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forest, forest in the mist, sun in the forest nature, winter, tree sunset, tree, landscape adventure, back, carefree พระ, elephant, adult bicycle, woman, green

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Synonyms for Walking tour. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 14, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/walking_tour

Synonyms for Walking tour. N.p., 2016. Web. 14 Apr. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/walking_tour>.

Synonyms for Walking tour. 2016. Accessed April 14, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/walking_tour.

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Finishing at Plaka, the picturesque district of Athens, for a walking tour and some free time to shop or explore.

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Остановка в Плака, живописном районе Афин, для пешеходной экскурсии и некоторое свободное время, чтобы делать покупки или исследовать.

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as well as other Christmas illuminations in Minato Mirai.

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Это видео- краткое руководство для пешеходной экскурсии по местам, где расположенны три красивых новогодних елки,

а также другие рождественские иллюминации в Минато Мирай.

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Visit the Kakum National

Park comprising of undisturbed virgin rainforest for a walking tour on the canopy walkway,

also the longest and highest of its kind in the West Africa.

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Посетите Национальный парк» Kakum»,

состоящий из ненарушенной девственной тропических лесов для пешеходной экскурсии по» canopy walkway»,

а также самый длинный и самый высокий в своем роде в Западной Африке.

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great starting point for a walking tour of Prague, beginning on Wenceslaus Square, which was

witness to all of the Czech nation’s important events.

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Улица Žitná- это прекрасная исходная точка для пешеходной экскурсии по Праге; начать маршрут можно на площади Václavské náměstí,

которая была свидетелем всех важных событий в истории чешского народа.

Enjoy free time


lunch and in the afternoon start for a walking tour in the Baroque Rome with the Pantheon, the Trevi Fountain and Piazza Navona.

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Наслаждайтесь свободым временем на обед и во второй половине дня пешеходная экскурсия от Пантеона, фонтана Треви и до площади Пьяцца Навона.

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Later, we start for a walking tour of Lefkosia(Nicosia) along the old city’s main streets.

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Moreover, you can choose just


transfer for a walking tour in historical centers by meeting local people

waiting with immense friendliness welcome and serve you.

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Кроме того, Вы можете выбрать транспорт для пешеходных прогулок по историческим центрам, познакомиться с

приветливыми местными жителями и дружелюбным сервисом.

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I would choose you as


companion for a walking tour or to be trapped in


lift with any day.

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Я бы выбрал тебя компаньоном для пешего тура или застревания в лифте в любой день.

It is noted that the route»On the paths of UPA soldiers», which begins in Vitvitsa,

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Отмечается, что маршрут» По тропам воинов УПА», который начинается в Витвице,

предусматривает пешее путешествие, во время которого туристы смогут увидеть два бункера.

A walking tour devoted significant event for the Zaporozhye victories in summer 1843r.

Besides, there will be paid guided


for the accredited media representatives: a walking tour of the historical part of Kazan’s Four Centuries Street,

Night Kazan bus


quest excursion across Kazan, bus


to the Raifa Monastery of the Mother of God and interactive entertainment programmes such as The Tatar Kalyapush and Tatar Entertainments.

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Кроме того, для аккредитованных представителей СМИ организуются и платные


Пешеходная экскурсия по исторической части города Казани« Улица четырех веков», Автобусная


по ночному городу« Ночная Казань»,




по Казани, Автобусная


в Раифский Богородицкий мужской монастырь и Интерактивные развлекательные программы:« Татарский Каляпуш» и« Забавы по-татарски».

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At stations along the route, you can leave the train and go for a walk on organized tours or hiking trails.

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станциях по пути следования можно покинуть поезд и отправиться на прогулку по организованным пешим маршрутам или экскурсиям.

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Urban Center organized walking tour in Astana for citizens 19 May 2017 Residents of


capital took part in a walk, organized by the Urban Center, the Astana Mayor’s Office reports.

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Центр урбанистики организовал для горожан пешую прогулку в Астане 19 Мая 2017 Жители столицы приняли участие в пешей прогулке, организованный Центром урбанистики, сообщает акимат города Астаны.

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Предусмотрена остановка у фонтана Треви для небольшой прогулки.

