Word for understanding self

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like «longing for a time in the past», then the engine will return «nostalgia». The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it’s starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a «search engine for words», or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren’t included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn’t notice, you can click on words in the search results and you’ll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

What is self-understanding and why is self-understanding important?

If you Googled anything along the lines of “What do you mean by self-understanding and self-concept?” you probably experienced what I did. A bunch of psychological babble and scientific explanations with enough “self” definitions to add up to a seeming self-frenzy. (Seriously, myself, yourself, and herself are all confused.)

what is self-understanding

But despite these brain puzzles, self-understanding is an important concept to grasp. That’s because understanding of self is the foundation for finding the life you want to live – and then creating it.

Developing your self-understanding will improve your life, guaranteed.

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. First, here are some explanations about self-understanding, self-awareness, and self-concept in a way that might actually make sense.


Self-understanding is your ability to understand who you are and what led to who you are.

You understand your thoughts, feelings, and actions, as well as the why behind them.

This recognition of your motivations helps you develop your sense of identity.

Essentially, it encompasses the answer to the question, “Who am I?” with the evidence to support it.

Think of it like tackling a complicated math problem. Some people don’t know how to solve it. Others can write down the correct answer, but they don’t really understand what steps went into solving it. Some individuals, however, can show all their work and understand the steps leading to the correct solution.

Having an understanding of self includes both aspects: an answer to yourself and knowing how it came about.

Think of self-understanding as the broadest and deepest layer of how you think about yourself. It’s like viewing yourself in your “Room of Life” from an outside, objective perspective.

why is self-understanding important


What is Self-Awareness?

Self-awareness and self-understanding are sometimes used interchangeably, and that’s not a bad thing. However, if you want to distinguish the two, you can think of self-awareness as the first step to understanding of self.

Self-awareness is being aware of yourself and your life. Before you can understand why you do something, you’ve got to recognize what you’re doing in the first place. This means identifying your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in the present moment.

Being self-aware also encompasses things like your values, aspirations, and patterns, among others.

Let’s go back to your Room of Life metaphor. If self-understanding is like looking in from an outside perspective, then self-awareness is like turning the lights on in the room. You’re aware of what’s happening.

You’re also aware of your self-concept.



What is self-concept?

Ah, the last “self” in our self-trifecta. Self-concept is the label you give yourself when answering the question “Who am I?” It’s how you see yourself and, more importantly, the words you use when describing how you see yourself.

Our sense of identity is a complicated thing, but it begins with our self-concept.

It’s crucial to understand that self-concept is the end of the statement, “I am…” It is not the end of the statement “I feel…”  This distinction is because self-concept takes on a more permanent nature.

(Note: self-concept is not permanent, as you’ll read about later on, but our brains tend to think it is.)

If the Room of Life is your self-understanding, and the light is your self-awareness, then the nametag you put on is your self-concept. And it influences everything.



Why are Self-Understanding and Self-Concept So Important?

Just as clearly defining all of the “self-understanding” distinctions can be confusing, so is the journey itself. We are all complicated beings with intricate personal stories, conflicting emotions, and influential evolutionary tendencies. Throw in some cultural expectations and individual personalities, and we’ve created some of the most complicated math problems out there.

Oh, and on top of it all, most people believe they’re more self-aware than they are. (Our brains literally trick us into thinking this.) It’s like that kid who thinks they’re good at math but they’re really not.

So why is it worth trying to solve?

The more complicated, the more meaningful.

How we view ourselves drastically impacts how we interact with the world around us. Remember our self-concept is how we answer the statement, “I am…” Our answers become ingrained into our thinking. When reinforced over time, we begin to shape our lives around these concepts.

The harm is that many of our self-concepts limit us more than they help.


Limiting Beliefs and Self-Concept

In college, I began labeling myself as a “bad auditory learner.” I need to read something to understand it, I’d say to myself and others. And so, for years, I wrote off many opportunities to listen and learn something new. A couple of years ago, my research taught me that learning styles are much more malleable than we assume. Since then, I began to practice the skill rather than avoid it.

