Word for your boyfriend

I can’t imagine your joy now that you have the man of your dreams.

Whether it is your husband or boyfriend, these special Romantic Words for Him will blow his mind.

Having a man to love you for who you are; heart and body is one of the most beautiful feeling ever.

Much more, having a man who you love with your whole self is a huge icing on the cake.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with telling your man how much he means to you.

So, as often as possible, go through our Romantic Words for Him and tell your man exactly how much you love him.

Sweet Cute and Romantic Words for Him – your Boyfriend or Husband.

1. Mr handsome, I look at you every day and I sincerely wish I had met you earlier.
I needed to have had a love like yours all along.

2. I can say that my best defining moments started when I met you.
I wasn’t exactly looking for a man yet but your love found me and there’s no going back.

Romantic Words for Him

3. You should know that you are one of my life’s best decision.
Sharing my life and heart with you is all I intend to do for eternity.

4. I bet you don’t know the effect you have on me; even on my rough days, you still put a smile on my face.

5. Darling, I will always be happy as long as I have you around me.
You mean that much to me.

6. There are problems only your big hugs can solve.
Yes, you have that huge effect on me.

7. Hey baby boy, I love you so much because you have seen me at my worst and you have loved me even more for it.

8. King of the best, you are a daily reminder of everything that is right with this world.

9. To the best man in the world, I’m in no hurry to get to forever so I can have all the time to love you.

10. Hey prince, there isn’t really enough time in this world to love you in all the ways I want.

11. Prince charming, there’s no night I don’t want to sleep in your arms.
When I don’t, you are all I dream of.

12. I never knew I could find a man who would be all I wanted and more. And in so such a short time, you became my everything.

13. Having you as the man in my life has made me forget the past and all it’s hurts and look to the future with all happiness.

14. Dear prince charming, I will fall in love with you over and over again.
Once is no longer enough.

15. I had no idea that a person could become a home until you came into my life.
There’s no man like you, you have my heart and love.

16. When I can’t tell you what I feel for you, I hope you will let me show you what it means to have a man like you.

17. I’m at my happiest when I’m with you.
No one else makes me smile this much, no other man makes me happier.

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18. I want to spend every minute of the day in the week of the months of each year being by your side and loving you.

19. Losing you would mean losing the best man and my soul mate, something I don’t wish for.
So do me a favour and stay.

20. After all these while, I still can’t find the right way to put into words what I feel towards you.
Darling, you are so special.

Romantic Words for Him

21. I don’t laugh this hard unless I’m with you.
My heart skips a beat every time I see you.
Everything about my heart is always going to be you.

22. I have always, still am and I will always be attracted to you.
Your heart is as amazing as your physique.

23. You are worth everything; my unconditional love and much more.
The reason I let myself be vulnerable to you without a doubt.

24. There is a whole lot of love in the world but I choose yours.
And I intend to keep choosing you always.

25. Hey, best guy, I want you to know that I’m always going to be here for you; time and time again no matter what.

26. For the rest of my days on earth, I want to come home to you; you have become my home by the way.

27. When I look at you, nothing else matters.
At that moment, my heart beats a little faster because I know that I have the man of my dreams.

28. In any other time, in any other life, be assured that I will always choose to be yours and you mine.

29. The best girl deserves the best man.
Your love was made just for me and now, we have each other.

30. If there’s anyone I want to make more memories with, it’s you.
I cherish all the beautiful moments we have had.

Romantic Words for Him

31. I am completely in love with everything you do, especially with the way you run your hands through my back as you unzip my dress.

32. There’s a feeling I have whenever I think of you, it’s a feeling I never want to stop having.

33. Hey awesome guy, you still take my breath away and even more, you do it without even trying.

34. I’m extra playful when I’m with you.
I’m extra clingy when you are around me.
I have peace just because you are here.

35. Hello prince charming, out of nowhere, you became the very core of my life, the love in my heart and the best part of me.

36. There are people who mean the world to me, who I care for as my own but I can say in all sincerity that above all, I care about you the most.

37. I can’t remember having bad days any more, it’s impossible to have such when you are here with me. You are such a gentleman.

38. At every single sunrise and sunset, I want to be right by your side, holding your hands and looking at the beauty of the world.

39. Although the future may seem uncertain, one thing I know for sure is that I want to have the best man; you, around forever.

40. It’s plain and simple; I love you very much, I want to love you until my last breath.
I want to be in your arms at night, I want to be your lady forever.

Romantic Words for Him

41. My every thought of happiness revolves around you.
When I think of the word happiness, I’m invariably thinking of you, my hunk.

42. You are the best guy that I know, you happen to also be my best friend and my favourite human too.

43. I no longer care how cheesy it is to say that I love you very much and I literally can’t stop myself from thinking about you and how much I don’t want to stop.

44. You have shown me what it means to be in love with a real man; you get to love not just my body but also my heart.

45. Loving you makes me feel like a very special lady; when I’m with you, I feel like the only girl in the world because of your love.

46. Most of the days when I’m with you, I wish the days last a little more than twenty-four hours. With you, there’s no such thing as too much time together.

47. I still ponder on how well you understand me; both on the days my hormones make me crazy and the days I’m struggling to be myself.

48. I have random thoughts of you in the middle of the day and late into the nights, oh how much of an ideal man you are, I love you every other day.

49. I know that things begin and end, I know that people come and go but you, my man are the special kind and I hope you stay forever.

50. You are my other half; sometimes my better half.
You are such a strong man, a great support system and I love you in every way possible.

Romantic Words for Him

51. Ever since I met you, it seems like forever is not as long as I thought it was.
I want to love you forever and way beyond.

52. Whatever happens, wherever we go, whatever we do, just know that I’m always going to be here for you.

53. The truth is: having you in my life as my man is the happiest I have ever been and day by day, the feelings keep getting better and more awesome.

54. You looked at me in a way no one else has before, at that moment I knew I wanted this for life. I knew I wanted to be in your arms for life.

55. And when I met you, it seemed like my life began to change all for the better, slowly and at the same time; all at once.

56. You are the best man I ever met, even though most of the times you drive me crazy, annoy the life out of me and make me yell but yet I still love you endlessly.

57. I don’t say I LOVE YOU because it’s something I have to say or because I’m trying to keep you but because I really mean it and that’s how you make me feel.

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58. You took my heart by surprise, changed my life forever in the most unexpected way, all these you have done in so short a time.

59. The beginning and end of my journey of love and happiness lie with you; never before has my life been gifted with a good man like you.

60. When I am in your warm embrace, I feel like such a little girl.
It means a lot to me that I have you with me.

Romantic Words for Him

61. In my heart, you have a place, one I hope you stay in for as long as life remains.
It’s like every day, I keep falling more in love with you.

62. To the man after my heart, I need you to know that I am completely and helplessly in love with you.

63. There are not many men like you and I’m grateful to have one of the best men alive.
You are amazing in all the ways one can imagine.