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Yerevan Card gives you


opportunity to participate in


2-hour walking tour for free, during which you will explore the hidden corners of Yerevan and encounter with old and new Yerevan.

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Ереван Карта» дает возможность бесплатно участвовать в 2-

часовой обзорной экскурсии с гидом по Еревану, во время которой Вы прогуляетесь


переулкам города и откроете для себя всю прелесть старого и нового Еревана.

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If you love art,

and want to explore the cultural side of Paris, this walking tour is perfect for you!

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Если вы любите искусство и

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Once, using those free days I visited main Madrid museums,

Royal palace and went for


free walking tour spending just pennies on the hostel in the city center

and food.

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Однажды, воспользовавшись этими свободными днями, я посетил главные музеи Мадрида,

Королевский дворец и отправился на бесплатный пеший тур, потратив копейки


хостел в центре города и



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The Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation organized informative walking tour for kids from multi-child Misyura famiy, as


part of the Road to Life


Every Child program

and the Good Cause Every Day!

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В рамках программы« Дорога в жизнь для каждого ребенка» и акции« Ни дня без благих дел!» Благотворительный фонд Константина Кондакова организовал познавательную пешеходную экскурсию по Пейзажной аллее

и историческим местам Киева


многодетной семьи Мисюра!

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Этот тур не предназначен для людей с ограниченными физическими возможностями пешая экскурсия.

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Tallinn Panoramic Drive is


suitable alternative to


inner city walking tour for young families with children

or equally comfortable


travelers with limited mobility.

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по Таллину- это хорошая альтернатива пешим экскурсиям по центру города для молодых семей с детьми,

а также комфортный выбор


путешественников с ограниченными возможностями.

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You go to hostels,

ask people if they wanna go on


free walking tour, pay


fixed amount for each person and get tips at the end of the


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Вы ходите по

хостелам, спрашиваете людей, хотят ли они пойти на бесплатную пешеходную экскурсию, платите фиксированную сумму за каждого человека и получаете чаевые в конце тура.

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You do not need to pre-register


a free walking tour, just to show up at the meeting point at the starting

time indicated on the website.

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Бесплатные туры обычно не предполагают регистрации заранее- вы просто приходите на место встречи к началу прогулки.

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Every Saturday, except


the walking tour around the historical center of the city, lovers of mysteries are recommended to join


excursion»Underground Lviv.

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Любителям тайн каждую субботу кроме пешеходной экскурсии по историческому центру города посоветуют посетить экскурсию« Подземелья Львова».

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The island is the perfect place for walking tours to learn more about the regional flora and fauna.

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Остров идеально подходит для пеших прогулок, и чтобы больше узнать о флоре и фауне региона.

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During the two other days, we will continue helping with organizing the music festival and

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В остальные- продолжим помогать с технической организацией музыкального фестиваля,

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In mountainous areas, it can be cooler, but this has its pluses- because the

absence of exhausting heat will create the most comfortable conditions for walking tours.

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В горных районах может быть более прохладно, однако в этом есть и свои плюсы-

ведь отсутствие изнуряющей жары создаст максимально комфортные условия для пеших экскурсий и походов на природу.

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‘WALKING TOUR’ is a 11 letter
starting with W and ending with R

Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for WALKING TOUR

We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word walking tour will help
you to finish your
crossword today. We’ve arranged the synonyms in length order so that they are easier to find.

walking tour 4 letter words

walking tour 5 letter words

walking tour 6 letter words

walking tour 7 letter words

walking tour 9 letter words

walking tour 11 letter words

walking tour 13 letter words

walking tour 14 letter words

Thanks for visiting The Crossword Solver «walking tour».

We’ve listed any clues from our database that match your search for «walking tour». There will also be a
list of synonyms for your answer.
The synonyms have been arranged depending on the number of characters so that they’re easy to

If a particular answer is generating a lot of interest on the site today, it may be highlighted in

If your word «walking tour» has any anagrams, you can find them with our anagram solver or at this

We hope that you find the site useful.

