Is it not true that counter-question is a good match that describes the exact structure that you inquire about? Can you have a counter-question without an initial question?
Also, wouldn’t you agree, though it might be obvious, that the second question (the answering question) is called a rhetorical question?
Out of numerous figures that are are related to this type of address, if I use for example interrogatio and question my own answer, preferably with more style than I employ, am I not actually confirming and reinforcing the answer that I have given?
Other figures are: erotema, anacoenosis, anthypophora, dianoea, aporia, epiplexis, exuscitatio, pysma and ratiocinatio and some of them cover exactly the meaning that you mention in comments: challenging the initial question.
In case that the second question is not a rhetorical question, but a real question that is raised by the first question then I would say you are simply investigating the subject in search for stasis (and the term counter-question still covers it).
«How do you spell ‘FBI’?»
When Bob asks a question and the answer to the question is actually part of it. At first Bob doesn’t realise this, but after a moment of reflection (expect a Beat or even a Beat Panel) he realises that he just answered his own question.
Bob will then often remark something along the lines of «Right.» or «Forget I asked». Sometimes Alice will point it out to him. If Bob doesn’t realize what he just did, there’s a good chance that Alice will point it out anyway.
The Ditz will use a more basic version of the trope, asking how to spell «ABC» or how to call 911.
A variation of this trope is when Alice is discussing something, making a presumption Bob doesn’t agree with. Bob will ask an either/or question, restating Alice’s presumption and an alternative that would normally be reasonable. Alice and Bob will pause a moment, often burst out laughing and continue with Alice’s original discussion as if nothing had happened.
Alice: I’ll be off this weekend, so I’ll bring Tropey to your place on Friday.
Bob: Wait a second! You just assume I’ll be there to look after Tropey? You don’t think I might have a date Friday evening?
Alice: I’ll be there at 18:00
Bob: Bring a six-pack.
Differs from a rhetorical question in that Bob actually expects an answer when posing the question.
Compare Is The Answer To This Question «Yes»?, Ask a Stupid Question…, Explain, Explain… Oh, Crap!.
open/close all folders
- A McDonald’s advertisement celebrating the USA’s bicentennial has the Grimace asking Ronald McDonald, «How do you spell USA?»
Anime and Manga
- In One Piece, Zoro and Sanji discuss how the damage the Going Merry has incurred can’t be fixed.
Sanji: We’ve traveled together on this ship all the way from the East Blue to this place. Why now?
Zoro: You just answered your own question. Human beings become stronger hardship after hardship. But ships are different. Their wounds just pile up.
Asian Animation
- Happy Heroes: In Season 2 episode 44, Little M. asks Big M. what the number for 110 is. (110 being the emergency number for the police in China; the English dub changes it to 911.)
- George Carlin about losing things
«You what?» I lost my yo-yo. «Well where did you have it last?» Eh! If I knew that… I’d still have my yo-yo. «Well… it must be somewhere.» Right! «Well it just didn’t get up and walk away». That one always got to me. ‘It just didn’t get up and walk away’. One time I lost the cat. It just got up and walked away. Then she actually started to say it to me… «Well, it just didn’t get up and … *cough* *cough*» Eh ma. I think you’ve figured this one out.
- Bill Engvall has this as part of his Ask a Stupid Question… shtick when someone asks him what time the Christmas midnight mass starts.
Comic Books
- PS238 has Atlas wondering
why he should accept the throne of a planet full of corrupt aristocracy:
Atlas: But why should I stay? This whole place is run counter to just about everything I believe in.
Rebel: If what these boys told me is true, then you’ve answered your own question. - Scott Pilgrim: Scott does this early on: «… What’s the website for that?» Wallace still has to answer it for him.
Wallace: …
Scott: Cool, thanks!
Comic Strips
- Dilbert: (June 4, 1995
) During a sales pitch from a vendor where Dilbert tells the salesperson they’re going with a company whose products actually work, the salesperson threatens to go directly to the boss and make the sale anyway.
Wally: Do you think our boss will believe a vendor over his own loyal employees?
- One Garfield Sunday strip has Garfield suddenly dash into the room, whipping about in some kind of frenzy and alarming Jon.
Jon: Why do cats do that? It drives me nuts!
Garfield: *reaches up and pinches Jon’s cheek* You just answered your own question, boopsie!
- Jeremy’s mother from Zits does this at one point:
Mom: «Why do you keep cracking your knuckles like that?! It’s driving me CRAZY!!»
Jeremy: *thinking* «…I love it when she answers her own question like that.»
Fan Works
- The Keys Stand Alone: The Soft World. Ringo asks the wizard Shaamforouz whether he’ll ever learn to see through masks, noting that «even the weak ones can get flashes.» «You have answered your own question,» the wizard responds. This is entirely meaningless in context.
- In Luminosity, when Maggie asks what she has to do to win Gianna over:
Alice: First of all, don’t eat anybody. Gianna is quite forgiving, but that also means she’ll forgive Bella if you eat someone and Bella kills you, and then where would you be?
Maggie: …Dead, presumably.
- Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past: When Draco finds out about Harry joining the Gryffindor Quidditch team, the following exchange occurs.
