Word form english 9 класс

Hello, guys! Welcome to Grammar Zone!

Today we have another video on word formation.

I’m sure that music has an impact on any personality.
What words would you use to describe the following piece of music? Choose from
the list.

Childhood, laughter, brightness, happiness.

What about another one? ………. bravery, courage,
honesty, adventure.

And the final composition is …… Yeah, the most
suitable words to describe the rhythm of popular music are movement, youth,

Do you have an idea what all of these words have in

Right, they are abstract nouns.

And in today’s lesson we are going to talk about their
formation and meanings. After that, you’ll have a task to practice the rule.

So, let’s get started!

An abstract noun is the name of a quality,
action or state
. Abstract nouns refer to ideas that we cannot see, hear,
touch, taste, or smell.

For example:

Quality goodness, kindness,
beauty, intelligence, generosity, cleverness, obedience, honesty, brightness,
wisdom, bravery, courage, hardness, softness

Actionlaughter, theft,
movement, judgment

Statechildhood, boyhood,
manhood, youth, slavery, sickness, poverty, death, sleep

The names of the arts
and science are also abstract nouns.

Examples are: physics,
chemistry, grammar, music.

Abstract nouns can be
formed from adjectives, verbs and common nouns.

There are many suffixes
for making abstract nouns. Today we’re going to have a look at the most common

So, here we go!

1. -(i)ty

The natural beauty of the coastline attracts tourists
from around the world.

-(i)ty is used to make
abstract nouns from adjectives. It also means «a state of being” or

honest – honesty – честность

loyal – loyalty – верность,

equal – equality – равенство

flexible – flexibility – гибкость

real – reality – реальность

popular – popularity – популярность

2. –ness

My goodness! What a wonderful view!

You will find many words in English that end in -ness.
-Ness is used to make abstract nouns from adjectives. This suffix means «state
of being» or «quality

Here are some of the most common words with this
ending. Remember that you will find many more of them, too:

busy – business – дело

ill –illness — болезнь

sad – sadness — грусть

thick – thickness — густота

kind – kindness — доброта

weak – weakness — слабость

dark – darkness — темнота

bright – brightness — яркость

3. -ance, -ence

These suffixes are used to make nouns, meaning either:
a quality or state.

The house is only a very short distance from the sea.

-ance, -ence
are used to make nouns from adjectives ending -ant, -ent.

different – difference – разница

important – importance – важность

intelligent – intelligence – интеллект,

silent – silence – тишина

confident – confidence – уверенность

4. –dom

Sometimes boredom leads to depression and other

The old-fashioned siffix –dom can be
used only in a few words:

free – freedom – свобода

wise – wisdom – мудрость

king – kingdom – королевство

bore – boredom – скука

5. – hood

We decided to buy this house because the neighbourhood
was extremely quiet and peaceful.

refers to a time, or to individuals sharing a state of being.

Here are some very common words with this suffix:

mother – motherhood – материнство

father – fatherhood – отцовство

brother – brotherhood – братство

adult – adulthood – зрелость

6. –ship

My friendship with his friend’s sister Sue slowly
turned into a relationship.

The suffix –ship is used to make abstract nouns
from nouns and it means «state or condition of.»

Here are some very common words with this suffix:

leader — leadership — лидерство

member — membership — членство

owner — ownership — собственность

champion — championship — чемпионат

citizen — citizenship — гражданство

partner — partnership — партнёрство

7. -ment

If you want excitement, you should try parachuting.

The suffix –ment is used to make abstract nouns
from verbs. This suffix means «action or process.”

Here are some more common words that end in —ment:

to enjoy – enjoyment — наслаждение

to move – movement — движение

to treat – treatment – лечение,

to govern – government — управление

to pay – payment — оплата

to improve – improvement — улучшение

to agree – agreement — соглашение

to achieve – achievement — достижение

8. –age

Please handle this package with care.

This suffix also means «action or process.”

marry – marriage – брак

pass – passage – проход

– багаж

– почтовая оплата, доставка почтой

band – bandage – бинт,

9. –tion

She looked at him with a surprised expression on her

-tion is used to make
nouns from verbs. It also means «a state of being.»

You will also find many words that end in slight
variations of this suffix, including, -sion, -ition, -ation, or
simply -ion.

However, the most common is -tion.

Here are some examples with this suffix:

to inform – information — информация

to educate – education — образование

to act – action —действие

to decide – decision — решение

to situate – situation — ситуация

to produce – production — производство

to populate – population — население

Look out!

Some related nouns and adjectives / verbs do not
follow a simple pattern.













Now it’s time to practice the rule.

Use the word given at the end of each line to form a
word that fits in the gap in the same line.

These days most of us have a CD collection.
Before the CD, singers made LPs, or “long-playing” record. The invention of
LP belongs to Columbia, a big recording company in the USA. LP was a huge achievement
in recording industry. Although many children have never seen an LP, they had a
great popularity.

To play these records you needed a record player with
a needle that ran along a record and produced the sound. Some musicians say the
there is a big deference in the quality of sound of LPs and CDs.
LPs produce much better sound. LPs are no longer very popular as a form of entertainment,
but many people buy and sell them. Some of them remember the LP from their childhood
and listening to records reminds them of the past.

That`s all for today.

If you want to have confidence and fluency
to speak English, then join us at videouroki.net.

