Word for two legged animal

‘TWO-LEGGED ANIMAL’ is a 15 letter
starting with T and ending with L

Crossword answers for TWO-LEGGED ANIMAL

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What do you call a 2 footed animal?

A biped is an animal that walks on two legs, with two feet. Human beings are one example of bipeds. Most animals are not bipeds, but mammals that are include kangaroos and some primates.

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Ottavini are small spinets or virginals at four-foot pitch. Harpsichords at octave pitch were more common in the early Renaissance, but lessened in popularity later on. These are sometimes called ‘mother-and-child’ or ‘double’ virginals.

Which of these animals has the most legs?

The anatomical secrets of the world’s leggiest creature, a millipede with 750 legs, have been revealed by scientists. The species, called Illacme plenipes, was first seen 80 years ago but was recently rediscovered in California.

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What is another word for ” two legged animal “?

Need synonyms for two-legged animal? Here’s a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead. Noun. Biped or human. biped. human. humanoid. primate. “Peter Van Tromp, an English-speaking, two-legged animal of the international genus, and by profession of general and more than equivocal utility.”.

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Enter a keyword, choose the length of the word or name you are looking for, enter any letters you already know, or select the first letter of the word – a second and the answer is in front of you!

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Need synonyms for two-legged animal? Here’s a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead. Noun. Biped or human. biped. human. humanoid. primate. “Peter Van Tromp, an English-speaking, two-legged animal of the international genus, and by profession of general and more than equivocal utility.”.

Enter a keyword, choose the length of the word or name you are looking for, enter any letters you already know, or select the first letter of the word – a second and the answer is in front of you!

How to find a bird with 5 letters?

Enter a keyword, choose the length of the word or name you are looking for, enter any letters you already know, or select the first letter of the word – a second and the answer is in front of you! Bird on the U.S. Great Seal with 5 letters

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Is harpsichord hard to play?

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How much does a harpsichord cost?

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What is a permanently frozen arctic plain called?

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Why is the arctic plain called a treeless plain?

The treeless plain of the Arctic region is called tundra. This biome has shrubs, but it is too cold and dark for trees to grow. In addition to the…

Table of Contents

  • 1. What do you call an animal with 2 feet?
  • 2. What is a 5 letter word meaning a small donkey?
  • 3. What is the name of a small donkey?
  • 4. Is Burro a Scrabble word?
  • 5. How to find animals with 5 letters and pattern?
  • 6. Are there any animals that walk on two feet?
  • 7. What do you call animals that walk on all of their limbs?
  • 8. What kind of lizard walks on two legs?
  • 9. What kind of animal has four toes like a cat?
  • 10. What is another word for ” two legged animal “?
  • 11. What is an animal with no feet called?
  • 12. What is a dry streambed called?
  • 13. What are teacup handles called?

A biped is an animal that walks on two legs, with two feet. Human beings are one example of bipeds. Most animals are not bipeds, but mammals that are include kangaroos and some primates.

What is a 5 letter word meaning a small donkey?

What is a 5 letter word meaning “a small donkey”? Whine. Burro.

What is the name of a small donkey?

Small numbers of donkeys are kept for breeding or as pets in developed countries. A male donkey or ass is called a jack, a female a jenny or jennet; a young donkey is a foal….

Species: E. africanus
Subspecies: E. a. asinus
Trinomial name
Equus africanus asinus Linnaeus, 1758

Is Burro a Scrabble word?

Yes, burro is in the scrabble dictionary. You may like this Do you need all the WoW expansions to play?

How to find animals with 5 letters and pattern?

You searched for Animals with 5 letters and pattern = ????? If you need further information on any of the results, use the Instant Lookup links. D = Dictionary.com Return to main index of CataList Crossword Solver – over 100 more word categories for solving those crossword clues.

Are there any animals that walk on two feet?

The monkey is a natural at walking on two feet. Even though when monkeys decide to move quickly, they do so using hands and feet. Monkeys have always been considered the closest relative of human beings. So walking on two feet should not be a problem for these primates.

What do you call animals that walk on all of their limbs?

I very much doubt an actual term for this exists. Since most specialised limbs not used for standing and walking are commonly known as arms, you could simply call them ‘armless’ or, if you’re feeling more Graeco-Roman, abrachial (which would be a nonce neologism). – Janus Bahs Jacquet Feb 3 ’14 at 15:20

What kind of lizard walks on two legs?

Jesus Christ Lizard Walks on Two Legs. All lizards are probably made by the big man himself. But this lizard is given it’s name because of the magnificent feat it does. The Jesus Christ lizard will lift its front legs and then dash across waters on its hind legs.

