Word for well looked after

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

хорошо заботятся

хорошо ухаживают

хорошо заботиться

хорошо заботились

хорошо ухаживали

хорошо ухаживать

хорошо присматривать

хорошо позаботятся

хорошо присматривали



хорошо присматривают


хорошо обращаться

He sends you his love and hopes you are well looked after and entertained.

Он шлет вам свою любовь и… надеется, что о вас хорошо заботятся и развлекают.

The property has been well looked after by the current owners.

The animals are well looked after and the habitat designs are impressive.

За животными хорошо ухаживают, а дизайн среды обитания впечатляет.

The cordura fabric apparel should be well looked after and can be machine washed and then dried on a low setting.

The кордура ткань одежда должна быть хорошо ухаживают и может быть машина промывают, а затем сушат на низком уровне.

You’ll be well looked after.

This means you will be well looked after during your time studying there.

First, we note that the exhibits of the museum are well looked after, and the masters of their craft.

Во-первых, заметим, что за экспонатами музея хорошо ухаживают, причем мастера своего дела.

You will not have to worry about your old age for you will be well looked after.

Our management company are two minutes away and will ensure that you are well looked after.

Наша управляющая компания находятся в двух минутах ходьбы, и гарантирует, что вы хорошо ухаживают.

Both men said they felt well looked after by the group.

Workers in IS oil fields and their families are well looked after, because they are very important to the group’s financial survival.

Работников оставляют на нефтяных месторождениях и об их семьях хорошо заботятся, ведь они очень важны для группы финансового выживания.

He’ll be well looked after whether you marry or not.

But I can assure you, she’ll be well looked after.

I am sorry he frightened you, but he’ll be well looked after.

Michael is in the best hands and is well looked after in his house.

Tourism is a fast growing economy in the Edmonton area and tourists are well looked after here, with a number of tourism bureaus available.

Туризм является быстро растущей экономикой в районе Эдмонтона, и за туристами здесь хорошо ухаживают, имеется ряд туристических бюро.

I trust you are well looked after and everybody is kind to you.

There are care homes out there that specialise in Huntington’s disease and your family member should be well looked after there.

Есть дома-интернаты, которые специализируются на болезни Гентингтона, где о вашем родственнике будут хорошо заботиться.

100% of parents feel that their child is well looked after at this school.

100 % родителей довольны тем, что их ребенок учится в этой школе.

Starting tomorrow, he’ll be really well looked after.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 179. Точных совпадений: 179. Затраченное время: 164 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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Я по-прежнему уверена, что тебе будет лучше под присмотром в больнице, где могут вколоть обезболивающее.

I made all this picture black and

white because of shades of blue are not very well look after increasing the contrast.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Я сделал все черно-белым,

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Пусть он знает, что его отцу будет хорошо там, Где он теперь.

This« Zenith» he is still in perfect condition, because it is very well looked after by the technique.

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Этот« Зенит» у него до сих пор в идеальном состоянии, ведь он очень хорошо ухаживает за техникой.

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I trust you are well looked


and everybody is kind to you.

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He sends you his love and hopes you are well looked


and entertained?

In this message,

he thanked his supporters and Australia and said that he had»been very well looked


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В этом послании

он поблагодарил своих сторонников и Австралию, и сказал, что о нем« очень хорошо заботились».

Skilled, experienced and friendly staff with well looked


vehicles will carry you to your holiday and/or skiing destination.

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Квалифицированный, опытный и дружелюбный персонал с хорошо ухоженными автомобилями доставит вас к месту отдыха и/ или на лыжный курорт.

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It’s very very good, very good… very comfortable, you know? We have well looked


us and’s a nice position.

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Тут очень, очень


очень удобно, а ещЄ за нами хорошо ухаживают, и врачи очень милые.

The younger members of the family will be well looked


at the Kid’s Club,

designed for 4-11 year olds and open during the summer months.

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За самыми юными членами вашей семьи прекрасно присмотрят в Детском клубе, предназначенном для детей

от 4 до 11 лет и открытом в летние месяцы.

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I have been so well

looked after


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Со мной так хорошо здесь обходились.

Your brother’s got you

well looked 


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Твой брат еще оденет тебя как принцессу.

The smaller children will be well

looked after

in the SKI PRO AUSTRIA»Fantasyland.