64. I totally love my personal space but you, my favourite man has become part of that space.
I love being alone, especially alone with you.

65. Even when I wasn’t sure I wanted to give my heart to another man, somehow, I knew it was you I wanted.
It has and will always be you.

66. The happiness I feel of late, I attribute most to you.
You totally know how to make me feel like a woman, loving my heart even much more than my body.

67. The things you say, the way you say them, how much we laugh together, even the silence is all beautiful.
Never met a more loving man.

68. The moon and the stars will stop shinning, I will stop breathing before I can stop loving you, my golden man.

69. The world is so beautiful, there are things that make me so happy but nothing makes me happier than being yours and having you as mine.

70. You make me so happy, I will choose you in all the lifetimes there is, there are just no choices to make, it’s you, only you.

Romantic Words for Him

71. The best part about our love story is this; I wasn’t exactly searching for a good man but I guess God felt that I deserve one.
You are my good man.

72. In a day, I get to meet a lot of people who in a way or another make my life better but none compares with how much happiness you bring to me.

73. Hubby of life, I hope you know that you are my world and my home and there’s absolutely nothing that can change that.

74. I heard a lot about good men, I have always wanted to have my own good man, and now I have you.
I love you so much.

75. When I’m with you, dear lover of my soul, it feels like this is exactly where I was born to be;
fitted right into your arms.

76. Having you as my husband has taught me a lot, all the things we have been through has made me love you even much.
Grateful we are doing life together.

77. One of the biggest reasons I look forward to each new day is because of the man that you are; the best man there is.

78. I’m in love with a man who treats me like a queen, who touches my body just the way I want it, who kisses my lips with a lot of passion.
That man is you and I love you so much.

79. I had no idea that it was possible to love someone just as much as myself.
This is what happens when I’m in love with a man like you.

80. Even the most little moments we spend together means the most to me, the little moments we spend apart tears me apart.

Romantic Words for Him

81. I have one wish and one wish alone; that forever you will be my man and me your lady.
Until then, I still am yours.

82. It still beats me how possible it was to find everything I was looking for in a man in you.
You are still and will always be my favourite person.

83. Lying next to you, talking with you, just knowing that I am your woman changes my entire mood; usually for the better of course.

84. When I first met you, I knew you were the kind of man I needed in my life so you can imagine the joy I feel every day waking up next to you.

85. I want to see your face and touch your broad shoulder every day, I’m not ashamed to say that I am a lot more obsessed with you every single day.

86. My heart and my brain are in sync on this one; loving you with all my heart until my last breath.
You truly are all that I need.

87. Until there are no more mornings, until there are no more nights, until my heart cannot love anymore, I’m going to keep loving you.

88. I only have one life to live and I want to live it to the fullest with you by my side.
The man of my dreams has become the man in my life.

89. Whenever you are happy, I want to be part of the reason why.
When you are sad, I want to be the one to turn your frown upside down.

90. It’s not even the middle of the day, yet all I want to do is have your warm lips on mine and snuggle perfectly into your arms.

Romantic Words for Him

91. Whenever you are not around, no matter the buzz going on around me, it still feels like my whole world is empty.

92. I am super delighted for your existence, my superman and nothing is as beautiful as me being part of your life.

93. To say that you consume me completely is, to say the least; I love you so deeply that I can go to the ends of the earth to make sure that you are alright.

94. I have always craved for the good kind of love; the type that you now give me and I know that I want to be part of the reason you smile forever.

95. I want to believe that our hearts were woven from the same fabric, how else do I explain this deep connection we share? We are one and the same.

96. We aren’t just best friends, we are much more than that.
We aren’t just lovers, we are soul mates now and always.

97. I am yours and you are mine, and no these aren’t mere expressions.
There’s so much of myself inside of you that you have literally become a part of me.

98. You love me so deeply in all my entirety despite all my flaws.
And for loving me for who I am, I promise my soul will always absorb all of your love.

99. Standing right next to you, I have seen the better side of love, the selfless side and on this beautiful path, I hope to hold your love forever in my heart.

100. Darling, it’s the little things that you do, the attention to details that you pay that makes me fall more in love with you on a daily. I couldn’t ask for more.

101. You are my significant other, the one who has completely defined the word ‘love’ for me in every language and from there ever could be. I love you too.

102. You are a very special man, I’d probably never meet anyone like you again.
You are a once in a lifetime kind of love and I intend to have you for a lifetime.

103. Do you know how much you make my days better? You really listen to me, you make feel like a queen and you truly care.
I want to see where this love takes us, I have a feeling it’s somewhere between forever and eternity.

104. And most of the nights, the only thing that calms my nerves is holding your hand while I listen to your breath. Or maybe, all of the nights.

105. Every single day that we wake up to, all I ever want to be for you is a symbol of a reminder as to what love truly means.

106. The things you say, the things you don’t, they all mean a lot to me.
I love to notice when you need a new haircut or even the slightest detail about you.

107. I lose count of the numerous times I think of you each day, well how can I not think about a part of me.
Because when I think of you, I’m invariably thinking of me too.

108. I find myself smiling just thinking of the moments we have shared and the ones we are yet to explore.
Totally looking forward to your company throughout this life.

109. When you became my husband, I knew I had found my home in a person.
And even though it took a while for our hearts to align, I know this is it forever.

110. I asked the universe for a little love and beautiful friendship, and I got you, the very best man ever.
You came around with a whole lot of love and a lifetime of friendship.

111. With you, all I wake up to are bright and beautiful days.
You give me the best feelings over and over again.
Let’s do this forever.

112. Even when I have a lot of work stuff to think about; you are still number one on my ‘thought chart’.
Even if I am in a room full of people, it’s still you I look out for.

113. I know that everything that starts has an end but I hope that it’s not the same as our love.
I hope to give you the kind of love that never ends.

114. Hey hubby of life, whether we have nothing to talk about or we have plenty of things to talk about, you are still the only person I enjoy having a conversation with.

115. I lost faith in genuine love until you came and made me believe yet again that a heart could be made for another person.
You were made to sing to my heart.

116. I know that love stories are different but I couldn’t have asked to share mine with any other than the most caring man I have ever met.
I love you so much.

117. My heart is down only for you; this means that I intend to stick around come what may.
Fasten your seat belt as we do this journey of love together.

118. I just know that I want to spend the rest of our live special together showing you what love truly means; like stroking your beard when we are old and grey.

119. I want to cry with you, laugh with you, make love with you.
I want to explore everything there is on this beautiful path we chose to go down together.

120. Having you, a perfect gentleman has reminded me what following through with actions means for a relationship.
Love is more than the words, love is action.

121. I crave a lot of intimacy with you, and no this is not about sex.
I need genuine affections and to feel like I’m truly loved.
And that and more have you done.

122. There’s a lot to love about your sexy and muscular body.
However, I don’t just wish to love your body but your entire being because in doing that, I will never let go.

