Word for white dog

Белый окрас шерсти у щенка выглядит просто великолепно. Несмотря на разнообразие подходящих кличек для собак белой масти, выбрать нужный вариант не всегда просто. Ведь имя, которое подойдет для маленькой белой собаки, может совершенно не подойти для крупного белого пса. Но есть и универсальные клички специально для щенков с белым окрасом шерсти, вне зависимости от размера. Выбор также может встать между популярной и необычной кличками.

Как назвать белого щенка – мальчика или девочку? Смотрите самый полный список красивых, забавных и необычных имен для белоснежных щенят!

455+ красивых кличек для белых собак

Джуно на прогулке


  1. Популярные имена
  2. “Белый” на языках мира
  3. Астрономические клички
  4. Белый в природе
  5. Забавные и смешные клички
  6. Благородные и аристократичные прозвища
  7. Географические клички
  8. Гастрономические клички
  9. Клички в честь горнолыжных курортов
  10. Клички в честь заснеженных гор

Популярные имена

Имеются имена, которые пользуются наибольшей популярностью у хозяев. Ниже приведен список, который может натолкнуть вас на определенный выбор.

Для мальчика вполне подойдут:

  • Хантер;
  • Денвер;
  • Йети;
  • Норд;
  • Борей;
  • Нилас;
  • Полар;
  • Айс;
  • Морган;
  • Риггс;
  • Лаки;
  • Сенди;
  • Виспер;
  • Фрост;
  • Беляк;
  • Пабло;
  • Фалько;
  • Саймон;
  • Балу;
  • Коттон;
  • Уайт;
  • Вельвет;
  • Пьеро;
  • Джуно;
  • Опал;
  • Изумруд;
  • Абель;
  • Блинки;
  • Авалон;
  • Тайлер;
  • Честер;
  • Даймонд;
  • Спайк;
  • Бир;
  • Альбус;
  • Гарри;
  • Честер;
  • Майки.

И для девочки:

  • Шеба;
  • Урса;
  • Аврора;
  • Айси;
  • Шуга;
  • Альба;
  • Зара;
  • Гвен;
  • Грэйси;
  • Фифи;
  • Кэлли;
  • Блонди;
  • Шанель;
  • Мира;
  • Тиффани;
  • Эльза;
  • Сиси;
  • Мисти;
  • Хлоя;
  • Полли;
  • Бри;
  • Фиона;
  • Кристалл;
  • Ария;
  • Белоснежка;
  • Акадия;
  • Дива;
  • Фрэнсис;
  • Кайя;
  • Шаста;
  • Герта;
  • Гамма;
  • Джуна;
  • Данка;
  • Лора;
  • Шанни;
  • Ивори;
  • Акелла.

455+ красивых кличек для белых собак

Малышка Кристалл

“Белый” на языках мира

У каждого народа есть свой язык. И в каждом языке есть понятие, означающее «белый». Возможно, это именно то, что нужно? Несколько вариантов приведены ниже.

Для мальчиков:

  • Бланко (испанский);
  • Бранко (португальский);
  • Бьянко (итальянский);
  • Бланк (французский);
  • Уайт (английский);
  • Блан (гаитянский креольский);
  • Хвитт (исландский);
  • Вит (шведский);
  • Бан (ирландский);
  • Цагаан (монгольский);
  • Бодас (сунданский);
  • Фанфан (йоруба);
  • Альбум (латынь);
  • Хайан;
  • Альб (румынский);
  • Бело.

455+ красивых кличек для белых собак

Бранко познает мир

Для девочек:

  • Бьянка;
  • Фари;
  • Бео;
  • Бэла;
  • Гуин;
  • Биэли (хорватский);
  • Бяла;
  • Сафи;
  • Суду;
  • Вэлла (малаялам).

455+ красивых кличек для белых собак

Вэлла отдыхает

Это интересно! А вы знали, что порода Самоед – это одна из старейших пород, которой насчитывается 3000 лет. Все это время самоеды помогали людям пасти оленьи стада. Эти белые пушистые питомцы прекрасно уживаются в одном доме с другими животными. Детей они очень любят и охотно готовы поиграть с малышами. Данная порода собак чуть не исчезла. Но, к счастью, ее удалось сохранить и теперь самоеды радуют своих хозяев природной красотой, энергичностью и ласковостью. Самоеды очень любят общение с хозяевами и впадают в депрессию, если их на долгое время оставляют в одиночестве.

455+ красивых кличек для белых собак

Вот такая у самоедов позитивная мордочка

Астрономические клички

Глядя на звездное небо, можно увидеть разные космические объекты. Причем их цвет будет казаться человеческому глазу белым. Далее приведен список названий таких объектов, а также звезд и созвездий.

Для мальчиков будут впору:

  • Астероид;
  • Орион;
  • Сириус;
  • Зодиак;
  • Мун;
  • Спутник;
  • Эридан;
  • Персей;
  • Орион;
  • Цефей;
  • Феникс;
  • Октант;
  • Тукан;
  • Нембус;
  • Кастор;
  • Пропус;
  • Алькор;
  • Алиот;
  • Хедус;
  • Марсик;
  • Альфард;
  • Марфик;
  • Хан;
  • Шедар;
  • Дорс;
  • Ансер;
  • Атик.

455+ красивых кличек для белых собак

Симпатяга Орион

А для девочек подойдут:

  • Комета;
  • Луна;
  • Плеяда;
  • Звезда;
  • Венера;
  • Андромеда;
  • Кассиопея;
  • Лира;
  • Лисичка;
  • Корона;
  • Стрела;
  • Альхена;
  • Мускида;
  • Тания;
  • Мусцида;
  • Адара;
  • Исида;
  • Ситула;
  • Капелла;
  • Диадема;
  • Хара;
  • Спика;
  • Сирма;
  • Алия;
  • Мира;
  • Субра;
  • Сальма.

455+ красивых кличек для белых собак

Спика на фотосессии

Белый в природе

Белый цвет можно увидеть и в природе, стоит только повнимательнее присмотреться. Причем белый цвет есть в природе как зимой, так и летом.

Для мальчиков:

  • Снежок;
  • Сноу;
  • Буран;
  • Торос;
  • Север;
  • Холод;
  • Винтер;
  • Глейшер (ледник);
  • Иней;
  • Айсберг;
  • Сугроб;
  • Шквал;
  • Нивяник;
  • Флокс;
  • Георгин;
  • Нарцисс;
  • Ирис;
  • Клематис;
  • Пион;
  • Люпин;
  • Кизил.

455+ красивых кличек для белых собак

Лохматый, но очень обаятельный Ирис

Для девочек:

  • Вьюга;
  • Пурга;
  • Буря;
  • Лавина;
  • Стужа;
  • Близзард (в пер. метель, кличка подойдет и мальчику);
  • Метель;
  • Ромашка;
  • Лилия;
  • Гортензия;
  • Анемона;
  • Сирень;
  • Гвоздика;
  • Бузина;
  • Петуния;
  • Фуксия;
  • Жасмин.

