Word for well described

Table of Contents

  1. What is another word for well described?
  2. What is it called when you describe something very well?
  3. What is the meaning of being described?
  4. What does it mean to be well presented?
  5. What is well defined example?
  6. What does exceptionally well mean?
  7. What can I say instead of very well?
  8. How do you use describe?
  9. How do you use the word describe?
  10. How can I be well presented?
  11. Which is the best definition of well described?
  12. Which is the best definition of well defined policy?
  13. Which is an example of a well defined boundary?
  14. Which is an example of a well defined argument?

Words related to well-defined clear-cut, distinct, explicit, precise, straightforward, transparent, unambiguous, apparent, audible, comprehensible, graspable, intelligible, legible, lucent, lucid, obvious, plain, sharp, spelled out, unblurred.

What is it called when you describe something very well?

ably. adverb. very well or very skilfully.

What is the meaning of being described?

to tell or depict in written or spoken words; give an account of: He described the accident very carefully. to pronounce, as by a designating term, phrase, or the like; label: There are few people who may be described as geniuses.

What does it mean to be well presented?

having good or sufficient representation.

What is well defined example?

The definition of well defined is physical features or attributes that are precise and outlined clearly. An example of well defined is a person with an hour-glass figure. Accurately and unambiguously stated or described.

What does exceptionally well mean?

1 adj You use exceptional to describe someone or something that has a particular quality, usually a good quality, to an unusually high degree., ( approval) (=extraordinary)

What can I say instead of very well?


  • admirably.
  • distinctively.
  • divinely.
  • exquisitely.
  • extremely well.
  • famously.
  • fine.
  • flawlessly.

How do you use describe?

Describe sentence example

  1. I can’t describe how helpless I felt.
  2. I can’t describe how strange this is, Father.
  3. She wanted to express her feelings for him, but mere words could not describe them.
  4. I can only describe the mood of our return trip as pensive.
  5. All the historians describe the affair as follows:

How do you use the word describe?

1 : to represent or give an account of in words describe a picture The police asked her to describe the thief. There were so many things he wanted to describe …— James Joyce. 2 : to represent by a figure, model, or picture : delineate described in her paintings what she saw from her window.

How can I be well presented?

How can you make a good presentation even more effective?

  1. Show your Passion and Connect with your Audience.
  2. Focus on your Audience’s Needs.
  3. Keep it Simple: Concentrate on your Core Message.
  4. Smile and Make Eye Contact with your Audience.
  5. Start Strongly.
  6. Remember the 10-20-30 Rule for Slideshows.
  7. Tell Stories.

Which is the best definition of well described?

Define well-described. well-described synonyms, well-described pronunciation, well-described translation, English dictionary definition of well-described. adj having been skillfully represented or expressed in words Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged,

Which is the best definition of well defined policy?

Definition of well-defined. 1 : having clearly distinguishable limits, boundaries, or features a well-defined scar. 2 : clearly stated or described well-defined policies.

Which is an example of a well defined boundary?

Having a clean and distinct outline. Well defined describes something that is clearly described and completely laid out. A yard with a fence in place is an example of a yard with a well defined boundary. Having definite and distinct lines or features. A well-defined silhouette.

Which is an example of a well defined argument?

A well-defined argument. Having a clean and distinct outline. Well defined describes something that is clearly described and completely laid out. A yard with a fence in place is an example of a yard with a well defined boundary.

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

хорошо описаны

хорошо описан

хорошо описано

хорошо описана

хорошо описывается

хорошо описать

хорошо описанных

хорошо описала

прекрасно описано

хорошо описанные

полностью описаны

отлично описаны

хорошо прослеживается

хорошо описал

хорошо описываются

However, the major animal reservoirs and modes of transmission have not been well described.

Однако основные резервуары животных и способы передачи не были хорошо описаны.

The courses they offer are also well described and fully professional.

Курсы, которые они предлагают, также хорошо описаны и полностью профессиональны.

The project was well described and illustrated, and had a certain potential, but did not go further than the paper.

Проект был хорошо описан и иллюстрирован, и имел определённый потенциал, но дальше бумаги не пошёл.

The cervical spine as a cause of headache has been well described in the literature (1,2).

Шейный позвоночник как причина головной боли хорошо описан в литературе (1,2).

And their behavior can be pretty well described with a few simple principles.

И их поведение может быть очень хорошо описано с помощью нескольких простых принципов.

It was worded vaguely enough that nearly everyone in the room thought they were being well described.

Он был сформулирован достаточно неопределенно, что почти все в комнате, думали, что они были хорошо описано.

The main principles of such systems is well described in the net.

Основные принципы работы подобных систем хорошо описаны в сети.

Very well described, for example, signs of tuberculosis.

This chemistry explains the effects of anesthesia and of consciousness, which have not been well described anywhere else in the biologic sciences.

Эта химия объясняет эффект анестезии и сознания, которые не были хорошо описаны нигде в биологических науках.

These possible adverse drug reactions have been well described in the more than 60 years of experience with drugs containing metamizole.

Этих возможных неблагоприятных реакций на лекарства были хорошо описаны в более чем 60-летний опыт работы с препаратами, содержащими метамизол натрия.

It sounds very plausible, given that the principle of action of the tool is so well described.

