Word for until now

Business EnglishФраза “until now” — до сих пор — часто используется неправильно, в результате чего предложение приобретает противоположное значение.
Рассмотрим следующее предложение: Until now, the information requested hasn’t been provided by you.

Что это означает? Была информация предоставлена или нет? Тот, кто хорошо владеет английским языком по всей вероятности скажет «да». Но на самом деле предполагалось сказать, что информация не была получена.

В английском языке фраза “until now” используется, чтобы указать на изменение обстоятельств, и это изменение происходит в данный момент.

  • Until now Mary has never eaten dates – До сих пор Мэри не ела фиников. — Это означает, что Мэри съела финики впервые. До этого момента она их никогда не ела.

Поэтому, если мы применим это значение фразы “until now” к первому примеру «Until now, the information requested hasn’t been provided by you», то предложение будет иметь следующий смысл: до настоящего момента информация не была предоставлена вами, но СЕЙЧАС (или незадолго до этого) вы все же предоставили ее. Вот как данное предложение было бы понято англо-говорящими людьми.

Вместо фразы “until now” в предложении следовало бы использовать одну из следующих фраз — “to date”, “so far”, “as yet”, “up to now” имеющих одинаковое значение.

Вот еще один пример:
We would inform you that the delegation hasn’t arrived – сообщаем, что делегация еще не приехала. Если мы прибавим к предложению “until now” предложение приобретет обратное значение, т.е. что делегация приехала СЕЙЧАС.


  • #1


In the present perfect sentence, «for» and «since» are signal words that indicate an action started in the past and continues up to the present.
Besides these two words, do the following phrases also have the same function or purpose?
until now
up to now
so far
thus far

Thanks a lot.

  • SwissPete

    • #2

    Can you please provide complete sentences where those words would be used?


    • #3

    I can provide an example sentence. But I’d like to get a general idea. Can I obtain a general idea from an example?

    I have lived in this city for 15 years.
    I have lived in this city since 2010.

    The following sentences don’t have a time reference, but that does not matter. What I focus is whether it indicates this action continues up to the present.
    I have lived in this city until now.
    I have lived in this city up to now.
    So far, I have lived in this city.



    • #4

    No, they are not appropriate used that way.

    “Until now” signifies a change. Your first sentence would mean that you no longer live in this city, although you did until recently. Same for “up to now”.

    “So far” comes closer to the meaning you intend, although it sounds odd in the sentence you provided.

    So far, I’ve lived in this city. ❌
    So far I’ve lived in three different countries. :tick:
    So far I’ve only seen one James Bond movie. :tick:
    So far I’ve been happy with the results. :tick:

    “So far” means “the whole time until now” but it also indicates you think the situation might change.


    • #5

    “Until now” signifies a change. Your first sentence would mean that you no longer live in this city, although you did until recently. Same for “up to now”.

    Does it really MEAN I no longer live in this city? I think it could imply that, but not mean that. I also think it is possible, but not certain, that I will move out of this city.


    • #6

    That’s how we use the phrase “until now”, to signify a change happening in the present. If you don’t mean to say that then you should choose another way of saying it.


    • #7

    I think it is not wise to contradict a native speaker. Before I posted this thread, however, I had read several threads about «until now», «up to now». None of the replies by other native speakers say the change is certain.

    Last edited: Mar 15, 2020


    • #8

    Thank you for showing respect.

    I consulted this web page before answering you, and it helped me clarify in my own mind how I understand and use the term. I agree with what it says, which is that “until now” signifies a change in the present moment or close to the present moment.

    Until Now

    Sometimes we like to bend the meanings of phrases and get creative in our usage, and since language is the ultimate in crowdsourced projects, then if there’s no one there to contradict us we think it’s okay. But with so many other options, as you have already seen for yourself, blurring the lines in this way is not always desirable. My two cents.


    • #9

    Thank you very much for your great help. I find that web page very useful.

    On second thought, I have found that all the example sentences used in this page (Until Now) are negative. And I have just looked «until» up in WR dictionary. «Until» means differently in affirmative sentences and in negative sentences.

    What do you think?


    • #10

    Yes, you are being very thorough in your thinking, I am the same way! I see what you mean about their examples, they are lamentably lopsided. So let’s take a closer look.

