Word for word translation pdf


Dear Brothers and sisters, in this article, we will learn about Quran word by word English Translation PDF Download. I have put together my study notes, Quran word by word, Arabic Grammer PDF course material and other online resources ( Ayatul kursi Transliteration, Quran Dictionary, Quran Lughat, Ayatul Kursi Tafseer PDF, different languages of Quran Translated, Juz Amma 30 , Quran with Tajweed rules, List of Hijri Months, Top Arabic Short Stories, Arabic Verb, Arabic Flash Cards, Dua Book pdf,  words by words Quran ) to help give you a better understanding of what are root words as pertaining to the Arabic language, Arabic Alphabet, Verb, Serf and the study of the Noble Quran, The Student of the Arabic Grammer, The Student of the Holy Quran and The Students of Islamic Scholars .

What are root words

Root words are the Arabic letters (أَلِف, بَاء, تَاء, ثَاء, جِيم, حَاء, خَاء, دَال, ذَال, رَاء, زَاي, سِين, شِين, صَاد, ضَاد, طَاء, ظَاء, عَيْن, غَيْن, فَاء, قَاف, كَاف, لاَم, مِيم, نُون, هَاء, وَاو, يَاء, هَمْزة, أَلِف هَمْزة, وَاو هَمْزة, يَاء هَمْزة, أَلِف مَدَّة, تاء مربوطة, الف مقصورة,) that form the main part of a word.  These root Quran word by word letters provide the basic meaning of a word.  The root letters Quran word by word, Arabic Verb, Serf and Nehw are joined together with other Arabic letters to form different words which have related different meanings.

Example: the root of a plant will control the type of plant, or the hereditary of a person hereditary the characteristics of a person, so similarly the root word will hereditary the meaning of the word.

Example: the root letters ر ح م meaning joins together to form the native word Mercy رَحِّم.

Mercy springs from the womb, meaning if we understand the mercy of a mother, then we can understand the concept of mercy that is related to this root word.  The root words give the characteristic of mercy.

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How many letters in a root word?

Most Arabic words have three-letter roots, Two Words, very rarely it will have four or five Arabic letters, The Koran letters: 320015 Total letters, The Koran words: 77439 Total words, The Koran verses: 6236 Total verses, The Koran chapters: Total 114. Root letters always maintain a specific order.  Example:   substitute the order will give a completely different meaning.

  • ع ل م = knowledge
  • ع م ل = action

Why are root words important?

  • To analyze the word
  • To know the translation of the word
  • To understand the meaning of the word
  • To know how to use the Arabic dictionary

The Quran Words

43548 ا Alf
38199 ل Laam
27272 ن Noon
26741 م Meem
24813 و Waw
21975 ي Yaa
14852 ه Haa
12407 ر Raa
11493 ب Ba
10520 ت Taa
10497 ك Kaaf
9405 ع Ayn
9119 أ Hamza
8747 ف Faa
7034 ق Qaf
6014 س Seen
5991 د Dal
5108 إ Hamza
4932 ذ Zaal
4144 ح Ha
3317 ج Ch
2592 ى Yaa
2497 خ Kha
2344 ة Ta
2124 ش Sheen
2072 ص Saad
1686 ض Dha
1599 ز Zaa
1578 ء Hamza
1511 آ Hamza
1414 ث Saa
1273 ط Toh
1221 غ Ghayn
1182 ئ Yaa
853 ظ Zaal
673 ؤ Wow

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Much More knowledge of Islamic Education

To continue this enthralling, Islamic Teaching Books, The Holy Quran, Quran with Tajweed, Arabic learning study, Arabic Short Stories, Arabic Alphabets, Root words of Quran, Ayatul Kursi Transliteration, Ayatul Kursi Benefits, Quran Dictionary PDF, Arabic Verbs PDF, Lughatul Quran PDF, Mosque Facts in Islam, Best Arabic learning website and learn more about the history of the words we use every day, check out some Roots of English Words Found in www.Quranmualim.com. Keep Touch and Remain Active. Thanks CEO Hafiz Abdul Hameed Quran Trainer

JUZ-01 — words by words Quran

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JUZ-11 — Quran word by word translation

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JUZ-18 — Quran word by word translation

JUZ-19 — Quranic Transliteration English

JUZ-20 — Quranic Transliteration English

JUZ-21 — Quranic Transliteration English

JUZ-22 — Quranic Transliteration English

JUZ-23 — Quranic Transliteration English

JUZ-24 — Quranic Transliteration English

JUZ-25 — Quranic Transliteration English

JUZ-26 — Quranic Transliteration English

JUZ-27 — Quranic Transliteration English

JUZ-28 — Corpus Quran word by word

JUZ-29 — Corpus Quran word by word

JUZ-30 — Corpus Quran word by word

A List Of References — Word syntax, Qua an

B Grammar -2 — Corpus Quran word by word

C Grammar-Charts — Word syntax, Qua an

D-How To Understand — Word syntax, Qua an

Hafiz Abdul Hameed

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Page 1: Word for word_translation

