Word for under researched

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

недостаточно исследованных

изучен недостаточно

недостаточно изучены


мало изучена

недостаточно изученные

недостаточно изученным

недостаточно изученной


недостаточно исследованной

недостаточно изученных

недостаточно изученными

изучаются недостаточно


Consistently with the commitment of the mandate to tackling difficult, emerging and under-researched issues, the Special Rapporteur focused her attention on trafficking in persons for the removal of organs, with a view to contributing to the international conversation at a pivotal point.

Следуя требованиям мандата в отношении рассмотрения трудных, возникающих и недостаточно исследованных аспектов, Специальный докладчик сосредоточила внимание на торговле людьми в целях изъятия органов, чтобы внести вклад в обсуждение этого важнейшего вопроса на международном уровне.

There are plenty of under-researched historical and contemporary connections between the Tajik Pamirs and what can be vaguely described as «Greater Badakhshan,» which includes parts of Afghanistan, China and Pakistan.

Существует много недостаточно исследованных исторических и современных связей между таджикским Памиром и тем, что можно условно назвать «Большой Бадахшан», в который входят части Афганистана, Китая и Пакистана.

However, the question of how the resources are managed in practice is under-researched.

Corporate savings in Africa are an under-researched topic and, in the absence of data, it is difficult to go beyond a discussion of stylized facts.

Вопрос сбережений компаний в Африке изучен недостаточно, и из-за отсутствия данных трудно выйти за рамки упрощенного обсуждения ситуации.

Yet, since many of these skills are difficult to assess via standard examination, they are often marginalised and under-researched.

Тем не менее, поскольку многие из этих навыков трудно оценить с помощью стандартного экзамена, они часто подвергаются маргинализации и недостаточно изучены.

The research had a predatory nature in that developed States acquired large volumes of information on issues that were under-researched in the developing world.

Такая исследовательская деятельность носит хищнический характер, поскольку развитые страны получают большой объем информации по проблемам, которые недостаточно изучены в развивающихся странах.

The range and magnitude of potential impacts of 5G technologies are under-researched, although important biological outcomes have been reported with millimeter wavelength exposure.

«Диапазон и масштабы потенциального воздействия технологий 5G недостаточно изучены, хотя сообщается о важных биологических результатах при воздействии миллиметровой длины волны.

This means that as many as 99% of the microbes on our planet remain under-researched as sources of new antibiotics because they refuse to grow in lab cultures.

Это означает, что около 99% микробов на нашей планете по-прежнему недостаточно изучены в качестве источников новых антибиотиков, только потому, что они отказываются расти в лабораторных культурах.

The ocean hides many secrets not only because it is under-researched but also because it washes things up on beaches that we never expected to see.

Океан скрывает много тайн не только потому, что он изучен недостаточно, но и потому, что он отстирывает вещи на пляжи, которые мы никогда не…

Ichthyosis can be complicated by syndromes, including under-researched Netherton syndrome.

Ихтиоз может осложняться синдромами, в том числе мало изученным на данный момент синдромом Нетертона.

In the second case, the topic seems under-researched, and sceptics have even more a right to doubt and deny.

Во втором случае тема выглядит недостаточно исследованной и скептики имеют еще большее право сомневаться и отрицать.

Most of the urban legend around altitude and alcohol stems from a highly under-researched study from the 1930s.

Большинство легенд вокруг высоты и алкоголя проистекает из крайне слабого исследования 1930-х годов.

Yoga and its use specifically for people with schizophrenia is under-researched.

Йога и ее использование специально для людей с шизофренией не достаточно изучены.

Another under-researched subject is female migration, transnational motherhood and ways how female migrants transcend or maintain patriarchal norms.

Другой недоисследованный предмет — миграция женщин, транснациональное материнство и способы, как женщины-мигранты преодолевают или поддерживают патриархальные нормы.

In salty ocean environments, such technologies are under-researched.

В условиях соленого океана такие технологии недостаточно изучены.

The effectiveness of yoga versus other available (non-drug and non-talking therapy) add-on treatments is under-researched.

Эффективность йоги в сравнении с другими доступными (немедикаментозными и неразговорными) дополнительными методами лечения остается недостаточно изученной.