455+ красивых кличек для белых собак

Жасмин наслаждается солнечным днем

Забавные и смешные клички

А как насчет того, чтобы дать питомцу забавную кличку? Возможно, подойдет один из приведенных вариантов.

Для мальчиков:

  • Тандер;
  • Полярник;
  • Нордикс;
  • Мелок;
  • Снежок;
  • Батон;
  • Барри;
  • Чип;
  • Флэш;
  • Болт;
  • Одуванчик (для пушистой собаки);
  • Снупи;
  • Морозко;
  • Флэш;
  • Татер;
  • Бантик;
  • Винни;
  • Кудряш;
  • Финик;
  • Кудряш;
  • Мажор;
  • Стиляга;
  • Вуди;
  • Валли;
  • Доби;
  • Джанго;
  • Жемчуг;
  • Конан;
  • Кубик;
  • Лакост;
  • Майло;
  • Портос;
  • Читер;
  • Фигаро;
  • Факир.

455+ красивых кличек для белых собак

Настоящий Стиляга

Для девочек:

  • Ледышка;
  • Льдинка;
  • Баффи;
  • Панда;
  • Белка;
  • Юки;
  • Чикита;
  • Снегурочка;
  • Барби;
  • Глюкоза;
  • Газировка;
  • Дольчи;
  • Челси;
  • Айко;
  • Юки;
  • Нюша;
  • Нана;
  • Няшка;
  • Стелси.

455+ красивых кличек для белых собак

А это Няшка

У самоеда по кличке Мелкер есть собственный аккаунт в Instagram. Подписчиков у Мелкера насчитывается свыше 90000 человек! Хозяин фотографирует своего белого пушистого питомца в разных красивых местах. Пес очень фотогеничен и отлично позирует. С первого взгляда ясно, что владельцы придают уходу за Мелкером много внимания. Пса можно увидеть как среди зимних пейзажей, так и в летнее время. Судя по всему, у него есть и друг – кот, с которым можно встретить несколько фото. Белый цвет и симпатичная мордочка не оставят равнодушным никого.

Благородные и аристократичные прозвища

Но есть собаки, внешний вид которых сам по себе наталкивает на то, чтобы дать им аристократичное имя, подчеркнув их стать и достоинство. Тем более, если габариты позволяют.

Для мальчиков:

  • Альтаир;
  • Алькор;
  • Кастор;
  • Толиман;
  • Октант;
  • Гарольд;
  • Зигфрид;
  • Сигурд;
  • Бернадот;
  • Виконт;
  • Герцог;
  • Хан;
  • Визирь;
  • Готфрид;
  • Артур;
  • Ланселот;
  • Николас;
  • Леопольд;
  • Арманд;
  • Франсуа;
  • Тристан;
  • Арчибальд;
  • Джордж;
  • Кристиан;
  • Алонсо;
  • Себастьян;
  • Кардинал;
  • Султан;
  • Валент.

455+ красивых кличек для белых собак

Виконту не страшен холод

Для девочек:

  • Стелла;
  • Астрид;
  • Рогнеда;
  • Эльмира;
  • Брунгильда;
  • Селеста;
  • Марго;
  • Принцесса;
  • Герцогиня;
  • Шармель;
  • Шарлотта;
  • Цезарина;
  • Хиллари;
  • Фелиция;
  • Патриция;
  • Ада;
  • Аделина;
  • Глория;
  • Доминика;
  • Леди;
  • Эвелина;
  • Луиза;
  • Беатрис;
  • Амелия;
  • Шанталь;
  • Лионетт;
  • Вивьен.

455+ красивых кличек для белых собак

Аделина решила прилечь на травку

Географические клички

На планете Земля имеются регионы и города, где снег – это привычное явление. Далее приведены варианты, какое имя можно выбрать в честь таких регионов.

Для мальчиков:

  • Арктос;
  • Арктик;
  • Полюс;
  • Север;
  • Ямал;
  • Алтай;
  • Сагеней;
  • Квебек;
  • Полар.

Для девочек:

  • Сиберия;
  • Аляска;
  • Арктика;
  • Тайга;
  • Саха;
  • Акита;
  • Тояма;
  • Камчатка;
  • Сибирь;
  • Тундра;
  • Исландия.

Гастрономические клички

Зайдя на кухню, можно увидеть продукты питания белого цвета. Давайте рассмотрим некоторые варианты.

Для мальчиков:

  • Ирис;
  • Милки;
  • Белок;
  • Сахарок;
  • Кефир;
  • Зефир;
  • Кокос;
  • Бисквит;
  • Йогурт;
  • Мазер (производное от майонез);
  • Маршмеллоу;
  • Марципан;
  • Курт;
  • Рафинад;
  • Рисик;
  • Творог;
  • Тортик;
  • Имбирь;
  • Чеснок;
  • Крем;
  • Орешек.

Для девочек:

  • Ваниль;
  • Альта;
  • Милка;
  • Сметана;
  • Мука;
  • Рафаэлла;
  • Булочка;
  • Сливка (сливки);
  • Глюкоза.

455+ красивых кличек для белых собак

Милка дремлет

Клички в честь горнолыжных курортов

Горнолыжные курорты – это места, куда съезжаются люди, чтобы покататься на лыжах, сноубордах и прочих похожих средствах передвижения. Соответственно, белого снега там хоть отбавляй. Назвать собаку в честь одного из курортов – неплохой вариант.

Для мальчиков:

  • Аспен;
  • Стоу;
  • Банф;
  • Вэйл;
  • Церматт;
  • Китц (сокр. от Китцбюэль);
  • Вистлер;
  • Домбай;
  • Ишгль;
  • Мерано;
  • Бормио;
  • Торанс;
  • Брид;
  • Мориц;
  • Изер;
  • Домбай;
  • Давос;
  • Вельт.

455+ красивых кличек для белых собак

Вистлер позирует

Для девочек:

  • Кортина;
  • Шамони;
  • Роза (Роза Хутор);
  • Игора;
  • Сэлен;
  • Гардена;
  • Брента;
  • Бадия;
  • Чимбра;
  • Мерибель;
  • Сьерра;
  • Мадонна;
  • Алиеска;
  • Акита.

455+ красивых кличек для белых собак

Сэлен любит сидеть «на ручках»

Клички в честь заснеженных гор

Глядя на заснеженные пики понимаешь всю мощь и красоту природы. А названия таких гор прекрасно подойдут для четвероного любимца с белой шерстью.

Для мальчиков подойдут такие клички:

  • Эверест;
  • Эльбрус;
  • Монте;
  • Айленд (Айленд Пик);
  • Кангри (Сток-Кангри);
  • Альп (Альпы);
  • Кутанг;
  • Томур;
  • Фишт;
  • Хидден;
  • Монблан;
  • Триглав;
  • Петрос;
  • Рэйнир;
  • Казбек;
  • Арарат;
  • Кинли;
  • Триглав.

