundred thousand
1 — one million
1 — one milliard (more common in England) and one billion (more common in the USA)

Let’s try to do the impossible and write down such a number in words 1 623 457?

1,623,457 = One million, six hundred and twenty-three thousand, four hundred and fifty-seven.

According to the classical rules of English, when we write numbers in words, then after each «three» digits we must put a comma (1,346 — one thousand, three hundred and forty-six), but in modern English writing may not separate every thousandth place with a comma.

When we write down compound quantitative numbers in digits, then every three digits are separated by a comma: 6,485 or 15,394. But in decimal fractions we use a point — 2.5 or 4.46.

And in the Russian language, everything is quite the opposite: we use the comma with fractions, and the period — in the digits.

Features of the use of cardinal numbers in English

Let’s talk about some of the features of the use of cardinal numbers.

  1. Look at the numbers 13 through 19. See the pattern? Yes, these numbers are formed with the suffix -teen from the first ten. Watch out for small spelling changes in 13 (thirteen) and 15 (fifteen). Pronounce these numbers correctly: the stress will be on this suffix -teen.
  2. Numbers expressing tens are also formed. We work with the first ten numbers and the -ty suffix. And notice, there is a hyphen between tens and subsequent ones (fifty-five, sixty-three, ninety-one).
  3. If you were careful, you must have noticed that the numerals hundred, thousand and million do not have a plural when they are preceded by another numeral: seven hundred, five thousand, nine million. However, if we are talking about some indefinite number and a noun follows the numeral, then the ending -s is possible.

    millions of people

Source: https://engblog.ru/cardinal-numbers

Numeral name in English: Cardinal, Ordinal, Fractions

что такое числительное в английском языке

A numeral name is a part of speech that denotes the number of objects (cardinal numbers), as well as the order of objects when counting (ordinal numbers).

Cardinal numbers

 — zero, o [ou], naught,
1 — one,
2 — two,
3 — three,
4 — four,
5 — five,
6 — six,
7 — seven,
8 — eight,
9 — nine,

10 — ten,
11 — eleven,
12 — twelve,
13 — thirteen,
14 — fourteen,
15 — fifteen,
16 — sixteen,
17 — seventeen,
18 — eighteen,
19 — nineteen,
20 — twenty,
30 — thirty,
40 — forty,
50 — fifty,
60 — sixty,
70 — seventy,
80 — eighty,
90 — ninety,

100 — a / one hundred,
200 — two hundred,
300 — three hundred,

1,000 — a / one thousand;
8,000 — eight thousand;
200,000 — two hundred thousand;

1,000,000 — a / one million;
6,000,000 — six million;

121 — one hundred and twenty one (books);

7,006 — seven thousand and six.


first — first, second — second, third — third, then ordinal numbers are formed from quantitative ones by adding a suffix -th.

fourth — fourth, fifth — fifth, sixth — sixth, seventh — seventh, eighth — eighth, nineth — ninth, tenth — tenth.

End -y when forming an ordinal number from the cardinal number changes to -i and the suffix is ​​added -eth.

Twenty — twentieth — twentieth

forty — fortune — fortieth


1/2 — a half
1/3 — a / one third
3/4 — three quarters
2/9 — two ninths
0.25 — zero / nought point two five
2.456 — two point four five six
7.089 — seven point o [ou] eight nine
.7 — point seven.

Source: https://www.study.ru/handbook/imya-chislitelnye

Numerals in English. Numbers and numbers in English

что такое числительное в английском языке

Numbers in English have two functions:

  • are responsible for counting objects: indicate the size, quantity;
  • indicate the order in which items are counted — sequence.

Are they important; and if important, how much? It is easy not only to imagine, but also to check it yourself. For at least one day, try not to mention the exact information regarding:

  • dates, times and deadlines;
  • prices;
  • telephone numbers and addresses;
  • age;
  • weights and distances.

Eventually, even talking about the weather gets a lot harder without mentioning temperature: 

— How is it on the street?

— Coldly.

— How cold?

— Colder than yesterday! 

— How cold was it yesterday ?!

— Colder than the day before yesterday !!!

So, without delaying or putting it on the back burner, we get down to numbers and numbers in English.

Cardinal numbers in English

Cardinal numbers, following their name, indicate the number of things (objects). At the same time, they answer the question — «how much?» (how many?).

dragonflies have four wings. — Dragonflies have 4 wings.

The company purchased ninety tons of coal. — The company purchased 90 tons of coal.

Simple numbers in English

They determine the score from 1 to 12.

Numbers in English

The figures — symbols used to write all numbers: whole, fractional, large and small. Without getting into higher mathematics and not counting punctuation marks (period, comma, slash), there are only 10 characters that we operate with for:

  • counting: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc.;
  • designations of quantities: mass, time, temperature, etc.

These are the so-called «Arabic numerals» used in the vast majority of countries in the world to write numbers in the decimal system.

Source: https://englishboost.ru/tsifry-na-anglijskom/

Lesson 25. Ordinal numerals in English. Ordinal numbers in English

Daria SorokinaLinguist-translator, teacher of foreign languages.

In this topic, we will look at how to build an ordinal and give the exact date. There are two types of numerals:

• Quantitative cardinal numerals (denote the number of items), for example, one 1, two 2, three 3 and others;

• Ordinal ordinal numbers (indicate the order of items), for example, first, second, third and others.

Ordinal table (listen)

from 1st to 12th from 13th to 19th from 20th to 90th from 100th onwards

1st first2nd second3rd third4th fourth5th fifth6th sixth7th seventh8th eighth9th ninth10th tenth11th eleventh12th twelfth 13th thirteenth14th fourteenth15th fifteenth16th sixteenth17th seveteenth18th eighteenth19th nineteenth 20th twentieth21st twenty-first etc 30th thirtieth40th fortieth50th fiftieth60th sixtieth70th seventieth80th eightieth90th ninetieth 100th hundredth 101st hundred and first etc 200th two hundredth 500th five hundredth1,000th thousandth1,001st thousand and first etc 1,000,000th millionth

Examine the suggested table.

