Word for waiting for someone

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

ждете кого-то

кого-то ждет

ждал кого-то

ждут кого-то

кого-то ждешь

ждет кого-то

кого-то ждете

ждала кого-то

ожидая кого-то

жду кое-кого

ожидая, что кто-то

кое-кого жду

ждать, пока кто-нибудь

ждать, что кто-то

ждать, пока кто-то

Also, 5 seconds won’t make you look like you are waiting for someone to strike a conversation.

Кроме того, 5 секунд не заставит вас выглядеть, как вы ждете кого-то подводить разговор.

She was probably waiting for someone maybe her boyfriend.

Скорее всего, она кого-то ждет, возможно, своего парня.

Maybe she is waiting for someone, and maybe just resting after a day’s work.

Может быть, она кого-то ждет, а возможно, просто отдыхает после трудового дня.

They were acting suspiciously and seemed waiting for someone.

Он выглядел как отставной чиновник и, казалось, ждал кого-то.

I was waiting for someone like you in my life.

He told me he was waiting for someone.

Tom seems to be waiting for someone.

Just waiting for someone to challenge me.

She was looking around obviously waiting for someone.

Он постоянно беспокойно оглядывался по сторонам, явно кого-то дожидаясь.

Stop waiting for someone to notice you.

He was waiting for someone who never came.

We were waiting for someone to tell us how to do it.

Nobody wishes to waste time waiting for someone.

You’re sitting on a train, waiting for someone.

Едешь куда-нибудь на поезде — они ждут.

Stop waiting for someone else to tell you you’re good enough.

If not, your order will be waiting for someone to trade at your desired price.

Если нет, ваш заказ будет ждать, пока кто-то торгует по вашей желаемой цене.

Creating change does not require your waiting for someone else to do it.

Создание изменений не требует, чтобы вы ждали, пока кто-то другой сделает это.

They are waiting for someone else to take care of making them more successful and happier.

Они ждут, что кто-то другой позаботится о том, чтобы сделать их успешнее и счастливее.

You need a good car battery charger to avoid this inconvenience and waiting for someone to jump-start your car.

Вам нужно хорошее автомобильное зарядное устройство, чтобы избежать этого неудобства и ждать, пока кто-нибудь запустит ваш автомобиль.

This is the only solution that you won’t ever regret: choose yourself instead of waiting for someone special.

Единственное решение, о котором вы никогда не пожалеете: выберите себя, а не ждите кого-то особенного.

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Are you waiting for someone to respond to you in an email or formal letter? Perhaps you’ve used a phrase like “waiting for your response” to encourage them to reply after they haven’t for a while.

However, is it the most polite phrase?

This article has gathered the best synonyms for “waiting for your response.” You can use any of the following:

  • I look forward to hearing from you
  • Awaiting your reply
  • I look forward to hearing back
  • Let me know what you think
  • Do you have any ideas?
  • What are your thoughts?
  • I appreciate any information you may have
  • I will appreciate your quick response
  • Always happy to hear from you
  • Please respond at your earliest convenience

Read on to learn more about how to tell someone you’re waiting for their reply. We have shared examples for each alternative to show you how they work as well.

1. I Look Forward to Hearing From You

It’s always a good idea to use positive language in formal emails. Saying something like “look forward” rather than “waiting” is a great way to show enthusiasm and professionalism.

That’s why “I look forward to hearing from you” is an excellent alternative to “waiting for your response.” It shows respect towards the recipient while also being keen to hear back from them when they get a chance to reply.

Here is an email sample to show you how it works:

Dear Mr. Reid,

I am still waiting to hear back from you about this project. Is everything OK?

I look forward to hearing from you,
Dean Scott

2. Awaiting Your Reply

“Awaiting your reply” is an example of how to say “waiting for your response” professionally. It’s a great option if you want to maintain a more serious and professional tone in an email.

For example, you may want to use it when emailing an employee. It shows you are a bit disappointed that they have yet to reply to you.

This sample email should show you more about it:

Dear Craig,

We need to discuss your recent behavior during the meeting, but I have not heard from you yet.

Awaiting your reply,
Mr. Harper

3. I Look Forward to Hearing Back

If you want to remain polite and friendly, stick with something familiar like “I look forward to hearing back.” It’s a great phrase to include in a more light-hearted situation.