And you know what? I got better. I also didn’t miss out on opportunities I ended up really enjoying.

The label of “visual learner” is nothing out of the ordinary, nor life-changing. Yet think of all the things you say to yourself that might hold you back. Maybe you think you’re not good enough, not worthy, or too (insert negative adjective here). Every day our inner critics get the best of us.

When we give ourselves a label, we put ourselves into a box. Too often, these boxes tend to trap us rather than build us.


Why Self-Understanding?

Self-understanding allows us to see what labels we give ourselves, where they come from, and how positive or negative they are to us. Then, once we understand everything, we can make the necessary adjustments.

Developing our self-awareness also gives us more evidence to work with. We don’t have to guess who we are; we can draw informed conclusions. This comes from check-in questions like:

  • How does this make me feel?
  • What do I want at this moment?
  • What did I learn from this?

By developing your self-understanding, you can better align your life with your core values.


How do you develop self-understanding? 6 Strategies to Improve Your Self-Understanding

1. Become more self-aware of your thoughts, feelings, and actions

You’ve probably heard the phrase, “You don’t know what you don’t know.” I’ll add to it – you definitely can’t understand what you don’t know. Becoming more self-aware of your day-to-day experiences will help you insurmountably in the long run. Whether it’s naming your emotions, recognizing your thought patterns, or identifying your behaviors, you’ll gain valuable info when it comes to your understanding of self.

  • Why Self-Awareness is Important: Recognizing What You Can Control


2. Notice how you talk to yourself

With so many “self” things happening, it’s easy to overlook the driving force. Specifically, how you yourself talk to yourself. Self-concept encopasses how we label ourselves on the grand scale, but we’re talking to ourselves every minute of the day. Pay attention to how you talk to yourself. If it helps, compare your inner dialogue with how you’d talk to a friend (or how they might talk to you). Are you treating yourself with respect? Are you optimistic or pessimistic? The more you can tune into your attitude, the more conscious you can be of your direction.

  • How to Be Vulnerable in your Life


3. Learn to silence your Inner Critic

I don’t care who you are or how you talk to yourself; we all have an Inner Critic that likes to bring us down. While all our Inner Critics take on a slightly different tone, they all follow the same theme. They hold you back from reaching your full potential. Part of self-understanding is embracing what you discover. A shame response is entirely natural when it comes to discovering who we want to be. That’s why being vulnerable is key in creating a self-concept you draw power from.

  • How to Face Your fears: 7 Steps to Overcome Fears


4. Ask yourself better questions

Ask anyone you know. Developing your understanding starts with asking questions. And when it comes to self-understanding, it’s got to start with the right questions. Too often, people shy away from hard questions because it makes them feel vulnerable. However, it’s precisely in asking these questions that we learn the most about ourselves. You also want to steer clear of questions that put you in a victimized or negative mindset. Whenever possible, ask “what” questions that focus on what you learned – not what you lost.

  • Asking the Right Questions: How to Ask Questions the Right Way


5. Seek feedback from others

If I haven’t said it enough already, I’ll say it one more time: it’s impossible to be self-aware. Too much of our biology is working against us. So, no matter how much self-work you do, you’ve got to seek feedback from outside sources. Try to gather perspective from friends and family who know you best. If you’re not comfortable asking someone, then learn how to tune into external situations and physical cues. Your self-understanding isn’t just how you see yourself, but also how the world sees you.

  • 3 Reasons You Need External Self-Awareness


6. Always stay open to rethinking your identity

The key to self-understanding is owning that you’ll always have more to learn. Who you are today will be different in a week, a year, a decade. We’re continuously evolving based on our life experiences. Therefore, the worst thing we can do is attach ourselves to a permanent identity. The more you can embrace a constant attitude of rethinking, the more self-aware you’ll be.

