Word for would be husband

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

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Asked by: Derick Kreiger

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(47 votes)

Would be is a phrase or term that is commonly used in India where a man or woman who has got engaged and is about to be married is referred to as a would be husband or would be wife of his or her spouse.

What is would be husband called?

An engagement or betrothal is the period of time between a marriage proposal and the marriage itself (which is typically but not always commenced with a wedding). … Future brides and grooms may be called fiancée (feminine) or fiancé (masculine), the betrothed, a wife-to-be or husband-to-be, respectively.

Will be husband or would be husband?

A «would-be-husband» is someone who would like to be your husband, but you haven’t made a commitment, and perhaps would never consider marrying him. (This applies to a «would-be» anything. It only depends on the wishes of the person who «would be» something, and perhaps no one else agrees.)

What is the meaning of would be wife?

She is his would-be wife. means that she wants to be his wife. It’s from older English where «She would be his wife» means that she wants to be his wife. It does not mean that the wedding is planned. (It could also mean that he wants her to be his wife, but that would be less usual).

How do I call my future husband?


  1. affianced person.
  2. betrothed.
  3. engaged person.
  4. future.
  5. husband-to-be.
  6. intended.
  7. prospective spouse.
  8. steady.

32 related questions found

What does a girl call her future husband?

If you are promised to a woman, she is your fiancée. A future husband is a fiancé.

What can I call my future wife?

future wife

  • fiancée.
  • future mate.
  • prospective wife.
  • wife-to-be.

Would be husband wife meaning?

A spouse is your companion, your mate, your partner. In ye olden times, spouse was used as a verb meaning “to marry,” but nowadays, it functions as a noun referring to either husband or wife.

Would be wife is called?


nounperson engaged to marry. affianced person. betrothed. engaged person. future.

Would be couple Meaning?

Indian the person to whom one is engaged to be married; fiancé or fiancée.

What do we call wife before marriage?

: a woman engaged to be married.

What is a fiance husband?

A fiancée is a woman engaged to be married; a man engaged to be married is a fiancé — two «e»s for a woman, one for a man — according to French spelling conventions.

What fiancé means?

These two words are borrowed directly from French, in which language they have equivalent but gendered meanings: fiancé refers to a man who is engaged to be married, and fiancée refers to a woman.

What is the meaning of wouldbe?

: desiring, intending, professing, or having the potential to be a would-be actor.

What is the meaning of future partner?

Related Definitions

Future Partner means a Third Party to whom NPS grants rights to commercialize or distribute the Product in the US. Future Partner means a Third Party to whom NPS grants rights to Commercialize or distribute Product in North America.

Would you be my wife meaning?

1 Answer. The first is fine, though a bit odd… She is my would-be wife. This would mean that she wants to be your wife but isn’t... and you may or may not share that aspiration with her.

Can spouse be used for husband?

The word ‘spouse’ can be used to refer to the husband or the wife. A wife can refer to the husband as her spouse, and the husband can refer to the wife as his spouse. The word comes from the Latin ‘sponsus’ meaning to pledge or promise. ‘Wife’, on the other hand, is used to refer to the female partner in a marriage.

Is partner the same as spouse?

The key difference between spouse and partner is that a spouse is a married person, husband or wife, while a partner is not legally married but maintains a domestic partnership or a romantic relationship with another. … But when you get married, you can use the word spouse to refer to your husband and wife.

Is spouse same as wife?

Key Definitions: Under the new regulations, the terms “spouse,” “husband,” and “wife” mean an individual who is lawfully married to another individual. The term “husband and wife” means two individuals lawfully married to each other.

Would be meaning future wife?

Would be is a term that is used only in India to refer to future husband or wife. People introduce the girl they are engaged to as their would be wife while girls introduce their husbands to be as their would be husbands. … Difference Between Fiance and Fiancee.

What can I call my boyfriend?

75 Cute Names to Call Your Boyfriend

  • Darling.
  • Stud Muffin.
  • Boo Bear.
  • Mister Man.
  • Baby.
  • Sweets.
  • Bubba.
  • Captain.

Can a married woman have a boyfriend?

The Rajasthan High Court says yes. In a judgment on Wednesday, the court allowed a married woman, Manju, to live with her lover, Suresh. … «At the end of the day an adult woman has a right to decide whom she wants to live with. She can’t be forced to go with her husband against her will,» Jaising said.

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the woman met as a young girl.

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женщина познакомилась еще в юности.

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Должно быть, это мой муж.

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Я бы бросила вызов своему мужу.

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Это был бы мой муж.

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Каким будет ваш будущий муж?

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They knew right then they would be husband and wife.

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Тотчас же они поняли, что будут мужем и женой.

Perhaps your husband would be interested?

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Может, вашему мужу будут интересны заплатки?

Why would her husband be like that?

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Почему тогда ее муж смотрит так?

I would be a hairdresser’s husband.

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Я буду мужем парикмахерши.

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Мой муж был бы уже приговорен к смерти.

In fact, she wondered what would be her husband daughter.

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На самом деле женщина думала, каким окажется муж ее дочери.

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Your note said your husband would be out.