For instance, it works well when emailing clients. It shows that your brand or company is fun and interesting, so it will encourage clients to respond if they’ve forgotten to do so already.

Here is a quick example to show you how it works:

Dear Clark,

I’m still very keen to work with you on this. I’ve yet to hear back from you, though. So, I look forward to hearing back.

All the best,
Wallace Benjamin

4. Let Me Know What You Think

You can also use a call-to-action in an email to encourage someone to reply. “Let me know what you think” is a great example of this, as it shows that you’d like someone to get back to you, even though they’ve taken longer than expected.

It’s a good alternative to “waiting for your response” when figuring out how to politely tell someone that you’re waiting for their response. Most people won’t need to be reminded again after you’ve asked what they think, and they’ll reply as soon as possible.

Dear Tara,

We’re still waiting to hear back from you. After all, we’re keen to move forward ASAP.

Let me know what you think,
Jacob White

5. Do You Have Any Ideas?

Sometimes, asking a question is the best way to encourage someone to respond. Something like “do you have any ideas?” is a subtle way to encourage someone to reply to your previous email.

You can use it to show you’re waiting for their answer. After all, if you’ve just asked, “do you have any ideas?” then it’s clear that you expect an answer of some kind.

This sample email will show you how to use it:

Dear Ms. Prockett,

I hope you’re still doing OK and enjoying your new job. I still haven’t heard from you, so do you have any ideas?

All the best,
Sara Roper

6. What Are Your Thoughts?

Another great question alternative is, “what are your thoughts?” Again, it allows you to find out someone’s opinion while encouraging them to reply.

Asking a question generally provides a more honest response. It shows that someone has “thought” about your proposal and provided some insight to help you.

Perhaps this email example will help you with it:

Dear Charlotte,

I hope you are doing well. Let me know when you get a moment to reply, as I’d love to know more. What are your thoughts?


7. I Appreciate Any Information You May Have

You can still remain formal while sounding polite over an email. After all, a phrase like “I appreciate any information you may have” demonstrates this well.

It’s a good alternative to “waiting for your response.” The phrase keeps a polite tone while showing that you’d like someone to reply. “Any information you may have” suggests you’d like to learn from the recipient and what they know about the context.

For example:

Dear Howard,

I’m still waiting to hear back from you. I appreciate any information you may have.

Kind regards,

8. I Will Appreciate Your Quick Response

Another great formal alternative to “waiting for your response” is “I will appreciate your quick response.” The key word is “quick” here since it shows that you expect a reply promptly.

You should use it when you are in an authoritative position. If you are someone’s boss, then it works well because it encourages an employee to reply as quickly as they’re able.

Here is an example to show you how it works:

Dear Melissa,

I’m afraid I’m still waiting to hear back from you about this. I will appreciate your quick response.

Sam Tate

9. Always Happy to Hear From You

It’s worth using a phrase like “always happy to hear from you” to sound friendly instead of formal. After all, it’s a fun way to encourage the recipient to reply when they get the chance.

You’ll have the most luck with this phrase when emailing clients you’re friendly with. It shows you have a healthy working relationship with them and get along well.

You can also refer to this example to help you understand more about it:

Dear Thomas,

I notice that you have not replied to me about our previous product. Do you have any questions?

Always happy to hear from you,

10. Please Respond at Your Earliest Convenience

Another way to say “waiting for your response” is “please respond at your earliest convenience.” It’s a polite phrase to show that you’re desperate for someone to reply.

Generally, it works well when you would like someone to respond quickly. It means the information shared in your email is very important and needs someone’s attention as quickly as possible.

Here is an example email:

Dear Maria,

We still need to discuss this, but I have not heard from you for a while.

Please respond at your earliest convenience,
Dan Jeffries

Is It Correct to Say “Waiting for Your Response”?

It is correct to say “waiting for your response.” You should use it to encourage an email recipient to reply as soon as they’re able.

Generally, it allows you to ask for a response after someone has ignored an email for a while. It implies that you expected a response but have yet to receive one.

You need to be careful with how you write “waiting,” though. Some people fall into the trap of using “awaiting” in the phrase. For instance:

  • Correct: I am waiting for your response.
  • Incorrect: I am awaiting for your response.