  • How to Be True to Yourself: The Hidden Truth We Need to Embrace


Our Behaviors Create Our Identity: How to Change Your Self-Concept

We wrongly believe that our thinking changes our identity, and then our changed behaviors follow. For example, I might be a super anxious person. I’ll think to myself, I’m going to be a calmer person, deciding on a new self-concept. Then, I assume that my “new” self-concept will help me do more yoga, meditate, and achieve this new persona.

Our brains don’t work that way. In fact, they work the reverse.

See, our brains like evidence to be persuaded of something. The more evidence, the stronger conclusions they can draw. Therefore, to get our brain to develop this new self-concept, we’ve got to start doing the things that prove the self-concept to be true.

For example, if I begin to do more yoga and meditation, my brain will begin to believe I’m a calmer person. Eventually, I will be able to define myself as such.

Dr. Ben Hardy calls this “building identity capital.” And it’s important to note when thinking about self-understanding.

As you work on the six tips above, keep focused on your behaviors as much as you can. Ultimately, action is what will help you develop your self-understanding and self-concept.

what is self-understanding


Conclusion: Self-Understanding, Self-Awareness, and Self-Concept

The abundance of psychological literature on “self” can be overwhelming. Don’t get bogged down in the nitty-gritty distinctions and explanations. Instead, put your focus on the benefits of self-understanding and how to develop your own understanding of self.

You can start by following these six strategies:

  1. Become more self-aware of your thoughts, feelings, and actions
  2. Notice how you talk to yourself
  3. Learn to silence your Inner Critic
  4. Ask yourself better questions
  5. Seek feedback from others
  6. Always stay open to rethinking your identity

Want to build your self-understanding even more? Receive a free PDF copy of my eBook, The Art of Being Self-Aware, below.

Table of Contents

  • 1 How do I learn to understand myself?
  • 2 Why it is important to understand the self?
  • 3 What is your true self?
  • 4 What is the meaning of self-understanding?
  • 5 How do you know if someone is self aware?
  • 6 How do you know if you lack self awareness?
  • 7 How do I stop being so aware of myself?
  • 8 Why do I feel so self-conscious in public?
  • 9 Can you have too much self-awareness?
  • 10 What do you call someone who is self-conscious?
  • 11 Is there another word for self conscious?
  • 12 What’s another word for self doubt?
  • 13 Is being shy a bad thing?
  • 14 Do girls like being chased?

How do I learn to understand myself?

Understanding yourself

  1. Realise your talents.
  2. Understand your personality type.
  3. Understand your values and motivations.
  4. Audit your capabilities and expertise.
  5. Understand your learning style.

Why it is important to understand the self?

Self awareness is important because when we have a better understanding of ourselves, we are able to experience ourselves as unique and separate individuals. We are then empowered to make changes and to build on our areas of strength as well as identify areas where we would like to make improvements.

What is the key to knowing yourself?

Knowing yourself means understanding your strengths and weaknesses, your passions and fears, your desires and dreams. It means being aware of your eccentricities and idiosyncrasies, your likes and dislikes, and your tolerances and limitations. Knowing yourself means knowing your purpose in life.

How do I get a deeper understanding of myself?

When trying to understand yourself as a person you must review your life as if you are managing the MVP on the field because that is you! Take a deep look at your health habits, your work ethic, your thought processes, your emotional self, your beliefs, and your passions.

What is your true self?

What is the True Self? Also called your authentic self, real self, or original self, your true self is the most honest aspect of who you are. In other words, your true self is the most authentic version of you – all masks, affectations, and pretensions aside.

What is the meaning of self-understanding?

: understanding of oneself: such as. a : knowledge or understanding of one’s own capabilities, character, feelings, or motivations : self-knowledge human self-understanding gaining a greater sense of self-understanding …

How can I get self-confidence?

Tips for building self-confidence

  1. Look at what you’ve already achieved. It’s easy to lose confidence if you believe you haven’t achieved anything.
  2. Think of things you’re good at. Everyone has strengths and talents.
  3. Set some goals.
  4. Talk yourself up.
  5. Get a hobby.

