Word for trying to look good

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And most importantly for me,- the warden was going to look good in front of his wife.

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She needs to look good, because all the students evaluate people by their clothes.

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I, m just saying


the attractive girl that you used to look good.

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Я просто разговариваю с симпатичной девушкой. Она хорошо выглядит, как ты когда-то.

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Oh, Keisha’s coming over


tutor Drew today and I want to look good.

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Я хочу выглядеть сегодня на все сто ради тебя♪.

However, there are three secret, How to look good in winter in style.

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Однако есть три секрета, как выглядеть зимой потрясающе стильно.

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with a special light brown paint that resembled the color of nylon.

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покрывать ноги специальной краской светло-коричневых оттенков, имитирующей цвет нейлона.

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I want to look good when I go out


my customers and the bag helps me on the way



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Я хочу хорошо выглядеть, когда я выхожу к своим клиентам, и мешок помогает мне на пути к этому.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

However, you want to look good on your wedding day

and Fit right in a very expensive dress you will wear only once in life.

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и Fit права в это очень дорогое платье вы будете носить только раз в жизни.

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She’s a girl of slender means going out


meet someone she wanted to look good for.

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In case you want your wig to look good for a long time, you will have


turn your attention


the proper storage of your wig.

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В случае, если вы хотите, чтобы ваш парик, чтобы хорошо выглядеть в течение длительного времени,

вы должны обратить внимание на правильное хранение вашего парика.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Women want


be beautiful, men want to look good, but no-one wants

to look

like they have received injections

or been under the scalpel.

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Женщины желают быть красивыми, мужчины хотят хорошо выглядеть, но никто не хочет


так, будто его обработали скальпелем или накачали силиконом.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Results: 142,
Time: 0.0285





I can’t remember this word, used more recently in last 5-10 years of the social justice movements. An example would be someone doing black out tuesday for BLM just so people think they support the the cause, but then dont do anything else to help the movement.

level 1

Can’t remember for the life of me!

level 1

Virtue Signaling?
Performative Activism?

level 2

Virtue Signaling yes! Thank you!

level 2

Congratulations, you have been given 1 point for solving this post!

level 1

Armchair activism? Probably Hollifo is right tho

  • #1

Bonjour :)

I am trying to say:

‘The desire to look good extends beyond clothing’

but I’ m not sure of the phrase ‘to look good’

I have

La désir de sembler bonne étend au delà des vêtements’

but I think that ‘sembler bonne’ is not correct in this context, am I right?

Also, is ‘étend’ the correct word for ‘extend’ in this context?

Sorry for all the questions!! Merci d’avance!

  • pieanne

    • #2

    Le désir de paraître à son avantage s’étend au-delà des vêtements

    • #3

    Hum, «étendre» is the correct word, but needs a pronoun: «s’étendre». You can also use «aller au-delà de».

    And no «sembler bonne» is no correct: literally, it’s about «avoir grande allure, être beau et/ou bien habillé». Here you can use «bien présenter» as in: «le désir de bien présenter va au-delà de l’habillement»; or maybe «les vêtements ne sont pas les seuls concernés par ce désir de bien présenter.»

    • #4

    fantastique, merci beaucoup!!

    • #5

    Très utilisé également dans le sens de «avoir bonne mine».

    You look good, Al !
    Tu as bonne mine/tu as l’air en pleine forme, Al.

    Updated on April 11, 2023 by

    Picture Portraying How To Look Good: 20 Ideas That Make You More Attractive

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    Pretty Blonde Woman Shows How To Look Good

    No matter who we are, what we do, and what we’re working on, everybody wants to know how to look good.

    Let’s admit that our society is fixated on our looks, and even though we see a ton of gorgeous variety lately, there’s still a constant pressure to look good everywhere you go.

    And to be honest, I don’t think it’s a bad thing. Knowing how to look good can open a ton of doors for you, it can help you to win the hearts of those you like and it can even help you to make a better career. It’s ugly, but it is true, and you can take advantage of it. Even more – you can really thrive in your life (no matter your age!), using your self-love, self-care, and self-worth to emphasize and enhance your natural beauty. Don’t forget that beauty is often in the eyes and ears of the beholder, and there is always more than meets the eye! But in this article, let’s look at some practical tips that will help you to look your best anytime.

