Word for unwilling to do something

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

не желает делать

не желают делать

не хотят делать

не хочет этого делать

не желают выполнять

не желает сделать

не хотят этого делать

хотел делать

не хочешь делать

не хотите заниматься

не хочет делать

отказывались делать

делать не хочет

не желают сделать

не желаем делать

But where one is doing something he is unwilling to do, aberration results.

Но когда человек делает что-то, что он не желает делать, результатом будет аберрация.

If the party is unable or unwilling to do so, humanitarian agencies can offer their services.

Если такая сторона не способна или не желает делать это, свои услуги могут предложить гуманитарные учреждения.

The international community has the responsibility to protect peoples worldwide in cases where their Governments are unable or unwilling to do so.

Международное сообщество несет ответственность за защиту народов повсюду в мире, когда правительства либо неспособны, либо не желают делать это.

At times, people become lazy and are unwilling to do something.

Со временем они становятся ленивыми и ничего не хотят делать.

Only when a Government is unable or unwilling to do so should the international community intervene.

Только в том случае, если правительство не может или не желает делать это, международное сообщество должно вмешаться.

She seemed unable or unwilling to do this.

Она не считала себя способной на это и не стремилась к этому.

That was something he was unwilling to do.

The current prime minister seems unwilling to do this.

Нынешнее правительство, судя по всему, к этому не готово.

The current council seems to be unwilling to do this.

К сожалению, у нынешнего правительства страны, по всей видимости, нет желания это делать.

All indications are that Russia is unwilling to do this.

Все признаки указывают на то, что Россия делать этого не хочет.

Due to various adverse effects, most of patients are unwilling to do dialysis.

Из-за различных побочных эффектов, многие пациенты отказываются делать диализ.

Even if they are unwilling to do so.

You cannot maintain a healthy relationship if you are unwilling to do this.

Вы не можете найти здоровые отношения, если вы не готовы к настоящему времени.

If we are unwilling to do this, our statements are testable by quantitative methods.

Если мы не хотим этого делать, то наши утверждения можно проверить количественными методами.

Many institutions are unwilling to do this, but progress must be supported by movements to be sustainable.

Многие организации не хотят этого делать, но прогресс должен поддерживаться различными движениями, чтобы быть устойчивым.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to force parties to meet if either party was unwilling to do so.

В ином случае окажется невозможным обеспечить встречу сторон, если ни одна из них не намерена предпринимать такие действия.

Consequently, governments must support the provision of irrigation equipment and develop arable lands when private agents are unwilling to do so.

Поэтому в целях стимулирования частной инициативы правительства должны оказывать помощь фермерам в приобретении ирригационного оборудования и освоении пахотных земель.

And the courts are either unable or unwilling to do anything.

This is especially important if you are unable or unwilling to do this yourself.

Это отличный вариант, если вы не имеете возможности или не хотите заниматься этим сами.

These are things the private sector is unable and unwilling to do.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 291. Точных совпадений: 291. Затраченное время: 112 мс


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Asked by: Dandre Beier

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: to change the mind with regard to : contradict unwills what he willed— J. A. Carlyle.

What does unwilling mean in a sentence?

: not willing: a : loath, reluctant was unwilling to learn.

What does it mean to be unenthusiastic?

: having or showing a lack of excitement or enthusiasm : not enthusiastic an unenthusiastic response an unenthusiastic crowd.

What’s another word for unwillingly?

In this page you can discover 21 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for unwillingly, like: grudgingly, angrily, sulkily, involuntarily, willingly, with complaints, resentfully, protestingly, objecting, protesting and complaining.

What is unwillingness to work is called?

averse, demurring, disinclined, grudging, indisposed, laggard (rare) loath, not in the mood, opposed, reluctant, resistant, unenthusiastic.

44 related questions found

What is the Unreluctant opposite word?

Antonyms & Near Antonyms for unreluctant. apathetic, indifferent, uneager, unenthusiastic.

What is opposite word of reluctantly?

Opposite of in a reluctant or hesitant manner. freely. gladly. acceptingly. approvingly.

Is Unwantingly a word?

The word unwantingly does not technically exist in the English lexicon. Here’s a list of synonyms for unwillingly. “He told reporters he’d had to unwillingly relinquish the role that brought him worldwide fame.”