Regards, The Crossword Solver Team

More clues you might be interested in

  1. take into forced labour
  2. dressing
  3. remedies
  4. african nation
  5. something in the air
  6. poorly lit
  7. for all practical purposes
  8. false belief
  9. firmly established
  10. not harmed
  11. easter cake
  12. not tied down
  13. one cubic meter
  14. octet
  15. extirpate
  16. come to think of it
  17. woodworms
  18. prude
  19. hunter
  20. reduction in expenditure
  21. outlay
  22. rioting crowd
  23. concept
  24. grandmother, informally
  25. website address
  26. native of muscat
  27. yarn
  28. remembered
  29. lack of seriousness
  30. difficult to catch

  • tour

    tour of places of interest

  • bus tour

    tour of places of interest

  • rubberneck tour

    tour of places of interest

  • sight-seeing

    tour of places of interest

  • sightseeing excursion

    tour of places of interest

  • sightseeing

  • sightseeing tour

  • mush

Possible phrase synonyms

  • current turn

  • current round

  • moving journey

  • current time

  • running round

  • current circuit

  • pedestrian expedition

  • current voyage

  • current trip

  • current spell

  • mobile time

  • current expedition

  • current shift

  • active circuit

  • active spell

  • current stint

  • active shift

For more similar words, try Walking tour on Thesaurus.plus dictionary

walking tour — перевод на русский

For the walking tours.

За пешие туры.

A walking tour of Portland’s public drinking fountains.

Пеший тур по общественным питьевым фонтанчикам Портленда.

My recipe’s infused with Times Square, the Bronx Zoo and the Sex and the City walking tour.

На этот рецепт меня вдохновили Тайсм Сквейр и зоопарк Бронкса И пеший тур Секса в большом городе

And then after lunch, we have this fun… geological walking tour of the campus.

А после завтрака у нас будет классная… геологическая экскурсия пешком по кампусу.

We have an historical walking tour of the campus, a special lecture on cyberspace and metapolitics, dinner… Then bed.

Также будет историческая экскурсия пешком по кампусу, специальная лекция о киберпространстве и глобальной политике ужин… и отбой.

The walking tour thing.

С этими своими экскурсиями.

Yeah, well, I had to miss the memorable rain gutters of Washington walking tour, so, this better be good.

Мне пришлось пропустить незабываемую экскурсию по канализациям Вашингтона. Так что надеюсь, у тебя что-то важное.

So are you going on, like, a year-long walking tour of the set of The Lord of the Rings in New Zealand?

Так ты, типа, отправляешься в многолетний поход на места съёмок «Властелина Колец» в Новую Зеландию?

All right, look, you’ve got some options. There’s a new photo show at yard dog gallery, Or there’s a haunted walking tour of downtown.

Слушай, есть варианты – новая фотовыставка в галерее или поход по призрачным местам в центре города.

I feel like there should be a walking tour — of all the pockets in New York City… — Totally.

Мне кажется, что должны быть пешие экскурсии по всем закоулкам Нью-Йорка.

Walking tour starts in 15 minutes.

Пешая экскурсия начинается через 15 минут.

Like every good walking tour, this one starts with the post office.

Как и любая хорошая пешая прогулка, эта начинается с почтового отделения.

A walking tour of France with Sinclair.

Пешая прогулка по Франции с Синклером.

— We’re on holiday. — For a walking tour of France.

— Мы здесь на каникулах.

Many years ago, I set out on a walking tour, high in the Alps, a region quite unknown to travellers, where ancient mountains thrust down into Provence.

Много лет назад я отправился странствовать по району, почти неисследованному странниками, где древние горы врезаются в Прованс.

Ready for a walking tour?

К прогулке готовы?

I’ll go on walking tours with widows and lesbians.

Буду ходить на экскурсии с вдовами и лесбиянками.


Я думал, может мы прогуляемся по нью-йоркской подземке, навестим моих друзей — бродяг.

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Walking tour is a noun.

