Word for when you have to make a decision

Say you have a situation where you are trying to mitigate multiple factors from competing sides, but when you make decisions you have to consider both sides, you can’t just consider one side as it may have a worse outcome on the other side.

So for example, say you were stuck on a deserted island and if you didn’t leave you would starve to death — there was one small rickety looking boat available.

Simply you could say, let’s get in the boat and leave, fixed? No, because you are not considering other factors on if the boat is safe, is it going to burst a leak and you’re going to drown? What if the ocean gets rough and you get chucked out of the boat?

So I’m looking for a word that explains you have to consider both sides, you can’t just consider one of them, as the situation isn’t _______.

asked Aug 8, 2021 at 15:52

Brett's user avatar


There is unilateral:

Unilateral means «one-sided.» If parents make a unilateral decision to eliminate summer vacation, it means that the students’ opinions or opposing views weren’t considered. (Yourdictionary)

Rather than unilateral situation, the more common expression would be unilateral decision:

You have to consider both sides, you can’t just consider one of them, as the situation isn’t unilateral / this is not a unilateral decision to make.

answered Aug 8, 2021 at 18:45

fev's user avatar


25.9k5 gold badges51 silver badges117 bronze badges


I suggest dropping the isn’t and describing what it is. With the isn’t, a reader will have to infer the opposite of the adjective you use. I propose


having many facets (see FACET sense 1) or aspects
a multifaceted approach to health care m-w

facet 1: any of the definable aspects that make up a subject (as of contemplation) or an object (as of consideration)
Each facet of the problem requires careful attention. m-w

answered Aug 8, 2021 at 18:20

DjinTonic's user avatar


18k1 gold badge30 silver badges73 bronze badges


The word decision itself implies that there are multiple factors to consider. It suggests that there are alternatives, or at least a choice to act or not act.

Efforts have been made to formalize or structure the decision-making process by carefully analyzing pros and cons, or costs and benefits, of alternatives, including both current and future consequences. Often the pros and cons are not reducible to a common measurement.

Definition of decision (Entry 1 of 2)

1a : the act or process of deciding
the moment of decision has come

b : a determination arrived at after consideration : CONCLUSION

made the decision to attend graduate school


answered Aug 9, 2021 at 4:38

Xanne's user avatar


14k3 gold badges29 silver badges47 bronze badges

If you decide to use the verb in the affirmative in your sentence (is, not isn’t), then the adjective manifold can be used. It means:

having numerous different parts, elements, features, forms, etc.:

  • a manifold program for social reform.Dictionary.com

So your sentence would be

You have to consider both sides, you can’t just consider one of them, as the situation is manifold.

answered Aug 10, 2021 at 17:54

fev's user avatar


25.9k5 gold badges51 silver badges117 bronze badges

Lopsided, perhaps?

leaning to one side

lacking in balance, symmetry, or proportion : disproportionately heavy on one side

a lopsided vote of 99–1


answered Aug 9, 2021 at 4:41

user405662's user avatar


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When using “take a decision” and “make a decision,” it’s important to understand the differences. They don’t mean the same thing, and many people confuse them. This article will look at what each one means and how you can use them yourself.

What Is The Difference Between “Take A Decision” And “Make A Decision”?

You should use “take a decision” to mean that you acted promptly to decide something rather than referencing any of the build up for that decision. You should use “make a decision” when you want to evaluate the options of the decision before finally making it.

What Is The Difference Between "Take A Decision" And "Make A Decision”?

Typically, “make a decision” means a process. This process has to take place if you want the decision to be the best possible one you can make. Conversely, “take a decision” is something that happens straight away, and there is no way to deliberate further.

You can always have the decision-making process as part of a decision, even if you “take” it. However, the meaning of “take a decision” ignores the process that got us to the final decision and simply looking at the impact of the overall choice.

Is “Take A Decision” Or “Make A Decision” Used The Most?

It’s likely that you’ll hear “make a decision” over “take a decision” in most cases. In fact, it’s very rare that “take a decision” is ever used. However, we’ve got the statistics that demonstrate all you need to know about the common usage of both words.

According to this graph, “make a decision” is more popular by far. It has steadily grown over the last few decades, while “take a decision” doesn’t seem to change much over the last two hundred years.

Is "Take A Decision" Or "Make A Decision" Used The Most?

This graph is a great way of visualizing the differences between the two. Many native speakers avoid using “take a decision” because it doesn’t feel right. Instead, they’ll stick to “make a decision” to include the process of the choice as well, which takes some of the strain away.

Examples Of How To Use “Take A Decision” In A Sentence

If you’re struggling to understand when “take a decision” should be used, you’ve come to the right section. We’ve got some useful examples that’ll demonstrate exactly when you can use it and how we can get it to work for us.

“Take a decision” refers to the impact and final choice that you make. There is no going back, and there’s often no deliberation about the decision further than just making it.