The monkey is a natural at walking on two feet. Even though when monkeys decide to move quickly, they do so using hands and feet. Monkeys have always been considered the closest relative of human beings. So walking on two feet should not be a problem for these primates. You may like this Does Pokemon Crystal have Battle Frontier?

You searched for Animals with 5 letters and pattern = ????? If you need further information on any of the results, use the Instant Lookup links. D = Dictionary.com Return to main index of CataList Crossword Solver – over 100 more word categories for solving those crossword clues.

What kind of animal has four toes like a cat?

Canines have four toes like cats, but their feet are harder and their claws can be seen as they don’t retract. While the fox walks in a single register, dogs and coyotes walk in an indirect register — their hind legs land a little behind and to the side of the front print, leaving a messier track than that of a cat.

What is another word for ” two legged animal “?

Need synonyms for two-legged animal? Here’s a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead. Noun. Biped or human. biped. human. humanoid. primate. “Peter Van Tromp, an English-speaking, two-legged animal of the international genus, and by profession of general and more than equivocal utility.”.

What is an animal with no feet called?

Invertebrate “legged” animal examples: octopuses, clam species that dig, most insects, spiders, crabs, and lobsters. Vertebrate “legless” animal examples: most fishes, dolphins, narwhals, whales, snakes, legless lizards, legless skinks, caecilians, tadpoles of un-metamorphosed frogs.

What is a dry streambed called?

An arroyo (/əˈrɔɪoʊ/; from Spanish arroyo Spanish: [aˈroʝo], “brook”), also called a wash, is a dry creek, stream bed or gulch that temporarily or seasonally fills and flows after sufficient rain. Flash floods are common in arroyos following thunderstorms.

What are teacup handles called?

teacup handle
Teacup handles
Fill another teacup

two legged animals

Examples of two-legged animals include penguins, ostriches, vultures, eagles, and bats.

A two-legged animal is any type of animal that has only two legs. This includes all mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish.

A biped is an animal that walks on two legs, with two feet.

A two-legged animal is an animal that moves about on just two limbs. Humans, the dominant species of the planet, are classified as two-legged animals because they walk upright with their arms dangling to the side.

1. Bald Eagles

Bald Eagle

Scientific Name Haliaeetus leucocephalus
Type of Animal Bird
Range Alaska and Canada
Diet Carnivore

Bald eagles are one of the most well-known two-legged animals in the world. These birds can be found all across North America, and they’re known for their impressive aerial skills. Bald eagles are opportunistic predators, which means they’ll eat just about anything they come across.

They typically hunt fish, small mammals, snakes, and waterfowl. They hunt by swooping down on their prey from above. Bald eagles are also territorial animals, which means they’ll fight other bald eagles that get too close to the territory in question.

Related Article: Do Bald Eagle Eat Dead Animals?

2. Blue Jays

blue jay

Scientific Name Cyanocitta
Type of Animal Bird
Range central North America
Diet Herbivore

Blue Jays are two-legged animals that are found in the Americas. They have feathers and wings, which they use to fly from tree branch to tree branch while looking for insects or seeds.

Related Article: Do Blue Jays Migrate?

3. Bulldog Bats

Scientific Name Noctilio
Type of Animal Mammal
Range Mexico through Central America
Diet Carnivore

The bulldog bat is a species of bat that walks on its two hind legs. It is the only known mammal that does this and it is thought to be because its front limbs are too small to carry their weight.

4. Cassowaries


Scientific Name Casuarius
Type of Animal Bird
Range Northern Australia
Diet Omnivore

The cassowary is a large, flightless bird that can be found in the rainforests of New Guinea and northeastern Australia. It looks like a cross between an emu and a turkey. It has long legs and necks, as well as a distinctive crest on their heads. It also has, of course, two legs.

5. Ducks


Scientific Name Anas platyrhynchos
Type of Animal Bird
Range Mediterranean basin and into Russia
Diet Omnivore

The duck is a small waterfowl that can be found throughout the world. This species walk on their two legs when they are on land, and also use them to kick and swim through the water.

6. Emperor Penguins


Scientific Name Aptenodytes forsteri
Type of Animal Bird
Range Antarctica
Diet Carnivore

Emperor Penguins (Aptenodytes forsteri), also known as emperors, are the largest species of penguin. They can grow to over 4.3 ft. tall and weigh up to 51 lbs. All emperor penguins live along the Antarctic coastlines in colonies that may number thousands or tens of thousands of individuals during the breeding season.

Read Also: Do Emperor Penguins Live in Antarctica?

