Last Update: Jan 03, 2023
This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!
Asked by: Helmer Goodwin
Score: 4.3/5
(54 votes)
clearly expressed, explained, or described: [ before noun ] We were not expecting Mr. Levy to give us a clear or well-defined answer.
What is well explain?
A well is an excavation or structure created in the ground by digging, driving, or drilling to access liquid resources, usually water. The oldest and most common kind of well is a water well, to access groundwater in underground aquifers. … Water can also be injected back into the aquifer through the well.
What does it mean to be well-meaning?
adjective. If you say that a person or their actions are well-meaning, you mean that they intend to be helpful or kind but they are unsuccessful or cause problems. He is a well-meaning but ineffectual leader. ‘well-meaning’
What is well defined example?
The definition of well defined is physical features or attributes that are precise and outlined clearly. An example of well defined is a person with an hour-glass figure. Accurately and unambiguously stated or described.
What is a well defined experience?
adjective. Having extensive experience in a particular occupation or activity.
35 related questions found
How do you prove well-defined?
A function is well defined if it gives the same result when the representation of the input is changed without changing the value of the input. For instance, if f takes real numbers as input, and if f(0.5) does not equal f(1/2) then f is not well defined (and thus not a function).
How do you describe your experience?
Adjectives often applied to «experience»: broad, wide, good, bad, great, amazing, horrible, terrible, pleasant, unpleasant, educational, financial, military, commercial, academic, political, industrial, sexual, romantic, religious, mystical, spiritual, psychedelic, scientific, human, magical, intense, deep, humbling, …
What is the 3 example of well-defined set?
Set: A set is a well-defined collection of objects or ideas. … Example: C = {red, blue, yellow, green, purple} is well-defined since it is clear what is in the set.
What is well-defined object?
Here, well-defined means that any given object must either be an element of the set, or not be an element of the set. Memorize: We say sets A and B are equal, and write A = B if x ∈ A ⇔ x ∈ B (that is, have exactly the same elements).
What’s another word for well-defined?
Words related to well-defined
clear-cut, distinct, explicit, precise, straightforward, transparent, unambiguous, apparent, audible, comprehensible, graspable, intelligible, legible, lucent, lucid, obvious, plain, sharp, spelled out, unblurred.
What does it mean to stay well?
«Stay well» means, «don’t get sick». «Stay safe» means, «don’t get into a dangerous situation.
What are the three meanings of well?
1a : prosperous, well-off. b : being in satisfactory condition or circumstances. 2 : being in good standing or favor. 3 : satisfactory, pleasing all’s well that ends well. 4 : advisable, desirable it might be well for you to leave.
Is it correct to say be well?
It is certainly most appropriate in our current unsettled, global paradigm regardless of the audience. It is synonymous with thrive. Be well!
What are wells used for?
In many places wells provide a reliable and ample supply of water for home uses, irrigation, and industries. Where surface water is scarce, such as in deserts, people couldn’t survive and thrive without groundwater, and people use wells to get at underground water.
What is well in a sentence?
Well modifies a verb; an action can be done well. … All you need to remember when you are pondering whether good or well is best for your sentence is that good modifies a person, place, or thing, whereas well modifies an action. If you’re having a good day, then your day is going well.
What is Welledup?
Definitions of well up. verb. come up (as of feelings and thoughts, or other ephemeral things) “Strong emotions welled up” synonyms: swell.
What is well-defined objective criteria?
Specific: clear about what, where, when, and how the situation will be changed; Measurable: able to quantify the targets and benefits; Achievable: able to attain the objectives (knowing the resources and capacities at the disposal of the community);
What is a well-defined matrix?
Matrix multiplication
Multiplication of two matrices is well-defined only if the number of columns of the left matrix is the same as the number of rows of the right matrix.
What are the 3 ways in defining a set?
There are three main ways to identify a set:
- A written description,
- List or Roster method,
- Set builder Notation,
What is a subset of A ={ 1 2 3?
The set 1, 2, 3 has 8 subsets. The first subset would be the null or empty subset, which contains none of the numbers: ( ) The null set is a…
What are well-defined collections and sets?
Thus, the basic concepts of sets is a well-defined collection of objects which are called members of the set or elements of the set. Objects belongs to the set must be well-distinguished. Definition of set: A set is a collection of well-defined objects.