What self-confidence means?

Self-confidence is an attitude about your skills and abilities. It means you accept and trust yourself and have a sense of control in your life. Feeling confident in yourself might depend on the situation.

How do you know if someone is self aware?

And among those who have achieved a high level of self-awareness, I’ve observed a handful of common habits and practices:

  1. They listen more than they talk.
  2. They’re curious about their own minds.
  3. They look for emotional blindspots.
  4. They ask for feedback (and take it well).
  5. They reflect on their values.

How do you know if you lack self awareness?

7 Signs You’re Not as Self-Aware as You Think

  • You’re a bully. If you didn’t have emotions, you wouldn’t be human.
  • You’re defensive.
  • You’re controlling.
  • You’re passive aggressive.
  • Your behavior changes.
  • You’re grandiose.
  • You make excuses.

What is the difference between self awareness and self consciousness?

Scientists differ on the difference between consciousness and self-awareness, but here is one common explanation: Consciousness is awareness of one’s body and one’s environment; self-awareness is recognition of that consciousness—not only understanding that one exists, but further understanding that one is aware of …

Why am I so aware of my surroundings?

Hypervigilance is a state of increased alertness. If you’re in a state of hypervigilance, you’re extremely sensitive to your surroundings. It can make you feel like you’re alert to any hidden dangers, whether from other people or the environment. Often, though, these dangers are not real.

How do I stop being so aware of myself?

Below are some steps to help you on your way to becoming less self-conscious.

  1. What’s Holding You Back?
  2. Realize the Disadvantages of Being Self-Conscious.
  3. Develop an Outward Focus.
  4. Practice Switching Perspectives.
  5. Realize Others Don’t Care.
  6. Behaviors to Change Perspective.
  7. Learn From Actors.
  8. A Word From Verywell.

Why do I feel so self-conscious in public?

One of the reasons we become self-conscious is because we worry that others will only confirm our own negative thoughts. Karmin, who practices at Urban Balance, described it in this way: If someone tells you that you’re a purple elephant, you likely won’t feel insulted.

Is being self-conscious a disorder?

Positive self-conscious emotions and negative self-conscious emotions can be healthy and powerful motivators. Excessive self-conscious emotions can be extremely unhealthy. They may worsen symptoms from conditions like anxiety, depression, and borderline personality disorder.

What age do self-conscious emotions arise?

The Development of Self-Awareness In normally developing children, this mark-directed behavior typically begins around 18 months of age.

Can you have too much self-awareness?

External self-awareness can also lead to evaluation anxiety in which people become distressed, anxious, or worried about how they are perceived by others. Habitual intense public self-consciousness can lead to chronic conditions, such as social anxiety disorder.

What do you call someone who is self-conscious?

anxious, sheepish, unsure, stilted, awkward, stiff, shy, bashful, embarrassed, uneasy, uncomfortable, nervous, mannered, affected, artificial, diffident, shamefaced, uncertain, discomfited, ill-at-ease.

What’s another word for not self conscious?

What is the opposite of self-conscious?

relaxed calm
nonchalant self-assured
self-composed unbothered
unconcerned unflustered
unruffled at home

What’s the opposite of self consciously?

antonyms of self-conscious MOST RELEVANT. calm. comfortable. confident.

Is there another word for self conscious?

Self-conscious Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for self-conscious?

shy embarrassed
uneasy timid
bashful retiring
awkward nervous
sheepish uncomfortable

What’s another word for self doubt?

What is another word for self-doubt?

uncertainty insecurity
lack of confidence self-hatred
self-loathing timidity
diffidence timorousness
meekness unassertiveness

What’s another word for insecure?

Insecure Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for insecure?

vulnerable exposed
unprotected unguarded
undefended defencelessUK
defenselessUS unshielded
assailable pregnable

What is it called when you are shy about your body?

modest. adjective. feeling shy or embarrassed about other people seeing your body.