7. Emus


Scientific Name Dromaius novaehollandiae
Type of Animal Bird
Range Australia
Diet Omnivore

Emus are flightless birds native to Australia. Their name derives from an aboriginal word for “large bird”. Emu eggs taste similar to chicken eggs and have a lot of nutritional value, though some people may find their strong flavor too much to handle.

8. Flamingos


Scientific Name Phoenicopterus
Type of Animal Bird
Range Florida
Diet Omnivore

The flamingo is a beautiful bird that lives in the tropics. These birds stand on just two legs to wade in the water and search for food. Flamingos are very social birds and can be found in large flocks.

9. Flying Foxes

Grey-Headed Flying-Fox

Scientific Name Pteropus
Type of Animal Mammal
Range tropical islands from Madagascar to Australia
Diet Herbivore

The flying fox is a type of bat that has two legs and wings. They use their legs to cling to trees as they fly around looking for food.

Their bodies are a light brown color and they have large ears. Their teeth are also very sharp so that they can eat insects, fruit, and leaves.

10. Geese

A gander of geese

Scientific Name Anser
Type of Animal Bird
Range Worldwide
Diet Herbivore

Geese are found around the world, with some species such as the Canada Goose enjoying particular fame. They’re known for being quite rude and pesky creatures. Like their cousins the ducks, geese walk on two feet.

11. Gibbons


Scientific Name Hylobatidae
Type of Animal Mammal
Range Southeast Asia
Diet Omnivore

Gibbons live in southeast Asia and have two arms and two legs, like humans. However, their long arms and strong hands allow them to swing from branch to branch and even live entirely up in trees if need be.

12. Golden Eagles

golden eagle

Scientific Name Aquila chrysaetos
Type of Animal Bird
Range Mexico through much of western North America as far north as Alaska
Diet Carnivore

The golden eagle is a large bird of prey that is found in North America, Europe, and Asia. These eagles have powerful talons that they use to snatch up their prey. They are also known for their characteristic call which sounds like “kaa-yaa.”

13. Gorillas

Silverback Gorilla standing in a clearing

Scientific Name Gorilla
Type of Animal Mammal
Range equatorial Africa
Diet Herbivore

Gorillas are the largest of the living primates with no tails. They are closely related to humans, and their DNA is 98% similar to ours.

Gorillas live in Africa and can be found in a number of different habitats, from rain forests to dry woodlands. There are two species of gorilla—the mountain gorilla and the lowland gorilla.

14. Humans


Scientific Name Homo sapiens
Type of Animal Mammal
Range Worldwide
Diet Omnivore

The dominant species on the planet, humans are classified as two-legged animals because they walk upright with their arms dangling to the side. While not all humans have mastered bipedalism, it is still considered the primary means of human locomotion.

Bipedalism allows for greater speed and agility when running or escaping predators.

15. Hummingbirds

Ruby-Throated Hummingbird

Scientific Name Trochilidae
Type of Animal Bird
Range Tierra Del Fuego to southern Alaska
Diet Omnivore

Hummingbirds are also two-legged animals. They have short, stubby legs and they flap them furiously in order to fly through the air.

16. Kangaroos


Scientific Name Macropus rufus
Type of Animal Mammal
Range Australia
Diet Herbivore

The red kangaroo is the largest marsupial in the world. It ranges in size from 95 to 165 cm (37 to 65 in) tall and weighs from 18 to 90 kg (40 to 198 lb). It has long legs, which it uses for hopping.

It has two legs and doesn’t take steps, but rather hops around. It also cannot walk or hop backwards!

The red kangaroo is found across Australia and eats mostly grasses, but also some shrubs and trees. They are preyed upon by dingoes, dogs, Tasmanian devils, and birds of prey. The red kangaroo is a popular game animal and its meat is considered a delicacy.

Related Article: What Eats Kangaroos?

17. Kites

Scientific Name Milvus migrans
Type of Animal Bird
Range North America, Central America, South America, Australia, Eurasia, Africa
Diet Carnivore

The black kite is a two-legged animal that lives in the forests and grasslands of Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, and North America. They are scavengers that feed on dead animals or fish they find on the ground. They also eat insects, lizards, small mammals, and eggs.

These birds have dark brown feathers with lighter markings on their wings and tails. They have a long, forked tail and a hooked beak. Black kites can be up to 26 inches in length and have a wingspan of 43 inches.

18. Mallard Duck


Scientific Name Anas platyrhynchos
Type of Animal Bird
Range Northern Hemisphere
Diet Omnivore

The mallard is a common duck that can be found in many parts of the world. These birds are able to walk on just two legs due to their specially adapted feet. Mallards use their strong toes to grip the surface beneath them, allowing them to move quickly and easily even when they are not in water.

