Word for willing to buy

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

готовы покупать

готовы купить

готов купить

охотно покупают

готов покупать

хотят купить

хочет купить

хотят покупать

охотно покупать

желающих купить

желающих приобрести

готовы приобрести

The main reason why many patients are willing to buy drugs in foreign countries is quality.

Основная причина, по которой многие пациенты готовы покупать лекарства в зарубежных странах — это качество.

And they are willing to buy products or treatments that will help them do that.

И они готовы покупать продукты или лечение, которые помогут им этого достичь.

You’re limited in functionality to what plugins and themes you can find and are willing to buy.

Вы ограничены в функциональности тем, какие плагины и темы вы можете найти и готовы купить.

Interestingly, 87% of users plan to try out new products before buying, and the others are willing to buy them immediately.

Интересно, что 87% пользователей планируют опробовать новинки перед покупкой, а остальные готовы купить их сразу же.

I was hoping for better service as I was willing to buy a more expensive machine and pay the difference.

Я надеялся на лучшее обслуживание, поскольку я был готов купить более дорогую машину и заплатить разницу.

She contacted anyone and everyone who was willing to buy my work.

Она общалась с любым, кто был готов купить мои работы.

More and more people are willing to buy weapons, lethal or non-lethal for their own protection.

Все больше и больше людей готовы покупать оружие, смертельное или несмертельное для собственной защиты.

Wearable electronics are willing to buy many users who were disappointed in the first generation hours.

Носимую электронику готовы покупать многие пользователи, которые разочаровались в первом поколении часов.

Consumers are willing to buy organics, manufacturers and retailers are convinced of the correctness of the development of organic production.

Потребители готовы покупать органику, производители и ритейл убеждены в правильности развития органического производства.

That person might be willing to buy it at a discount.

Этот человек может быть готов купить его со скидкой.

For this reason they are willing to buy her all the best.

As mentioned earlier, it is essential to check the market value of the model you are willing to buy.

Как уже упоминалось ранее, важно проверить рыночную стоимость модели, которую вы готовы купить.

Most customers are willing to buy more expensive items because of the greater quality or the added convenience.

Большинство клиентов готовы покупать более дорогие товары из-за лучшего качества или дополнительного сервиса.

You will be willing to buy peace at any cost.

In addition, European countries are willing to buy only certified products that comply with international standards DIN+.

Кроме того, европейские страны готовы покупать только сертифицированную продукцию, соответствующую мировым стандартам DIN+.

So they are willing to buy this product/ service.

They are willing to buy and hold.

Many of them are willing to buy properties here.

If more people are willing to buy bitcoins, the price goes up.

Если большое количество людей желают приобрести «биткойн», то цена возрастет.

Demand is the relationship between the price of the item and the quantity that consumers are willing to buy.

Спрос — это зависимость цены товара и количества, которое потребители желают купить.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 646. Точных совпадений: 646. Затраченное время: 89 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Its representatives are willing to buy metallurgical, pharmaceutical and chemical industries.

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Его охотно покупают представители металлургических, фармацевтических и химических промышленностей.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Foreign companies are exponentially more willing to buy technological solutions.

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Если ты поместишь что-нибудь в онлайн, кто-нибудь где-нибудь захочет это купить.

Fair visitors were willing to buy the production of Samogitians(Žemaitija people).

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Now nobody’s willing to buy what he’s selling except this El Sapo guy.

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И теперь никто не хочет покупать у него краденное, кроме этого парня, Эль Сапо.

Unfortunately, any ordinary customer willing to buy something via foreign online stores faces lots obstacles.

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К сожалению, перед обычным покупателем, желающим приобрести что-нибудь в иностранных интернет- магазинах, встает множество барьеров.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

On the left side of the screen,

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Most often, women customers are willing to buy a pendant or Bohemian glass charm at our shop.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Чаще всего наши покупательницы желают купить кулон или подвеску из Богемского стекла.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

A drawback of this indicator is when more

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Падение данного показателя происходит, когда строится больше домов,

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

And as trust in Electronic Policies increases, there


be more and more people willing to buy them.

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И по мере того, как увеличится доверие к Электронным полисам, будет все больше желающих их приобрести.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Faster, more convenient service could lead



growth of e-commerce as people become more willing to buy items online.

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Электронная торговля Более быстрая и удобная услуга приведет к росту электронной торговли,

поскольку клиенты с большей охотой будут покупать товары через Интернет.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

The heat it come in droves willing to buy non-stop and think Polly meet them all at lightning speed.