Звучит весьма правдоподобно, учитывая, что так хорошо описан принцип действия средства.

At first these exercises are well described.

Science is but one way of making sense of the world, with internally-consistent methods and principles that are well described.

Теория науки представляет способ сделать мир через внутренне согласованные методы и принципы, которые хорошо описаны.

The procedure for building a syllogism is well described in the logicaletion literature.

Порядок построения силлогизма хорошо описан в логической литературе.

Specific locations of these acupuncture points have been well described for many different illnesses.

Конкретное расположение этих точек хорошо описано для многих различных болезней.

The mechanism of development of diabetic nephropathy is well described in numerous manuals and textbooks.

Механизм развития диабетической нефропатии хорошо описан в многочисленных руководствах и учебниках.

The proton properties are well described in any textbook of physics.

Свойства протонов хорошо описаны в любом учебнике физики.

The construction of such solid phase biopolymer arrays is well described in the literature.

Получение таких твердофазных биополимерных структур хорошо описано в литературе.

Stem cell therapy for autoimmune disease is also well described.

Защитные свойства молозива в отношении болезнетворных бактерий также хорошо описаны.

The earliest changes of EMF are not well described because most patients do not present with symptoms until relatively late in the clinical course.

Самые ранние изменения ЭМФ не очень хорошо описаны, потому что большинство пациентов не имеют симптомов до относительно позднего клинического течения.

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Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Esmeralda Bruen Jr.

Score: 5/5
(49 votes)

adjective (well described when postpositive) (of a scene, picture, incident, etc) having been skillfully represented or expressed in words.

How do you say well described?


  1. clear-cut.
  2. distinct.
  3. explicit.
  4. precise.
  5. straightforward.
  6. transparent.
  7. unambiguous.
  8. apparent.

What’s another word for well-defined?

Words related to well-defined

precise, unambiguous, straightforward, distinct, clear-cut, explicit, transparent, apparent, audible, comprehensible, intelligible, legible, lucid, obvious, plain, sharp, understandable, lucent, graspable, spelled out.

What does well characterized mean?

adjective. Clearly described or distinguished; having a distinct character.

What does the word well meaning means?

adjective. 1. having good or kindly intentions. 2. said or done with good intentions, but often unwisely or ineffectually.

23 related questions found

When someone is well-meaning?

adjective. If you say that a person or their actions are well-meaning, you mean that they intend to be helpful or kind but they are unsuccessful or cause problems. He is a well-meaning but ineffectual leader.

What does 12.0 mean?

12 is a slang term for police or any law enforcement officials. It came from the police radio code “10-12” and the 1968 TV show Adam-12, which followed two police officers Pete Malloy and Jim Reed, from the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) patrolling the Los Angeles streets in their patrol car, 1-Adam-12.

How is someone characterized?

To characterize someone is to describe them in a certain way, to try to pin down his or her personality. If you say your dad is stingy, you are characterizing him as a miser. … We all have character, meaning we all have unique personalities. Also, characters are people in books, movies, plays, and TV shows.

How do you use characterized by?

1. The era was characterized by political and cultural turbulence. 2. The cuckoo is characterized by its familiar call.

What are well-defined functions?

A function is well defined if it gives the same result when the representation of the input is changed without changing the value of the input. For instance, if f takes real numbers as input, and if f(0.5) does not equal f(1/2) then f is not well defined (and thus not a function).

How do you prove well-defined?

How do I prove that a function is well defined?

  1. Every element in the domain maps to an element in the codomain: x∈X⟹f(x)∈Y.
  2. The same element in the domain maps to the same element in the codomain: x=y⟹f(x)=f(y)

What is a well-defined experience?

adjective. Having extensive experience in a particular occupation or activity.

What does very well then mean?

1 somewhat old-fashioned —used to say that one agrees with something Very well, then. I’ll see you tomorrow.

What is characterization example?

Characterization is the process by which the writer reveals the personality of a character. … Example: “The patient boy and quiet girl were both well mannered and did not disobey their mother.” Explanation: The author is directly telling the audience the personality of these two children.

What is direct characterization?

Direct characterization, also known as explicit characterization, consists of the author telling the audience what a character is like. A narrator may give this information, or a character in the story may do it.

What is the opposite of characterization?

Opposite of a nickname or description popularly given to someone or something. anonymity. namelessness. obscurity. innominateness.

What are types of characterization?

There are two types of characterization in fiction writing:

  • Indirect characterization.
  • Direct characterization.

What does mood mean in literature?

The definition of mood in literature can best be understood as the emotion the author strives to evoke in the reader. Mood in literature embodies the overall feeling or atmosphere of the work. Authors can generate a story’s mood through different techniques—all of which are done through the use of language, of course.

What are the four types of characterization?

Terms in this set (4)

  • Description. …
  • Dialogue. …
  • Characters thoughts/feelings. …
  • How the character reacts to others and how others react to the character.

What does 1437 mean?

The internet slang «1437» means «I love you forever» on TikTok. Each numeral reflects the number of letters in the corresponding word.

What is the meaning of 10?

1 : a number that is one more than nine — see Table of Numbers. 2 : the 10th in a set or series wears a ten. 3 : something having 10 units or members.

