Предложения с «want to be different»
There’s one last thing I want to draw your attention to, which is that experiences of the body from the inside are very different from experiences of the world around us. |
И последнее, на что я хочу обратить ваше внимание, это то, что ощущение тела изнутри очень отличается от восприятия окружающего мира. |
Now, if we want to move forward into a different future than the one we have right now, because I don’t think we’ve hit. |
Но если мы хотим продвинуться дальше, в другое будущее, не то, которое мы видим сейчас, потому что я не думаю, что мы уже его достигли. |
So we sit down and literally all I want to do is just eat and chill, and my kids have a completely and totally different idea of what we’re going to be doing. |
Мы просто сидим, и я хочу лишь есть и отдыхать, а у моих детей совершенно другое представление о том, что мы будем делать за ужином. |
I think if we want to rebuild communities, recreate jobs, we need a different set of agenda that smashes through all our current divisions and our current categories. |
Если мы хотим восстановить общество и рабочие места, тогда нам нужен другой план, который пробьётся сквозь все барьеры существующих разногласий . |
I want to make different kinds of robots. |
Я хочу создать других роботов. |
But is one explanation of what’s happened in the last year that a group of people have got fed up with, if you like, the liberal elites, for want of a better term, obsessing over many, many different identities and them feeling, But what about my identity? |
Но разве нельзя в какой — то мере объяснить произошедшее за последний год тем, что группу людей достала, скажем так, либеральная элита — за неимением более подходящего термина, — кричащая о множестве разных идентичностей, и они подумали: А как же насчёт моей идентичности? |
But today I want to talk about a different aspect of the relationship between their police force and their citizens. |
Но сегодня я хочу поговорить о другом аспекте взаимоотношений между полицией и гражданами штата. |
But when things don’t work well, sometimes we want something different . |
Но когда дела обстоят не очень, нам порой хочется чего — то другого. |
And if we want something different , we just need to speak up. |
И если мы хотим перемен, нужно заявить об этом. |
So if you want to start exploring beaches somewhere else, or you want to see two-sun sunsets, then you’re talking about something that is very different , because you have to change the timescale and the body of humans in ways which may be absolutely unrecognizable. |
И если вы хотите исследовать пляжи где — то там или лицезреть закат двух солнц, то вы думаете о чём — то совершенно ином, потому что нам придётся изменить временнýю шкалу и тело человека, возможно, до полной неузнаваемости. |
But if you prime them experimentally by thinking we’re coming apart, people are getting more different , then they get more racist, homophobic, they want to kick out the deviants. |
Но если им внушить, что мы разъединяемся, что люди разные , то они уходят в расизм, гомофобию, хотят выгнать чужих. |
So now, the people in either party really are different , and we really don’t want our children to marry them, which, in the ’60s, didn’t matter very much. |
И теперь люди в этих партиях совершенно разные , они не хотят , чтобы их дети женились друг на друге, тогда как в 60 — е это особо не имело значения. |
Men and women want very different things out of sex. |
Мужчинам и женщинам нужны от секса совершенно разные вещи. |
OK, if you’re disabled or something like that, then that’s different , but for the general members of the public sitting there and just flicking round the channels, that I think has been disastrous for our attention spans, because, they’re, people are so impatient, they want things immediately, they want entertainment, they want everything instantly and I think that remote control was the beginning of this. |
Конечно, если вы инвалид или что — то подобное, то это другое дело, но для общей массы людей просто щелкать по кругу каналы, я думаю, что это имело катастрофические последствия для нашего внимания, потому что люди такие нетерпеливые, они хотят немедленно, хотят развлечений, хотят все сразу, и я думаю, что пульт дистанционного управления стал началом этого. |
What we want is something different . |
Нам нужно что — то другое. |
My classmate, Julia, told me, that her parents don`t want to understand her, she said that they are on different wavelength. |
Моя одноклассница, Юлия, рассказала мне, что её родители не хотят её понять, она говорит, что они как будто бы разговаривают на разных языках. |
People want to know languages, to write to their pen-friends or to communicate with people from different countries, to meet more people and make new friends. |
Люди хотят знать языки, писать друзьям по переписке или общаться с людьми с разных стран, встретить больше новых людей и завести друзей. |
Also I study English because I want to understand many people from different countries, I want to read English books in the original, I want to listen songs of foreign groups and to understand them. |
Также я изучаю английский, птотму что я хочу понимать людей из разных стран, я хочу читать английские книги в оригинальном варианте, я хочу слушать песни иностранных групп и понимать их. |
I want to watch different TV programs. |
Я хочу смотреть разные телевизионные программы. |
Very often we have to accept different processes which take place on the Earth even if we don’t like them because the majority of people want them to be. |
Очень часто нам приходится мириться с происходящими на Земле процессами, которые нам не нравятся, потому что большинству людей такая ситуация по душе. |
There are many different professions in the world, but I want to become a doctor. |
В мире существует много профессий, но я очень хочу стать врачом. |
Maybe I just didn’t want to confuse her with a different set of facts. |
Может быть, я просто не хотел запутать ее разными версиями фактов. |