455+ красивых кличек для белых собак

Это Хидден

Варианты для девочек:

  • Белуха;
  • Чогори;
  • Агепста;
  • Мунку;
  • Фудзияма;
  • Актру;
  • Мера;
  • Нанга;
  • Гестола;
  • Джимара;
  • Уилпата.

455+ красивых кличек для белых собак

Чогори наслаждается зимней погодой

Это интересно: ТОП кличек для белых лошадей и жеребцов.

Как видите, вариантов выбора клички для щенков с белым окрасом довольно много. А у Вас есть собака с белой шерстью? Как ее (или его) зовут? Напишите, пожалуйста, какая кличка из перечисленных Вам наиболее понравилась? Может быть, у Вас есть свой вариант, который не вошел в подборку? Нам очень интересно Ваше мнение!

There’s no denying it—white dogs are absolutely adorable. Whether they are big and fluffy, small and scrappy, or have that majestic, wizard-like look, white dog breeds make for amazing pets. 

But choosing the perfect white dog name can prove to be a challenge. Do you go for cute or tough? Classic or completely unique? Or do you go for a moniker that plays up your dog’s fluffy fur?  

Regardless of the direction you choose, there are tons of great names for white dogs to choose from. And we’re here to help you narrow down the best name for your unpigmented pup. 

Best White Dog Names

  • Pearl
  • Casper
  • Ghost
  • Linen
  • Blizzard
  • Marshmallow
  • Fluff
  • Powder
  • Lily
  • Dove
  • Bubbles
  • Cheesecake
  • Quartz
  • Glacier
  • Yuki

While we definitely love all the dog names on this list, these are a few of our favorite white dog names to kick things off with a bang! 

Powder: We like the name Powder for a fluffy white dog who loves the winter weather—like an American Eskimo or an all-white Husky. It conjures up the coolness of fresh-fallen snow and winter activities outside. Plus, it can be a good fit for a male or female dog who is active and athletic. 

Linen: We love the softness and structure of linen fabric. There’s something fresh and lovely about linen garments hanging on a clothing line. And it’s a great white dog name for a sophisticated pup with a great sense of style. Again, this is a great gender-neutral name that evokes a summery feeling all year long. 

Casper: He’s our favorite friendly ghost, but this is also the perfect name for an all-white pup. We like this option for an affectionate and playful male dog who has a young, energetic spirit.

Dove: Dove is another good gender-neutral name for white dogs. It’s elegant, with a little bit of a cool factor. You can’t go wrong!  

Fluff: If your white dog happens to have a puffy, fluffy coat, then this name—inspired by Marshmallow Fluff—is a great option. It’s short, sweet, and pretty dang adorable. 

White Female Dog Names

White dog in studio

If you have a sweet female white dog, one of these white dog names for girl dogs may be the perfect option. 

Bianca: This name means “white” in Italian. It’s classic and cool—ideal for girl pups who have a little bit of sass and swagger. 

Lily: Inspired by white lilies, this name pays homage to the color of the popular spring flower without being too obvious that it’s a color reference. It’s a sweet, simple name for a white girl dog. 

Pearl: The milky white color of authentic pearls is something to behold. And this is a really fitting name for a female dog who happens to love the beach or the ocean. So cute!  

Daisy: Another classic, white floral-inspired name, Daisy is a great option for sweet and dainty white pups. Plus, it has a bit of a 1920s flare, thanks to “The Great Gatsby.” 

Lacey: The intricate workings of lace inspire this pretty white female dog name. It feels modern and current, but still has a vintage flair. 

More White Female Dog Names

  • Sugar
  • Crystal
  • Ivory
  • Aspen
  • Jasmine
  • Icing
  • Feather
  • Angel
  • Swan
  • Albina 

White Male Dog Names

Two white dogs in the snow

If you have a snow-colored dog who happens to be a boy, these white male dog names provide the perfect mix of masculinity and lovability. 

Fog: This name conjures up a cool, misty morning and we think it’s perfect for a white male dog who loves the outdoors and nature. 

Dwight: While this name was definitely made popular by “The Office,” it comes from German origin and means “blonde” or “white.” 

Flash: If your white dog happens to be speedy, we think Flash is the ideal moniker. It evokes that bright, white light from a photo finish or a blur of fur running through the yard. 

Finn: This is a popular boy name for humans, but it’s also a great name for white dogs. Finn is Irish and it means “white” or “fair.” It’s a good subtle nod to your dog’s coat color. 

Walker: Okay, this one is a fun, pop-culture reference to “Game of Thrones,” and the terrifying White Walkers that roamed The North. This is a cool shortened name that is perfect for any GOT fans. 

More White Male Dog Names

  • Wolf
  • Snow Cap
  • Bolt
  • Wynn
  • Blizzard
  • Boo
  • Tofu
  • Moon
  • Chalk
  • Linen

Cute White Dog Names

Cute white dog tan background

If you want to get an “awwwww” reaction after telling people your pup’s name, consider one of these cute white dog names.

Marshmallow: Everyone’s favorite campfire treat, this is a great option for an adorable white pup. It’s sweet and sugary—everything we want in a cute dog name. 

Coconut: Another food name for the win! We love this tropical, fruit-inspired option for a cute white dog. It sounds playful and fun. 

Sheep: It’s always a little bit tongue and cheek to give your pet a name inspired by another animal. We think sheep is an adorable option for a curly-coated white dog who is maybe a tiny bit shy. 

Puff: This is just one of the cutest white dog names you can choose. It’s reminiscent of a powder puff or a puff of snow. It’s short and simple, but immediately brings to mind a small, fluffy pup. 

Popcorn: Another food-inspired name, this is a great white dog name for dogs that like to jump or “pop” into the air during a game of frisbee or fetch. It’s also a cute option for families that love movie night! 

More Cute White Dog Names

  • Q-Tip
  • Snoopy
  • Yuki (means “snow” in Japanese)
  • Coolwhip
  • Spud
  • Yeti
  • Snowball
  • Biscuit
  • Milky
  • Flake

White Fluffy Dog Names


Is your dog’s fur extra poofy? Well these dog names for white fluffy dogs are sure to fit the bill. 

Downy: Down feathers are incredibly soft and fluffy. They make great filling in coats, pillows, and more. So naming a pup with fluffy white fur Downy seems like a good choice. 

Fleece: Fleece is a type of wool that is the fluffy coat covering of animals like sheep. It’s incredibly warm and thick. We love the idea of naming a fluffy dog Fleece—it seems quite fitting. 

Cloud: There’s nothing more fluffy, puffy, and soft than a cloud. And it’s an ideal name for a white dog with a long, soft coat. 