How would you describe your best experience?
Words to Describe Your Good Experience
Magnificent: making a splendid appearance or show; of exceptional beauty, size. Tremendous: extraordinarily great in size, amount, or intensity: Prodigious: extraordinary in size, amount, extent, degree, force.
How do you write an experience description?
Work Experience Descriptions
- Begin each item by stating the name of the place, location, dates, and job title (e.g. manager, volunteer) List experiences in reverse chronological order (most current experience first).
- Describe your responsibilities in concise statements led by strong verbs.
How do you describe your work experience example?
Model Answer: I have some strong work experience that will help me with this job if I am successful. I worked for a year as a student in a local Pizza restaurant. That helped me to get confidence in talking to the public, and also showed me that this is a job where I will need to work hard.
What does it mean for something to be well-defined in math?
An expression is called «well-defined» (or «unambiguous») if its definition assigns it a unique interpretation or value. Otherwise, the expression is said to not be well-defined or to be ambiguous. For example, the expression (the product) is well-defined if , , and are integers.
These examples may contain rude words based on your search.
These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.
хорошо объяснено
хорошо объясняется
хорошо объясняются
хорошо объяснил
хорошо объяснена
хорошо объяснены
хорошо объясняет
хорошо описано
хорошо объяснить
хорошо обьяснила
вполне объяснима
хорошо объясняют
объясняется понятно
хорошо изложены
Each of these concepts has been well explained in the spiritual traditions for millenniums.
Каждое из этих понятий было хорошо объяснено в духовной традиции на протяжении тысячелетий.
Everything was well explained to me and done.
The observed brightness of the galaxy is well explained by a model where the onset of star formation was another 250 million years ago.
Наблюдаемая яркость галактики хорошо объясняется моделью, в которой начало звездообразования было еще 250 миллионов лет назад.
How it works is well explained on the homepage, including a video demonstration for clear illustration.
Принцип его работы хорошо объясняется на домашней странице, а также имеется видео-демонстрации для четкой иллюстрации возможностей.
Similar data exist in the works of other researchers, but they are not well explained.
Аналогичные данные есть и в работах других исследователей, но они недостаточно хорошо объясняются.
Time delays of damage and recovery were well explained by known catchment and water processes
Временные задержки в возникновении ущерба и восстановлении хорошо объясняются известными характеристиками процессов, протекающих в водосборных бассейнах и водах.
Thus, pharmacogenomic studies have shown that the pharmacological effects of the drug are very well explained by the observed changes in gene expression.
Таким образом, фармакогеномные исследования показали, что фармакологические эффекты препарата очень хорошо объясняются наблюдаемыми изменениями в экспрессии генов.
Specialist L.S. Berg notes that such periodicity is well explained by a two-year development cycle.
По мнению Л. С. Берга, эта периодичность хорошо объясняется двухлетним циклом жизни.
Follow the arrow and take a look at in games instructions, each step is well explained, so you will know how to make it.
Вы должны следовать стрелки и посмотрите на инструкции игры, каждый шаг хорошо объясняется, чтобы вы знали, как это сделать.
The microsaccades in pupillograms are well explained by moving and focusing the gaze on the details of the image, which makes it possible to interpret them as waves of attention.
Установлено, что микросаккады в пупиллограммах хорошо объясняются перемещением и фокусировкой взгляда на деталях рассматриваемого изображения, что позволяет интерпретировать их как волны внимания.
Coherent phenomena are well explained by quantum field theory (QFT), a well-established theoretical framework in quantum physics.
Когерентные явления хорошо объясняются квантовой теорией поля (КТП), хорошо известной теоретической основой квантовой физики.
Existing regional differences in the development of the Middle Kingdom are well explained by the theory that there are multiple Chinese civilizations.
Сложившиеся региональные различия в развитии Поднебесной хорошо объясняются в рамках теории существования нескольких китайских цивилизаций.
In the film his defection from the First Order comes about really quickly and isn’t well explained.
В фильме его отступление от Первого ордена происходит очень быстро и не очень хорошо объяснено.
That is pretty well explained by psychologist, Bob Altemeyer’s work on the Authoritarian Personality.
