Word for your way of thinking

What is another word for new way of thinking?

What is another word for way of thinking?

opinion viewpoint
view attitude
outlook perspective
belief standpoint
slant stance

What is the word for a way of thinking?

mindset. noun. a way of thinking about things.

What can I say instead of think?

Ways to Say I THINK

In my opinion… I believe…
To my mind… It is my view…
As far as I’m concerned… It’s my belief that…
The way I see things is that… I honestly believe that…
As I see it… To my way of thinking…

How do you say I believe in another way?

In my personal (or professional) opinion, I think,… (or believe, reckon, suppose, etc…) I have heard about it, but am not too familiar with it. However, I like to say,……

  1. In my opinion, …
  2. I opine that…
  3. I think…
  4. If you ask me, I’ll say that…
  5. As far as I’m concerned, …
  6. From my point of view, …

How do you say I feel in different ways?

Synonyms for I feel

  1. i think. prep.
  2. i believe. prep.
  3. i sense.
  4. i guess.
  5. in my opinion. prep.
  6. i consider.
  7. my mind. prep.
  8. i see.

What is a better word for feel?

Feel Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for feel?

perceive sense
consider feel in one’s bones
hold deem
think comprehend
sniff grasp

What’s another way to say I feel like?

What is another word for I feel like?

I would like I desire
I want I wish for

How do you say something interesting?

Explore the Words

  1. intriguing. capable of arousing interest or curiosity.
  2. exciting. creating or arousing uncontrolled emotion.
  3. fascinating. capturing interest as if by a spell.
  4. riveting. capable of arousing and holding the attention.
  5. absorbing. capable of arousing and holding the attention.
  6. amusing.
  7. diverting.
  8. engrossing.

What do you call a very interesting person?

captivating. adjective. very interesting or attractive in a way that takes all your attention.

How do you use interesting?

Here is a general rule to help you remember the difference:

  1. When talking about yourself or your feelings, use the –ed ending. “I am interested in music.”
  2. When talking about others or something outside yourself, use the –ing ending. “That music is interesting.”

How do you use interested and interesting?

Here’s a general rule to help you remember the difference:

  1. When talking about yourself or your feelings, use the –ed ending. “I am interested in music.”
  2. When talking about others or something outside yourself, use the –ing ending. “That music is interesting.”

What is the example of interesting?

Interesting is defined as causing interest or holding attention. An example of something interesting is a book that you can’t stop reading.

How do you sign interesting?

The dominate hand (in a sort of 5 handshape with the thumb and middle finger bent inward a bit) start from near the tip of the nose and moves forward as it changes to an “8” handshape. The non dominate hand uses the same handshapes and starts from the chest area.

How do you say funny in ASL?

Extending your middle finger and index finger, make the sign for funny by using these two fingers together to brush off your nose. Remember the sign for funny by thinking you have some cream on your nose and you are brushing it off, which is funny.

What is jealous ASL?

Jealous and envy can both be shown with the same sign that uses an “X” handshape near the corner of the mouth. Imagine sticking a fish hook into your lip and then twisting and pulling it a bit.

What is the sign for ASL?

Use a WH-Q (wh-question) facial expression. The hands move slightly forward and to the sides. Here is a variation of the sign “WHAT” that is made by extending your base hand outward. Starting near the thumb, drag the tip of your index finger downward, across your palm.

What is need in ASL?

Sign: need / need to / must / should / ought-to / have-to. Handshape: “x” Location: In front of you, off to the right side a bit. Orientation: starts palm forward, ends palm down. Movement: “x” hand bends downward from the wrist.

How do you sign want?

The want sign looks you are pulling something toward you. Place your hands out, with hands open and palms facing up, making your hands bent a little into a claw shape. Then pull both your hands toward you.

What is color in ASL?

To do the sign for “color” hold your hand up in front of your neck and chin area then flutter the fingertips.

What words are not used in ASL?

In addition, ASL does not use the English words “and,” “or,” “the,” “of,” and “is” to convey information. Instead, these concepts are expressed through facial expressions, role shifting, and pointing.

What is purple in ASL?

To sign purple, make the ASL letter ‘P’ sign (a fist, extending the thumb and the middle finger, with the index finger extended and bent down ninety degrees). Take your ‘P’ sign and shake it around in front and to the side of your body.