    When I look at the sample sentences in WR for “until” (on the Spanish-English side where I like to hang out) they all reflect the same thing I am telling you here. For example:

    Stephen was at the bar until closing.
    They waited until the party to announce the big news.
    Ali lived with his aunt and uncle until he was eighteen.

    To any native speaker, I venture to say, these sentences clearly mean that 1) Stephen stayed at the bar for a while, yet when the bar closed, he left. 2) They waited before announcing the big news, but at the party they stopped waiting, and gave everybody the news. 3) While he was a minor Ali lived with his aunt and uncle, and then, after he turned eighteen, he went and lived somewhere else.

    I can come up with an infinite number of other examples:

    He remained unconvinced until now.
    This coupon for 20% off is good until Saturday.
    Keep sautéing the onion until it becomes translucent.

    Again, “until” clearly signals a change: He is now convinced, the coupon is no good after Saturday, you should stop sautéing the onion once it turns translucent.

    Sometimes the exact nature of the change may be unclear. Nevertheless, the semantic function of “until” is to signal a modification in the status of whatever is being stated, linked to a particular moment in time.

    Please do let us know if you have any more questions about the proper use of “until”.

    Last edited: Mar 15, 2020


    • #11

    In the present perfect sentence, «for» and «since» are signal words that indicate an action started in the past and continues up to the present.

    That is false.

    The present perfect verb tense indicates a time period that stated in the past and continues up to the present. No other word is needed. «Since» defines the starting time of the period. «For» defines the duration of the period. So both words tell us how long the «ending now» period is.

    But there are 2 ways this time period is used:
    1. Some verbs cover that whole time period. I have lived in New York (for) ten years.
    2. Some verbs are actions that happened during that time period. I have married 2 times in ten years. (during the last ten years)

    until now
    up to now
    so far
    thus far

    These phrases suggest that the action is unfinished, and continues after now. Remember, present perfect verb tense covers a time period that ends now: not a time period that continues after now. So adding these terms extends the time period, or emphasizes that the sentence is only about a portion of the total time period: the portion up to «now»:
    I have earned $100,000.
    I have earned $100,000 so far. (and will earn more)

    EDIT: as suggested above, the words could also imply (but not say) that this action will change starting now
    I have lived honestly until now.
    I have never bought a sports car so far.
    I have let Emilia live in my home up until now.

    Last edited: Mar 15, 2020

    • #12

    I have lived honestly until now.
    I have never bought a sports car so far.

    I’d distinguish between these two.

    In the first he’s up to no good now, in the second he’s still not bought a sports car.

    I was also happy with So far, I’ve lived in this city. It doesn’t carry the automatic suggestion that the speaker is about to move.

    Last edited: Mar 15, 2020


    • #13

    In the present perfect sentence, «for» and «since» are signal words that indicate an action started in the past and continues up to the present.

    That is false.

    The present perfect verb tense indicates a time period that started in the past and continues up to the present. No other word is needed. «Since» defines the starting time of the period. «For» defines the duration of the period. So both words tell us how long the «ending now» period is.

    I don’t think we contradict each other. I said «for» and «since» are signal words that indicate an action started in the past and continues to the present.

    For example, these two sentences:
    1.Peter has studied English for two years.
    2. Peter has studied English.
    Sentence 1 tells us that Peter started to study English two years ago and continues to study it up to the present.
    Sentence 2 does not say the same thing as sentence 1. It does not indicate his study started in the past and continues to the present.

    • #14

    I don’t think we contradict each other. I said «for» and «since» are signal words that indicate an action started in the past and continues to the present.

    For example, these two sentences:
    1.Peter has studied English for two years.
    2. Peter has studied English.
    Sentence 1 tells us that Peter started to study English two years ago and continues to study it up to the present.
    Sentence 2 does not say the same thing as sentence 1. It does not indicate his study started in the past and continues to the present.

    That’s correct, Stephen.