They’re progressive, and they want to include people of different races and backgrounds. |
Они прогрессивны, хотят принимать людей разных рас и происхождения. |
We want to teach you to grow many kinds of plants and raise many different animals. |
Мы хотим научить вас выращивать многие виды растений, приручать и разводить разные виды животных. |
If you want to offer different make ready and wash up times per unit then select the option provided. |
Если Вы хотите задать различные значения времени подготовки и времени очистки для каждой единицы, то выберите предусмотренный вариант. |
It’s starting to seem like we want different things. |
Начинает казаться, что мы хотим разного . |
And if you want a different deer, you change the packing, and you can do an elk. Or you could do a moose. |
И если вы хотите другого оленя, вы меняете складывание и получаете Вапити или американского лося. |
Look, I just want to show you a couple different ways we can trim the budget. |
Хочу тебе показать пару других способов, как можно уменьшить бюджет. |
If you want to spend time at the coast you can rent one of our cabins at Sandvik’s Estate. There are two different housing options rented out on a weekly basis. |
Если вы решили провести свои отпуск на побережье залива, вы можете арендовать один из наших домов Гордхюсет или квартиру Горгфлюгельн. |
The other really important point I want to make on this graph is that, if you look at the bottom, Sweden and Japan, they’re very different countries in all sorts of ways. |
Ещё одно важное замечание об этом графике. Посмотрим ниже: Швеция и Япония: страны разные буквально во всём. |
The point I want to make is different . |
Речь о другом. |
You can create additional notebooks for different subjects or projects whenever you want. |
Вы можете создавать дополнительные записные книжки для любых целей. |
You should use custom events if none of the nine standard events apply to you or if you want to handle different domains at the event level. |
Индивидуально настроенные события следует использовать только в тех случаях, когда ни одно из девяти стандартных событий вам не подходит или когда вы хотите обрабатывать данные разных доменов на уровне событий. |
If you want to increase your estimated people reached, you may want to try adding or removing different targeting options and changing the budget to see if your estimate goes up. |
Если вы хотите повысить охват, вам следует поэкспериментировать с добавлением или удалением разных параметров таргетинга и изменить бюджет, чтобы посмотреть, не вырастет ли этот показатель. |
If you want a higher reach, try increasing your budget or updating your targeting preferences to see how different factors impact your reach. |
Если вы хотите получить больший охват, попробуйте увеличить бюджет или обновить настройки таргетинга, чтобы посмотреть, как разные факторы влияют на ваш охват. |
But they would have to separate, since they’d arrived at this spot by different routes, from opposite sides of the Z1 Truss, and they didn’t want their tethers getting tangled. |
После этого они должны были вернуться в шлюзовую камеру, находившуюся на расстоянии 30 метров. Но им надо было разделиться, поскольку в точку они прибыли разными маршрутами, с противоположных сторон ферменной конструкции, и их фалы не должны были перепутаться. |
This may be useful when you want to query the API using several users’ different access tokens, or if some of your calls need to be made using an app access token. |
Эта функция может вам понадобиться, если потребуется отправить в API запрос, содержащий маркеры доступа для разных пользователей, или если для выполнения некоторых вызовов необходимо будет использовать маркер доступа к приложению. |
And if you want a different deer, not a white-tailed deer, but you want a mule deer, or an elk, you change the packing, and you can do an elk. |
И если вы хотите другого оленя, не белохвостого, вы меняете складывание и получаете Вапити |
We want to know how likely, or relatively how likely, two different explanations are. |
Мы хотим знать насколько вероятны, или насколько относительно вероятны, два разных объяснения. |
If you want to use the transferred content without signing in to Xbox Live or with a different gamertag, you’ll need to transfer the content licenses to your new console. |
Если необходимо использовать перенесенный контент без выполнения входа в Xbox Live или с использованием другого тега игрока, необходимо перенести лицензии на контент на новую консоль. |
If you want to use a name or photo on YouTube that’s different from what you have for your Google Account, connect your channel to a Brand Account. |
Если вы хотите, чтобы название и значок вашего канала отличались от имени и фото в аккаунте Google, свяжите канал с аккаунтом бренда. |
If you want to increase your estimated likes per day, you may want to try adding or removing different targeting options and changing the budget to see if your estimate goes up. |
Если вы хотите получить больше отметок «Нравится» в день, вам следует поэкспериментировать с добавлением или удалением разных параметров таргетинга и изменить бюджет, чтобы посмотреть, не вырастет ли этот показатель. |
If you want to use all of your transferred content without signing in to Xbox Live or with a different gamertag, you’ll need to transfer the content licenses to your new console. |
Чтобы использовать перенесенный контент без входа в Xbox Live или с другим тегом игрока, необходимо передать лицензию для этого контента на новую консоль. |
The data you want to work is maintained by a different department or workgroup. |
Данные, необходимые для работы, обновляются сотрудниками другого отдела или рабочей группы. |
Create a Page if you want to show your ad in other locations (such as News Feed), use a different ad format, or different objective. |
Если вы хотите показать рекламу в других местах (например, в Ленте новостей), либо использовать другой формат рекламы или цель, создайте Страницу. |
Ability to take both long and short positions: if you want to go short, there are no separate selling rules or different margin requirements to going long. |