Слайд 1

Word-formation Пособие для подготовки к ОГЭ

Слайд 2

Fill in Существительное Глагол investigation ( расследование) investigate ( расследовать) …… invite ( приглашать) discussion ( обсуждение) …… …… appear ( выглядеть) …… organize ( организовать) …… relax ( расслабляться) competition ( соревнование) …… …… invent ( изобретать)

Слайд 3

Fill in the blank with the correct comparative form of the adverb 1. He arrived …… than expected. (early) 2. We walked ….. than the rest of the people. (slowly) 3. They called us ….. in the afternoon. (late) 4. My mother and my sister talked ….. than the other guests. (loudly) 5. He hit his arm ….. than before. (hard) 6. The Spanish athlete ran ….. than the other runners. (fast) 7. Jim threw the ball ….. than Peter. (far) 8. We answered all the questions ….. than the other students. (well) 9. Our new teacher explains the exercises ….. than our old teacher. (badly) 10. The new mechanic checked the car ….. than the old mechanic. (thoroughly) .

Слайд 4

Negative prefixes an __friendly look an __interesting book an __natural colour an __important task an __possible answer an __personal letter an __definite article an __correct answer __direct speech an __regular verb an __responsible person

Слайд 5

Keys an unfriendly look an uninteresting book an unnatural colour an unimportant task an impossible answer an impersonal letter an indefinite article an incorrect answer indirect speech an irregular verb an irresponsible person

Слайд 6

Choose the correct option 1) He was short and overweight and generally fairly __attractive. a) dis -; b) im -; c) in-; d) un- . 2) He’s a good teacher, but tends to be a bit __patient with slow learners. a) un-; b) in-; c) im -; d) dis — . 3) It is an __logical statement, because if one part is true, then the other must be false. a) dis -; b) il -; c) in-; d) un- . 4) It is __ polite to point at people. a) dis -; b) im -; c) in-; d) un- . 5) My friend is very __responsible, he never does anything in time. a) dis -; b) ir -; c) in-; d) un- .

Слайд 7

Remember impossible ( невозможный), possibility ( возможность), impossibility ( невозможность) impolite ( невежливый), politeness ( вежливость), impoliteness ( невежливость) stressful ( стрессовый), distress ( недомогание), distressful ( печальный) thoughtful ( задумчивый), thoughtfulness ( задумчивость), thoughtless ( бездумный), thoughtlessness ( бездумность) disagree ( не соглашаться), agreement ( соглашение), disagreement ( расхождение), agreeable ( соответствующий), disagreeable ( неприятный) disuse ( перестать употреблять), useful ( полезный), misuse ( неправильно использовать), useless ( бесполезный), uselessness ( бесполезность) dislike ( не любить), likeness ( сходство), unlikeness ( несходство), unlike ( непохожий) tasteless ( безвкусный), tasteful ( со вкусом), tastefulness ( хороший вкус), distaste ( отвращение), distasteful ( противный) misunderstand ( невернопонять ), understandable ( понятный), understandability ( понятность) hopeless ( безнадежный), hopeful ( оптимистический), hopelessness ( безнадежность), hopefulness ( надежда)

Слайд 8

Remember careless ( беззаботный), careful ( заботливый), carelessness ( беззаботность), carefulness ( тщательность) immortal ( бессмертный), mortality ( смертность), immortality ( бессмертие) humanity ( гуманность), inhuman ( бесчеловечный), inhumanity ( бесчеловечность) successful ( успешный) , unsuccessful ( безуспешный) consciousness ( сознательность), unconscious ( бессознательный), unconsciousness ( бессознательность) popularity ( популярность), unpopular ( непопулярный), unpopularity ( непопулярность) profitable ( прибыльный), profitability ( прибыльность), unprofitable ( нерентабельный)

Слайд 11


Слайд 12

Complete the text with the correct form of the words in brackets. Dear Desperate, I read your letter and I can tell you it is very common for young people to have ( 0) ____ arguments ____ ( argue ) with their parents. There is a (1) ______ ( possible ) that they expect you to show more (2) __________( responsible ) when you decide to do something. For example, when you study, I’m sure you have the necessary (3) __________ ( intelligent ) to get better marks. What is going to make a (4) ___________ ( different ), though, is your active (5) _______________ ( involve ) in class every day. Sooner or later your (6) _______________ ( perform ) will improve. You’ll also have enough (7) _______________ ( confident ) to deal with any problems that may arise. What’s more, your parents will appreciate your effort and your (8) _______________ ( relation ) will get better. I’m sure this is of great (9) _______________ ( important ) to you. All you need is hard work and (10) __________ ( patient ). Remember, success doesn’t usually come overnight. Best wishes, Miranda

Слайд 13

Keys 1 possibility 2 responsibility 3 intelligence 4 difference 5 involvement 6 performance 7 confidence 8 relationship 9 importance 10 patience

Слайд 14

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. Do’s and don’ts for those who want to be famous  Don’t be (0) _____ impatient _____ ( patient ). All celebrities worked (1) _____________ ( hard ) than you can imagine to become successful.  Don’t be (2) ___________ ( honest ) about your career so far. No-one is going to believe you sang on stage with Madonna and Michael Jackson. If you lie, you’ll only end up (3) ____________________ ( employed ).  Do find out more about yourself. Find out what you can really do (4) ____________________ ( good ) than the others, eg dance or sing. If you are (5) ____________________ ( certain ) about your ability to do something, try it.  Do work (6) ____________________ ( much ) on your weak points and spend (7) ____________________ ( little ) time daydreaming.  Do prepare yourself for the interviews. The last thing you want is to feel (8) ____________________ ( comfortable ) with some unexpected questions.  Don’t look (9) ____________________ ( tidy ), especially during an interview.  Good luck! For (10) ____________________ ( far ) information, you can call our support line on 000443212345.