However, the association of muscle strength with various aspects of cognitive function is a relatively under-researched area.

Тем не менее взаимосвязь силы скелетных мышц с различными аспектами когнитивных функций все еще представляется относительно мало изученной областью знаний.

The links between poverty and tobacco use have been under-researched.

However, societal and public policy issues relating to these issues have been an under-researched area.

В то же время административно-правовые аспекты связанных с этим проблем остаются мало исследованной областью.

Issues of new social structure formation are often observed as one of the most theoretically difficult and under-researched effects of reformation.

Вопросы формирования новой социальной структуры относятся к числу наиболее сложных в теоретическом плане и недостаточно изученных последствий реформирования.

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This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Vivien Mills

Score: 4.6/5
(34 votes)

«Under-researched» is, I’m sure, still at the hyphenated stage; and it may well stay there for quite a long time given the oddity of the «rr» in the conjoined version.

What is under researched?

Adjective. underresearched (comparative more underresearched, superlative most underresearched) Insufficiently researched.

How do you say not well studied?

  1. little-known / little known.
  2. relatively obscure.
  3. poorly studied.
  4. underresearched / under-researched.

Is unresearched a word?

Not systematically investigated or verified. ‘Most likely, I’m experiencing some still relatively unresearched state of consciousness. ‘

Is under used a word?

not completely or sufficiently used: underused talents.

39 related questions found

What is the most underused word?

The 10 most underused words in English

  • Caterwaul. A shrill howling or wailing noise. …
  • Concinnity. The skilful and harmonious arrangement or fitting together of the different parts of something. …
  • Knavery. A roguish or mischievous act. …
  • Melange. A mixture of different things. …
  • Obambulate. …
  • Opsimath. …
  • Philistine. …
  • Rapscallion.

What do you call someone who is uneducated?

unschooled, illiterate, ignorant, empty-headed, ignoramus, uncultivated, uncultured, unlearned, unrefined, untaught, benighted, uninstructed, know-nothing, lowbrow, unlettered, unread, untutored.

What is a synonym for unexplored?

In this page you can discover 13 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for unexplored, like: terra-incognita, undiscovered, uncharted, unfathomed, uninvestigated, undetermined, unplumbed, undeveloped, unpopulated, under-explored and unexploited.

Is Underexamined a word?

Insufficiently examined; overlooked.

What is a word for not fully understood?

»misinterpreted adj. »mistaken adj. »not fully understand exp. »not properly understood exp.

What is Underresearch?

transitive) to study (a role or part) so as to be able to replace the usual actor or actress if necessary. 2. to act as understudy to (an actor or actress) nounWord forms: plural -studies.

What is a research According to Oxford dictionary?

/ˈrisərtʃ/ , /rɪˈsərtʃ/ [uncountable] a careful study of a subject, especially in order to discover new facts or information about it medical/historical/scientific, etc. research to do/conduct/undertake research research (into/on something/somebody) He has carried out extensive research into renewable energy sources.

What is research Merriam Webster?

1 : careful or diligent search. 2 : studious inquiry or examination especially : investigation or experimentation aimed at the discovery and interpretation of facts, revision of accepted theories or laws in the light of new facts, or practical application of such new or revised theories or laws.

What is unexplored land called?

an unknown or unexplored land, region, or subject.

What is the opposite of unexplored?

Antonyms & Near Antonyms for unexplored. detected, discovered, identified.

What is terra incognita?

: unknown territory : an unexplored country or field of knowledge.

What is a fancy word for dumb?

Some common synonyms of dumb are crass, dense, dull, and stupid.

What’s a word for not smart?

unintelligent Add to list Share. Unintelligent means exactly what it sounds like it means––not intelligent, not smart.

What type of word is uneducated?

not educated.

What words are no longer used?

Here are seven words I think we should start using again immediately.

  • Facetious. Pronounced “fah-see-shuss”, this word describes when someone doesn’t take a situation seriously, which ironically is very serious indeed. …
  • Henceforth. …
  • Ostentatious. …
  • Morrow. …
  • Crapulous. …
  • Kerfuffle. …
  • Obsequious.

What word means not used?

synonyms for not used to

ignorant. uninformed. incompetent. inexperienced.