“Awaiting” means “waiting for.” So, it’s never correct to say “awaiting for.” However, you can say “awaiting” without the preposition. For example:

  • Correct: I am awaiting your response.

Of course, you can use either of the following:

  • Waiting for your response
  • Waiting for your reply

Don’t worry; the difference between them is negligible. They are synonymous phrases, so you can switch between them at will without getting the phrase incorrect.

You can also use these variations with either “response” or “reply”:

  • I will be waiting for your response
  • I am waiting for your response
  • We are waiting for your response to the below email
  • I am still waiting for your response to my inquiry

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

waiting for someone — перевод на русский

— Are you waiting for someone ?

— Вы кого-то ждете?

Waiting for someone?

Вы кого-то ждете?

Are you waiting for someone?

Вы кого-то ждете?

No, but you look like you’re waiting for someone.

Нет, но, мне кажется, вы кого-то ждете.

— You waiting for someone?

Кого-то ждете?

Показать ещё примеры для «кого-то ждёте»…

— I’m waiting for someone.

— Я жду кое-кого.

— I’m waiting for someone.

Я жду кое-кого.

I’m waiting for someone who’s late.

Я жду кое-кого, кто опаздывает.

I’ m waiting for someone.

Я жду кое-кого.

— I’m waiting for someone.

жду кое-кого.

Показать ещё примеры для «жду кое-кого»…

Waiting for someone to come along, like us, and take you through the Stargate.

Ожидая, пока придет кто-то, вроде нас, и заберет вас через звездные врата.

But without you, Andy and I would be sitting in our dirty diapers, waiting for someone to change us, wipe us.

Без вас, мы с Энди так и сидели бы в грязных пеленках, ожидая, что кто-нибудь поменял бы их нам.

I was tired of walking everywhere. I took it home and hid it, waited for someone to punish me.

Мне надоело ходить пешком, я забрал его и спрятал, ожидая, что меня накажут.

And, uh, I feel kind of ghoulish, waiting for someone to die and give me a kidney.

Отвратительно чувствую, ожидая, что кто-нибудь умрет и отдаст мне почку.

We have both spent our lives waiting for someone to come home.

Мы оба провели нашу жизнь ожидая, как кто-то вернётся домой.

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I’m waiting for someone.

Я жду одного человека.

I’m waiting for someone. You must leave me alone.

Я здесь жду одного человека.

Bree, honey I’m waiting for someone.

Бри, милая я жду одного человека.

Yeah, I’d love to, but I’m waiting for someone.

Да, я бы с радостью, но я жду одного человека.

I’m sorry, I’m waiting for someone.

— Потанцуем? — Извини, я жду одного человека!

Показать ещё примеры для «жду одного человека»…

— Why don’t we just wait for someone else to come along?

Может подождём, пока кто-нибудь ещё поедет?

So we wait for someone else to go by.

Подождем, пока кто-нибудь проедет.

Should I be waiting for someone?

Мне стоит кого-то подождать?

Are you giving me half of someone else’s sandwich, or do I have to wait for someone else in the restaurant to order the other half?

Вы подадите мне половину чьего-то сэндвича? или мне следует подождать кого-то другого в этом ресторане, кто бы заказал эту половину?

You wait for someone to come help you, all right?

Подожди, тебе кто-нибудь поможет.

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Uh, I… really wanted to wait for someone like you… for marriage, but I screwed up.

Я действительно хотела дождаться кого-то, вроде тебя… для брака, но напортачила.

We got to wait for someone.

Нам нужно дождаться кого-то.

I should really wait for someone special.

Я дождусь кого-то особенного.

I just, I have to find… the next of kin, and send ’em the DVD and then just wait for someone with my complexion to die so I can get a skin graft.

Мне просто… нужно найти… какого-то родственника, и отправить ему DVD, а потом дождаться, когда умрёт кто-нибудь моего телосложения, чтобы пересадить с него кожу.

What, as opposed to your idea of a date, which is to wait for someone’s husband to get two years for fraud and then ask them out?

Что, в противовес твоей стратегии — дождаться пока мужа подружки посадят на 2 года за мошенничество и пригласить её?