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В волшебной стране от SKI PRO AUSTRIA хорошо заботятся о ваших детях.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Results: 9213,
Time: 0.1875





well looked after — перевод на русский

Ah, I seel you are well looked after.

Ах, я вижу о Вас хорошо заботятся.

The kids are well looked after.

О детях там хорошо заботятся.

He sends you his love and hopes you are well looked after and entertained?

Он шлет вам свою любовь и …надеется, что о вас хорошо заботятся и развлекают.

I trust you are well looked after and everybody is kind to you.

Надеюсь, о тебе хорошо заботятся и …все добры к тебе.

Forty if they’re well looked after.

Сорок если они хорошо заботятся.

Показать ещё примеры для «хорошо заботятся»…

I’m going to look for a residential hospital where I’m sure she’ll be well looked after and won’t pine.

Я собираюсь найти специнтернат, где, я уверена, с Джо будут хорошо обращаться и она не зачахнет от тоски.

You’re bloody well looking after your own skins.

Вы чертовски хорошо прикрываете свою собственную задницу.

She’s assured me that the boys will be well looked after.

Она дала мне слово, что с парнями будут хорошо обращаться. Индейцы говорят, что они сумасшедшие.

They’re well looked after in there.

Там за ними хорошо приматривают.

Anne, you will be safe here and well looked after.

Энн. здесь ты будешь в безопасности и под хорошей заботой.

Показать ещё примеры для «хорошо»…

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Synonyms for Well-looked-after

  • preserved

  • conserved

  • well-maintained

  • well-preserved

  • well-kept-up

  • well-kept

  • unspoiled

For more similar words, try Well-looked-after on Thesaurus.plus dictionary


  • #1

from one test in Japan said:

You have obviously been ( ).

1. looked after well
2. well looked after

The answer was 2.
Is it true that «be looked after well» is far less observed than «well looked after»? It was so written in a book.

  • Old Novice

    • #2

    In my experience, «well looked after» is in fact more commonly heard, but «looked after well» is perfectly acceptable. I don’t see any sense in which the latter is «wrong» and the former «right.»

    • #3

    Cheshire, they’re both correct, and 2) is only just a tiny bit more correct than 1).


    • #4

    The answer was 2.
    Is it true that «be looked after well» is far less observed than «well looked after»? It was so written in a book.

    Even though they are both grammatically correct, I’m sure that if one day I come across the first sentence, I would be somehow surprised. ( just a little bit, maybe because I’m always unconsciously expecting to hear the second one….)


    • #5

    It is the same as:

    The garden was well tended.

    The garden was tended well.

    Since we would make an adjective of «well-tended» and not one from «tended-well«, I think that the first is preferable.

    The well-tended garden. (OK)

    The tended-well garden. (Weird)

    In a similar manner:

    A well looked after garden. (OK)

    A looked after well garden. (Weird)

    • #6

    Hello, I may say: Adjectives come before nouns; adverbs come after verbs.
    I may ask Natives: Is that right?
    Thus, in that case, isn’t 1. the best option? (?)
    Thanks in advance and kind regards.

    • #7

    Hello, I may say: Adjectives come before nouns; adverbs come after verbs.
    I may ask Natives: Is that right?
    Thus, in that case, isn’t 1. the best option? (?)
    Thanks in advance and kind regards.

    Addressing your «adverbs come after verbs» theory, I’d have to say that it may be a loose «rule of thumb» but it is, by no means, hard and fast eg:

    «He ran quickly to his car to get out of the rain»
    «He groped blindly in the darkness»

    Neither of Cheshire’s sentences are wrong but, as has already been said «well looked after» would be heard most frequently. Frankly, this is where I believe that the mighty hyphen comes into play… I would spell it out «well looked-after».

    I note that Packard did the same thing (whether consciously or not) when he said:

    «The garden was well tended.

    The garden was tended well.

    Since we would make an adjective of «well-tended» and not one from «tended-well«, I think that the first is preferable.

    The well-tended garden. (OK)

    The tended-well garden. (Weird)»

    • #8

    Djmcl, thanks for your promptly reply. I totally agree with you about the Hyphen. Thanks!


    • #9

    Thanks! I’m glad I’ve made this question. It’s really good to know there is a reason in anything.


    • #10

    Thanks! I’m glad I’ve made this question. It’s really good to know there is a reason in anything.