Слайд 15

Keys 1 harder 2 dishonest 3 unemployed 4 better 5 uncertain 6 more 7 less 8 uncomfortable 9 untidy 10 further

Слайд 16

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. The need for written (0) ____ communication ____ ( communicate ) is not new. Since prehistoric times, Man has tried to express his (1) _______________ ( think ) and (2) _______________ ( believe ) and managed to (3) _______________ ( description ) them in various ways. From the prehistoric paintings on the walls of caves to emails, he has used symbols which were much different in (4) _______________ ( high ), (5) _______________ ( long ) and shape. However, they all show two things: his (6) _______________ ( able ) to use his imagination and his (7) _______________ ( decide ) to pass his message to other people, even years or centuries after it was written. This may be an (8) _______________ ( explain ) why people still (9) _______________ ( choice ) to (10) _______________ ( practise ) writing.

Слайд 17

Keys 1 thought(s) 2 beliefs 3 describe 4 height 5 length 6 ability 7 decision 8 explanation 9 choose 10 practise

Слайд 18

As the years pass, more and more ways are (0) ___ invented ___ ( invent ) to encourage people to buy more. Apart from the classic ways like going to a (1) _______________ ( shop ) centre or ordering through a mail-order catalogue, now you can buy the (2) ___________ ( produce ) you wish online. Sales (3) ___________ ( manage ) do their best for the (4) __________ ( convenient ) of their customers including free (5) _____________ ( deliver ). In fact, a large number of consumers buy more than they need either in the (6) _________ ( sale ) because the prices are lower, or all year round because they are influenced by (7) ___________ ( advertise ). As a result, (8) _______________ ( consume ) has increased dramatically. However, there’s a negative side, too. Some people have become (9) ___________ ( addict ) while others often express (10) ____________ ( complain ) about high prices and low quality.

Слайд 19

Keys 1 shopping 2 product(s) 3 managers 4 convenience 5 delivery 6 sales 7 advertising/advertisements 8 consumption

Слайд 20

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in bold . 0 I demanded an explanation from the holiday rep as to why the hotel was dirty and unfinished. EXPLAIN 1 I had great __________ sleeping in the hotel because of the noise from the airport. DIFFICULT 2 I stopped being a holiday rep because the __________ was too much for me. RESPONSIBLE 3 Their customs and __________ are quite different from ours. BELIEVE 4 There were a lot of __________ for the lifeguard’s job. APPLY 5 I booked an adventure holiday because there was such a __________ of things to do. VARY 6 My sister and I went on separate holidays because we __________ about where to go. AGREE

Слайд 21

Keys 1 difficulty 2 responsibility 3 beliefs 4 applications 5 variety 6 disagreed

Слайд 22

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in bold . 0 He used to paint just for fun, but now he’s become a professional painter. PROFESSION 1 I’m showing my work in a new exhibition and I’m always rather __________ on the opening night. ANXIETY 2 Now that he’s sold some of his sculptures, his life is a bit more __________ than it used to be. COMFORT 3 The art gallery is becoming very successful and I need some __________ advice. FINANCE 4 The town council are having the most __________ fight about whose statue to put in the town centre. BELIEVE 5 My parents wanted to buy a painting by a famous artist, but it was too __________. EXPENSE

Слайд 23

6 I’ve been feeling very __________ lately, so I’ve decided to go to art classes. CREATE 7 I love that picture even though it’s not very __________. VALUE 8 Now that he’s become rich and famous he’s really changed. He’s almost __________. RECOGNISE 9 It’s __________ trying to teach me how to draw – I’m just not artistic. USE 10 There’s so much work to do! It seems __________! END

Слайд 24

Keys 1 anxious 2 comfortable 3 financial 4 unbelievable 5 expensive 6 creative 7 valuable 8 unrecognisable 9 useless 10 endless

Слайд 25

Complete the sentences with nouns 1. After fast and colourful sunset total ______________(dark) fell on the island. 2. The hotel was only 2 km from the city’s shopping and _______________________(entertain) areas. 3. There were over 10,000 __________________(spectacular) at the stadium on Sunday. 4. Whatever you do, it’s important to have ambition and __________________(determined). 5. Jane served as a ________________(govern) for Mr. Rochester’s little foster-child. 6. Initiative and social skills are always attractive to ________________(employ). 7. The industry needs better ________________(manage) rather than more money. 8. They invited a few __________________(celebrate) to open the festival. 9. Sometimes we prefer to use symbols and icons for _____________________________(communicate). 10. She takes her ___________________(responsible) as a teacher very seriously.

Слайд 26

Keys 1. darkness; 2. entertainment; 3. spectators; 4. determination; 5. governess; 6. employers; 7. management; 8. celebrities; 9. communication; 10. responsibilities

Слайд 27

Form adjectives with the help of these suffixes and translate them : 1. — ful wonder, beauty, care, harm, help, dread, respect 2. -less care, harm, help, end, rest, pain, shape 3. — ous mystery, fury, courage, nerve, danger, fame, envy 4. -y salt, fog, rain, mud, dirt, sleep, storm

Слайд 28

Complete the text with the adjectives : careless, sleepy, mysterious, dreadful, courageous, endless, nervous, rainy, foggy, shadowy One cold (1)________ night Sam was driving home. He felt tired and (2)________. The weather was (3)________. The rain seemed (4)________ and to make it worse it was getting (5)________. Suddenly Sam saw a lonely figure standing at the side of the road. He slowed down to offer a lift to the (6)________ pedestrian. But when he approached the (7)________ figure vanished. Puzzled and a little (8)________ Sam slowly continued his way and hardly had he covered 50 metres as he almost bumped into a big fallen tree lying across the road. He saw it just on time. Sam is a (9)________ man and he doesn’t believe in supernatural, but now he says that he is grateful to the (10)________ ghost that saved him from the accident.