Возможность открывать как длинные, так и короткие позиции: если Вы хотите открыть короткую позицию, то не существуют каких — либо специальных правил для продажи или отдельных требований по марже. |
If you don’t see contacts in the People app, or there are contacts you want to add, the easiest way is to add all of your different email accounts to the People app. |
Если контакты в приложении Люди не отображаются или если вы хотите добавить новые контакты, самое простое, что вы можете сделать, — добавить все учетные записи электронной почты в приложение Люди. |
I want you to know that we can all make a difference by making different choices, by buying our food directly from local farmers, or our neighbors who we know in real life. |
Я хочу, чтобы вы знали — мы все можем делать что — то значимое — делая другой выбор, покупая продукты у местных фермеров или наших соседей, которых мы знаем всю жизнь. |
If you’ve set up your ads this way, you may want to understand how your ads are performing across different platforms and placements. |
Если вы настроили рекламу именно таким образом, вам будет полезно узнать, каких результатов достигает ваша реклама в разных платформах и плейсментах. |
If you want to set another destination for the archived items, you can browse to and set a different location. |
Если вы хотите задать другую папку для архивированных элементов, выберите ее. |
However, if you decide not to use Gmail, and instead want a different email address associated with your Google Account, you can cancel your Gmail address. |
Если вы решили связать с аккаунтом Google другой адрес электронной почты, удалите Gmail в настройках. |
If the addresses are within a document with different spacing, and you want to change only the address spacing, do the following. |
Если адреса включены в документ, содержащий интервалы разной величины, и вы хотите изменить интервалы только в части с адресами, сделайте следующее. |
If you want to print it differently , open the attachment, and print it from the application used to open it, Word in this example. |
Если вы хотите выбрать другие параметры печати, откройте вложение, а затем напечатайте его с помощью приложения, используемого для его открытия. В данном примере в качестве такого приложения выступает Word. |
To select a different voice, click the voice you want to use in the Select Voice box. |
Чтобы установить другой голос, выберите его в списке Выбор голоса. |
Tip: If you’re already signed in with an account, but you want to sign in with a different account, see the section below Switch between accounts. |
Совет: Если вы уже вошли с помощью одной учетной записи, но хотели бы использовать другую, см. раздел Переключение между учетными записями. |
If you want to update an image for an object, we strongly suggest that the URL to the image be different than the original image URL. |
Чтобы обновить изображение для объекта, настоятельно рекомендуется указать URL — адрес изображения, отличный от исходного URL — адреса изображения. |
Conversely, if only some columns appear to be formatted differently from the versions in the source object, apply the formatting that you want manually in Excel. |
Если же только некоторые столбцы имеют форматирование, отличное от исходного, выполните нужные действия в Excel вручную. |
While their overall goal is the same — get people to make a purchase — they want to create two different campaigns for these audiences. |
И хотя за всем этим стоит одна общая цель — убедить людей делать покупки — они хотят создать для двух аудиторий две разные кампании. |
You know, I haven’t verified this, but it’s the norm that every chair would be a slightly different dimension, because you’d want to space them all out for everybody’s sight lines. |
Я не проверял, но это стандартно, что их размеры слегка отличаются для того, чтобы их можно было расставить так, чтобы всем была видна сцена. |
Well, he didn’t want its dark magic falling into the wrong hands, so he broke it into three pieces and hid each one in a different location. |
Он не хотел, чтобы эта черная магия попала не в те руки, поэтому сломал его на три части и спрятал каждую из них в разных местах. |
…particularly with respect to the use of technology, taste in music, movies etc.
I have seen my share of people like this who like to go «alternative» just to set themselves apart and I would like to know if there’s a word for them? I wouldn’t mind a casual/Internet-born word either. Just need a term I can label them with in my book.
EDIT: I am looking for a word that’s disapproving in nature.
EDIT 2: I am actually looking for a term that signifies «fake» in more particular terms with this scenario. Think about the people that only use Linux, only listen to Death Metal, only watch cult movies with the sole motive of being NOT mainstream. I am sorry that I didn’t made myself clear enough.
asked Sep 14, 2013 at 18:56
Maverick is the obvious choice, but since you want a derogatory connotation, how about
- wannabe-maverick, faux-maverick, pseudo-maverick, quasi-maverick, mom-can-i-be-a-maverick, maverick-in-vogue, fashionable maverick, trendy maverick, hipster maverick?
Oxymorons are always good for that — they can connote stupidity, and there’s your derogatory sense.
It’s not a word, but one funny saying comes to mind:
- That no one understands you doesn’t make you an artist.
Mari-Lou A
88.1k86 gold badges303 silver badges571 bronze badges
answered Sep 14, 2013 at 22:31
Talia FordTalia Ford
3,11115 silver badges19 bronze badges
How about contrarian as defined in dictionary.com?
«a person who takes an opposing view, especially one who rejects the majority opinion, as in economic matters».
«a contrary or obstinate person (as modifier): a contrarian investor
; contrarian instincts.»
answered Sep 14, 2013 at 19:35
32k4 gold badges51 silver badges105 bronze badges
Since you are looking for terms of a disapproving nature, I would call them abrasive or flakes or attention whores but that’s just a personal choice.