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Тепло он пришел в массовом порядке готовы покупать нон-стоп, и думаю, что Polly встретить их всех с молниеносной скоростью.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Machine-building enterprises of the region are interested in modernization and are willing to buy new equipment and modern technology.

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Машиностроительные предприятия региона заинтересованы в техническом перевооружении и готовы покупать новое оборудование и современные технологии.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

In words, each consumer is willing to buy healthy natural bread wholemeal, nin

fact about this bread uses minimal demand.

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На словах каждый потребитель выражает желание покупать полезный натуральный хлеб из муки грубого помола,

но на деле такой хлеб пользуется минимальным спросом.

And it costs less. willing to buy as tillers»Agro-Tech»and» Fortune»,

in which there are no chains and belts.

context icon

в которых отсутствуют цепи и ремни.

because they know for sure that it is a natural, high-quality product with excellent taste.

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так как знают наверняка, что это натуральный, качественный продукт с отличными вкусовыми качествами.

already numbering more than 3000 citizens, is increasing every minute.

context icon

более 3000 граждан, и число членов которой непрерывно растет.

For clients willing to buy 5


10 apartments the discount is 10%, over 10 apartments-15% and for clients willing to buy the whole complex or an entire floor 20% discount.

Any chance you would be willing to buy a couple extra guns with our share of the watch money

and let us help out?

context icon

Есть шанс, что вы захотите купить пару стволов и на нашу долю денег за часы

и разрешите помочь вам?

If you’re willing to buy a new one instead of resorting


the second hand market,

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Если Вы желаете новый, а не подержанный Вирус, самое время задуматься о его покупке.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Since April 11 everybody willing to buy a car has an opportunity


become the owner

of new car from ZAZ with considerable discount.

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С 11 апреля каждый желающий приобрести автомобиль имеет выгодную возможность стать владельцем нового

авто от ЗАЗ с ощутимой скидкой.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Select the skins which the website of your choice is willing to buy from you or those that can be placed on the online marketplace;

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Выбрать скины, которые сайт готов у тебя купить, или те, что можно разместить на торговой площадке сайта.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

If there were a buyer in the market willing to buy Russian gas under the contract for 2035,

this gas would be sold right now.

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Если бы на рынке появился покупатель, который был готов приобрести российский газ по контракту на 2035 год,

то такой газ мог


продан уже сейчас.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Results: 7649,
Time: 0.0266







Автоматический перевод


Перевод по словам

will  — воля, желание, завещание, волеизъявление, хотеть, желать, завещать, проявлять волю


She is willing to help.

Она охотно поможет.

How much are they willing to pay?

Сколько они готовы заплатить?

I am willing to make a trade with you.

Я готов совершить с тобой сделку.

She was ready and willing to work hard.

Она была готова и горела желанием усердно работать.

Most people are willing to give to charity.

Большинство людей охотно даёт деньги на благотворительность.

I told them I was perfectly willing to help.

Я сказал им, что с большой охотой им помогу.

He was available and willing to accompany her.

Он был свободен и готов её сопровождать.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Witnesses were willing to cooperate.  

He’s always willing to help. Bless him!  

They are willing to die for the motherland.  

She’s willing to help you but only as a favor to me.  

Conveniently, her parents are often willing to babysit.  

The public is willing to forgive him for his peccadillos.  

It’s unfortunate that so few people seem willing to help.  

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.


(redirected from Willing to Buy)

Category filter:

Acronym Definition
WTB Want To Buy
WTB Wanting to Buy
WTB With the Boys
WTB FCC Wireless Telecommunications Bureau
WTB What’s the best
WTB Werktuigbouwkunde (Dutch)
WTB Window to Bitmap
WTB Willing to Buy
WTB Warrior Transition Battalion (US Army)
WTB Wales Tourist Board (UK)
WTB With the Beatles (Beatles album)
WTB Wouldn’t That Be (Internet chat)
WTB Way to Be
WTB Who’s the Boss? (TV show)
WTB West Town Bikes (Chicago, IL)
WTB Where’s the Beef?
WTB What the Buck
WTB Wire Train Bus (rail transportation)
WTB Wife to Be
WTB Working Trial Balance
WTB Wing Tip Brake (aircraft actuation systems)
WTB Worldwide Technology Business (Booz Allen Hamilton)
WTB What the Butt?
WTB War Trade Board (USA)
WTB Wilderness Trail Bikes, Inc.
WTB Wavelength-To-Band

References in classic literature

When no one appeared willing to buy it, in order to attract purchasers, he cried out that he had the statue to sell of a benefactor who bestowed wealth and helped to heap up riches.