What is the meaning of 5?

The meaning of five is many and varied. 5 represents curiosity and adventure; the importance of number 5 runs through every culture and religion in the world; and the things associated with the number 5 range from the mundane to the bizarre! People even use the numerology of 5 to tell their futures.

Well described procedure, adjustment, maintenance and inspection systems:

Very well described the structure and function of main components and assemblies.

Very well described the structure and operation of components and assemblies in order.

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Очень хорошо описана структура и функционирование узлов и агрегатов в порядке.

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Господин в своем выступлении хорошо описал, какие задачи нас ждут?

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The benefits of tackling negative environmental trends in terms of improvements in sustained economic growth and

human health have been well described, for example in air quality Henschel

et al. 2012.

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Преимущества устранения негативных экологических тенденций с точки зрения улучшения устойчивого экономического роста и

здоровья человека были хорошо описаны, например, в отчете« Качество воздуха» Henschel и др.,

2012 г.

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Specimen transportation and

referral mechanisms within a laboratory network should be well described, with clear transportation arrangements in place.

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Механизмы транспортировки и

направления образцов внутри лабораторной сети должны быть хорошо описаны и подкреплены четкой организацией транспорта на местах.

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Its appearance and behavior are largely based on that of the well-documented Steller’s sea cow, who, unlike the Cuesta sea cow,

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Внешний вид и поведение в значительной степени основаны на


документированной морской корове Стеллера, которая, в отличие от H. cuestae,

In cases where they are completely unusable for humanity, such as lightning discharges,

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В случаях, которые полностью непригодны для человечества, таких, как разряд молнии,

то по крайней мере очень хорошо описаны и охарактеризованы.

None of the studies adequately assessed any adverse effects of antibiotic treatment for the mother or her baby and

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Ни одно из исследований адекватно не оценивало какие-либо неблагоприятные эффекты антибактериальной терапии со стороны матери или ее ребенка,

и часто не было хорошо описано, каким образом проводили исследование.

It is very important to have a well described, low-cost possibility to file an objection, especially as a community.

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Очень важно иметь четко описанную и низкозатратную возможность подачи возражения, особенно для сообщества.

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With regard to commitments under Articles 4.1(i) and 6,

the issues of public awareness, information dissemination, education, training and participation were, in general, fairly well described.

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В контексте обязательств по статьям 4. 1 i и

6 были в целом достаточно хорошо освещены проблемы информирования общественности,

распространения информации, образования, подготовки кадров и участия.

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The nature and scope of the problem have been well described through the important work and reports of Francis Deng,

the Representative of the Secretary-General for Internally Displaced Persons, with whom the Special Representative has continued to work very closely on the issue.

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Характер и масштабы этой проблемы были хорошо описаны благодаря важной работе и докладам представителя Генерального секретаря

по вопросу о вынужденных переселенцах г-на Франсиса Денга, с которым Специальный представитель продолжал тесно сотрудничать по данному вопросу.

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In other cases, it may be appropriate to add new areas to the score-card- for example

if the situation of a relevant vulnerable and marginalized group is not well described in any of the areas included in section 3 of the score-card.

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В других случаях может быть целесообразно добавить новые сферы деятельности в оценочную ведомость например,

если ситуация с соответствующими уязвимыми и маргинальными группами не очень хорошо описана в любой из сфер деятельности, включенных в раздел 3 оценочной ведомости.

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A formal,


documented and recorded process for identifying mined areas: A credible investigation of the presence of mines that features(a)

a thorough and well described methodology ensuring objective assessments,(b)

input provided by a sufficient number of credible informants whose names and contact details are recorded, and,(c) quantified survey information, is a necessary precondition for being able to release land without the deployment of technical means.

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задокументированный и зарегистрированный процесс для идентификации минных районов: чтобы быть в состоянии произвести высвобождение земель без развертывания технических средств, в качестве необходимой предпосылки выступает убедительное исследование на предмет присутствия мин,

отличающееся а тщательно и хорошо описанной методологией, обеспечивающей объективную оценку,

b вкладом со стороны достаточного контингента убедительных информаторов, чьи имена и контактные данные регистрируются, и c квантифицированной информацией от обследования;

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The basic principle, that most well describes this phenomenon:»look in a book- see nevermind.

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Основной принцип, который наиболее хорошо описывает данный феномен:» гляжу в книгу- вижу фигу.

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The music would be best described as’post-rock/metal’, as much as it’s a label

that I dislike using(due to its ambiguity) it’s the best fit.

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Лучшим описанием для этой музыки будет» пост- рок/ метал», хотя именно это обозначение мне и нравится

меньше всего( из-за его двусмысленности), оно тем не менее лучше всего подходит Khôrada.

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It can be said that Northern Sami was better described than Norwegian was before Ivar Aasen published his grammar on Norwegian.

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Можно сказать, что северносаамский язык в то время был описан лучше, чем норвежский до того, как Ивар Осен издал свою грамматику норвежского языка.

Instead, the media release is better described as a short, attention-grabbing

and topical presentation of the most significant features of the results from the crime victimization survey.

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запоминающейся и актуальной презентации самых важных особенностей данных обследования виктимизации от преступности.