What is a useless person called?

fruitless, worthless, stupid, impractical, inoperative, ineffectual, unworkable, meaningless, idle, ineffective, futile, unproductive, pointless, incompetent, hopeless, counterproductive, no good, abortive, bootless, disadvantageous.

What is a cabalistic person?

Cabalistic is a way of saying “secretive or mysterious.» A book of ancient, mystical texts would be considered cabalistic. Any society or practice that’s secretive and somewhat spiritual or mystical could also get the cabalistic label. The root is ultimately from Hebrew qabbalah, something handed down.

Translation for «under researched» to russian

  • Examples
  • Similar phrases

Translation examples

  • под исследованием

The study revealed that over the past five years the attitude of polled residents improved towards more than a half of the social groups under research.

Согласно данным исследования за последние пять лет произошло улучшение отношения обследованных жителей страны более чем к половине охваченных исследованием социальных групп.

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Violence against children is, however, severely under-researched, in particular in the private sphere,

and no effective mechanisms for combating it seem to be in place.

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Вместе с тем проблема насилия в отношении детей, в особенности в частной сфере, крайне мало изучена, и, как представляется,

в стране не существует эффективных механизмов для борьбы с таким насилием.

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The ILO, the World Bank and WHO have worked together on the under-researched issue of the employment effects of tobacco control in developing countries.

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МОТ, Всемирный банк и ВОЗ совместно работали над недостаточно изученным вопросом о последствиях борьбы против курения в развивающихся странах для положения в области занятости.

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On a broader level,

SP 4 supports studies into the under-researched areas such as linkages between narcotics,

socio-economic factors and wider concerns of human security.

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В более широком масштабе, под-

программа 4 поддерживает проведение исследований в таких малоизученных областях, как взаимосвязь между наркотиками,

социально-экономическими факторами и более широкими проблемами в сфере общественной безопасности.

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The news story tackles a crucial but still relatively under-researched aspect of disasters- psychosocial support for survivors.

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В этом сюжете рассматривается важный, но все еще относительно малоисследованный аспект бедствий- оказание психосоциальной поддержки выжившим.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Consistently with the commitment of the mandate to tackling difficult, emerging and under-researched issues, the Special Rapporteur focused her attention

on trafficking in persons for the removal of organs, with a view to contributing to the international conversation at a pivotal point.

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Следуя требованиям мандата в отношении рассмотрения трудных, возникающих и недостаточно исследованных аспектов, Специальный докладчик сосредоточила внимание

на торговле людьми в целях изъятия органов, чтобы внести вклад в обсуждение этого важнейшего вопроса на международном уровне.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

While in OECD countries, the links between ICT, productivity and economic growth have been established(albeit only recently), the more precise impact of investment in ICT for developing countries, notably least developed countries(LDCs),

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странах ОЭСР связи между ИКТ и производительностью и экономическим ростом установлены( хотя лишь недавно), вопрос о более точной оценке отдачи от инвестиций


ИКТ для развивающихся стран,


частности наименее развитых стран( НРС),

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Consistent with the commitment of the mandate to tackling difficult, emerging and under-researched issues, the Special Rapporteur has focused

her attention on trafficking in persons for the removal of organs as a form of exploitation related to trafficking, with a view to contributing to the international conversation at a pivotal point.

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В соответствии с содержащимся в мандате обязательством решать сложные, возникающие и недостаточно изученные вопросы Специальный докладчик сосредоточила свое внимание

на проблеме торговли людьми для целей изъятия органов как одной из форм эксплуатации, связанной с торговлей людьми, с тем чтобы внести вклад в международный диалог на решающем этапе.

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Their needs and problems remain generally under-researched, and there is a starting lack of statistics on the situation of girls;

with the partial exception of education, statistics are rarely disaggregated by gender, especially in health.

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Как правило, их нужды и проблемы по-прежнему изучаются недостаточно, и статистические данные о положении девочек поразительным образом отсутствуют;

за исключением частично сферы образования, статистические данные редко дезагрегируются по признаку пола, особенно в области здравоохранения;

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Asked by: Vivien Mills

Score: 4.6/5
(34 votes)

«Under-researched» is, I’m sure, still at the hyphenated stage; and it may well stay there for quite a long time given the oddity of the «rr» in the conjoined version.