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Hi dear English learners! Here we are again. Are you impatiently waiting for a new lesson? Well, here it is. It is about 25 ways to use the verb wait; it includes collocations, phrasal verbs and idioms, as well as synonyms, which will boost your vocabulary in a lot of ways.

Let’s get started!

How many different words can we use instead of wait? Well, quite a few. For example, if we want to tell someone to wait for us for a short while, we can tell them to hold on or hang on. We can hear these phrases, especially the latter one, a lot in telephone conversations.uio

  • Hang on a minute. I’ll be right back.
  • Hold on a second. I’ll put you through.

We can ask someone to stay somewhere and wait for something.

  • Stay here until the delivery arrives. I have to go.

We can also use the formal word await.  We normally use it in formal written correspondence.

  • We’re impatiently awaiting your response.

25 Ways to Use the Verb WAIT

25 Ways to Use the Verb WAIT

Collocations with wait

First of all, don’t forget to use the preposition for with wait.

Don’t say: I’m waiting a friend.

Say: I’m waiting for a friend.

Let’s look at adverbs we normally use with the verb wait: long, patiently/impatiently, nervously,  eagerly, for ages, etc.

  • You never wait too long, when you wait for something good. ( a proverb)
  • The dog was patiently waiting for his master to show up from the supermarket.
  • We’re all sitting and impatiently waiting to hear the latest news about the tsunami.
  • On the day of the wedding, she kept him nervously waiting outside the church.
  • The children were eagerly waiting for their turn to play tennis.
  • We’ve been waiting for ages in that queue at the supermarket.
Keep someone waiting

If you keep someone waiting, then you make them wait before you are ready to meet them.

  • The interviewer kept us waiting for more than an hour outside his office.
Wait in vain

If somebody is waiting in vain, they are waiting without any success.

  • She cried day and night waiting in vain for her dog to come back home.
Wait with bated breath 

The phrase refers to waiting while you are feeling excited or anxious.

  • Amanda waited with bated breath for the results of the competition.

25 Ways to Use the Verb WAIT

25 Ways to Use the Verb WAIT

Phrasal verbs with WAIT

Wait about / around

not doing anything else but expecting something to happen or someone to arrive.

  • They were waiting about at the airport for two hours when they announced the plane from New York was about to land.
  • There was a long queue of people waiting around for a phone call.
Wait behind

to stay in a place after everyone else has gone, especially to talk to someone in private.

  • Clare waited behind when the others left because she wanted to talk to the manager in private.
  • The biology teacher made Brian wait behind after the classes to talk to him.
Wait in

to stay at home expecting someone to call or come.

  • Sandra was waiting in all morning expecting Michael’s call.
  • I can’t go with you. I have to wait in for the plumber.
Wait on

to serve customers in a restaurant or a cafe.

  • Before I applied for this job I was waiting on in a restaurant.
  • Will somebody wait on us? We’re in a hurry.
Wait out

to wait somewhere where you are safe until something bad ends.

  • During the war, they spent hours waiting out in the shelter.
  • We should go to the basement to wait out the storm.
Wait up

to stay awake waiting for someone to come.

  • Mary’s mother waited up all night to see the doctor after her daughter’s operation.
  • Michale told me not to wait up because he’s coming late.

25 Ways to Use the Verb WAIT

25 Ways to Use the Verb WAIT

Idioms with WAIT

Wait and see

This phrase means to wait in order to find out what will happen.

  • I suppose there’s nothing we can do about it now so we’ll just have to wait and see.
  • We just have to wait and see what’s going to happen before we make any conclusions.
Waiting in the wings

waiting readily for the opportunity to take a position or do something.

  • Henry has been waiting in the wings for years to take over the business after his father retires.
  • The police are waiting in the wings to arrest the smugglers.
Wait for the dust to settle

​to wait until things get back to normal after a conflict or a problem.

  • Paul wanted to wait for the dust to settle before reaching the final decision.
  • It might be better to wait until the dust settles before we launch another product.
Just you wait!

used as a warning or a threat to someone.

  • Just you wait till I tell your father what you did.

It can also use the expression to tell someone that you are sure something will happen.

  • I’m going to be famous one day. Just you wait!
Wait on someone hand and foot

to serve someone very well, even when it’s unreasonable.