Some other descriptive terms are:
a person who refuses to conform, as to established customs, attitudes, or ideas.
someone who does not seem to belong to a group or is not accepted by a group,because of being different in some way.
a person or thing that is atypical, bizarre, eccentric, or nonconforming, especially one having beliefs thatare unusual but harmless.
answered Sep 14, 2013 at 21:19
8,9783 gold badges24 silver badges44 bronze badges
> people that only use Linux
> only listen to Death Metal
> only watch cult movies with the sole motive of being NOT mainstream
Dude, that’s totally me, I mean what’s wrong with that?!
All joking aside, I can’t believe hipster has only been mentioned twice in this thread, once as a comment and the other as an adjective. If you replaced Linux with Mac OS X and death metal with indie music, then you’d have three qualifiers that perfectly describe a hipster, and it is also a negative connotation.
Another negative connotation is anti-conformist, which though I don’t self-identify as, fits me too well.
answered Oct 23, 2014 at 15:43
3243 silver badges14 bronze badges
I think you might be looking for the word ‘iconoclast’.
answered Mar 31, 2014 at 19:28
I think the word you are looking for is: unconventional
To be unconventional is to act, dress, speak, or otherwise exist out of the bounds of cultural norms. If you eat cheeseburgers for breakfast, that’s somewhat unconventional.
Anything that’s nonconformist or out of the ordinary can be described as unconventional. Every culture has its own conventions — or norms — and what may be unconventional in one region might be typical in another. The perception of what’s unconventional is determined by context.
source: vocabulary.com
answered Oct 23, 2014 at 15:31
1,37110 gold badges23 silver badges33 bronze badges
I think I have found it via Urban dictionary.
Townies (sheep isn’t bad either)
Townies are, to put it simply — Sheep. The follow whatever trends are
in fashion, for about 3 weeks, then go onto the next thing, they are
very noticeable: […] Townies usually listen to music by slutty women who don’t have real talent but wear revealing clothes so the males stay interested and the females take notes on how to dress wrongly. They also listen to music by so-called «gangstaz» — men who would be shot within a second if they actually put one foot in the ghetto.
Poser Rocker
Looks to be relatively new but the definition fits.
someone who doesn’t know the difference between alternative rock,
classic rock, heavy metal, death metal, pop punk, nu metal and
possibly even indie. however, this poser will buy a guitar and take up
lessons, in a way that will make you cringe seen as 90% of guys have
already jumped on this bandwagon already. they act like they’re
really ‘kwl’ and go around proclaiming how good ‘rock’ is and telling
everyone to listen to some ‘decent’ music, when they don’t even know
what they’re talking about. their music taste will probably change in a
year anyway!!
defined on No.4 as
A person who likes anything and everything that «everyone» likes
(trends, etc.) for the sake of being cool. Once that trend ends and
everyone stops liking it, they promptly start disliking it and it
becomes the worst thing in the world. They also mock the people that
continue to follow the «uncool» trends.
answered Sep 14, 2013 at 19:57
Mari-Lou AMari-Lou A
88.1k86 gold badges303 silver badges571 bronze badges
Not a single word but «different for the sake of being different».
answered Sep 15, 2013 at 0:27
Perhaps naysayer
someone who always thinks of reasons to oppose new ideas or solutions to problems
Not all definitions suggest that the negativity is forced.
Also consider controversialist
someone who engages in or encourages controversy
answered Sep 15, 2013 at 0:49
72.3k12 gold badges117 silver badges224 bronze badges
I have two of them. They are called teenagers. A word often used for teenagers is rebel.
answered Sep 15, 2013 at 4:59
16.7k6 gold badges43 silver badges81 bronze badges
Malodiversary — someone who has a different preference because it is different
— someone who is averse to popular opinion because it is popular
[I don’t think there is an English term for the word you’re after (contrarian and maverick aren’t fitting). Here’s a combination of two Latin words — feel free to use it LOL]
answered Oct 21, 2014 at 14:33
I am one of those people who enjoy being different and aim to be — although I don’t use Linux, don’t listen to Death Metal (though I love Japanese music), and I don’t watch movies or TV full stop. I don’t think any of these terms fit the bill except perhaps malodiversary, which isn’t a real word. Being different for the sake of being different is different from enjoying and aiming to be different — this is also something you should bear in mind.
answered Mar 3, 2015 at 23:57
Antiestablishment works: Free dictionary:
Marked by opposition or hostility to conventional social, political, or economic values or principles.
In some folks it manifests as nearly fetish-like behavior.
answered Jul 31, 2016 at 3:43
‘radical’ is sometimes used in this sense.
answered Oct 21, 2014 at 20:31
9126 silver badges9 bronze badges
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Do you often get comments about how different you are?
Perhaps you always feel like everyone’s watching you because the way you act and think are unique?
In this post, we have gathered the most sincere and genuine quotes about being different and unique in life. These words are from people who were once considered to be “different” as well, but ended up being successes because of their “difference.”
Before we get to our list, let us share with you the advantages of reading quotes about being different, and how they can help you in your journey to success.
What Are the Benefits of Reading Quotes About Being Different?
Reading quotes about being unique and different can help you accept who you truly are. You will gradually learn to appreciate how valuable your skills can be, and discover what you are meant to become. Self-acceptance is the first step toward being genuinely happy.
In addition, reading these kinds of quotes push you to your limits and help you conquer your fears. When you allow yourself to be different, you give yourself permission to explore new things and get out of your comfort zone. You turn your dreams into reality, and you let yourself discover endless possibilities.