    My opinion: if I HAD to make a choice, I would choose 2.

    However, I think it’s absolutely ridiculous that a test, given to Japanese people learning English, would waste time on such a fine-point that is certainly debatable. I would wager a reasonable amount of money that the average person taking such a test will make many other errors that are far more important. In my opinion such «hair-splitting» is counter-productive, because it takes the emphasis away from what is really important.

    Results 1 — 10 of about 13,700 for «He * well looked after».
    Results 1 — 10 of about 33,500 for «He * looked after well».

    I did not look over these results carefully, but usage does not seem to support the answer asked for by your test. Although I agree with the consensus so far, that seems to be that «well looked-after» is the better choice, I think we are all on very shaky ground!. ;)



    • #11

    I agree, and this website goes a long way toward debunking their sand castle.


    • #12

    I agree, and this website goes a long way toward debunking their sand castle.

    I would suggest «kick over» a sand castle, debunk a theory, idea, etc. ;)

    Предложения с «well looked after»

    But the soldiers signed on the bottom line, volunteered and were well looked after .

    Но солдаты, написано на нижней строке, добровольцы, и о них хорошо заботились.

    But I fancy she is quite well looked after in her place.

    Но мне кажется, что дома ей обеспечен неплохой уход.

    For my part, I know you will be well looked after .

    С другой стороны, я знаю, что ты под присмотром.

    Yesterday, said he. It’s a bit worn, but well looked after .

    Вчера, — сказал он. — Довольно изношена, но была в прекрасных руках.

    I will ensure he is well looked after .

    Я прикажу, чтобы за ним присмотрели.

    For once in my life, she added, with a trace of gaiety, I’m getting along very well without you, and am well looked after .

    Она закончила свое письмо в шутливом тоне: Первый раз в жизни я прекрасно обхожусь без тебя, — обо мне очень заботятся.

    And this is my favorite one: Who looked after your husband while you were in bed with this baby?

    А вот этот мой любимый: Кто заботился о вашем супруге, пока вы лежали с ребёнком?

    So I looked back, and there were two small soldiers in green uniforms with rifles, chasing after us.

    Я обернулась и увидела вдалеке двух солдат в камуфляже и с винтовками, которые бежали к нам.

    After his injury, Emeka told himself, My life was great playing football, but now look at me.

    После Эмека говорил себе: «Моя жизнь была прекрасна, когда я играл в футбол, но сейчас — посмотрите на меня».

    He looked up after the arguments and said, Mr.McCallum, he said five beautiful words: You are free to go.

    Выслушав, он поднял глаза и сказал: «Мистер Маккаллум», он сказал пять прекрасных слов: «Вы свободны и можете идти».

    Cohousing is an intentional neighborhood where people know each other and look after one another.

    Кохаузинг — намеренное жилищное сообщество, где люди знают друг друга и присматривают друг за другом.

    We engage in survival activities — these are things like eating and bathing and looking after kids — about three hours a day.

    Мы совершаем определённые жизненно важные действия: едим, принимаем душ, заботимся о детях, — на это уходит около трёх часов в день.

    I was at the Women’s March in San Francisco the day after inauguration, and the crowd was chanting, This is what democracy looks like.

    Я был на Женской демонстрации в Сан — Франциско после инаугарации, и люди скандировали: «Так выглядит демократия».

    Okoloma lived on my street and looked after me like a big brother.

    Мы с Околомой жили на одной улице, он присматривал за мной как старший брат.

    You merely look after it for the next generation.

    Поскольку вы их прибережёте для следующего поколения.

    So we looked at their DNA early after birth, to see: Is it possible that the mother is marking?

    Мы посмотрели на их ДНК почти сразу после рождения, чтобы узнать, возможно ли, что мать маркирует гены?

    The most sought-after look, incidentally, in which the outer labia appear fused like a clam shell, is called , wait for it.

    Самая востребованная форма, между прочим, когда большие половые губы соединены так, что напоминают двустворчатую раковину, называется, как бы вы думали?

    But after studying how successful people spend their time and looking at their schedules hour by hour, I think this idea has it completely backward.

    Но после изучения времяпрепровождения множества успешных людей и просмотра их расписания час за часом, я думаю, эта идея должна звучать наоборот.