Meringue: If baking is your thing, then you know how thick and fluffy meringue is. Plus, it’s a dog name that you don’t hear every day. We think it’s a winner!

Bubbles: Those suds in your bathtub provide the perfect inspiration for your fluffy white dog—especially if he or she has a curly coat. So cute!

More White Fluffy Dog Names

  • Frosting
  • Cashmere
  • Cheesecake
  • Flossy
  • Shaggy

Unique White Dog Names

Unique white dog with flowers

If you’re looking for something a little bit different and out-of-the-box, these unique white dog names go against the grain.

Parchment: A great option for a regal or senior dog, parchment evokes a sense of antiquity. It was one of the first paper products used in ancient times and the name feels like an ode to the past. 

Quartz: White quartz is a stunning stone that is used in everything from jewelry making to countertop creation. It’s sturdy, durable, and really brilliant to look at—just like lots of dogs out there! 

Champagne: If white wine is your thing and you have a dog with a bubbly personality, this is an awesome option. It’s classy, cute, and definitely unique! 

Celeste: This name derives from Latin and means “heavenly” or “celestial.” We really like this option for a well-behaved white pup. 

Birch: Inspired by the white color on birch trees, this is a great unique white dog name for a bohemian, nature-loving canine. 

More Unique White Dog Names

  • Denali
  • Glimmer
  • Badar (means “full moon” in Arabic)
  • Sprite
  • Ermine

Tough White Dog Names

White dog on mountain hike

If you’ve got a tough guy (or girl) on your hands, these tough white dog names are ideal for rugged and resilient canine companions. 

Glacier: These slow-moving masses of ice are spectacular to behold. They are powerful and have carved out some of the earth’s most amazing treasures. It’s the perfect tough white dog name for your strong canine companion. 

Avalanche: This has a bit of a menacing vibe, but Avalanche is a strong name for a white dog. This one is all about power and undeniable force. If your pup is strong and fast, this is a good option. 

Polar: We like this white dog name for a big breed like a Great Pyrnees or a Komondor—any dog that reminds you of a friendly polar bear who spends time meandering around the arctic. Plus, it’s a pretty cool name—you have to admit.

Blizzard: If your dog’s coat is white as far as the eye can see, then Blizzard is a great option. This is a playful name for a white dog who happens to shed a lot and shakes out a lot of fur during grooming sessions. 

Everest: Mt. Everest is the tallest peak on the planet and the climb up to the summit is covered in snow and ice. This is a great white dog name for a determined pooch who likes to adventure and try new things. 

More Tough White Dog Names

  • Lightening
  • Nova
  • Alaska
  • Siberia
  • Nimbus

White Dog Names Inspired by Flowers

white dog with a flower in his mouth

Shakespeare wrote, “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet,” but we wonder if he was referring to dog names. Different types of flowers make the ideal name for a dog who blooms in your heart forever.

Petunia: These beautiful flowers have over 35 species worldwide and are frost-tender and fast-growing.

Dahlia: Colorful flowers (of which white is one) with spiky petals from a large, round head.

Daffodil: This delicate flower features a trumpet-like structure on a star-shaped background. Daffodils symbolize friendship.

Camellia: From a flowering green shrub comes stunning white blooms.

Vinca: Also called Periwinkle, Vinca is green foliage with small white flowers that bloom from summer until the first frost.

More White Dog Names Inspired by Flowers

  • Alstromeria (can call her Alstro)
  • Anemone (call her Ane)
  • Begonia
  • Cosmo
  • Dianthus
  • Dogwood
  • Lupine
  • Marigold
  • Moonflower
  • Peony
  • Yarrow

White Dog Names Inspired By Food

two white dogs looking at each other

If you are a foodie, consider naming your dog after an edible delicacy. There are plenty of white foods on our list to inspire your pup’s name. For example:

Cauliflower: You can call the dog “Cauli” especially if she is a Collie breed!

Jicama: This Mexican yam bean is sometimes called a Mexican turnip. Known for its white color, it resembles a potato or a turnip.

Kefir: A fermented healthy milk

Spud: A nickname for a potato, Spuds McKenzie is a famous spokesdog

Yogurt: This healthy treat makes a fun dog name, especially if you shorten it to “Yogu”

More White Dog Names Inspired By Food

  • Alfredo (as in Alfredo sauce)
  • Almond
  • Asiago (like the cheese; you can call her “Asi” for short)
  • Bean (as in Vanilla Bean)
  • Brioche (like the bread)
  • Buttercream
  • Cheddar (as in white Cheddar)
  • Chickpea
  • Parsnip
  • Pasta

Names For Dogs That Mean White In Other Languages

cute white puppy staring

Another unique way to name your white dog comes from another language. The word ‘white’ sounds quite rich and exotic in other languages. Here are a few of our favorites:

Alba: Romanian

Album: Latin

Balta: Lithuanian

Ban: Irish

Bialy: Polish

Blanc: French

Blanco: Spanish

Cad: Somali

Fari: Hausa

FunFun: Yoruba

Gwyn: Welsh

Maputi: Filipino

Valge: Estonian

Wit: Afrikaans

Zuri: Basque

Names For White Dogs Mixed With Other Colors

white dog names for cute pups

Even Picasso dipped his brush in various colors from time to time. If your dog is white but has other colors mixed through her fur or coat, try these names on for size.

  • Domino
  • Freckles
  • Harlequin
  • Panda
  • Patches
  • Penny (short for Penguin)
  • Snoopy (the famous cartoon Beagle was black and white)
  • Splash
  • Spot
  • Tuxedo or Tux

White Dog Names Inspired By Weather

white smiling mixed breed dog

The weather has been inspiring human names for centuries, like Autumn or Spring, for example. If you’re stumped for a standout name for your white dog, let the weather guide you.

  • Cumulus (type of cloud)
  • Drift
  • Drift (as in snow drift)
  • Frosty
  • Icy
  • Powder (as in powdery snow)
  • Sleet
  • Slush
  • Thaw
  • Vapor (as in frozen vapor)

White Dog Names Inspired By Song Titles

three white pups in a row

Music is the inspiration for many things in life, so why not dog names? There are many song titles that contain the word ‘white.’ See if any of these titles hit the right note for your dog’s name.

Blank: “White Blank Page” by Mumford and Sons

Bride: “White Wedding” by Billy Idol

Christmas: “White Christmas” by Bing Crosby

Church: “Little White Church” by Little Big Town

Cliff: “The White Cliffs of Dover” by Vera Lynn

Duck: “One White Duck” by Jethro Tull

Flag: “White Flag” by Dido

Horse: “White Horse” by Taylor Swift

Iverson: “White Iverson” by Post Malone

Knuckles: “White Knuckles” by OK Go

Lightning: “White Lightning” by George Jones

Limo: “White Limo” by Foo Fighters

Mustang: “White Mustang” by Lana Del Rey

Never: “Never Worn White” by Katy Perry

Pale: “A Whiter Shade of Pale” by Procol Harum

Queen: “Snow White Queen” by Evanescence

Rabbit: “White Rabbit” by Jefferson Airplane

Satin: “Nights in White Satin” by the Moody Blues

Shadow: “White Shadows” by Coldplay

Sport: “White Sport Coat” by Marty Robbins

Dog Names Inspired By Superheroes Who Wear White

Some superheroes don a cape or outfit composed primarily of white. If your dog is your superhero, it makes perfect sense to name them after one of these fab folks.