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For almost 20 years,

Focaccia has built a sterling reputation thanks to a diverse menu best described as Jerusalem cuisine meets the Italian kitchen

and excellent culinary execution.

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За почти 20 лет существования Фокачча

сыскала безупречную репутацию благодаря разнообразному меню, которое лучше охарактеризовать как переплетение иерусалимской и итальянской кухни в лучшем кулинарном исполнении.

This makes it possible to outline a complete picture of the situation concerning transboundary water cooperation,

track progress more closely beyond the indicator value and better describe the current baseline.

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Это позволяет получить полную картину трансграничного сотрудничества в области водных ресурсов, в большей степени отслеживать прогресс,

выходя за рамки данного показателя, и лучше описать нынешний базовый показатель.

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Since the grid is usually a relatively small statistical unit when compared to conventional statistical areas,

it can far better describe the real spatial distribution of phenomena.

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Поскольку по сравнению с традиционными статистическими районами размер сетки, как правило, невелик,

она может лучше описывать реальное пространственное распределение изучаемого явления.

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The Bible well describes how Jesus prayed at Gethsemane:»And being

in an agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground?

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Библия хорошо описывает, как Иисус молился в Гефсимании:« И находясь в борении,

прилежнее молился; и был пот Его, как капли крови, падающие на землю.»( ОТ ЛУКИ 22: 44) Если Сын Божий молился так искренне, то насколько более пламенно должны молиться мы?

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The current model cannot give a precise indication of the damage growth if the parameter h is not known in advance or if some experimental results are not available,

but it can very well describe damage growth ranges as will be shown below.

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Данная модель не даст точных параметров развития разрушения, если параметр h не известен заранее или недоступны некоторые экспериментальные результаты,

но она может очень хорошо описать диапазоны распространения разрушений, как будет показано ниже.

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Throughout the book, Wells describes his vision of the World Brain:

a new, free, synthetic, authoritative, permanent»World Encyclopaedia» that could help world citizens make the best use of universal information resources and make the best contribution to world peace.

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На протяжении всей книги Уэллс описывает свое видение мировой энциклопедии:

новая, бесплатная, авторитетная, постоянная« Всемирная энциклопедия», которая могла бы помочь гражданам всего мира использовать информационные ресурсы и сделать очень большой вклад в жизнь людей.

Of the responding resident coordinators 36.7 per cent support

the idea of modifying the CSN so that it can better describe the links with existing programmes

and projects of the United Nations system organizations.

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Процента ответивших координаторов- резидентов поддерживают идею изменения ДНС,

с тем чтобы в нем можно было лучшим образом обозначить связи с существующими программами и проектами организаций,

входящих в систему Организации Объединенных Наций.

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But few people will deny that every individual equation just sufficiently well describes a particular sum of phenomena,

which are just separate description versions of some of countless manifestation signs of all possible Causes, but not the Principles that determine the existence of non-local Causes and their countless consequences locally perceived by us.

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Но мало кто станет отрицать, что каждое из уравнений в отдельности лишь достаточно хорошо описывает определенную совокупность явлений,-

это всего лишь отдельные варианты описаний некоторых из бесчисленного множества признаков проявления всевозможных Причин, а не Принципы, обусловливающие само существование нелокальных Причин и их бесчисленных, локально воспринимаемых нами, следствий.

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In response to the question from the representative of Finland on the issue of whether motor spirit containing ethanol up to 10% should be assigned to UN 1993 FLAMMABLE LIQUID, N.O.S. or to UN 1203 MOTOR SPIRIT, the Working Party replied that it should be assigned to UN 1203,

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На вопрос представителя Финляндии о том, должен ли бензин, содержащий не более 10% этанола, быть отнесен к№ ООН 1993 ЖИДКОСТЬ ЛЕГКОВОСПЛАМЕНЯЮЩАЯСЯ, Н. У. К., или к№ ООН 1203 БЕНЗИН МОТОРНЫЙ, Рабочая группа ответила, что его следует относить к№ ООН 1203,

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The Commission noted that the term» interactive applications» had been used in preference to» automated message system» as it was

considered to provide an appropriately objective term that better described the situation that was apparent to any person accessing a system,

namely, that it was prompted to exchange information through that system by means of immediate actions and responses having an appearance of automaticity A/CN.9/546, para. 114.

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Комиссия отметила, что термин» интерактивные прикладные средства» был использован вместо выражения» автоматизированная система сообщений», поскольку было сочтено,

что это достаточно объективный термин, который лучше описывает ситуацию, очевидную для любого лица, получающего доступ к системе, а именно ситуацию, когда

ему предлагается обменяться информацией через эту систему с помощью незамедлительных действий и ответов, которые создают видимость автоматического режима A/ CN. 9/ 546, пункт 114.

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Предложения с «well described»

Mary Baker Eddy and Mark Twain had some contrasting views on theodicy and suffering, which are well-described by Stephen Gottschalk.

У Мэри Бейкер Эдди и Марка Твена были некоторые противоположные взгляды на теодицею и страдание, которые хорошо описаны Стивеном Готтшалком.

At room temperature, this example finds application in semiconductors, where the ionization of a dopant atom is well described by this ensemble.

При комнатной температуре этот пример находит применение в полупроводниках, где ионизация атома легирующей примеси хорошо описывается этим ансамблем.