Слайд 29

Keys 1 . rainy; 2. sleepy; 3. dreadful; 4. endless; 5. foggy; 6. careless; 7. shadowy; 8. nervous; 9. courageous; 10. mysterious

Слайд 30

Make opposite meanings with the help of these prefixes : un-, in-, im -, mis -, ill-, dis — polite – reliable – true – appear – legal – agree – expensive – able – patience – probable – understand – behave —

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Word-formation (word-building)

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • Word-formation (word-building)

    1 слайд


  • Word-formation (word-building) – is a formation of a new word, whereas deriva...

    2 слайд

    Word-formation (word-building) – is a formation of a new word, whereas derivation is a formation of a new grammatical category of an existing word.

  • Productive ways of word-building are:- affixation
- word-composition

    3 слайд

    Productive ways of word-building are:
    — affixation
    — word-composition
    — shortening

  • AffixationAffixation is a productive way of word-building that consists in ad...

    4 слайд

    Affixation is a productive way of word-building that consists in adding an affix to a root morpheme.

  • Affixation falls into:Prefixation (when prefix is added to a root morpheme)...

    5 слайд

    Affixation falls into:

    Prefixation (when prefix is added to a root morpheme)
    Suffixation (when suffix is added to a root morpheme)
    -Pre-suffixation ( when both prefix and suffix are added to a root morpheme)

  • Classification of affixesDue to their origin
-or, -er, -ing, -ed, -ly...

    6 слайд

    Classification of affixes
    Due to their origin
    -or, -er, -ing, -ed, -ly, -ness, -hood
    -ment, -tion, -ify, -ise, -able, -ous, -ic
    b) Due to their function
    -tion, -ful, re-, sub-, anti-, under-
    -less, -able, -ness
    -ed, -ing, -s
    c) Due to their productivity
    -or, -er, -able
    -ful, re-, -ment
    -ship, -hood, -dom, -ar

  • Exercise 1. State what types of affixes are given below. Consult a dictionar...

    7 слайд

    Exercise 1.
    State what types of affixes are given below. Consult a dictionary, if necessary
    Re, anti, er, post, over, al, ify, under, hood, semi, sub, inter, ise/ize, ly, ir, en, im, less, ful, ment, ate, il, ness, pre, ous

  • Exercise 2.Which unit is the odd one in each of the below sets?Set 1

    8 слайд

    Exercise 2.
    Which unit is the odd one in each of the below sets?

    Set 1
    (noun-forming suffixes) –or, -ive, -ism, -hood
    (adjective-forming suffixes) –ous, -able, -ful, -ic, -ty
    (verb-forming suffixes) –ify, -ate,-ance,-ise
    Set 2
    (suffixes denoting an agent of an action) –er, -or, -ist, -ment
    (suffixes denoting nationality) –tion, -ian, -ese, -ish
    (suffixes denoting feminine gender) –ess, -a, -ette, -age

  • Set 3- prefixes of negative meaning in-, non-, en-, un-- prefixes denoting...

    9 слайд

    Set 3

    — prefixes of negative meaning in-, non-, en-, un-
    — prefixes denoting space sub-, inter-, trans-, mis-
    — prefixes denoting time and order im-, fore-, pre-, post-
    — prefixes denoting repetition or reversal action re-, pre-, dis-, de-

  • Exercise 3.Form new words using different affixes. What parts of speech are...

    10 слайд

    Exercise 3.
    Form new words using different affixes. What parts of speech are they?


    11 слайд


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  • «Английский язык», Ваулина Ю.Е., Дули Д., Подоляко О.Е. и др.

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«Английский язык», Ваулина Ю.Е., Дули Д., Подоляко О.Е. и др.

«Английский язык», Ваулина Ю.Е., Дули Д., Подоляко О.Е. и др.

Урок 9 апреля 9-А класс

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«Английский язык», Ваулина Ю.Е., Дули Д., Подоляко О.Е. и др.

«Английский язык», Ваулина Ю.Е., Дули Д., Подоляко О.Е. и др.

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«Английский язык», Ваулина Ю.Е., Дули Д., Подоляко О.Е. и др.

«Английский язык», Ваулина Ю.Е., Дули Д., Подоляко О.Е. и др.

Презентация «The Cautious one»

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«Английский язык», Ваулина Ю.Е., Дули Д., Подоляко О.Е. и др.

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Word forms


1. She is so busy with social. activities that she has no time
for entertainment. (society)

2. Winning the race was an achievement(achieve).

3. Everysuccess.. in science helps you gain new knowledge.

4. Production.. is increasing by using better methods and tools.
( produce)

5. Hes very . in scientific subjects. (interest)

6. There have been many wonderful development… in this
century. ( develop)

7. Miraculously., he survived the crash without injury. (
miraculous )

8. We are faced with a difficult choice(choose)

9. Do you need a miraculous. memory to become a scientist? (

10. Our school team won three successful. Games. (

11. Your evidence was one ( decide)

12. It will take a long time to find out a thorough. solution.
to this problem. ( solve )

13. Paper money is used (increase ) increasingly. in the modern

14. (educate)Education. is very important for everyone.