Это довольно хорошо объяснено в работах психолога Боба Альтемейра на тему авторитарной личности.
How to do that is very well explained in the article Configuring Web Proxy Clients for Direct Access by Tom Shinder.
Как это сделать, очень хорошо объясняется в статье Configuring Web Proxy Clients for Direct Access(Конфигурирование Web Proxy клиентов для прямого доступа) от Тома Шиндера(Tom Shinder).
As well explained by Krishna ShBstri Godbole in The Theosophist:
Great topic and as always well explained.
Everything well explained and made clear .
Everything well explained and made clear .
Not for me but very well explained.
Results: 146. Exact: 146. Elapsed time: 135 ms.
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The underlying assumptions are often not well explained and may lack a theoretical basis.
Зачастую основополагающие доводы недостаточно хорошо разъясняются и не имеют под собой четкой теоретической базы.
You can even write your own software on a specified hardware platform if you wish;
the AT commands are fully documented and very well explained.
Вы даже можете написать собственную программу, на определенной аппаратной платформе, если вы хотите; АТ- команд,
Thanks very much for the information, I thought I will not ever receive sms,
Большое спасибо за информацию, я думал, что я никогда не буду получать смс,
In the view of the secretariat, a change towards such a difficult(highly complex)
development area needs to be well explained to the delegations, the new direction should be clearly identified
and its objectives and deliverables explicitly defined and endorsed by the UN/CEFACT Plenary.
По мнению секретариата, решение переориентироваться в сторону столь трудной( высокосложной)
области деятельности должно быть хорошо разъяснено делегациям, следует ясно определить новое направление работы, а ее цели и
результаты должны быть четко установлены и одобрены Пленарной сессией СЕФАКТ ООН.
Ну, объяснить причины, по которым я люблю Дэниела, будет совсем не трудно.
Well, explain the rules to him, and next time there won’t be a problem.
Ну, объясните мне, почему он никогда не шел домой к своей матери.
Он сможет лучше объяснить королю наши нужды в том, что касается строительства.
This can best explained by the veterinarians who attended Jacek Sterna’s lecture,
thanks to the project for support to the veterinary medicine development of Ukraine.
Об этом лучше расскажут ветеринары, которые посетили лекцию Яцека Стерны
благодаря проекту поддержки развития ветеринарии Украины.
Depth perception for instance can be better explained under the embodied approach due to the sheer complexity of the action.
Глубинное восприятие, например, может быть лучше объяснено в рамках материального подхода из-за сложности действия.
One of the most successful examples of modified theory of gravity, for example,
is considered to be well explaining the early time of inflation, Starobinsky model or 2R- gravity.
Одним из наиболее удачных примеров модифицированной теории гравитации, к примеру,
считается хорошо объясняющая инфляцию раннего времени, модель Старобинского или 2R- гравитация.
Terms of trade decomposition: Estimating the contribution of different
product groups to terms-of-trade changes can better explain the impact of recent international price movements
on countries’ terms of trade;
Декомпозиция условий торговли: оценка вклада различных групп
продукции в изменение условий торговли может лучше объяснить влияние недавних изменений в международных ценах
на условия торговли тех или иных стран;
For reasons that others, perhaps, can best explain, Kosovo is a relatively non-controversial illustration of it.
По причинам, которые, пожалуй, могут лучше объяснить другие, Косово— это относительно однозначная иллюстрация данного принципа.
If they are so clever, here, let them better explain why Kiev is»the mother of Russian cities»?
Если они такие умные, держи, то пусть они лучше объяснят, почему Киев- мать городов русских?
The Bush administration
must restore the confidence of the American people and better explain its policy.
Администрация Буша ко всему прочему должна успокоить американское население и лучше разъяснить свою политику.
This also gives you right to publish a Article well explaining the characteristics of the withdrawal,
and that article send it to one of our newsletters to 10,000 emails and published in social networks.
Это также дает вам право на публикацию Статьи хорошо объясняя характеристики вывода и что статья
отправить его в один из наших информационных бюллетеней для 10 000 писем и опубликованы в социальных сетях.
It is shown that
existing physical models of photoconductivity formation well explain experimental results whereas for the explanation of noise properties
of CdSe photo-resistors it is necessary to consider additional mechanisms, which change the dispersion of number of electrons and holes under the influence of bias voltage and background noise.