Draco: Who the hell do you think you are, Potter?
Harry: I think you just answered your own question, Malfoy.
Films � Animation
- Toy Story 2; When Rex runs into the middle of the «crime scene» model the other toys have constructed, he’s asking, «How do you spell ‘FBI’?»
Films � Live-Action
- The Hunt for Red October: Jack Ryan asking himself «How do you make them want to get off a nuclear submarine…»
- Idle Hands: Mick says, «I’m… gonna call 911. What’s the number?»
- The Little Rascals movie:
Buckwheat: Quick! What’s the number for 911?
Porky: How do I know? - Snatch., about Boris the Bullet Dodger:
Avi: Why do they call him the Bullet Dodger?
Tony: …’cause he dodges bullets, Avi. - Star Wars — Return of the Jedi: As the Rebel fleet is approaching the second Death Star, Lando gets word that they can’t tell if the deflector shield protecting it is up or down because of jamming, prompting him to ask, «How could they be jamming us if they don’t know… that we’re coming. Break off! The shield is still up!»
- The Straight Story: Dorothy asks «What’s the number for 911?»
- With Six You Get Eggroll Flip asking how much sixteen-penny nails are sounds like this, but the term actually refers to the size, not price, of the nail.
- The World’s End Gary has this problem, and tends not to even realize he’s answered himself until someone else comments.
Gary: What the fuck does «WTF» mean?
Peter: [reacting to the situation] What the fuck?
Gary: Oh, yeah.
Live-Action TV
- ALF: At the end of the episode «Strangers in the Night», when Nosy Neighbour Mrs. Armanick hears noise outside she grabs the phone and ask «Operator, this is an emergency. What’s the number for 911?» In her defense, Alf had been messing about the house while she was watching Psycho, so she was a little-high-strung.
- The Big Bang Theory:
- Penny tells Leonard that everything goes wrong with their relationship when they talk. She then adds that she had an 8-month-long relation with a guy named T.J. and they never talked.
Leonard: Wait, if you guys never talked, what did you… Never mind. Stupid question.
- When the group is cleaning out the garage in Howard’s home for a garage sale, they put a sticker on everything that’s to be put out for sale, and Howard sees a sticker on his full-size replica of a TARDIS:
Howard: Why is there a sticker on this? It’s my TARDIS. From Doctor Who. I was planning on moving it in the house.
Bernadette: I think you just answered your own question. - Brooklyn Nine-Nine: in «Stakeout» Rosa refuses to do a four-day stakeout and Amy asks why:
Rosa: I’m out. Four hours is the most time I’ve ever spent alone with any human. It was the worst experience of my life.
Amy: What about that time we drove up to Boston together? That was about four hours. Oh, I see what just happened. - Coupling: Sally in the episode «Inferno»:
Sally: I’ve never understood men’s obsession with lesbianism — a whole area of sex with nothing for them to do. I’ve just answered my own question haven’t I?
- Doctor Who:
- «Journey’s End»: When discussing a Doomsday Device called the «Osterhagen Key», the Doctor demands to know who would invent such a thing… then realizes that it was probably someone named Osterhagen.
- «Asylum of the Daleks»: There’s a distress signal coming from the titular planet, so the Doctor has a question:
The Doctor: Have you considered tracking back the signal and talking to them? [Daleks are silent] …he asked the Daleks.
- Frasier:
- In «My Coffee with Niles», Niles is confused to learn Roz can’t stand him.
Niles: Why should I warrant such strong emotions? I barely acknowledge her existence.
Frasier: Think you may be onto something there, Sherlock. - In «Police Story», Frasier is pulled over for speeding while trying to get Roz to her dinner date on time, and the arresting officer sees from his license that it’s his birthday:
Roz: Frasier, why didn’t you tell me it was your birthday? I’d have thrown you a party at the station!
Frasier: Question asked, question answered. - In «To Kill a Talking Bird»:
Frasier: Niles, why would you even want to live in such a stodgy building? You know, when I applied there, they treated me like riff-raff.
Niles: Well, if you’re going to ask and answer your own question, what do you need me for?
- In «My Coffee with Niles», Niles is confused to learn Roz can’t stand him.
- The Golden Girls: Rose once dialed information to get the number for 911.
- Hustle: When the team of grifters is looking for a place to stay — having been run out of every hotel in the city that’s fancy enough for their standards — Eddie grumbles, «Why don’t you just pay your hotel bill like normal people?… I can’t believe I asked that.»
- Jeopardy!: Occasionally, there will be a category called «Stupid Answers»; in this category, the correct response to each clue is in the clue. This being Jeopardy!, the response is not always obvious:
Clue: Now named for James Brady, this room in the White House is where the briefing of the press takes place.Response
- That Mitchell and Webb Look has a sketch in which a Mad Scientist builds a «Giant Death Ray», which turns out to be an oversized supermarket scanner.
Major Agnew: Well, one question that obviously leaps to mind, Professor, uh, Professor…
Professor: Death.
Major Agnew: Professor Death, is why on Earth you elected to name this contraption of yours the Giant Death R— oh, I see. - Veronica Mars, in the episode «Clash of the Tritons»:
Veronica: Who framed me?