What is the ASL alphabet?

Memorizing the American Sign Language alphabet (also known as the American Manual Alphabet) is the first step when learning American Sign Language and most new sign language students rely on fingerspelling from the ASL alphabet when they don’t know the sign for something.

Language lets us communicate with each other and share our ideas. Some linguists even suggest that language shapes our knowledge and thought. So, expanding our vocabulary by learning new, interesting words can help us communicate better and have more ideas.

The average English speaking knows around 12,000 -25,000 words, yet the Oxford English Dictionary contains full entries for 171,476 words in current use. So, most of us are missing out on knowing, using, and enjoying thousands of interesting words.

Some linguists suggest that if we don’t have a word for a certain, it is almost impossible to understand that concept. Linguist Benjamin Lee Whorf was an early proponent of this idea, suggesting different linguistic systems affected the thoughts and behaviour of language users.

He studied the language of the Brazilian Piraha people and found that they have no word for quantity. In their language, there is just a word for one, and a word for more than one. This meant that they did not understand the concept of quantity in the same way that we do.

So, if specific words can help us to understand concepts and broaden our knowledge and understanding of the world, it is worth spending some time learning some new, and interesting words.

Here are 15 interesting words to get you started on the journey to crafting a more varied and effective vocabulary.

1. Logophile

I am assuming that as you are reading this article, you may be something of a logophile or ‘lover of words’. Logophile comes from the Greek ‘logos’ meaning speech and ‘phile’ meaning lover or friend.

2. Quixotic

This interesting word is derived from the lead character in Don Quixote written by Miguel de Cervantes. In the novel, Quixote decides to become a knight in order to defend the helpless and destroy the wicked.

Because of this character, we call someone Quixotic if they are unrealistically optimistic or have a comically chivalrous approach to life.

Interestingly, the word scrooge was coined in the same way, a scrooge being a mean person and coming from the character Scrooge in Dickens’ A Christmas Carol.

3. Liminal

Liminal means on the edge of things or between things. It describes marshy landscapes that are neither really land or sea. However, it can also be used to describe states of consciousness. Dreams often occur in the liminal state between sleeping and waking.

4. Esoteric

The word esoteric is used to describe special knowledge that is available only to a select group of people. Belief systems that rely on secret information and practices are often described as esoteric.

Examples of esoteric doctrines include Masonic Lodges, the Theosophical Society, and the Eleusinian mysteries.

5. Numinous

Numinous is a delightful word that means spiritual or supernatural. The word can be applied to anything that is mysterious or surpasses our human understanding.

6. Epistemology

Epistemology is the study of knowledge. This branch of philosophy is specifically concerned with the origin, nature, methods, and limits of human knowledge. So, I guess it really describes the process of thinking about thinking.

7. Schadenfreude

Though schadenfreude is a lovely sounding word, feeling it is not something to be proud of. Schadenfreude means experiencing pleasure or satisfaction from the trouble, failure or humiliation of others.

8. Loquacious

Most of us know someone who is a little loquacious. They talk – a lot! Unfortunately, most of the things they talk about are interesting only to them. This makes them the worst person to get stuck with at a dinner party.

9. Hubris

Hubris is a concept that originated in ancient Greece and today describes excessive presumption, exaggerated pride or self-confidence – even arrogance. It’s a shame that such a nice word describes such a horrible personality trait.

10. Bibliophile

A Bibliophile is a lover of books. The word comes from the Greek biblion ‘book’ + philos ‘lover or friend’. Bibliophiles have a particular interest in beautiful or rare books and many also collect antiques and first editions.

11. Eurhythmic

Eurhythmic means having an aesthetically pleasing rhythm or structure. So, I guess that’s what makes it the perfect name for a band.

12. Fugacious

Fugacious means fleeting or transient. It is similar to the even more attractive ephemeral, which means lasting a very short time.

Many things in life are beautiful but fleeting, the life of a mayfly, the moment the sun goes down on a glorious summer’s day, or the brief time a rainbow decorates the sky. Perhaps it is their fugacious nature that makes these moments so special.

13. Elysian

If something is elysian, it is blissful or delightful. The word comes from the Greek “Elysian field,” where the heroic and the virtuous go after death. So, I suppose it is similar to heavenly.