When this happens, you start to develop more self-confidence and self-esteem. You become more aware of how your uniqueness can contribute to the world and the environment you are living in. Moreover, you develop a sense of belongingness and start building stronger and healthier relationships.
Being different can actually be advantageous if you learn to embrace it—not to mention the fact that it will spice up your life. It highlights your originality and authenticity, and makes you stand out in a world full of conformity.
Whenever you feel like you’re not good enough because you are different, remember to come back to these quotes for a dose of positivity. Let them guide you in your journey towards a unique victory!
- “Stop apologizing! It’s ok if your ideas are different, your goals are big – don’t be afraid of what others would say. You are skilled, capable, and talented – you deserve to be a leader, and you are enough. Leaning in can be uncomfortable, so don’t be afraid to own your seat, lean back, and kick your feet up.” – Joy Fitzgerald
- “I find that the very things that I get criticized for, which is usually being different and just doing my own thing and just being original, is the very thing that’s making me successful.” – Shania Twain
- “Sometimes, being different feels a lot like being alone. But with that being said, being true to that and being true to my standards and my way of doing things in my art and my music, everything that has made me feel very different…in the end, it has made me the happiest.” – Lindsey Stirling
- “Normal is not something to aspire to, it’s something to get away from.” – Jodie Foster
- “In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different.” – Coco Chanel
- “Fitting in allows you to blend in with everyone else, but being different allows you to be yourself, to be unique, and to be more creative.” – Sonya Parker
- “The person who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The person who walks alone is likely to find himself in places no one has ever seen before.” – Albert Einstein
- “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I – I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.” – Robert Frost.
- “I want to say when I was little, like Maleficent, I was told I was different. And I felt out of place and too loud, too full of fire, never good at sitting still, never good at fitting in. And then one day I realized something – something I hope you all realize. Different is good. When someone tells you that you are different, smile, and hold your head up and be proud.” – Angelina Jolie
- “If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears however measured or far away.” – Henry David Thoreau
- “Whatever you do, be different – that was the advice my mother gave me, and I can’t think of better advice for an entrepreneur. If you’re different, you will stand out.” – Anita Roddick
- “Take care not to listen to anyone who tells you what you can and can’t be in life.” – Meg Medina
- “You are a marvel. You are unique. In all the years that have passed, there has never been another child like you. Your legs, your arms, your clever fingers, the way you move. You may become a Shakespeare, a Michelangelo, a Beethoven. You have the capacity for anything.” – Henry David Thoreau
- “Ordinary people are products of their environment and fit in. Artists transcend their environment and stand out.” – Oliver Gaspirtz
- “Better to embrace the discomfort of being different than the comfort of fitting in.” – Ogwo David Emenike
- “I thought not fitting in was something I had to fix. Now I see it as my superpower.” – Maxime Lagacé
- “Always refuse to be like the others! The more you become similar to the others the more you will be useless because there are already plenty of the others!” – Mehmet Murat Ildan
- “Creative people have it hard. There is always something trapped in their noggins yearning to escape like a caged animal, both too free and wild to contain. Little does the world know it will often scrape the inner walls of the mind until it gets what it wants.” – H.S. Crow
- “Being different and thinking differently make a person unforgettable. History does not remember the forgettable. It honors the unique minority the majority cannot forget.” – Suzy Kassem
- “A person who is truly cool is a work of art. And remember the original works of art cost exponentially higher than imitations. Just take a look at the coolest people in history. They will always be a part of history for being extremely original individuals, not imitations.” – Suzy Kassem
- “Do not be afraid to color outside the lines. Take risks and do not be afraid to fail. Know that when the world knocks you down, the best revenge is to get up and continue forging ahead. Do not be afraid to be different or to stand up for what’s right. Never quiet your voice to make someone else feel comfortable. No one remembers the person that fits in. It’s the one who stands out that people will not be able to forget.” – Nancy Arroyo Ruffi
- “I think every person has their own identity and beauty. Everyone being different is what is really beautiful. If we were all the same, it would be boring.” – Tila Tequila
- “If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be.” – Maya Angelou
- “By being yourself you put something wonderful in the world that was not there before.” – Edwin Elliott
- “I’ve come to believe that each of us has a personal calling that’s as unique as a fingerprint – and that the best way to succeed is to discover what you love and then find a way to offer it to others in the form of service, working hard, and also allowing the energy of the universe to lead you.” – Oprah Winfrey
- “To be nobody but yourself in a world doing its best to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle any human can ever fight and never stop fighting.” – E. E. Cummings
- “You can make life very simple or very complicated. Some people try to be what others want them to be. Others try to be different just to stand out. In both cases, they are changing themselves to impress others. Neither of these paths has a heart. Just be true to yourself. It’s that simple.” – Mike Stutman
- “Life’s no piece of cake, mind you, but the recipe’s my own to fool with.” – Haruki Murakami
- “We must never be afraid to be a sign of contradiction for the world.” – Mother Teresa
- “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.” – Dr. Seuss
- “It’s really important to share the idea that being different might feel like a problem at the time, but ultimately diversity is a strength?” – Carson Kressley
- “There would be no need for love if perfection were possible. Love arises from our imperfection, from our being different and always in need of the forgiveness, encouragement, and that missing half of ourselves that we are searching for, as the Greek myth tells us, in order to complete ourselves.” – Eugene Kennedy
- “At the bottom, every man knows well enough that he is a unique being, only once on this earth; and by no extraordinary chance will such a marvelously picturesque piece of diversity in unity as he is, ever be put together a second time.” – Friedrich Nietzsche
- “Be daring, be different, be impractical, be anything that will assert integrity of purpose and imaginative vision against the play-it-safers, the creatures of the commonplace, the slaves of the ordinary.” – Cecil Beaton
- “My advice to anyone being picked on for being different or for working towards a dream is to remember it’s never personal. These people don’t actually dislike you at heart. They’re just going through difficult things in their own personal lives.” – Cassadee Pope
Final Words on Being Different and Unique in Life
It is totally okay to be different. You shouldn’t be the same as everybody else, because if you were, then you’d deprive yourself of the chance to be who you really are. When you don’t get to be your true self, you sacrifice your dreams and happiness.
