Word for understanding a situation

We just can not think of a word to describe this situation where you understand something completely. There is nothing you do not know about it.

If anyone knows or has something close then that would be great.

RegDwigнt's user avatar


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asked Jan 25, 2011 at 10:00

Wolfy87's user avatar


Comprehend and fathom are fine candidates, I’ll just throw in attain enlightenment for good measure.

Edit: oh, and how about grok (Merriam-Webster, Wiktionary)?

answered Jan 25, 2011 at 10:12

RegDwigнt's user avatar


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fathom, though more often used in the negative (he could hardly fathom…), means to “comprehend after much thought”. comprehend also has this same connotation.

Expressions such as puzzle out or get to the bottom of have the sense of understanding completely, but also mean it was figured out (i.e. that knowledge is recent). It may or may not be adequate for your use case.

answered Jan 25, 2011 at 10:08

F'x's user avatar


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According to Wiktionary, to comprehend is «to understand or grasp fully and thoroughly».

answered Jan 25, 2011 at 10:06

Eldroß's user avatar


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I would use omniscient.

The story is told by an omniscient narrator.

From the NOAD:

omniscient /ɑmˈnɪʃənt/
knowing everything

answered Jan 26, 2011 at 13:23

apaderno's user avatar


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Informally, the term guru might apply here.

Struggling with his spreadsheet, Bob
knew where to turn: Alice was the Excel guru in the office.

answered Apr 12, 2011 at 16:20

Michael Easter's user avatar

Michael EasterMichael Easter

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I feel obliged to add grok. From Wikipedia:

Grok means to understand so thoroughly that the observer becomes a part of the observed—to merge, blend, intermarry, lose identity in group experience.

When you claim to ‘grok’ some knowledge or technique, you are asserting that you have not merely learned it in a detached instrumental way but that it has become part of you, part of your identity.

Example: It took me forever to grok recursive functions.

Community's user avatar

answered Dec 15, 2014 at 23:15

emragins's user avatar


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Speaking as someone who has worked for an educational testing company, the students who demonstrated the best understanding of an essay topic were described as having a thorough understanding.

RegDwigнt's user avatar


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answered Aug 27, 2012 at 4:54

richard's user avatar

You could use Master, a term used in the trades.

In order of least skilled to most skilled:
Novice/Apprentice —> Journeyman ——-> Master

Mastery is also used for cognitive processes: mastered a language, mastered algebra.

A slang term is Whiz, that’s likely short for Wizard.

answered Oct 5, 2014 at 5:11

Theresa's user avatar


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I’m not sure that the situation ever arises. The (world’s) leading authority on a subject is perhaps a safer concept, but who decides who that is?

I couldn’t say for sure.

answered Aug 26, 2012 at 23:01

Edwin Ashworth's user avatar

Edwin AshworthEdwin Ashworth

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Perhaps this is not the word, but reading your question it seemed to me you were describing a moment or a situation more-so than you were a person,

in which case there is a beautiful German word which is aha-Erlibnes, meaning;

  • (literally) an «aha-experience». An experience which gives a sudden insight.

    or one could say epiphany;

  • a moment of sudden revelation or insight.
  • answered Nov 3, 2014 at 17:57

    kip's user avatar


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    answered Apr 17, 2019 at 19:46

    Beqa's user avatar


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    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

    понимание ситуации

    понимания ситуации

    пониманием ситуации

    пониманию ситуации

    понимания положения

    понять ситуацию

    представление о ситуации

    понять положение

    понимание положения

    представление о положении

    понимании ситуации

    пониманию положения

    понимание сложившейся ситуации

    представление о сложившейся ситуации

    понимают ситуацию

    That is why this category is so significant if we want to have an accurate understanding of the situation in the world.

    Вот почему эта категория настолько важна, если мы хотим иметь точное понимание ситуации в мире.

    That is, we now have far more resources and a better understanding of the situation.

    То есть сейчас у нас гораздо больше ресурсов и лучшее понимание ситуации.

    It would their decision based on their understanding of the situation.

    Комиссия вправе принимать собственное решение исходя из своего понимания ситуации.

    However, an understanding of the situation is not enough as it is necessary to have a legitimate way to solve this problem.

    Однако одного понимания ситуации не достаточно, так как необходимо иметь легитимный способ решения данной проблемы.