  • Martha was one of those women who was waiting on her husband hand and foot.
  • He had everything he could ever wish for, including servants waiting on him hand and foot.
Time and tide wait for no man / no one

A saying that reminds us that time is passing by and we should not procrastinate in doing things.

  • You should accept this golden opportunity because who knows when the next one will come up. Time and tide wait for no man.
  • Hurry up or there’ll be no tickets left when we arrive. Time and tide wait for no one. Don’t you know that?

25 Ways to Use the Verb WAIT

25 Ways to Use the Verb WAIT

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Learn how to ask someone to wait in English.

Whether you’re on the phone, talking to your friends, or participating in a business meeting, you may need to ask someone to wait in English. Learn 10 useful expressions for asking someone to wait.

Table of Contents



Harry is a native English teacher with over 10 years of experience both online and in face-to-face lessons. With his extensive experience in business, he specialises in Business English lessons but happily teaches ESL students with any English learning needs. 

how to ask someone to wait in English

Hi there, this is Harry and welcome back to my advanced English lessons. Here I try to help you to get a better understanding of the English language. How to use English expressions and phrases. Advance your vocabulary. Help you with business English, conversational English, and whatever problems you might have. You can come here, and I will certainly help you.

You can listen to these lessons on my English learning podcast ‘Speak Better English‘, or you can watch them on my YouTube channel.

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You can get me on www.englishlessonviaskype.com, and I’m always happy to hear from you.

Today, we’re going to look at certain ways to ask somebody to wait.

Just to get the right spelling right.

If we’re talking about how heavy we are, that’s w-e-i-g-h-t.

Oh, he has put on a bit of weight.

If you’re asking somebody to w-a-i-t:

Please wait while I finish.

Intermediate to Advanced English Marathon

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

INSANITY: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

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A lot of the time when you’re using these expressions, you have to use a certain intonation in your voice. So let’s take them one by one.

Let’s take the first two:

hold on


hang on

together because often they are used synonymously.

Meaning: to wait for a short time


Just hang on for a few seconds, and I’ll be with you.

Just hold on until I finish this.

We often use them when we’re talking about telephone calls. For example, if your new washing broke down and you’re ringing a customer service line.

Hold on, I’ll put you through to someone who can help you.

Unfortunately, these days many companies have an automated voice recognition system; and it’s hard to get a real person on the other end of the line.

just wait until/till

You can use either till or until there. Watch this video lesson where I explain the difference between till and until.

Meaning: use this to ask someone to be patient for a moment


Please just wait until I get a chance to discuss this with you.

Just wait until I get a chance to read the proposal.

I’m very busy, please wait until I have time to read the form carefully.

how to ask someone to wait in English

How to ask someone to wait in English. 10 useful expressions for asking someone to wait. Formal and informal. Study advanced English at www.englishlessonviaskype.com #learnenglish

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wait a second / minute

A very very common way of asking somebody to wait.

Meaning: use it to ask somebody to wait until you get a chance to explain to them exactly what you said or meant


No, no, no, wait a second. We haven’t agreed to that yet.

Wait a moment, that’s not what I said. What I actually said was…

If you’re getting a little bit frustrated, you can put a bit more emphasis on it:

Oh, just wait a second!


No, no, no, wait a second. We haven’t agreed to that yet.

Wait a moment, that’s not what I said. What I actually said was…

Wait, wait a minute, I’m just finishing getting dressed.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s the second or minute. We’re not really counting the seconds, and we’re not counting the minutes.

let me think

Meaning: use it to give yourself extra time to think or consider something


Let me think about that and I’ll give you a reply tomorrow.

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how to ask someone to wait in English

just a moment/second/minute

Moment, second and minute interchangeable. They’re not really a period of time. It could often be much longer. For example, five minutes later you’re still waiting.

It has no reference to the particular time, we just use it as an expression to get somebody to wait.

bear with me

Meaning: ask someone to wait and be patient


Please bear with me for five minutes while I finish this email.

Bear with us while we try to fix these technical issues.

something or somebody will have to wait

Meaning: use it when you have no time to do something or no time to deal with somebody


The report is just going to have to wait; I’m not going to be able to complete it by today.

how to ask someone to wait in English

all in good time

Meaning: a polite way to ask someone to wait and not try to make you hurry


We’re just going to take another day; it’s going to happen, but all in good time.