What is under researched?

Adjective. underresearched (comparative more underresearched, superlative most underresearched) Insufficiently researched.

How do you say not well studied?

  1. little-known / little known.
  2. relatively obscure.
  3. poorly studied.
  4. underresearched / under-researched.

Is unresearched a word?

Not systematically investigated or verified. ‘Most likely, I’m experiencing some still relatively unresearched state of consciousness. ‘

Is under used a word?

not completely or sufficiently used: underused talents.

39 related questions found

What is the most underused word?

The 10 most underused words in English

  • Caterwaul. A shrill howling or wailing noise. …
  • Concinnity. The skilful and harmonious arrangement or fitting together of the different parts of something. …
  • Knavery. A roguish or mischievous act. …
  • Melange. A mixture of different things. …
  • Obambulate. …
  • Opsimath. …
  • Philistine. …
  • Rapscallion.

What do you call someone who is uneducated?

unschooled, illiterate, ignorant, empty-headed, ignoramus, uncultivated, uncultured, unlearned, unrefined, untaught, benighted, uninstructed, know-nothing, lowbrow, unlettered, unread, untutored.

What is a synonym for unexplored?

In this page you can discover 13 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for unexplored, like: terra-incognita, undiscovered, uncharted, unfathomed, uninvestigated, undetermined, unplumbed, undeveloped, unpopulated, under-explored and unexploited.

Is Underexamined a word?

Insufficiently examined; overlooked.

What is a word for not fully understood?

»misinterpreted adj. »mistaken adj. »not fully understand exp. »not properly understood exp.

What is Underresearch?

transitive) to study (a role or part) so as to be able to replace the usual actor or actress if necessary. 2. to act as understudy to (an actor or actress) nounWord forms: plural -studies.

What is a research According to Oxford dictionary?

/ˈrisərtʃ/ , /rɪˈsərtʃ/ [uncountable] a careful study of a subject, especially in order to discover new facts or information about it medical/historical/scientific, etc. research to do/conduct/undertake research research (into/on something/somebody) He has carried out extensive research into renewable energy sources.

What is research Merriam Webster?

1 : careful or diligent search. 2 : studious inquiry or examination especially : investigation or experimentation aimed at the discovery and interpretation of facts, revision of accepted theories or laws in the light of new facts, or practical application of such new or revised theories or laws.

What is unexplored land called?

an unknown or unexplored land, region, or subject.

What is the opposite of unexplored?

Antonyms & Near Antonyms for unexplored. detected, discovered, identified.

What is terra incognita?

: unknown territory : an unexplored country or field of knowledge.

What is a fancy word for dumb?

Some common synonyms of dumb are crass, dense, dull, and stupid.

What’s a word for not smart?

unintelligent Add to list Share. Unintelligent means exactly what it sounds like it means––not intelligent, not smart.

What type of word is uneducated?

not educated.

What words are no longer used?

Here are seven words I think we should start using again immediately.

  • Facetious. Pronounced “fah-see-shuss”, this word describes when someone doesn’t take a situation seriously, which ironically is very serious indeed. …
  • Henceforth. …
  • Ostentatious. …
  • Morrow. …
  • Crapulous. …
  • Kerfuffle. …
  • Obsequious.

What word means not used?

synonyms for not used to

ignorant. uninformed. incompetent. inexperienced.

What is a useless person called?

fruitless, worthless, stupid, impractical, inoperative, ineffectual, unworkable, meaningless, idle, ineffective, futile, unproductive, pointless, incompetent, hopeless, counterproductive, no good, abortive, bootless, disadvantageous.

What is a cabalistic person?

Cabalistic is a way of saying “secretive or mysterious.» A book of ancient, mystical texts would be considered cabalistic. Any society or practice that’s secretive and somewhat spiritual or mystical could also get the cabalistic label. The root is ultimately from Hebrew qabbalah, something handed down.

  • #1

Thus far, the detrimental effects of trust have been a underresearched area.

Is underresearched correct? Would you suggest a different word in order to facilitate the fluency/flow?

Thanks ;)

    • #2

    Thus far, the detrimental effects of trust have been a underresearched area.