    At such moments, the Soviet immigrant writers possess precisely the profound understanding of the situation and information we need.

    В такие моменты советские иммигрантские писатели обладают именно тем глубоким пониманием ситуации и информацией, которые нам необходимы.

    Kerimov’s speech was received with approval and understanding of the situation.

    You will need some self-confidence and a clear understanding of the situation.

    And in the case of roulette gambling, the players continue performing the risky action despite their understanding of the situation.

    И в случае с рулеткой игроки продолжают рисковать, несмотря на их понимание ситуации.

    Although extreme events can not be predicted, study their impact on the effectiveness of the organization strengthens the understanding of the situation.

    Хотя экстремальные явления нельзя спрогнозировать, изучение их влияния на эффективность работы организации укрепляет понимание ситуации.

    This comprehensive understanding of the situation is of fundamental importance for a realistic assessment of the prospects for our negotiating process.

    Такое всеобъемлющее понимание ситуации принципиально важно для реалистичной оценки перспектив нашего переговорного процесса.

    It’s a huge relief that we now have a clear understanding of the situation and how to move forward.

    Огромное облегчение, что теперь у нас четкое понимание ситуации и того, как двигаться дальше.

    Gain a better understanding of the situation.

    In order to plan and implement appropriate responses an understanding of the situation of children and youth in especially difficult circumstances is required.

    Для планирования и осуществления надлежащих мер необходимо понимание ситуации детей и подростков, находящихся в особо трудных условиях.

    For in-depth understanding of the situation as well as for evaluation of economic policies it is necessary to have detailed disaggregated information.

    Для глубокого понимания ситуации, а также для оценки экономической политики необходимо располагать подробной дезагрегированной информацией.

    Full understanding of the situation and an appropriate view on how this situation should be solved exist here.

    Здесь есть полное понимание ситуации и соответствующий взгляд на то, каким образом эту ситуацию разрешить.

    The seizure of administrative buildings and the blocking of police stations and the international airport gave a full understanding of the situation.

    Захват административных зданий и блокирование полицейских участков и международного аэропорта дали полное понимание ситуации.

    This is another framework that can be used in order to analyze and get a deeper understanding of the situation and context.

    Это еще одна система, которая может использоваться для анализа и более глубокого понимания ситуации и контекста.

    As in other religions, people have different understanding of the situation, different political views.

    Как и в других конфессиях, у нас люди имеют разное понимание ситуации, разные политические взгляды.

    Unfortunately, he doesn’t have understanding of the situation .

    In the absence of traumatic injury, an approach to diagnosing hip pain requires a broad understanding of the situation.

    При отсутствии травматического повреждения подход к диагностике боли в бедре требует широкого понимания ситуации.

    Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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    situation understanding

    Робототехника: понимание ситуаций

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

    Смотреть что такое «situation understanding» в других словарях:

    • understanding — un|der|stand|ing1 [ ,ʌndər stændıŋ ] noun *** ▸ 1 knowledge ▸ 2 sympathy ▸ 3 informal agreement ▸ 4 way you understand something ▸ 5 ability to understand 1. ) singular or uncount knowledge about a particular subject, process, or situation:… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

    • understanding — I UK [ˌʌndə(r)ˈstændɪŋ] / US [ˌʌndərˈstændɪŋ] noun Word forms understanding : singular understanding plural understandings *** 1) [singular/uncountable] knowledge about a particular subject, process, or situation understanding of: The course will …   English dictionary

    • Situation awareness — Situation awareness, or SA, is the perception of environmental elements within a volume of time and space, the comprehension of their meaning, and the projection of their status in the near future. It is also a field of study concerned with… …   Wikipedia

    • Understanding Poetry — was an influential American college textbook and poetry anthology by Cleanth Brooks and Robert Penn Warren, first published in 1938. The book influenced New Criticism and went through its fourth edition in 1976.The textbook widely influenced …… …   Wikipedia

    • understanding — ► NOUN 1) the ability to understand something. 2) the power of abstract thought; intellect. 3) an individual s perception or judgement of a situation. 4) sympathetic awareness or tolerance. 5) an informal or unspoken agreement or arrangement. ►… …   English terms dictionary

    • Understanding — [ Robert Reid, Understanding (1896). Thomas Jefferson Building, Washington, D.C.] Understanding (also called intellection) is a psychological process related to an abstract or physical object, such as, person, situation, or message whereby one is …   Wikipedia