15. This skirt will lose its color when washing. (wash )

16. This village was electrified. (electric ) three years

17. This clock is her mostvaluable. (value) thing.

18. Ill give you three sweets in changing(change) for an

19. In recent years, there has been manydevelopments. (develop)
in science.

20. Can youimagine. (imagination) life without electricity?

21. Everyone must obey the rules of. (socical)

22. She is quite sociable. (recognize) in her shirt.

23. Friendship based(base) on trust and understanding is long

24. Almost every (social) has a money economy (base ) on coins
and paper notes.

25. Whenconsidering (consider) of equal value, the goods can be

26. This gold lamp is the most valuable. ( value ) object in the

27. Be safe. first when we have manual work. ( safe )

28. The plane arrivedsafely. after a violent storm. ( safe )

29. Try to keep your moneysafe. from the burglars. ( safety

30. The secret to ( success ). in life is hard working

31. He failed the exam last year. He didnt .( success )

32. With so many choices, it is hard to decide(decision) what to

33. This problem caused a lot of difficulties..(difficult)

34. A lot of modern ( technical ) techniquesare used in various

35. The ( develop )development.. of synthetic fabric has brought
new challenges.36. Good communication…is essential in a large
organization ( communicate)

37. She is so busy with social.activities that she has no time
for entertainment (society)

38. Winning the race was an achievement (achieve)

39. Production..is increasing by using better methods and tools
( produce)

40. That jacket is very wearable .. . You should buy a new

41. Some young people today have a very strange

42. They correspond. at least once every two

43. I dont agree with spending so much money on the project. Its
a waste of money. (agree)

44. The Internet is a wonderfulinvention of modern

45. I dont know which website is useful. for me .(use)

46. She lives in a small village and its surroundings are very

47. You dont have to do that work. In other words, its
unnecessary.. for you.(necessity)

48. The industry in Vietnam has brought a lot of big

49. You must read the following safety. precautions
carefully.(safe)50. Minh looks ….worried…………….again.
Whats the matter with him? ( worry )

51. This knife is ………….useless………………….. —
it cant cut anything .(use)

52. She never touches ………….heallthy……………..food
and keeps the dentist away ( health )

53. Wash your hands before …….touching……………..food
( touch )

54. If the machine goes wrong, tell the
……….engineer…………………….( engine )

55. Although she is rich, she lives . . .unhappily . . . . . . .

56. I would . .happily. . . . give up my job if I didnt need the
money. (happy)

57. Your recent work has some . . . ……
improvement………………………… . . . (improve)

58. They went to see most of the . . . interesting. . . . . . .
. . . places . (interest)

59. Air . . . . . ….pollution……………………………
. . makes us unhealthy. (pollute)

60. My teacher is a culturalman ( culture )

61. Many cultural .activities will be held tomorrow ( culture

62. We couldnt win the prize. We were successful ( success )

63. Our team played . We lost ( success )

64. This man .in writing ( success )

65. Mr. Lam is a man. Hes got everything ( success )

66. The King has just died. The Prince becomes ..king ( success

67. They tried to win but their efforts are ..( success )

68. The fans laughed ..as their favorite team won the trophy. (
satisfy )

69. They are with their excellent result ( satisfy )

70. The lawyer failed to give ..reason for his clients innocence
( satisfy )

71. Those engineers are ..in their approach ( science )

72. The ..in Australia attracts our students ( educate )

73. He is among one if the best in Viet Nam ( translate )

74. My sister always spends her money ( economy )

75. His is very good. ( act )

76. You had better have a good .( explain )

77. Many people became…because of the storm.(frighten)

78. He got a .as he got a bad result. ( punish )

79. He was half-..( starve )

80. The village fair is open for ..( entertain )

81. Mary does not have any .in English ( improve )

82. Hundreds of people died of …( starve )

83. The teacher had a good …( decide )

84. The show gives us a lot of .( enjoy )

85. Viet Nam played an match ( enjoy )

86. Go away! I will be ready to take the ..( consequent )

87. My car broke and ..I was late ( consequent )

88. Her is the most precious thing ( devote )

89. This killer is sentenced to life in .( imprison )

90. He was because he had robbed the bank ( prison )

91. Her anger could not be ( disguise )

92. To my .., he passed the test so easily ( amaze ) [-ent]

93. Though Diana is not a singer, he sings beautifully ( profess
) [-ional]

94. They are clearing all the ..off the beach ( pollute )

95. The main .is the low price ( attract ) [-ion]

96. We should preserve our .resources ( nature ) [-al]

97. They will take ..bicycle rides here ( leisure ) [-ed]

98. They test the .of water here ( pure ) [-ity]

99. The polluted water in this village cant be( pure )

100. The circus ..by Tom was very successful . ( perform ) [-ed

101. Uncle Hos career is …( admire ) [-able]

102. They have made careful ..for the demonstration ( prepare )

103. He has a good ..of French literature ( know ) [-ledge]

104. The boy was he lost the match ( success ) [-ful]

105. She likes going …with her classmates ( picnic )

106. Are there any ..between them ? ( similar ) [-ity]

107. Many projects directed by scientists and engineers require
highly skilled workers called .( technique ).

108. These people use their .knowledge to help in constructing
and testing. ( technique )

109. A lot of modernare used in various fields such as
construction, operation, and production. ( technique )

110. ..today are trained mainly in one area of ../ (

111. Much work reqires a good knowledge of mathematics, too. / (

112. He says poetry is ( interest )

113. It sometimes ..his friends in reading aloud some beautiful
poems. ( interest )

114. He chooses his career as a ., ( mathematics )

115. He spent his free time on working scientific problems —
.puzzles. ( mathematics )

116. In science, the……………..is clear-cut ( decide )

117. Winning the race was an (achieve)

118. ., he survived the crash without injury ( miraculous )

