Word for very excited

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

очень рады

очень взволнован

очень рад

очень взволнованы

очень взволнована

очень воодушевлены

очень воодушевлен

очень возбужден


очень счастлив

очень возбуждена

очень радует

очень обрадовались

очень возбуждены

очень взволнованным


We are very excited to present this award every year.

Мы очень рады, что ежегодно получаем эту награду.

We are very excited to have three students from our school win.

«Мы очень рады, что ученики из нашей школы победили.

I can say I was very excited.

It being my first assignment, I was very excited.

She is very excited to see her daughter on her wedding.

Он был очень рад видеть ее на своей свадьбе.

I am very excited to show the men’s collection in New York.

Я очень рад показывать мою мужскую коллекцию в Лондоне.

I was very excited when I got to basecamp.

It should arrive Friday, and we are very excited.

This will be my first cruise and I am very excited.

I am very excited to start this new journey.

User or Consumers are very excited to share with the world the brands they love.

Клиенты часто очень рады поделиться с миром своим опытом взаимодействия с брендом, который они любят.

Yes Fernanda, I’m sure you and BP are very excited.

Да, Фендара, я уверен, что ты и ВР очень рады.

Your parents must be very excited.

Well, she seemed very excited.

He gets very excited playing parlor games.

You are very excited and so you should be.

Blockchain is a decentralizing project and everyone is very excited.

Блокчейн — это децентрализованный проект, и всем он пришелся по душе.

The next day he came into training very excited.

We are very excited to see how the neuroscience community leverages this platform.

Сейчас мы находимся в предвкушении того, как сообщество исследователей в области неврологии воспользуется этой возможностью».

So very excited we finally found a church.

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Suggestions that contain very excited

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Are you trying to figure out how to say “very excited” professionally? Well, it doesn’t have to be all that difficult when you know where to look.

This article is a great place to start! We’ve gathered the best synonyms to give you a professional way to say “very excited.”

  • Looking forward to it
  • Eagerly anticipating
  • Keen to hear more
  • Thrilled
  • Exhilarated
  • Anxious to learn more
  • I can’t wait to hear back
  • Enthusiastic about the prospect
  • Excited

Read on to learn more about what to say instead of “very excited.” There are plenty of great options, and we’ll cover how they each work in more detail below.

1. Looking Forward to It

Another way to say “very excited” is “looking forward to it.” Most professional emails benefit from a phrase like this when you want to convey a more formal tone.

You may want to try using it when emailing employees. It shows that you have faith in them and look forward to seeing what they might be able to produce if you’ve set them a task.

Perhaps this email sample will help you understand more about it:

Dear Paul,

I’m looking forward to it. I knew I could trust you to complete this project. Thank you for getting on board.

All the best,

2. Eagerly Anticipating

You should try using “eagerly anticipating” as a formal alternative to “very excited.” It uses interesting vocabulary to show someone that you can’t wait to hear from them.

The phrase works well in many settings. We recommend trying it when emailing your boss. It shows that you would like to hear from them as you value their opinion and want to see what they say.

You can also refer to the following email sample to show you how it works:

Dear Duncan,

I’m eagerly anticipating your verdict. Let me know if there’s anything else you need from me before that, though.

Kind regards,

3. Keen to Hear More

It’s worth using something like “keen to hear more” when respecting someone’s ideas. It shows you’re excited about something without being too direct.

“Very excited” is a bit bland. But “keen to hear more” allows you to mix things up in professional contexts. Try using it when emailing employees who are sharing project information with you.

Here is a quick sample email to show you how it works:

Dear Sara,

I’m keen to hear more about this project since it sounds like something you’re very passionate about.

Best wishes,

4. Thrilled

A one-word alternative to “very excited” is also worth using if you can find the right context. Something like “thrilled” goes a long way in professional settings.

It’s a good way to encourage the email recipient to pursue an idea. If you’re “thrilled” by their idea, it lets them know that you’d appreciate hearing more about it.

Perhaps this example will help you understand it:

Dear Russell,

I’m thrilled that you’ve come to me with this idea. We’re certainly the best team of people to work on this for you.

Kind regards,

5. Exhilarated

“Exhilarated” is another great one-word alternative to “very excited.” You should certainly use it in formal emails to show someone how excited you are without being too wordy.

Although there isn’t anything fundamentally wrong with “very excited,” “exhilarated” helps to condense the phrase. It works better in most professional settings when you want to share your enthusiasm.

You can also refer to the following example email to help you:

Dear Ms. Tomkins,

I’m exhilarated about this plan. It’s the best idea this company has had in a long time. Let me know how it goes.

Mr. Dunkirk

6. Anxious to Learn More

Saying something like “anxious to learn more” works well in some business emails. You can use it if you’re emailing a company as a client, as it shows that you’d love to hear more about a business proposal.