    What Does It Mean To Look Good?

    To look good means you’re looking your absolute best – healthy, happy, pretty, and put together.

    It’s important to note that to look good doesn’t mean you have to follow some kind of specific beauty standard or try to look like your favorite Instagram model. You don’t have to be perfect.

    Knowing how to look good is more about learning a few essential style and beauty rules that can make anyone stand out. It’s about emphasizing your unique features, your personality, and the way you see the world around you. It’s important to note that when you look good and feel attractive, your whole life is influenced in a positive way.

    According to Dr. Nina, beauty is being the best version of yourself inside and out. You probably have experienced bad hair days and days when you feel stunningly beautiful. Now, you realize how ironic or odd people are who look perfect but say they feel ugly when asked to describe themselves. So, strive to always feel and look good by doubling your efforts to reap the rewarding benefits.

    While each person has a subjective statement about beauty, what the eyes see extends beyond the skin’s surface. Attractiveness encompasses different factors, including grooming, health, confidence, fashion sense, and posture. So, what are the practical ways to look more attractive?

    Here’s how to look good, boost your attractiveness and make everything about you extremely magnetizing!

    How To Look Good: 16 Ideas That Make You More Attractive

    PART 1: How To Look Good In General

    1. Put Your Hygiene First

    Just to clarify a bit – I’m not making any accusations here! Just the basic rules, okay? Okay.

    No matter who you are and what you do, if you want to look good, you must always be clean and smell nice. Nothing is more off-putting than a person who smells like sweat and skips the basic hygiene rules. To make an uplifting foundation for anything else you do with your appearance, always start your day with a shower, a bath, or a quick freshen-up session. Wash and brush your hair (use dry shampoo when you’re out of time), cleanse your skin, and make sure you wear clean seamless panties. And remember – if you can smell yourself a little, everyone else can smell you a lot.

    Hygiene Bath In Order To Look Good

    2. Find Your Signature Perfume

    … Or how to look good with minimal effort! Believe it or not, a good and fitting perfume is your straightway to that.

    An interesting, sensual, or original smell can say a lot about your personality and create a magnetic aura around you. Smelling good is extremely attractive and all you have to do is find that one perfume that fits your personality, style (and nose!) perfectly.

    Do not flood yourself with an ocean of perfume though – a few spritzes on your neck or hair are enough and you’ll be turning heads for sure. Less is always more when you want to look good!

    Designer Perfume As An Accessory That Makes You Look Good

    Vera Wang Princess by Vera Wang

    3. Keep Your Clothes Clean And Ironed

    If you want to look good absolutely anywhere and no matter what you wear, make sure your clothes are always clean (especially your underwear) and ironed. Even an inexpensive style can look good if everything is clean, spotless, and wrinkle-free. (P.S. you can also check our review on how to look expensive without spending a lot).

    4. Embrace Your Hair

    Messy, lifeless, and oily hair can really diminish all of your effort to look good… On the other hand, a beautiful and stylish hairstyle can frame your face, emphasize your personality, and mesmerize everyone around you (especially if your hair is long, strong, and healthy).

    If you want your hair to look good every day with as little effort as possible, choose a simple, stylish, and easy-to-care-for haircut. Your hairstylist can help you to choose, but here are some ideas for inspiration!

    1. Medium long, straight balayage is perfect for any occasion and is very easy to style

    2. Beautiful gentle, wavy curls create a modern, stylish, and chic look that looks cute and sophisticated

    3. Want to look good AND save time in the morning? Pick a long bob! (Plus, it fits most of the faces and gives you a sensual, femme fatale look)

    A quick tip: if you want to heal and hydrate your hair but don’t have time for that in the morning, apply olive oil to your hair and go to sleep. Wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner in the morning. Your hair will be shiny, soft, and eventually – a lot healthier.

