Word for word пример

To create a form in Word that others can fill out, start with a template or document and add content controls. Content controls include things like check boxes, text boxes, date pickers, and drop-down lists. If you’re familiar with databases, these content controls can even be linked to data.

Show the Developer tab

If the developer tab isn’t displayed in the ribbon, see Show the Developer tab.

Open a template or a blank document on which to base the form

To save time, start with a form template or start from scratch with a blank template.

  1. Go to File > New.

  2. In Search online templates, type Forms or the type of form you want and press ENTER.

  3. Choose a form template, and then select Create or Download.

  1. Go to File > New.

  2. Select Blank document.

Add content to the form

Go to Developer, and then choose the controls that you want to add to the document or form. To remove a content control, select the control and press Delete. You can set properties on controls once inserted.

Note: You can print a form that was created using content controls, but the boxes around the content controls will not print.

In a rich text content control, users can format text as bold or italic, and they can type multiple paragraphs. If you want to limit what users add, insert the plain text content control.

  1. Click or tap where you want to insert the control.

  2. Select Developer > Rich Text Content Control Rich text control button or Plain Text Content Control Plain text control button.

To set specific properties on the control, see Set or change properties for content controls.

A picture control is often used for templates, but you can also add a picture control to a form.

  1. Click or tap where you want to insert the control.

  2. Select Developer > Picture Content Control Picture control button.

To set specific properties on the control, see Set or change properties for content controls.

Use building block controls when you want people to choose a specific block of text. For example, building block controls are helpful when you need to add different boilerplate text depending on the contract’s specific requirements. You can create rich text content controls for each version of the boilerplate text, and then you can use a building block control as the container for the rich text content controls.

  1. Click or tap where you want to insert the control.

  2. Go to DeveloperBuilding Block Gallery Content Control building block gallery control (or Building Block Content Control).

  3. Select Developer and content controls for the building block.

    Developer tab showing content controls

  1. Click or tap where you want to insert the control.

To set specific properties on the control, see Set or change properties for content controls.

In a combo box, users can select from a list of choices that you provide or they can type in their own information. In a drop-down list, users can only select from the list of choices.

  1. Go to Developer > Combo Box Content Control combo box button or Drop-Down List Content Control List box button.

  2. Select the content control, and then select Properties.

  3. To create a list of choices, select Add under Drop-Down List Properties.

  4. Type a choice in Display Name, such as Yes, No, or Maybe.

    Repeat this step until all of the choices are in the drop-down list.

  5. Fill in any other properties that you want.

    Note: If you select the Contents cannot be edited check box, users won’t be able to click a choice.

  1. Click or tap where you want to insert the date picker control.

  2. Select Developer > Date Picker Content Control Date picker button .

To set specific properties on the control, see Set or change properties for content controls.

  1. Click or tap where you want to insert the check box control.

  2. Select Developer > Check Box Content Control Check box button.

To set specific properties on the control, see Set or change properties for content controls.

Legacy form controls are for compatibility with older versions of Word and consist of legacy form and Active X controls.

  1. Click or tap where you want to insert a legacy control.

  2. Go to Developer > Legacy Forms Legacy control button drop-down.

  3. Select the Legacy Form control or Active X Control that you want to include.

Set or change properties for content controls

Each content control has properties that you can set or change. For example, the Date Picker control offers options for the format you want to use to display the date.

  1. Select the content control that you want to change.

  2. Go to Developer > Properties.

    Controls Properties  button

  3. Change the properties that you want.

Add protection to a form

If you want to limit how much others can edit or format a form, use the Restrict Editing command:

  1. Open the form that you want to lock or protect.

  2. Select Developer > Restrict Editing.

    Restrict editing button

  3. After selecting restrictions, select Yes, Start Enforcing Protection.

    Restrict editing panel 

Advanced Tip:

If you want to protect only parts of the document, separate the document into sections and only protect the sections you want.

To do this, choose Select Sections in the Restrict Editing panel. For more info on sections, see Insert a section break.

Sections selector on Resrict sections panel

Show the Developer tab

If the developer tab isn’t displayed in the ribbon, see Show the Developer tab.

Open a template or use a blank document

To create a form in Word that others can fill out, start with a template or document and add content controls. Content controls include things like check boxes, text boxes, and drop-down lists. If you’re familiar with databases, these content controls can even be linked to data.

  1. Go to File > New from Template.

    New from template option

  2. In Search, type form.

  3. Double-click the template you want to use.

  4. Select File > Save As, and pick a location to save the form.

  5. In Save As, type a file name and then select Save.

  1. Go to File > New Document.

    New document option

  2. Go to File > Save As.

  3. In Save As, type a file name and then select Save.

Add content to the form

Go to Developer, and then choose the controls that you want to add to the document or form. To remove a content control, select the control and press Delete. You can set Options on controls once inserted. From Options, you can add entry and exit macros to run when users interact with the controls, as well as list items for combo boxes, .