A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.


walking tour

Walking tour

A walking tour is: ▪ A full, partial-day, or longer tour of a historical, or cultural or artistic site, or of sites, in one or more tourist destinations, which can be led by a tour guide, as an escort. This type of walking tour frequently takes place in an urban setting. ▪ An extended walk in the countryside, undertaken by an individual, or group for several days. The beginnings of this type of walking tour has its origins in the Romantic movement of the late 18th, early 19th-century. It has some similarities with backpacking, trekking, and also tramping in New Zealand, though it need not take place in remote places. Such tours are also organized by commercial companies, and can have a professional guide, or are self-guided; in these commercially organized tours, luggage is often transported between accommodation stops. Palazzo Senatorio, City Hall, Rome, Italy…

Definition of walking tour in the English dictionary

The definition of walking tour in the dictionary is a tour on which you walk rather than using transportto be on a walking tour.


Synonyms and antonyms of walking tour in the English dictionary of synonyms

Translation of «walking tour» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of walking tour to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of walking tour from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «walking tour» in English.

Translator English — Chinese


1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish


570 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi

पैदल यात्रा

380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic

جولة سيرا على الأقدام

280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian

пешеходная экскурсия

278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese

passeio a pé

270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali

হাঁটা সফর

260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French

visite à pied

220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay

Lawatan berjalan kaki

190 millions of speakers

Translator English — German


180 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean

도보 여행

85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese

Tur lelungan

85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese

chuyến đi bộ

80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil

சுற்று பயணம்

75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi

चालणे फेरफटका

75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish

yürüyüş turu

70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian

giro a piedi

65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish

wycieczka piesza

50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian

пішохідна екскурсія

40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian

tur de mers pe jos

30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek

περιήγηση με τα πόδια

15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans

loop toer

14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish


10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian


5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of walking tour


The term «walking tour» is quite widely used and occupies the 39.950 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



Quite widely used

The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «walking tour» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of walking tour

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «walking tour».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «walking tour» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «walking tour» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about walking tour


Discover the use of walking tour in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to walking tour and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.


A Walking Tour of the Shambles

A tour of a fictional haunted neighborhood in Chicago, in the tradition of Edward Gorey or Charles Addams. Illustrated.

Neil Gaiman, Gene Wolfe, Gahan Wilson, 2002


A Walking Tour in Southern France: Ezra Pound Among the …

In the course of transcribing and emending the text of «Walking Tour 1912,» editor Richard Sieburth retraced Pound’s footsteps along the roads to the troubadour castles.

Ezra Pound, Richard Sieburth, 1992


The Charleston Walking Tour

A comprehensive self-guided walking tour of historic Charleston South Carolina.


Beat Generation in New York: A Walking Tour of Jack …

This is the ultimate guide to Jack Kerouac’s New York, packed with photos from the ’50s and ’60s, and filled with information and anecdotes about the people and places that made history.

A walking tour in Wales ends in tragedy for two couples, leaving a legal and psychological nightmare for one of their children, Susan, to sort out. Reprint. 20,000 first printing.


Charleston: A Historic Walking Tour

A guide book will help natives and visitors alike appreciate the history and residents of the beautiful city of Charleston, South Carolina, one of the South’s great cultural destinations, which has endured periods of grandeur, occupation, a …

Mary Preston Foster, 2005

A walk through the former home of the Habsburg court and its various empires, the city that still has the trappings of the imperial capital it once was, and the historic city centre is inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List — Vienna

Travel On The Dollar, 2010


Plano: An Historic Walking Tour

The history of Plano, Texas is as rich as the soil that attracted early settlers to the area in the mid to late 1800s.

Three walking tours through «matička Praha» or Little Mother Prague as the locals call it, Prague is one of Europe’s most fascinating cities and the cradle of Czech culture.

Travel On The Dollar, 2011


Washington D.C.: A Historical Walking Tour

Striking images and detailed captions tell the fascinating stories behind many of the famous and the not so famous buildings and monuments that cover the D.C. landscape, from Union Station and the Capitol to the White House and the …


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term walking tour is used in the context of the following news items.