119. We are faced with a difficult (choose)

120. Do you need a ..memory to become a scientist? (

121. Our school team won three ..games ( succession)

122. You evidence was one ( decide)

123. The United Nations .is an international one. ( organize

124. The………………of the world, poverty, aids, and
literacy is a burning concern ( secure)

125. The Worker’s Club is .. a seminar on safety. ( organize

126. There has been a of measurement units in this country
recently( change )

127. Theysouvenirs when the conference ended( change )

128. Is five eggs for five apples a fair ?( change )

129. Workers demand prompt from their employers(pay)

130. They lived happily despite their ..( poor )

131. Thais economy depends on( tour ) {tourist}132. You have to
keep your . . from that snake. ( distant ) {distance}133. Phuong
and Ha are related. ( distant ) { distantly}

134. They are . . . . greeted by the native, ( warm )
{warmly}135. The . . by the little girl was a great hit ( perform )
{performance}136. She was. . to look at the big statue ( amaze )
{amazed}137. To my, the monkey can play the guitar. (knowledgeable)
{knowledge}138. His result was . . exellent ( amaze )
{amazingly}139. He was . . good at Math ( amaze ) {amazingly}140.
Small companies are managed by the owners themselves ( normal )
{normally}141. Brazillians played very ( simple ) {simply}142.
Uncle Ho is a man of ( simple ) {simplification}143. This is a
machine with a . . arm for picking up objects. ( move )
{moving}144. Nguyen Binh is one of the poets of the Romantic . (
move ) {monement}145. English is one of the subjects ( compel )
{compelling: extremly interesting}146. I had a good on this film. (
impress ) {impression}147. The air . in our city is worse and worse
( pollute ) {pollution}148. Oil slicks, chemical waste, garbage are
common. to our environment. ( pollute ) {pollutants}149. Air . does
a lot of harm to our life. ( pollute ) {pollution}150. . the air
must be limited to save our environment. ( pollute )
{Polluting}151. Backstreet Boys is greeted .in the US nowadays. (
warm ) {-ly}

152. Mai was ..to look at the big statue of St Claus ( amaze

153. Butter and cheese are milk .( produce ) {-uct}

154. The air ..in our city is worse and worse ( pollute )

155. The train didnt stop because of its ( full ) {-ness}156.
They often chatter .( gay ) {-ly}157. Tom and Jery had a ..walk
through the wood. ( favor ) {-ate}158. They felt ..after the trip
to the countryside ( health ) {-y}159. This chewing gum can keep
your ..fragrant {-ance}160. Heavy smoking makes him .( breathe )
{-less}161. The .of this firm is always high ( produce )
{-tion}162. We have to increase our …( friend ) {-ship}163. This
engineer must be ..paid ( high ) {-ly}164. There is a lot of ..to
rebuild this monument. ( cooperate ) {-ion}165. This film gives me
a good …( impress ) {-ion}166. Her daughter has a good …(
appear ) {-ance}167. He would never choose to watch TV as an .(
amuse ) {-ing}168. Mr. Bean is an actor. He always makes us ( amuse
) {-ing/-ed}169. He always wants to .any problems ( simple )
{-ify}170. She can look back on her career with great …( satisfy
) {-action}Page 1

10000+ результатов для ‘9 класс english’

Adjectives (word order)

Adjectives (word order)
Привести в порядок

от Nadindem1214

9 класс

Pronouns (another,other ...)

Pronouns (another,other …)

от Nadindem1214

9 класс

 extreme weather F9U6

extreme weather F9U6

от Juliakozina86

9 класс

Form 9_Unit 5_lesson 3_Совпадающие пары

Form 9_Unit 5_lesson 3_Совпадающие пары
Совпадающие пары

от Helenyanuk

9 класс

Focus 2 2.4 Antarctica

Focus 2 2.4 Antarctica

от Sbma1976

7 класс
8 класс
9 класс

Focus 2 2.3

Focus 2 2.3

от Sbma1976

7 класс
8 класс
9 класс

Form 9_Unit 5_lesson 1_найди пару

Form 9_Unit 5_lesson 1_найди пару
Найди пару

от Helenyanuk

9 класс

Form 9_Unit 5_lesson 1_Викторина

Form 9_Unit 5_lesson 1_Викторина

от Helenyanuk

9 класс

Order of adjectives

Order of adjectives
Привести в порядок

от Gavrilenya99

9 класс

Food Pyramide

Food Pyramide
Диаграмма с метками

от Ilastochka

9 класс

Form 9_Unit 5_lesson 3_Сопоставить

Form 9_Unit 5_lesson 3_Сопоставить

от Helenyanuk

9 класс

lesoon 1 ( leisure time)

lesoon 1 ( leisure time)

от Olkina17

9 класс

Means of communication

Means of communication
Откройте поле

от Seanamsty

9 класс

Means of communication

Means of communication

от Natashabelozorovich

9 класс

Form 9_Unit 5_lesson 4_Сбить воздушный шар

Form 9_Unit 5_lesson 4_Сбить воздушный шар
Сбить воздушный шар

от Helenyanuk

9 класс

Have been to (in), have gone (to)