Is being shy a bad thing?

Shyness, and the modesty and self-effacing nature that go with it, are rarely threatening to others and may allow people to feel more comfortable around you. In other words, you don’t have an air of superiority that makes it hard to talk with you. Too much shyness can make you seem aloof or standoffish.

Do girls like being chased?

Yes, women do like to be chased or pursued, but only if the guy that is chasing her is someone that she is attracted to. If a woman is not attracted to a guy who is chasing her and trying to ask her out, it will simply annoy her.

Whether you’re preparing for the classic interview question “Tell me about yourself” or writing your resume profile, describing yourself can be tricky. You want to be honest, but not brutally so. You want to impress, but without coming off as narcissistic.

Fortunately, as long as you follow a few guidelines when choosing the right words to describe yourself, you can create a great, long-lasting first impression.

Read on to learn pick the best words to describe yourself and see lists of: 

  • Positive words to describe yourself in any situation
  • Words to describe yourself in an interview
  • Words to describe yourself on a resume

Want to save time and have your resume ready in 5 minutes? Try our resume builder. It’s fast and easy to use. Plus, you’ll get ready-made content to add with one click. See 20+ resume templates and create your resume here.

Create your resume now


Sample resume made with our builder—See more resume examples here.

Looking for other word lists? Check out:

  • Resume Action Words, Power Verbs, and Adjectives
  • Resume Keywords to use
  • Skill Words for Resume
  • Strengths for Resume

1. Positive Words to Describe Yourself

Describing yourself in a few words to someone who doesn’t know you is tough. It’s worth spending some time figuring out how you can make a great first impression, because once formed, first impressions are hard to shake. 

Regardless of the situation, the key to describing yourself is to stay upbeat and positive. Now is not the time for humility. The best words to describe yourself will be those that honestly capture your positive qualities. 

Here’s a list of positive words that can be used to describe yourself for any situation:

Positive Words to Describe Yourself

Positive Words to Describe Yourself



































































 Positive Words to Describe Yourself

When making a resume in our builder, drag & drop bullet points, skills, and auto-fill the boring stuff. Spell check? Check. Start building a professional resume template here for free.

Create the perfect resume

When you’re done, Zety’s resume builder will score your resume and tell you exactly how to make it better.

2. Words to Describe Yourself in an Interview 

One common interview question goes something like this: “What are 5 words to describe yourself?”. The stakes are higher, but the same rules from above apply (stay positive and be honest). The only difference is now you have to be more specific. 

When the hiring manager asks this question, they are trying to assess whether you have the personality and the skills needed to excel on the job. The key to nailing this job interview question is to stay relevant and provide evidence

If the adjectives you use to describe yourself are irrelevant to the job, chances are the HR manager won’t be impressed. Likewise, anyone can say they are creative and hardworking. You need to follow up the adjectives with examples of how you demonstrate that quality. 

Let’s say a nurse is applying for a job at a hospital and the interviewer asks “What are three good words to describe yourself?” Let’s see an example that misses the mark.

I’m reliable, cheerful, and … shy.

Cue the awkward pause when the HR manager is waiting for a follow-up that never comes. 

And of course there’s nothing wrong with being shy, but shyness is irrelevant to the position at hand.

Okay, how can we improve the above response?

What Are 3 Words to Describe Yourself

Let’s see. I’m reliable—I was so consistent in updating patient’s charts that I was promoted to a position responsible for training new hires. I’m very cheerful—Studies show that positivity can have a huge effect on patient recovery times, so I smile often and crack jokes whenever the time is right. And I’m energetic—In my last position at a long-term care facility, I was single-handedly caring for up to 15 patients per shift. That required me to move fast while still paying attention to small details.

Wow—Now that’s an answer. 

Highly relevant, honest, solid work experience and with evidence to back it all up. 