Tom Hardy’s Legend: Take a walking tour of the Kray twins East …

To celebrate the release of Legend – which is set for awards success – Metro.co.uk took a walking tour of East London, to discover the places where the twins … «Metro, Jul 15»

Online walking tour and pub crawl of Harlem

The walking tour is also being incorporated into a monthly pub crawl for Harlem newcomers. Eat Sip N’ See describes itself as “part sightseeing tour and part bar … «Washington Times, Jul 15»

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SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) _ A free walking tour this summer is aimed at history buffs who want to explore the romance between Abraham Lincoln and Mary Todd. «fox2now.com, Jun 15»

Walk back in time on General Gordon Walking Tour in Framingham

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MORRISTOWN – The Morris County Tourism Bureau (MCTB) welcomes the public to join the perennial Historical Walking Tours series starting Saturday, May 9. «Daily Record, May 15»

One Man Calculated The Ultimate NYC Walking Tour

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Berkeley: Program, walking tour at UC about architect John Galen …

BERKELEY — A free presentation and walking tour about renowned architect John Galen Howard will be held on the UC Berkeley campus from 2:30 to 6 p.m. … «Contra Costa Times, Apr 15»

Historic Walking Tour of Green Street

Join the Jamaica Plain Historical Society on our tour of Green Street. Laid out in 1836, the street played a key role in Jamaica Plain’s development, functioning … «Jamaica Plain News, Apr 15»

A New York Walking Tour Full of Lies

When Jeremy Ellison-Gladstone gives walking tours in Manhattan, he said it isn’t uncommon for passersby to stop and correct his facts. But he is OK with that, … «Wall Street Journal, Apr 15»

PawSox president gives tour of proposed ballpark site

Skeffington met with the media Thursday for a walking tour of the former highway land that is currently owned by the state. He says consultants working for the … «Turn to 10, Apr 15»


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walking tour — пешеходная экскурсия
walking tour / trip — поход
set out on a walking tour — выйти на прогулку
to set out on a walking tour — выйти на прогулку
walking-tour — туристический поход

Автоматический перевод

пешеходная экскурсия, пешая экскурсия, пешеходный тур, пеший тур

Перевод по словам

walk  — ходьба, шаг, походка, тропа, расстояние, ходить, идти, гулять, идти пешком, обходить
tour  — тур, поездка, экскурсия, гастролировать, гастрольный

Дополнение / ошибка

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Мультитран  Wikipedia(En)  Academic.ru  Reverso 

Walking tour is a tour to a historical site, monuments, and cultural places undertaken on foot.  It is fro few hours only. In a longer walking tour, we can cover number of places. Walking Tour is mostly organized for over crossed places, monuments, wildlife etc.  This kind of tour can be led by a tour guide or tour escort. 

Walking Tour

Walking tours

Walking tours depends on the type of activity and purpose of tour. Tourist must keep cap, hat, water bottle, binocular, torch etc. It may also be the part of adventure. Like: if you are going for any activity you have to walk for few kilometers. Person must have good health, physique for walking tour. 

Now days, people are using walky talky equipments to get in touch with the group. It is most common at heritage sites. Like: Heritage walks, City walk, Walk to ruined city.  19.3History of walking tours

We all know that people going to religious places were going there on foot.  Probably, Fah Yan, Huen Sung, Ibn Batuta covered there major part of journey as a walking tour. They wrote a good coverage and experience of their journey. 

walking tour

i. Mountain or Hill walking

Hill or mountain walking is little bit different than walking in an old city. During hill or mountain walking one must be careful and not walk very speedily. Keep him or her balanced. On slope while ascending lean down forward. You must wear good quality shoes with rubber soul. Have idea about common health related problems during mountaineering like: hypothermia, snow frost and snow bite. Mountain walking serves the purpose of acclimatization also. It gives you pleasure to see and enjoy the nature. Normally, mountain walking tours are part of adventure tour. Keep hill walking check list. 

ii. Nature walk

The Nature walk is systematic walking in natural trails. It is in a cool, calm and serene area. No vehicles no pollution. During nature walk, we must keep certain things in mind. Do some introspection. See the nature and wildlife. It can increase your ability to concentrate and focus. Listen to the voice of birds and insects. Do not go alone. Be a part of small groups and remain silent. Talking makes difficult to tune with the nature. Keep the camera and encourage children to take photographs of birds and species. Later they can identify them. Take time to see under rocks and indentify insects. Bring a good guide to tell you about the flora fauna, birds, insects, animals. 

iii. Walk to ruined city

Walk in the ruined city takes you to the golden past. During the walk, you can see ruins of lost city or fort. Tughlaqabad walk is a ruined city walk. Tughlaqabad was the third city of Delhi. Tughlaqabad fort was the dream project of Ghiyas-ud-din Tughlaq. He was the founder of Tughlaqabad dynasty. It is a 2 hours walk. His story is also associated with the great Sufi Saint Hazrat Nizam-ud-din Auliya. Here you can see engineering skills, a lost grandeur of the past.