Is resentfully a word?

resentfully Add to list Share. Doing or saying something in a bitter, angry way, especially when you feel you’ve been treated unfairly, is to do it resentfully. … This adverb comes from resent, «feel bitterness or indignation at.»

What is the word for something you don’t want to do?

The verb balk can be used when someone is unwilling to do something or unwilling for something to happen. The governor balked at a proposal to raise the state sales tax. Reluctant can be used when someone is unwilling to do something and therefore is slow to do it.

What means unforgiving?

1 : unwilling or unable to forgive. 2 : having or making no allowance for error or weakness an unforgiving environment where false moves can prove fatal— Jaclyn Fierman. Other Words from unforgiving More Example Sentences Learn More About unforgiving.

What is a offhand?

(Entry 1 of 2) : without premeditation or preparation : extempore couldn’t give the figures offhand.

What is the word undisciplined mean?

: lacking in discipline or self-control undisciplined behavior an unruly and undisciplined child.

What is the meaning of unwilling to accept?

If you are unwilling to do something, you do not want to do it and will not agree to do it. Initially the government was unwilling to accept the defeat. For months I had been either unwilling or unable to go through with it. Synonyms: disinclined, reluctant, averse, loath More Synonyms of unwilling.

What does roofless mean?

having no roof. without the shelter of a house: roofless refugees.

What is the meaning of unwilling to do something?

if you are unwilling to do something, you do not want to do it or you refuse to do it. unwilling to do something: Jane was unwilling to admit she was wrong. The government seems unable or unwilling to make further concessions. Collocations and examples.

What does resentfully mean?

: having or showing a feeling of anger or displeasure about someone or something unfair. See the full definition for resentful in the English Language Learners Dictionary. resentful. adjective. re·​sent·​ful | ri-ˈzent-fəl

Is being resentful bad?

Resentment can intoxicate a person, as feelings of anger and rage lend a false sense of power and do not always encourage a healthy form of expression. But this intoxication can become dangerous, as any intoxication can, when feelings of resentment grow unchecked and turn into hatred.

How do I stop being resentful?

Treating Resentment

  1. Consider Why It’s Difficult to Forgive.
  2. Use Self-Compassion.
  3. Try Empathy.
  4. Lean Into Gratitude. It’s normal to get caught up in all the negative things happening around you. You can bring more happiness and positivity into your life by focusing on the things that are going right.

Is obstinately a word?

a. Stubbornly adhering to an attitude, opinion, or course of action; obdurate. b. Characterized by such adherence: an obstinate refusal.

Does reluctantly mean angrily?

Ouch! The adverb reluctantly comes from the root word reluctant, meaning «unwilling, disinclined.» When you do something reluctantly, you don’t really want to do it. For example, if you answer a question reluctantly, you will first stall or try to change the subject.

What is it called when you convince someone to do something?

entice. verb. to persuade someone to do something, especially by offering them an advantage or reward.

Is there a word as Unreluctant?

Not reluctant; ungrudging; willing, ready.

What is the opposite of regularly?

Opposite of continually or repeatedly, typically at frequent intervals. infrequently. little. rarely. seldom.

What’s it called when you unenthusiastically do something that you have reservations about. You might consciously resist participating in something because you’re ethically opposed to it or because it conflicts with your personal ideals. But in the end you submit either because you’re compelled by duty or obligation, you realize your ideals aren’t pragmatic, or your method keeps failing, or you realize you were wrong. Whatever the reason, you might not be happy about it and you might not want to admit it, or maybe you’re simply being forced. But in the end you relinquish control or subdue your inclination to resist, and you cooperate or comply.

An example is, you might be a passionate, publicly outspoken opponent of euthanasia for many years; adamant that your way is the best and only way until a day comes that you have to watch as someone dear to you suffers.

Another example is, you might be in the military, and your commanding officer gives you an order to do something that you disagree with but you decide to just grit your teeth and do as you’re told.

It’s a word that I learned only recently, and I have used it in context before, but have forgotten. I believe it’s a verb. Actually, I recall there being two similar, but distinctly etymologically separate words that both can be used to basically mean the same thing.

