Word for won give up

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Possible terms for ‘won’t give up’ include: endure, persist or

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Примеры из текстов

I won’t give up Shatov to you,” he said.

— Я вам Шатова не уступлю, — сказал он.

Dostoevsky, Fyodor / The possessedДостоевский, Фёдор / Бесы


Достоевский, Фёдор

© Издательство «Художественная литература», 1989

The possessed

Dostoevsky, Fyodor

It’s very precious to me,» he added suddenly, with strong feeling, and again he flushed. «It always will be, and I won’t give it up to anyone!»

Оно очень мне дорого, — прибавил он вдруг с сильным чувством и опять покраснев, — это уж навеки, и я его никому никогда не отдам!

Dostoevsky, Fyodor / The brothers KaramazovДостоевский, Фёдор / Братья Карамазовы

Братья Карамазовы

Достоевский, Фёдор

© Издательство «Художественная литература», 1988

The brothers Karamazov

Dostoevsky, Fyodor

You are dear to me, I don’t want to let you go, and I won’t give you up to your Zossima.»

Ты мне дорог, я тебя упустить не хочу и не уступлю твоему Зосиме.

Dostoevsky, Fyodor / The brothers KaramazovДостоевский, Фёдор / Братья Карамазовы

Братья Карамазовы

Достоевский, Фёдор

© Издательство «Художественная литература», 1988

The brothers Karamazov

Dostoevsky, Fyodor

«If you think that I hinder him,» said Laptev, mildly, disconcerted, «I will give up my visits.»

— Если вы находите, что я мешаю, — сказал Лаптев кротко, смутившись, — то я прекращу свои посещения.

Чехов, А.П. / Три годаChekhov, A. / Three years

Три года

Чехов, А.П.

© Издательство «Наука», 1974

And after I began counting the third, ‘no, excuse me,’ I would say, ‘I fancy I made a mistake in the seventh hundred in that second thousand, I am not sure.’ And so I would give up the third thousand and go back to the second and so on to the end.

А как стал бы третью тысячу считать — нет, позвольте: я, кажется, там, во второй тысяче, седьмую сотню неверно сосчитал, сомнение берет, да бросил бы третью, да опять за вторую, — да этак бы все-то пять.

Dostoevsky, Fyodor / Crime and PunishmentДостоевский, Фёдор / Преступление и наказание

Преступление и наказание

Достоевский, Фёдор

© Издательство «Художественная литература», 1970

Crime and Punishment

Dostoevsky, Fyodor

I hoped he didn’t think so little of me as to believe I would give up that easily. «When did he buy it?»

– Сколько лет пикапу? – пусть Чарли не надеется, что я сдамся без боя!

Meyer, Stephenie / TwilightМайер, Стефани / Сумерки


Майер, Стефани

© А. Ахмерова, 2007

© Издание на русском языке AST Publishers

© Stephenie Meyer, 2005


Meyer, Stephenie

© 2005 by Stephenie Meyer

Well! I thought I would give up that point too.

Ну что ж, подумал я, лучше оставить и эту тему.

Dickens, Charles / Great ExpectationsДиккенс, Чарльз / Большие надежды

Большие надежды

Диккенс, Чарльз

© Издательство «Художественная литература», 1960

Great Expectations

Dickens, Charles

© 2010 Ignatius Press, San Francisco

«Say one word to me and I will not go on living; I will give up art…» he muttered in violent emotion.

— Скажите мне одно слово, и я не буду жить, брошу искусство… — бормотал он в сильном волнении.

Чехов, А.П. / ПопрыгуньяChekhov, A. / The grasshopper

The grasshopper

Chekhov, A.

© 1999 by Random House, Inc.


Чехов, А.П.

© Издательство «Наука», 1974

I will give it up, mother. I am going there for the last time to-day—especially since Andrey Petrovitch himself has declared that not a farthing of that money is his, you can’t imagine how I blush…

Перестану, мама; сегодня в последний раз еду, особенно после того, как Андрей Петрович сам и вслух объявил, что его денег там нет ни копейки. Вы не поверите, как я краснею…

Dostoevsky, Fyodor / A Raw YouthДостоевский, Фёдор / Подросток


Достоевский, Фёдор

© Издательство «Советская Россия», 1979

A Raw Youth

Dostoevsky, Fyodor

«God knows, Aglaya, that to restore her peace of mind and make her happy I would willingly give up my life. But I cannot love her, and she knows that.»