You are an amazing, unique person, and are destined to stand out from the crowd. You may see your uniqueness as something unimportant, but to others it is probably a valuable asset they wish they had. You are exception precisely because you are different!
And if you want more inspirational quotes, be sure to check out these blog posts:
- 91 Quotes About Perseverance Through Hard Times
- 63 Inspiring Walt Whitman Quotes About Life
- 67 Self-Reflection Quotes to Help You Grow as a Person
Finally, if you want to use these quotes to make a lasting change to your life, then check out and recite these 57 affirmations for success.
We’re the only thing that’s supposed to be different in these two universes.
Только мы можем отличаться в этих двух реальностях.
In order to be different from the Baden-Württemberg flag the colors
Чтобы отличаться от флага Баден- Вюртемберг цвета поменяли местами.
Прелестно- почтовые ящики британского разлива, но покрашены синим, чтобы отличаться.
Evidently, conservation strategies for the two species need to be different.
Очевидно, что
стратегии сохранения двух изучаемых видов должны различаться.
То, что кажется отличается об этом предложении является ограниченным досягаемость.
Повесьте вывеску» Шиномонтаж» или» Качественный шиномонтаж», чтобы отличаться от других.
The game-play format used to be different, while the current one
introduced in 2002, too.
Формат игры был другим, тогда как нынешний тоже появился в 2002 году.
Results: 231,
Time: 0.0382
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There are many people out there who want to be «part of the crowd.» If you want to be the leader and stand out from the crowd instead, then this article is for you. It’s a wonderful feeling when you know that you are original and unique.
Know you’re unique. For starters, know that you’re already different from everyone on the planet. Sure, some people are more different than others, but all of us have a unique set of experiences and characteristics that spell out a different reality than everyone else on Earth. No one else has the same brain you do, the same thoughts you do, and the same reactions as you do. You’re different by just being human.[1]
- Labels are pretty useless. Even striving to be different isn’t something that’s truly achievable. A quick change of cultures will show you that people operate differently by default. Instead, accept that you’re already unique and work with yourself. Who are you, anyway?
Find yourself and be yourself. In order to be as different as possible, you have to be you — not a carbon copy of someone else. If you don’t know who you are, that process can seem a bit scary. In order to be yourself, you have to find yourself.[2]
Do you know what it is you like? Who are you when no one else is around?- It’s important to love yourself, too. If you’re not comfortable with who you are, you’ll inevitably end up trying to be someone else — or at the very least being someone who you’re not to please others. Which won’t work in the end. [3]
- It’s important to love yourself, too. If you’re not comfortable with who you are, you’ll inevitably end up trying to be someone else — or at the very least being someone who you’re not to please others. Which won’t work in the end. [3]
Spend some time alone. It’s normal nowadays to be constantly bombarded with stimuli — whether it’s on a screen or the people around us. To really get down to who you are and what makes you different, spend some time alone. Disconnect from everything.[4]
What are you left with? Meditate on what matters to you.[5]
- We’re constantly being told what to wear, what to eat, what to say, what to look like, how to act, what to read, what to watch…you get it. Get alone and all of a sudden you’ll be without guidance. It’ll be a strange feeling, sitting there, thinking about what you wouldn’t miss if you never had to wear/eat/say/do/read/watch it again. Think about what aspects of your environment are shoved onto you and which ones you openly embrace.[6]
- We’re constantly being told what to wear, what to eat, what to say, what to look like, how to act, what to read, what to watch…you get it. Get alone and all of a sudden you’ll be without guidance. It’ll be a strange feeling, sitting there, thinking about what you wouldn’t miss if you never had to wear/eat/say/do/read/watch it again. Think about what aspects of your environment are shoved onto you and which ones you openly embrace.[6]
Know what you want. Be very careful that you actually want to be different. Maybe you’re just in a group of friends that you don’t live with and that little voice in your head is just being misinterpreted. What does different actually mean to you?[7]
- What do you perceive as normal? What is it about people that strikes you as «the same?» Every person’s interpretation of what «different» actual is, well, different. Is it how they look? Act? Talk? Dream?