And then finally:

not so fast

Meaning: wait, slow down


Okay, not so fast. Just take your time, let’s go through them one by one.

Hold on, hold on, not so fast. Just take it one piece at a time. Let’s try and sort this problem out.

So they are all expressions and ways in which you can ask someone to wait in English.

Let me give them to you again:

  • Hold on
  • Hang on
  • Just wait until/till
  • Wait a second/minute
  • Just a moment/second
  • Let me think
  • Bear with me
  • Something will have to wait
  • All in good time
  • Not so fast

Just pass the details on. I’m always happy to hear from you, always happy to help you. Thanks for listening, and join me again soon.

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  • #1


Could any of you give me a precise word for period of a short stay while waiting for someone?

For instance, I’m taking an exam at examination center and my father is waiting for me outside the center. The exam lasts for two hours. That two hours period when my father waited for me is what?

Can a short-stay be used here or is there any appropriate word for it?

Thanks in advance!


  • #2

Your father is waiting for a 2-hour period of time. So this is a «waiting period».



wait for — предполагать; выжидать; выждать
in wait for — в ожидании
wait for berth — ожидание причала
lie in wait for — поджидать
wait for escort — ожидание сопровождения
wait for a promt — ждать, когда суфлёр подаст реплику
wait for loading — ожидать очереди на погрузку
to wait for years — ждать годами
wait for a person — ждать человека
wait for a prompt — ждать, когда суфлёр подаст реплику; ожидать подсказки

wait for each page — пауза на каждой странице
wait for to turn up — ожидать, что что-нибудь подвернётся; ждать у моря погоды
wait for a decision — ожидать решения
to wait for a person — ждать человека
to wait for a prompt — ждать, когда суфлёр подаст реплику; ожидать подсказки
to lay wait for smb. — устроить кому-л. засаду
lay wait for somebody — устроить кому-либо засаду
wait for a connection — ожидать пересадку в согласованный поезд
wait for smth to pass — перестаивать
to lie in wait for smb. — поджидать /подстерегать/ кого-л.
lie in wait for somebody — поджидать кого-либо; быть в засаде
wait for the cat to jump — держать нос по ветру
wait for dead man’s shoes — надеяться получить наследство после чьей-либо смерти
wait for dead men’s shoes — надеяться получить наследство после чьей-л. смерти; ждать наследства
wait for diskette interrupt — прерывание ожидания дискеты
wait for a dead man’s shoes — надеяться получить наследство после чьей-л. смерти
to wait for smth. to happen — ожидать, когда что-л. произойдёт
to wait for smth. to turn up — ожидать, что что-нибудь подвернётся
to wait for dead man’s shoes — а) рассчитывать на получение наследства после чьей-л. смерти; б) надеяться занять чьё-л. место после его смерти
time all tide wait for no man — время не ждет

ещё 20 примеров свернуть

Автоматический перевод


Перевод по словам

wait  — ожидание, выжидание, засада, ждать, подождать, дожидаться, выжидать


Wait for me!

Подождите меня!

Wait for the rain to pass.

Подожди, пока пройдёт дождь.

I can’t wait for the summer.

Я не могу ждать лета. / Жду — не дождусь, когда наступит лето.

Can you wait for five minutes?

Вы можете подождать пять минут?

We had a long wait for the bus.

Мы долго ждали автобуса.

I’ll wait for you in reception.

Я буду ждать вас в приёмной.

Wait for the elevator to descend.

Подождите лифт, чтобы спуститься.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

She waited for a reply, but none came.  

We waited for the other boat to come alongside.  

I waited for two hours but there was still no sign of her.  

Is that right?» Liza waited trembling for her final sentence.  

She waited for the water to come to the boil (=begin to boil).  

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Home>Words that start with A>Are you waiting for someone?

How to Say Are you waiting for someone? in Different LanguagesAdvertisement

Common Phrases

Please find below many ways to say Are you waiting for someone? in different languages. This is the translation of the word «Are you waiting for someone?» to over 100 other languages.

