Word for unable to happen

unable to
не в состоянии

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «unable to» в других словарях:

  • Unable — Un*a ble, a. Not able; not having sufficient strength, means, knowledge, skill, or the like; impotent weak; helpless; incapable; now usually followed by an infinitive or an adverbial phrase; as, unable for work; unable to bear fatigue. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • unable — I adjective defenseless, disabled, feckless, forceless, helpless, impotent, inadequate, incapable, incompetent, ineffective, inefficient, inept, inoperative, insufficient, lame, notable, powerless, unfit, unqualified, useless, worthless II index… …   Law dictionary

  • unable — (adj.) late 14c., lacking in ability, incapable, from UN (Cf. un ) (1) not + ABLE (Cf. able). Modeled on O.Fr. inhabile or L. inhabilis …   Etymology dictionary

  • unable — [adj] not having talent, skill can’t cut it*, can’t hack it*, can’t make the grade*, clumsy, helpless, hog tied*, impotent, impuissant, inadequate, incapable, incapacitated, incompetent, ineffectual, inefficacious, inefficient, inept, inoperative …   New thesaurus

  • unable — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ lacking the skill, means, or opportunity to do something …   English terms dictionary

  • unable — [un ā′bəl] adj. 1. not able; lacking the ability, means, or power to do something 2. incompetent 3. helpless; feeble …   English World dictionary

  • unable — adj. VERBS ▪ appear, be, feel, prove, seem ▪ become ▪ remain ▪ find yourself …   Collocations dictionary

  • unable — un|a|ble [ ʌn eıbl ] adjective *** unable to do something FORMAL not able to do something. In ordinary speech can t do something is the more usual way of saying this: Some of the children were unable to read or write. feel unable to do something …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • unable — adj. (cannot stand alone) unable to + inf. (she is unable to work today) * * * [ʌn eɪb(ə)l] (cannot stand alone) unable to + int. (she is unable to work today) …   Combinatory dictionary

  • unable — un|a|ble W2S3 [ʌnˈeıbəl] adj [not before noun] not able to do something →↑inability unable to do sth ▪ Lucy was unable to find out what had happened. ▪ Unable to sleep, I got up and made myself a drink …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • unable — [[t]ʌne͟ɪb(ə)l[/t]] ♦♦♦ ADJ: v link ADJ to inf If you are unable to do something, it is impossible for you to do it, for example because you do not have the necessary skill or knowledge, or because you do not have enough time or money. The… …   English dictionary

unable to — перевод на русский

I’m unable to

Я не могу…

I was embarrassed to tell you… I’m unable to sleep without a lamp on.

Не хотела беспокоить тебя… я не могу уснуть без света.

I’m unable to take your call just now.

Я не могу сейчас подойти к телефону.

«Deeply regret Brinkley Court a hundred miles from London, «as unable to hit you with brick.

Сожалею, что нахожусь за сто миль от Лондона и не могу пришибить тебя кирпичом.

I am unable to access its main computer so it is impossible to determine its exact location.

Я не могу получить доступ к его главному компьютеру, поэтому я не могу определить точные координаты передачи.

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«We are unable to hear.»

«Мы не в состоянии услышать.»

A society unable to imagine their future.

Общество, которое не в состоянии представить свое будущее.

…scientists have been unable to account for the atmospheric conditions now effecting… 5-7 coming in Commander.

… ученые не в состоянии объяснить атмосферные условия, которые мы наблюдаем … Мы получили код 5-7, коммандер,

On the grounds that the captain, because of his affliction, is unable to perform his duties.

На том, что капитан из-за своего недуга не в состоянии выполнять свои обязанности.

Master, my husband is unable to fornicate with me .

Доктор, мой муж не в состоянии совокупиться со мной…

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Because of the crowded condition of the calendar, I regret to state that the court has been unable to give this case the consideration it merits.

В связи с напряженным графиком работы, я вынужден заявить, что суд не смог рассмотреть это дело должным образом.

My science officer, Mr. Spock, is unable to account for this since he reported no signs of life on the planet.

Мой глава научной службы, м-р Спок, не смог объяснить это. Ведь согласно его отчету, жизнь на планете отсутствует.

I may have entered this cyborg body because I was unable to crack Section 6’s attack protection but it was of my own free will that I came here.

Мне пришлось войти в это тело потому,… что я не смог взломать защиту 6-го отдела,… и моё здесь пребывание — мой собственный выбор.