We’ve divided all the numbers into four columns.

Features of the formation of ordinal numbers

First of all, we study the numbers from 1 to 12. These numbers are formed using the suffix th. We add this suffix to the cardinal, for example, four — the fourth (fourth).

However, pay attention to the first three numbers, which are exceptions, that is, they do not form an ordinal number according to the rule, for example, one — the first (first), two — the second (second), three — the third (third).

We will also highlight the numerals five — the fifth (fifth), twelve — the twelfth (twelfth) as the final voiced sound [v] stunned when adding a suffix th.

Next, we will consider the numbers from 13 to 19, which are also formed according to the rule by adding the suffix th to the cardinal number.

Numerals denoting tens are formed according to the same rule, only it should be noted that cardinal numbers end with the letter y, which always changes to a letter when adding suffixes or endings i+e+th, for example, twenty — the twentieth (twentieth), thirty — the thirtieth (thirtieth).

The numbers of the fourth group from 100 onwards are formed according to the rule, that is, we add the suffix th to hundreds and thousands, for example, hundred — the hundredth (hundredth), two hundred — the two hundredth (two hundredth), three thousand — the three thousandth (three thousandth).

If we have a composite numeral consisting of tens and ones, then we change the last digit, for example, fifty-three — the fifty-third (fifty fifth), one hundred and eighty-four — the one hundred and eighty-fourth (one hundred eighty fourth).

Once again, we note the important points.

  • Numbers first, second, third — exceptions (first, second, third);
  • Sound changes [v] on [f] (five — the fifth, twelve — the twelfth)
  • Letter changes y on ie + th (forty — the fortieth)

Ordinal in English are always used with the definite article the, accordingly, exact dates are also used with the article, for example, the first of June or June the first (first of June).

Let’s remember, if we want to talk about an event that happened on a certain date, then we need to use the preposition before the phrase one; for example, on the first of June (June XNUMXst).

Exercise 1. Form ordinal numbers from cardinal ones.
3, 33, 54, 102, 88, 12, 20, 100, 1, 11.

Exercise 2Exercise 2. What are the dates?
May 12, September 1, December 31, January 7, November 13, March 8.

Exercise 3. Answer the questions.

When is your father’s birthday?

Reply 1.
The third, the thirty-third, the fifty-fourth, the one hundred and second, the eighty-eighth, the twelfth, the twentieth, the hundredth, the first, the eleventh.

Reply 2.
The twelfth of May, the first of September, the-first of December, the thirtyh of January, the thirteenth of November, the eighth of March.

Source: https://linguistpro.net/poryadkovye-chislitelnye-v-anglijskom-yazyke

Numbers in English

As in Russian, numerals in English are divided into quantitative (one, two) and ordinal (first second). Unlike Russian numerals, English ones are not inclined.

The declension of numerals in Russian is a sore subject not only for foreigners learning Russian, but also for us, native speakers. Not everyone will read aloud without errors something like “container with 843 samples” or “supplied 427 kg of material”. Fortunately, everything in English is much easier.


Recommended video tutorial: “Numbers — Usage and Secrets”.

Cardinal numbers in English

Cardinal numbers answer the question «how much?» and denote the number, number of objects, persons, etc.

One person — One person.

Nine players — Nine players.

Eleven questions — Eleven questions.

Ordinal numbers in English

Ordinal numbers answer the questions “which? which? ”, they are usually preceded by the article thesince ordinal numbers most often serve as definitions for a particular noun.

The first person — The first person.

The ninth playes — Ninth player.

The eleventh question — Eleventh question.

Table of English numbers with translation

There are simple patterns in the formation of numerals, so all numerals fit compactly in one table. Please note, not specified here zero — read about it below.

All numbers are given with «translation» — it is given in the form of numbers and numbers.

Digits, numbersCardinal numberOrdinal number

1 one first
2 Two second
3 three third
4 four fourth
5 five fifth
6 six sixth
7 seven seventh
8 eight eighth
9 nine nineth
10 th tenth
11 eleven eleventh
12 twelve Twelfth
13 thirteen third
14 fourteen fourteenth
15 fifteen fifteenth
16 sixteen sixteenth
17 seventeen seventeenth
18 eighteen eighteenth
19 nineteen nineteen
20 Twenty twentieth
21 twenty one twenty first
22 twenty-two twenty second
23 twenty three twenty third
24 twenty-four twenty-fourth
25 twenty five twenty-fifth
26 twenty six twenty-sixth
27 twenty seven twenty-seventh
28 twenty-eight twenty-eighth
29 twenty nine twenty-ninth
30 thirty thirtytieth
40 forty fortune
50 fifty fifteenth
60 sixty sixtieth
70 seventy seventieth
80 eighty eightieth
90 ninety ninetieth
100 one hundred hundredth
500 five hundred five hundredth
1000 one thousand thousandth
100 000 one hundred thousand hundred thousandth
1 000 000 one million millionth

The table lists all the numbers from 1 to 29, then only the names of tens (thirty, forty) are indicated, because the numbers between them (32, 33 39, etc.) are formed according to exactly the same pattern as 21-29 — after the name of the ten the required unit is added with a hyphen: forty-one, forty-two, and so on.

Sound cards with numbers for memorization

With these flashcards, you can not only learn English numbers, but also listen to how they are pronounced.

Cardinal numbers: pronunciation and cards

Recommended video tutorial: “Numbers — Usage and Secrets”.

Features of the use of words hundred, thousand, million

Words hundred, thousand, million used in the singular:

Tho hundredweight.

Twenty thousands.

Oven million.

In the plural, they are used when talking about hundreds (thousands, millions) of something:


Source: https://langformula.ru/english-grammar/numerals/

Cardinal and ordinal numbers in English

You might think that it makes no sense to study numerals in English. Indeed, it is easier to write the necessary numbers on a piece of paper and just show them to an English-speaking friend (and to any other friend who passed the numbers at school).