Saying Are you waiting for someone? in European Languages

Saying Are you waiting for someone? in Asian Languages

Saying Are you waiting for someone? in Middle-Eastern Languages

Saying Are you waiting for someone? in African Languages

Saying Are you waiting for someone? in Austronesian Languages

Saying Are you waiting for someone? in Other Foreign Languages


Saying Are you waiting for someone? in European Languages

Language Ways to say Are you waiting for someone?
Albanian A jeni duke pritur për dikë? Edit
Basque Zain zaude norbait? Edit
Belarusian Вы чакаеце кагосьці? Edit
Bosnian Čekaš li nekoga? Edit
Bulgarian Чакате ли някой? Edit
Catalan Estàs esperant a algú? Edit
Corsican Aspettate à qualchissia? Edit
Croatian Čekaš nekoga? Edit
Czech Čekáš na někoho? Edit
Danish Venter du på nogen? Edit
Dutch Wacht je op iemand? Edit
Estonian Kas sa ootad kedagi? Edit
Finnish Odotatko jotakuta? Edit
French Attends tu quelqu’un? Edit
Frisian Wachtsje jo op ien? Edit
Galician Está esperando por alguén? Edit
German Wartest du auf jemanden? Edit
Greek Περιμένεις κάποιον;
[Periméneis kápoion?]
Hungarian Vársz valakit? Edit
Icelandic Ertu að bíða eftir einhverjum? Edit
Irish An bhfuil tú ag fanacht le duine éigin? Edit
Italian Stai aspettando qualcuno? Edit
Latvian Vai jūs gaida kāds? Edit
Lithuanian Ar jūs laukiate nors? Edit
Luxembourgish Waart Dir op een? Edit
Macedonian Чекаш некој? Edit
Maltese Inti stennija għal xi ħadd? Edit
Norwegian Venter du på noen? Edit
Polish Czekasz na kogoś? Edit
Portuguese Você está esperando por alguem? Edit
Romanian Astepti pe cineva? Edit
Russian Ты кого-то ждешь?
[Ty kogo-to zhdesh’?]
Scots Gaelic A bheil thu a ’feitheamh ri cuideigin? Edit
Serbian Чекате ли некога?
[Chekate li nekoga?]
Slovak Čakáte na niekoho? Edit
Slovenian Čakaš nekoga? Edit
Spanish ¿Estas esperando a alguien? Edit
Swedish Väntar du på någon? Edit
Tatar Сез кемнедер көтәсезме? Edit
Ukrainian Ви чекаєте когось?
[Vy chekayete kohos’?]
Welsh A ydych yn aros am rywun? Edit
Yiddish זענען איר ווארטן פֿאַר עמעצער? Edit
Language Ways to say Are you waiting for someone?
Armenian Եք սպասում որեւէ մեկի համար: Edit
Azerbaijani Əgər kimsə üçün nə gözləyir? Edit
Bengali তুমি কি কারও জন্য অপেক্ষা করছো? Edit
Chinese Simplified 你在等人吗?
[nǐ zài děng rén ma?]
Chinese Traditional 你在等人嗎?
[nǐ zài děng rén ma?]
Georgian უცდით ვინმე? Edit
Gujarati તમે કોઈને માટે રાહ જોઈ રહ્યા છે? Edit
Hindi क्या आप किसी की प्रतीक्षा कर रहे हैं? Edit
Hmong Yog koj tos ib tug neeg? Edit
Japanese あなたは誰かを待っていますか? Edit
Kannada ಯಾರನ್ನಾದರೂ ನೀವು ಕಾಯುವ? Edit
Kazakh Сіз біреуге күтеміз? Edit
Khmer តើអ្នកកំពុងរង់ចាំនរណាម្នាក់ទេ? Edit
Korean 누군가를 기다리고 있니?
[nugungaleul gidaligo issni?]
Kyrgyz Сиз бирөөнү күтүп жатасызбы? Edit
Lao ທ່ານກໍາລັງລໍຖ້າສໍາລັບຄົນ? Edit
Malayalam നിങ്ങൾ ആരെയെങ്കിലും കാത്തിരിക്കുന്നു? Edit
Marathi आपण कोणीतरी वाट पाहत आहात का? Edit
Mongolian Хэрэв та хэн нэгнийг хүлээж байна уу? Edit
Myanmar (Burmese) သင်သည်တစ်စုံတစ်ဦးကိုစောင့်ဆိုင်းနေကြသနည်း Edit
Nepali तपाईं कसैलाई पर्खिरहेका छन्? Edit
Odia ଆପଣ କାହାକୁ ଅପେକ୍ଷା କରୁଛନ୍ତି କି? Edit
Pashto ایا تاسو د کوم چا په انتظار یاست؟ Edit
Punjabi ਕੀ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਕਿਸੇ ਦੀ ਉਡੀਕ ਕਰ ਰਹੇ ਹੋ? Edit
Sindhi ڇا توهان ڪنهن جي انتظار ۾ آهيو؟ Edit
Sinhala ඔබ කෙනෙකුට බලන් ඉන්නේ? Edit
Tajik Оё шумо интизор барои касе? Edit
Tamil நீங்கள் யாராவது காத்திருக்கிறார்கள்? Edit
Telugu మీరు ఒకరి కోసం వేచి ఉన్నాయి? Edit
Thai คุณกำลังรอคอยใครสักคนหรือไม่? Edit
Turkish Birini mi bekliyorsun? Edit
Turkmen Birine garaşýarsyňyzmy? Edit
Urdu آپ کسی کا انتظار کر رہے ہیں؟ Edit
Uyghur بىرەرسىنى ساقلاۋاتامسىز؟ Edit
Uzbek Agar kimdir kutmoqda? Edit
Vietnamese Bạn đang chờ đợi ai đó? Edit