Places for walking tours

  • Heritage 
  • Museum
  • Forts and Palaces
  • Gardens
  • Monuments
  • Natural trails
  • Village tours
  • Shopping 
  • Visiting nearby places

Walking tour products

  • Heritage walk: Heritage walks can be organized in Old Delhi, Agra, Gwalior, Rajasthan, Hyderabad,   
  • Nature walk: There are many options for nature walk all over the world. In India, nature walk can be organized in Hardwar, Rishikesh, Manali, Shimla, Nainital, Almora, Dehradun, Paudi, Munsiyari ( in Uttarakhand), Kinnaur, Puduchery, Rameswaram, Goa, Pachagani ( in Maharashtra), Sirpur ( in Chhattisgarh), Khandala, Chikaladara in Maharashtra, Ajanta in Maharashtra.
  • Coastal Walk: Coastal walks are relaxing and gives you stunning view of the sea shore. Few selected coastal walks are: White heaven Cumbria in England, Craster in Northumberland, UK, Old Harry Rocks in UK, Sandwud Bay in Scotland, Causeway Coast way in Northern Ireland, Norfolk Coast path in England, Bullers of Buchan in Scotland. In India, coastal walk can be developed from Chandrabhaga (Moonshaped beach near Konark, Odisha, India. It is near Konark Temples) to Puri. There is a temple, Cashew nut trees on the way. Marine drive Mumbai also offers good walking tour. 

Benefits of walking tours

There are many benefits of walking tours to various destinations. Here, we will discuss benefits of walking tours. 

  • It is simple to organize

It is simple in nature. Pre-tour arrangements are easy to make. Your dependency is less in walking tour. There is no need of coach, driver, and other staff.  Normally, tour guide accompany the group. But, tourist may also go without guide. Tour guides help in managing the tour successfully in less time. It is more organized and planned with the tour guide. 

  • Cost effective

Walking tours are cost effective. Tourists have to pay less. He can devote more time. It s’ per person cost is less. 

  • Good for less number of persons. 

When there is a small group walking tour can be organized.  Each and every person can be addressed in walking tour. Tour guide can stop at many places and address he group, otherwise it is not possible in case of coach tour. It is difficult to stand up and talk to group while moving in the coach. Everything passes very fast in coach tour, so tourists cannot pay much attention.   

  • Easy to organize. 

It is easier to organize. Even freelancers can come out with the new walking tour products. They  can educate different segments of tourists, FITs, small groups, college/ school students.   

  • Close insight

Tourists can see every point with the close view and pay attention to it.

Satisfaction level in high in walking tours.  

There are many problems also. Main problems are:-

  1. Traffic 

Many places have traffic jam and traffic is uncontrolled. Here, tourists find it difficult to cross the road. So, it is difficult to organize walk for a large group like 50 people in one go. 

  • Pollution

Pollution is becoming a serious problem day by day. Many people do not find it healthy to walk in over crossed places full of vehicles and smoke coming out of vehicle creates suffocation. 

  • Weather

Weather conditions are harsh in our country especially during summers i.e. in May and June. We have small duration for walks especially in winters. 

  • Hygiene

For many, it may be unhygienic to walk in narrow lanes having open sewage, garbage dumps. Walks are organized in old cities and these areas have problem for hygiene conscious tourists. Government of India is working relentlessly on this issue. People are also now area about the hygiene. 

  • Noise 

Noise is a common problem in many places. In the heavy noise of loud speakers, sometimes, it is difficult to take a group and show them places. 

  • Crime

A tour guide must alert group members about pick pocketing, chain snatching, mobile snatching etc. before taking them on walking tours in old cities or over crowded place.