    Is underresearched correct? Would you suggest a different word in order to facilitate the fluency/flow?

    Thanks ;)

    Thus far, the detrimental effects of trust have been an underresearched area.

    I’ve never heard the word underresearched used before, but I would know what it meant.

    I would use neither underresearched, nor the word area—as you are comparing effects to an area….

    Would this work…

    Thus far, the detrimental effects of trust have not been researched extensively.


    • #4

    Thus far, the detrimental effects of trust have been a underresearched area.

    Is underresearched correct? Would you suggest a different word in order to facilitate the fluency/flow?

    Thanks ;)

    I’m quite happy with the original word; but I’d put a hyphen in it: «under-researched».

    One of the interesting features of English today is the way two-word couplings are moving from separate words — to hyphenated words — to conjoined words with no hyphen.

    «Under-researched» is, I’m sure, still at the hyphenated stage; and it may well stay there for quite a long time given the oddity of the «rr» in the conjoined version.


    • #5

    Loob, thanks a lot. I think that your observation is very interesting.
    I will put a hyphen in it. :)


    • #6


    Don’t forget, too, that it’s *an* under-researched area (your original post had *a* which I’m sure was a typo)

    All the best


    Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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    under- +‎ researched


    underresearched (comparative more underresearched, superlative most underresearched)

    1. Insufficiently researched.

    Retrieved from «https://en.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?title=underresearched&oldid=71369629»


    • English terms prefixed with under-
    • English lemmas
    • English adjectives
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    • unLove


    from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

    • adjective Insufficiently researched.


    from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

    under- +‎ researched


    Help support Wordnik (and make this page ad-free) by adopting the word underresearched.


    • The nice thing about a possibly excessive focus on a limited number of worlds is that emerging researchers can then focus on underresearched worlds to counter misconceptions based on that excessive focus or simply make a name for themselves by studying something a bit different.

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    • It also feels underresearched and hurried, yet another example of a curator (Barbara Millstein in this case) overdelegating to a selection committee.

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    • Companies were still undiscovered and underresearched but had the potential to become future blue chips.

      The Emerging Markets Century

    • It’s a story about — about an important and probably underdiscussed and underresearched part of our history.

      The Wreck of the Henrietta Marie: An African-American’s Spiritual Journey to Uncover a Sunken Slave Ship’s Past

    • She added, however, that she believed this era was not a low point in American printmaking; it simply remains underresearched and, as a result, poorly collected.

      NYT > Home Page

    • Gay male-parent families remain underresearched, but their daunting routes to parenthood seem likely to select more for strengths than limitations.

      The Full Feed from HuffingtonPost.com

    • Gay male-parent families remain underresearched, but their daunting routes to parenthood seem likely to select more for strengths than limitations.

      The Full Feed from HuffingtonPost.com

    • So, the Rolling Stone article on McCain — the article that was proven to have been severely underresearched — is what you want to use to make a judgment call about the presidency.

      Top Stories — Google News

    • This reads like very poor and underresearched fiction; additionally, it appears to have first appeared anonymously on a PETA discussion board, which are not famously bastions of critical thinking.

      Original Signal — Transmitting Buzz

    • In Nostratic, on the other hand, there is still no reconstruction of Proto-Eskimo-Aleut, and the latest three reconstructions of Proto-Afro-Asiatic (one of them extremely dependent on the way Arabic dictionaries are traditionally organized…) contradict each other on fairly important issues, not to mention the fact that plenty of AA languages are drastically underresearched and the fact that the hypothesis that Omotic is more closely related to (the rest of) AA than to anything else within Nostratic has recently turned out to be very, very poorly supported.

      How NOT to reconstruct a protolanguage

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    • Under-researched and perfunctory (no editor or reporter wants this unrewarding, time-consuming assignment), tending toward hyperbole (once a writer has picked things to preview, he has to justify his choices), previews nonetheless provide a valuable service.

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    1. underresearchedadjective

      Insufficiently researched.

    How to pronounce underresearched?

    How to say underresearched in sign language?


    1. Chaldean Numerology

      The numerical value of underresearched in Chaldean Numerology is: 3

    2. Pythagorean Numerology

      The numerical value of underresearched in Pythagorean Numerology is: 4


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