But what to do if a situation arises when there is no piece of paper at hand or there is no way at all to draw something on the sand / napkin / other surfaces. For example, when you speak to a business partner on the phone or call the automated call center at London Airport.

And in general, knowledge of numbers in English will not be superfluous.

You didn’t think, when you learned the English alphabet, about its need, but you took it for granted. Moreover, this process is simple and interesting.

Numbers in English (quantitative numerators)

• What is easiest to memorize? Rhymed poetry. The British seem to have specially invented numbers that are easy to rhyme. Meaning quantitative numerals. That is, those with which you can count objects. We take numbers from 1 to 12 and memorize simple rhymes:

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven,
Eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve.

We repeat this mantra 10 times and consider that the first stage has been passed.

• The second step is to learn the cardinal numbers from 13 to 19. If we were talking about a person’s age, then many would call people from 13 to 19 years old teenagers. And it is no coincidence. It’s just that at the end of each of these numbers there is the same ending. teen… And here is the confirmation:


• Let’s go further? We take dozens. They are very similar to the numbers 13 through 19, but they have an important difference. Instead of a teenage ending, we add –Ty.


• Do you think it will be more difficult further? Don’t even hope. How do we speak Russian 21? The same in English:

twenty one

Fine, fine. Have noticed. Yes, a hyphen is placed between ten and one. But otherwise, everything is the same. Take a look:

Thirty-four, fifty-seven, eighty-two.

• Let’s not waste time on trifles. And let’s move on to more impressive numbers.

Hundred — 100
Thousand — 1000
Million — 1000000

If this is not enough for us, then we can make 200 (two hundred) or 3000 (three thousand), or even immediately 5000000 (five million).

It is surprising that the British did not complicate anything here. Note that a hundred, a thousand, a million are not plural. Everything is in one.

• Still, let’s try something more complicated. Let’s look at composite numbers. For example, 387. We place bets, gentlemen, who will pronounce this number how? And now the correct answer is:

three hundred AND eighty-seven.

The only difference from the Russian is the appearance of the union “and” between hundreds and tens.

What about 5234? We place our bets again. Correct answer:

Five thousand two hundred and thirty-four.

Ordinal numerators

• Cardinal numbers did a good job as a warm-up. It’s time to move on to ordinal in English. That is, to those numerals that denote the order of objects: first, second, third twenty-fourth, the calculation is over!

And here one little surprise awaits us. All ordinal numbers are obtained in the same way: the article is simply added to them the front and th at the end of a word. And all the cases.

the fourth
the fifth
the sixth
the seventh
the eighth
the ninth
the forty-seventh

But English wouldn’t be so interesting if it weren’t for the exceptions to the rule. And, of course, these exceptions are the most commonly used numerals.

the first
the third

Who has not guessed yet, this is the very first, second and third.

• For dessert. A little more theory for the most curious. This is no longer as necessary as knowledge of cardinal and ordinal numbers, but it will help you show yourself to be very educated in the environment of English-speaking interlocutors.

Phone number. How do you say in Russian 155-28-43? Yeah: one hundred fifty five, twenty eight, forty three. And in English you will call each number in turn. And a little nuance: when there are 2 identical digits in a row, you need to say double and name the number. In this example: one double five two eight four three.

Year. For example, 1843. In Russian: one thousand eight hundred and forty-third. That is, as a number, and even ordinal. And the British are not bastard. Their years are pronounced in dozens at once: eighteen forty-three. That is, also numbers, but quantitative, without any –Th.


Source: https://iloveenglish.ru/theory/anglijskaya_grammatika/chislitelnie_kolichestvennie_i_poryadkovie

The Ordinal Numbers in English

As in Russian, in English, numbers are subdivided into cardinal (the Cardinal Numbers) and ordinal (the Ordinal Numbers). Whereas quantitative numbers indicate the number of objects, objects, phenomena, etc.

and answer the question: «How much?», ordinal numbers are characterized by what they call the ordinal number of an object, phenomenon or object in a series of similar objects, objects and phenomena.

Ordinal numbers answer the question: “Which one? / What is the order? » and differ in their form and use from the corresponding cardinal numbers, for example:

numeral translation example proposal translation of an example
quantitative four four We have made only four exercises during the lesson. We only did four exercises during the lesson.
ordinal the fourth fourth We have made only the fourth exercise during the lesson. We only did the fourth exercise during the lesson.

The examples given show that the cardinal (four) and ordinal (the fourth) numerals are different in their structure and meaning. After all, the cardinal number showed us how many exercises were done, while the ordinal indicated which exercise was performed.

Formation of ordinal numbers

Despite the differences, ordinal numbers are similar to cardinal numbers, since most ordinal numbers are derived from cardinal numbers by adding the appropriate suffix. Let’s consider ordinal numbers from the very beginning. First three ordinal numbers must be memorized:

numeral transcription abbreviated form translation
the first [fəːst] the 1st first
second [ˈSɛk (ə) nd] the 2nd second
the third [θəːd] the 3rd third

In written speech, it is the abbreviated form that is often used. It is easy to see that ordinal numbers are used in the table and in the examples above with the definite article the… Of course, the article does not refer to the ordinal number itself, but to the noun following it.

However, naming the ordinal number of an object or phenomenon so concretizes it that the use of a definite article before the group of words «ordinal + noun» becomes mandatory.

To avoid mistakes in the use of the article, it is better to memorize ordinal numbers immediately with the definite article.