A word like “anxious” isn’t always a good idea in professional settings, though. It can sound a bit needy if you use it to email someone like your boss.

Here is a quick example to show you how it works:

Dear Chrissy,

I’m anxious to learn more about the next steps. Please keep me informed when you’re ready to discuss the proposal.

All the best,

7. I Can’t Wait to Hear Back

There’s always a simpler option, such as “I can’t wait to hear back.” It’s still effective in professional settings but doesn’t rely on special words like “anxious” or “anticipating.”

Generally, “can’t wait” works well to show enthusiasm or excitement. “Hear back” implies that you expect someone to reply to you.

It’s a great way to guarantee a response from someone. You may want to use it when emailing an employee and letting them know you’re interested in their ideas.

You should refer to this example if you still need help with it:

Dear Harold,

I can’t wait to hear back. I still think your project is going to be spectacular. So, thank you for sharing it with me.

All the best,
Ms. Smith

8. Enthusiastic About the Prospect

You may have luck with “enthusiastic about the prospect” in a formal email. After all, it shows that you’re excited to hear more about someone’s ideas. Often, it implies that you’d like to sit down with them in person and discuss it more.

It’s worth trying a phrase like this when emailing colleagues. Then, you can pool your resources and see if you can both make each other enthusiastic about what you have to bring to the table.

Also, this example should help you figure it out:

Dear Tammy,

Of course, I’m enthusiastic about the prospect of us working together. When would you like to discuss the logistics?

My best,

You might not realize this, but removing “very” is actually a very useful way to make “excited” sound more professional. “Very” makes the phrase sound a bit desperate or over-the-top.

So, keeping it simple with just “excited” allows you to remain formal. Including it in emails is good when showing enthusiasm about something specific.

Here is a quick example to show you how it works:

Dear Joseph,

I’m excited to hear more about this idea. You also seem to have everything covered, which is always a good sign.

Kind regards,

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

very excited — перевод на русский

Mrs. Wilson. we’re very excited. Thanks.

О, да, миссис Уилсон, мы очень рады.

We’re very excited to have you.

Мы очень рады, иметь тебя здесь

They’re very excited about you joining them.

Они очень рады, что вы к ним присоединяетесь.

We’re lust very excited about meeting our new housekeeper.

Мы очень рады новой экономке.

We’re all very excited to have Dr. Rush’s full cooperation.

Мы все очень рады что доктор Раш согласился нам помочь

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I’m very excited about it. It’s a new concept.

Я очень взволнован.

-He’s very excited.

— Он очень взволнован.


Я очень взволнован полетом первым классом.

Thanks, Connie. I’m very excited about our progress in revamping our schools.

Спасибо, Конни. Я очень взволнован по поводу нашего прогресса в реконструкции нашей школы.

Yeah, obviously, I’m looking forward to it. I’m very excited about getting out there.

Да, конечно, я с нетерпением жду этого Я очень взволнован из-за того, что ухожу отсюда.

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Very exciting!

Очень интересно!

It all sounds very exciting, but all your work has been for nothing.

Все это очень интересно, но боюсь, что ты зря старался.

Wonderful, lan, and very exciting.

Очень интересно.

I admit it’s not exactly the plot of Hoosiers, but still it’s very, very exciting.

I admit it’s not exactly the plot of Hoosiers, Я подметила, что это не точный план Hoosiers но это все равно очень интересно.

It’s clear, informative and also very exciting.

Чётко, познавательно и очень интересно.

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It’s very exciting.

Очень захватывающе.

Oh, all that’s very exciting.

— О, это очень захватывающе.

— Doesn’t sound very exciting.

— Не очень захватывающе.

I was gonna watch It was very exciting

Я собирался посмотреть Это было очень захватывающе

I was gonna watch. It was very exciting.

Я собирался посмотреть Это было очень захватывающе

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I thought he’d be upset, but no, he was very excited and very supportive.

Я думала что он расстроится, но нет, он рад и очень меня поддерживает.

I’m very, very excited for you all to meet Darcy McGuire. — Darcy’s extraordinary reputation… as a leader in the field precedes her.

Я рад представить вам всем Дорси МакГуайр, специалиста с безупречной репутацией.

The last one will be very excited to meet you.

Последний будет рад вас увидеть.

And did I tell you… how very excited I am to have you as my very, very hot date to Chuck’s wedding?

Я тебе говорил, как я рад, что я веду тебя на свадьбу Чака?

He’s very excited.

Он так рад.

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He’s very excited.

Он от этого в восторге.

I’m very excited. I’m very pleased.

Я в восторге.

This is very exciting.

Я просто в восторге!

No, I’m just… I’m very excited.

Просто… я в восторге.

Yeah, Yeah, He’s Very Excited.