Rick: They’re called the Tritons. It’s a secret society at school.
Veronica: Why haven’t I heard of them? (Beat) Stupid question. - World’s Dumbest… shows a video of yet another stunt gone wrong, capped by a woman on-scene saying «911 number, anyone? Does anyone know the 911 number?»
- On You Bet Your Life, Groucho Marx hated to see a contestant leave without any winnings, so if a contestant was doing badly, he would ask the question, «Who is buried in Grant’s tomb?»
- in the MAD parody of the first Superman movie, someone asks why everyone is fleeing a disaster site when «the government told us there’s no danger.» The reply: «You just answered your own question, buddy!»
- David Byrne invoked this when being asked about a Talking Heads reunion:
«I’d get these bizarre letters from Tina,» he said, gritting his teeth. «They’d say what a fucking dumb jerk and asshole piece of shit I was. It would go into detail how badly I’d behaved. What a terrible person I was. How hard I was to work with. How unfair I was. It was this thing meant to make me feel real terrible and how much ‘I hate you. I hate you. I hate you.’ And then in the end she’d go, ‘Why don’t you want to work with us? Why in the world don’t you want to work with us? What’s the matter?'» Byrne paused and sighed. «You’ve answered the question. Look at the beginning of your letter, look at the end. You’ve answered it. There is some kind of weird denial going on.»
- The closing line of Pink Floyd’s «One of My Turns» is «Why are you running away?» It’s in reference to the groupie from the song, who Pink (the character) frightens away when he goes berserk during the song in question, tearing apart his hotel room in the process.
- It Pays to be Ignorant, a parody of radio quiz shows, featured this kind of question:
- «Who wrote the autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, and what famous historical figure was it about?»
- «What season of the year does spring fever refer to?»
- «What color was George Washington’s white horse?»
- The irony in that last one, however, is that it most likely wasn’t white. White horses are, in terms of skin color, grey, unless they’re albino.
- When the idea for The Transformers was being pitched to Hasbro, an executive apparently expressed concern over the leader of the bad guys being called Megatron, on the grounds that it sounded like Megaton, which was kinda sinister.
Video Games
- Idol Manager: One of the questions in story mode’s quiz show is the location of the Tokyo Tower. The question is asked while the player has an incentive for Deliberate Under-Performance, so it’s possible to answer it wrong.
- Avalon:
Alan: Hey Alison, when’s the New Year’s party this year?
[2 Beat frames]
Alison: December 31st?
Alan: Whoa whoa… is that it, or are you asking me? - Basic Instructions: Scott insists that «fifth» and «sixth» ends on an additional «t» to the frustration of Rick who tries to correct him in vain
Scott: And on the firstth try! - El Goonish Shive has a few cases:
Why do boys flock to her? Besides sleeping with her?
… That’s all they need, isn’t it? - Erfworld: Occurs in a conversation between Parson and Charlie:0
Charlie: What were they doing in that black raiment, fighting for Gobwin Knob?
Parson: If you read that question again, Charlie, you’ll notice that it answers itself. - Freefall: When robots are being trained as a police force for the planet’s non-human population.
Deputy Mayor: Our non-human population consists of one person, Sam. Do we really need an entire police force for one larcenous squid?
Police Robot: Sir, I believe if you look past the obvious answer, you’ll see one that’s even more obvious.
- Made even funnier by the fact that it works both ways. While they are actually a police force for A.I.s, having an entire police force dedicated to Sam would not be that unreasonable.
- Friendship is Dragons: When the Mane Six enters the ruins where the Elements of Harmony are kept, Applejack
wonders where their enemy is.
AJ: Then what the heck is Nightmare Moon up to anyhow? Is she waitin’ outside or somethin’?
… Aw, shoot, I just answered my own question. - Kevin & Kell: Ralph accidentally lands a contract to host the WikiBreaks site. When Kevin expresses his discomfort about this, Ralph asks: «How would anyone ever discover a connection between us and this site that exposes every secret under the — » [Beat] «Oh. Right.
- M�nage � 3: When Yuki is trying to come to grips with her potential feelings for Gari, he runs in on hime when he kisses somebody else. She ducks away and starts to muse on what she just saw.
- The Order of the Stick: One comic has the group wandering through a maze, and Elan tries to be helpful.
Elan: Can’t we drop breadcrumbs like that story where they dropped breadcrumbs but the birds came and ate them all and they got lost and never mind I get it.
- Something*Positive: Davan makes some jokes about Wicca in his web comic. When Kim
, an African-American friend of Davan’s, tries to explain to a self-identified «10th generation Wiccan» that Davan’s jokes aren’t meant to single out one specific religion, this exchange occurs.
Overreacting Wiccan: You’ll never know what it’s like to live with the pain of your ancestors being oppressed for who they were! That they lived in fear because they might get lynched! To know they’d suffered so I’d have the right to—
[beat panel]
Kim: Do you need some time to comprehend why saying that to me makes you stupid?