123. There’s such a soft heart behind your hunky frame, a caring soul beneath the strength, the most gentle touch from you; you are a whole package.

124. Darling, you are worthy of every love and light I send your way.
You have done a whole lot more for me and all I can do is to be here for you as much as you are for me.

125. You have taught me what it means to be a man’s queen, something I hope I never take for granted.
You have the biggest and most caring heart any man could have.

Romantic Words for Him

126. I have searched high and low for the appropriate words to describe such a good man like you.
But at every attempt, words fail me.

127. With you, there are no on and off days of love.
Being in your arms makes me feel like I have everything I have ever needed.

128. I’m holding on to you, because you love me so much, flaws and all.
I promise to return the favour every single day of our lives.

129. The love I imagined growing up, that’s what I have with you now.
A love that makes me excited for each new day, a love that I’m grateful for each night.

130. I may not exactly know the perfect way to love you but I know that I am giving it my all; I’m loving you with my whole being and I hope that that’s enough.

131. You loved me at a time I couldn’t quite love myself, I’m only saying that I love you too and I’m never going to be able to replace you.

132. I have something to tell you, I’m absolutely and completely obsessed with you.
You are the only man I want in my life and I wish we are in each other forever.

133. Life has been good to me but with you, it’s never been better.
With you, I am completely myself and what’s more, you love me for me.

134. I have never felt lonelier than when you are not around.
Knowing that you are somewhere in this world makes me feel complete and all the more understood.

135. There are a lot of things that hurt me but having you around makes everything a whole lot better.
Having you makes things all the easier.

136. I love the way you love me in all the ways.
It’s the little things you do that make this love special.
It’s in all the million ways you say my name and touch my body.

137. Because you are my king of heart, you are totally worth all of my time and love.
My favourite thing about you is that I understand you a lot and that makes loving you so easy.

138. I sincerely wish you could see my heart, and then maybe you might understand half of how much I love and cherish you deep down.

139. Oh that you would kiss my lips with passion and touch my body like it was our first time.
Look at me with so much love in your eyes and never let me go.

140. I think every woman out there deserves a man like you, not you lol.
Because of every single time, you make me feel like I belong in your world.

141. There’s no bottom to the depth of my heart and how much it is filled with love for you.
You are such a wonderful being and there’s no time in this world where I would stop loving you.

142. And when our bodies meet, boy what a spark and beautiful chemistry.
What we have is what I want in my life as long as the sunrise exist.

143. We were two strangers who fell in love, two souls that found each other.
And now, we are two hearts that will beat in harmony forever.

144. Dear King of the best, my heart will forever reach out to you.
I am like a flower that blooms at your touch.
I am yours forever.

145. I could be in your arms and forget that the world exists.
You would kiss my lips and I would feel the world melting away leaving just you and me.

146. My friends call me a little crazy but I can hear the sound of your voice when I read your text.
I can see your face when I speak to you over the phone.

147. Have you ever listened to a song for the very first time and got hooked on it?
That’s how I felt when I first met you, I knew you would be my favourite person.

148. It took having you, my prince charming in my life to make me realise that one could possibly have a feel of heaven on earth.
Love like yours is true and loyal.

149. I’m so glad that I have you, love like yours gives me nothing but sweetness.
More than 7 billion people in the world and you are my most precious.

150. I always look forward to your warm embrace, the gentle feeling of your lips on mine and everything else that follows.
If there’s a life after this, I still want to have you in it.

Want to know how to encourage your man?

Looking for some words of encouragement to show your boyfriend or husband that you love and support him?

“A wise woman knows the importance of speaking life into her man. If you love him: believe in him, encourage him and be his peace” – Denzel Washington

While most men will do their best to show that no matter what they are okay, the truth is, even the strongest man needs some love and support.

Here is a list of the best positive affirmations and quotes to…

  • Show him how much you care and
  • To support him through hard times

Affirmations To Show Him You Care

I see you.

I trust you.

I respect you so much.

You are an amazing and beautiful man.

Your strength gives me strength.

I am grateful to have you as my partner in life.

I love doing things for you.

I am so proud of the man you are.

Your happiness makes me happy.

I appreciate the things you do for me.

You are such a sexy man and I love being intimate with you.

Every day my love grows greater and deeper for you.

I love to cook for you and I enjoy making our home comfortable by keeping it tidy.

I submit fully to you because I trust you completely.

You make me feel protected and safe and I appreciate it deeply.

You are a wonderful provider and an important role in this family.

You are a great father and our children love you and look up to you.

I know you trust me because I keep all your secrets safe.

Your honesty and integrity helps me feel secure in our relationship

You make me feel beautiful and cherished and I appreciate this greatly.

I am so happy to have you as my partner.

I am so fortunate to share my life with you.

You help inspire me to become a better woman.

We complement each other perfectly.

You are the perfect man for me.

Affirmations To Support Him Through Hard Times

I believe in you.

I am always here for you.

I will be with you every step of the way.

I am here to build you up and not let anything tear you down.

I trust in you and am fully committed to your potential.

I promise to always stand by your side and have your back.

I’m impressed by your ability to handle tough situations.

I am confident that we can get through any challenge life brings at us as a couple.

I have faith in your ability to persevere.

I’m proud of you for you have come a long way and have never given up.

I love how you always come up with the perfect solution to every problem.

I accept your faults because I know they will serve as a learning experience and make you stronger.

No matter what, we will get through this together.

Together we can win because we make a great team.

Want more?

  • Career affirmations
  • Confidence affirmations
  • Courage affirmations
  • Determination affirmations
  • Empowerment affirmations
  • Focus affirmations
  • Fear affirmations
  • Goals affirmations
  • Greatness affirmations
  • Happiness affirmations
  • Husband affirmations
  • Men affirmations
  • Relationship affirmations

Or visit our entire list of positive affirmations

Encouraging Quotes For Men

Don’t get discouraged by what you are going through. Your time is coming. Where you are is not where you are going to stay.

Let go and start over, nothing in the universe can stop you from doing that.

Whatever is worrying you right now, forget about it. Take a deep breath, stay positive and know that things will get better.

You are one of a kind and have something great to offer to this world.

I know it’s been tough but I am still cheering for you.

Strength doesn’t come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn’t. – Rikki Rogers

Success in life comes when you simply refuse to give up, with goals so strong that obstacles, failure, and loss only act as motivation.

The best way to gain self-confidence is to do what you are afraid to do. – Swati Sharma

Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value. – Albert Einstein

Happy is the man who finds a true friend, and far happier is he who finds that true friend in his wife. – Franz Schubert

You are only as strong as you allow yourself to be; never get discouraged, never give up because consistency and dedication is the key to success.

Good things come to those who believe. Better things come to those who are patient. The best things come to those who never give up.