Example of an answer to what are 3 words to describe yourself

Here’s a list of professional words to use in case you’re asked “What are the three best words to describe yourself?” in an interview:

Words to Describe Yourself in an Interview 

Words to Describe Yourself in an Interview
























Team player
















Read more: How to Answer the «Tell Me About Yourself» Interview Question

3. Words to Describe Yourself on a Resume

A resume is your golden ticket to getting the call. There are no two ways about it. And no matter what type of resume you’re writing, a short resume profile at the top can be a great way to make an elevator pitch that you’re the right candidate for the job. After all, recruiters are pressed for time. According to hiring statistics, corporate job offers receive 250 applications on average.

The secret to describing yourself in a resume introduction is to use adjectives relevant to the job and mention achievements that will wow the recruiter. You also want to tailor your resume introduction to the job posting, but don’t copy the job ad word for word! A survey found that 44% of hiring managers automatically reject resumes that appear to duplicate the job posting. 

Here’s a list of positive words to describe yourself on a resume:

Words to Describe Yourself on a Resume

Words to Describe Yourself on a Resume

















Team player

















Problem solver



Read more: «What’s Your Greatest Weakness» Interview Question: How to Answer

Words to Describe Yourself on a Resume

Plus, a great cover letter that matches your resume will give you an advantage over other candidates. You can write it in our cover letter builder here. Here’s what it may look like:

matching set of resume and cover letter

See more cover letter templates and start writing.

That’s a wrap! Do you have any questions regarding these words to describe yourself? How do you describe yourself in interviews or on a resume? I’d love to hear from you. Let’s chat in the comment section!

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As a teacher I realize that what one learns in school doesn’t serve for very much at all, that the only thing one can really learn is self-understanding, and this is something that can’t be taught.

Laura Esquivel





Self-Understanding is a noun.

A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.


Definition of self-understanding in the English dictionary

The definition of self-understanding in the dictionary is the ability to understand one’s own actions.

Synonyms and antonyms of self-understanding in the English dictionary of synonyms

Translation of «self-understanding» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of self-understanding to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of self-understanding from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «self-understanding» in English.

Translator English — Chinese


1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish


570 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi

स्वयं को समझने

380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic

فهم الذات

280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian


278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese


270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali


260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French

la compréhension de soi

220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay

Pemahaman diri

190 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean

자기 이해

85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese

tự hiểu biết

80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil

சுய புரிதலை

75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi

स्वत: ची समज

75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish

kendini anlama

70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian


65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish

Zrozumienie siebie

50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian


40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian

auto- înțelegere

30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek

αυτο — κατανόηση

15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans

self- begrip

14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish


10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian


5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of self-understanding


The term «self-understanding» is regularly used and occupies the 104.423 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.


The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «self-understanding» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of self-understanding

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «self-understanding».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «self-understanding» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «self-understanding» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about self-understanding


Famous quotes and sentences with the word self-understanding.

As a teacher I realize that what one learns in school doesn’t serve for very much at all, that the only thing one can really learn is self-understanding, and this is something that can’t be taught.

For what is a poem but a hazardous attempt at self-understanding: it is the deepest part of autobiography.


Discover the use of self-understanding in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to self-understanding and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.


SelfUnderstanding in Childhood and Adolescence

This important book provides a comprehensive look, from a developmental perspective, of how children and adolescents come to understand themselves during the first two decades of life.


The Dream Book: Symbols for SelfUnderstanding

Presents a guide to dream interpretation, with explanations of the most common dreams, techniques for remembering dreams, advice on how they can be used for problem solving and self-discovery, and definitions of dream symbols.


Wokini Lakota: A Lakota Journey to Happiness and …

«Wokini, » translated from Lakota, means «seeking a new beginning.» On that theme, the famous athlete joins the bestselling author to blend modern therapeutic principles and Native American tradition.