Да, да, он в восторге.

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No, but this is all very exciting.

Нет. Но все это очень волнующе.

Very exciting!

Очень волнующе!

I’m actually very excited about it.

Вообще-то это всё очень волнующе.

Well, it’s very exciting.

Это очень волнующе.

This is very exciting.

Это очень волнующе.

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And that’s kind of a very exciting place for him to be.

И для него очень волнительно быть в этом месте.

You see, this is very exciting. All these designer dresses.

Это очень волнительно, все эти дизайнерские платья.

This is very exciting.

Это очень волнительно.

Very exciting.

Очень волнительно.

It’s very exciting.

Очень волнительно.

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You don’t seem very excited about the rally, if I may say so.

Кажется, ты не очень восхищаешься пробегом.

He was very excited with the perspective to know the civilized world.

— его очень прельщала возможность — узнать большой мир

Very, very exciting,Jack.

Очень, очень эффектно, Джек. Изящно решил проблему, не так ли?

I’m very excited because this is my time when I was watching World Cup Soccer, my man.

Но для меня это очень интересное время, потому что я смотрел Кубок Мира по футболу, да.

He’s very excited.

Он на вас очень рассчитывает. Но ведь…

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This year is going to be very, very exciting.

Да, это будет очень, очень увлекательно.

That must be very exciting.

Это должно быть очень увлекательно.

Not very exciting, is it?

Не очень увлекательно, верно?

Uh, see, it’s all very exciting.

— Видите ли, все это очень увлекательно.

It’s very exciting.

Очень увлекательно.

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Synonyms for Very excited

  • delirious

  • in a frenzy

  • wild

  • passionate

  • vehement

  • ablaze

  • frantic

  • on fire

  • jumping up and down

  • stimulated

  • raging

  • intense

  • incensed

  • impassioned

  • heated

  • furious

  • fuming

  • frenzied

  • fervent

  • enthusiastic

  • aroused

  • angry

  • unrestrained

  • tumultuous

Synonyms for Very excited

For more similar words, try Very excited on Thesaurus.plus dictionary

  • agitated
  • annoyed
  • delighted
  • disturbed
  • eager
  • enthusiastic
  • hysterical
  • nervous
  • passionate
  • thrilled
  • animated
  • aroused
  • awakened
  • charged
  • discomposed
  • disconcerted
  • inflamed
  • moved
  • piqued
  • provoked
  • roused
  • ruffled
  • stimulated
  • stirred
  • wired
  • aflame
  • beside oneself
  • feverish
  • fired up
  • frantic
  • high
  • hot
  • hot and bothered
  • hyperactive
  • in a tizzy
  • juiced up
  • jumpy
  • keyed-up
  • on edge
  • on fire
  • overwrought
  • steamed up
  • tumultous/tumultuous
  • wild
  • worked-up
  • zipped up

On this page you’ll find 135 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to excited, such as: agitated, annoyed, delighted, disturbed, eager, and enthusiastic.

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

TRY USING excited

See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.

How to use excited in a sentence

McCain added that “we are super excited about the opportunities 2021 will present for us to engage with the LGBTQ community as we look to rebound from the pandemic and bring people closer again.”



OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • afflicted
  • altered
  • changed
  • compassionate
  • concerned
  • damaged
  • distressed
  • excited
  • grieved
  • impaired
  • impressed
  • influenced
  • injured
  • overwhelmed
  • overwrought
  • sorry
  • stimulated
  • stirred
  • sympathetic
  • tender
  • touched
  • troubled
  • upset
  • aroused
  • excited
  • flustered
  • moved
  • upset
  • anxious
  • avid
  • breathless
  • eager
  • enthusiastic
  • excited
  • expectant
  • impatient
  • in suspense
  • on tenterhooks
  • activated
  • active
  • alert
  • animate
  • ardent
  • brisk
  • buoyant
  • dynamic
  • ebullient
  • elated
  • energetic
  • energized
  • enthusiastic
  • excited
  • fervent
  • gay
  • happy
  • passionate
  • peppy
  • quick
  • snappy
  • spirited
  • sprightly
  • vibrant
  • vigorous
  • vital
  • vivacious
  • vivid
  • zealous
  • zestful
  • zingy
  • zippy
  • excited
  • quaky
  • quivering
  • quivery
  • shaking
  • shaky
  • shivery
  • shuddering
  • trembling
  • tremulant
  • agog
  • anxious
  • ardent
  • avid
  • bursting
  • champing at the bit
  • desiring
  • desirous
  • excited
  • hungry
  • impatient
  • keen
  • longing
  • raring
  • ready and willing
  • thirsting
  • thirsty
  • yearning

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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  • Word for very easy to use
  • Word for very difficult to understand
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  • Word for understood in slang
  • Word for understanding yourself