Let’s go back to the rest of the ordinal numbers. Most ordinal numbers, starting with the word «fourth», are derived from the corresponding cardinal numbers by adding the -th suffix, for example:

cardinal number ordinal transcription abbreviated form translation
four — 4 the fourth [fɔːθ] the 4th fourth
five — 5. the fifth [fɪfθ] the 5th fifth
 six — 6 the sixth [sɪksθ] the 6th sixth
seven — 7 the seventh [ˈSɛv (ə) nθ] the 7th seventh
eight — 8 the eightth [eɪtθ] the 8th eighth
estatee — 9 the ninth [ˈNʌɪnθ] the 9th ninth
ten — 10 tenth [tɛnθ] the 10th tenth
eleven — 11 the eleventh [ɪˈlɛv (ə) nθ] the 11th eleventh
twelve — 12 the twelfth [twɛlfθ] the 12th twelfth
thirteen — 13 the thirdth [ˌΘəːˈtiːnθ] the 13th thirteenth
fourteen — 14 the fourteenth [ˌFɔːˈtiːnθ] the 14th fourteenth
fifteen — 15 the fifteenth [fɪfˈtiːnθ] the 15th fifteenth
sixteen — 16 the sixteenth [ˌSɪksˈtiːnθ] the 16th sixteenth
seventeen — 17 the seventeenth [ˌSɛvnˈtiːnθ] the 17th seventeenth
eighteen — 18 the eighteenth [ˌEɪˈtiːnθ] the 18th eighteenth
nineteen — 19 the nineteenth [ˌNʌɪnˈtiːnθ] the 19th nineteenth
twenty — 20 the twentieth [twentiəθ] the 20th twentieth

Despite the fact that the ordinal numbers shown in the table are formed according to the rule, some of them have spelling peculiarities, namely:

  • in numerals «fifth» — the fifth and «twelfth» — the twelfth the final letter combination was replaced ve (see the corresponding cardinal number) on f;
  • in the numeral «eighth» — the eighth there was no duplication of consonant — t when adding a suffix, the same consonants of the root and the suffix merged into one;
  • in the numeral «ninth» — the ninth vowel disappeared — еpresent in the corresponding cardinal estatee.
  • in ordinal numbers denoting even tens, starting with twenty, the letter -y the corresponding cardinal number becomes ie when adding a suffix —th.

In the future, when forming ordinal numbers from complex quantitative numbers, only the last part of the number is subject to changes, for example:

cardinal number ordinal transcription abbreviated form translation
twenty-one — 21 the twenty-first [twentiə fəːst] the 21st twenty first
twenty-two — 22 the twenty-second [twentiə ˈsɛk (ə) nd] the 22nd twenty second
twenty-three — 23 the twenty-third [twentiə θəːd] the 23rd twenty third
twenty-four — 24 the twenty-fourth [twentiə fɔːθ] the 24th twenty-fourth
twenty-five — 25 the twenty-fifth [twentiə fɪfθ] the 25th twenty fifth
twenty-six — 26 the twenty-sixth [twentiə sɪksθ] the 26th twenty sixth
thirty — 30 the thirdieth [‘θəːtiəθ] the 30th thirtieth
thirty-one — 31 the thirty-first [‘θəːtiə fəːst] the 31st thirty first
 thirty-two — 32 the thirty-second [‘θəːtiə ˈsɛk (ə) nd] the 32nd thirty second
thirty-three — 33 the thirty-third [‘θəːtiə θəːd] the 33rd thirty third
thirty-nine — 39 the thirty-ninth [‘θəːtiəˈnʌɪnθ] the 39th thirty-ninth
forty-six — 46 the forty-sixth [‘fɔː tiə sɪksθ] the 46th forty sixth
fifty-eight — 58 the fifty-eighth [‘fɪftiə eɪtθ] the 58th fifty-eighth
sixty-seven — 67 the sixty-seventh [‘sɪkstiə ˈsɛv (ə) nθ] the 67th sixty seventh
seventy-two — 72 the seventy-second [‘sɛvntiə ˈsɛk (ə) nd] the 72nd seventy-second
eighty-one — 81 the eighty-first [‘eɪtiə fəːst] the 81st eighty-first
ninety-three — 93 the ninetythird [‘nʌɪntiə θəːd] the 93rd ninety third
one hundred — 100 the one hundredth [wΛn ‘hΛndridθ] the 100th hundredth
one hundred and one — 101 the one hundred and first [wΛn ‘hΛndrid ənd fəːst] the 101st one hundred and first
one hundred and fourteen — 114 the one hundred and fourteenth [wΛn ‘hΛndrid ənd ˌfɔːˈtiːnθ] the 114th one hundred and fourteenth
one thousand — 1000 the one thousandth [wΛn ‘θaυzəndθ] the 1000th thousandth

As shown above, if a complex numeral (for example: «twenty-first») contains the words «first», «second» or «third», then they will also be transmitted by ordinal numbers first, second, third, respectively, added to the numeral denoting tens or hundreds.

Features of the use of ordinal numbers in English sentences

An ordinal number is placed before the nouns that they define, while cardinal numbers can come either before or after the noun, although the meanings will be different, for example:

ordinal sentence cardinal sentence
Open your books on the second

Source: https://1hello.ru/grammatika/poryadkovye-chislitelnye-v-anglijskom-yazyke.html

Numbers in English

It is difficult to meet a person who cannot count to 10 in English, but English numbers greater than ten raise many questions, and many do not fully know how to call them correctly, so they avoid calling large numbers or working with fractions. In this article, I will tell you in great detail (and I will remind someone) what numbers are in English, and how to call numbers in English.

In English, as in Russian, there are two types of numerals: quantitative and ordinal.

Cardinal numbers

Quantitative answers to the question «How much?» and, as their name implies, indicate the quantity:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
one Two three four five six seven eight nine th

This row is familiar to everyone, but I still ask you to pay attention to the pronunciation of the words: three [θriː], so that you have an English sound [θ], not Russian C, but in the words five and seven, try not to deafen the sound [v ]: [faɪv], [ˈsev.ən].

To form numbers second ten (11-19), the suffix -teen is added to simple numbers, but not to all, as there are exceptions (11,12):

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen

Please also note that in some numbers, when a suffix is ​​added, the spelling changes (thirteen, fifteen, eighteen).