The name delirium tremens was first used in 1813; however, the symptoms were well described since the 1700s.

Название delirium tremens впервые было использовано в 1813 году, однако симптомы были хорошо описаны с 1700 — х годов.

The formation and consequences of silicon-induced granulomas is not well described or understood.

Образование и последствия кремнийиндуцированных гранулем недостаточно хорошо описаны и поняты.

His mental attitude is well described by himself as the effect of Germanism on the unprepared mind of a Southerner.

Его ментальное отношение хорошо описано им самим как влияние германизма на неподготовленный ум Южанина.

The two drugs that have been well-described for the treatment of hymenolepiasis are praziquantel and niclosamide.

Двумя препаратами, которые были хорошо описаны для лечения гименолепиаза, являются празиквантел и никлозамид.

However, the toxicokinetics after overdose have not been well described .

Однако токсикокинетика после передозировки не была хорошо описана.

The well-described brown recluse bite causes direct damage to skin and tissue.

Хорошо описанный укус коричневого отшельника вызывает прямое повреждение кожи и тканей.

The battle dress and armour of hero and soldier are well-described.

Боевая одежда и доспехи героя и солдата хорошо описаны.

Despite the paucity of material, it was well described .

Несмотря на скудость материала, он был хорошо описан.

The mill is well described in the visitors centre, and is situated near the Temple of Artemis.

Мельница хорошо описана в Центре посетителей и расположена рядом с храмом Артемиды.

That’s the kind of thing we should expect for any well-described language.

Именно этого мы и должны ожидать от любого хорошо описанного языка.

Optical properties of spherical metallic QDs are well described by the Mie scattering theory.

Оптические свойства сферических металлических кд хорошо описываются теорией рассеяния Ми.

Well-categorized and well-described images are more likely to be used.

Более вероятно использование хорошо классифицированных и хорошо описанных изображений.

mentiones only uo3 in not well described mixture, most of the rest is u308 and uo2.

упоминает только uo3 в не очень хорошо описанной смеси, большая часть остальных — u308 и uo2.

Well, as I’m describing this you, you probably know I remember this really well.

По тому, как я всё описываю , понятно, что я помню эту историю очень хорошо.

Well, how would you describe yourself?

Ну, как бы ты себя описала?

Well, it’s not very easy to describe the plot exactly ’cause it’s quite complicated.

Ну, сюжет описать не так — то просто, потому что он довольно сложный.

These specifications based on a special standard 1/ describe the required physical characteristics as well as the test methods for these characteristics.

В этих требованиях, в основу которых положен специальный стандарт 1/, описаны нормативные физические характеристики, а также методы испытаний в отношении этих характеристик.

If you were attempting to describe your exact opposite, well done — you have the face and frame of a distressed catcher’s mitt.

Если вы решили описать свою полную противоположность, поздравляю. Фигурой и лицом вы больше походите на старый мешок картошки.

The financial arrangements described by the ICIJ on the basis of the Panama files would leave him with nothing if he ceased to be Putin the institution, as well as the man.

Финансовые схемы, описанные на основе панамских документов, оставят его ни с чем, если он перестанет быть одновременно Путиным — человеком и «коллективным Путиным».

Well, the song describes how I carried her in the trunk, which is impossible.

Ну, в песне описано, как я перевозил ее в багажнике, что невозможно.

Well, I can describe what it looked like, but I sure couldn’t hang a name on it; morning noon and night it was burnt black and had potatoes in it and looked like roofing glue.

Ну, сказать, на что это похоже, я могу, но названия подобрать не сумею: утром, днем и вечером — горелое, черное и с картошкой, а с виду кровельный вар.

As well as and in addition to the herein described , all progeny born after the effective date will be treated as Jews.

А также в дополнении к вышесказанному о всех признаваемых евреями, их потомство, рожденное после принятия данного закона, считается евреями.

Pravdin was a well-known Panslavist abroad, and Countess Lidia Ivanovna described the purport of his letter.

Правдин был известный панславист за границей, и графиня Лидия Ивановна рассказала содержание письма.

Well, Alastor is an epithet the Greeks used to describe the bloodshed left in the wake of the god of war, so, they went pretty direct with the name, I guess.

Аластор это эпитет, который использовали греки для определения кровопролития, которое должно было разбудить бога войны, так что они довольно точно выбрали название, как я полагаю.

Well, there is no need to describe the Kelseys the baby was a little love and Mrs Kelsey quite nice, though rather the fretting kind.

Описывать подробно семейство Келси нет нужды: ребенок само очарование, миссис Келси тоже очень мила, хотя несколько нервозна.

Page three describes the casualties estimates As well as secondary effects.

На третьей странице описываются приблизительные потери, так же как и побочные эффекты.

Well, they prefer to describe themselves as cyber activists, but yes.

Ну, они предпочитают характеризовать себя как кибер активисты, но да.

Well, you see, there are ancient texts of the Phoenicians that describe this powerful fiery beast that killed thousands of their enemies, and then it went back to its habitat, satiated.

Есть древние финикийские тексты, в которых описывается могучий огненный монстр, который убил тысячи своих врагов, а потом, насытившись, вернулся в свое жилище.

Well, I’d describe him as sort of human-shaped.