Dagger: A Marvel female superhero Dagger can create small daggers with her Lightforce. She dons an all-white outfit.

Frost (Emma Frost): Originally an enemy of the X-Men, she had a change of heart and switched sides after an accident.

Phantom (Phantom Girl): She belongs to the Legion of Heroes and wears an outfit of primarily white with some black. She is known to phase out of reality.

Power (Power Girl): Her outfit is mostly white with patriotic red and white colors in different locations. She belongs to an alternate universe but does come across Superman and Supergirl.

Best Products for White Dogs

All featured products are chosen at the discretion of the Great Pet Care editorial team and do not reflect a direct endorsement by the author. However, Great Pet Care may make a small affiliate commission if you click through and make a purchase.

Now that you have a selection of names from which to choose, your snow-colored dog needs special products to keep him in tip-top shape. Ask any pet parent to a white dog about their biggest struggles, and keeping the coat bright and clean will be high on their list. White-coated dogs seem to attract stains from dirt, food, tears, and urine more than their darker-colored counterparts. Because few coat colors are as bright as snow white, we’ve assembled a list of our favorite products to keep your dogs looking their best.

Best Tear Stain Wipes for White Dogs

Our pick: Great Eyes Tear Stain Wipes

Great Eyes tear stain wipes

Tear stains are caused by an overflow of tears that accumulate on a dog’s face. On white fur, tear staining looks dark and may indicate a more serious underlying condition. Once your veterinarian rules out medical-related tear staining, keep your pup’s eye area clean and dry. Great Eyes Tear Stain Wipes are safe to use around the eyes to eliminate and prevent stains gently. As a bonus, they can be used on your snowy dog’s ears and mouth area to wipe away discoloration. With continued use, these dog wipes will eliminate future residue and staining on white fur. 


  • Made with plant-based surfactants (active agents) derived from coconut and palm
  • Infused with non-irritating, natural ingredients 
  • Can be used daily until the build-up of stain residue is removed
  • Won’t deplete your dog’s natural skin lipid barrier
  • Made in the USA without alcohol, MEA, DEA, sulfates, or parabens
  • 100-count container lasts a long time and is easily portable 

Things to Consider

  • For use on dogs 12 weeks or older
  • Any tear stains not removed with the first week is considered “dyed fur” and should be grown out and properly trimmed off
  • Avoid abrasive rubbing and contact with the eyes
  • Check with your veterinarian first to rule out pre-existing medical causes of staining

Best Cleaning Wipes For Snow Colored Dogs

Our pick: Great Clean Aloe & Oatmeal Wipes

Great Clean pet wipes

The whiter the dog, the more visible the stains and dirt. Best used after walks and for any spills, spots, or grimy areas on your pooch, Great Clean wipes are gentle for everyday use. The aloe and oatmeal formula keeps a white dog’s coat clean and odor-free. Hard-to-reach areas like armpits, skin folds and foot pads are easily handled with these wipes. Pack them along for road trips, rainy days, picnics, hiking, a day at the beach, or on visits with friends and family. Because they are specifically formulated for dogs and not interchangeable with baby wipes or household wipes, your pup’s skin won’t become irritated. As a bonus, the piña colada scent is light and breezy.


  • Powerful yet effective aloe and oatmeal formula gently soothes a dog’s skin
  • The plant-based deodorizing formula is safe to use 
  • Substantially sized wipes mean more coverage
  • Conditioning ingredients leaves white coats clean and smelling fresh 
  • Travel-ready and portable for on-the-go cleanup 
  • Durability means the wipes will stay in one piece during use 

Things to Consider

  • Do not use near a dog’s eyes or mucous membranes
  • Not available in an unscented version 
  • If skin irritation develops or continues, discontinue use and seek veterinary care

Best Raincoat For White Dogs

Our pick: Hurtta Rain Blocker Dog Raincoat

white dog rain coat

Some dog clothes are designed for fashion, but others are designed for function. The Hurtta Rain Blocker Dog Raincoat is breathable, waterproof, dirt-resistant, and ideal for white dogs to wear in rainy, snowy, slushy weather. The more dirt and grime kept off your dog means less cleanup time for you. In addition to its waterproof feature, the Hurtta Rain Blocker is comfortable and made of a flexible fabric that doesn’t rustle when the dog moves. Snowy-colored canines will look fashionable and functional in this adjustable raincoat. 


  • Allows freedom of movement so dogs can run and play 
  • Available in a variety of sizes to fit all sized dogs
  • Front legs minimize the amount of dirt on the dog
  • Covers nearly 80 percent of the dog’s body 
  • Multiple reflectors to ensure visibility 
  • High collar with rain trap to prevent water from getting on the dog’s neck
  • Opening for harness on the back of the coat

Things to Consider

  • Properly measure your dog to ensure the right size 
  • Dogs unaccustomed to wearing clothes may need a period of adjustment first
  • Your dog’s rear legs are not covered

Best Cleansing Shampoo For White Coat Dogs

Our pick: Wahl Whitening Dog Shampoo

Many dog shampoos claim to help keep a white coat clean, but many of them also contain irritating ingredients and aren’t pH balanced. Wahl’s whitening shampoo is formulated with plant-based ingredients rather than hard chemicals and is completely pH balanced for regular at-home bathing. This rich-lather shampoo provides a gentle clean and features less than 1% color enhancer to brighten dingy coats.


  • Made with plant-based ingredients
  • Less than 1% color enhancer
  • No parabens, alcohol, or PEG-80
  • Ideal for dogs with allergies
  • Concentrated to give you more baths per bottle
  • Rich lather and white pear scent

Things to Consider

  • May not fully whiten really tough stains on fur

Best White Dog Boots for Paw Protection

Our pick: PawZ Rubber Dog Booties

white dog boots paw protection

All dog paws deserve protection from ice, snow, salt, lawn chemicals, and hot surfaces. Keep your white dog’s paws safe and dirt-free with PawZ dog booties. Disposable and reusable, these waterproof boots fit securely without zippers, snaps, or straps. PawZ dog booties move in tandem with your pooch for full paw motion without restriction. As a bonus, they serve as traction control and help prevent licking and biting from seasonal allergies. Made of natural rubber, PawZ are environmentally friendly and 100 percent biodegradable. 