— Бог видит, Аглая, чтобы возвратить ей спокойствие и сделать ее счастливою, я отдал бы жизнь мою, но… я уже не могу любить ее, и она это знает!

Dostoevsky, Fyodor / IdiotДостоевский, Фёдор / Идиот


Достоевский, Фёдор

© Издательство «Художественная литература», 1971


Dostoevsky, Fyodor

© 2004 by Fine Creative Media, Inc.

–Dear Miss Woodhouse, I would not give up the pleasure and honour of being intimate with you for any thing in the world.»

Дорогая мисс Вудхаус, ни на что на свете не променяла бы я высокую честь и удовольствие быть вашим близким другом.

Austen, Jane / EmmaОстин, Джейн / Эмма


Остин, Джейн

© Издательство «Художественная литература», 1989


Austen, Jane

© 2006 by Pearson Education, Inc.

I would give everything else up a thousand times over for you and then once again and be joyous to do so.»

Я бы отдала тебе все на свете и в тысячу раз больше, если бы могла. И была бы очень-очень счастлива.

Goodkind, Terry / The pillars of creationГудкайнд, Терри / Седьмое правило Волшебника: Столпы творения

Седьмое правило Волшебника: Столпы творения

Гудкайнд, Терри

© Теrry Goodkind, 2001

© Перевод Н.Романецкий, 2003

© ООО «Издательство ACT», 2003

The pillars of creation

Goodkind, Terry

He said, «I would have given up a long time ago.

И потому он сказал: – Что до меня, то я бы уже давным‑давно сдался.

White, James / SpacebirdУайт, Джеймс / Космическая птица

Космическая птица

Уайт, Джеймс


White, James

© 2002 by the Estate of James White

© 1980 by James White

“I was preoccupied, or I would have given up on the football in a heartbeat.”

— Я был занят собственными проблемами, иначе не задумываясь отказался бы от футбола.

Child, Lee / One ShotЧайлд, Ли / Выстрел


Чайлд, Ли

© 2005 by Lee Child

© Перевод. В. Гольдич, И. Оганесова, 2009

© Издание на русском языке. ООО «Издательство «Эксмо», 2009

On mornins like that I would have given up that sweet smell without a peep of argument.

В такие дни я с удовольствием отказалась бы от этого запаха.

King, Stephen / Dolores ClaiborneКинг, Стивен / Долорес Клэйборн

Долорес Клэйборн

Кинг, Стивен

© Copyright Stephen King, 1993

© перевод с английского Е.Харитоновой, 1995

Dolores Claiborne

King, Stephen

© Copyright Stephen King, 1993

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won’t give up

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

я не сдамся

я не отступлюсь

я не собираюсь сдаваться

я не буду бросать

я никогда не сдамся

я не уступлю

я никогда не откажусь

Я не отдам

Мы не сдадимся

I Won’t Give Up

я не брошу

я не откажусь от

не собираюсь отказываться

Я не оставлю

Я не поставлю крест

No matter what you say, I won’t give up.

And my love, I won’t give up

And I won’t give up until he has justice.

И я не отступлюсь до тех пор, пока не добьюсь справедливости.

My intention is very well considered, I won’t give up.

I believe in my dream and I won’t give up.

I won’t give up because I have something worth fighting for.

Я не сдамся, потому что у меня есть кое-что, за что стоит бороться.

I won’t give up until sweet victory is mine.

«I won’t give up» in all caps.

I won’t give up, I promise.

I won’t give up, no matter what you say.

I won’t give up. I’ll put my heart into it.

I won’t give up until I find your daughter.

I won’t give up, and if you know someone who is an emotional vampire, all is not lost.

Я не отступлюсь, и если среди ваших знакомых есть эмоциональные вампиры, для них не всё потеряно.

I know this is a big dream, but I won’t give up now.

And I won’t give up, Mr. King.

I gave in. I won’t give up.

No matter if you take Yu Kyung or ruin my sense of taste, I won’t give up.

Пусть ты забрал Ю Кён или уничтожил моё чувство вкуса, я не сдамся.

I won’t give up my dreams because of the first obstacle in this division.

Я не откажусь от своей мечты из-за первой неудачи в этом дивизионе.