  1. In the document, click or tap where you want to add a content control.

  2. On Developer, select Text Box, Check Box, or Combo Box.

    Developer tab with content controls

  3. To set specific properties for the control, select Options, and set .

  4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for each control that you want to add.

Options let you set common settings, as well as control specific settings. Select a control and then select Options to set up or make changes.

  • Set common properties.

    • Select Macro to Run on lets you choose a recorded or custom macro to run on Entry or Exit from the field.

    • Bookmark Set a unique name or bookmark for each control.

    • Calculate on exit This forces Word to run or refresh any calculations, such as total price when the user exits the field.

    • Add Help Text Give hints or instructions for each field.

    • OK Saves settings and exits the panel.

    • Cancel Forgets changes and exits the panel.

  • Set specific properties for a Text box

    • Type Select form Regular text, Number, Date, Current Date, Current Time, or Calculation.

    • Default text sets optional instructional text that’s displayed in the text box before the user types in the field. Set Text box enabled to allow the user to enter text into the field.

    • Maximum length sets the length of text that a user can enter. The default is Unlimited.

    • Text format can set whether text automatically formats to Uppercase, Lowercase, First capital, or Title case.

    • Text box enabled Lets the user enter text into a field. If there is default text, user text replaces it.

  • Set specific properties for a Check box.

    • Default Value Choose between Not checked or checked as default.

    • Checkbox size Set a size Exactly or Auto to change size as needed.

    • Check box enabled Lets the user check or clear the text box.

  • Set specific properties for a Combo box

    • Drop-down item Type in strings for the list box items. Press + or Enter to add an item to the list.

    • Items in drop-down list Shows your current list. Select an item and use the up or down arrows to change the order, Press to remove a selected item.

    • Drop-down enabled Lets the user open the combo box and make selections.

  1. Go to Developer > Protect Form.

    Protect form button on the Developer tab

    Note: To unprotect the form and continue editing, select Protect Form again.

  2. Save and close the form.

If you want, you can test the form before you distribute it.

  1. Protect the form.

  2. Reopen the form, fill it out as the user would, and then save a copy.

Show the Developer tab

  1. On the right side of the ribbon, select Action pop-up menu, and then select Ribbon Preferences.

  2. Under Customize, select Developer .

Open a template or a document on which to base the form

You can start with a blank document and create your own form. Or, to save time, you can start with a form template.

  1. Go to File > New from Template.

  2. In the left pane, expand Online Templates, and then select Forms.

  3. Double-click the form template that you want to use.

Add content controls to the form

  1. In the document, click where you want to add the control.

  2. On the Developer tab, under Form Controls, select Text Box, Check Box, or Combo Box.

  3. To set specific properties for the control, select Options, and then configure the properties that you want.

    Note: To create a list of drop-down items in a combo box, select the combo box placeholder, click Options, and then add the items that you want to appear in the drop-down list.

  4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for each control that you want to add.

Add instructional text (optional)

Instructional text (for example, «Type First Name») in a text box can make your form easier to use. By default, no text appears in a text box, but you can add it.

  1. Select the text box control that you want to add instructional text to.

  2. On the Developer tab, under Form Controls, select Options.

  3. In Default Text, type the instructional text.

  4. Make sure that Fill-in enabled is selected, and then select OK.

Protect the form

  1. On the Developer tab, under Form Controls, select Protect Form.

    Note: To unprotect the form and continue editing, click Protect Form again.

  2. Save and close the form.

Test the form (optional)

If you want, you can test the form before you distribute it.

  1. Protect the form.

  2. Reopen the form, fill it out as the user would, and then save a copy.

Creating fillable forms isn’t available in Word for the web.

You can create the form with the desktop version of Word with the instructions in Create a fillable form.

When you save the document and reopen it in Word for the web, you’ll see the changes you made.

I’m quite sure i saw that line in some NLP applications.

This list comprehension:

[[word for word in document.lower().split() if word not in stoplist] for document in documents]

is the same as

ending_list = [] # often known as document stream in NLP.
for document in documents: # Loop through a list.
  internal_list = [] # often known as a a list tokens
  for word in document.lower().split():
    if word not in stoplist:
      internal_list.append(word) # this is where the [[word for word...] ...] appears

Basically you want a list of documents that contains a list of tokens. So by looping through the documents,

for document in documents:

you then split each document into tokens

  list_of_tokens = []
  for word in document.lower().split():

and then make a list of of these tokens:


For example:

>>> doc = "This is a foo bar sentence ."
>>> [word for word in doc.lower().split()]
['this', 'is', 'a', 'foo', 'bar', 'sentence', '.']

It’s the same as:

>>> doc = "This is a foo bar sentence ."
>>> list_of_tokens = []
>>> for word in doc.lower().split():
...   list_of_tokens.append(word)
>>> list_of_tokens
['this', 'is', 'a', 'foo', 'bar', 'sentence', '.']

The phrase «word by word» would mean one word at a time, sequentially. If you’re copying something «word by word», it means you’re doing it probably means you’re doing it in the moment. «Word by word» describes iteration. For example:

To ensure she hadn’t missed anything, Stacy reread the page more slowly, word by word. Only when the full weight of each word set in did she continue to the next.