  • 12 PawZ per package so each set can be worn several times
  • Easy to clean after use 
  • Help keep your home and furniture clean after long walks and on wet, snowy days
  • Available in a variety of selections for every size dog
  • Keeps chemicals and debris off dog paws and from between paw pads
  • Durable to withstand concrete and repeated use

Things to Consider

  • A period of in-home adjustment and positive reinforcement may be needed 
  • Learning curve for pet parents to slip them on dog’s paws easily
  • Ensure the right size is ordered so they aren’t too snug or too loose-fitting

Congrats on your new pup! No doubt you’re giddy about adding a new member to your family. But choosing a name for your new white dog may also be a little stressful. Don’t sweat it. While some people choose dog names that are very personal (like after a favorite restaurant) or timely (after today’s hottest movie character), the distinctive color of your white dog may be just the thing to stir your creative juices. 

white maltese puppy taking a walk

Most owners choose to keep their Maltese’s coat cut short. Not only is it adorable, but it’s much easier to groom!

| Credit: kimrawicz / Getty

For some people white is the color of cold (inspiring names like Blizzard). Do you have a fluffy white dog? What about a fluffy white food name like Marshmallow or Popcorn? Maybe your new pooch is a combination of colors, like black-and-white or brown-and-white. Her color scheme could be just right for a name like Checkers or Patches. 

Whether you have a white girl dog or a white boy dog, we’re happy to help with some inspiration.  Here are 150, yes 150, names for white dogs. Try a couple on and see what fits!

white great pyrenees running through snow

white German Shepherd puppy running in grass

Left: Great Pyrenees are great snow dogs. They even have double dewclaws, a rare feature for navigating challenging terrain (including snow-capped mountains!). | Credit: rpbirdman / Getty

Right: Beautiful white German Shepherd running through the grass. | Credit: Getty

White Dog Names Inspired by Cold

  •  Avalanche
  •  Glacier
  •  Arctic
  •  Blizzard
  •  Iceberg
  •  Igloo
  •  Winter
  •  Everest
  •  Alaska
  •  Polar

White Dog Names Inspired by Yummy White Foods

  •  Marshmallow
  •  Brie
  •  Coconut
  •  Vanilla/Nilla
  •  Popcorn
  •  Champagne
  •  Chardonnay
  •  Blondie
  •  Yogurt/Gurt
  •  Crackers

White Dog Names Inspired by Language

  •  Bianca (Italian)
  •  Bianco (Italian)
  •  Blanco (Spanish)
  •  Blanc (French)
  •  Baltas (Lithuanian)
  •  Bela (Slovenia)
  •  Alba (Latin)
  •  Weiss (German)
  •  Bán (Irish) 
  •  Vit  (Swedish)

White Dog Names Inspired by the Obvious

  •  Q-Tip
  •  Cotton
  •  Blanch
  •  Ivory
  •  Ice
  •  Fluffy
  •  Frosty
  •  Milky
  •  Charmin
  •  Flour

Names for White Dogs with Patches of Black

  •  Pepper
  •  Checkers
  •  Domino
  •  Bessie
  •  Patches
  •  Panda
  •  Marble
  •  Mittens
  •  Yin Yang
  •  Zebra

Names for White Dogs with Patches of Brown

  •  Java
  •  Mocha Chip
  •  Snickerdoodle
  •  Beans
  •  Scotcheroo
  •  Herbie
  •  Choco
  •  Latte
  •  Sprinkles
  •  S’mores

Names for Big White Dogs

  •  Bones
  •  Beluga
  •  Casper
  •  Dove
  •  Swan 
  •  Ghost
  •  Nimbus
  •  Nova
  •  Wolf
  •  Buddy 

Names for Little White Dogs

  •  Cutie
  •  Yoyo
  •  Fluffy
  •  Squish
  •  Toot
  •  Nugget
  •  Whisper
  •  Princess 
  •  Curly
  •  Toy

White Dog Names Inspired by a Sweet Tooth

  •  Taffy
  •  Truffles 
  •  Cookie
  •  Oreo
  •  Sweetie
  •  Sugar
  •  Divinity
  •  Lolli
  •  Candy
  •  Cream Puff

White Dog Names Inspired by Favorite Brands

  •  Lulu 
  •  Juicy
  •  Lucy 
  •  Fendi
  •  Gucci
  •  Chanel
  •  Dior
  •  Ralph
  •  Louie
  •  Coco

twin round cut white poodles

These twinning bichon frises have a distinctive round cut that makes them dog show ready.

| Credit: zhao hui / Getty

White Dog Names Inspired by Black Dogs

  •  Shadow
  •  Cocoa
  •  Inky
  •  Dusty
  •  Noir
  •  Graphite
  •  Onyx
  •  Raven
  •  Jett
  •  Ash

White Dog Names Inspired by Hollywood

  •  Hayward
  •  Audrey
  •  Clarice 
  •  Sophia
  •  Maverick
  •  Greta
  •  Harlow
  •  Ingrid
  •  Hudson
  •  Cooper

White Dog Names Inspired by Climate

  •  Cloudy
  •  Summer
  •  Dusky
  •  Stormy
  •  Weather
  •  Breezy
  •  Sunshine
  •  Radar
  •  Thunder
  •  Flash

White Dog Names that Are Just Great Dog Names

  •  Scout
  •  Mookie
  •  Lucky
  •  Doogie
  •  Rex
  •  Gus
  •  Bogey
  •  Benny
  •  Pixel
  •  Groot

White Dog Names Inspired by the Frozen White Stuff

  •  Snow White
  •  Snow Cone
  •  Snowflake
  •  Snowball
  •  Snow Princess
  •  Snow King
  •  Snowbird
  •  Snow
  •  Snowy
  •  Jon Snow

White Dog Names

If you are anything like us, and you love a white fluffy coat, then you will also love this list of over 175 white dog names!

Dog’s come in all shapes and sizes, from a pocket-sized puppy to a massive mutt, with big ears or small paws and a whole range of colors: red, black, blue, or golden.

This week, we have chosen to pick out the best names for white dogs.

We have taken inspiration from precious gemstones, minerals, and crystals for your prized white puppy that is perfect come rain or shine!

My Pet's Name Book

White Samoyed Puppy

These names are all related to gemstones and mineral rocks, which are perfect for any white dog because of their associations with delicacy and exquisiteness.

Let everyone know how fantastic your dog is with these graceful names.

Although these gemstones and crystals can be worth a lot of money – your precious white dog friend is priceless:

  • Pearl – this pale shiny object is supposed to symbolise wisdom that is gained through experience
  • Porcelain – a ceramic substance made by heating other materials
  • Alabaster – a pale mineral that’s soft enough for carving
  • Opal – an opal showcases a number of beautiful colors in different lights, with white serving as the background
  • Marble – a metamorphic rock, or a small spherical toy
  • Diamond – a solid form of carbon
  • Ivory – a hard white material that traditionally comes from the tusks of elephants
  • Moonstone – this sacred stone is mostly white with tinges of blue. Moonstones have been used in Roman jewelry for nearly two thousand years
  • Crystal – the word for crystal derives from Ancient Greek and it means ‘ice’ and ‘frost’, which are other white-themed elements
  • Topaz – though topaz is usually blue, white Topaz is a colorless variety of this precious stone
  • Swarovski – these crystals typically come in shades of white or silver
  • Zirconia – classified as a member of the titanium family

Cute Names for White Dogs

Dog Standing

This list of cute names for any white dog center around the theme of weather.