    • understanding*/*/ — [ˌʌndəˈstændɪŋ] noun I 1) [singular/U] knowledge about a particular subject, process, or situation The course will help you develop a deeper understanding of yourself.[/ex] 2) [U] sympathy that comes from knowing how other people feel and why… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

    • understanding — n. & adj. n. 1 a the ability to understand or think; intelligence. b the power of apprehension; the power of abstract thought. 2 an individual s perception or judgement of a situation etc. 3 an agreement; a thing agreed upon, esp. informally (had …   Useful english dictionary

    • Understanding Islam through Hadis — Infobox Book name = Understanding Islam through Hadis title orig = translator = image caption = author = Ram Swarup illustrator = cover artist = country = India language = English series = subject = genre = publisher = release date = 1982 english …   Wikipedia

    • understanding — 1. noun a) Mental, sometimes emotional process of comprehension, assimilation of knowledge, which is subjective by its nature. According to my understanding, the situation is quite perilous. I wonder if you see it this way, too. b) Reason or …   Wiktionary

    • understanding — noun 1》 the ability to understand something; comprehension.     ↘the power of abstract thought; intellect.     ↘an individual s perception or judgement of a situation. 2》 sympathetic awareness or tolerance. 3》 an informal or unspoken agreement or …   English new terms dictionary

    Many words in the English language tend to get confusing because of their overlapping meanings or very slight difference. Though we know they’re synonyms, the slight difference makes us doubt what the better word to use is. Take ‘situation’ and ‘circumstance’ for example. How do they differ? Let’s see!

    What Is the Difference Between ‘Situation’ and ‘Circumstance’

    ‘Situation’ and ‘circumstance’ are nearly synonymous words that both describe a state of affairs of something. Their only main difference is the control a person has in that state of affairs or situation. When it is something a person cannot control, immediately or at all, then it is a circumstance.

    situation vs circumstance

    It’s best to understand the difference between ‘situation’ and ‘circumstance’ by understanding the levels of control a person can have in an event, a situation, or a condition. Let’s divide it into three.

    • conditions one can directly control
    • conditions one cannot directly control
    • conditions one cannot control at all

    Among the three types of conditions above, all these are considered ‘situations.’ We can describe a ‘situation’ as more of a general term for a set of conditions or state of something at a given particular time.

    On the other hand, those we can call ‘circumstances’ are only conditions one cannot directly control or one cannot control at all. When it is a ‘circumstance,’ it is more specific to a set of conditions that one has little to no control of.

    Another way to differentiate the two is that, when you are in the middle of a situation, there are factors that you can control and factors you cannot. Those that you can control are what make up your situation, while those that you can’t control are what make up the circumstances your situation is happening in.

    Take a look at the example below.

    • I think she handled the situation well, given the circumstances she was in.

    Here, ‘situation’ refers to the set of conditions the person was in that they can control or handle. On the other hand, ‘circumstances’ refers to the factors that they cannot control but may have affected how they were able to handle the situation.

    Are ‘Situation’ and ‘Circumstance’ Interchangeable?

    When you don’t need to create a specific distinction between what you can control or not, ‘situation’ and ‘circumstance’ are easily interchangeable as they generally mean the same. While ‘circumstance’ is more specific to events we cannot control, many people often interchange the usage of the two words regardless.

    ‘Situation’ is a state of affairs, a condition or set of conditions that exist at a particular moment. Usually, when we say we’re in a particular situation, it is an event, a crisis, or a set of conditions in which we are positioned.

    According to the Cambridge Dictionary, ‘situation’ is ‘the set of things that are happening and the conditions that exist at a particular time and place.’

    Below are examples of how to use ‘situation’ in a sentence.

    1. He’s in a bad situation right now.
    2. The situation in our school right now is saddening.
    3. I thought Kimmy handled the situation really well.
    4. I have a situation I need to deal with.
    5. How’s your current financial situation?
    6. Today’s political situation in our country is appalling.
    7. I’m not good at handling complicated situations.


    ‘Circumstances’ are also a set of conditions or state of affairs that exist at a particular moment, but this is more specific to conditions one has little to no control of at that given moment. Usually, these are the factors that affect one’s situation.