Positive thinking is powerful thinking. If you want happiness, fulfillment, success and inner peace, start thinking you have the power to achieve those things. Focus on the bright side of life and expect positive results. ― Germany Kent

You control your future, your destiny. What you think about comes about. By recording your dreams and goals on paper, you set in motion the process of becoming the person you most want to be. Put your future in good hands – your own. – Mark Victor Hansen

Whenever you find yourself doubting how far you can go, just remember how far you have come. Remember everything you have faced, all the battles you have won, and all the fears you have overcome. – Unknown

It’s okay to be scared. Being scared means you’re about to do something really, really brave.

Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny. – CS Lewis

The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones. – Confucious

Watch your thoughts for they become your words.
Watch your words for they become your actions.
Watch your actions for they become your habits.
Watch your habits for they become your character.
Watch your character for they become your destiny.

There are moments when troubles enter our lives and we can do nothing to avoid them. But they are there for a reason. Only when we have overcome them will we understand why they were there. ― Paulo Coelho

Today is the day to cast your worries on God and breathe in new life. Your past does not define who you are today. ― Gabriella Marigold

God has a purpose for your pain, a reason for your struggle and a reward for your faithfulness. Don’t give up!

Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved. – Helen Keller

Wake up while thinking about what you will be able to achieve today rather than waking up with the regret of what you couldn’t accomplish yesterday.

If you want it, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.

Want more inspirational quotes?

  • Success Quotes
  • Quotes About New Beginnings
  • Good Morning Quotes To Start The Day
  • Quotes About Being Happy & Happiness
  • Quotes About Love & Relationships
  • Words of Encouragement & Quotes
  • Quotes For Goals & Dreams
  • Quotes For Confidence
  • Quotes About Fear & Being Afraid
  • Quotes About Perseverance & Never Giving Up

Tips To Keep Your Boyfriend or Husband Happy

Men are very simple and only need four things to keep them happy and satisfied:

1. Give Him Space

This can be quite challenging for most women because it is counterintuitive to how you live your life. But men are lonely creatures. Very few of them are naturally social and want to be around lots of people like women do.

Also, men are thinkers which means they need space and time to contemplate things. If you want to keep your man happy, give him all the space he needs. He will come around on his own terms.

2. Feed Him Well

As the saying goes, “The way to a mans heart is through his stomach”. Why is that? Because the first encounter he had with a woman was his mother who showed him love via breastfeeding. So a man has associated love and nurturing via food.

Keep him well fed and he will be a happy camper.

3. Give Him Great Sex

Without great sex and intimacy, you are just friends. While some women like to believe that a relationship can be more than sex, from a mans perspective, its not. Most men enter a relationship for the sex first. Once the sex is good, then yes a women’s personality and other attributes come into play. But it starts with sex.

4. Have No Expectations

This too may sound counter-intuitive because one would assume that once you are in a relationship that expectations should come with it. However, the art of gratitude comes when you have no expectations. This way when he does something for you, it feels like a gift and you are more grateful. If you have expectations, you rob him of the opportunity to gift you something which diminishes the reward (from his perspective). Have no expectations and he will give you the world.

cute things to say to your boyfriend

While it is more typical for boyfriends to say sweet things to their girlfriends, guys appreciate hearing cute things as well. Never underestimate how much a nice comment can lift up your boyfriend’s day. You might be wondering what the point is of paying your boyfriend a compliment once in a while. Hearing something nice from a significant other can brighten up anybody’s day, especially if they are having a bad day. And if your boyfriend is already having a good day, then hearing something sweet from you will make his day even better than before. Being told cute things can make your boyfriend feel loved, missed, and appreciated. That is why it is important to not be stingy with your kind words. In this article, we have listed 230 cute things to say to your boyfriend.

Do not be afraid to be romantic and mushy with your boyfriend on days that are not special occasions. While birthdays, anniversaries, and Valentine’s Day are all special occasions that are worth celebrating, the ordinary days in life should be celebrated in their own way. When you say something thoughtful and cute to your boyfriend on a normal day, it will feel like a special day to him and he might even be inspired to return the gesture with his own romantic words for you.

Coming up with cute things to say to your boyfriend can be difficult, not because you do not care about him, but because it can be very difficult to express your feelings. Putting your feelings into words can be difficult, but the phrases below can help you express the romantic thoughts that are in your head.

Remember that communication is key, especially in a romantic relationship. Besides the typical day-to-day messages that are communicated between you and your boyfriend, you will also want to make sure that your relationship flourishes. Making the effort and going out of your way to shower your boyfriend with the occasional sweet compliment will help take your relationship to the next level.

When you pay your boyfriend a compliment, you will show that you are paying attention to him. Whether you are talking about your boyfriend’s nice smile or how much you love him, he will surely love knowing that he is on your mind. When you fill your relationship with positive, romantic words, you will very likely receive the same energy back.

There are many ways that you can get these cute messages to your boyfriend. While you can say them to his face or over the phone, you can also text him these messages. If you happen to pack your boyfriend lunch sometimes, you can sneak in a sweet note. And if you are in school, you can slip a note into his locker or leave a note sticking out of one of his textbooks. There are many fun and creative ways for you to pass on these cute messages to your boyfriend.

Whether you need to think of something to text your boyfriend or want to write something for him in a greeting card, you will find plenty of sweet phrases below that your boyfriend will appreciate.

1. You are so cute when you smile.

2. I love it when you use your big, strong arms to pick me up.

3. You know how to rock my world.

4. Everything is better with you around.

5. With you as my boyfriend, I couldn’t possibly ask for more.

6. Giving you my heart is the best thing I ever could have done.

7. I miss you so much when we are apart that I begin to look at old messages from you to make me feel better.

8. Whenever you hug me, I never want to let go.

9. If I could use 2 words to describe you, I would say: the best.

10. Saying goodnight to you is so hard for me to do.

11. You make me want to be the best I can be.

12. Our story is one that I would love to tell our future children and grandchildren one day.

13. I feel so safe when I am in your arms.

14. I am so lucky to have you as my boyfriend.

15. I want to know everything about you.

16. You always know how to make me smile.

17. You could never bore me.

18. You look so handsome today.

19. My heart belongs to you and only you.

20. Every little thing you do makes me fall deeper in love with you.

21. While we are not perfect people, I do think that we are perfect for each other.

22. When god made you, he was thinking of the perfect companion for me.

23. I thank god that we found our way to each other.

24. You make me smile so much that I feel like a little kid again.

25. You got away with the perfect crime when you stole my heart.

26. Out of all the love stories out there, I like ours the most.

27. Waking up next to you is the best feeling in the world.

28. When I look at you, I know that everything will be okay.

29. You are number one in my book.

30. I love wearing your shirts because they remind me of you and make me feel safe.

31. You remind me that there is a lot of good in this world.

32. Coming home to you is one of the best parts of my day.

33. I love that you help me reach the things on the top shelves that I’m too short to get.

34. You are the only person that I want to go on adventures with.

35. Your hair looked so cute today.

36. You are the peanut butter to my jelly.

37. We go together like a burger and French fries.

38. We couldn’t be a better pairing if we were milk and cookies.

39. Your eyes sparkle like the brightest stars.

40. Whenever we walk together, I love holding on to your big, strong arms.

41. I love it when you say my name.

42. You are the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.

43. Everything you do is adorable.

44. You make my heart melt like cheese on a hot skillet.

45. My heart explodes with excitement whenever you are near.

46. When I look at you, it’s almost as if all my dreams have come true.

47. Since you treat me like a queen, I’m ready to make you my king.

48. I want to make you feel like you’ve won the lottery.

49. Your happiness is my happiness.

50. What is better than being together with your best friend for the rest of your life?

51. Today is just another page of our wonderful story together.

52. Our love story is like a book. I love re-reading the earlier chapters and I can’t wait to find out what happens next.