  • 1
    unwilling to do something

    English-Dutch dictionary > unwilling to do something

  • 2
    to be unwilling to do something

    no estar dispuesto,-a a hacer algo

    English-spanish dictionary > to be unwilling to do something

  • 3

    reacio, reluctante

    — unwillingly


    poco dispuesto / reacio


    1 reacio,-a, poco dispuesto,-a


    poco dispuesto



    to be unwilling to + INF — no querer* + inf, no estar* dispuesto a + inf



    poco dispuesto

    * * *


    to be unwilling to + INF — no querer* + inf, no estar* dispuesto a + inf

    English-spanish dictionary > unwilling

  • 4


    widerwillig [Partner, Unterstützung, Zustimmung]; unfreiwillig [Helfer]

    * * *

    nicht willig


    — unwillingly

    * * *



    adj widerwillig, widerstrebend

    to be unwilling to do sth nicht gewillt sein, etw zu tun

    Natalie was unwilling for her husband to accompany her to her school reunion Nathalie wollte nicht, dass ihr Mann sie zum Klassentreffen begleitet

    * * *



    widerwillig; unfreiwillig

    * * *

    * * *


    widerwillig [Partner, Unterstützung, Zustimmung]; unfreiwillig [Helfer]

    * * *


    unwillig adj.

    widerwillig adj.

    English-german dictionary > unwilling

  • 5

    adj. weigert, is niet bereid

    met tegenzin gegeven/gedaan


    English-Dutch dictionary > unwilling

  • 6
    pump something into someone

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > pump something into someone

  • 7


    transitive verb

    grudge doing something — nicht bereit sein, etwas zu tun; etwas ungern tun

    I grudge paying £20 for this — es geht mir gegen den Strich, dafür 20 Pfund zu zahlen



    Groll, der

    have or hold a grudge against somebody — einen Groll od. Hass auf jemanden haben; jemandem grollen

    bear somebody a grudge or a grudge against somebody — jemandem gegenüber nachtragend sein

    * * *


    1) ungern tun/geben

    2) mißgönnen


    der Groll


    — grudgingly

    * * *


    he tends to bear grudges er kann ziemlich nachtragend sein

    to have [or hold] [or bear] a grudge against sb einen Groll gegen jdn hegen [o auf jdn haben

    II. vt

    to grudge sth (regret) etw bereuen [o bedauern]

    she grudged every hour ihr tat es um jede Stunde leid

    to grudge sb sth (be resentful) jdm etw missgönnen [o neiden]

    I don’t grudge you your holiday ich neide dir deinen Urlaub nicht

    * * *


    Groll (against gegen)

    to bear sb a grudge, to have a grudge against sb — jdm böse sein, jdm grollen, einen Groll gegen jdn hegen

    I bear him no grudge — ich trage ihm das nicht nach, ich nehme ihm das nicht übel

    I grudge spending money/time on it — es widerstrebt mir or es geht mir gegen den Strich, dafür Geld auszugeben/Zeit aufzuwenden

    I don’t grudge the money/time — es geht mir nichts ums Geld/um die Zeit

    I do grudge the money/time for things like that — das Geld/meine Zeit für solche Dinge tut mir leid

    * * *

    A v/t

    B v/i obs grollen

    C s Groll m:

    * * *


    transitive verb

    grudge doing something — nicht bereit sein, etwas zu tun; etwas ungern tun

    I grudge paying £20 for this — es geht mir gegen den Strich, dafür 20 Pfund zu zahlen



    Groll, der

    have or hold a grudge against somebody — einen Groll od. Hass auf jemanden haben; jemandem grollen

    bear somebody a grudge or a grudge against somebody — jemandem gegenüber nachtragend sein

    * * *


    Groll nur sing. m. v.

    beneiden v.

    English-german dictionary > grudge

  • 8

    uvillig; utilbøjelig

    * * *

    uvillig; utilbøjelig

    English-Danish dictionary > disinclined

  • 9

    English-Danish dictionary > hesitate

  • 10

    intransitive verb

    1) zögern

    2) ins Stocken geraten


    * * *


    1) zögern

    2) zögern


    — hesitant
    — hesitantly
    — hesitation

    * * *




    1. (wait) zögern, zaudern; (with doubts) Bedenken haben

    don’t hesitate over such trivial matters! zögere nicht wegen solcher Kleinigkeiten!

    that child hesitates at nothing dieses Kind schreckt vor nichts zurück

    I hesitated to ask you ich hatte Bedenken, dich zu fragen

    don’t hesitate to call me ruf mich einfach an


    he who hesitates is lost ( prov) man muss das Glück beim Schopfe packen

    * * *



    zögern, zaudern ; stocken

    he hesitates at nothing —

    I hesitate to say it, but… — es widerstrebt mir, das zu sagen, aber…

    if I did think that, I wouldn’t hesitate to say so — wenn ich wirklich der Meinung wäre, hätte ich keine Hemmungen, es zu sagen

    don’t hesitate to ask/contact me — fragen Sie mich ruhig/wenden Sie sich ruhig an mich; zögern Sie nicht, mich zu fragen/sich an mich zu wenden