The soft fluffy coat of a white dog often resembles snow, and so all sorts of names are perfect for these adorable puppies.

For a sweet-tempered, small, and sleepy white Bichon Frise then a name like ‘Dew’ is fitting.

However, for a huge, domineering stark white Husky, a name like ‘Blizzard’ is much better.

Feel free to breeze through this list of weather-related white dog names for your cloud-like dog:

  • Moon – hopefully, this name is the only thing that connects your dog to the moon. The last thing you want your pup to display is werewolf tendencies!
  • Glacier – a large accumulation of crystalline ice
  • Breeze – think of dogs sticking their head out of car windows and this name will seem appropriate
  • Tornado – a rapidly rotating column of air
  • (Snow) Angel – your white dog doesn’t even need to roll in the frost to be a snow angel
  • Rain – this pup will love the cloudy weather!
  • Lightning – perfect for a dog who isn’t afraid of anything, and who’s faster than the speed of light
  • Daisy – perhaps the most common white flower in any garden
  • Sage – white sage is sacred to the Native Americans and it’s used in rituals and ceremonies
  • Vapor – the gaseous phase of water
  • Avalanche – when a weak layer of snow fractures and slides down a steep slope. (Possibly how it feels when your little white fluffball jumps on the bed to greet you in the morning!)
  • Gale – a strong wind, especially when out at sea
  • Blizzard – a severe snowstorm characterised by strong, sustained winds
  • Jasmine – a small, delicate white flower
  • Ice – water that has frozen into a solid state
  • Angelica – a white flower commonly found in tea and herbal remedies
  • Twister – another word for a tornado
  • Cloud – the perfect name for your white fluffball
  • Cyclone – inward spiralling winds that rotate around an area of low pressure
  • Magnolia – a beautiful white flower that is named after the French botanist Pier Magnol
  • Icicle – a spike of ice that forms when falling water freezes
  • Anemone – the most common color of an anemone is white. It’s also quite the tongue-twister…it may take you a while to call your white dog in from the garden if this is his or her name!
  • Lily – the white lily is one of the most important flower symbols in Christianity
  • Hail – pellets of frozen rain
  • Monsoon – a seasonal shift that usually brings a different kind of weather
  • Hurricane – a type of storm that is otherwise called a tropical cyclone
  • Misty – small droplets of water suspended in air
  • Snowdrop – these have two sword-like leaves and a bell-like drooping flower; they’re also, quite clearly, the color of snow!
  • Dew – water droplets that appear on objects in the morning or evening due to condensation

Best White Dog Names

Best Names for White Dogs

If you want to find the best name for your white dog then we have made a list of some of the coolest, grooviest, cutest, and most popular names for white dogs.

An original, unique, and downright cool way to name your white pooch is to give it a ‘white’ name from a different language!

Just make sure you know what the word actually means, of course.

Think of how impressed your neighbors will be when they hear you calling your white four-legged friend ‘Elurra’ or ‘Schnee’!

These names are all words related to the color white, but not in your mother tongue:

  • Bijela – ‘white’ in Croatian
  • Bianca – ‘white’ in Italian
  • Blanche – ‘white’ in French
  • Branco – ‘white’ in Portuguese
  • Bela – ‘white’ in Slovenian
  • Funfun – ‘white’ in Yoruba
  • Blanka – ‘white’ in Esperanto
  • Alba – ‘white’ in Latin
  • Latte – ‘milk’ in Italian
  • Leche – ‘milk’ in Spanish
  • Elurra – ‘snow’ in Basque’
  • Lumi – ‘snow’ in both Estonian and Finnish
  • Neige – ‘snow’ in French
  • Neve – ‘snow’ in Galician
  • Schnee – ‘snow’ in German
  • Nix – ‘snow’ in Latin
  • Pomba – ‘dove’ in Galician
  • Taube – ‘dove’ in German
  • Kolombo – ‘dove’ in Esperanto

Cool Names for White Dogs

Dog Sitting

The icy white fur of your dog’s coat might make you feel cold, but it also makes them cool in a different sense.

These dogs are calm, collected and always the coolest pups in the dog park:

  • Caspar – named after the friendly ghost
  • Igloo – made from blocks of snow in the shape of a dome
  • Zero – the ghost dog from A Nightmare Before Christmas
  • Elsa – the main character from the Disney movie ‘Frozen’
  • Angel – this white dog is always a good boy/girl!
  • Dove – an international symbol of peace
  • Star – this white pup can be the brightest star in the sky!
  • Blondie – perfect for a dog whose fur borders on yellow and white
  • Mountain – the highest point is called the ‘peak’, which usually has a layer of snow
  • Snoopy – Charlie Brown’s pet white Beagle in the comic strip Peanuts
  • Snowy – this will perfectly match the stark white of your fluffy four-legged friend’s coat
  • Frosty – just like the snowman!
  • Candle – pillar candles and tea lights are typically white
  • Bones – they’re also white and dogs love to chew them!

Names for White Dogs

If you are looking for some wonderful and wacky names for your white dog then you’ve come to the right place!

These funny names are all inspired by white foods and drinks:

  • Gelato – Italian for ‘Ice Cream’; Italy’s ice cream tastes different to its equivalent in other countries, due to how they’re made
  • Cream Puff – name your cute white pup after this sweet treat!
  • Vanilla – perfect for a white dog whose fur has a yellow/blonde tinge
  • Coconut – a coconut is partially white in color and it is also hairy – just like your dog!
  • Salt – this is what you could call your white dog if he or she loves swimming in seawater
  • Tofu – typically substituted by vegetarians for chicken
  • Minty – this dog will definitely be cool and refreshing!
  • Whippy – the foam-like ice cream from your local ice cream van; this would make a perfect name for a crazy dog
  • Sugar – any dog named ‘Sugar’ is likely to be sweet and charming
  • Mushroom – what does it look like when five huskies cram together on a toadstool? Not Mushroom!
  • Marshmallow – perfect for your soft and squidgy white pup!
  • Yogurt – the bacterial fermentation of milk – though it doesn’t sound as appetising
  • Ice Cream – if you were to put your white fluffy dog in a huge ice cream cone you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference!
  • Mash – there’s nothing as comforting as a bowl of creamy mashed potato – except for your pet pup, of course!
  • Cauliflower – name your pup after this delicious vegetable
  • Chicken – though it’s unlikely your dog will lay eggs…
  • Mojito – name your pup after this minty, refreshing alcoholic beverage
  • Milky – you’re not limited to just cow’s milk, there is also soya, almond, rice milk, etc.