Know how you want to be different. Once you’ve pinpointed what «different» is to you, how do you want to go about it? If you’re in a group of friends that only eats Swedish protein bars and wears pink on Wednesdays, how do you want to go off on your own? Do you want to become a math mastermind or do you just want to shake it up by wearing purple? You could be different in so many ways.
Note your environment. A Japanese man that shakes hands instead of bowing will be different in his culture, but be pretty normal in the West. Reading Thoreau for fun will be commonplace in some circles, while «normal» is Cosmopolitan in others. In order to know how to be different, you have to take into account your environment. Think of three words to describe yours. Now, what’s the opposite of that?
- Let’s go back to «Mean Girls.» Three words to describe that environment? Superficial. Vain. And unsurprisingly, mean. Want to be different from the Plastics? You’d have to be a deep thinker, not into looks, and nice. However, being nice in other circles is totally normal (and expected). What’s your circle like?
Observe. Take a step back from your surroundings for a moment and just observe.[8]
How are people behaving? How do they interact with each other (friends, strangers, cashiers, lovers)? What assumptions do they all make? How are they dressed? If you were to walk in unexpectedly, how could you not fit into the mold?- There’s definitely a spectrum of outrageousness here. Something so simple as wearing a bright color could set you out from the crowd in a Cafe on a dreary day.
- You could make small changes to your behavior — when the cashier at the cafe asks you what you’d like, instead you could reply, «Hmm. Not sure. How was your day?»
- You could go the wrong way — be loud, throwing things, start dancing on tables — that’d sure be different than normal public etiquette. But it’ll probably get you thrown out.
Do what you like. Straight up, you’re going to enjoy some things that are trendy and some things that are not. That’s fine! As long as you’re doing what you enjoy, you’ll have a combination that’s probably unique to you. Maybe you love baking, jiujitsu, and thrift shopping. If you enjoy it, it’ll feel right.
- It shouldn’t matter what anyone else thinks or does.[9]
Do you want to sing a song from Jekyll & Hyde at karaoke in German? Awesome. Go for it. Do you want to buy that Abercrombie & Fitch bag? Well, if it would make you happy, sure. Just make sure it’s not someone else telling you to do it!
- It shouldn’t matter what anyone else thinks or does.[9]
Try new things.[10]
We are naturally raised as part of a group. Therefore, we’re constantly being exposed to things that others around us have already approved. These things are good — they can open us up to things we’re not even aware of — but it’s also important to try things that are brand-spankin’ new to you that other people haven’t already endorsed. How else will you find out what you like and do not like?[11]
Color outside the lines. From a very young age, we’re sort of brainwashed to fit into our society. We wear clothes, eat with utensils, go to school, do things to match our gender, etcetera and so forth. It’s hard to realize that this is a box you can get out of. There are lines that you can color outside of. It just hasn’t occurred to most of us.
- Think about how you would act if you were in a dinosaur costume. No one can see your face or body and you’re in a dinosaur costume. All of a sudden you start bursting into rooms and waving your tiny arms and creeping up on people just because you can. You could do this in real life. You just choose not to. …Why?
Be absurd. As if the dinosaur example wasn’t enough, instead of just coloring outside the lines, you don’t even have to use your metaphorical crayons on the metaphorical paper. If you want to go around school wearing headphones and dancing like you’re in a Selena Gomez music video, the thing is, you can. If you want to wear a hat shaped like the state of Texas and stand outside of Walmart all night long, if you can find one, you can. (Doesn’t mean you should, but you definitely could.)
- Some people are going to severely frown on the dinosaur costumes, the public dancing, and the weird-shaped hats. Know that if you do want to start pressing the limits and toeing the line, you’ll most likely experience opposition. If you can handle the heat, go for it. But know that lots of people frown on what’s «abnormal.»
Shake hands with your enemies. This is a way to say act differently toward people than they expect. In a good way, of course! And see where it gets you — who knows, the next time you have to deal with a cop, shake his hand, ask him about himself, and see if you get out of that ticket! You very well may.
- One way to certainly be different is to be friendly to everyone. How many people do you know that are friendly to literally «everyone?» Probably not many. It’s hard work! We all end up judging those around us and gravitating toward certain types of people. Instead, be friendly toward those you may not feel inclined to be friendly toward. You’ll be different and learn a lot!
Dress for yourself. It’s really easy to get caught up in what society tells us looks good and is attractive. (Even if you don’t think so.) While it’s impossible to completely avoid that (without making the clothes yourself), use fashion like a cafeteria — take what you want and leave the rest. Do you like a certain trend? Great. Would you rather be sporting a pair of rain boots from 1972 than a pair of Uggs? Awesome — maybe your mom has some in her closet.[12]
Don’t get caught up in games. It’s hard to come up with a few examples that everyone does. You could say, for example, «listen to unpopular music,» but there are loads of people that do that. However, one thing that seems to be a pretty normal characteristic across the board is drama. We love it. If you want to be different, avoid it![13]
Don’t let it be a part of your life.[14]
And definitely don’t start it!- Because of how interacting with people works, we all end up playing games a lot. A friend asks us if we’re mad and we say no to keep things calm, even though we are. We do things to get attention, we lead people on, we employ tactics to get what we want, even if they’re not the nicest. If you can recognize those urges, try to resist them. Being honest and genuine is a characteristic to be proud of and is more unique than it should be.[15]
- Because of how interacting with people works, we all end up playing games a lot. A friend asks us if we’re mad and we say no to keep things calm, even though we are. We do things to get attention, we lead people on, we employ tactics to get what we want, even if they’re not the nicest. If you can recognize those urges, try to resist them. Being honest and genuine is a characteristic to be proud of and is more unique than it should be.[15]
Say what everyone else is thinking. One of the games people play is not saying what we mean. We’re afraid of standing out, making noise, hurting someone’s feelings, or just getting embarrassed. There will be times when an entire room is thinking something, but no one says it. The term «elephant in the room» exists for a reason! Be that person![16]
- Most people are caught up in what they look like or the impression they give off to truly do what they really want. They’re too wrapped up in thinking about others and not being themselves to really operate on a genuine level. If you catch yourself not doing something because others are present, do it anyway! (Within the law, of course!)