Universidad Latina de PanamáFaculty of Educational Science

Bachelor in English with an Emphasis on Translation

Carmen Bell8-310-570

Commercial TranslationProfessor: Ramón Guerra

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Page 3: Word for word_translation

Speaking in general terms, there are eight translation methods known:

• literal• faithful• semantic• adaptive• free• idiomatic• communicative and,

• word for wordword for word


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¿What is word for word translation?

• It is when the source language word (SL) is translated into another language by their most common meanings,which can also be out of context at times, especially in idioms and proverbs.


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In electronic world, word by word translation translates each word or phrase that it understands, but does not take grammar into account. Word by word translators are generally not as effective as automatic or machine translators, but still can be very useful, for instance as a translation aid.


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• manzana• jugo de

manzana• She drinks apple


English• apple• juice of apple• Ella beber jugo

de manzana.

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Thank you very much!

translation is another method of rendering sense.
It presents a consecutive verbal translation though at the level of
word-groups and sentences. This way of translation is often employed
both consciously and subconsciously by students in the process
of translating alien grammatical constructions/word forms. Sometimes
students at the initial stage of learning a foreign language may
this way of translation even when dealing with seemingly common
phrases or sentences, which are structurally different from their
equivalents in the native tongue. Usually the students employ
translation to convey the sense of word-groups or sentences which
have a structural form, the order of words, and the means of
quite different from those in the target language. To achieve
various grammtical in translation, word-for-word variants are
to be corrected to avoid various grammatical violations made by the
inexperienced students. Cf. You
are right to begin with*BU
instead of Почнемо

  1. Interlinear translation.

way/method of translating is
a conventional
term for a strictly faithful rendering of sense expressed by
and sentences at the level of some text. The
of interlinear translation may be practically applied to all speech
units(sentences, super syntactic units, passages). Interlinear
translation always provides a completely faithful conveying only of
content, which is often achieved through various transformations of
structure of many sense units.

translating is widely practiced at the intermediary and
advanced stages of studying a foreign language. It is helpful when
checking up the students’ understanding of certain structurally
English sense units in the passage under translation.
The interlinear method of translating helps the student to obtain
the necessary training in rendering the main aspects of the foreign

of interlinear translation is practically employed when rendering
some passages or works for internal office use in scientific/research
centers and laboratories and other organizations and by students in
their translation

  1. Literary translation.

translating represents the highest level of translator’s activity.
Literary translators in addition to dealing with the difficulties
inherent to translations
of all fields, must consider the aesthetic aspects of the text, its
beauty and style, as well as its marks (lexical, grammatical or
phonological) keeping in mind that one language’s stylistic marcs
can be different from another’s. the important idea is that the
quality of the translation
be the same in both languages while also maintaining the integrity of
the contents at the same time.

a translator, the fundamental issue is searching for equivalents that
produce the same effects in the translated text as those that the
author was seeking for readers of the original text.

artistic translation
presents a faithful transmission of content and of the artistic
merits only of a work.

translations are always performed in literary all-nation languages
and with many transformations which help achieve the ease and beauty
the original composition.

the SL and TL belong to different cultural groups the first problem
faced by the translator is finding terms in his own language that
the highest level of faithfulness possible to the meaning of certain

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This translation of the Isha Upanishad allows readers with little knowledge of Sanskrit to explore the different possible meanings of the text. The format of this translation closely follows that of Winthrop Sargeant’s translation of the Bhagavad-Gita.

The traditional number of verses of the Gita is defined by the teacher Sankara (788-820 CE) as being 700. However, a number of 745 verses results from the Gitamana, an inserted stanza that gives the number of verses spoken by each speaker in the Gita. The Gitamana is found mostly in Kashmirian versions of the Mahabharata, inserted directly after the Bhagavadgita, and is not found in Bengali and southern recensions. The Gitamana is placed just before the 51 verses of the Gitasara, which is the summary of the Gita. Adding the Gitasara to the Bhagavadgita extends the Bhagavadgita, and can be made to comply with the specifications given in the Gitamana. Perhaps this is the first translation into English of the Gitasara, revealing thoughts not found in the Gita.

This a sample of a translation of the Isopanisad grammatically analyzed and translated with the commentaries of Sankara and Madhva. Intended for use in classes on the fundamentals of Vedanta and the rudiments of Sanskrit grammar, or for general readers who want to gain some familiarity with Upanisadic thought. The full and completed text is now available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. See the link below.

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