Показано, что существующие физические модели формирования фотопроводимости хорошо объясняют экспериментальные результаты, тогда как для объяснения шумовых свойств
фоторезисторов из CdSe необходимо введение в рассмотрение дополнительных механизмов, изменяющих дисперсию числа электронов и дырок под действием напряжения смещения и фоновой засветки.
According to the discovery team, the pattern of depletion is best explained by assuming the electrons are absorbed by solid
material in the form of an equatorial disk of particles perhaps several decimeters to approximately a meter in diameter and that contains several denser rings or arcs.
Как утверждает команда исследователей, полученные данные могут быть удовлетворительно объяснены, если предположить, что электроны поглощаются неким твердым объектом,
представляющим собой диск из нескольких колец или дуг, содержащих в себе частицы диаметром от нескольких десятков сантиметров до нескольких метров.
With respect to paragraph(d), a suggestion that the word»combined» or»joint» would better explain the type of creditor meeting that was intended
and avoid any suggestion that only one such meeting could be held, was widely supported.
В отношении пункта( d) было высказано получившее широкую поддержку мнение о том, что слова» объединенное» или» совместное» лучше уточняли бы тип совещания кредиторов,
который имеется в виду, и помогли бы избежать любого предположения о том, будто бы может быть проведено только одно такое совещание.
Quoting the words of the great Western Kabalist in their translated form, 401 we may,
perhaps, the better explain them by the occasional addition of a word or two,
to show the difference between Western and Eastern explanations of the same subject.
Цитируя перевод слов великого западного каббалиста, 445 нам, возможно,
удастся лучше донести их смысл, добавляя иногда одно- два слова, чтобы показать разницу
между западным и восточным объяснениями одного и того же вопроса.
All other commands are well explained in the box»Commands» This prompt.
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43 Answers
To the point
Try using elucidate (v.).
Does anyone else find this really ironic?
Have we been had?
Mm. I don’t want to use a word I don’t even know, as is the case with many of these suggestions. Perhaps articulate.
Effective communicator?
Communicates accessibly?
@90s_kid. Thank you, kind sir.
tEh bEsT n tiNg.
How about instead of “as a skill, I can explain things well, in a way people understand” just say “I’m good at explaining things.” That’s not so many words (though I wouldn’t say concise or succinct, haha, I jest of course).
I think “effective communicator” is one of the better ways of saying it.
@shockvalue Yeah, I find this very ironic. Rather amusing actually.
“me talky good” – use this, it shows you’re a man of the people, but know how to handle yourself in a sticky situation.
make sure you leave cheeto stains on the resume too.
Excels at communicating complex technical issues to general audiences (or non-technical audiences).
Sometimes fewer words are not better for resumes.
@Monsoon; Before you choose the word, please learn the skill. Never make promises you can’t keep. You will be less apt to need fewer words, just better ones (sort of).
Use a thesaurus if you want a word.
And use a thesaurus if you want a synonym or antonym too.
toomuchcoffee911esque (adj.)
That’ll get you places.
Wow gail, that was a bit… mean.
I don’t think I need to know the word “erudite” to provide some one with exceptional IT support. For your information, I’m very good at IT support because I explain things in a way people can understand, not with as many big complicated words as possible. I spend all day trying to explain things to people that they don’t understand, and I do it well.
And obviously I used a thesaurus, I’m not an idiot. That didn’t provide results, because I was looking for a phrase I wanted to express with a single word. If you don’t have anything helpful to say, why answer?
look up explain in the book
I thought it was helpful to show the difference between the adverb “less” and the adjective “fewer.” I know that people tend to write in a relaxed way here sometimes, but you were telling us you could ’“explain things well” without doing it. Leave out “sort of”: and if you didn’t want words like “erudite,” you should have not asked for a list of one word synonyms. And last four words make a sentence fragment.
If you do an excellent job explaining IT details, say that.
You said sophisticated in your question not simple and when you use a thesaurus you have to come up with a word not a phrase. You can do it.
@steve, that is what I did, I just said I’m not an idiot. you should pay attention.