Fluffy Names

Funny White Dog Names

So you just got a Poodle, or a Shihtzu, or a Pomeranian, or a Maltese, okay a Collie, or is it a Sheepdog, a Bichon?

We don’t know, they are all very fluffy though.

Just keeping a white dog looking clean can require regular brushing, add some fluff to the situation and you will need a few trips to the groomers.

One of our favorite white fluffy dogs is the American Eskimo, they are very intelligent and are a good size for a first-time pet owner.

So if you need a fluffy name for a fluffy white dog, Chow Chow down on this list and take a look at some of the fluffiest names we could come up with:

  • Cheesecake
  • Daikon – this white radish is popular in South East Asia, especially Vietnam
  • Khaleesi – if you’ve ever seen Game of Thrones you might recognise the Dothraki Queen
  • Tatty – we chose this name because it reminds us of a fluffy roast potato
  • Tzatziki – this yoghurt and cucumber dip is a favorite in Greece
  • Feather – white and fluffy, but not good if you’re ticklish!
  • Glacey
  • Cheese

Small Dog Names

Cool Names for White Dogs

Finally, a list of small white dog names for an adorable puppy.

These names are a mixture of:

  • Geographical place names, with associations to snow, such as Alaska and Arctic
  • Fictional dogs like Fluffy, Ghost and Bolt

We also like white dog names like Frostbite or Creamy (if they are silky smooth to stroke).

Whatever the weather, or country you live in, we have a small white dog name for you, and some cool facts to go with them:

  • Ski – it turns out, you can actually take your dog skiing!
  • Snowflake – just like a snowflake, every dog is unique in its own way
  • Ghost – name your white pup after Jon Snow’s Direwolf from Game of Thrones
  • Phantom – why not take this dog to the opera!
  • Husky – these wolf-like dogs are all, or partially, white in color
  • Arctic – the polar region at the northernmost part of Earth
  • Bolt – the white lead dog in this famous Disney movie
  • Chalk – a soft, white, porous rock that’s usually used for drawing or writing
  • Polar – name your white dog after this big fluffy bear!
  • Fluffy – who can resist a dog named Fluffy? Unless it’s the huge three-headed dog from Harry Potter…
  • Snowball – this pup will love playing around in the snow!
  • Alaska – a northwest U.S. state known for its cold weather
  • Astro – related to astronomy, the scientific study of celestial objects
  • Swan – a graceful white bird
  • Milky Way – the galaxy that contains the solar system

Black and White Dog Names

Black and White Dog Names

Dog’s might be white or black, spotted, stripy or splotchy, whatever their coat’s color, we have got the perfect names for you.

Some of our favorites are Orca (like the black and white killer whale), or Tux (after a Tuxedo):

  • Panda
  • Orca – this is the name for the notorious Killer Whale
  • Oreo – I think we can all agree that a layer of iced cream filling, sandwiched between two chocolate cookies, is probably one of the greatest inventions of the past 100 years, this black and white biscuit is the perfect name for a dog.
  • Pirate – we thought this would be a cool name because pirate flags are always black with white skull and crossbones.
  • Splodge
  • 8-Ball – if you have ever played pool or billiards, you’ll know this black and white ball is the one you pot right at the end to win, just don’t pot it before that or it’s game over.
  • Tiramasu – this Italian dessert is delicious, and it combines cream and coffee to give you a very very tasty black and white dessert, also a good dog name.


Looking after any dog requires love and commitment, and choosing the perfect name is one of the first steps in pet ownership.

We hope you enjoyed this list of white dog names for every kind of white dog out there.

Out of all the names, we thought Stratus and Ghost are the most fun and perfect names.

Before you go, don’t forget to leave us a comment telling us your favorite white dog name from this list!

My Pet's Name Book

Check-Out 18 Befitting White Dog Names       

Looking for white dog names that you can relate to your dog’s color? A pet befitting and pet-sounding name too? 

Let us help you! 

We’ve searched for pet proof names for the words “white”, “snow” and “light».

It was a lot of work.

But we did it. 

We got ourselves a collection of white canine names that are unique, relevant and character befitting!

In short we got quality canine names your pooch can wear with pride.

See the collection below and pick the one you see fit!

Looking for white dog names that you can relate to your dog’s color? A pet befitting and pet-sounding name too? 

Let us help you! 

We’ve searched for pet proof names for the words “white”, “snow” and “light». It was a lot of work.

But we did it. 

We got ourselves a collection of white canine names that are unique, relevant and character befitting!

In short we got quality canine names your pooch can wear with pride!

See the collection below and pick the one you see fit!

  Our 18 Favorite White Dog Names: 

1  -Wit, we love it because it’s short, snappy. It means white in Dutch.

2  -Zuri, another super pet proof name that has an awesome ring to it. It is the Basque word for white.

3  -Milky, one that needs not much introduction. This name will sell itself. We love the pronunciation and “feel” of this word.

4  -Lactic, relevant to the color white. Moreover it’s an awesome word that makes a perfectly good white dog name.

5  -Bianco, a lovely word for white in Italian . This is one word that just swing and makes for a delightful relevant name for a canine.

6  -Lumi, one of our true favorites. It’s the word for snow in Finnish. Makes for a very “pettish” pooch name.

7  -Elurra, the Basque word for snow. Another amazing elegant name to give a light haired doggy. This is what we call an Ace pet name.

8  -Eira, the word for snow in the Welsh language. This is truly a gem of a pet name.

9  -Valo, meaning light in Finnish. A name we deem perfect for a puppy. Regardless of its hair color.

10 -Lysa, it’s Swedish and it stand for shine, light glow. An incredible distinctive name to give your pooch.

11 -Branco, that is the word for white in Portuguese. We happen to think it’s a very doggy-dog name that is bound to be a classic!

12 -Biela, another word that just oozes “doggyness” and has a nice “petable” character. It stands for white in Slovak.

13 -Shiro, Japanese for  the snowy color. A superb name that has a very nice flow.

14 -Kátari, also used for the color of snow from not so well know language…Nomatsig’ga. For those out there who really want an exclusive name for their mongrel.

15 -Weex, from the language Wolof spoken in West Africa (we didn’t make this up…look it up).

16 -Yuki, Japanese for snow. Another relevant and canine befitting name. A top 10 list candidate for sure!

17 -Kaba, a rugged and solid name for a dog. It means snow in Tibetan. 

18 -Berfu, a very eloquent and smooth name that means snow-queen in Turkish. Would make a great name for any pet.

We enjoyed our research to find the most fitting and pet worthy white doggy names. Hopefully you will have made your choice for a truly outstanding and unique name for your dog.

If you still haven’t decided than check out our other pet name collections.

Thank you visiting Ace Petnames

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