Don’t bother trying to impress. If you haven’t noticed, there’s a pattern here of how others’ opinions shouldn’t really matter. Since most people are concerned with impressing others and how they’re perceived, try not to do it. It’s often when we’re not trying to impress that we do the most impressing!
- You know how they say love will come to you when you stop looking for it? It’s sort of like that. Instead of presenting an image to the world, just present yourself. It’s so much better and so much more unique.
Know the world works in opposites. Nothing is really as it seems. So many people are trying to be different it results in them all being the same! Being quiet may mean that when you talk, people hear you louder. When you’re not trying to attract that boy or girl, they become attracted to you. So trying to be different may not get you anywhere.
- Dressing in a squirrel suit (or a dinosaur outfit) and walking into a bar, for example, isn’t necessarily different. In a certain way, it’s saying, «Look at me!» just the same as a short skirt and high heels are. So the next time you’re trying to be different, think about what you’re actually doing. Is it the opposite?
Know you’ll bump heads. Society isn’t super good at accepting what isn’t trendy. People are praised for being fashionable and pretty — few are praised for expanding our limits and coloring outside the lines. Those people may not welcome you with open arms. And that’s fine! You don’t need ’em. But you do need to know it’s gonna happen. That way you’ll be prepared for when it does.[17]
- Aristotle said, “To avoid criticism say nothing, do nothing, be nothing.”[18]
This is one thing he nailed. Criticism is going to happen if you step outside of the box at all. Think of it as a good thing! By getting criticism, you’re doing something. You’re getting noticed. You’re exposing people to other things. Excellent! You’re different.
- Aristotle said, “To avoid criticism say nothing, do nothing, be nothing.”[18]
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How can I learn to not be afraid of myself?
Rachel Clissold is a Life Coach and Consultant in Sydney, Australia. With over six years of coaching experience and over 17 years of corporate training, Rachel specializes in helping business leaders move through internal roadblocks, gain more freedom and clarity, and optimize their company’s efficiency and productivity. Rachel uses a wide range of techniques including coaching, intuitive guidance, neuro-linguistic programming, and holistic biohacking to help clients overcome fear, break through limitations, and bring their epic visions to life. Rachel is an acclaimed Reiki Master Practitioner, Qualified practitioner in NLP, EFT, Hypnosis & Past Life Regression. She has created events with up to 500 people around Australia, United Kingdom, Bali, and Costa Rica.
Certified Life Coach
Expert Answer
Try to have people in your life that are supportive of you, rather than people who are going to drag you down and judge you. The people in your environment can be a huge influence on you.
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Try to be at peace with yourself.[19]
Being surprised if people dislike your weirdness is just oblivious stupidity on your part. If you are not willing to endure some odd glances or comments, you will have no choice but to keep your blossoming strangeness to yourself. -
Remember that self-discovery is an ongoing process. The person you are at 15 is not who you will be at 22, or 49, or 97! Our needs and interests change as we grow older. Things that were important to us then, sometimes don’t seem to matter anymore. Wisdom replaces petty ambitions as we learn to grow from ourselves.
Be very open-minded, or at least try to be. Learn to see the world from different perspectives (and not necessarily just human perspectives, either). Don’t be afraid of those who challenge your preconceptions and values.
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Remember that being weird is not necessarily better than «being normal.» All people are weird in their own ways, even if they do conform to society’s rules.
Take note that by asking someone else how to be different, you are defeating the purpose of what you are trying to do. Meaning if you’re asking someone else how to be different you will NOT be different because the vast majority of the time they tell you things that they themselves would do to be different. Therefore, asking someone else how to be different is practically impossible because they will unknowingly tell you how to be like them. It’s quite a paradoxical conundrum, isn’t it?
Being random in order to seem weird is often extremely obnoxious and is, again, very superficial. It will not necessarily help you see the world in a new or different way.
Don’t label yourself. Just because you feel that you are a «gangsta» doesn’t mean that you can’t love ballet.
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Article SummaryX
If you want to be different and stand out from the crowd, start by dressing in whatever you like, regardless of what is trendy. Make friends with people outside of your culture, seek out new and little-known bands or movies, and pursue a hobby that might not be popular with your group of friends. Whatever you choose to make yourself different, make sure it’s something that you actually like, and you’re not doing it just to fit a certain image! For tips on how to deal with people’s reaction to your unique style, read on!
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