Have been to (in), have gone (to)
Пропущенное слово

от Yuliyashaf

7 класс
8 класс
9 класс

Entertainment English 9

Entertainment English 9

от Sveta16011960

9 класс

English 9 Relatives and Families

English 9 Relatives and Families

от Sveta16011960

9 класс

Form 9 Unit 7 Lesson 1

Form 9 Unit 7 Lesson 1
Привести в порядок

от Zoyamahiliavets

9 класс

Phrasal Verbs Solutions Inter

Phrasal Verbs Solutions Inter
Случайные карты

от Sveta16011960

9 класс
10 класс

Solutions Intermediate Parts of the body   part 1

Solutions Intermediate Parts of the body part 1

от Tatyana47

8 класс
9 класс


Пропущенное слово

от Natashabelozorovich

9 класс

Gerund or Infinitive

Gerund or Infinitive

от Nadindem1214

9 класс

Ex. 4a, p.186 (vocabulary)

Ex. 4a, p.186 (vocabulary)
Выиграй или проиграй викторину

от Natashabelozorovich

9 класс

lesson 1b

lesson 1b

от Perlaceolga

9 класс

Extreme weather

Extreme weather

от Tanyusha10

9 класс

Form 9_Unit 8_lesson 3_НАЙДИ ПАРУ

Form 9_Unit 8_lesson 3_НАЙДИ ПАРУ
Найди пару

от Helenyanuk

9 класс

Problems in relationship

Problems in relationship

от Sveta16011960

9 класс



от Mrsbortnik

9 класс

 Past forms / Bob's unlucky day

Past forms / Bob’s unlucky day

от Natashabelozorovich

9 класс

Form 9_Unit 5_lesson 1_Сопоставить

Form 9_Unit 5_lesson 1_Сопоставить

от Helenyanuk

9 класс

Form 9_Unit 5_lesson 5_Сопоставить

Form 9_Unit 5_lesson 5_Сопоставить

от Helenyanuk

9 класс

Communication basics

Communication basics
Случайное колесо

от Leonamiva

9 класс

Family and relatives 9 English

Family and relatives 9 English
Перевернуть плитки

от Sveta16011960

9 класс
10 класс

English 9 Form

English 9 Form

от Sveta16011960

9 класс
10 класс

8 Form 4 Unit HOLIDAYS

8 Form 4 Unit HOLIDAYS

от Lizonkasweet200

8 класс
9 класс

Choose the correct word (F1, U5)

Choose the correct word (F1, U5)
Пропущенное слово

от Lukshaolga1982

8 класс
9 класс

Choose the correct option (F1, U5)

Choose the correct option (F1, U5)

от Lukshaolga1982

8 класс
9 класс

9 form unit 7 v1

9 form unit 7 v1

от Katajusha

9 класс

Entertainment English 9

Entertainment English 9

от Sveta16011960

9 класс

Form 9 Unit 6

Form 9 Unit 6

от Dianakondukhovich

9 класс

Ex. 3a, p.47

Ex. 3a, p.47

от Natashabelozorovich

9 класс

Television and teenagers - friends or foes?

Television and teenagers — friends or foes?

от Natashabelozorovich

9 класс

Strong bonds will always matter

Strong bonds will always matter
Случайные карты

от Yuliahkaptur

9 класс

Modals. Describing feelings

Modals. Describing feelings

от Bkir2001

9 класс

Spin and speak 9th grade game

Spin and speak 9th grade game
Случайное колесо

от Alesiayushko

9 класс

Form 9_Unit 5_lesson 4_Игровое шоу

Form 9_Unit 5_lesson 4_Игровое шоу
Викторина «Игровое шоу»

от Helenyanuk

9 класс

Form 9_Unit 5_lesson 7_Найди пару

Form 9_Unit 5_lesson 7_Найди пару
Найди пару

от Helenyanuk

9 класс

Match the pairs

Match the pairs
Найди пару

от Ilastochka

9 класс

Spin Extreme weather

Spin Extreme weather
Случайное колесо

от Tanyusha10

9 класс

Сhoose the number and answer the question.

Сhoose the number and answer the question.
Откройте поле

от Songlushko1

9 класс

9th form. Family relationships

9th form. Family relationships

от B147de8de7f7032bcc068a

9 класс

lesson 2a

lesson 2a

от Perlaceolga

9 класс

1 lesson 5 unit

1 lesson 5 unit

от Olkina17

9 класс



от Elenadashuk

9 класс

2 lesson 5 unit

2 lesson 5 unit

от Olkina17

9 класс

at the doctor's

at the doctor’s

от Irina3903

9 класс

Leisure Vocabulary

Leisure Vocabulary

от Sveta16011960

9 класс

Phrasal verbs 9 Form English

Phrasal verbs 9 Form English

от Sveta16011960

9 класс

9 класс 7-9 юнит лексика

9 класс 7-9 юнит лексика
Поиск слов

от U43873042

9 класс

Тренировочные тесты WORDFORMATION (form: 8 -9).

Test 1.

1. This is the most . …. . . . . concert I‘ve ever been to. (Expense) 2. Her husband’s not a very……….person. (Patience) 3. Susan is very……….and wants to do well. (Ambition) 4. Show some…….…. Don’t you like the idea? (Enthuse) 5. Her problem is that she has not enough……..…in herself. (Confide) 6. Dan is really very…………, even rude sometimes. (Polite) 7. I haven’t been to the cinema………… . (Recent) 8. Mary………… and they never s aw her again. (Appear)

Test 2.

1.Most people have no real……… in ghosts.(Believe) 2. Mark Twain wrote many……… stories. (Humour) 3. The children’s…..… at the concert was excellent. (Behave) 4. Rita asked for a ……… and cashier gave her one. (Receive) 5. Do you think you have the……… to pass the exam? (Able) 6. You need a lot of ……… to write a good story. (Imagine) 7. I read an interesting …… in the newspaper. (Advertise) 8. Their friendship began in their …….. . (Child)

Test 3.