He traveled so far of good and evil it would be unable to see the telescope by a beautiful clear night.

Он настолько отдалился от понятий добра и зла что не смог бы различить их даже в телескоп в ясную ночь.

But when Morris was unable to raise the money he brazenly used his political influence to have gold deposited in the bank which had been loaned to America by France.

Ќо когда ћоррис не смог набрать эту сумму, он незамедлительно пустил в ход свое политическое вли€ние, чтобы вз€ть кредит золотом у своих друзей-банкиров в ≈вропе.

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But he spent his last months on this earth unable to get all the conditioner out of his hair.

Но он провёл последние месяцы на Земле неспособный смыть весь кондиционер с волос.

You get to live forever. Unable to move, to touch, or to feel. Or to affect anything in the world around you.

Ты будешь жить вечно, …неспособный двигаться, прикасаться, …или чувствовать или влиять на что — нибудь в мире вокруг себя.

These wild, free-roaming animals, and their offspring, find themselves unable to live a natural life, can never take even a few steps or feel the earth beneath their feet.

Эти дикие, свободно бродящие животные, и их потомство, окажитесь неспособный жить естественной жизнью, никогда не может делать даже несколько шагов или чувствуйте землю ниже их ног.

I came to malaysia unable to bear your torture.

Я прилетел в Малайзию, неспособный больше выдерживать твоих пыток.

Unable to offer you even one bowl of rice

Неспособный предложить тебе даже чашку риса

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Madame Grandfort, perhaps if you are unable to continue �

Мадам Грандфор, если вы не в силах продолжать…

You stood in front of me, waiting perhaps, as if unable to take another step forward or turn back.

Вы стояли передо мной, быть может, в ожидании, — как будто не в силах ни сделать шаг вперед, ни вернуться назад.

In the middle of a marsh he was to fall into a mire where, unable to save himself, he would lose his life.

В середине болота он должен был упасть в трясину, где, не в силах спастись, расставался с жизнью.

One morning, unable to bear it anymore, she decided to return to her convent.

Однажды, не в силах больше сдерживаться, она решила вернуться в обитель.

That is because I am still unable to fully judge… your present feelings as to past events.

Мадам, это оттого, что я все еще не в силах судить о том, как вы относитесь к происшедшему.

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We’ve been trying, But he left town, and we’ve been unable to find him.

Мы собирались, но он уехал из города, и мы не могли найти его.

So the first thing Walter has to do to prove that he’s not crazy is find evidence that 200 cops and friends of Tex were unable to find 20 years ago.

Но сначала, чтобы доказать, что он не сумасшедший, он должен найти доказательство, которое 200 копов и добровольцев не могли найти 20 лет назад.

In the past, they were unable to find an unblemished red heifer, but now…

Раньше они не могли найти рыжую телку без изъяна, а теперь…

Lucky enough that Cadmus was moving their most valuable prisoner, a guy that the DEO has been unable to find for over 15 years?

Настолько, чтобы Кадмус перевозил своего самого ценного заключенного, парня, которого ДЭО не могли найти более 15 лет?

The reason why you’ve been unable to locate Mr. Thawne and his partners all this time is because they’ve

Причина, по которой вы не могли найти мистера Тоуна и его партнеров все это время, потому что

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Since Commander Tuvok has been unable to round up any suspects, I’d like to ask that stronger measures be taken.

Поскольку коммандер Тувок не смог найти никаких подозреваемых, я хотел бы попросить принять более строгие меры.

I have been unable to recover the power of appointment… signed by Simon Dunne.

Я не смог найти доверенность, подписанную Саймоном Данном.

At the end of the 18th century, Tennant didn’t yet know that elements were made of atoms, so he was unable to find the answer.

¬ конце 18 века «еннант еще не знал, что элементы состо€т из атомов, поэтому он не смог найти ответ.

My husband has been unable to find employment…

Мой муж не смог найти работу …

I was unable to find the bomber, but I did save a passenger on the train.

Я не смог найти террориста, но я спас пассажирку поезда.

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— No, he’s unable to.

— Он не способен.

…unable to distinguish between the White Guardian and the Black Guardian!

… и не способен отличить Белого Стража от Черного!

You’re unable to..

Ты не способен…

I was already unable to live in reality;

Жить в настоящем я был уже не способен.

Therefore, Stan is unable to use self-control. And so he acts out aggressively.

Поэтому Стэн не способен себя контролировать отсюда и его агрессия.