It is important to remember about stress. At transfer or invoice, the stress falls on the first syllable, because all numbers in a row with the same suffix:

thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen,

If you use in speech one numeral, not in a number row, but, for example, with a noun, then the stress falls on the second syllable:

She is thirteen years old. — She is 13 years old.
There are fourteen books. — There are 14 books.

For the formation of numerals denoting dozens of, the suffix -ty is used:

20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety

Note the changes in the numbers 20, 40, 50.

Since -teen and -ty have similar pronunciations, it is important pronounce the endings clearly numerals to avoid misunderstanding and distortion of information.

Two-digit numbers are usually hyphenated:

22 — twenty-two
48 — forty eight

For naming hundreds we use the word hundred, and thousand — thousand, and these words are in the singularwhen we know exact amount hundreds and thousands:

100 — one hundred 1000 — one thousand 500 — five hundred

5000 — five thousand

Using the words hundreds and thousands is only possible if we do not know the exact quantities:

Hundreds of books — hundreds of books
Thousands of people — thousands of people

A million in English is million, and a billion is billion. These words are also used in singular with exact number… Hundreds, thousands, millions, and billions can separated by commas for a better perception of the whole number:

1,259,126 — one million two hundred and fifty-nine thousand one hundred twenty-six 6,241,491,960 — six billion two hundred and forty one million, four hundred and ninety-one thousand, nine hundred and sixty millions of people — millions of people

billions of dollars — billions of dollars


These numbers answer the questions “Which one? What is the order?«, Indicate the place of a certain subject in the quantitative series. Ordinal numbers are formed using the -th suffix, which is added in most cardinal numbers, with the exception of three:

1 — one 1st — (the) first
2 — two 2nd — (the) second
3 — three 3rd — (the) third

The ordinal number is preceded by the definite article the if there is no other determinant. Adding -th to numbers is usually straightforward, but there are a few «problematic» numbers that have some spelling changes when -th is added:

5 — five 5th — (the) fifth
8 — eight 8th — (the) eighth
9 — nine 9th — (the) ninth
12 — twelve 12th — (the) twelfth

In addition, in the numbers denoting dozens of, final letter y changes to ie before adding -th:

twenty — twentieth fifty — fiftieth

ninety — ninetieth

Ordinal numbers of two-digit, three-digit, etc. numbers are formed by adding -th to the last numeral:

35th — the thirty-fifth 78th — the seventy-eighth

257th — the two hundred and fifty-seventh

Using the AND conjunction in numerals

Should I or should I not say and? We come across different options and so on to the end and cannot understand when we need the union and in numbers. And it turns out that you say and, then you skip. To clear your mind, consider when and is used in numbers.

And is not used in two-digit numbers less than a hundred:

75 — seventy-five 24 — twenty-four

98 — ninety-eight

And is used after the word hundred, if it is followed by dozens of:

132 — one hundred and thirty two 718 — seven hundred and eighteen

304 — three hundred and four

And is used after the word thousand, if it is followed by dozens of, without hundreds:

1086 — One thousand and eighty six 6007 — Six thousand and seven

4020 — four thousand and twenty

If after the word thousand followed by hundreds (a number greater than one hundred or equal to one hundred), then and not used:

2589 — two thousand five hundred eighty nine 5100 — five thousand one hundred

9634 — nine thousand six hundred thirty four

In American English (AmE) and is often overlooked, so you can see numbers with hundred, thousand without and.

The word and in numerals is always unstressed, and its pronunciation is reduced to [ən], [nd], [n].

And is used when reading common fractions (common fractions or simple fractions):

1 1/2 — one and a half
3 2/3 — three and two thirds

You will learn how to correctly name simple and decimal fractions in the next article.

Source: https://enginform.com/article/pogovorim-o-chislitelnih

The use of numbers in English


The numeral indicates the number or order of items in the count. In English, numbers are divided by quantitative и ordinal.

Ordinal Numerals

Ordinal numbers are formed by adding a suffix -th to the corresponding cardinal numbers:

four — (the) fourth fourth

seven — (the) seventh seventh

eighteen — (the) eighteenth eighteenth

The exception is the numerals one, two, three:

one — (the) first [fe: st] first

two — (the) second [‘sekond] second

three — (the) third third

When ordinal numbers are formed from the numbers five, eight, nine, twelve, before the suffix -th, the spelling of the stem changes:

five — (the) fifth fifth

eight — (the) eighth eighth

nine — (the) nineth ninth

twelve — (the) Twelfth twelfth

When ordinal numbers are formed from cardinal numbers ending in -ty, the final -y changes to -ie:

twenty — (the) twentieth twentieth

forty — (the) fortieth fortieth

When forming compound ordinal numbers, only the last digit takes the form of an ordinal number:

(the) forty-eighth (the) fifty-third

Nouns defined by ordinal numbers are used with the definite article:

The first mention of Moscow was in 1147. The first mention of Moscow dates back to 1147.

When designating the numbers of rooms, houses, trams, buses, trolleybuses, chapters, paragraphs, clothing and shoe sizes, cardinal numbers can be used instead of ordinal numbers, while the article the is omitted, and the numeral is placed after the noun to which it refers.

Fractional Numerals

In common fractions, the numerator is expressed as a cardinal number, and the denominator as an ordinal:

1 / 7- one seventh one-seventh

When reading simple fractions, if their numerator is greater than one, the plural ending -s is added to the denominator:

2/4 — two fourths — two fourths

2/3 -two thirds — two thirds

3 1/5 — three and one fifth — three wholes and one fifth

1/2 — one second, a second, one half, a half — one second, half

1/4 -one fourth, a fourth, one quarter, a quarter — one fourth, quarter

In Decimal Fractions, the integer is separated by a dot and each digit is read separately. Zero reads nought [no: t] (in the US, zero [‘zierou]).