19. Orangutans


Scientific Name Pongo
Type of Animal Mammal
Range Borneo
Diet Omnivore

The orangutan is the largest arboreal mammal in the world. They are found in the rainforests of Borneo and Sumatra.

Like humans, orangutans have two legs and two arms, however they use their arms to get about much more than humans. They’re as comfortable swimming in trees as they are walking on the ground.

These animals have long reddish-brown hair, and males can weigh up to 200 pounds. Orangutans are the only Great Ape that does not have a tail.

20. Ostriches


Scientific Name Struthio camelus
Type of Animal Bird
Range Africa
Diet Herbivore

Ostriches are two-legged animals that live in Africa. They have long necks and run very fast. Ostriches can be found on the African savannahs, where they eat grasses and insects.

21. Penguins

African Penguin

Scientific Name Spheniscus demersus
Type of Animal Bird
Range Colder areas of the world
Diet Carnivore

The Penguin has two legs and wings, but it cannot fly. Instead of flying, this animal waddles on land using both feet to propel itself forward. It’s also an excellent swimmer, shooting like a dart through the water.

Related Article: Do African Penguin Have Ears?

22. Rhea


Scientific Name Rhea americana
Type of Animal Bird
Range southeastern South America
Diet Omnivore

The greater rhea is a large, flightless bird that ranges in size from 3-5 feet (0.9-1.5 meters) tall and weighs anywhere from 33 and 66 pounds (15 and 30. They have long legs, which they use for running and jumping.

Greater rheas live in open areas across South America and eat a variety of plants and animals. They are preyed upon by foxes, jaguars, cougars, and birds of prey. The greater rhea is a popular game bird and its meat is considered a delicacy.

23. Robins (American Robin)


Scientific Name Turdus migratorius
Type of Animal Bird
Range anywhere south of Canada in North America
Diet Omnivore

The American Robin is a bird that lives in North America and can be found across the United States. It has been reported to travel as far north as Canada, but most birds do not make it past Pennsylvania.

The robin is known for its red breast and black body with several white spots. They are very common throughout their range which makes them popular among bird watchers. They are omnivores which means they will eat both meat and plants if given the chance.

Related Article: Do American Robin Whistle?

24. Secretary Bird

Secretary Bird

Scientific Name Sagittarius serpentarius
Type of Animal Bird
Range sub-Saharan Africa
Diet Carnivore

The secretary bird is a large, predatory bird found in Africa. It has very long legs, which it uses for running and hunting prey. It also uses its long legs to stand on top of prey, killing it with its sharp talons.

The secretary bird is a large bird, typically reaching heights of four feet. It has black and white feathers, with a long tail. It feeds mainly on small animals, such as rodents, lizards, and insects. The secretary bird is listed as Least Concern by the IUCN, due to its wide distribution and large population.

25. Starlings

Violet-Backed Starling

Scientific Name Sturnidae
Type of Animal Bird
Range Asia and Africa
Diet Omnivore

Starlings are a type of bird that walks on two legs. They are known for their intelligence and social behavior. Starlings often gather in large flocks to migrate or roost.

26. Turkey Vulture

Turkey Vulture

Scientific Name Cathartes aura
Type of Animal Bird
Range east up to Tennessee
Diet Carnivore

The turkey vulture is the most common vulture in North America. These birds can be identified by their blackheads and red, featherless necks. Turkey’s vultures are scavengers and feed on the carcasses of dead animals.

27. Vultures


Scientific Name Coragyps atratus
Type of Animal Bird
Range the northeastern United States to Peru, Central Chile, and Uruguay in South America
Diet Carnivore

A vulture is a scavenger found in the Americas. They are named for their dark color, but they also have white feathers on their wings and underbelly. Vultures typically live by rivers or lakes where there is plenty of food to eat.

28. Wallaby


Scientific Name Notamacropus
Type of Animal Mammal
Range Australia
Diet Herbivore

Wallabies are smaller cousins to Kangaroos and share the same climates. Like kangaroos, they don’t walk but rather hop.

Wallabies are herbivores, which means they eat plants. They enjoy eating the nectar inside of flowers and will sometimes even pull them out to get at it.

More Two-Legged Animals:

  • Jerboas
  • Monkeys
  • King Vultures
  • Ospreys
  • Lyrebirds


Hi, I’m Garreth. Living in South Africa I’ve had the pleasure of seeing most of these animals up close and personal. When I was younger I always wanted to be a game ranger but unfortunately, life happens and now at least I get to write about them and tell you my experiences.

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