Maybe I need a bit more game time but I won’t give up.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 163. Точных совпадений: 163. Затраченное время: 108 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200


I didn’t see this addeessed as it relates to combat sports, or wrestling. I would consider a tap out, or submission to be the opponent quiting. Typically a fighter will tap (rapid, successive tapping on their opponent, or elswhere if they can’t tap the opponent), which signifies to the referee/official that they are quitting, and to stop the fight.. There is also such a thing as a «verbal tap», which involves a fighter simply saying «tap, tap, tap». In some combat sports, screaming in pain, is deemed a verbal tap.

A «tap» usually happens when the fighter is subjected to a technique in which is extremely painful, they are unable to breath (such as a choke hold, or sleeper hold) or which will result in a very serious injury, or even CAREER threatening injury. This is typically seen as knee bar, or more commonly, and arm bar, but there are other less common ones. Finally, fighter will tap, if they are about to lose consciousness (submission holds that cut off blood to the brain), although it’s not unheard of that a fighter will refuse to tap, understanding that once they lose comsciousness, the referee will stop the fight. On ocasions, you will see a fighter tap due to just getting the crap punched out of them, but they are fighters after all, so I find this to be very rare in professional combat sports. I suppose they are accustomed to getting punched.

There are many YouTube videos showing highlights of the best combat sport submissions in MMA, Jujitsu and Wrestling, as well as other submission sports.

сдаваться, отказываться, бросать, уступить, оставлять, покидать


- отказаться (от работы, предложения, участия в соревновании и т. п.)

he had to give up studying because of his poor health — из-за плохого здоровья он вынужден был оставить учёбу
to give up the thought /the idea/ — отказаться от мысли
don’t give up the search — не переставайте искать, не прекращайте поиски
I gave up the attempt in despair — отчаявшись, я прекратил все попытки
all the girls swam the lake except two, who gave up halfway — все девочки переплыли озеро, кроме двоих, которые с полпути повернули обратно

- бросить (привычки)

you should give up smoking — вам надо бросить курить

- оставить

he was forced to give up his native country — он был вынужден покинуть родину
don’t give your friends up — не отворачивайся /не отказывайся/ от своих друзей

- уступить; сдавать

to give up a seat — уступить место
the fort was given up to the enemy — крепость была сдана врагу
he went to the police station to give himself up — он отправился в полицейский участок с повинной /сдаваться/

- сдаться

I give up! — сдаюсь!
I give up, tell me the end of the story — сдаюсь, сам расскажи, чем эта история кончилась

- выдать (беглеца и т. п.)
- отказываться, признать безнадёжным, неразрешимым; махнуть рукой

he is given up by the doctors — врачи считают его безнадёжным
you were very late so we gave you up — вы так опаздывали, что мы потеряли всякую надежду на ваш приход
don’t give up so soon, try again — не надо так быстро отчаиваться /сдаваться/, попытайтесь ещё раз
they gave him up for lost — они оставили всякую надежду найти его
to give oneself up for lost — считать себя пропащим
she gave him up as a bad job — ей не удалось с ним справиться, и она решила больше этим не заниматься
I give you up, you’ll never learn anything — ну всё, я сдаюсь /я больше не могу с тобой возиться/, ты никогда ничему не научишься

- (on) разочароваться; перестать верить (во что-л.)
- предаваться

she has given herself up to the study of music — она посвятила себя занятиям музыкой

- уст. передавать, вручать

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

Don’t give up without even trying.

Не сдавайся, даже не попробовав.

It is never too late to give up smoking.

Никогда не поздно бросить курить.

I give up. What’s the answer?

Я сдаюсь. Какой ответ?

He is given up by the doctors.

Врачи от него отказались.

I hope you won’t give up playing the piano.

Я надеюсь, что Вы не прекратите играть на пианино.

It’s hard to give up the drinking habit without help.

Без посторонней помощи трудно бросить пить.

She could not give up her canaries.

Она не могла оставить своих канареек.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Both sides have to give up some claims in these negotiations

Darren has decided to give up football at the end of this season.

She refused to give up, and her confidence rubbed off on the others.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

What is another word for Give up?