Я бы охарактеризовал его как имеющего человеческую форму.

Well, I do like the way your mouth moves when you describe it.

Мне нравится, как движутся твои губы, пока ты рассказываешь.

He describes it all sonorously, powerfully, brilliantly, but I read and … well, there is no impression of any sort; neither emotion nor indignation- just ennui.

Громко, сильно, блестяще описывает , а я читаю и… ну, никакого впечатления: ни волнения, ни возмущения — одна скука.

Yes, that describes her very well.

Да, вы точно описали Сару Кинг.

It’s all very well to say ‘describe him,’ Pat.

Легко сказать, Пэт, опиши его.

Well, you just described the precise physical qualities of Atlantean Thaumatite.

Ну, ты только что описала точные физические качества Атлантического Тауматита.

Well, she was the sort of person you would describe as indomitable.

Ну, она была человеком, которого вы бы назвали неукротимым.

And to say truly, he did believe in the justice as well as the necessity and the importance of all that he had done and now described .

По правде говоря, он и в самом деле верил, что все им содеянное, все, что он сейчас изложил суду, согласуется с законом и оправдано необходимостью.

Well, keeping in mind the recent behavioral changes you’ve described , I did a CAT scan…

Ну, учитывая его последние поведенческие изменения которые вы описали Мы провели МРТ

Well…just incredibly carefree, I suppose you’d describe that.

Ну… просто очень беззаботной. Я полагаю, можно назвать это так.

Witnesses describe our Miss Smith at the post office as being a blonde, well dressed, but none of them saw her face.

Свидетели с почты описывают нашу мисс Смит как блондинку, хорошо одетую, но никто из них не видел её лица.

Well, actually, he didn’t, because he described it as indescribable.

Ну, вообще то, он не ел, поскольку он описал их как неописуемых.

Now tonight, in the normally quiet island town of Port Gamble, they are in the throes of a viral attack, which purportedly turns its victims into, well, what can be best described as zombies.

Этим вечером, в тихом городе Порт — Gamble, они в муках вирусной атаки, который якобы превращает своих жертв в, ну лучше всего можно описать как зомби.

Well, other witnesses on the street also described Detective Reagan as… being agitated.

Хорошо, другой свидетель на улице также описывает детектива Рейгана как… взволнованного.

Describe her as well as you can.

Как можно подробнее опишите ее.

I believe she was describing you, as well.

Полагаю, она также описывала и вас.

Well, protected wouldn’t be how most would describe it.

Ну, большинство не назвали бы это как охранял.

He had played very well, some of his recoveries had been marvellous, and he described them in detail.

Играл он очень хорошо, некоторые из его ударов были просто великолепны, и он описал их во всех подробностях.

However, if the prisoner’s blood were also of this same group, then the stains on his jacket may well have resulted from the household accident he described to you.

Однако, если кровь обвиняемого также относится к этой группе, то пятна на пиджаке вполне могли быть результатом описанного вам инцидента на кухне?

Well, I suppose it would be best described as a sort of mobile black eye with a hypnotic stare.

Думаю, лучше его описать как что — то вроде передвижного черного глаза с гипнотическим взглядом.

Well, Freud describes it as a time before age five when any part of your body can be aroused by almost anything.

Фрейд описывает этот период детства до 5 лет, когда любая часть твоего тела возбуждается практически ото всего.

We have the hoodlums’ names. And we can describe them fairly well.

Ведь мы знаем их имена и можем хорошо описать приметы.

I know, and I would never cheat on you, either, but… if we’re being completely honest, I had, well, I guess the best way to describe it would be… an energy exchange?

Я знаю, и тоже бы никогда тебе не изменила, но.. если быть полностью честными, у меня было, ну, наверное наиболее верно будет назвать это …обменом энергией?

Well, the answer is that their observations began to suggest to them that the prevailing Greek theory that described how everything in the heavens revolved around the Earth had some serious flaws.

Ответ в том, что их наблюдения показали им… что господствующая греческая теория о том, что все … в небесах вращалось вокруг Земли, имела серьезные недостатки.

Rudolf described the way really well.

Рудольф мне подробно описал маршрут.

In another version, Budha is described as transgender as well.

По другой версии, Будда описывается как трансгендеров, а также.

The word TARDIS is used to describe other Time Lords’ travel capsules as well.

Слово ТАРДИС используется и для описания других капсул Повелителей Времени.

The EP was generally well received, described by NPR Music as “aggressive and immediate” and by the Chicago Reader as “vital and exciting.

EP был в целом хорошо принят, описанный NPR Music как агрессивный и непосредственный“, а Chicago Reader как жизненно важный и захватывающий.

Plato describes the gifts of this season as the fruit that is harvested as well as Dionysian joy.

Платон описывает дары этого времени года как плоды, которые собирают, а также дионисийскую радость.

has been described as an ancestor of as well as an early showcase for 3D graphics in console gaming.

был описан как предок, а также ранняя витрина для 3D — графики в консольных играх.

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Well-Described is an adjective.

The adjective is the word that accompanies the noun to determine or qualify it.


Definition of well-described in the English dictionary

The definition of well-described in the dictionary is having been skillfully represented or expressed in words.