    • #15

    [until now
    up to now
    so far
    thus far]

    These phrases suggest that the action is unfinished, and continues after now. Remember, present perfect verb tense covers a time period that ends now: not a time period that continues after now. So adding these terms extends the time period, or emphasizes that the sentence is only about a portion of the total time period: the portion up to «now»:
    I have earned $100,000.
    I have earned $100,000 so far. (and will earn more)

    EDIT: as suggested above, the words could also imply (but not say) that this action will change starting now
    I have lived honestly until now.
    I have never bought a sports car so far.
    I have let Emilia live in my home up until now.

    My comments in preceding posts are not merely a suggestion that with “until now” a future change might possibly occur, as you put it. My comments are an assertion that this word “until” necessarily signals a change at the indicated moment. You might say that the change is “implied” but that’s not to say it’s optional. The implication carries the same weight as when we say “I bought this car for ten thousand dollars” we imply that we didn’t pay twenty thousand.

    Do you really think it’s helpful to the learner to mix all these phrases, “the words” as you say, together as if there were no difference? As described in the link I provided, there are several ways of indicating that an action continues into the present, without commenting on the future:

    so far (informal)
    to date (formal)
    as of yet (for negative statements)

    And we can add “thus far” to that list.

    The other phrases using “until” or “up to” are not the same. They clearly and unequivocally end the action at the moment indicated. If there’s any uncertainty with “until now” it’s only because the future is necessarily unknown, not because the language waffles on that point.

    Emilia has lived with me until now.
    Emilia lives with me.

    Do these sentences mean exactly the same thing to you? Your assertions in post 11 would say there is no difference.

    Your use of «from now on» implies that there will be multiple similar cases in the future where you also won’t be home for two hours. Moving the clauses around might make it a little more obvious:

    From now on, I shall not be home for two hours.

    However, when you use until, you couldn’t possibly be talking about multiple future scenarios since you’re referencing a very specific time in the future. If you drop the «on,» however, things begin to make more sense.

    I shall not be home until two hours from now.

    Sounds good to my native English ear. However,

    I shall not be home for two hours from now.

    Doesn’t sound as natural.


    If you’re talking about one specific instance, drop the «from now on» and just use «from now» with until. While if you meant to talk about many future situations, use «for» with «from now on.»

    until now — перевод на русский

    /ənˈtɪl naʊ/

    Until now it could not be determined when and how this exchange happened. And also the perpetrators are still entirely unknown.

    До сих пор не удалось точно установить, когда и как это произошло, и никаких следов преступников до сих пор не найдено.

    But what if they wonder why their parents kept it secret until now.

    — Но что, если они зададутся вопросом, почему их родители держали это в секрете до сих пор.

    According to Captain John Voight of the San Francisco Homicide Squad the startling disclosure of Mrs. Lannington’s mental illness has thrown a new light in a murder which, until now, has been…

    По словам капитана Джона Войта из отдела убийств полиции Сан-Франциско предоставленная информация о психических заболеваниях миссис Леннингтон пролила новый свет на убийство, которое до сих пор было…

    Until now, every time that someone presented me a pretender, under pretext not to lose me,

    До сих пор всякий раз, когда кто-то просил моей руки, под предлогом того, чтобы не потерять меня,

    Until now, I did everything you wanted me to do.

    До сих пор я делал всё, что ты хотела.

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    — It’s been easy until now, Bernie.

    — Берни, до этого момента всё было легко.

    I didn’t know it until now.

    Нет, до этого момента не знал.

    I didn’t know what it meant until now.

    До этого момента я не знал, что это значит.

    Up until now the Countess has refused to part with it.

    До этого момента госпожа графиня отказывалась продавать его.

    We were in each others arms until now.

    До этого момента мы обнимали друг друга.

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    Well, until now… I haven’t.

    Потому что просто до сегодняшнего дня об этом не думала.

    Not until now have I received permission to make known the facts exactly as they are.

    До сегодняшнего дня я не имел права объявить о том, как это всё случилось на самом деле.

    Until now jail was just an empty word. And suddenly bang!

    Должен тебе сказать, что до сегодняшнего дня тюрьма была для меня каким-то пустым звуком, ничего не значащим словом

    But how come they waited until now?

    Но почему они ждали до сегодняшнего дня?

    I was too ill to know what was going on and afterwards, for a long time until now

    сначала я была слишком больна и ничего не сознавала, а потом очень долго, до сегодняшнего дня,

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    I always figured you had guts, but I never gave you credit for brains until now.