14. Metanoia

Metanoia describes a profound, usually spiritual, transformation. This unusual word perfectly describes the process of changing one’s mind, heart, spiritual direction, or way of life in a radical way.

This seems like a good word to use instead of the overused ‘enlightened’ or ‘spiritual awakening‘.

15. Lollygag

Lollygag is my favorite new interesting word. It means to spend time in an aimless or lazy way, to idle about or goof off. So, I guess lollygagging is the perfect way to spend an afternoon.

So that’s enough interesting words for today. I am off to spend the afternoon lollygagging.

We’d love to hear your favourite interesting words. Please share them with us in the comments.


  1. www.collinsdictionary
  2. www.oed.com
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Contributing writer at Learning Mind

Kirstie Pursey holds a diploma in creative writing from the Open University and works as a writer, blogger, and storyteller. She lives in London with her family of people, dogs, and cats. She is a lover of reading, writing, being in nature, fairy lights, candles, fireside, and afternoon tea.

Copyright © 2012-2023 Learning Mind. All rights reserved. For permission to reprint, contact us.

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You will feel anxious because sugar releases hormones that adversely affect your way of thinking.

Вы будете чувствовать себя тревожно, потому что сахар выделяет гормоны, которые негативно влияют на ваш образ мышления.

The experts who challenge you and your way of thinking aren’t trying to diminish you.

Эксперты, которые бросают вызов вам и ваш образ мышления, не пытаются вас снизить.

Reframe your way of thinking to see public speaking as an opportunity rather than a fearful and unpleasant experience.

Пересмотрите свой образ мышления, чтобы рассматривать публичные выступления как возможность, а не как страшный и неприятный опыт.

You can reprogram yourself and your way of thinking by using positive affirmations on a regular basis.

Вы можете перепрограммировать себя и свой образ мышления, используя положительные аффирмации на регулярной основе.

Try not to become frustrated if others don’t immediately come around to your way of thinking.

Your personal charm brings others into your circle and from there, it’s a simple matter to bring them around to your way of thinking.

Ваше личное обаяние привлекает других в ваш круг, и оттуда, это просто вопрос, чтобы привлечь их к вашему образу мышления.

There would be times when series of losses can affect your way of thinking and analyzing the market.

Там будет время, когда ряд потерь может повлиять на ваш образ мышления и анализа рынка.

Remember that even simple advice can change your way of thinking.

By the way, when you stop writing, your way of thinking degrades.

Producers want to understand your way of thinking, why you buy certain products and what is your opinion about them.

Продюсеры хотят, чтобы понять Ваш образ мышления, почему вы купить определенные продукты и каково ваше мнение о них.

The program asks questions and receives from you some information, analyzing which tries to adapt to your way of thinking.

Программа задает вам вопросы и получает от вас некоторую информацию, анализируя которую пытается подстроиться под ваш образ мышления.

Charisma is an incredibly endearing quality because it will help you win people over to your way of thinking.

Харизма является невероятно покоряющим качеством, потому что это поможет вам перестраивать людей на ваш образ мышления.

In this case your way of thinking limits you.

Programming reflects your way of thinking in order to describe the single steps that you took to solve a problem using a computer.

Программирование отражает ваш образ мышления, чтобы описать отдельные шаги, которые вы предприняли для решения проблемы с помощью компьютера.

I adore your culture and your way of thinking.

I love your culture, your way of thinking.

Bizarre events could occur that prompt you to change your way of thinking.

Могут возникнуть необычные события, которые побуждают вас изменить свой образ мышления.

Writing about your career goal is important, as it reflects your way of thinking.

Пишу о своей карьере задача очень важна, поскольку она отражает ваш образ мышления.

You’re not going to convert those people to your way of thinking.

Here are 60 thought-provoking quotes that will help you adjust your way of thinking.