Synonyms and antonyms of well-described in the English dictionary of synonyms

Translation of «well-described» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of well-described to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of well-described from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «well-described» in English.

Translator English — Chinese


1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish

bien descritos

570 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi

अच्छी तरह से वर्णित

380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic

موصوفة وصفا جيدا

280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian

хорошо описано

278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese

bem descrita

270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali

ভালভাবে বর্ণনা

260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French

bien décrit

220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay

Digambarkan dengan baik

190 millions of speakers

Translator English — German

gut beschrieben

180 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean

잘 설명

85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese

mô tả tốt

80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil

நன்கு விவரிக்கப்பட்ட

75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish

de tarif edilen

70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian

ben descritto

65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish

Dobrze opisane

50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian

добре описано

40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian

bine descrise

30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek

καλά περιγραφέν

15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans

goed beskryf

14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish

väl beskrivna

10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian

godt — beskrevne

5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of well-described


The term «well-described» is regularly used and occupies the 55.937 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.


The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «well-described» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of well-described

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «well-described».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «well-described» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «well-described» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about well-described


Discover the use of well-described in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to well-described and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.


Field Linguistics: A Beginner’s Guide

For the sake of argument, let us assume that a language can be said to be
reasonably ‘well described‘ if there is a published grammar which runs to 200–
300 pages of published text, since this approximates to what is expected of a
doctoral …

Terry Crowley, Nick Thieberger, 2007


TAPSOFT ’95: Theory and Practice of Software Development: …

The class of well-described formulas is determined as follows: T, l are well-
described. V*! v V’Zt V»i A tfa are well-described if V>i , V»2 are. (Q)^I is well-
described if ip is well-described. •0! ^> ^2 is well-described if ifo is well-described
and tpi is …

Peter D. Mosses, Mogens Nielsen, Michael I. Schwartzbach, 1995


Anthroposophic Medicine: Effectiveness, Utility, Costs, Safety

M Patients, diagnosis, and prognostic factors well described N Outcome
measures relevant and well described O Intervention well described P
Concomitant therapies described Q Before-after changes clearly described,
temporal coincidence …

Gunver Sophia Kienle, Helmut Kiene, Hans Ulrich Albonico, 2006


Thinking Strategically:: The Appropriate Use of Metrics for …

Theme Example Metrics 4 Climate-Vegetation Feedbacks • Experimental and
observational data of sufficient quantity and quality to support the determination
of climate-vegetation relationships • Well-described and demonstrated
relationships …

Climate Research Committee, Committee on Metrics for Global Change Research, Board on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate, 2005


Exploring the Human Plasma Proteome

(d) Well-described protein – product of a well-described gene. The EnsEMBL
gene model was used for the annotation. The “well-described” proteins and
genes are those with a nonempty description line, and without words like “
fragment”, …


The Practical Applicability of Toxicokinetic Models in the …

The volume of distribution for triclopyr (Figure 2A) was well described for all
species by the equation Vd= 0.08W I -22 . The relationship between renal
clearance (mL h~l) and body weight for rat, monkey and human was well
described by the …

J. Krüse, H. Verhaar, W.K. de Raat, 2002


Urogenital Pain in Clinical Practice

Thereisno proven infection or other obvious pathology (14). Chronic pain
mechanisms are now well described. The definition needs to be altered to reflect
this (see CPPS). Penile pain syndrome the occurrence of pain within the penis
that is …

Andrew P. Baranowski, Paul Abrams, Magnus Fall, 2007


Handbook of Normative Data for Neuropsychological Assessment

Sample composition is well described in terms of age, gender, and education. 2.
Adequate exclusion criteria. 3. Test administration procedures are specified. 4.
Means and SDs for the entire sample as well as T scores for the groups stratified


Biofilms in Wastewater Treatment: An Interdisciplinary Approach

Diffusional resistance to degradation of dissolved organic matter is a well-
described phenomenon for biofilms and has been applied with success.
However, it is a disturbing fact that wastewater, e.g. domestic, contains more
organic matter in …

Stefan Wuertz, Paul L. Bishop, P. A. Wilderer, 2003


Human Rights and Gender Violence: Translating International …

A much-needed exploration of how local cultures appropriate and enact international human rights law, this book will be of enormous value to students of gender studies and anthropology alike.


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term well-described is used in the context of the following news items.

Published Thursday, May 1, 2014 at 9:05am

… for the US Army in Germany and her beloved France—she has become Portland’s most noticeable art-world presence, a self- and well-described bon vivant. «Portland Monthly, May 14»

Black Crown brings micropayments to interactive fiction

Presumably this means your cash will be able to get you anything from extra chapters and assistance to an incredibly well-described in-game hat. 00. Edited by … «Wired.co.uk, Apr 13»

New Horizons in the Pathogenesis, Diagnosis and Management of …

Well-described risk factors include age, gender and levels of physical activity and this knowledge is now being translated into effective management strategies … «Medscape, Mar 13»

Think Like a Doctor: A Confused and Terrified Patient Solved

The well-described triad of symptoms seen in serotonin syndrome consists of changes in mental status, like confusion or agitation; changes in heart rate, blood … «New York Times, Feb 13»