    Now, I am a surgeon who looks after patients with sarcoma.

    Так вот, я хирург, который занимается пациентами, больными саркомой.

    My colleague came to me and said, Kevin, would you mind looking after this patient for me?

    Мой коллега пришёл ко мне и сказал: Кевин, можешь ли ты понаблюдать за ней вместо меня?

    He said, Please, just look after this patient for me.

    Он сказал: Пожалуйста, просто присмотри за ней вместо меня.

    Not long after coming back to work, I’m the senior on rounds in the hospital, when one of my patients looks over at my colleague, gestures around her face and says, San Bernardino, referencing a recent terrorist attack.

    Я вернулась к работе в госпитале, и однажды на обходе одна из пациенток посмотрела на мою коллегу, затем обвела своё лицо пальцем и сказала: Сан Бернардино, имея ввиду недавнюю атаку террористов.

    But when I’m sitting in my car after an hour and a half of commute every day, that reality looks very different.

    Но когда я нахожусь за рулём по полтора часа каждый день, эта реальность выглядит совсем иначе.

    And then when I looked at it after two days, I was like, Holy crap, here’s the picture, here’s the key, here’s the puzzle,.

    Взглянув на них через пару дней, я подумал: Чёрт, вот же картинка, ключ, загадка.

    You’re looking good after your little vacation, Griffin.

    Вы отлично выглядите после ваших маленьких каникул, Гриффин.

    And Dell will marry daddy and look after us all.

    Делл выйдет замуж за папу и будет за нами присматривать.

    You’ve got a little boy to look after .

    У тебя есть маленький сын, за которым нужно присматривать.

    When my parents are at work my Granny looks after my sister and me.

    Когда мои родители на работе моя бабушка выглядит после меня и мою сестру.

    Well, it’s very different, because in classical music you mostly just look at music, and you read music, and you read the notes, and, your interpretation comes after that, in jazz it’s, a lot of is improvisation.

    Ну, это разные вещи, потому что в классической музыке почти всегда вы просто смотрите в ноты и читаете музыку, вы читаете по нотам и, и только потом приходит интерпретация, в джазе — это большей частью импровизация.

    And at one point I wanted to have a Cocker Spaniel, and I wanted to have a Dalmatian too, but I decided not to have one, because I couldn’t look after them.

    И с одной стороны, я бы хотела, чтобы у меня был и коккер — спаниель, но я хотела бы иметь также и далматина, однако я решила никого не заводить, потому что не могла за ними ухаживать .

    I’m very, very busy with my work, and, because I couldn’t look after a pet I decided not to have it.

    Я очень занята на работе, и, поскольку я не в состоянии позаботиться о животном, я решила не заводить его.

    We, I guess in a sense, we’re more about, Marcus, Marcus is a person that’s very respectful of ingredients and basically treats, you know, will treat a carrot the same way as a piece of foie gras in the sense they’re both great things that need to be looked after and treated in the right way to get the maximum kind of favour out of them and I guess we’re more about making a carrot taste like a carrot as opposed to making a carrot taste like a beetroot, which, in a sense, I think some people get a little carried away with.

    Мы, я думаю, в некотором смысле, мы больше от Маркуса, Маркус — это человек, который очень уважительно относится к ингредиентам и в основном обращается, знаете, будет относиться к моркови точно так же, как кусочку фуа — гра, в смысле, они оба важные вещи, к которым нужно относиться и обращаться правильным способом, чтобы получить максимальный вкус из них, и я считаю, мы больше стремимся сделать морковь со вкусом моркови, а не морковь со вкусом свеклы, чем, в некотором смысле, я думаю, что некоторые люди немного увлеклись.

    I’d like to know more about my father’s side, because I take after my dad, everyone says I look like him and I don’t really know much about his parents or his grandparents, so that would be interesting to find out about them.

    Я хотел бы узнать больше со стороны отца, потому что я пошел в папу, все говорят, что я похож на него, а я не очень много знаю о его родителях или дедушках и бабушках, так что было бы интересно узнать о них.

    We have a moral duty to look after our planet and hand it in good order to future generations.

    У нас есть моральный долг — заботиться о нашей планете и передать ее будущим поколениям в хорошем состоянии.

    I mainly look after nursery and early primary school children.

    В основном курирую малышей после детсада и из начальной школы.