Ознакомьтесь с 60 наводящими на размышления цитатами, которые помогут привести в порядок Ваш образ мышления.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 197. Точных совпадений: 197. Затраченное время: 142 мс


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synonyms for way of thinking

  • attitude
  • character
  • mind
  • mindset
  • outlook
  • personality
  • psychology
  • sense
  • understanding
  • IQ
  • brainpower
  • brains
  • cast
  • comprehension
  • disposition
  • headset
  • intellect
  • makeup
  • rationality
  • reasoning
  • routine
  • wit
  • frame of mind
  • intelligence quotient
  • mental age
  • turn of mind
  • attitude
  • desire
  • determination
  • eye
  • feeling
  • judgment
  • mood
  • opinion
  • point of view
  • sentiment
  • view
  • will
  • wish
  • bent
  • conviction
  • disposition
  • fancy
  • humor
  • impulse
  • intention
  • leaning
  • liking
  • notion
  • outlook
  • persuasion
  • pleasure
  • purpose
  • strain
  • temper
  • temperament
  • thoughts
  • tone
  • urge
  • vein
  • attitude
  • ethos
  • mentality
  • psyche
  • behaviorism
  • medicine
  • mind
  • therapy
  • mental make-up
  • mental processes
  • personality study
  • psych
  • science of the mind
  • what makes someone tick
  • where head is at
  • attitude
  • demeanor
  • frame of mind
  • inclination
  • mental state
  • mood
  • perspective
  • philosophy
  • point of view
  • sentiment
  • temperament
  • air
  • approach
  • belief
  • character
  • disposition
  • headset
  • opinion
  • position
  • stance
  • stand
  • standpoint
  • view
  • mental outlook
  • angle
  • attitude
  • opinion
  • orientation
  • outlook
  • perspective
  • position
  • standpoint
  • Anschauung
  • frame of reference
  • optique
  • private opinion
  • slant
  • two cents’ worth
  • attitude
  • medicine
  • therapy
  • behaviorism
  • mental make-up
  • mental processes
  • personality study
  • psych
  • science of the mind
  • where head is at
  • attitude
  • bias
  • feeling
  • idea
  • opinion
  • passion
  • position
  • tendency
  • thought
  • view
  • affect
  • conception
  • conviction
  • disposition
  • emotionalism
  • eye
  • inclination
  • inclining
  • judgment
  • leaning
  • mind
  • partiality
  • penchant
  • persuasion
  • posture
  • predilection
  • propensity
  • romanticism
  • sensibility
  • sentimentality
  • slant
  • softheartedness
  • tenderness
  • affectivity
  • hearts and flowers
  • overemotionalism
  • tender feeling
  • angle
  • attitude
  • eye
  • opinion
  • orientation
  • outlook
  • perspective
  • position
  • slant
  • standpoint
  • viewpoint
  • Anschauung
  • frame of reference
  • optique
  • private opinion
  • two cents’ worth
  • attitude
  • concept
  • consideration
  • feeling
  • impression
  • judgment
  • mind
  • notion
  • opinion
  • point of view
  • sentiment
  • thought
  • conception
  • conviction
  • deduction
  • eye
  • inference
  • persuasion
  • say-so
  • slant
  • twist
  • close-up
  • judgment call
  • two cents’ worth
  • value judgment

On this page you’ll find 226 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to way of thinking, such as: attitude, character, mind, mindset, outlook, and personality.

  • dislike
  • disinclination
  • physicality
        • concrete
        • thing
        • antipathy
        • disbelief
        • disinclination
        • disinterest
        • dislike
        • hate
        • hatred
        • indifference

            Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

            SYNONYM OF THE DAY

            OCTOBER 26, 1985


            • air
            • angle
            • approach
            • belief
            • demeanor
            • disposition
            • frame of mind
            • headset
            • inclination
            • leaning
            • mental state
            • mindset
            • mood
            • notion
            • opinion
            • outlook
            • perspective
            • philosophy
            • point of view
            • position
            • posture
            • predilection
            • reaction
            • school of thought
            • sentiment
            • slant
            • stance
            • stand
            • standpoint
            • temper
            • temperament
            • thinking
            • vantage point
            • view
            • viewpoint
            • way of looking
            • way of thinking
            • where one is at
            • IQ
            • attitude
            • brainpower
            • brains
            • cast
            • character
            • comprehension
            • disposition
            • frame of mind
            • headset
            • intellect
            • intelligence quotient
            • makeup
            • mental age
            • mind
            • mindset
            • outlook
            • personality
            • psychology
            • rationality
            • reasoning
            • routine
            • sense
            • turn of mind
            • understanding
            • way of thinking
            • wit
            • attitude
            • bent
            • conviction
            • desire
            • determination
            • disposition
            • eye
            • fancy
            • feeling
            • humor
            • impulse
            • intention
            • judgment
            • leaning
            • liking
            • mood
            • notion
            • opinion
            • outlook
            • persuasion
            • pleasure
            • point of view
            • purpose
            • sentiment
            • strain
            • temper
            • temperament
            • thoughts
            • tone
            • urge
            • vein
            • view
            • way of thinking
            • will
            • wish
            • air
            • approach
            • attitude
            • belief
            • character
            • demeanor
            • disposition
            • frame of mind
            • headset
            • inclination
            • mental outlook
            • mental state
            • mood
            • opinion
            • perspective
            • philosophy
            • point of view
            • position
            • sentiment
            • stance
            • stand
            • standpoint
            • temperament
            • view
            • way of thinking
            • attitude
            • behaviorism
            • ethos
            • medicine
            • mental make-up
            • mental processes
            • mentality
            • mind
            • personality study
            • psych
            • psyche
            • science of the mind
            • therapy
            • way of thinking
            • what makes someone tick
            • where head is at
            • Anschauung
            • angle
            • attitude
            • frame of reference
            • opinion
            • optique
            • orientation
            • outlook
            • perspective
            • position
            • private opinion
            • slant
            • standpoint
            • two cents’ worth
            • way of thinking

            Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

            Is there a word that means «a way of thought»?

            For example, whether someone is interested or not, it is simply how he thinks. Whether someone is confident or not, it is simply how he thinks. So «interest» and «confidence» are simply «ways of thinking».

            I was thinking of the word «mental», however «mental» means «relating to the mind» which is too broad. For example, «tiredness» would be «relating to the mind», but it isn’t a «way of thought».

            What’s another word to mean «a way of thought»?

            RegDwigнt's user avatar


            96.4k39 gold badges305 silver badges399 bronze badges

            asked May 5, 2012 at 4:57

            Pacerier's user avatar


            Would «mindset» fit the bill, or is that too passive a concept?

            answered May 5, 2012 at 14:44

            Jennifer Davis's user avatar


            Perhaps you are looking for:

            Frame of mind: mental attitude or outlook

            answered May 5, 2012 at 5:52

            Jim's user avatar


            33.2k10 gold badges74 silver badges126 bronze badges

            I think you are looking for words like ‘opinion’, ‘perspective’, ‘conception’, ‘assumption’, ‘presumption’, inference’, ‘point-of-view’ etc.

            answered May 5, 2012 at 5:55

            Fr0zenFyr's user avatar


            2,3192 gold badges17 silver badges22 bronze badges

            Weltanschauung is a germanic word with an English usage that correlates to this. It translates literally to «world view» but, as M-W defines, means «a comprehensive conception or apprehension of the world especially from a specific standpoint.»

            That may be too broad for what you are looking for. You could also try «solipsistic» «characteristic» or «idiosyncratic.»

            answered May 5, 2012 at 13:43

            Jefferson Bailey's user avatar

            The phrase «state of mind» describes what you’re after.

            answered May 5, 2012 at 5:17

            Optimal Cynic's user avatar


            psycho-paths ;-) Just Kidding… I second the suggestion of using idiosyncratic. It suits your specifications considerably well.

            answered May 5, 2012 at 14:35

            Lex Luengas's user avatar

            I think another possibility is “attitude”, but most of the previous answers look good to me.

            answered May 6, 2012 at 3:57

            Lubin's user avatar


            1294 bronze badges


            Mentality is defined as: a habitual or characteristic mental attitude that determines how you will interpret and respond to situations; the characteristic attitude of mind or way of thinking of a person or group; cast or turn of mind; a way of thinking; mental inclination or character.

            You can say someone has, for example, a confident mentality or a victim mentality.

            answered May 5, 2012 at 15:04

            JLG's user avatar


            23.1k1 gold badge42 silver badges99 bronze badges

            I’ve heard the use of adjective mind before.

            To an Eastern mind, raised on Go, territory is more important than the soldiers used to capture it.

            To those Western minds raised on Chess, protecting the nobles is the most important.

            Community's user avatar

            answered May 5, 2012 at 5:42

            Quasiperfect's user avatar

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