Overreacting Wiccan: … No, I think I’ve figured that out. - Survivor: Fan Characters: In one strip
Hugo: Taylor said that «he» showed her the idol, and there are only four guys, and I know I don’t have it so… […] [to Charlie] Well, either Hogan or Sky has it; one of them is lying.
Charlie: It could be Craig; he’s a guy.
Hugo: Like I said, either Sky or Hogan is lying. - Ubersoft: When the Boss tries to find out which of the 3 Binky’s is the father of Jingles, the Cheerful Google Notification Bell:
Boss: There are three entities that might claim that name: one has been transformed into a sophisticated office supplement and is a prominent spokesman for Apple. One is a childlike creature whose manufactured innocence makes him a poor candidate for procreation. One is an embittered alcoholic. Haunted by a legacy of poor and impulsive decisions…
Boss: Ah yes. I see. - Ur in 8-Bit Theater, after being killed.
Ur: What the hell is this?
Kary: You answered your own question, pal. - xkcd‘s «Local g
«: «Crap! How did the pole-vaulters get up to our balcony?»
Web Original
- RinkWorks� Computer Stupidities has a section named «The Bleeding Obvious
«, which features customers who ask questions like «How many pins does a sixteen-pin cable have?» and «What program do you use to make a Word document?»
Web Videos
- Bronies React: In the episode for My Little Pony: Equestria Girls � Rainbow Rocks:
Animated James: Okay, why are they all sabotaging this specific act? I mean, why don’t they sabotage Snips and Snails’… okay, nevermind, I answered my own question.
- Critical Role: In «Agreements», having learned that the city of Rosohna has religious ceremonies to dispel the ever-present clouds and allow the sun to shine, Fjord asks his guide Essek how the events are announced. Essek politely reminds him that the sun will come out.
Fjord: Now that I’m saying it out loud, I feel kinda stupid.
Essek: It’s all right. - Dragon Ball Z Abridged:
- When it becomes apparent to all the cast who Trunks really is:
Piccolo: Trunks? What are you doing here?
Vegeta: Ha! That’s a girl’s name.
Krillin: Isn’t that the name of your kid?
Vegeta: What, are you trying to imply that this wannabe-Super Saiyan from the future is my so… [tails off in realisation]note - After the cast waiting back at Kami’s Lookout realize that Krillin crushed the remote meant to blow up Android 18:
Tien: I don’t understand! All he had to do was push the button and blow up the… the girl.
Bulma: Oh, that makes sense.
- When it becomes apparent to all the cast who Trunks really is:
Western Animation
- Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog: In one episode, Coconuts asks what he would want with a «two-ton baby ape who can lift giant rocks and fire bananas like a shotgun» who thinks Coconuts is his daddy. He promptly realizes that this would be a perfect ally to help him catch Sonic and get in good with Robotnik.
- Archer: Invoked for laughs in the episode «Jeu Monaguesque».
- Batman: The Animated Series: Zatanna in the episode «Zatanna». In reality, it’s because Batman befriended her as Bruce Wayne when the two were teenagers, though she doesn’t figure that out until later. Though the nylon thing might still apply.
Zatanna: What do you care about some leggy dame in nylons? Or did I just answer my own question?
- Ben 10: Alien Force: In the episode «Unearthed», when the Non-Malicious Monster stops fighting the Power Trio :
Kevin: Is that Monster for «I give up»?
Ben (as Humongosaur): Do I look like I speak Monsterese?
[Beat while Kevin gives an Aside Glance]
Ben: Oh … Right. - Daria: Daria’s neurotic father Jake once asked «What’s the number for 9-1-1?!» in a panic.
- Dastardly and Muttley in Their Flying Machines: In «Home Sweet Homing Pigeon», Dastardly persuades Klunk, Zilly and Muttley — who have all been discharged — to sign his memory book (he’s actually tricking them into signing re-enlistment forms).
Klunk: How do you spell «X», chief?
- Ed, Edd n Eddy: One episode has the Kanker Sisters freak out when their heirloom ship-in-a-bottle is seemingly stolen by a burglar (it was actually taken by a sleepwalking Ed), and May rushes to the phone.
May: What number do you call for 911?!
- Family Guy: In «Friend of Peter G» (in a DVD-exclusive scene), Peter and Brian go into a movie theater and watch the pre-movie trivia slides, one of which asks «Name the female star of ‘Pretty Woman’ starring Julia Roberts.»
Peter: Fuck. You guys got any questions for people who are not Hollywood insiders? Jesus.
- Kim Possible:
- Dr. Drakken is surprised to hear about a connection between one of the classmates who laughed at him in college and his arch-nemesis: «Wait, you mean Dr. Possible and Kim Possible are related?» He tries to cover for his oversight by insisting that «Possible» is a very common surname and trying to «prove» it with a phone book.
- In the Christmas Episode, Ron asks the operator «What’s the number for 9-1-1?»
- Mission Hill: Episode 5 has Ron promote an extremely reluctant Andy to assistant manager (Andy only accepted because he had lost confidence in ever making it as a cartoonist). As part of his «management training», Ron buys Andy an extremely tacky purple suit.
Ron: Nice, yes? You like, no?
Andy: I think you just answered your own question.