4.25 four point twenty-five; four point two five

0.43 nought point forty-three; nought-point-four-three

Nouns following a fraction have the singular form, and when reading them, the preposition -of is placed:

2/3 meter- two thirds of a meter two-thirds of a meter

0.05 ton — nought point nought five of a ton zero point five hundredths of a ton



Source: http://engmaster.ru/rule/701

Numeral in English — rules and summary tables for the formation of numbers

Numeral name in English (The Numeral) is a part of speech used to indicate the number of objects and their order. Accordingly, as in Russian, numbers in English are subdivided into quantitative and ordinal. In addition, according to the method of formation, numerals are divided into simple and compound ones. Further we will dwell on the above in more detail.

 English numerals by educational method

I think there is no great need to explain in detail what a prime and composite number means in English. In order for you to understand the difference between them, it will be sufficient to disassemble the following examples:

five — simple (literally you can understand that it consists of one word);
Forty-four — composite (literally consists of 2 parts);
twenty ten — also compound (consists of 2 words).

Quantitative (Cardinal Numerals)

These are the most commonly used numerals. They indicate the number of items (answer the question how many (How much?)). There are certain rules for the formation of cardinal numbers:

  • numbers from 1 to 12 need to be learned by heart, they are unique in their kind;
  • numbers from 13 to 19 are formed by adding a suffix -teen;

13 — thirteen
19 — nineteen

  • numbers denoting tens are formed by adding a suffix -ty;
  • compound cardinal numbers, as in Russian, are combinations of simple numbers.

21 — twenty-one
141 — one hundred and forty-one

Ordinal Numerals

These numbers indicate the order of objects (give an answer to the question which? (which the?)). The rules for the formation of ordinal numbers are quite simple:

the + base of cardinal number + -th (-eth).

The suffix is ​​added to the base of cardinal numbers -th (-eth)which is pronounced [θ] ([iθ]). In addition, the article is usually placed before the ordinal the:

The note. The following ordinal numbers should be remembered, which are not formed according to the rules:

one — the first
two — the second
three — the third

In compound numerals, the ordinal suffix -th is added only to the last word:

457 — the four hundred and fifty-seventh
759 — the seven hundred and fifty-ninth

Number table

Below, I will present to your attention a summary table of the formation of a numeral name in English… It is worth noting that the table is not complete, but reasonable abbreviations are given in places where the method of forming the numerals is identical.

Reading numbers

Compound numbers in English are read in the same way as in Russian:

24 — twenty-four
95 — ninety-five

Between hundreds or thousands and millions and tens or units following them, in the absence of tens, an alliance is established and:

275 — two hundred and seventy-five
641 — six hundred and forty one
5,702 — five thousand eight hundred and one
2,617,237 — two million six hundred and seventeen thousand two hundred and thirty seven

The note. Numerals hundredweight (hundred), thousands (thousand), million (million) plural suffix -s do not accept:

four million
four million.

The following numbers are used with the word one or with the article a:

100 — one hundred or a hundredweight
1,000 — one thousand or a thousands
1,000,000 — one millon or a million

Accordingly, we get:

1,026 — one thousand and twenty-six, a thousand and twenty-six.

Examples of sentences with numbers

For completeness, consider sentences in which a numeral name appears as:

Six hundred and forty thousand people live in Izhevsk.
Lives in Izhevsk 640 thousands people. sixth issue of the magazine was published.
Substitute sixth issue of this magazine Izhevsk was founded in seventeen hundred and sixtieth year.
Izhevsk was founded in 1760-th year.The two

Source: https://englishforeducation.ru/chislitelnoe-v-anglijskom-yazyke.html

What are the numerals in English?

So, numeral (the numeral) is a part of speech that denotes the number and order of objects. As in Russian, they are quantitative (cardinal numerals) and ordinal (ordinal numerals).

Cardinal numbers simply indicate how many items we have. They kind of answer the question “How many?”. Ordinal show the serial number of the item and answer the question “which?”.

Compare: I have three cakes. The third is my favorite. — I have three (quantitative) cakes. The third (ordinal) is my favorite.

Cardinal numbers in English

In order to use numbers correctly, we first need to learn the numbers from one to twelve well. It is on them that the entire pyramid of the English account is built.

We will assume that we are familiar with the numbers from 1 to 12. In order to compose a cardinal number in English from 13 to 19, we just need to add a «tail» -teen- to the number from 3 to 9. For example, six (six) + -teen- = sixteen (sixteen). Not very hard, right? The only thing to note is that thirteen in English will be thirteen (three — three).

If we need a digit from 20 to 90, with a multiple of 10 (that is, 30, 40, 50, and so on), then we need a tail -ty-. It works the same way: we take a number from 2 to 9, add -ty- and our new number is ready! For example, six (six) + — ty- = sixty (sixty).

Composite numerals (for example, such as 25, 67, 89 and so on) are formed in the same way as in Russian. Sixty-five = sixty (six + ty) — five. Of course, English would not be English if it did not have a little difficulty in writing numbers. But we hope that the sign will help you figure out what’s what.

Ordinal numbers in English

In order to correctly count the objects, we again need to remember the next «tail». This time it is the -th- suffix. For example, six is ​​sixth, twenty-six is ​​twenty-sixth.

Of course, there are a few rules to follow:

  • In compound ordinal numbers in English, the «tail» -th- is attached ONLY to the last word. 147th — one hundred forty-seventh
  • Tens with a final vowel -y (ninety) change it to -ie-90 — ninety90th — ninetieth
  • We need to remember a few exceptions the first first, the second second, the third third, the fifth fifth, the ninth ninth, the twelfth twelfth

Fractions in English

In order to correctly pronounce a fraction in English, we need to know both ordinal and cardinal numbers. Indeed, in fractions, the numerator is denoted by the cardinal number, and the denominator by the ordinal. The denominator accepts the plural ending -s if the numerator is greater than one.

Example: 1/5 — one fifth, 4/7 — four sevenths, 2 ¼ — two and one fourth / quarter.

These were examples of simple fractions. Well, what if we come across decimal fractions?

Everything is pretty simple here too. The main thing is to remember that in such fractions in English, a point is put (point), not a comma.