1. I’m telling you the …..…! I swear! (True) 2. Your composition isn’t good enough. You’ll have to …..… it. (Write) 3. Did you know Ann used to work as a …….. when she was younger? (Wait) 4. They need your …..… before they can do it. (Sign) 5. It all happened quite…..… . I didn’t have time to think. (Sudden) 6. I’m sure his new film is going to be a huge…… .(Succeed) 7. Did Paul give an ……… for his actions? (Explain) 8. The ……… of the village are all very kind. (Inhabit)

Test 4.

1. The leaflet gives a brief……… of each place. (Describe) 2. Can you give us a quick ……… of how it works? (Explain) 3. Olga broke the vase during an ……… with her husband. (Argue) 4. Gold is a very ……… metal. (Value) 5. Peter began to feel depressed and …..… . (Help) 6. His book is the result of years of ……… research. (Care) 7. This snake is not ……… at all. (Danger) 8. The bright flowers make the room look…….. . (Cheer)

Test 5.

1. Teenagers nowadays are more interested in ……… problems. (Globe) 2. Have you seen the new Levi ..…… on TV? (Advertise) 3. I looked everywhere but I couldn’t find him. He’s ……… (Appear) 4. It’s very…..… to drink and drive. (Danger) 5. Can you give me some more …… about this adventure holiday? (Inform) 6. We need to put up some …… for tonight’s party. (Decorate) 7. The weather today will be cold and…….. . (Wind) 8. Margarita was very ……… with the service. (Satisfy)

Test 6.

1. They put a lot of ..…… on him to agree to their demands. (Press) 2. I’ve had three…… nights and l feel exhausted. (Sleep) 3. If you have problems with your ………, see a doctor. (Circulate) 4. I’m feeling very …… today. I think I’ll go for a run. (Energy) 5. Remember that ..…… are also human. (Examine) 6. His nose was quite …… for days after he’d it pierced. ( Pain) 7. There are a lot of …… restaurants in this area. (Fashion) 8. Although she isn’t beautiful, most men find her quite……… (Attract).

Test 7.

1.The food was completely …… ; he was a useless cook .(Taste) 2. There were over 500 ……to the temple every day .(Visit ) 3. You can’t hope to win the race without any …….… .(Train) 4. In spite of her …….…,Jane continued her journey .(Hungry ) 5.Hard as he tried , he was unable to find …… .(Solve ) 6.I ..…… speaking , I don’t think Latin is a useful subject .(Person) 7.You need to organize your time more …….… (Efficient )

Test 8.

1. Stories are more ………. than lists of words .(Memory ) 2. His exam results were very …… . (Please ) 3. Passing exams will help you to get a ……job .(Good ) 4. You should revise on a regular ……… (Base ) 5. There are books that are specially …..….for foreign learners.(Simple ) 6. A degree is a very useful……….to have .(Qualify )7. I hope you will take into ……… what I have just said to you .(Consider ) 8. This new book had many beautiful …..…in it .(illustrate )

Test 9.

1.My aunt became …..….when she went to America. (Fame) 2.Paul sings …….; I’m surprised he isn’t a professional singer. (Beauty) 3.I was …….to see all my old friends again. (Delight ) 4.They bought some …… for their new house. (Furnish ) 5. She lives in a really ……mansion in the suburbs. (Luxury ) 6. Are you sitting ……. in that chair ? (Comfort ) 7.Everyone was nervous about the ……’s visit. (Inspector) 8.Our teacher has a really strong ……. . (Person) 9.His father has the best …… of ancient coins. (Collect)

Test 10.

1.The teacher wanted to know what my greatest …….(Ambitious) 2.I..……ever go to the theatre. I don’t like it .(Hard ) 3.Marina has a very …… manner , which I appreciate .(Relax) 4.Her son took part in the world ………last year .(Champion) 5.I was ……….when victor said I was beautiful.(Flatter) 6. Julia got a ………for best leading actress .(Nominate ) 7.She’s a very ………thinker .(Origin) 8.Her friend is very ……….! You can trust him .(Rely)

Ответы к тренировочным тестам. Test 1. 1. Expensive 2. Patient 3.Ambitious 4.Enthusiasm 5. Confidence 6.Impolite 7.Recently 8.Disappeared Test 2. 1. Belief 2. Humorous 3. Behaviour 4. Receipt 5. Ability 6. Success7. Advertisement 8. Childhood Test 3. 1. Truth 2. Rewrite 3. Waitress 4. Signature 5. Suddenly 6. Success 7.Explanation 8. Inhabitants Test 4. 1. Description 2. Explanation 3. Argument 4. Valuable 5. Helpless 6. Careful 7. Dangerous 8. Cheerful Test 5. 1. Global 2. Advertisement 3. Disappeared 4. Dangerous 5. Information 6. Decorations 7. Windy 8. Satisfied Test 6. 1. Pressure 2. Sleepless 3. Circulation 4. Energetic 5. Examiners 6.Painful Test 7. 1.Tasteless 2. Visitors 3.Training 4 . Hunger 5. Solution 6. Personally7. Efficiently Test 8. 1. Memorable 2. Pleasant 3. Better 4. Basis 5. Simplified 6. Qualification 7. Consideration 8. ILLustrations Test 9. 1. Famous 2. Beautifully 3. Delighted 4. Furniture 5. Luxurious 6. Comfortably 7. Inspector 8. Personality 9. Collection 10. Test 10. 1. Ambition 2. Hardly 3. Relaxed 4. Championship 5. Flattered 6. Nomination 7. Original 8. Reliable

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