Ron: Pah! - My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic: In the 8th season episode «School Raze», when the princesses and the Mane Six are discussing the disappearance of magic from Equestria.
Twilight: Has anypony checked on Tirek?
Pinkie Pie: You mean the big, red, scary centaur who eats magic? Why would we want… Oooh, riiight. - The Simpsons:
- Homer in the episode «Bart vs. Thanksgiving»: «Hello, operator? Give me the number for 911!»
- In «This Little Wiggy» after Chief Wiggum catches Bart and Ralph in his closet, which he told Ralph not to go in:
Wiggum: What is your fascination with my forbidden closet of mystery?
- South Park: In «Raisins», after Bebe tells Stan that Wendy has broken up with him:
Stan: Whoa, wait a minute. What did I do wrong? I haven’t even talked to Wendy for weeks!
- Total Drama Pakihtew Island: In «I Love You, I Love You Knot», when Chris is explaining the punishment of that day’s challenge.
Chris: If you fail a challenge, or tell a lie, your whole team gets a shock.
Dave: Uhm, what do you mean by «Shock»? Also, what are these metal collars Chef’s putting on us?
Chris: You just answered your question. But let me make it even clearer.
[Pushes the remote that sends an electric shock through all players’ collars.]
Real Life
- Anyone who’s ever worked in a fast food restaurant is very familiar with this trope. «Does the double bacon cheeseburger have bacon?» «What’s the difference between the 3-piece and 5-piece chicken nuggets?» Quite a few of these questions are catalogued on Not Always Right. In many cases, the customers in these stories are so oblivious they never realize they’ve fallen into this trope.
- «What time is the 3 o’clock parade?» is apparently asked so often at Disney Theme Parks that they’ve made T-shirts with the question on them, being asked by Goofy.
- The occasional physics quiz question:
- Which weighs the most, a pound of lead, a pound of aluminum, or a pound of cork?note note
- What is the rate of change of a constant? (Used in analyzing DC circuits with capacitors and inductors.)
- What’s the Number for 911? is actually the title of a collection of bizarre and/or stupid 911 calls.
- «What time is midnight Mass?» is actually a subversion, as churches may hold the «midnight» service at an earlier time, such as 10 P.M. Still late at night, but not literally midnight.
- Sometimes overlaps with Bilingual Bonus: «When is Cinco de Mayo?»
Question Words
in the question words What, Where, Why, When, How, Who to form the question.
__________ do you like best?
__________ does Manolo get up in the morning?
__________ don´t you go by bus, Cristina?
__________ hobbies does Carlos like?
__________ do they go to every week?
__________ old are you Silvia?
__________ is Maria´s birthday?
__________ are my exercise books?
__________ are you doing at the moment, Harry?
__________ do the Petersons live?
do you like best?
When does Manolo get up in the morning?
3. Why
don´t you go by bus, Cristina?
What hobbies does Carlos like?
Where do they go to every week?
6. How
old are you Silvia?
When is Maria´s birthday?
Where are my exercise books?
What are you doing at the moment, Harry?
Where do the Petersons live?
in the correct question word.
__________ sits next to Dries? Mo.
__________ does the boy come from? From Madrid.
__________ old are her children? Three and five.
__________ is Lola´s birthday? In March, I think.
__________ much is the shirt? It´s twenty euros.
__________ is best at playing tennis? Johann.
__________ are you going? To my parents.
__________ much is an soda? It´s one euro.
__________ does the restaurant open? At ten o´clock.
__________ can I get some ice cream? At the snack bar.
__________ are you going to order? Pasta.
__________ are you going to do on Monday? I don´t know.
__________ has got my sunglasses? I have got them.
__________ is your name? Rita.
__________ is Helen´s party? On Friday.
1. Who
sits next to Dries? Mo.
does the boy come from? From Madrid
old are her children? Three and five.
When is Lola´s birthday? In March, I think.
5. How
much is the shirt? It´s twenty euros.
6. Who
is best at playing tennis? Johann.
Where are you going? To my parents.
much is an soda? It´s one euro.
When does the restaurant open? At ten o´clock.
Where can I get some ice cream? At the snack bar.
What are you going to order? Pasta.
What are you going to do on Monday? I don´t know.
Who has got my sunglasses? I have got them.
What is your name? Rita.
When is Helen´s party? On Friday.
with the correct question word
_______ much are the patotoes? One dollar.
_______ can I do for you? I want two white T-shirts.
_______ can I get a newspaper? At Park street.
_______ is your best friend? It´s paul.
_______ does Lisa live? In Boston.
_______ colour is your new car? It´s white.
_______ do you collect? Stickers.
_______ can help me? I can.
_______ about some grapes? No, thanks.
_______ was your first word as a baby? Mama.
_______ were you born? On March 9th.
_______ were you born? In St. Maarten.
_______ were you last Sunday? I was working.
_______ can we have a picnic? I know a nice place near a pond.
_______ are you going to take with you? Some sandwiches and a coke.
much are the patotoes? One dollar.
What can I do for you? I want two white T-shirts.
Where can I get a newspaper? At Park street.