Tim Tebow, Andrew Luck, Robert Griffin III Among Players Well

Tim Tebow, Andrew Luck, Robert Griffin III Among Players Well-Described by ‘Top Gun’ Quotes. by NESN Staff on Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 11:40AM. 2,330 … «NESN.com, Aug 12»

Referred itch points found to correspond with acupuncture meridians

After mapping referred itch on himself and also examining 4 previous data sets of this well-described phenomenon, Dr Silberstein has, for the first time, found a … «Science Network Western Australia, May 12»

Smoking Ups the Ante for Interstitial Lung Disease

Specifically, they looked at data as part of the COPD gene study, where they were studying a cohort of patients who were well-described smokers. «Medscape, Mar 11»

World’s Plants Get First Checkup

The scientists chose about 4,000 well-described target species. Kew Gardens and their partners provided information about particular species’ locations through … «Scienceline, Oct 10»


« EDUCALINGO. Well-Described [online]. Available <https://educalingo.com/en/dic-en/well-described>. Apr 2023 ».

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    • US Pronunciation
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    • [wel dih-skrahyb]
    • /wɛl dɪˈskraɪb/

Definitions of well described words

  • verb with object well described to tell or depict in written or spoken words; give an account of: He described the accident very carefully. 1
  • verb with object well described to pronounce, as by a designating term, phrase, or the like; label: There are few people who may be described as geniuses. 1
  • verb with object well described to indicate; be a sign of; denote: Conceit, in many cases, describes a state of serious emotional insecurity. 1
  • verb with object well described to represent or delineate by a picture or figure. 1
  • verb with object well described Geometry. to draw or trace the outline of: to describe an arc. 1

Information block about the term

Origin of well described

First appearance:

before 1400

One of the 24% oldest English words

1400-50; late Middle English describen < Latin dēscrībere, equivalent to dē- de- + scrībere to write

Historical Comparancy

Parts of speech for Well described

well described popularity

A common word. It’s meaning is known to most children of preschool age. About 91% of English native speakers know the meaning and use the word.

Most Europeans know this English word. The frequency of it’s usage is somewhere between «mom» and «screwdriver».

See also

  • All definitions of well described
  • Sentences with the word well described
  • well described pronunciation

Matching words

  • Words starting with w
  • Words starting with we
  • Words starting with wel
  • Words starting with well
  • Words starting with welld
  • Words starting with wellde
  • Words starting with welldes
  • Words starting with welldesc
  • Words starting with welldescr
  • Words starting with welldescri
  • Words starting with welldescrib
  • Words starting with welldescribe
  • Words starting with welldescribed
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  • Words containing wel
  • Words containing well
  • Words containing welld
  • Words containing wellde

  • Top Definitions
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adjective (well described when postpositive)

(of a scene, picture, incident, etc) having been skillfully represented or expressed in words



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Which sentence is correct?

Words nearby well-described

well-covered, well-cultivated, well-defended, well-defined, well-demonstrated, well-described, well-deserved, well-developed, well-disciplined, well-disposed, well-documented

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

How to use well-described in a sentence

  • Our medicine has so dramatically improved since the primitive era so well described by Candice Millard’s lively book.

  • It was in this bay that the Buccaneers anchored, which Dampier has so well described.

  • Gordon was killed the night before sailing—(Mr. Carr had well described it as a drunken brawl)—killed accidentally.

  • This war, however, has been well described as that of a man against a nation; and in the end the nation conquered.

  • It illustrates what has been well described as «the carnality of religious contention.»

  • It seems to be peculiarly well described by saying that it is “the game which tires without exercising.”

    • See Also:
      • well-balanced
      • well-behaved
      • well-being
      • well-beloved
      • well-born
      • well-bred
      • well-chosen
      • well-connected
      • well-content
      • well-defined
      • well-disposed
      • well-done
      • well-dressed
      • well-dressing
      • well-established
      • well-favored
      • well-favoured
      • well-fed
      • well-fixed
      • well-formed
      • well-found
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  • While this review may make The Historian seem trivial and “tied in a big red bow,” the author clearly worked very hard and long in her research of books and places; the result is a lengthy tome that takes you on a long journey through a well-described Europe, through old documents and journals, to an adversary we have read and written about for hundreds of years.

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  • The background birth defect rates are well-described and consistent.

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  • While this review may make The Historian seem trivial and “tied in a big red bow,” the author clearly worked very hard and long in her research of books and places; the result is a lengthy tome that takes you on a long journey through a well-described Europe, through old documents and journals, to an adversary we have read and written about for hundreds of years.

    2010 February 10 « The BookBanter Blog

  • The picture of Ophelia has special meaning for me, and is so well-described in the article at the link:


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  • The Zionist religious Orthodoxy is well-described by Karen Armstrong in her classic book The Battle for God:

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  • Initially this move appeared unwise, with Cronin abandoning the well-described situation and memorable characters of the opening of the book to start over from scratch, but the new situation and characters are just as effective, if not moreso especially Alicia, a devastatingly effective viral hunter, and our main protagonist Peter.

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  • The Zionist religious Orthodoxy is well-described by Karen Armstrong in her classic book The Battle for God:

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  • The Zionist religious Orthodoxy is well-described by Karen Armstrong in her classic book The Battle for God:

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