As Jacob worked on his first try at the bar examination, he read every question word by word, repeating each word quietly to himself to be sure he didn’t miss anything.

The phrase «word for word» can mean many things, all of which tie into the abstracted idea of transcription. Every word on the source is understood or copied to the destination. In the example posted in the question, «word for word» would be the correct phrase. «Word for word» describes the relationship between two sets of words. For example:

Copy this paragraph word for word. Double check to make sure everything is exactly the same.

I swear, that’s what he said, word for word!

Sometimes either phrase can be used appropriately but will change the meaning of the sentence.

Word by word, her spoken words appeared on the magical tablet.

This one means words are appearing one at a time, as the character speaks.

Word for word, her spoken words appeared on the magical tablet.

This one means every single word she spoke appeared on the tablet, but it doesn’t actually describe when or how those words appeared. Maybe she delivers a whole monologue, and as soon as she finishes, the tablet instantly updates with every single word she spoke, or maybe the words do appear one at a time, as she speaks them. Interpretation is up to the reader!


Автоматический перевод

слово в слово, слово за слово

Перевод по словам

word  — слово, известие, речь, обещание, текст, вести, сформулировать, выражать словами
word  — слово, известие, речь, обещание, текст, вести, сформулировать, выражать словами


The speech was copied word for word.

Выступление было скопировано слово в слово.

The newspaper printed his speech more or less word for word.

Эта газета напечатала его речь более или менее дословно.

My five-year-old can repeat her favorite stories word for word.

Моя пятилетняя дочь может слово в слово повторить свои любимые истории.

‘Vater’ is the German word for (=word that means) ‘father’.

«Vater» — это по-немецки (т.е. слово, которое по-немецки означает) «отец».

translation is another method of rendering sense.
It presents a consecutive verbal translation though at the level of
word-groups and sentences. This way of translation is often employed
both consciously and subconsciously by students in the process
of translating alien grammatical constructions/word forms. Sometimes
students at the initial stage of learning a foreign language may
this way of translation even when dealing with seemingly common
phrases or sentences, which are structurally different from their
equivalents in the native tongue. Usually the students employ
translation to convey the sense of word-groups or sentences which
have a structural form, the order of words, and the means of
quite different from those in the target language. To achieve
various grammtical in translation, word-for-word variants are
to be corrected to avoid various grammatical violations made by the
inexperienced students. Cf. You
are right to begin with*BU
instead of Почнемо

  1. Interlinear translation.

way/method of translating is
a conventional
term for a strictly faithful rendering of sense expressed by
and sentences at the level of some text. The
of interlinear translation may be practically applied to all speech
units(sentences, super syntactic units, passages). Interlinear
translation always provides a completely faithful conveying only of
content, which is often achieved through various transformations of
structure of many sense units.

translating is widely practiced at the intermediary and
advanced stages of studying a foreign language. It is helpful when
checking up the students’ understanding of certain structurally
English sense units in the passage under translation.
The interlinear method of translating helps the student to obtain
the necessary training in rendering the main aspects of the foreign

of interlinear translation is practically employed when rendering
some passages or works for internal office use in scientific/research
centers and laboratories and other organizations and by students in
their translation

  1. Literary translation.

translating represents the highest level of translator’s activity.
Literary translators in addition to dealing with the difficulties
inherent to translations
of all fields, must consider the aesthetic aspects of the text, its
beauty and style, as well as its marks (lexical, grammatical or
phonological) keeping in mind that one language’s stylistic marcs
can be different from another’s. the important idea is that the
quality of the translation
be the same in both languages while also maintaining the integrity of
the contents at the same time.

a translator, the fundamental issue is searching for equivalents that
produce the same effects in the translated text as those that the
author was seeking for readers of the original text.

artistic translation
presents a faithful transmission of content and of the artistic
merits only of a work.

translations are always performed in literary all-nation languages
and with many transformations which help achieve the ease and beauty
the original composition.

the SL and TL belong to different cultural groups the first problem
faced by the translator is finding terms in his own language that
the highest level of faithfulness possible to the meaning of certain

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word for word

In or with the same exact words; verbatim. After seeing the play only once, he was able to repeat the monologue word for word. It was amazing. You don’t need to translate it word for word—just make sure it has the same meaning.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

word for word

in the exact words; verbatim. I memorized the speech, word for word. I can’t recall word for word what she told us.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

word for word

Exactly as written or spoken, as in That was the forecast, word for word. Chaucer used this idiom in the late 1300s.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

word for word

in exactly the same or, when translated, exactly equivalent words.

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

ˌword for ˈword

in exactly the same words; translated directly from another language: I repeated what you said, word for word.It probably won’t sound very natural if you translate it word for word.a word-for-word account, translation, etc.

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

See also:

  • word by word
  • from the word go
  • get the word out
  • have word (from someone or something)
  • get word (from someone or something)
  • stick to (one’s) word
  • receive word
  • receive word (from someone or something)
  • false friend
  • in a word

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