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Reaction from— We were unable to get a neural-

Реакцию от— Мы не смогли получить нервный-

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction-

Мы применили кортикальные электроды, но не смогли получить нервную реакцию-

Unable to get a neural-

Не смогли получить нервный-

Unable to get a neural— Yeah, yeah, I got it.

Не смогли получить нервный — Да, да, я усек — Я усек

Unable to get a neural response.

Не смогли получить нервный отклик.

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Dr. Xavier is unable to speak for himself, but his work speaks for him.

ƒр. Ёкзевиер не может говорить, но его работа говорит за него.

He’s fully conscious, but he’s unable to speak.

Он в полном сознании, но не может говорить.

Well, to make matters worse, the stroke left him unable to speak, so no one knows who the man is, where he comes from.

Да, и что еще хуже, после инсульта он не может говорить, так что никто не знает, кто он такой и откуда.

He has been unable to talk of anything else for days.

Он целыми днями не мог говорить ни о чем другом.

I mean, this poor fellow would have been… fully conscious and yet unable to speak.

То есть, бедняга был… полностью в сознании, но не мог говорить.

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Jobs disappeared and wages plummeted, leaving people desperate and charities unable to cope.

Рабочие места исчезли, и заработная плата резко упала, оставив людей отчаянными и благотворительные учреждения неспособный справиться.

More and more people are becoming unable to accept traditional beliefs.

Как видно из предыдущего изложения, все больше людей становятся неспособными принять традиционные верования.

Spock was often unable to understand the emotions that underlie human behavior.

Спок был часто не в состоянии понять эмоции, которые лежали в основе человеческого поведения.

He committed suicide after being unable to resolve a trivial matter.

Он совершил самоубийство, так как был не в состоянии решить тривиальный вопрос.

They were unable to cut any vital railway.

Они не смогли перерезать ни одной жизненно важной железной дороги.

The nation seemed unable to control events, including economic affairs.

Казалось, что страна больше не в состоянии контролировать события, в том числе и экономические дела.

The 5-year-old was unable to speak.

If unable to fall asleep within 20 minutes.

This means that people are awake but unable to move.

Our physicians are unable to return every call personally.

К сожалению, наши менеджеры физически не успевают отвечать на каждый звонок.

He was unable to torture defenceless people.

Those who carry the infection are unable to work.

Особы, которые могут быть носителями инфекции, не допускаются к работе.

Muhammad protested that he was unable to read.

Мухаммед, будучи неграмотным, возразил, заявив, что он не умеет читать.

However, I was unable to translate these words into practice.

С другой стороны, мы не видим, чтобы эти слова воплощались на практике.

The questions continued so quickly I was unable to answer.

Эти вопросы сыпались так быстро, что я не успевал на них отвечать.

Sorry I was unable to convince you.

Прости мне, что не смог я вразумить тебя.

We apologize that we were unable to succeed.

Due to budget restrictions we are unable to continue.

Сейчас в силу бюджетных ограничений реализовать все планы мы не сможем.

This excludes those who are physically unable to fight.

То есть, остались только те, кто физически не мог воевать.

I was unable to do that fully.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат unable to

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unachievable, unattainable

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People also asked

I’m looking for a word that is the opposite of «adaptable.» I would like to say «unadaptable,» but that’s not a real word according to my dictionary. So, what’s the best word out there for not-able-to-change?

Update: I’m embarrassed to admit I was accidentally searching the Mac’s built-in thesaurus, not dictionary, when I checked to see if unadaptable was a word. My bad! I’ll still award Jasper the answer for pointing out my obvious oversight.

Update 2:

To respond to the various calls for clarification, I’m specifically using this word in a report talking about the development of certain kinds of subdivisions, especially very homogenous single-family subdivisions in outer ring suburban areas. In my report I’m referring to a neighborhood that can change at the micro-level, ie. it can improve or deteriorate, but it cannot change what it is: ie. the infrastructure pattern is not capable of supporting a different land use, and it is not economically feasible to retrofit the infrastructure, therefore the nature of the subdivision cannot be changed, while the condition of the subdivision (if it is deteriorating) may cause people to wish that it could be changed.

So, with that in mind:

  1. Why not immutable?» Immutable is a great word, but I understand it’s connotation to mean «permanent, unchanging», in the sense that something simply is not subject to change, not that it might like to change but cannot.