4. Who
is your best friend? It´s Paul.
does Lisa live? In Boston.
What colour is your new car? It´s white.
What do you collect? Stickers.
8. Who
can help me? I can.
9. How
about some grapes? No, thanks.
What was your first word as a baby? Mama.
When were you born? On March 9th.
Where were you born? In St. Maarten.
Where were you last Sunday? I was working.
Where can we have a picnic? I know a nice place near a pond.
What are you going to take with you? Some sandwiches and a coke.
between What, Which and Whose.
________ time is it?
________ colour is her hair?
________ kind of clothes do you like to wear?
________ school do you go to?
________ doll is your favourite?
________ road leads to the Zoo?
________ runner is the last one?
8. Do
you know ________ girl won the prize?
________ foot print´s are these?
________ baby is this?
time is it?
What colour is her hair?
What kind of clothes do you like to wear?
Which school do you go to?
Which doll is your favourite?
Which road leads to the Zoo?
Which runner is the last one?
8. Do
you know which girl won the prize?
Whose foot print´s are these?
Whose baby is this?
between What, Which and Whose.
________ kind of animal is that?
________ runner is the winner?
________ is the matter?
________ desk is this?
________ cell phone is ringing?
6. ________
is your name?
________ twin is taller?
________ hand is holding the pen?
What kind of animal is that?
Which runner is the winner?
What is the matter?
Whose desk is this?
Whose cell phone is ringing?
What is your name?
Which twin is taller?
Which hand is holding the pen?
the questions with these words (When, Where, Who, What)
________ is your favourite singer?
________ is your house?
________ is your favourite day of the week?
________ is your favourite colour?
________ are your English lessons?
________ is your favourite movie?
________ are you from?
________ is near you house?
________ do you live?
________ is your favourite type of music?
________ are your English lessons at school?
________ is your favourite sportsperson?
________ is your English teacher?
________ is your favourite animal?
________ do you like to do Saturdays?
________ time do you got to school?
17. ________
is his name?
________ is the museum?
________ do you go to school?
________ is he talking to?
________ is your dog´s name?
________ is the time?
________ are those people?
________ are you talking about?
________ are you going to leave?
1. Who
is your favourite singer?
Where is your house?
What is your favourite day of the week?
What is your favourite colour?
Where are your English lessons?
What is your favourite movie?
Where are you from?
What is near you house?
do you live?
What is your favourite type of music?
Where are your English lessons at school?
Who is your favourite sportsperson?
Who is your English teacher?
What is your favourite animal?
15. What
do you like to do Saturdays?
What time do you got to school?
What is his name?
Where is the museum?
Where do you go to school?
Who is he talking to?
What is your dog´s name?
is the time?
Who are those people?
24. What
are you talking about?
When are you going to leave?
between How, What, Where, When, Who
________ are you, Mr Gordon?
________ is she doing?
________ time is she coming home?
________ are you going. I am going to the park.
________ are you going. I´m going on Monday?
________ do you go to school? I go to school in Málaga.
________ does Pedro work? He works every evening.
________ many cars does your family have? We have two cars.
________ does the dog want? It wants a big bone.
________ much is that? It costs 3 euros.
________ do you like to eat? I like to eat chicken.
________ is reading in the library. Sandra is reading in the library.
________ time is it now? It´s nine o´clock.
________ is your school? It is near the post office.
________ is this lady? She is my favourite teacher.
________ do you like better, cakes or chocolates?
________ often do you go to the movies?
1. How
are you, Mr Gordon?
What is she doing?
What time is she coming home?
Where are you going. I am going to the park.
When are you going. I´m going on Monday?
Where do you go to school? I go to school in Málaga.
When does Pedro work? He works every evening.
8. How
many cars does your family have? We have two cars.
What does the dog want? It wants a big bone.
much is that? It costs 3 euros.
What do you like to eat? I like to eat chicken.
Who is reading in the library. Sandra is reading in the library.
What time is it now? It´s nine o´clock.
Where is your school? It is near the post office.
Who is this lady? She is my favourite teacher.
What do you like better, cakes or chocolates?
How often do you go to the movies?
by Darrell
I’m looking for some good answers to interview questions. I have a job interview coming up, and I’d like some help answering a couple of interview questions. Can you give me some tips on answering these two questions:
- What can you contribute to this company?
- What are your weaknesses?
Lisa’s Answer to Good Answers to Interview Questions
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Those are two very common job interview questions, and they both make people nervous.
I won’t give you a word-for-word, scripted answer to those interview questions to repeat to an employer. First of all, I don’t know enough about your skills to develop an individualized answer, and second, your answer will sound most sincere when you come up with your own words.
I will, however, give you some good guidelines regarding the kinds of things that are good to talk about when answering these questions. I’ll tell you some things you should never say, and I’ll give you a sample answer for each job interview question that will give you some inspiration when you’re thinking about your own best answers to those questions.
Also, it helps a lot to understand why the employer is asking a specific question, so I’ll get into that a bit too.
Related: Good answers to 300 job interview questions
What is Your Greatest Weakness?