    According to the Cambridge Dictionary, a ‘circumstance’ means ‘a fact or event that makes a situation the way it is.’ Therefore, these are unchangeable factors or events that affect a situation.

    Below are examples of how to use ‘circumstance’ in a sentence.

    1. Despite the circumstances, I was able to pass decent work.
    2. I can’t live properly under these circumstances.
    3. What circumstances hinder you from passing on time?
    4. Under no circumstances should you give up on your dream.
    5. There are circumstances we simply cannot control.
    6. They were forced by circumstance to move to a new home.
    7. The investigation was done under questionable circumstances.

    What Are Situational Circumstances?

    ‘Situational circumstances’ is a term that is mostly related to business, production, consumerism, and the like. Generally, ‘situational circumstances’ refer to factors and conditions that a person encounters or experiences in a particular situation. Thus the term, as the circumstance is different for every situation.

    You may also like: Scenario vs. Situation – Difference Explained (+Examples)

    martin lassen dam grammarhow

    Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

    понимание, взаимопонимание, разум, понимающий, разумный, отзывчивый, чуткий


    - понимание

    he hasn’t much understanding of the question — он совсем мало смыслит в этом вопросе
    he has a good understanding of economics — он хорошо разбирается в экономике

    - объяснение, интерпретация; суждение

    this is my understanding of the affair — так я воспринимаю это дело
    this is not my understanding — я об этом сужу иначе, у меня другое суждение

    - понимание (кого-л.); сочувствие (кому-л.); чуткость, отзывчивость
    - разум, рассудок, интеллект

    he has an excellent understanding — он прекрасно соображает; он обладает большой сообразительностью
    a man of understanding — человек с головой

    - согласие, взаимопонимание

    he disturbed the good understanding between them — он испортил хорошие отношения между ними

    - договорённость, соглашение

    private understanding — частное соглашение
    memorandum of understanding — дип. меморандум о договорённости
    to reach /to come to/ an understanding — прийти к соглашению
    they have a secret understanding with other firms — они имеют негласную договорённость с другими фирмами
    with a clear understanding as to the price — при твёрдой договорённости о цене
    it is our understanding that … — мы исходим из того, что …

    - условие

    on this understanding — при этом условии
    on the understanding that … — при условии, что …, на том условии, что …

    - филос. рассудочное познание


    - понимающий, разумный

    understanding parents — разумные родители

    - отзывчивый, чуткий

    understanding heart — чуткое сердце

    Мои примеры


    a relationship based on mutual understanding — отношения, основанные на взаимопонимании  
    beyond any stretch of his understanding — за пределами его понимания  
    to get an understanding of the question — понять вопрос  
    on the understanding that — на том условии, что  
    honourable understanding — джентльменское соглашение; устная договорённость  
    informal procedural understanding — неофициальная договорённость о процедуре  
    promote international understanding — содействовать взаимопониманию между народами  
    aid understanding — облегчать взаимопонимание  
    keen understanding — тонкое понимание  
    image understanding algorithm — алгоритм распознавания изображений  
    image-understanding algorithm — алгоритм интерпретации изображений; алгоритм распознавания изображений  
    promote better understanding — способствовать лучшему пониманию  

    Примеры с переводом

    Understanding comes from experience.

    Понимание приходит с опытом.

    I knew I could count on his understanding.

    Я знал, что могу рассчитывать на его понимание.

    Luckily, I have a very understanding boss.

    К счастью, у меня очень понимающий /сговорчивый/ начальник.

    We are for mutual understanding.

    Мы за взаимопонимание.

    He has a sound understanding of the law.

    Он имеет глубокое понимание закона.

    The experience enriched her understanding.

    Этот случай добавил ей понимания.

    It exceeds the power of human understanding.

    Это находится за пределами человеческого понимания.

    ещё 23 примера свернуть

    Примеры, ожидающие перевода

    He has an elementary understanding of calculus.

    The diagram is provided as an aid to understanding.

    I’m fortunate that I have such an understanding wife.

    Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

    Возможные однокоренные слова

    misunderstanding  — недоразумение, неправильное понимание, размолвка
    understand  — понимать, понять, уяснить, разуметь, подразумевать, сообразить, уметь, узнавать
    understandable  — понятный

    Формы слова

    ед. ч.(singular): understanding
    мн. ч.(plural): understandings

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