One to One: SelfUnderstanding Through Journal Writing

For years I’ve been telling friends about the therapeutic powers of the act of writing. Now at last I have a book that I can recommend.—Judith Guest, author of Ordinary People


Coping with Trauma: A Guide to SelfUnderstanding

Dr. Allen, Senior Staff Psychologist with the Trauma Recovery Program at The Menninger Clinic, has written this book to help laypersons understand the complex and often bewildering impact of traumatic experience.


The Conceptual Self in Context: Culture Experience Self

This is the third and last of the Emory Symposia organized around Ulric Neisser’s cognitive theory of self-knowledge; it goes beyond The Perceived Self and The Remembering Self to deal with some of the oldest—as well as some of the newest- …

Ulric Neisser, David A. Jopling, 1997


The Learning Self: Understanding the Potential for …

This is a book that should be read by every student of psychology, learning, and the self.»—Peter Jarvis, professor emeritus of continuing education, University of Surrey, United Kingdom The Learning Self This new book from the award …


The American Identity and SelfUnderstanding

This is an abstraction, neither I will not try


Karen Horney: A Psychoanalyst’s Search for SelfUnderstanding

This book argues that Horney’s inner struggles, in particular her compulsive need for men, induced her to embark on a search for self-understanding.


Storied Lives: The Cultural Politics of Selfunderstanding

Presents a series of personal interviews with a variety of subjects: religious fundamentalists in Appalachia; Holocaust survivors; women who have given up their children for adoption and others.

George C. Rosenwald, Richard L. Ochberg, 1992


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term self-understanding is used in the context of the following news items.

This Robo Shows Faint Glimmer Of Self-Awareness [Video]

The experiment touched on a couple of things important in the robot’s self-awareness and self-understanding. The «dumbing pill» story was new information to … «Tech Times, Jul 15»

Rainbow Camp ‘transformative’

“Rainbow Camp is designed around the curricula developed to aid in activism, with its main goal being self-understanding.” Welcome Friends saw the value in … «Sault This Week, Jul 15»

No reconciliation is possible for China, Japan and Korea without a …

Koreans view Japan’s self-understanding as problematic as it doesn’t include recognition of the violations against the Korean people during the colonial period. «South China Morning Post, Jul 15»

Obama, overtime, and the value of hard work

Central to our national self-understanding is the idea that hard work pays off. Americans have always tolerated rather high levels of inequality, as long as most … «Washington Post, Jul 15»

Dionne: How much do we value work?

Central to our national self-understanding is the idea that hard work pays off. Americans have always tolerated rather high levels of inequality, as long as most … «Indianapolis Star, Jul 15»

Organization or Mission?

The church’s missional self-understanding is grounded in the work ofthe Spirit of God who calls the church into existence as a gathered community, equips and … «First Things, Jun 15»

Perpetual Solitude in “Frankenstein”

John Paul II reads the Yahwist account as a “record of man’s self-understanding;” we might see something similar in Victor’s journal concerning the creature: he … «Patheos, May 15»

I am only a nurse: a biographical narrative study of a nurse’s self

A literature search on nurses’ self-understanding in a psycho-social perspective yields no results. Hence, the aim of this study was to investigate personal and … «BMC Blogs Network, Apr 15»

Are You Parenting From Love or From Fear?

… says, «The best predictor of a child’s well-being is a parent’s self-understanding.» When I finally started to carry my own baggage, I could take it off my daughter. «Huffington Post, Mar 15»

Looking at art can help us see ourselves

Self-understanding often comes from looking outside the self, through the lens of a filmmaker or the eye of an artist. Looking at art can help us see ourselves. «ArtsHub, Jan 15»


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As you keep up with everything going on in your life – the responsibilities, the obligations, even the distractions – there will be times when you’ll look in the mirror and struggle to recognize yourself. “Where did I go? How can I understand myself better?” you’ll ask, wondering how you’ve ended up where you are. “How did my plans for the future end up so… screwed up?”

When you don’t take the time to understand yourself and who you are, your sense of individuality weakens. You become easily influenced and pushed into a lifestyle that doesn’t represent who you are. The good news is you can gradually transition into the life you want by periodically “checking in” with yourself – the better you understand yourself, the easier it will be to steer your life in the right direction.