    * * *

    A v/i

    1. zögern, zaudern, Bedenken haben ( alle:

    to do zu tun), unschlüssig sein ( over hinsichtlich):

    I hesitate to ask you but … es ist mir unangenehm, Sie zu fragen, aber …

    B v/t zögernd äußern

    * * *

    intransitive verb


    * * *


    zaudern v.

    zögern v.

    English-german dictionary > hesitate

  • 11


    1) nøle, betenke seg, vakle

    2) betenke seg på, nøle med

    — hesitant
    — hesitantly
    — hesitation


    1) nøle, nære betenkeligheter, være tvilrådig, være ubesluttsom, vakle, betenke seg

    betenke seg på / nøle med å gjøre noe

    2) hakke, stamme, stotre

    English-Norwegian dictionary > hesitate

  • 12

    poco dispuesto

    poco dispuesto


    ‘dɪsṇ’klaɪnd, ˌdɪsɪn’klaɪnd

    disinclined to + INF: she was disinclinedd to listen to him — no se sentía inclinada a escucharlo



    * * *

    [‘dɪsṇ’klaɪnd, ˌdɪsɪn’klaɪnd]

    disinclined to + INF: she was disinclinedd to listen to him — no se sentía inclinada a escucharlo

    English-spanish dictionary > disinclined

  • 13


    1) vacilar, titubear

    2) vacilar, dudar

    — hesitant
    — hesitantly
    — hesitation


    1 vacilar, dudar


    ‘hezəteɪt, ‘hezɪteɪt

    to hesitate to + INF — dudar en + inf



    vacilar; vacilar, titubear

    * * *

    [‘hezəteɪt, ‘hezɪteɪt]

    to hesitate to + INF — dudar en + inf

    English-spanish dictionary > hesitate

  • 14


    * * *


    * * *



    adj pred abgeneigt

    to be disinclined to do sth nicht gewillt sein, etw zu tun

    * * *




    * * *

    * * *


    * * *


    abgeneigt adj.

    English-german dictionary > disinclined

  • 15

    English-Icelandic dictionary > disinclined

  • 16

    English-Icelandic dictionary > hesitate

  • 17

    vonakodó, nem hajlandó, nem hajlamos

    * * *


    English-Hungarian dictionary > disinclined

  • 18

    English-Hungarian dictionary > hesitate

  • 19

    * * *


    [disinkl’aind] adj desinclinado, não propenso.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > disinclined

  • 20

    English-Portuguese dictionary > hesitate


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4

См. также в других словарях:

  • unwilling */ — UK [ʌnˈwɪlɪŋ] / US adjective 1) if you are unwilling to do something, you do not want to do it or you refuse to do it unwilling to do something: Jane was unwilling to admit she was wrong. The government seems unable or unwilling to make further… …   English dictionary

  • unwilling — un|will|ing [ ʌn wılıŋ ] adjective * 1. ) if you are unwilling to do something, you do not want to do it or you refuse to do it: unwilling to do something: Jane was unwilling to admit she was wrong. 2. ) only before noun involved in doing… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • unwilling — [ʌnˈwɪlɪŋ] adj 1) if you are unwilling to do something, you do not want to do it or you refuse to do it Jane was unwilling to admit she was wrong.[/ex] 2) involved in doing something that you do not want to do an unwilling participant[/ex]… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • unwilling — [[t]ʌ̱nwɪ̱lɪŋ[/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED: usu v link, usu ADJ to inf If you are unwilling to do something, you do not want to do it and will not agree to do it. Initially the government was unwilling to accept the defeat… For months I had been either… …   English dictionary

  • unwilling — adjective 1) unwilling conscripts Syn: reluctant, unenthusiastic, hesitant, resistant, grudging, involuntary, forced Ant: keen 2) he was unwilling to take on that responsibility Syn …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • unwilling — adjective 1) unwilling conscripts Syn: reluctant, unenthusiastic, hesitant, resistant, grudging, involuntary, forced 2) he was unwilling to take on responsibility Syn: disinclined, reluctant, averse …   Synonyms and antonyms dictionary