Example: 0.5 — zero point five, 43.75 — forty-three point seventy-five

Years in English

Let’s figure out how to correctly name the years in English. You just need to split the four-digit number into two two-digit ones, corresponding to the first two and last two digits of the designation. For example, 1996 — 19 and 96, that is, nineteen ninety-six.

True, since 2001, the years began to be considered as cardinal numbers. That is, 2006 is two thousand (and) six. But after 2010, everything gradually began to return to its origins. So it turns out that 2016 can be read in two ways: 1) two thousand and sixteen 2) twenty sixteen. Both the one and the other way will be considered correct. By the way, note that the numerals hundred, thousand, million do not acquire the ending s as a plural.

It seems that everything is not so difficult with English numbers, right? At least, everything lends itself to some kind of logic. Well, in order to remember exactly how cardinal numbers are formed, pay attention to this simple song. Towards the end of the song, you will learn how to pronounce large numbers like 10 million in English.

If you want to continue to conquer digital heights, then we recommend reading the article on how to speak correctly about time in English.

Anna Shutikova

Source: http://begin-english.ru/article/chislitelnye-v-angliyskom-yazyke/


Learn the following English cardinal numbers from 1 to 20 to 100:

1 — one [wʌn] 2 — Two [tu:] 3 — three [θri:] 4 — four [rɔ:] 5 — five [faɪv] 6 — six [sɪks] 7 — seven [sevn] 8 — eight [eɪt] 9 — nine [naɪn] 10 — th [ten] 11 — eleven [ɪˊlevn] 12 — twelve [twelv] 13 — thirteen [θǝ: ˊtɪ: n] 14 — fourteen [ˊFɔ: ˊtɪn] 15 — fifteen [ˊFifˊtɪn] 16 — sixteen [ˊSɪksˊtɪ: n] 17 — seventeen [ˊSevnˊtɪ: n] 18 — eighteen [ˊEɪˊtɪ: n] 19 — nineteen [ˊNaɪnˊtɪ: n] 20 — Twenty [ˊTwentɪ] 30 — thirty [ˊΘǝ: tɪ] 40 — forty [ˊFɔ: tɪ] 50 — fifty [ˊFɪftɪ] 60 — sixty [ˊSɪkstɪ] 70 — seventy [ˊSevntɪ] 80 — eighty [eɪtɪ] 90 — ninety [ˊNaɪntɪ] 100 — one hundred [ˊWʌnˊhʌndrɪd] 1000 — one thousanf [ˊWʌnˊθauzǝnd]

Remember! Two-digit numbers are formed in the same way as in Russian: 22 — twenty two — twenty two, 48 — forty eight forty eight.

Please note that, unlike the Russian language, the digits of multi-digit numbers are separated comma 5,550,000, and the decimal fraction of an integer is point: 7.5.

Remember! Between hundreds (thousands, if there are no hundreds) and tens in any digit, when reading, the union and is always put.

246 — two hundred and forty six;
405 — four hundred and five;
3,525,250 — three million five hundred and twenty five thousand two hundred and fifty.

Please note that the numbers have no endings —sif they are used with a number: five thousand, but thousands of people.


Ordinals in English are formed by adding —th to cardinal numbers:

  • ten — ten — tenth [tenθ] — tenth.


  • one — first [fǝ: st]
  • two — second [ˊsekǝnd]
  • three — third [θǝ: d].

When forming ordinal numbers, the following changes also occur:

  • five — fifth [fifθ]
  • eight — eighth [eitθ]
  • nine — ninth [nainθ]
  • twelve — twelfth [twelfθ].

For numbers starting from 20.the final —у changes to —ie front —th:

  • twenty — twentieth
  • thirty — thirtieth.

Note! In compound numbers, only the last digit takes the form of an ordinal number:

  • 23 — twenty-third;
  • 587 — five hundred and eighty seventh.


The year is denoted by cardinal numbers. In English, when read, the number is halved, and each half is read as a separate word:

  • 1917 — nineteen seventeen,

if the second digit from the right is zero, then it is read as [ou]:

  • 1905 — nineteen [ou] five.

Dates are designated by ordinal numbers.

For example:

November 1917, 7 — November 1917, XNUMX = the seventh of November nineteen seventeen.
March 1807, XNUMX — On the fifth of March eighteen [ou] seven.

Numbers in English — rules of use

  • Pre-Intermediate

    Just as in Russian, English numerals are divided into quantitative (those with which we count objects and designate their quantity) and ordinal (those with which we determine the place of an object in a certain queue).

    However, English numerals have a number of distinctive features. For example, in Russian writing, we separate every three digits in the number with a dot (234.986.564), and in fractions, integers and parts — with a comma (1,5). How are numbers written in English, you ask? We will answer, Everything is exactly the opposite !!!

    In addition, for some reason, English language students write a currency sign (in our case, it is a dollar or a pound) after the amount. Probably, the law of analogy is at work here, because the reduction of rubles / r. We bet after the amount for sure! Again, English numerals behave exactly differently, that is the $ and £ signs are written up to the amount.

    For example: $ 2.0 billion or $ 1,981,364

    It’s the same story with interest. Russian percentages are usually denoted as%. At least two other methods will be selected for English.

    In any case, the following quick reference will help you deal with another difficulty of the English language — ordinal and cardinal numbers.

  • числительные в английском языке

    Как и в русском, числительные в английском языке делятся на количественные (один, два) и порядковые (первый, второй). В отличие от русских числительных, английские не склоняются.

    Склонение числительных в русском языке — это больная тема не только для иностранцев, изучающих русский язык, но и для нас, носителей языка. Не каждый сходу без ошибок прочтет вслух что-нибудь вроде «контейнер с 843 образцами» или «снабдили 427 кг материала». К счастью в английском все в разы проще.


    • Количественные числительные
    • Порядковые числительные
    • Таблица числительных с переводом
    • Озвученные карточки с числительными для заучивания
    • Примечания

    Рекомендуемый видеоурок: «Числительные — использование и секреты».