    Я всегда думал что ты смел, но что умен, я увидел это только сейчас.

    You didn’t tell me about Mark until now.

    Про этого Макса? я узнал только сейчас.

    Why haven’t we been notified until now?

    И почему мы об этом узнаём только сейчас?

    They were mailed out so long ago, but the replies didn’t get here until now

    Они были отправлены так давно, а ответы только сейчас пришли.

    Why didn’t he come back until now?

    Почему объявился только сейчас?

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    — Well, neither did I until now. — I —

    Я тоже этого не делала раньше.

    It’s just as well. We didn’t expect you back until now.

    Ну что же, мы и не предполагали, что вы вернетесь раньше.

    I’m sorry i didn’t tell you until now, after we made our plans.

    Извини, что не сказал тебе раньше.

    Cissie, he’s been unfaithful before, why did you wait until now?

    Сисси он был неверен и прежде, почему ты не сделала этого раньше?

    They wouldn’t let me see you until now.

    К тебе раньше не пускали.

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    It just never meant anything until now.

    Это просто ничего не значило, до настоящего момента.

    It’s never really been an issue until now.

    До настоящего момента это не было особой проблемой.

    Any problems with her health up until now?

    Это всё, что мне сказали. У неё были какие-то проблемы со здоровьем до настоящего момента?

    So then, from the time you were eight years old until now, have you experienced this periodically over the ensuing years?

    Это происходило с вами все последующие годы с восьми лет и до настоящего момента?

    The story of Judith and Nicolas may seem attractive up until now.

    Это верно, до настоящего момента история Жудит и Николя может показаться милой.

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    In the deserts of Utah ancient rivers flowing across sandstone country steadily widen their canyons until now the land between them has been reduced to spires and pinnacles.

    В пустынях штата Юта древнейшие реки, пересекая страну песчаников, монотонно расширяют каньоны. Теперь земли между ними представляют собой остроконечные башни.

    The fact is, Michelangelo, until now I’ve had reservations about Merlin’s work, serious reservations.

    Факт в том, Микеланджело, теперь у меня есть оговорка насчет работы Мерлина, серьезная оговорка.

    It feels like we’ve lived in houses made with straw until now and we’ve finally gained a home with a real foundation.

    Как будто всю жизнь прожили в соломенном шалаше. Но теперь у нас есть настоящий дом.

    And I performed for my groom’s family. I didn’t really care until now. But you’ve lived a long time.

    Теперь всё это пригодилось в доме моего будущего мужа! как долго ты уже живёшь в этом мире.

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    Until now, that is.

    До этого дня.

    Until now, we have kept our medical information to ourselves to prevent others from using it against us.

    До этого дня мы не открывали данные нашей медицины чтобы их нельзя было использовать против нас.

    Like I said, I never was much for the holidays… until now.

    Я уже говорил: терпеть не мог праздники до этого дня!

    But I think it already was a miracle that Mina has lived until now

    Чудо уже то, что Мина дожила до этого дня

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    Рождество, похоже, — напряжённое время для Сибил.

    I’ve been wrong about everything until now.

    И поняла, что ошибалась всё это время.

    what the hell were you doing until now?

    какого черта ты все это время делала?

    Where were you until now?

    И где же ты был все это время?

    You mean up until now we’ve been experiencing The happy, fun-time Sheldon?

    То есть всё это время мы знали весёлого добряка Шелдона?

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    Until now I thought it was impossible, but, Fester Addams,

    До этой минуты я думала такое невозможно. но Фестер Адамс.

    You told me long ago that you had seen this moment in our future but until now, I… I never really believed.

    Еще давно ты рассказывал мне, что видел этот момент в нашем будущем но до этой минуты я на самом деле никогда в это не верила.

    I never really believed in anything beyond death until now.

    Я никогда не верил в загробный мир до этой минуты.

    Until now, I have Let my ministers govern under the late Cardinal,

    До этой минуты я позволял править своим министрам под предводительством покойного кардинала Мазарини.

    I wasn’t, at least, not until now.

    По крайней мере, до этой минуты.

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    Synonyms for Until now. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 14, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/until_now

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    Synonyms for Until now. 2016. Accessed April 14, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/until_now.

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