    The crippled peasant remained for some time looking after them.

    Калека остался на дороге и некоторое время смотрел им вслед.

    How did you look after the needs of every citizen?

    Как смотрят они на нужды каждого гражданина своей страны?

    My parents have been married for 20 years they have much in common, in everyday life Dad is impractical and needs mother to look after him.

    Мои родители были женаты в течение 20 лет, у них есть много общего, в повседневной жизни папа непрактичен и нуждается в матери, чтобы ухаживать за ним.

    She looks after the house and takes care of all of us.

    Она смотрит за домом и заботится о всех нас.

    When I went to the Tretyakov Gallery after that and looked at the Girl with Peaches again, I suddenly remembered that day in Abramtsevo, and for the first time I noticed the play of light and shade in the picture, the atmosphere of a sunny summer day.

    Когда я пошел в Третьяковку после этого и посмотрел на Девочку с персиками еще раз, я вдруг вспомнил, тот день в Абрамцево, и впервые я заметил, игру света и тени на картине, атмосферу солнечного летнего дня.

    Some people break the so-called health every day and escape punishment and some look after their health and don’t live any longer in the end.

    Некоторые люди нарушают так называемые принципы здоровья каждый день, и уходят от наказания, а некоторые следят за своим здоровьем и не живут больше в конце концов.

    I always help him to do homework and I look after him while my mother and father are at work.

    Я всегда помогаю ему делать домашнее задание и присматриваю за ним, пока мама с папой на работе.

    She works as a lawyer but now she looks after my younger sister.

    Она работает адвокатом, но сейчас она занимается моей младшей сестрой.

    I like to play and look after them.

    Мне нравится с ними играть и ухаживать за ними.

    Later it was decided that she would run the house and look after the family.

    Позже было решено, что она будет управлять домом и заботиться о семье.

    In spite of her age she enjoys living in a colledge and always looks forward to going there after holidays.

    Несмотря на ее возраст она любит жить в colledge и всегда с нетерпением ждет идти туда после отпуска.

    They look after the house, grow vegetables in our garden and involved in cooking.

    Они заботятся о доме, выращивают овощи в нашем саду и занимаются приготовлением еды.

    But my major hobby is looking after my pets.

    Но основное мое увлечение — забота о моих домашних любимцах.

    She had fallen in love with the fairy-tale look of him, and she had believed his promises of happy-ever-after.

    Она полюбила его за романтическую внешность и поверила его обещаниям вечного счастья.

    Jamie looked in on her after the noon meal was served, and was pleased to see her sitting in a chair next to the window.

    Джейми заглянула к ней после обеда и осталась довольна ее видом.

    There had always been someone to do things for her, to look after her, shelter and protect her and spoil her.

    Рядом всегда был кто — то, кто все делал за нее, оберегал ее, опекал, баловал.

    I look forward to coming back to the agency After I finish my training.

    С нетерпением жду возвращения в агентство после окончания тренировок.

    Donovan looked after him as he left and muttered a short, expressive phrase at his back.

    Донован проводил его взглядом и пробормотал короткую, но выразительную фразу.

    Trucker said some guy came up behind right after the wreck. He got up, took a look around and took off.

    Водители сказали, что кто — то подъехал сразу после аварии, вышел, осмотрелся и уехал.

    After these tramped the Army, looking brave and handsome in their splendid uniforms.

    За ними топали бравые военные в красивых ярких мундирах.

    We’re looking for a site for the repair shop this morning. Then we’ll go over to Catterick after lunch.

    Сначала мы поищем место для ремонтной мастерской, а уже после обеда поедем в Каттерик.

    My creditors offered to clear my debts if I looked after the guns

    Кредиторы предложили списать мои долги, если я присмотрю за оружием.

    Your boss killed him right after I made him look like a chump.

    Твой босс убил его сразу после того, как как я выставил его болваном.

    After the master has looked after him for so long that wretch pays him back with such treachery

    После того, что хозяин сделал для него этот негодяй отплатил ему таким вероломством.

    It looks like we rolled up to the house maybe minutes after the shootings, Doc.

    Похоже, что мы подъехали через несколько минут после стрельбы, док.

    Asked by: Mrs. Duane Green

    Score: 4.8/5
    (75 votes)

    (look after someone/something) to take care of someone or something and make certain that they have everything they need. It’s hard work looking after three children all day. be well looked after: You could tell that the car had been well looked after. Synonyms and related words.