  • unwilling — un|will|ing [ʌnˈwılıŋ] adj 1.) [not before noun] not wanting to do something and refusing to do it unwilling to do sth ▪ He was unwilling or unable to pay the fine. 2.) [only before noun] not wanting to do something but doing it ▪ an unwilling… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • unwilling — adjective 1 (not before noun) not wanting to do something and refusing to do it: unwilling to do sth: They were unwilling to fund a project that had little chance of success. 2 (only before noun) not wanting to do something but doing it: an… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • Something Else!!!! — Infobox Album Name = Something Else!!!! Type = studio Artist = Ornette Coleman Released = 1958 Recorded = February 10 1958 – March 24 1958 Genre = Jazz Length = 42:15 Label = Contemporary Producer = Lester Koenig Reviews = *Allmusic Rating|4.5|5… …   Wikipedia

  • hold someone/something back — prevent or restrict the advance, progress, or development of someone or something Jane struggled to hold back her laughter ■ hold something back refuse or be unwilling to make something known you re not holding anything back from me, are you? …   Useful english dictionary

  • be not about to do something — be unwilling to do something he is not about to step down after so long …   Useful english dictionary

What is another word for unwilling?

503 synonyms found


[ ʌnwˈɪlɪŋ], [ ʌnwˈɪlɪŋ], [ ʌ_n_w_ˈɪ_l_ɪ_ŋ]

Table of Contents

  • adj.

    adverse (adjective)

    • have no use for,
    • down on,
    • down side,
    • most opposite,
    • unpropitious,
    • allergic to.

    afraid (adjective)

    • un happier,
    • un-happy,
    • un-eager,
    • un eager,
    • more uneager,
    • dis inclined,
    • un-happier,
    • un-happiest,
    • in disposed,
    • un happiest,
    • in-disposed,
    • unhappy,
    • dis-inclined,
    • most uneager,
    • un happy.

    all (adjective)

    • unwilling.

    averse (adjective)

    • dis-liking,
    • anti pathetic,
    • un-favorable,
    • illdisposed,
    • more disliking,
    • dis liking,
    • most illdisposed,
    • more ill disposed,
    • more ill-disposed,
    • most ill disposed,
    • anti-pathetic,
    • more illdisposed,
    • most ill-disposed,
    • ill disposed,
    • un favorable,
    • most disliking.

    backward (adjective)

    • de-mure,
    • re-served,
    • re-tiring,
    • re served,
    • de mure,
    • re tiring.

    forced (adjective)

    • more conscripted,
    • more compelled,
    • be-grudging,
    • insincere,
    • un-natural,
    • in-sincere,
    • in-flexible,
    • most conscripted,
    • most grudging,
    • most coerced,
    • more begrudging,
    • in flexible,
    • in sincere,
    • more grudging,
    • most compelled,
    • most begrudging,
    • in sincerest,
    • be grudging,
    • in sincerer,
    • in-sincerer,
    • more coerced,
    • in-sincerest,
    • slavest.

    hesitant (adjective)

    • more faltering,
    • un-sure,
    • un predictable,
    • more dawdling,
    • in decisive,
    • Half-hearted,
    • un sure,
    • un-predictable,
    • de-laying,
    • most dawdling,
    • half hearted,
    • doubting,
    • de laying,
    • in-decisive,
    • most faltering.

    indifferent (adjective)

    • disinterested,
    • lukewarm,
    • detached,
    • impartial,
    • perfunctory,
    • dispassionate,
    • uninterested,
    • indifferent,
    • cool,
    • nonchalant,
    • passive,
    • insouciant,
    • unconcerned,
    • apathetic,
    • neutral,
    • easygoing,
    • cold,
    • uncaring.

    intolerant (adjective)