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В твоей записке говорилось, что твоего мужа не будет дома.

It would make me incredibly happy if you would be my husband.

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Я буду безмерно счастлива, если ты станешь моим мужем.

I thought you would be seeing your husband off.

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Я думал, ты пойдешь проводить своего мужа.

My husband would be tickled if you joined him.

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Мой муж будет в восторге, если вы пойдете с ним.

Why would you think your husband would be in Boston?

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С чего ты взяла, что твой муж был в Бостоне?

But once we’re married, I would be a husband avenging his honor.

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Но если мы поженимся я буду мужем мстящим за ее честь.

Why would your estranged husband be doing all this for you?

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Зачем отдельно живущему мужу все это делать для тебя?

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Ваш муж меня бы понял.

Seems like my husband would be getting the much better deal.

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Похоже мой муж будет в выигрыше намного больше, чем я.

Would your husband be happy if you were late, but had another $10?

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Ваш муж обрадуется если вы приедете попозже но зато с лишними$ 10?

Her chosen husband would be the reigning Duke of Parma Ranuccio Farnese.

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Ее мужем стал правящий герцог Пармы Рануччо Фарнезе.

If you would read the sutra for him, my husband would be glad.

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Если бы вы почитали сутры для моего покойного мужа, он был бы очень рад.

My husband would realise everything.

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Мой муж поймет.

And your husband, would be free from his brother’s living ghost.

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А твой муж освободится от призрака своего брата.

And would your husband be capable of sending someone to smash my hand?

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А ваш муж? Он способен нанять человека сломать мне руку?

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Time: 0.4596





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The young woman was crying with desperation, and the would-be husband was furious.

Девушка рыдала от отчаяния, а будущий муж был страшно зол.

You are the would-be husband?

The girl sometimes has to raise her would-be husband.

Порой девушке приходится растить своего будущего мужа.

After falling in love she was forbidden to marry her would-be husband and she instead turned into a stone that can still be seen today.

После того как она влюбилась, ей было запрещено выходить замуж за своего избранника, так она обратилась камнем в лесу, который и стоит по сей день.

In St. Nicholas’ time, a father could only secure the marriage of his daughters by providing a dowry to her would-be husband.

В период святого Николая отец мог только обеспечить брак своих дочерей, предоставив приданое своему будущему мужу.

And who better to play the part of Minerva’s would-be husband than wild barrister Giles Masters, the very inspiration for the handsome spy in the popular Gothic novels she writes?

И кто лучше сыграет роль мнимого жениха, чем бесшабашный адвокат Джайлс Мастерс, вдохновивший Минерву на создание персонажа маркиза Роктона — красавца-шпиона и главного негодяя в написанных ею популярных готических романах?

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Dear Teachers,

1. Beauty goes with age and love wears off.

— What does «wears off» mean here?

2. I think it’s possible for such a relationship to come along.

— «come along» here means «develope», right?

3. Her would-be husband is very handsome.

— I think «her fiance» is better than «her would-be husband», right?

4. I think you and I should break up now, just because we are not very compatible.

5. I now don’t have my state of mind to love anyone, please give me some time to relax and I’ll think about it.

— Are 4 & 5 natural?

Thanks a lot to Teachers,


1. Beauty goes with age and love wears off.

— What does «wears off» mean here? — deteriorate through use or stress; diminish, as by friction

2. I think it’s possible for such a relationship to come along.

— «come along» here means «develope», right?— Right!

3. Her would-be husband is very handsome.

— I think «her fiance» is better than «her would-be husband», right?— Would-be husband suggests that one of them is not so committed to the relationship: either she wishes he would be her husband, or he wishes he would be her husband. It is not clear which without more context, but it is presumably not both.

4. I think you and I should break up now, just because we are not very compatible.— Natural, but would probably be spoken with a lot more stuttering and spluttering.

5. I now don’t have my state of mind to love anyone, please give me some time to relax and I’ll think about it.— Not so natural. Try: I’m not in a state of mind to love anyone now; please give me some time to think about it.

2. I think it’s possible for such a relationship to come along. To come your way, happen …

5. I now don’t have my state of mind to love anyone, please give me some time to relax and I’ll think about it.

I am not in the proper mindset/mood to love anyone …

Answer this Question

In the US, I’ve seen the term would be X referring to something that would have, under given circumstances, been something, but for some reason, it didn’t come to be this way. For example, a would be doctor might refer to someone who was studying and was ready to receive their doctorate, but then suffered an accident that caused this person to miss their final exam, thus (in this case, temporarily) denying them this status.

In that sense, I don’t believe that in the case of certain future marriage, you can use this idiomatically to mean husband/wife to be. But as far as your second question, the term X to be can be applied to anything that will become that thing.

Here’s a short, quick list of examples using X to be:

Graduate to be
Someone who will soon graduate from a university

Husband to be
A man who will soon be married

Lawyer to be
Someone who, presumably, will become a lawyer in the near future

…and so on.

Keep in mind that here, using X to be, you are referring to a title, status, or other such stature. Adjectives don’t work there. It is unnatural to say happy to be, for example, with this meaning.

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