  • surrender

    admit defeat, abandon

  • abandon

    relinquish, retreat

  • quit

    abandon, stop

  • relinquish

    give, abandon

  • yield

    surrender, activity

  • cede

    activity, abandon

  • renounce

    abandon, get rid of

  • waive

    acknowledge, omit

  • forgo

    relinquish, omit

  • capitulate

    give in, surrender

  • discontinue

    cancel, stop

  • drop

    relinquish, throw

  • deliver

    give, contribute

  • give in

    grant, abide by

  • resign

    give in, stop

  • give

    activity, recede

  • cease

    stop, excise

  • stop

    jump, cease

  • release

    fall, send to another place by force

  • leave

    retire, give in

  • forsake

    relinquish, get rid of

  • vacate

    abdicate, or power

  • submit

    give in, surrender

  • concede

    give in, grant

  • throw in the towel

    acknowledge, agree

  • cave in

    acknowledge, abide by

  • allow

    grant, acknowledge

  • give over

    activity, give

  • dispense with

    get rid of

  • forfeit


  • succumb

    cede, concede

  • desert

    get rid of

  • forswear

    relinquish, abdicate

  • lay off

  • part with

    contribute, get rid of

  • kick

  • give way

    cede, concede

  • hand over

    give, acknowledge

  • forego

    action, skip

  • discard

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Synonyms for Give up. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 13, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/give_up

Synonyms for Give up. N.p., 2016. Web. 13 Apr. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/give_up>.

Synonyms for Give up. 2016. Accessed April 13, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/give_up.

There are many things in this world that are worth fighting for, and quitting easily is not one of them. This article will highlight other ways that describe someone who gives up easily and provide examples of how these words and phrases are used in a sentence.

Words For Someone Who Gives Up Easily

The three most preferred word alternatives for “someone who gives up easily” are quitter, failure, and loser. These words have been assigned negative connotations, which make them the perfect weapons for bullies. They are meant to provoke people’s spirits and make them give up or brace upon their tasks.


A quitter is someone who gives up easily, often without putting in the necessary effort. Quitters never reach their full potential because they are always quitting when things get tough. Someone who is a quitter is also seen as someone who doesn’t have what it takes to be successful.

According to The Cambridge Dictionary, “quitter” is a noun that means “a person who gives up easily instead of finishing something”.  

Here are some examples of how the word “quitter” is employed:

  • A quitter never wins, and a winner never quits.
  • Don’t be a quitter.
  • A quitter stops fighting when the odds are stacked against them.


 A “failure” is someone who has given up on themselves. It’s someone who has stopped trying and has resigned themselves to a life of unhappiness and mediocrity. A failure is someone who doesn’t believe in themselves and who doesn’t think they’re capable of anything great.

The Cambridge Dictionary describes it as a noun that means “the fact of someone or something not succeeding”.

These are a few examples of ways to use the word in a sentence:

  • A person who quits too soon is a failure.
  • A person who gives up is a failure.
  • A failure doesn’t know how to face their fears head-on.


A “Loser” is someone who doesn’t try. They set their mind to a goal and then quit as soon as it gets hard. They give up too easily and have no perseverance. Losers are people who make excuses instead of taking responsibility for their own life.

The Cambridge Dictionary defines it as a noun, and it means “a person or team that does not win a game or competition”.

Here are some examples of how the term is utilized.

  • He is such a loser for not working hard for the game.
  • It’s so easy to spot a loser in a crowd.
  • He’s a complete loser and can’t do anything right. 


 A deserter is someone who leaves their military unit or formation without authorization, or someone who abandons their post or duty. In the context of revolutions, armies and militias, desertion also encompasses those soldiers who retreat from the front line without reason or permission.

According to The Cambridge Dictionary, a “deserter” is described as a noun that means “a person who leaves the armed forces without permission”.

These are few examples of how the word is used:

  • You are a deserter for abandoning your post during wartime, and you will be subjected to court-martial. 
  • A politician who promised to support a bill but then abandoned it when the going got tough is a deserter of their responsibilities. 
  • A student who skips class regularly might be called a deserter by their teacher.  


An incompetent person is someone who can’t do their job properly. They might be unable to think critically, solve problems, or make good decisions. They might also have poor communication skills and be unable to work well with others. Most times, they settle for mediocrity.

The Cambridge Dictionary describes “incompetent” as an adjective that means “not having the ability to do something as it should be done”.