53. I think we make a really cute couple.

54. Whenever I’m with you, I do not have to try hard to be someone that I’m not. I can just be myself.

55. Now that I have found you, I never want to lose you.

56. Without you, I would be so lost.

57. I can’t help it that you’re such a lovable guy.

58. You make me feel like the luckiest girl in the world.

59. You always know what to say to brighten up my worst day.

60. You are a guy that any girl would be lucky to have.

61. The thought of anything bad happening to you drives me crazy.

62. You are such a thoughtful boyfriend.

63. You will never have to catch me because I will never stop falling for you.

64. I can’t get you off my mind.

65. I wish you could hold me in your arms right now.

66. You have shown me what true love feels like.

67. I love that you treat me like a princess every day.

68. I love how hard you work for our future.

69. You always know how to sweep me off my feet.

70. Your love is like a drug, I can’t go a single day without it.

71. I fall in love with you every time you smile.

72. I love how you go the extra mile just to make me happy.

73. You are so amazing. Is there anything you cannot do?

74. I feel safe whenever I am with you.

75. I love the way you say my name.

76. You know me better than anyone else does.

77. I feel so much chemistry between us when we are together.

78. We are meant to be together.

79. It only takes a minute for me to start missing you.

80. I can’t stop telling my friends how great you are.

81. You are all that I want and all that I need.

82. Your happiness puts the biggest smile on my face.

83. I need you as much as plants need water.

84. When I’m with you, I’m in paradise.

85. The story of you and me is my favorite love story.

86. You’re the kind of guy that most girls can only dream of.

87. Sometimes I think that you are an angel that was sent to me from god.

88. I cannot imagine a future without you in it.

89. You inspire me to chase my dreams and be the best person I can be.

90. Because of you, I know what true love is.

91. When we are apart, you are always in my dreams.

92. You know the way into my heart.

93. You are my dream come true.

94. You have my heart, just remember to take good care of it.

95. When I’m with you, “goodbye” is my least favorite word.

96. I want to fall asleep in your arms.

97. I wish I could go back in time so I could meet you sooner and spend even more time with you.

98. Thank you for sharing your love with me.

99. Thank you for staying with me, even through the tough times.

100. I can’t wait until I can see you again.

101. It took a moment for me to fall in love with you, but I will keep loving you forever.

102. You mean everything to me.

103. I hope I make you as happy as you make me.

104. Your very presence fills my heart with so much joy.

105. Cupid didn’t rest until you and I got together.

106. Our lives are so intertwined now that I can’t imagine my life without you in it.

107. Let’s run away and start a new life together where it’s just you and me.

108. You always know how to be such a gentleman.

109. I love that you treat me like a lady.

110. I am yours and you are mine.

111. It’s so hard to get you out of my head.

112. If you are wondering why I am so happy, the answer is you.

113. I cannot wait to see you again so you can hold me in your arms.

114. You are my better half.

115. You are my best friend, boyfriend, and the love of my life.

116. I cannot wait to give you a kiss.

117. You make me want to be the best girlfriend in the world.

118. I want to be your wife and the mom of your kids.

119. I hope you know just how special you are.

120. I feel so lucky to have you by my side.

121. I love it when you hold my hand in yours.

122. You are so handsome and chivalrous. You are my white knight.

123. You kiss makes my heart soar.

124. Your embrace is the safest place for me to be.

125. I could cuddle with you all night.

126. I was just thinking about you.

127. I love everything about you.

128. I love talking to you about anything and everything.

129. I cherish the time we spend together.

130. You have awakened a passion in me that I never knew was there before.

131. I hit a home run when I snagged you.

132. I’m so addicted to your love, your touch, and everything else about you.

133. Goodbye was never such a hard word for me to say until I met you.

134. You have made all of my dreams come true.

135. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.

136. I mean it when I say that I think about you every single day.

137. You’re the kind of boyfriend that makes everyone jealous of our relationship.

138. I will hold your hand through thick and thin.

139. I could use all the stars to list all of the things that I love about you, but I would run out of stars.

140. I want to kiss every part of your body.

141. I want to shower you with kisses.

142. Every day with you is another part of our wonderful journey.

143. A world without you would be so dull and gray.

144. You are perfect in my eyes.

145. You make my heart sing.

146. Even after all this time, you still give my stomach butterflies.

147. You have the most beautiful soul that I have ever known.

148. You are my first thought when I wake up and the last thing on my mind when I doze off to sleep.

149. I would do anything to be with you.

150. I would swim all of the seas in the ocean to be with you.

151. I would walk thousands of miles just so I could be in your arms.

152. The thought of being without you drives me crazy.

153. No one has ever loved me the way that you do.

154. I would not change a thing about you because I love you just as you are.

155. You know how to treat me right.

156. You know how to spoil me.

157. You can shower me with jewels and riches, but to me the most valuable thing in the world will always be your kisses.