    Количественные числительные в английском языке

    Количественные числительные отвечают на вопрос «сколько?» и обозначают количество, число предметов, лиц и др.

    One person — Один человек.

    Nine players — Девять игроков.

    Eleven questions — Одиннадцать вопросов.

    Порядковые числительные в английском языке

    Порядковые числительные отвечают на вопросы «который? которая?», перед ними обычно ставится артикль the, т.к. порядковые числительные чаще всего служат определениями к какому-то конкретному существительному.

    The first person — Первый человек.

    The ninth playes — Девятый игрок.

    The eleventh question — Одиннадцатый вопрос.

    Таблица английских числительных с переводом

    В образовании числительных есть простые закономерности, поэтому все числительные компактно умещаются в одной таблице. Обратите внимание, здесь не указан ноль — о нем читайте ниже.

    Все числительные даны с «переводом» — он приведен в виде цифр и чисел.

    Цифры, числа Количественное числительное Порядковое числительное
    1 one first
    2 two second
    3 three third
    4 four fourth
    5 five fifth
    6 six sixth
    7 seven seventh
    8 eight eighth
    9 nine ninth
    10 ten tenth
    11 eleven eleventh
    12 twelve twelfth
    13 thirteen thirteenth
    14 fourteen fourteenth
    15 fifteen fifteenth
    16 sixteen sixteenth
    17 seventeen seventeenth
    18 eighteen eighteenth
    19 nineteen nineteenth
    20 twenty twentieth
    21 twenty-one twenty-first
    22 twenty-two twenty-second
    23 twenty-three twenty-third
    24 twenty-four twenty-fourth
    25 twenty-five twenty-fifth
    26 twenty-six twenty-sixth
    27 twenty-seven twenty-seventh
    28 twenty-eight twenty-eighth
    29 twenty-nine twenty-ninth
    30 thirty thirtieth
    40 forty fortieth
    50 fifty fiftieth
    60 sixty sixtieth
    70 seventy seventieth
    80 eighty eightieth
    90 ninety ninetieth
    100 one hundred hundredth
    500 five hundred five hundredth
    1000 one thousand thousandth
    100 000 one hundred thousand hundred thousandth
    1 000 000 one million millionth

    В таблице перечислены все числительные от 1 до 29, затем указаны только названия десятков (thirty, forty), потому что числительные между ними (32, 33… 39 и др.) образуются по точно такому же шаблону, как 21-29 — после названия десятка через дефис добавляется нужная единица: forty-one, forty-two и так далее.

    Озвученные карточки с числительными для заучивания

    С помощью этих карточек вы можете не только выучить английские числительные , но и послушать, как они произносятся.

    Количественные числительные: произношение и карточки

    Рекомендуемый видеоурок: «Числительные — использование и секреты».

    Порядковые числительные: произношение и карточки


    Особенности употребления слов hundred, thousand, million

    Слова hundred, thousand, million используются в единственном числе:

    Tho hundred.

    Twenty thousand.

    Four million.

    Во множественном числе они используются, когда речь идет о сотнях (тысячах, миллионах) чего-то:

    Hundreds of ships — Сотни кораблей.

    Millions of stars — Миллионы звезд.

    Числительные с «and»

    В количественных числительных, где есть сотни и тысячи, слова, обозначающие десятки и единицы, добавляются с помощью союза and:

    101 — one hundred and one.

    425 — four hundred and twenty-five.

    2036 — two thousand and thirty-six.

    Как читается номер телефона на английском

    Номера телефонов, счетов, карт и т. д. читают не сотнями-десятками, как на русском, а отдельными цифрами:

    555-757-23-11 — five, five, five, seven, five, seven, two, three, one, one.

    Двойные и тройные цифры иногда называют double и triple:

    555-757-23-11 — triple five, seven, five, seven, two, three, double one.

    Как читаются года на английском

    Года обозначаются не порядковыми, а количественными числительными, при чтении они делятся на два двузначных числа и читаются как двузначные:

    Я родился в 1985 году — I was born in nineteen eighty-five.

    Это случилось в 1997 году — It happened in nineteen ninety-seven.

    Года после 2000 читаются либо тоже половинками, либо со словом thousand:

    2004 — twenty o-four two thousand four.

    2015 — twenty fifteen two thousand fifteen.

    Числительное в качестве существительного

    Как и в русском языке, числительные в английском языке могут использоваться как существительные:

    Those two broke the rules — Эти двое нарушили правила.

    Денежные суммы на английском

    Деньги на английском, если число больше от 1000 до 10 000, считают не тысячами, а сотнями:

    $1000 — ten hundred dollars.

    $1200 — twelve nundred dollars.

    $4357 — forty three hundred and fifty seven.

    $10 005 — ten thousand and five dollars.

    8. Слово three по правилам читается как [θriː], однако очень часто можно услышать, что его произносят как [triː] (как слово tree — дерево).

    Ноль по-английски

    Ноль по-английски называется разными словами: zero, o (читается [ou], как буква), nill, nought. В общем, они равнозначны, но есть небольшие отличия.

    • Zero — самый надежное и нейтральное из этих слов, zero — это математический ноль, температурный ноль (ноль градусов). Во избежание путаницы лучше говорить «zero».
    • O — часто употребляется вместо «zero» в разговорной речи, когда нужно назвать именно цифру (например, в номере телефона).
    • Nill — буквально «ничто», используется обычно, когда речь идет о счете в игре: Argentina — five, Jamaica — nill.
    • Nought — тоже «ничто», в США практически не используется, в британском английском уже считается устаревшим.
    • Есть еще совсем узкоспециальные, жаргонные нули, например «love» — ноль при счете в теннисе. Есть интересная версия (это скорее байка, чем научная гипотеза), что французы называли счет в ноль очков «яйцо» (по сходству с нулем), по-французски «l’œuf». Англичане переняли, несколько исказив, этот термин и он превратился в «love».


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