I’ve written detailed instructions for developing a good answer to this interview question here: Interview Weaknesses
On that page, you’ll find:
- Information about why employers ask about your weaknesses in a job interview
- Common answers people give that are terrible
- A formula for creating your own answer to the question, what is your greatest weakness
- A free worksheet that you can print to work through your own answer to the interview weaknesses question
What Can You Contribute to This Company?
I haven’t addressed this interview question anywhere else on the site, so I’ll go into more detail with this question here.
Why do employers ask this question?
- They want to hear more about your skills and experience as they relate to the job.
- They want to know if you have a good understanding of the requirements of the job and the needs of the company.
The most common mistake people make when answering this question:
People are often far too general when answering this question. They will use clichés such as, «I’m a team player.» or «I’m a people person.» Those answers are over-used and don’t give employers any specific reasons why they should hire you.
What you should say:
Make sure your answer is very specific and addresses the specific needs or interests of the company.
The best way to make sure you’re able to be specific is to do a little bit of company research before you go to the interview. That way you’ll know what skills and experiences will be important to that employer.
Avoid simply listing adjectives. Saying, «I’m hardworking, reliable and loyal» doesn’t prove anything. You won’t stand out from the competition with an answer like that.
Back up your skills with proof.
Sample Answer:
Imagine you are interviewing for a job at a community resource center. You researched the company before your interview and discovered they were launching a new program for new immigrants. You have extensive experience working with new immigrants. Your answer could be something like this:
«I see that you’re launching an important new program for new immigrants. At my last job, twenty percent of the clients I worked with were new immigrants. It’s a client group that I truly enjoyed working with. I have a very good understanding of how to support newcomers through the challenges that they often face starting out in a new country, and I have an excellent knowledge of the community resources that are available for new immigrants in this city.»
This answer shows the employer that you know a bit about his or her organization, and it also demonstrates that you have very specific skills, knowledge, and experience that will benefit the organization and clients.
Again, it will be important for you to come up with your own, sincere answer to this job interview question based on the needs of the company and your own skills and experience. Be specific and give proof that demonstrates the assets that you’ll bring to the company.
Related: Lots of strategies to ace a tough job interview
If you have more questions about how to ace an interview, you can learn more about preparing for a job interview here.
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Discussion questions are a great way to explore and apply concepts with critical thinking. Despite many different wordings, the questions are specifically phrased to let you know exactly how to answer them. By breaking the questions down into parts, creating a strong response can be much easier than it seems!
Break the question down into smaller pieces. Often discussion questions can run long and may actually be multiple questions in one. When answering, you will want to answer all the parts of the question.
- Look for conjunctions, such as the word “and,” that may be breaking the question into multiple thoughts.
- It sometimes helps to rewrite the question into its component pieces separately. Then, you can focus on one part at a time.
- For example: “Using the information from chapters 7 & 8 on emotional intelligence, give your own example that illustrates at least three of the author’s main concepts.” Up to the first comma tells you what chapters’ information you need to apply to your answer. “[G]ive your own example” lets you know to make up an applicable response that wasn’t demonstrated in class already. The last part dictates what the example needs to have, i.e. 3 or more concepts from those chapters.[1]
Pick out the task words to know how to word your answer. Some task words are more clear than others. For example, “compare” lets you know there will be multiple items that you have to find similarities between. “Analyze,” on the other hand, can be more abstract.
- In the above example, “give your own example” would be the task words that show you what the question requires in an answer.
- There are some great resources that describe what each of these task words means in terms of answering a question— has 18 with descriptions of what each word needs you to do.
Determine what the other keywords are. There are three types of keywords that can help you to better outline and understand your question—task words, content words, and limiting words. By picking these words out, you can define what the question is asking and how to answer it.[2]
- Content words are the nouns usually that give you the bulk of what the ideas are about. They will let you know the who, what, when, and where that you need to know about in order to answer.
- Content words in the example would be “chapters 7 & 8 on emotional intelligence”.
- Limiting words are often phrases or adjectives that give you hints as to what the question might be looking for specifically. They might seem like filler words, but they are not. Every word in a discussion question is a clue to the answer.
- Limiting words for the example would be “your own,” which indicates the example should not be one already discussed in the class or text, and “at least three of the… concepts,” which dictates how many concepts you need to apply in the answer.
Ask for clarification if something doesn’t make sense. If you don’t understand what is meant by a question, take the time to ask. Being on the same page about what you are to answer is crucial to answering a question correctly.
- Reach out to the teacher or whoever posed the question, if you are able. They will be the best resource for explaining their thinking behind the question.
- If you’re allowed, discuss with classmates or other individuals trying to answer the question. Sometimes a different perspective can help clarify what you might be missing in the question.
Start by restating what the question has asked. If the question says, “Discuss how Leonardo da Vinci has changed art today?” begin your answer similar to, “Leonardo da Vinci has changed art today by…” This will help show you are answering what was actually asked.
- This does not need to be a word-for-word reiteration of the question. However, putting the question back into your answer immediately signifies you’re on the right track.
- If you can’t do this, you need to go back and start over with determining what the question is asking.
Conclude your introductory paragraph with a thesis statement. A thesis statement will sum up the points you plan to make in the body of your answer, often in list form. It is essentially an outline of the answer in a single sentence.