158. I am a better person now because of you.

159. You are the only guy for me.

160. When I am with you, I can let my walls come down.

161. I can be my true self when I am with you.

162. Your love is all I need.

163. I never thought that I would find someone who is as lovely as you.

164. With you, every day is a special day.

165. My feelings for you grow deeper with every passing day.

166. You know how to make me forget about my troubles.

167. You are the sweetest boyfriend that a girl could ever ask for.

168. I am so thankful for all of your love and affection.

169. If I could hold anything in my hand right now, it would not be pearls or money. I just want to hold your hand.

170. The sound of your voice is enough to make me smile.

171. You have given me a reason to enjoy life to the fullest.

172. You are such a gentleman.

173. You are my knight in shining armor.

174. To me, you are luckier than any four leaf clover.

175. You are always on my mind, even when I am dreaming.

176. I thank God every day that I have you.

177. You make my days so much sweeter.

178. Your kisses are sweeter than honey.

179. You are the guy that I want to spend the rest of my life with.

180. I need you in my life.

181. I miss you so much when you are away.

182. Your intelligence is so attractive.

183. I’m smiling because you make me so happy.

184. I’ll be seeing you in my dreams.

185. The hours fly by too fast when we’re together.

186. I have always known that you were the one.

187. I never believed in the idea of soul mates until I met you.

188. You are the reason I get up every morning.

189. Now I understand that all of the hard times in my life have led me straight to you.

190. I am calling the police, because you have stolen my heart.

191. Promise that you will never let me go.

192. My home is wherever you happen to be.

193. You are so thoughtful that you put my needs before your own.

194. I love it when it is cold out and you let me wear your jacket.

195. You are my happy place.

196. You are the missing piece to my puzzle. I have been searching for you for all these years.

197. You are the only guy for me.

198. No other guy compares to you.

199. I just want you to hold me in your arms for the rest of eternity.

200. As I learn more and more about you, I love you even more than before.

201. I love that you and I can just be weird together.

202. You will own my heart for the rest of my life.

203. I thought that chivalry was dead until I met you.

204. I love dressing up for you and only you.

205. Promise me that you will never let me go.

206. I promise to always be there for you.

207. I want to make you the happiest guy in the world.

208. Out of all the fish in the sea, you are the only one for me.

209. My heart flutters when it’s near you.

210. You have been through my head all day.

211. When I close my eyes, I think of you.

212. You are my sunshine.

213. I don’t know what I would do without you by my side.

214. You are the best thing since sliced bread.

215. You are sweeter than pie.

216. When you hold my hand, my heart skips a beat.

217. I could dance with you all night long.

218. I love it when you say my name.

219. Your touch feels like magic.

220. I can feel the sparks flying off of us when we kiss.

221. You and I have so much chemistry, we should have been lab partners.

222. You complement me so well.

223. I could never stop loving you.

224. Asking me to not think about you would be like asking me to stop breathing.

225. You are the only thing on this earth worth fighting for.

226. You make me feel like I am the only girl in the world.

227. When you touch me, I feel a spark that I never felt before I met you.

228. Let’s go on a never-ending adventure together.

229. What did I do to deserve such a sweet guy like you?

230. Let’s just lay here together and never get up.

Check out our other article: Cute Things To Do For Your Boyfriend.


The inspiration for romantic gestures does not have to end here. You can use some of the ideas from these cute phrases as a springboard for your own ideas. Use the phrases here, or find a way to say them in your own words. Either way, make sure that what you say to your boyfriend comes from the heart. He will surely appreciate the gesture and that you have made the effort to be romantic.

Encouraging Words to Say to Your Boyfriend

If you’re looking for encouraging words to say to your boyfriend, you’ve come to the right place.  Here some  motivational words that will help him feel loved and supported.

Use these encouraging words for your boyfriend to let  him know how much you care about him, and how happy you are to be with him.

These words of encouragement will brighten his day and help him feel confident in himself.  Keep reading!

When trying to come up with ideas to lift his spirits, think of the following:

  • Tell him how much you appreciate him and all he does for you
  • Let him know that you believe in him and support his endeavors..
  • Compliment his strength and virtues.
  • Remind him your feelings for him, and why you’re so lucky to be with him.

girlfriend kissing boyfriend on cheek

Encouraging Message for Boyfriend

Giving your boyfriend some encouraging words is a great way to boose his confidence, and let him know that you support him.  

These encouragements will let him know that you think he has the ability to achieve his goals, and that you’re willing to help him out along the way.

Here are just a few examples:

  • Thank him for always being there for you.
  • Encourage him to keep going even when things are tough.
  • Give him a hug and tell him how much you love him. 
  • You’re an amazing boyfriend and I’m so grateful for you.
  • You’re my best friend and I can’t imagine my life without you.
  • Life is sweeter when we’re together.
  • I don’t know what I would do without my best friend!
  • I know things are tough right now, but I’m here.
  • You’re going to do great.
  • You are more than capable.
  • You are always there when I need you, just know I am here for you.
  • Sometimes, the only way to achieve your goals is by taking risks.  You can’t give up because you will; face obstacles and challenges on the road ahead.  Everyone makes little mistakes, just keep working hard and moving forward.  
  • I believe in you.  You can do it!

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Encouraging Text Messages to Send to Your Boyfriend

No matter how long you’ve been together, or how strong your relationship might be.  It’s always feels nice to be appreciated by the people we care about.

Your boyfriend is no different! 

Send a motivation text for him today and remind him why you love him, and why he’s such an important part of your life! 

  • Nothing should stop you from reaching your goals.
  • Your love and devotion has made me a better person. 
  • Don’t allow the tough people to drag you down, you are better than them.
  • You are the light in my life, and I will do anything for you.  You deserve nothing but happiness.
  • The most important thing in your life is choosing what you want to prioritize.  Make the right choices, and everything will be perfect!

Positive Words For Your Boyfriend

Every day, we all have moments when we could use a few words of encouragement.  Whether it’s to help us get through a tough day of work or to push us to do our best in an upcoming situation, positive affirmations can make all the difference.

These encouraging words for boyfriend can be powerful motivators and sources of strength!  Here are phrases you can say to him that will encourage him throughout the day.  

  • Your journey is going to be tough, but I will be there every step of the way.
  • Everyone makes mistakes, the strong ones get back up again!  Don’t fret the little things, you’ve got this!
  • Together we will build a great future that is full of love and happiness.
  • We make some team baby!
  • Let’s focus on the positive things, and forget about all the other stuff.

African American girlfriend staring lovingly at boyfriend

How Do I Motivate My Boyfriend Over Text?

There are certain encouraging words to say to your boyfriend such as “I love you”, and “I am always here for you” that will give him a little boost on those bad days. 

Remember to always show that you have faith in him, and that together you are afraid of nothing!

  • You’re strong enough to handle anything that comes your way.
  • I know you can do it!
  • You’re definitely capable of this – I have faith in you.
  • Everything is going to work out exactly how it’s supposed to.
  • No matter how difficult things get, we are a great team.
  • You are my sun, moon and starts.  You make everything better.  I hope you know what an amazing person you are!  I am a better woman because of you!
  • You brighten up my life by just being around!
  • You make life feel like a dream.
  • I have complete faith in you, always.
  • We make a great team, you and I!
  • I’m always rooting for you.
  • I’m always here for you.
  • You’re an amazing person, inside and out!

Cute romantic text on pink background

How Do I Encourage My Boyfriend When He’s Down?

Sometimes it can be hard to find encouraging words to help him gain self confidence.  Just know there are always a few encouraging words that can help to change his whole perspective.

Even just a simple “I love you” can brighten up his day and remind him how much he is loved. Let him know what an awesome person he is, and how being with him makes you a better woman!

  • I know things look less than bright right now, but things happen in life and we won’t be in this position forever.  
  • Good things will always happen to such an awesome person like you!
  • You inspire me to do better every…single…day.
  • When I’m with you, it feels like home. I always feel good and at peace in your presence.  I can’t imagine my life without you!
  • I know you will be successful, and I am very proud of the work that has gone into this.  Keep it up! 
  • When I needed someone to love and be with, you came at just the right time.
  • Thank you for always having my back!  

couple laying on floor staring straight ahead

Positive Affirmations For Your Boyfriend

Sometimes, all it takes is a few words of encouragement and some sweet words to let him know what a wonderful man he is.  If you’re not sure what words to say, feel free to use any of the below examples.