Here are 25 questions to get you started. Each answer will shed light on your individuality and unlock your potential:

1. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

Make sure you’re really an extrovert and not an introvert in an extrovert’s clothing.

2. What are the top five words that describe your personality?

Highlight your key personality traits and stay true to who you are.

3. Are you comfortable or uncomfortable in a disorganized environment?

Define the ideal work/home environments you’re known to thrive in.

4. Are you comfortable with taking risks?

Decide how you feel about uncertainty and how you’ll use it to create your ideal lifestyle.

5. Do you work better alone or in a busy environment?

When you know what your most productive work environment consists of, it will help you find (or create) a job that best suits your preferences.

6. What are your strengths?

Define what your strengths are and how you’re going to use them to your advantage.

7. What are your weaknesses?

Acknowledge what you struggle with and how you want to improve.

8. What sets you apart from everyone else?

Know your quirks and charm your ass off with them.

9. Are you motivated by competition?

Define what your ideal competition/collaboration formula is for optimal productivity.

10. What are your favorite movies/shows/books?

Disregard what’s trending and define the types of movies/shows/books you’ll always enjoy. It speaks volumes of your personality.

11. What’s more important to you – having a career or a family?

Even though you’ll try to have both, we all teeter towards a favorite. Knowing this will help you decide which priority will receive a bigger piece of the pie.

12. Do you embrace rules or rebel against them?

This is a huge determining factor in the type of lifestyle you’ll create for yourself – structured or adventurous? Remember: there are no wrong answers.

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13. Are you a morning person or a night person?

Know your energy peaks and valleys for when you’re setting goals.

14. What’s more important to you – saving time or saving money?

This will help you as you’re planning your goals – you’ll know what to outsource and what to take on yourself.

15. What do you lie about and why?

There are certain aspects of ourselves we don’t want anyone else to know about. Knowing why will help you to work through what makes you self-conscious.

16. Do you say yes (or no) too much?

Saying yes to everything gives you little time for what you truly want to do, while saying no to everything may cause you to miss out on amazing experiences.

17. If money didn’t exist, what would you be doing with your time?

We lose sight of what’s important to us when the bills come due – regain control of what you enjoy doing the most.

18. Are you patient or impatient?

Define whether or not it gets in the way of your goals and what you’re going to do about it.

19. Who makes you feel energized/inspired and exhausted/depleted?

There could be select family members or friends who are holding you back. Decide how you’re going to set boundaries in your relationships.

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20. If your home was on fire, what are the three things you’d leave with?

Answering this question will help you let go of the concept that material items will make you feel better as a person.

21. Do you take responsibility for your mistakes?

Blaming others for where your life is will get you nowhere – if anything, it will make you feel stuck. Take responsibility, learn from them, and forgive yourself.

22. What has to happen before your “real” life starts?

You might think that when you reach a certain goal you’ll feel completely different, but such is not the case – you’ll simply set a new goal and wait for it to happen, and so on, and end up missing out on amazing experiences.

23. What are you avoiding?

We all have certain responsibilities we procrastinate on, but you have to face them eventually. You’ll feel a lot better once you do, and you can move onto the things you actually do care about.

24. Do you easily feel guilty?

You might be feeling stuck because of your years of people-pleasing; meanwhile, the only person you should worry about disappointing is yourself.

25. What do you think you have to lose?

Clearly there’s something holding you back from creating the life you want. Work with it instead of pretending it’s not there.

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These questions can inspire you to reflect on yourself. Check in with yourself often and you will be amazed by the true potential you actually have.

More Self-Reflective Questions

  • The Power of Self-Reflection: Ten Questions You Should Ask Yourself
  • 7 Powerful Questions To Find Out What You Want To Do With Your Life
  • 100 Inspiring Questions That Make You Think About Your Life

Featured photo credit: Brooke Cagle via unsplash.com

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