They believed that they had something new and marvellous, which some one, somewhere, would be willing to buy. Until this good genie should arrive, they could do no more than flounder ahead, and take whatever business was the nearest and the cheapest.

The Namibian Police he further pointed out is also another public entity that is not willing to buy local products.

Buyers are willing to buy at the support level, but they are not willing to buy to push prices through resistance.

Feeling betrayed, the teen heads to the Albert, where she finds a couple of men willing to buy her drinks, and gets into a car with them.

A drop in prices is mostly welcomed by vendors and traders at the market because it helps boost sales and attract more customers who are willing to buy larger quantities.

The very-interested-to-buy-from-startups list is topped by workflow and productivity solutions, with almost a half of the respondents willing to buy solutions in this segment from startups.

In other words she’s not some pliable piece of eye candy who’s willing to buy into his cynical svengali act for a shedload of cash and brand exposure while keeping her gob shut.

Unlike retail stores, the promotions are less about getting consumers to purchase wine for that holiday and more about tying a promotion to a holiday when consumers are likely to be borne and willing to buy wine.

However, he noted that the company was not willing to buy retail banking assets in eurozone countries with weak growth.

A limit order lets you specify a maximum price at which you’re willing to buy or a minimum price for a sale, giving you more control over the trade.

Acronyms browser

  • WIKI
  • WIL
  • WILA
  • WILB
  • WILC
  • WILD
  • WiLex
  • WILF
  • WILG
  • WILJ
  • WILL
  • Willing to Buy
  • WILO
  • WILP
  • WILpower
  • WILR
  • WILS
  • WILT
  • WILU
  • WILW
  • WIM
  • WIM FS
  • WIMA

Full browser

  • willing her on
  • willing her to
  • willing him on
  • willing him to
  • willing horse
  • willing horse
  • willing horses
  • Willing Inmates of Nevada Gaining Sobriety
  • willing it away
  • willing it on
  • willing it to
  • willing me on
  • willing me to
  • willing on
  • willing one to
  • willing someone on
  • willing someone to
  • willing something away
  • willing something on
  • willing something to
  • Willing suspension of disbelief
  • willing that away
  • willing that on
  • willing them away
  • willing them on
  • willing them to
  • willing these away
  • willing these on
  • willing those away
  • willing those on
  • Willing to Buy
  • willing to go to the ends of the earth
  • Willing to Kill
  • Willing to Negotiate
  • willing to step in front of a moving train for
  • willing to step in front of a moving train for her
  • willing to step in front of a moving train for him
  • willing to step in front of a moving train for me
  • willing to step in front of a moving train for one
  • willing to step in front of a moving train for somebody
  • willing to step in front of a moving train for someone
  • willing to step in front of a moving train for them
  • willing to step in front of a moving train for us
  • willing to step in front of a moving train for you
  • willing us on
  • willing us to
  • Willing Workers in Alternative Technology
  • Willing Workers in South Africa
  • Willing Workers on Organic Farms
  • willing you on
  • willing you to
  • Willing, Able and Ready
  • Willing, New York
  • Willing, Thomas
  • Willingale
  • Willingale
  • Willingdon, Freeman Freeman-Thomas, 1st marquess of
  • Willingham
  • Willingham Green
  • Willingham Green
  • willingly

  • #1

«I was really excited when I first learned about the Robovie-PC, the little Robot with a PC built in. Students at Electro-Communication University in Osaka competed in a princess rescue challenge and demonstrated that a robot can be romantic if you’re willing to buy-in a little bit.»

What does the expression «buy-in» mean here?

Thank you very much!

  • Copyright

    • #2

    Believe in the dream or the proposition. I wouldn’t hyphenate the verb form, as it is here, but the noun and adjective forms would be hyphenated. Keep in mind, buy-in has several other definitions in other areas.


    • #3

    There are other threads on «buy-in» — HERE.
    But your context is slightly different.

    …and demonstrated that a robot can be romantic if you’re willing to buy-in a little bit.
    …and demonstrated that a robot can be romantic if you’re willing to use a little imagination.
    …and demonstrated that a robot can be romantic if you’re willing to stretch your imagination a little.
    …and demonstrated that a robot can be romantic if you’re willing to ignore that it’s a mechanical gadget.
    …and demonstrated that a robot can be romantic if you’re willing to believe what you see.

    It mean’s «believe» here, but I’m sure you can see the subtlety here.

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  • Word for who they really are
  • Word for white dog
  • Word for when you want to do something
  • Word for when you miss someone
  • Word for when you have to make a decision

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