  1. I took the decision to close this business before it was too late.
  2. I think it’s wise for you to take the decision and close.
  3. You should take the decision before things go wrong.
  4. Take a decision before the end of the day; I’ll be expecting an answer soon.
  5. I took the executive decision to end your activities, and I hope you don’t hate me for it.
  6. We took the decision together, and we don’t regret a thing.
  7. Have you ever taken a decision that made a difference?

As you can see, there are very limited cases where “take a decision” and “make a decision” aren’t synonymous. You’ll often find that most native speakers believe them to be interchangeable (even though they’re not).

However, it’s clear from the above examples that “take a decision” isn’t the most common variation. Instead, it’ll likely you’ll see “took the decision” or “take the decision” written down.

We use “the” instead of “a” to be more specific about whatever the decision is that we’re making. Without it, it’s rare that you’ll see “take a decision.”

Examples Of How To Use “Make A Decision” In A Sentence

“Make a decision” is by far the most popular choice. You’ll find most native speakers use it compared to any other form, which is why it’s so potent in the above graph and by far the more popular one.

“Make a decision” is used when you deliberate between choices and come to a final decision. Often, you’re able to spend more time in the thinking process when “making a decision.”

  1. I’d like to make a decision, but I don’t know which of these works best for me.
  2. We implore you to make the decision as soon as you’re able. It won’t be smart to delay.
  3. You should make a decision; otherwise, I’m going to leave you.
  4. I need to make a decision, but I can’t decide which one I like best!
  5. Can we agree to make a decision before we go any further with this?
  6. Let’s just make the decision already and move on! Okay?
  7. She should have made the decision by now. What’s taking her so long?

As you can see, there are plenty of forms of “make a decision,” like “made the decision,” “make the decision,” and all sorts of others. It’s important to understand how they all work before trying to use them yourself.

If you’re writing in the past tense, then “made the decision” works best, and we should use it as such. If you’re talking about a more pressing decision that needs an answer, generally, we use “make the decision,” where “the” acts as a more specific way to ask for a choice.

Is “Take A Decision” And “Make A Decision” Used Differently In American English And British English?

Sometimes, we’ll find key differences between words when we look at how we use them in American and British English. Some native speakers believe most dialect differences to come from this root over anything else.

According to this graph demonstrating American English usage of “take” and “make a decision,” “make a decision” is the only option with popularity. It’s rare to see “take a decision” in any capacity in American English.

take a decision,make a decision American English

In this graph, we can see the usage in British English. Here, “take a decision” is slightly more popular, though not by much. “Make a decision” is by far the most popular choice no matter which language you’re writing in.

take a decision,make a decision British English

American English and British English both use “make a decision” as the most common phrase. It’s rare for either language to use “take a decision.”

Is It Ever Correct To Use “Do A Decision”?

We might sometimes be able to change the verb before “decision” as well. We’ll look at using “do” as a verb to see if it matches up with “decision” and the meaning.

“Do a decision” is never correct to use. “Do” is a verb meaning that we completed an action, which is not synergistic with “decision.” The two words are not compatible, and we should not use them.

That’s why we use “make.” “Make” works well to allow us to show the process of the creation of the decision and the ultimate outcome. We “make” a decision because we’ve created it from the ground up.

We might also “take” a decision because it’s the final choice, and we’re simply grabbing hold of it and taking it away with us.

“Do” doesn’t work if we look at it in the same way since we can’t “do a decision” to complete it.

Is It “Took A Decision” Or “Made A Decision”?

We can also use the phrases in the past tense, and they’re still used in the same way. “Made a decision” is still the more popular choice compared with “took a decision.”

“Made a decision” and “took a decision” are both past tense forms of the phrase. We can use them when the decision has already occurred and nothing can be done to change that in the present.

Here are some examples to show you what we mean:

  • I made the decision to stay.
  • He made the decision yesterday.
  • She took the decision to cancel it.
  • We took the decision to move on.

All of these imply that the decision happened in the past and nothing can be done to change it.

What Is The Difference Between “Decide” And “Decision”?

“Decide,” and “decision” have the same root word, but they’re not the same thing.

You should use “decide” as a verb to talk about making a choice between things. You should use “decision” as a noun to talk about something that you’ve “decided” upon.

The definition of “decide,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “to choose something, especially after thinking carefully about several possibilities.”

The definition of “decision,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a choice that you make about something after thinking about several possibilities.”

Take Or Make A Decision – Synonyms

Finally, let’s go over some synonyms that might help you come up with a better-suited word. With these, you won’t have to worry about the differences between “take a decision” or “make a decision.”

  • Decide
  • Make a choice
  • Choose
  • Determine
  • Come to an agreement
  • Arrive at
  • Settle
  • Conclude
  • Come down to
  • Make up your mind

All of these synonyms are great to replace “make a decision.” We can use verb forms like “decide” or “choose” to keep things simple, or we can use more complicated nouns like “make up your mind” or “come to an agreement.”