  2. Why not «inflexible?» Inflexible connotes being «unwilling» to change, or perhaps being able to be changed (or reshaped / bent) but only slowly and with much resistance.

So, in this situation I am looking for an adjective that describes an inability to adapt to changing market conditions by shifting from one land use to another. In this case I specifically use the word «adaptable» in many places to describe the opposite, and given the context I think «unadaptable» will be better understood than any of the other suggestions, even though I am aware of (and agree with) the comments about it’s status as a rarely used and therefore imperfect choice.

Thank you all for the feedback!

Synonym: incapable, incompetent, unfit, unqualified. Antonym: able. Similar words: enable, sustainable, able, cable, table, be able to, tableau, variable. Meaning: [ʌnˈeɪb(ə)l]  adj. 1. (usually followed by `to’) not having the necessary means or skill or know-how 2. (usually followed by `to’) lacking necessary physical or mental ability 3. lacking in power or forcefulness. 

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1. He was unable to escape the array of facts.

2. The firemen were unable to quench the fire.

3. They were unable to gain admittance to the hall.

4. Doctors were unable to save her.

5. The world without you, unable to continue.

6. I’m unable to throw off this feeling of inertia.

7. I found myself unable to speak.

8. They were unable to meet their mortgage repayments.

9. I was unable to bate my enthusiasm.

10. We regret that we are unable to …..

11. She was unable to take up the London posting.

12. Morton stood stunned, unable to believe his ears.

13. I’m still unable to decide what to do.

14. He was unable to take nourishment for several days.

15. She was unable to find employment.

16. Lucy was unable to find out what had happened.

17. She is unable to walk.sentencedict.com/unable.html

18. I’m unable to decide for myself.

19. She found herself unable to meet his gaze.

20. He wants to come but he’s unable to.

21. A bank spokesman was unable to clarify the situation.

22. They were unable to run the telephone network economically.

23. The happy blood is unable the backflow centripetal dirty.

24. A little baby is unable to walk or talk.

25. The two sides were unable to reach agreement.

26. Due to staff shortages, we are unable to offer a full buffet service on this train.

27. I have been unable to trace the letter you mentioned.

28. The police have been unable to find any trace of the gang.

29. You can finish the longest road step by step. But you may be unable to finish the shortest road if you have no action of striding.

30. The morale of the enemy soldiers degenerated, and they were unable to fight.

More similar words: enable, sustainable, able, cable, table, be able to, tableau, variable, bearable, suitable, reliable, vegetable, disabled, available, comparable, favorable, agreeable, on the table, inevitable, acceptable, changeable, vulnerable, tablespoon, remarkable, uncomfortable, be available, unchangeable, considerable, fortunately, complain about. 


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Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. unableadjective

    (usually followed by `to’) not having the necessary means or skill or know-how

    «unable to get to town without a car»; «unable to obtain funds»

    ineffectual, ineffective, unable(p)

    capable, stiff, potent, strong, able

  2. unable(p)adjective

    (usually followed by `to’) lacking necessary physical or mental ability

    «dyslexics are unable to learn to read adequately»; «the sun was unable to melt enough snow»

    stiff, able, strong, capable, potent

  3. ineffective, ineffectual, unableadjective

    lacking in power or forcefulness

    «an ineffectual ruler»; «like an unable phoenix in hot ashes»

    unavailing, otiose, inefficient, uneffective, ineffective, futile, unable(p), ineffectual

    strong, potent, capable, able, stiff

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How to use unable in a sentence?

  1. Randy Savicky:

    Many of the families who suffered losses at Sandy Hook Elementary School were faced with being unable to bring Adam Lanza to justice or otherwise hold him or his mother accountable for what her son was able to do because of her actions.

  2. Pavel Durov:

    As a result, we’ve also been unable to fully comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for our EU-users by the deadline of May 25, 2018. We are continuing our efforts to resolve the situation.

  3. Matthew Searle:

    This is a very vulnerable young girl missing in a remote location. She has been missing for over 24 hours now and it is imperative that every resource available is deployed to search for her, it is possible she has been seen or taken in by somebody and is unable to communicate, so we urge everyone who can to share our appeal poster and social media appeals.

  4. State Department:

    As resources allow, embassies and consulates will continue to provide urgent and emergency visa services, our overseas missions will resume routine visa services as soon as possible but are unable to provide a specific date at this time.

  5. August Fons:

    If you’re struggling with a new infant, and you’re unable to take care of that baby, the best response is to find somebody that can help you at a designated safe haven.


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