Limitations of a walking tour

Walking tours are good, as it is nature, eco-friendly. It gives better insight into the place to the tourists. Tourists are able to see each and every detail of the place. It is not like point to point travel, where a tourist misses out on the way things. It rejuvenates the tourists more. But, there are few limitations also. These limitations are:-

  • Time constraint

It requires more time. We can cover fewer attractions in more time.  

  • Distance constraints

By walking, you cannot cover more distance. Normally, attractions are located at some distance and tourists find it difficult to walk. 

  • Age constraints

Walking tours are meant for young tourists. Senior citizens may find it difficult to travel place to place. 

  • Atmosphere constraints

I know few places where it is difficult to walk due to unsafely, stray animals, garbage heaps, open sewer line etc. It creates bad image of the country. Although, government is working hard to encourage people about cleanliness and hygiene.   (v)    Culture constraints 

Sometimes, tourists’ attire irritates locals. It is a matter of cultural conflict between them. 

  • Space constraints

There are many localities in Old Delhi, old Bhopal, Old city of Hyderabad where you cannot stop at one place with 25 people without obstructing traffic. In such cases it is difficult to carry the whole group. 

  • Traffic constraints

  Traffic is an important limitation in a walking tour. Many times, tourists feel unsafe due to uncontrolled traffic in old lane of cities.


Also read Holy Fairs, Festivals, Rivers & Traditions

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пешеходная экскурсия

пешеходную экскурсию

пешеходной экскурсии

пешую прогулку

пешую экскурсию

прогулка по

walking tour

пешеходный тур

экскурсия по

пешее путешествие

пешеходный маршрут

пешей экскурсии

Dress comfortably as this is a walking tour.

A small walking tour to the lake (3 km, 1 hour).

Like every good walking tour, this one starts with the post office.

Как и любая хорошая пешая прогулка, эта начинается с почтового отделения.

It will be a walking tour with about 5 — 7 clients.

Join this combination bus and walking tour of the historically significant locations that were instr…

Присоединиться к этой комбинации автобусная и пешеходная экскурсия по исторически значимым местам, к…

Taking the free walking tour helped us appreciate the buildings around the city.

To do this you will need a walking tour with a good guide.

Take a drug tour — This two-hour walking tour highlights the history of the city’s relationship with drugs.

Возьмите лекарственный тур — Эта двухчасовая пешеходная экскурсия освещает историю отношений города с наркотиками.

The note: it is a walking tour, it can be combined with other thematic excursions on the territory of Monastery.

Примечание: пешеходная экскурсия, при желании можно совмещать с другими тематическими экскурсиями, проходящими по Соловецкому монастырю.

But the greatest number of participants has gathered a walking tour, which was held by the candidate of historical sciences, the famous ethnographer Nikolai Pivavar.

А наибольшее количество участников собрала пешеходная экскурсия, которую проводил кандидат исторических наук, известный краевед Николай Пивовар.

From April through October, a free historical walking tour of the Tuileries garden takes place at 3:30 on Saturdays and Sundays.

С апреля по октябрь в 15:30 по субботам и воскресеньям проходит бесплатная историческая пешеходная экскурсия по саду Тюильри.

Your first stop will be at the Independence National Historical Park where your guide will lead you on a brief walking tour.

Ваша первая остановка будет в Национальном историческом парке Независимости, где ваш гид приведет вас на краткая пешеходная экскурсия.

I think we timed this walking tour pretty well.

Я считаю, что это выездное турне мы провели довольно хорошо.

He proposed a walking tour of the city.

In many cities across the globe, it is possible to find a free walking tour of the city.

This concludes our historic walking tour.

For a milder experience, consider the two-hour walking tour.

Чтобы узнать историю, рассчитывайте на двухчасовую прогулку.

Joining a walking tour is a great opportunity to meet fellow travellers.

Присоединение к пешеходной экскурсии — отличная возможность встретить попутчиков.

Take a walking tour to see as much as possible

Нужно только составить маршрут прогулки, чтобы увидеть как можно больше.

Enjoy a walking tour of the theatre and the archaeological ruins and excavations.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 1058. Точных совпадений: 1058. Затраченное время: 91 мс


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Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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