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.



Автоматический перевод

принять решение, принимать решение, сделать решение, сделать выбор, вынести решение

Перевод по словам

make  — марка, изготовление, производство, модель, делаться, делать, производить, совершать
decision  — решение, определение, решимость, решительность


I can’t make a decision just yet.

Я пока что не могу принять (какое-то) решение.

He had to make a decision on the spot.

Ему пришлось принять решение на месте.

It took her a long time to make a decision.

Ей понадобилось много времени, чтобы принять решение. / Решение она приняла далеко не сразу.

Let’s not make a decision — let’s sit tight.

Давай не будем принимать решение. Давай просто посидим и подождём.

We must hear the expert before we make a decision.

Мы должны выслушать специалиста, прежде чем принять какое-то решение.

Think it over carefully before you make a decision.

Тщательно все обдумайте, прежде чем принять решение.

He argued that it’s far too early to make a decision.

Он утверждал, что принимать решение ещё слишком рано.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

I often have to make decisions that go against the grain (=are not what I would normally choose to do).  

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Думаю, каждый должен уметь принимать решение (to make a decision / to take a decision). Многие из нас проявляют легкую нерешительность (slight hesitation), долго сомневаются (have second thoughts) или откладывают принятие решения (put off making decisions). Здравое суждение (sound judgement) и мудрость (wisdom) – основные помощники в том, чтобы решить (to arrive at a decision) сделать что-то. Главное – не упустить благоприятную возможность (an opportunity of a lifetime), рассмотреть все варианты (consider all the options), взвесить все «за и против» (the pros and cons), даже если выбор труден (tough/difficult choice), и прийти к решению (come to a decision).

Очень многие люди, которые изучают английский язык, путают два понятия decision и solution. В чем же разница между ними? Все просто.

Decision /dɪ’sɪʒən/ – это решение, которое принимается, выбор между несколькими вариантами. Мы говорим to make a decision, to take a decision, to come to a decision (принять решение).

Некоторые словосочетания с decision

  • Clear-cut decision – чёткое решение.
  • Crucial decision – важное решение.
  • Fair/just decision – справедливое решение.
  • Final decision – окончательное решение.
  • Firm decision – твёрдое решение.
  • Hasty/rash/snap decision – поспешное решение.
  • Unfair decision – несправедливое решение.

Solution /sə’lu:ʃən/ – это решение проблемы, вопроса или задачи, которое мы находим. Мы говорим to find a solution (найти решение).

Некоторые словосочетания с solution

  • Easy solution – простое решение.
  • Ideal solution – идеальное решение.
  • Ingenious solution – оригинальное решение.
  • Neat solution – изящное решение.
  • Satisfactory solution – удовлетворительное решение.

Несколько фразовых глаголов по теме

  • Sleep on it – отложить принятие решения до утра (утро вечера мудренее).
  • Weigh up – взвешивать.
  • Run by… – советоваться с…
  • Plan ahead – планировать заранее.
  • Think ahead – продумать, позаботиться заранее.
  • Think it over – обдумывать.
  • Think through – продумывать.

If you are offered a promising job, but you are not sure whether you want it or not, you can sleep on it. – Если вам предложили многообещающую работу, но вы не уверены, хотите вы ее или нет, можно отложить принятие решения до утра (утро вечера мудренее).

When you are offered a good price for the flat you want to sell, you can weigh up the pros and cons or to run it by your family or close friends. – Когда вам предложили хорошую цену за квартиру, которую вы хотите продать, вы можете взвесить все «за и против» или посоветоваться с семьей или близкими друзьями.

It is unreasonable to pay rent and live in a flat, plan ahead and start saving up to buy it. – Это неразумно платить арендную плату за квартиру, планируйте заранее и начните откладывать деньги на ее покупку.

My parents recommend me to think ahead over the future and imagine my life in 5 or 10 years from now. – Мои родители рекомендуют мне подумать заранее о будущем и представить свою жизнь через 5 или 10 лет.

When your acquaintance offers you to invest all the money you have in a company they have started, you should think it over and tell them about your decision later. – Когда ваш знакомый предлагает вложить все ваши деньги в компанию, которую он основал, вам следует обдумать это и сообщить о своем решении позже.

You can also think through the possible risks and consider probable consequences. – Также вы можете продумать возможные риски и рассмотреть вероятные последствия.

Еще предлагаю посмотреть видео от популярного автора Брендона Берчарда о том, как нужно принимать решения:

Если вы не все поняли из видео, то советую посмотреть это видео еще раз, читая транскрипт здесь.

Надеюсь, что в этой статье вы нашли что-то полезное для того, чтобы выражать свои мысли на английском. Конечно, не все так просто в принятии решения, но, каким бы оно ни было, это ваш выбор. И пусть он открывает путь к другим верным решениям и счастливым событиям в вашей жизни.

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