Word for working the room

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work the room

To interact with many people at an event or function. Often, but not always, applied to business situations. At networking events, Ben totally works the room, with the goal of meeting as many people as he possibly can. At parties, my dad always works the room and chats with everyone, but I’m too shy for that.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

See also:

  • people from all walks of life
  • heads will roll
  • see the end of (someone or something)
  • bad things come in threes
  • skunk at a garden party
  • leave it be
  • leave (someone or something) be
  • leave alone
  • leave (someone or something) alone
  • leave someone alone

What do people commonly call a room (in a residential detached house) with a desk, a chair, a computer, pen and paper, maybe a few bookshelves, etc.? You know, a quiet place an individual generally goes alone, to read, do work/homework or use the computer.

English is not my native language, and all the usual words seem wrong somehow.

  • Office sounds too professional/clerical. «Step into my office…»
  • Study sounds too academic / Sherlock Holmes.
  • Not enough books to be a library.
  • Not enough couches to be a den.
  • Not public enough to be a lounge.
  • Not enough mini-fridges to be a man-cave.
  • Only goes downhill from there…

I realize I’m probably overthinking this and I should just go with office, but I’m curious what everyone will think/answer.


asked Jul 11, 2019 at 5:51

O. Harr's user avatar


What an excellent list! I would say either «study» or «office», depending on the intended use of the room. The former implies a bit of coziness, perhaps a comfortable chair, a place where you can relax and read a book. The latter is more businesslike, with a desk: a room where you might pay your bills or work on your taxes.

«My office» does sound a little pretentious, so I would say «the office» if context makes it clear that you are talking about a room in your house and not the place where you are employed.

answered Jul 11, 2019 at 15:37

AndyB's user avatar


2941 silver badge6 bronze badges

I think you can refer to the room in question as a study(room)

a room, especially in a house, used for quiet work such as reading or writing.

(Cambridge Dictionary)

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answered Jul 11, 2019 at 6:06

user 66974's user avatar

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My brother refers to his «office», which I think sounds a little pretentious. Also, «office» to me sounds a bit too work-related for a place you’re going to read and, hopefully, relax. Personally, I like the idea of a cozy «study», as in: «he retreated to his study». I don’t smoke, but if I did I would definitely retreat to my wood panelled study to unwind, take a pipe and enjoy a glass of vintage port. A lounge needn’t be public, by the way. In the English Midlands where I come from, the best room in our little two bed semi was referred to as the lounge.

answered Jul 11, 2019 at 6:49

Peter4075's user avatar


5034 silver badges16 bronze badges


1) The words and actions of a socially talented person, often a salesman or aspiring actor/producer/pick-up artist, as he bounces from group to group at a particular event. Public speakers are capable of working the room without leaving the stage.

2) The seduction of an entire room of men by an attractive woman, often with the intent of sales or self-promotion.

by ATexan November 23, 2009

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In the workplace, the act of visiting colleagues at their desks and chatting to them under the pretence it’s work-related to avoid doing any real labour.

Usually seen towards the end of a shift as the culprit winds down.

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1. A host, hostess, or guest to interact enthusiastically with the attendees at an event, by moving among them, greeting them, and engaging them in conversation.

2. A performer or public speaker to interact with one’s audience, taking cues from its reactions and adapting one’s performance or words to elicit the audience’s attention and enthusiasm.

1. As a campaigning politician, he really knew how to shake hands, kiss babies, and work the room.

2. In show business parlance, Miss Hudson knows how to «work the room.» Her comic turns are as rooted in vaudeville as her high-style wit is straight out of the smart supper club circuit.

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then this will definitely catch


eye of even


most demanding customer and initially assessed at


highest level.

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то это обязательно бросится в глаза даже самому требовательному клиенту и изначально оценено на высшем уровне.

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We sneak out, work the room, cannonball, cannonball, and we’re back in time for dinner.

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Мы ускользнем, раззнакомимся,» бомбочка»,» бомбочка», и вернемся к ужину.



election next week, we’re in


middle of campaign season,

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С выборами на следующей неделе, мы ровно по середине кампании,

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Сразу после окончания работы помещение обязательно проветривается как минимум полчаса.

Stream is supplied without interruption, but with


end of working time the room is empty, and


watch becomes who.

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Трансляция подается без перебоев, но с окончанием рабочего времени помещение пустеет, и наблюдать становится не а кем.

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After working disinsectors in the room it is necessary to carry out a thorough wet cleaning

and air it until


smell of insecticide disappears.

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После работы дезинсекторов в помещении необходимо провести тщательную влажную уборку и проветривать его до

тех пор, пока не исчезнет запах инсектицида.



laptop that I was online from was not


only computer in

the room.

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Напомню, что в рабочей комнате Совета стоит компьютер, и тот лептоп, посредством

которого я была включена в Скайп, не был единственным компьютером в




end of working time in the room is only dim light, so


picture quality may be worse, but still


area of the room visible.

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С окончанием рабочего времени в помещении остается лишь приглушенный свет, поэтому и качество картинки может быть хуже, но все равно территория помещения просматривается.

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Если во время работы возникает утечка хладагента, немедленно проветрите помещение.

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second floor are the rooms dedicated to Giovanni and Andrea della Robbia, displaying


well-known glazed terracotta works, the Room of



the Room

of Small Bronzes,


Verrocchio Room(sculptures by Andrea del Verrocchio, Mino da Fiesole, Antonio Rossellino, Benedetto da Maiano) and

the Room

of Medals.

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На третьем этаже находятся залы, посвященные Джованни и Андреа делла Роббиа, демонстрирующие знаменитые терракотовые работы, Оружейный зал, Зал малых изделий из бронзы,



представляющий скульптурные


Андреа дель Вероккьо, Мино да Фьезоле, Антонио Росселлино, Бенедетто да Mайано) и



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time someone reported a murder… and CSU didn’t


the room?

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Когда был еще случай,

чтобы кто-то сообщал об убийстве… и криминалисты не осматривали комнату?

I’m gonna go and


the room, Or whatever I’m supposed to be doing.

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Пойду обходить зал или что там мне нужно делать.

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And you said there was no one


in the room


day Jenna disappeared?

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И вы сказали, что в тот день, когда Дженна исчезла, в помещении никого не было?

However, my


was dark and narrow;

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Однако мой номер был темный и узкий; Wi- Fi в номере не работал.

Generally, that’s how it


the rooms inside


house are smaller than



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Обычно, так оно и бывает. Комнаты внутри дома меньше самого дома.



Wallpaper should refuse:

they will create a completely misplaced in the working room at home.

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А вот от обоев стоит отказаться:

они будут создавать совершенно неуместную в рабочем помещении домашнюю обстановку.

Results: 1244479,
Time: 0.3238





On this page you’ll find 18 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to work the room, such as: circulate, mix, associate, consort, fraternize, and hobnob.

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • associate
  • circulate
  • consort
  • fraternize
  • gang up
  • hang out
  • hobnob
  • mix
  • network
  • pool
  • rub shoulders
  • tie in
  • work the room

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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  • Word for worked through
  • Word for work together well
  • Word for work things out
  • Word for work of fiction