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Saying Are you waiting for someone? in Middle-Eastern Languages

Language Ways to say Are you waiting for someone?
Arabic هل تنتظر أحدا؟
[hal tantazir ‘ahada?]
Hebrew האם אתה מחכה למישהו? Edit
Kurdish (Kurmanji) Hûn li benda yekî ne? Edit
Persian آیا شما در انتظار کسی؟ Edit

Saying Are you waiting for someone? in African Languages

Language Ways to say Are you waiting for someone?
Afrikaans Wag jy op iemand? Edit
Amharic አንድ ሰው እየጠበቁ ነው? Edit
Chichewa Kodi inu kuyembekezera munthu? Edit
Hausa Shin kana jiran wani? Edit
Igbo Ị na-eche onye? Edit
Kinyarwanda Urindiriye umuntu? Edit
Sesotho U emetse motho e mong? Edit
Shona Uri kumirira mumwe munhu here? Edit
Somali Ma waxaad sugaya qof? Edit
Swahili Wewe ni kusubiri kwa ajili ya mtu? Edit
Xhosa Ngaba ulindele umntu? Edit
Yoruba Wa ni o nduro fun ẹnikan? Edit
Zulu Ingabe ukulinda othile? Edit

Saying Are you waiting for someone? in Austronesian Languages

Language Ways to say Are you waiting for someone?
Cebuano Ba kamo nga naghulat alang sa usa ka tawo? Edit
Filipino May hinihintay ka ba? Edit
Hawaiian Ke kali nei ʻoe no kekahi? Edit
Indonesian Apakah kamu menunggu seseorang? Edit
Javanese Nunggu wong? Edit
Malagasy Ve ianao miandry olona iray? Edit
Malay Adakah anda menunggu seseorang? Edit
Maori E tatari koe mo te tangata? Edit
Samoan O e faʻatali mo se tasi? Edit
Sundanese Dupi anjeun ngantosan batur? Edit

Saying Are you waiting for someone? in Other Foreign Languages

Language Ways to say Are you waiting for someone?
Esperanto Ĉu vi atendis iun, ĉu Edit
Haitian Creole Èske ou ap tann pou yon moun? Edit
Latin Tu es expectans aliquis? Edit

Dictionary Entries near Are you waiting for someone?

  • Are you tired?
  • Are you unwell?
  • Are you up to anything this evening?
  • Are you waiting for someone?
  • Are you working now?
  • Are you working today?
  • Are you working tomorrow?

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«Are you waiting for someone? in Different Languages.» In Different Languages, https://www.indifferentlanguages.com/words/are_you_waiting_for_someone%3F. Accessed 12 Apr 2023.



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