    • more racialist,
    • more short fuse,
    • shortfuse,
    • onesided,
    • un charitable,
    • more chauvinistic,
    • narrow minded,
    • unindulgent,
    • more worked up,
    • out raged,
    • more outraged,
    • un-charitable,
    • most outraged,
    • more xenophobic,
    • most communist,
    • most chauvinistic,
    • most unindulgent,
    • most xenophobic,
    • un-fair,
    • un sympathetic,
    • un-fairest,
    • smallminded,
    • more worked-up,
    • narrowminded,
    • most short fuse,
    • most worked up,
    • most shortfuse,
    • workedup,
    • un fairest,
    • more workedup,
    • un fairer,
    • un-fairer,
    • most workedup,
    • un-forbearing,
    • in tolerant,
    • small minded,
    • more shortfuse,
    • un indulgent,
    • more tilted,
    • un fair,
    • more short-fuse,
    • un-indulgent,
    • in-tolerant,
    • most tilted,
    • up-set,
    • tilted,
    • most racialist,
    • xenophobic,
    • more unindulgent,
    • one sided,
    • out-raged,
    • un forbearing,
    • most worked-up,
    • most short-fuse,
    • more communist,
    • individualistic.

    involuntary (adjective)

    • most reflexive,
    • un witting,
    • in voluntary,
    • re flexer,
    • un thinking,
    • most unprompted,
    • un-controlled,
    • more uncalculated,
    • un calculated,
    • un-meditated,
    • un-calculated,
    • un-witting,
    • willless,
    • re flex,
    • kneejerk,
    • most will-less,
    • re-flex,
    • un intended,
    • un controlled,
    • will less,
    • un-prompted,
    • re flexest,
    • most uncalculated,
    • most willless,
    • un prompted,
    • more will less,
    • most will less,
    • un-thinking,
    • un-intentional,
    • un conscious,
    • un-intended,
    • more unprompted,
    • most unmeditated,
    • un-conscious,
    • re-flexer,
    • un intentional,
    • re-flexest,
    • more willless,
    • un-premeditated,
    • in-voluntary,
    • un meditated,
    • more will-less,
    • more reflexive,
    • more unmeditated.

    irresolute (adjective)

    • irresponsible,
    • inconsistent,
    • irresolute,
    • insipid,
    • tentative,
    • spineless,
    • shrinking,
    • indecisive,
    • erratic,
    • vacillating,
    • Flitting,
    • watery,
    • capricious,
    • Shilly-shally,
    • impulsive,
    • undecided,
    • unresolved,
    • weak,
    • yellow,
    • uncertain,
    • volatile,
    • unsure,
    • undependable,
    • fly-by-night,
    • shifty,
    • infirm,
    • dillydallying,
    • ambivalent,
    • fickle,
    • changeable,
    • double-minded,
    • halfhearted.

    negative (adjective)

    • anti,
    • recusant,
    • Privative,
    • Refusing,
    • dissentient,
    • naysaying,
    • unaffirmative.

    not in the mood (adjective)

    • opposed,
    • unwishful,
    • uncooperative,
    • slow,
    • compelled,
    • uninclined,
    • begrudging,
    • unobliging,
    • unaccommodating,
    • uncheerful.

    Other relevant words: (adjective)

    • involuntary,
    • short-fuse,
    • ill-disposed,
    • loath,
    • vacillant,
    • racialist,
    • uneffusive,
    • conscripted,
    • reflexive,
    • afraid,
    • insubmissive,
    • chauvinistic,
    • unprompted,
    • negative,
    • forced,
    • uncalculated,
    • having no use for,
    • intolerant,
    • adverse,
    • hesitant,
    • backward,
    • unassertive,
    • undisciplinable,
    • lacking confidence,
    • recalcitrant,
    • Unmeditated,
    • up set,
    • unassured,
    • unsocial,
    • shy,
    • will-less,
    • uneager,
    • worked-up.

    recalcitrant (adjective)

    • in tractable,
    • in-submissive,
    • un-disciplinable,
    • most insubmissive,
    • most withstanding,
    • most undisciplinable,
    • more insubmissive,
    • with standing,
    • un-manageable,
    • un manageable,
    • more withstanding,
    • un disciplined,
    • more undisciplinable,
    • un disciplinable,
    • in subordinate,
    • in submissive,
    • with-standing,
    • in-subordinate,
    • un-disciplined,
    • in-tractable,
    • un-governable.

    shy (adjective)

    • self effacing,
    • un effusive,
    • dis-trustful,
    • un-assured,
    • dis trustful,
    • more unsocial,
    • selfeffacing,
    • more uneffusive,
    • introvert,
    • un social,
    • more introvert,
    • most uneffusive,
    • un assured,
    • more unassured,
    • un-social,
    • un-assertive,
    • most introvert,
    • un-responsive,
    • most unsocial,
    • recessive,
    • more unassertive,
    • un assertive,
    • un responsive,
    • un-effusive,
    • most unassured.

    unwilling (adjective)

    • obstinate,
    • irreconcilable,
    • noncooperative,
    • unconsenting,
    • defiant,
    • unyielding,
    • non-consenting,
    • balky,
    • unhelpful,
    • Resisting,
    • uncomplying,
    • squeamish.

    vacillant (adjective)

    • shillyshally.
  • n.