This is what came up,
1 a technician explained the procedure describe, give an explanation of, make clear, make intelligible, spell out, put into words; elucidate, expound, explicate, clarify, throw/shed light on; gloss, interpret. See note at clarify .
I didn’t like any of those.
and I hate the abb. IT
use a book instead of computer. Roget’s
@gail, did you point out the difference between less and fewer? I missed that. So helpful. That’s what fluther is all about, right there.
And for your information, I got a very nice one word synonym: articulate.
Where what?
where did you find articulate?
In Bluefreedom’s answer to this question.
I even said so in an earlier post.
good answer
I wouldn’t put it on my resume.
“You will be less apt to need fewer words, just better ones.” This was the second sentence in my first response. I thought that I would show and not tell.
Just keep the resumé clean and clear. And have someone edit for you. All of us need another pair of eyes when we write. Good luck.
“I am capable of explaining highly technical issues in laymen’s terms.”
“Excellent communication skills, able to convey complex information in terms easily understood by non-technical end-users.”
That sounds like a Languistic stuff.That need s a one word witch mean hall phrase to put in {en} ,right.{Developing].In talk try to avoid Common words.Yes, bether expresions.
@monsoon; Just quote @pathfinder. The job will be yours.
shockvalue – YES! Ironic, indeed!
monsoon, Try saying something more like “I can use a thesaurus with the best of them,” just don’t lie. Believe me, I have fallen into that trap a few times on a resume!
I think the best phrase in English is “technical explicator.” I understand the French word “animateur” can have this connotation, although it has other more specific denotations.
Response moderated
@ Monsoon, I’d love to know what you ended up with on your resume…and if you ended up with the job?!
@Sunny11 Since this question is from 2009, you probably won’t hear back.
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Be aware however that (1) his posts contain a lot of technical detail, albeit well-explained (2) much of what you think you know about air traffic and flying in general is wrong.
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The instructions are very well-explained so, like the decorations on top of the cake, you also have a cake that tastes like it was designed by a professional.
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His anger is well-explained, but unfortunately his actions in attempting to vent his rage only left him looking foolish and impotent.
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His anger is well-explained, but unfortunately his actions in attempting to vent his rage only left him looking foolish and impotent.
Tom & Lorenzo: Downton Abbey Season Two, Episode Two: A World Fueled by Class
The best well-thoughtout & well-explained answer will receive a ten point bonus.
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His anger is well-explained, but unfortunately his actions in attempting to vent his rage only left him looking foolish and impotent.
Tom & Lorenzo: Downton Abbey Season Two, Episode Two: A World Fueled by Class
But before you scream «cougar» (poor Elisha Cuthbert, who was really more wronged than wrong), let it be said it’s a well-handled, sufficiently well-explained return.
Pay attention: ’24’ is ticking again, and this one’s a blast
See in particular the weighted-average measure of real per-capita income growth in the Bread and Peace model of Douglas Hibbs, which produces a very tight fit to the data the most significant deviations are well-explained by a measure of military casualties that Hibbs uses as a second predictive variable:
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Shaw does not use any points and presents only well-explained solutions to the 735 puzzles.
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If I had, every agency and publishing house would post a clear, well-explained list of standard format restrictions on its website, along with explanations of any personal reading preferences and pet peeves its staff might happen to be harboring.
Author! Author! » Blog Archive » Speaking of dialogue revision, part II: let’s revisit dialogue repetition…repetition…repetition…
How can you use “well-explained” in a sentence? Here are
some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:
USA Today ‘s Katy Kelly writes, «The plague problem, which should be riveting, is so well-explained that it wearies the reader.»
For these sections alone, let alone the serious and well-explained scientific background, the series is well worth seeing.
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in a sentence.
Is there any other advervs that can be used instead of well ?
Key ideas are well explained.
Badly; quickly; thoroughly; lucidly… there must be hundreds of them.
Explain verb — To make plain or understandable.
Well and explain are semantically related. In some cases you can use «Well» instead a verb «Explain».
Well verb — Come up, as of a liquid.
Explain and well are semantically related. Sometimes you can use «Explain» instead a verb «Well».
Common collocations
name | explain name | well name |
Both words in one sentence
Google Ngram Viewer shows how «explain» and «well» have occurred on timeline