  • You’re not alone in this!
  • I’m here for you, no matter what.
  • I appreciate everything you do for me, we are a perfect match.
  • You are amazing, handsome and talented.  I’m so proud of the person you’ve become.
  • Your smile lights up every room.  I love you baby.
  • Take a deep breath and let’s you and I figure out this problem together.  There is nothing we can’t do when we work as a great team.
  • You are my sunshine on a cloudy day, and I will never let you go.
  • Thank you for being the best boyfriend I could ask for.
  • You’re such a great partner.
  • I feel so lucky to be with you!
  • You’re one of the best people I know!

couple taking a walk outdoors

Motivational Quotes For Your Boyfriend

No-one’s life is perfect, and everyone goes through tough times at one point or another.  When your boyfriend is going through tough times, it’s important to be there for him and offer words of encouragement.

The right words can make all the different and help him through whatever he’s facing. 

Here are a few examples encouraging things you can say to your boyfriend.

  • Your arms are like a security blanket, so I always feel protected when I’m with you.
  • You are a wonderful provider for our family.
  • You brought happiness into my life when all I could see was the dark. 
  • I promise to always be here for you.
  • You’re not alone in your struggles.  You WILL overcome these challenges and be stronger for it!

You are not alone in this struggle, so don’t give up!

  • You’re never alone!  Every challenge in life is temporary, and you will overcome them with me by your side.
  • I know I can count on you in every way.
  • All of the hard work you have put in is paying off  You are on your way to greater things.  I believe in you!
  • It’s easy to get discouraged when you’re going through tough times, but don’t be!  This is just a stepping stone to better things!

Couple laying on bed in romantic pose

Words of Encouragement to Lift Him Up

When you’re feeling down, it’s nice to know that someone is there for you.  Whether that person is a friend, family member, or significant other, it can make all the difference in the world when you need a pick-me-up.

These next few paragraphs are filled with words of encouragement to get your man through the tough times.  

  • You complete me, you give meaning to all that is good in my life.   I love you, my handsome man.
  • You were created with a purpose and you have something special to offer the world.  Now is not just an opportunity, but also your time to shine.
  • It’s important to stay true and do what makes you happy, especially when the world needs your voice.
  • When you think that it’s too difficult, remember the words ‘almost there’.
  • I know you’re going through a difficult time, it’s important to keep fighting and never give up!
  • Hey babe.  Keep moving forward, I truly believe that with some more effort on our part, this too shall pass.  These are great words to live by.

Love quotes on green background

Encouraging Words For Him

Do you have a boyfriend who is struggling?  Who is down on himself, feeling like he can’t do anything right?  Do you wish you could find the words to encourage him and help him feel better about himself?

Here are some encouraging words for your boyfriend to help him gain self confidence.

  • You have a choice babe!  You can either keep dwelling in the past, or look towards what’s ahead with an open mind and heart.
  • The world may seem like a daunting place at times, but I know you aare strong and can do anything.  You have to believe in yourself too!
  • The door to your future is waiting for you on the other side of this difficult moment in time.  Use this as a learning experience, and let’s focus on our further together.
  • We will overcome this together.  No matter what we ace on the way.  I believe in our strength and love for each other so much that nothing can break us apart.
  • No-one makes me laugh the way you do!
  • You are my rock, my protector and provider.  I feel so safe and loved when I am with you. 

you are mine forever in white text on blue background

Encouragement Message For Him

When you can see your boyfriend is troubled, send an encouragement message for him, letting him know you see he is suffering, and you are there for him..

  • I am grateful for all our good times and even the tough ones because they have made us stronger!
  • Your thoughtfulness touches my heart every day.
  • You are my best friend.  I love spending time with you and hearing about your day.  I love our relationship xo.
  • Life is a learning experience, when one door closes, a new door opens!  We can make it through the hard times together!

Words of encouragement can work wonders in a relationship.  They remind your partner that you care, they are important to you, and that you support them no matter what.

If your boyfriend is feeling down, share a comfort message for him that that will pick him right up.  Say them today and see the change in him!.

Words of Encouragement For Him

| September 11, 2019 | Inspirational Quotes |

Life is all about ups and downs. There are times in life when the most special man of your life is sad, depressed or demotivated.

The reason may be sickness, a heartbreak, job-layoff, financial issues or more.  It is this crucial time when they feel nothing is working out and the future seems dark when some kind and encouraging words can give them hope.

These positive daily words of encouragement can surely motivate your man and give him a little boost and support him through hard times. Encouraging sayings not only help in self-motivation but also inspire others to give not give up. 

When you show your support and express your faith in your husband/boyfriend in tough times, it greatly helps them to bounce back from the sad state.

Some meaningful words can uplift their mood and spirits and can change their day for good. Below are some words of encouragement, inspiring quotes, and positive affirmations for your man to reinstill his lost confidence.

Don’t forget to read powerful encouraging words for women and empowering quotes to unleash your true power.

Encouraging Words of Affirmation for Men

  1. I only want you.

  2. I am so proud of who you are.

  3. I love knowing that you want me.

  4. I feel so safe with your protection.

  5. I will always respect and honor you.

  6. I can’t wait till you get home from work!

  7. You arms are the only place I want to be.

  8. I’m praying for you today. You’ve got this!

  9. I love you more today than any day before.

  10. I admire your integrity and I know others do too.

  11. I can’t wait to experience the rest of life with you.

  12. I can’t wait to tell my friends how you helped me!

  13. You can always make me laugh. I’m so happy I have you!

  14. I love doing projects together. Hard work and laughter is the best with you!

  15. I know we don’t always see eye to eye, but it’s reassuring to know we are always on the same team.

Encouraging Words For Boyfriend

  1. I love you.

  2. I am so proud of you.

  3. Laughter is the best medicine.

  4. You will make a great husband.

  5. I have complete faith in your abilities.

  6. I thank God for the love that we share.

  7. I am proud to be called your girlfriend.

  8. Your love has made me a better person.

  9. Life is more interesting with you by my side.

  10. Tough times do not last but tough people do.

  11. Always prioritize on making the right choices.

  12. You only have one life, make the best out of it.

  13. It is always a blessing to come back home to you.

  14. No one or nothing should stop you from achieving your dreams.

  15. Happy people do not have the best things, they make the best of whatever they have.

Words Of Encouragement For Husband

  1. You are my man!

  2. I love being with you.

  3. Being your wife is an honor.

  4. Thanks for working so hard.

  5. You are one handsome man.

  6. I’ll always stand by your side.

  7. Thank you for thinking of me.

  8. I’m blessed you are my husband.

  9. Thanks for being a great husband!

  10. You know how to make me happy!

  11. You’re a great (are going to be a great) Dad!

  12. When you hold me tight, I feel safe with you.

  13. When you listened to me, you made me feel loved.

  14. God has my best in mind. That’s why he gave you to me.

  15. I’m a better woman because you’re my husband. I mean that.

Inspiring Quotes to Encourage For Men

  1. I know it’s been tough but I am still cheering for you.

  2. You are one of a kind and have something great to offer to this world.

  3. Let go and start over, nothing in the universe can stop you from doing that.

  4. “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” ― Theodore Roosevelt

  5. “The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.” – Confucious

  6. “All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.” – Walt Disney

  7. “The best way to gain self-confidence is to do what you are afraid to do.” – Swati Sharma

  8. “Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact.” ― William James

  9. “Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.” – Albert Einstein

  10. “Happy is the man who finds a true friend, and far happier is he who finds that true friend in his wife.” – Franz Schubert

  11. Don’t get discouraged by what you are going through. Your time is coming. Where you are is not where you are going to stay.