The following are examples of ways to use the word in a sentence:

  • The company’s IT department is composed of incompetent fools.
  • My ex-husband was an incompetent partner who contributed nothing to our marriage.
  •  Incompetent employees are a drain on a company’s resources.


A slacker is somebody who simply doesn’t care about their responsibilities or commitments. They might make excuses, procrastinate, or just flat-out refuse to do what’s asked of them. This can be extremely frustrating for whoever is dealing with the slacker, whether it’s a boss, coworker, friend or family member. 

According to The Cambridge Dictionary, a “slacker” is described as a noun that means “a person who does not work hard enough”.

These are more examples of how to use the word “slacker” in a sentence:

  • I’m such a slacker, I can’t even get out of bed in the morning. 
  • I can’t believe he’s still a slacker at his age. 
  • If you don’t want to be a slacker like him, you need to work hard. 


A weakling is someone who does not have the physical strength, stamina, or courage to do what is necessary to survive and thrive. They may be able to do things when everything goes their way, but they will buckle under pressure. They are not dependable in a crisis.

The Cambridge Dictionary describes a “weakling” as a noun and it is defined as “someone who is weak, either physically or in character”.

Below are examples of how you might use the word “weakling”: 

  • I’m not built for manual labor; I’m such a weakling. 
  • Williams needs to start working out more if he doesn’t want to end up looking like a weakling. 
  • Are you sure you can handle this by yourself? You seem like quite the weakling.


A “wimp” is somebody who’s just too darned weak and spineless to stand up for themselves. They’re the ones who are always getting pushed around and taken advantage of, never able to stand up for themselves or fight back against the bullies.

According to The Cambridge Dictionary, a “wimp” is described as a noun and it is defined as “a person who is not strong, brave, or confident”.

Take a look at a few examples of how to use the word “wimp” in a conversation: 

  • He’s such a wimp that he never stands up for himself, even when mistreated. 
  • I can’t believe she said that to me. I must seem like such a wimp in her eyes. 
  • He always lets his friends walk all over him – what a wimp!  


A chicken is also someone who doesn’t have a lot of courage or backbone and who tends to crumble under pressure. They’re often indecisive and may change their mind frequently about what they want or how they want to live their life.

The Cambridge Dictionary describes “chicken” as a noun that means “a person who is not brave”.

These are examples of how to employ the word in a sentence:

  • I’m not chicken, but I’m not sure I’m brave enough to go parasailing. 
  • He was chicken out when it came to skydiving, so he missed out on a great experience. 
  • She didn’t want to chicken out, so she decided to try the new flavor of ice cream even though she wasn’t sure she would like it. 


A “yellow-belly” is someone who is cowardly or lacking in courage. It’s a derogatory term used to describe someone who isn’t brave enough to stand up for themselves or others. A yellow-belly is not motivated to work or put effort into anything. They would rather lounge around and do nothing.

The following are examples of how to use the term in a sentence:

  • I’m not a yellow-belly; I can stand up for myself. 
  • He’s a coward, and he’s such a yellow-belly.
  • Don’t be such a yellow-belly; come out and play with us.   


A coward is someone who is afraid to face challenges or take risks. Often, cowards avoid difficult situations or challenges altogether out of fear. This can make them appear weak or pathetic to others. While everyone experiences fear at times, cowards let their fears control them. 

The Cambridge Dictionary describes a “coward” as a noun, and it means “a person who is not brave and is too eager to avoid danger, difficulty, or pain”.

Here are a few examples to help you better understand how the word is used in a sentence:

  • Peter is a bit of a coward when it comes to public speaking.
  • Janice is such a coward when it comes to spiders.
  • I’m such a coward when it comes to heights.

What Does It Mean To Give Up Easily?

To give up easily means that someone is not determined to achieve their goals. They give up when the going gets tough instead of fighting through the challenges. People who give up easily usually don’t have a lot of grit and perseverance, which are essential traits for success.

The following are examples of how to use the phrase in a sentence:

  • When you’re trying to lose weight, giving up easily on your diet will only lead to frustration and disappointment.
  • People in relationships who give up easily are more likely to experience hardship and breakups down the road.
  • Students who give up easily on their studies are more likely to struggle in school and eventually drop out.
  • Those who give up easily on their dreams tend to live life with little purpose or direction.

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martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

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