- For example: ”Leonardo da Vinci’s iconic works are still some of the most widely taught art pieces, and by POINT ONE, POINT TWO, and POINT THREE, he has forever changed modern art.” This introduces the points you would break up into the answer and points back to the question at hand.
Answer in the form that the task word calls for. If you are supposed to “prove” something, answer with facts that connect to each other, leading to the conclusion. Avoid using your opinions unless asked because a proof should rely on the facts presented in the material as opposed to what you believe to be true. That being said, if you can back it up with support from the text or lessons, you will be better off than not having done so.[3]
- Trace in a discussion question needs you to make chronological connections between two events.
- Define not only wants you to create a clear description of a topic or idea but wants you to back that up with context and material that lead you to that conclusion.
- Outline is a chance to break up the question into major components. Then add details to each of those major events or points from the lessons.
- In the da Vinci example, the task word “discuss” is an open-ended opportunity to create an argument for (or against) the notion that he has changed art even in today’s world.
- You could go into how the “Mona Lisa” and “The Last Supper” are still two of the most iconic artworks that are taught even to elementary school children.
- As an example, continue to expand on the perspective and depth brought to the 2-dimensional world of “The Last Supper” and how that has influenced techniques of perspective in modern art.
Bring in topics and ideas covered in your lessons. Back up the points you have in your answer by the material you have been taught. This shows you have learned and can apply those topics.[4]
- You can still have your opinions on topics as well, but using the material to support even your opinions is best.
- ”Why does the author introduce this character?” could be answered by covering the topic of foreshadowing, for example, if the character hints at a similar one later in the book.
Use concrete evidence to back up your claims. No matter what kind of question you’re answering, you’ll need to back up your assertions with evidence from your material. Lead into it with a phrase like, “One example of this is…” or “We can clearly see this in…”. Sum up the material, analyze it to show how it reinforces your point, and remember to cite properly. Some examples of evidence include:
- Quotes from the literary work for English class
- A primary source document or a quote from one, for history class
- Results from a lab or evidence from the textbook for science class
Touch on all the parts of your question. Just as you broke the question down into its component parts before, you now need to reconstruct it in your answer. If your answer only gets to a part of the question, you still have work to do.[5]
- If you rewrote your question in smaller questions, go back to each and check off the ones you have covered completely with your answer.
- Look at your limiting words again and make sure to check off on all of those as well. If you missed out on a clue, your answer might be falling short.
- In the da Vinci example, you will need to make sure you discuss his artwork, and how that has actually made a “change” to modern art. While da Vinci influenced many fields, you want to answer specific to “art today” by showing there is a change to the techniques or styles from the 1500s when da Vinci lived to now.
Wrap up the response with a summary. The conclusion to your answer should recap the body’s main points and point back to how they answer the question that was posed. It helps the reader to briefly review the expanse of your answer in a bite-size chunk.
Give yourself time to edit. As you get better at breaking the question down, you will start to have more time to work on editing. Although you can make a good answer in your first pass, it is very beneficial to get at least one more edit in.[6]
- Read your answer to make sure it makes sense. Things like the ordering of sentences or paragraphs can be annoying to move, but it can be a great tool to distill your idea further.
- Check off the parts of your question you’ve answered, right down to each keyword. If you left out a keyword in your answer, you’ve left out part of a complete answer.
Check that you have a clear intro, body, and conclusion. The intro is going to setup your answer and outline the steps in the thesis statement. The body should answer the task words in a clear but concise manner. The conclusion will restate how this has answered the question, bringing it full circle.
- Remember to have a thesis statement that outlines the points your body makes in the answer.
- The body is often be broken up into at least three main parts that answer the question. “Compare” or “contrast” questions may only need two larger parts.
- The conclusion needs to wrap up your thoughts from the body in a way that brings it back to the question. “These major milestones show why the author believed…” whatever was asked in the question, for example.
Realize there is often more than one right answer. It is easy to feel unsure if you’ve got the right answer or not, but most discussion questions are going to have more than one right answer. Have confidence if you’ve followed these steps, and you’re sure to get at least partial credit![7]
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Practice, practice, practice. You will get better at answering discussion questions if you practice answering discussion questions.
Back up opinions with facts. If your question asks for your opinion, make sure to have at least one sentence per idea backing that opinion up.
Details are the best sign you know the material. However, make sure they’re true and correct details.
Unless instructed otherwise, writing in the first-person is typically frowned upon. Saying, “I think…” or “…to me.” is best avoided.
Avoid filler sentences that aren’t adding any new information. It is a sign that you might not know what you’re talking about.
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Article SummaryX
To come up with a polished response to a discussion question, write out your answer like it’s a mini-essay. Restate what the question asked including a thesis statement in the first few sentences. Your thesis statement is just a sentence that sums up the main points you plan to talk about. After your thesis statement, answer each question and include references to where you found your information in the text. Before you wrap things up, reread the discussion question to make sure you’ve answered each part of it. Then, summarize your main points in a conclusion paragraph to tie everything together. To learn how to edit your response, read more from our Education co-author!
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