  12. Whatever is worrying you right now, forget about it. Take a deep breath, stay positive and know that things will get better.

  13. “Strength doesn’t come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn’t.” – Rikki Rogers

  14. Success in life comes when you simply refuse to give up, with goals so strong that obstacles, failure, and loss only act as motivation.

  15. Good things come to those who believe. Better things come to those who are patient. The best things come to those who never give up.

  16. You are only as strong as you allow yourself to be; never get discouraged, never give up because consistency and dedication is the key to success.

  17. “A character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.” – Helen Keller

  18. “Positive thinking is a powerful thinking. If you want happiness, fulfillment, success and inner peace, start thinking you have the power to achieve those things. Focus on the bright side of life and expect positive results.” ― Germany Kent

Positive Words Of Affirmation For Him

  1. I believe in you.

  2. I love doing things for you.

  3. Your strength gives me strength.

  4. Your happiness makes me happy.

  5. We complement each other perfectly.

  6. I am so happy to have you as my partner.

  7. I submit fully to you because I trust you completely.

  8. Every day my love grows greater and deeper for you.

  9. I know you trust me because I keep all your secrets safe.

  10. I love to cook for you and I enjoy making our home comfortable by keeping it tidy.

Appreciation Quotes For Him

  1. You are the perfect man for me.

  2. I am so proud of the man you are.

  3. I appreciate the things you do for me.

  4. You are an amazing and beautiful man.

  5. I am so fortunate to share my life with you.

  6. I am grateful to have you as my partner in life.

  7. You help inspire me to become a better woman.

  8. You are such a sexy man and I love being intimate with you.

  9. You make me feel protected and safe and I appreciate it deeply.

  10. You are a wonderful provider and an important role in this family.

  11. Your honesty and integrity help me feel secure in our relationship.

  12. You make me feel beautiful and cherished and I appreciate this greatly.

  13. For all you do, for who you are, I will be forever grateful you are in my life.

  14. I really appreciate the time you’ve taken out of your busy schedule to help me out.

  15. “I appreciate you more because of the road I’ve traveled. My story brought me to you, and I wouldn’t revise a word of my past if it led me anywhere but your door.” – Aaron Polson

 Affirmation Texts Supporting Him In Tough Times

  1. I trust you.

  2. I believe in you.

  3. I am always here for you.

  4. I have faith in your ability to persevere.

  5. I will be with you every step of the way.

  6. No matter what, we will get through this together.

  7. Together we can win because we make a great team.

  8. I trust in you and am fully committed to your potential.

  9. I’m impressed by your ability to handle tough situations.

  10. I promise to always stand by your side and have your back.

  11. I am here to build you up and not let anything tear you down.

  12. I’m proud of you for you have come a long way and have never given up.

  13. I love how you always come up with the perfect solution to every problem.

  14. I am confident that we can get through any challenge life brings at us as a couple.

  15. I accept your faults because I know they will serve as a learning experience and make you stronger.

Cheer Up Images For Men

Cheer Up Images For Men
Encouraging Quote For Men For A Bad Day
Encouraging Quote For Men For A Bad Day
Encouraging Quotations For Your Love
Encouraging Quotations For Your Love
Encourage Your Boyfriend Quote
Encourage Your Boyfriend Quote
Encouraging Messages For Him
Encouraging Messages For Him
Encouragement SMS Boyfriend
Encouragement SMS Boyfriend
Affirmations For Men For Difficult Time
Affirmations For Men For Difficult Time
Boyfriend Affirmations
Boyfriend Affirmations
Encouraging Words For Boyfriend
Encouraging Words For Boyfriend
Encouraging Words for Husband
Encouraging Words for Husband
Encouraging Quotes For Men
Encouraging Quotes For Men
Encouraging Words For Men
Encouraging Words For Men
Encouraging Texts For Boyfriend
Encouraging Texts For Boyfriend
Inspirational Words for Boyfriend
Inspirational Words for Boyfriend
Inspiring Photos For Your Friend
Inspiring Photos For Your Friend
Great Words Of Encouragement
Great Words Of Encouragement
Inspiring Picture Quote For Men
Inspiring Picture Quote For Men
Motivational Quotes For Boyfriend
Motivational Quotes For Boyfriend
Motivational Quote To Uplift Your Spirit
Motivational Quote To Uplift Your Spirit
Motivational BF Quotes
Motivational BF Quotes
Motivational Words Of Encouragement
Motivational Words Of Encouragement
Quotations To Overcome Struggle
Quotations To Overcome Struggle
Positive Quotes For Boyfriend
Positive Quotes For Boyfriend
Quote From Bible To Support Men
Quote From Bible To Support Men
Support Quotes For Him
Support Quotes For Him
Spiritual Word Of Encouragement
Spiritual Word Of Encouragement
Quotes For Men For Tough Times
Quotes For Men For Tough Times
Supportive Words For Man
Supportive Words For Man
Top Encouraging Quotes
Top Encouraging Quotes
Uplifting Affirmations For Men
Uplifting Affirmations For Men
Words Of Encouragement For Boyfriend
Words Of Encouragement For Boyfriend
Words Of Encouragement For Hard Times
Words Of Encouragement For Hard Times
Words Of Love For Your Boyfriend
Words Of Love For Your Boyfriend
Words Of Encouragement For Him
Words Of Encouragement For Him
Words Of Encouragement For Men
Words Of Encouragement For Men
Words That Encourage A Man
Words That Encourage A Man

Encouragement Words From Bible

Isaiah 40:31 – “but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

Proverbs 3:5-6 – “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

Micah 6:8 – “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”

Jeremiah 9:23-24 – “This is what the LORD says: “Let not the wise boast of their wisdom or the strong boast of their strength or the rich boast of their riches, but let the one who boasts boast about this: that they have the understanding to know me, that I am the LORD, who exercises kindness, justice, and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight.”

About The Author

Ananya Bhatt

I am Ananya, a professional speaker and I love motivating people and inspiring them to pursue their dreams. Sharing quotes, proverbs, and sayings of great authors to touch people’s lives to make it better.

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