    • chary,
    • unprepared.

    backward (noun)

    • unready,
    • shy of,
    • Demurring,
    • slack,
    • malcontent,
    • evasive,
    • Flinching,
    • against the grain,
    • indocile,
    • wayward,
    • laggard,
    • doubtful,
    • hesitating,
    • remiss,
    • Against.

    habitual (noun)

    • automatic.

    nonvoluntary (noun)

    • nonvoluntary.

    Other relevant words: (noun)

    • deign,
    • contrary,
    • perverse,
    • averse,
    • have,
    • bring,
    • drag,
    • protest,
    • shagged,
    • rather,
    • cagey,
    • fag,
    • reluctance,
    • unruly,
    • disobliging,
    • sufferance,
    • unenthusiastic,
    • balk,
    • closed,
    • jib,
    • reluctant,
    • intractable,
    • blench,
    • fractious,
    • grudge,
    • blow,
    • grudging,
    • stubborn,
    • resistant,
    • indisposed,
    • begrudge,
    • disinclined,
    • sticky,
    • compassion fatigue,
    • mood,
    • loth,
    • baulk,
    • jobsworth,
    • bother,
    • willy-nilly,
    • spirit,
    • indisposition,
    • unmanageable,
    • heart,
    • disinclination,
    • arsed,
    • stomach,
    • refractory.
  • Other synonyms:


    • spontaneous.

    Other relevant words (noun):

    • unsought,
    • deaf to,
    • fearful,
    • panicky,
    • cowardly,
    • circumspect,
    • compulsive,
    • apprehensive,
    • conditioned,
    • antagonistic,
    • nolens volens,
    • edgy,
    • sulky,
    • disagreeing,
    • timid,
    • unpersuadable,
    • instinctive,
    • admonitory,
    • disliked,
    • antipathetic,
    • Avoiding,
    • scrupulous,
    • reticent,
    • unthinking,
    • of necessity,
    • nervous,
    • ordered,
    • differing,
    • unintended,
    • unwilled,
    • unwitting,
    • at odds,
    • unconscious,
    • uncompliant,
    • unable,
    • grudgingly,
    • wild,
    • opposing,
    • Unattempted,
    • content,
    • anxious,
    • wary,
    • blind,
    • repugnant,
    • disobedient,
    • coy,
    • restive,
    • runaway,
    • be unwilling,
    • dislike,
    • unvoluntary,
    • intimidated,
    • Extorted,
    • autonomic,
    • unintentional,
    • Dissuaded,
    • cautious,
    • perforce,
    • Coerced,
    • rejective,
    • scruple,
    • unwillingly,
    • discontented,
    • reflex,
    • sullen,
    • poorly,
    • bashful,
    • elusive,
    • retiring,
    • Willy nilly,
    • jumpy,
    • fugitive,
    • of course,
    • Nill,
    • leery,
    • induce,
    • noncompliant,
    • diffident,
    • mechanical,
    • Uncomplaisant,
    • careful,
    • pusillanimous,
    • Uninduced,
    • complaining,
    • reluctantly,
    • fastidious,
    • timorous,
    • Declinatory,
    • Restiff,
    • cursory,
    • jittery,
    • Vacillatory,
    • mutinous,
    • necessarily.

How to use «Unwilling» in context?

When we speak of someone who is unwilling, what do we mean? Generally speaking, if someone is unwilling to do something, they are not in a state of mind where they are willing to do it. In fact, they may be quite opposed to it. Sometimes this opposition can be subtle, while other times it can be more overt. In any case, unwillingness can have a lot to do with why someone is doing something.

Paraphrases for Unwilling:

Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
  • Equivalence

    • Adjective
      loath, reluctant.
  • Forward Entailment

    • Adjective
  • Independent

    • Adjective
      eager, hesitant, inclined, involuntary, keen, prepared, refusal, refuse, reticent, unable, unintended, unintentional, unlikely, unwitting, Denied, Disallowed.
  • Other Related

    • Adjective
      ready, recalcitrant, unprepared.

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