    What is the meaning of well looking?

    1 archaic, rare Of a person: of good or attractive appearance; physically attractive. Formerly common, but in later use largely replaced by «good-looking». 2Of a person, animal, etc.: having a healthy appearance; that appears to be well.

    What does well maintain mean?

    adjective. Kept in good order or condition. ‘neat houses and well-maintained streets

    What’s a better word for beautiful?

    admirable, adorable, alluring, angelic, appealing, beauteous, bewitching, captivating, charming, classy, comely, cute, dazzling, delicate, delightful, divine, elegant, enthralling, enticing, excellent, exquisite, fair, fascinating, fetching, fine, foxy, good-looking, gorgeous, graceful, grand, handsome, ideal, inviting …

    Do Wells need maintenance?

    Regular maintenance of your well is required to ensure the continued safety of your water and to monitor for the presence of any contaminants. … All hazardous materials, such as paint, fertilizer, pesticides, and motor oil, should be kept far away from your well.

    15 related questions found

    What does looking after someone mean?

    (look after someone/something) to take care of someone or something and make certain that they have everything they need. It’s hard work looking after three children all day. be well looked after: You could tell that the car had been well looked after.

    How do you say looking after someone?

    1. attend,
    2. care (for),
    3. mind,
    4. oversee,
    5. superintend,
    6. supervise,
    7. tend,
    8. watch.

    What do good looks mean?

    : having a pleasing or attractive appearance : pretty, handsome, or beautiful.

    Is it good looking or good looking?

    are hyphenated when placed before nouns and have no hyphenation after the nouns. E.g. It was a well-to-do family / That family was well to do. He was a good-looking man / The woman was good looking.

    How gorgeous you are meaning?

    : very beautiful or attractive. : very enjoyable or pleasant. See the full definition for gorgeous in the English Language Learners Dictionary. gorgeous. adjective.

    What is the meaning of keeping an eye?

    If you keep an eye on something or someone, you watch them carefully, for example to make sure that they are satisfactory or safe, or not causing trouble. … I went for a run there, keeping an eye on the children the whole time.

    Is well regarded hyphenated?

    There is one other exception. Don’t add a hyphen to well if it is modified: As a well-regarded member of the firm, Atkinson was chosen to be the spokesperson. … To summarize, well requires a hyphen when it functions as part of a compound adjective (generally when it precedes a noun).

    Does caring about someone mean love?

    Love vs Care

    The difference between Love and Care is that they are different emotions expressed by people. Love means unconditionally loving someone or something, whereas Care means caring for something or somebody. … Love is an involuntary feeling that a person feels for a person, thing, or for any matter.

    Are you looking after yourself meaning?

    Look after yourself means to take care of yourself. The ‘for me’ implies they care about you still. This sounds like something someone might say during a break up. So, Look after yourself for me = I hope you take good care of yourself because I still care about you.

    What is the phrasal verb of get up?

    Get up is the most frequent way of saying “get into a standing position”, and this can be from a sitting, kneeling, or lying position; if you stand up, this is nearly always after sitting, especially on a chair.

    What can I say instead of take care?

    • Take care of yourself.
    • Be careful.
    • Go steady.
    • Tread carefully.
    • Be cautious.
    • Go easy on yourself!
    • Stay out of trouble!
    • Godspeed.

    How long do wells last?

    The average lifespan for a well is 30–50 years. 2. How deep is the well? Drilled wells typically go down 100 feet or more.

    How can you tell if your well is low?

    Warning Signs your Water Well may be Running Dry

    2. A Change In Taste. …
    3. Murky or Muddy Water. …
    4. Pump Runs Longer. …
    5. Faucets Begin Sputtering. …
    6. Neighbors Also Report Water Problems. …

    How much does it cost to flush a well?

    The cost ranges from $80 — $200. You can also perform the task yourself. It simply consists of pouring diluted chlorine into the water, letting it sit for a while, and then flushing the chlorine out of the system. You do this by making preparations, adding the chlorine bleach, and disinfecting the well.

    What are 5 synonyms for beautiful?


    • alluring.
    • cute.
    • dazzling.
    • fascinating.
    • fine.
    • graceful.
    • magnificent.
    • marvelous.

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