    5. Master Your Makeup Game

    If you want to look good, why not emphasize your best features with makeup?

    High-quality makeup is every girl’s best friend and to be honest, it’s hard to imagine our world without it. Now, to look good and never overdone, look for multi-use products that make your skin look good while giving you a natural finish.

    You can never go wrong with a simple makeup kit:

    • Neutral eyeshadow;
    • Lash-lengthening mascara;
    • Black eyeliner;
    • Lightweight (and even slightly shimmery) BB cream;
    • Contouring kit;
    • A rosy blush for your cheeks;
    • Translucent powder;
    • A simple highlight kit.

    Lately, I’ve been in love with this amazing sculpting kit by Rimmel:

    Rimmerl Sculpting Makeup Kit That Makes Face Look Good

    Rimmel London Kate Sculpting & Highlighting Kit – 003 Golden Bronze

    The colors are absolutely stunning (the photo does not show their beauty!), natural and it’s actually the only sculpting combo that makes me look like I’ve just stepped from a fashion show. I am not a huge fan of blushes in general, but this color is so natural and peachy that it looks absolutely gorgeous on my face.

    The highlighter in this kit is also on point – not too shimmery, not too shiny, just gently glowy and perfect for any time of the day. Plus, it’s super affordable so you can stock up and rock an attractive and natural-looking, sculpted face wherever you go.

    6. Straighten Your Posture

    Our body language is half of our image. If you’re just learning how to look good, definitely put good posture at the top of your list.

    Instead of walking in a hunched, uncomfortable and insecure posture, straighten up! Stand tall, keep your head high, push your chest forward, and roll your shoulders back. A straight posture instantly gives you a more confident stance, which in turn makes you look good. Why? Just because people think those who are confident are more attractive.

    Woman Standing Straight With Jeans And Beautiful French Lace

    7. Smile More!

    Wanna know how to look good at work meetings, pictures, parties, weddings, and anywhere else except funerals? Smile! And no, it doesn’t mean you have to rock a perfect smile – even a gentle, closed smile is better than a frown.

    Smiling people tend to look good because they emit positivity and friendliness – something we’re always looking for in others. Make use of this trick as often as you can.

    Related: 5 Effective Teeth Whitening Home Remedies

    The appearance of your teeth can also make a huge difference. For example, if your teeth need straightening, you could experience a drastic confidence and appearance boost just by getting them “fixed”. And no, this doesn’t mean you would have to smile with metal braces for a year or two. These days, you can straighten your teeth with modern clear braces like Invisalign, which are almost invisible.

    Another way to improve your teeth’ appearance is to whiten them. You can do that with teeth whitening strips that are suitable to use at home, or opt for a professional teeth whitening. Your dentist can help you to make the best decision!

    8. Eat Well & Work Out

    A healthy lifestyle can help you to build a fit and attractive body, that’s for sure… But it can also help you battle social confidence issues, anxiety, and stress overload. When you feel good, you look good, so don’t forget the importance of beautifying your inner world as well. Working out, having self care days, eating fresh fruit and vegetables (they’re full of vitamins!), journaling and meditation are all excellent ways to keep your inner beauty shining. You can also get massages to improve circulation and relax tense muscles (or mind!).

    Related: How To Enjoy Working Out

    Another important way to care for your health and beauty is to take high-quality supplements. Essential vitamins, amino acids, and minerals are crucial for every process in your body: hair growth, skin renewal, nail keratinization – you name it! Our tissues are “hungry” for nutrients. If you don’t get enough of them in your diet (frankly, it’s hard!), consider supplementing.

    When it comes to hair, skin, and nail health, probably the most popular supplement choices are Biotin and Collagen. These noteworthy nutrients help your skin to stay elastic, support faster hair growth, keep your skin blemish-free, and multi-task to keep you looking great. You can find Biotin and Collagen supplements in powder form, capsule form, or liquid form, which has the highest bioavailability. A good example of high-quality, liquid Biotin + Collagen supplement is Wellabs Liquid Collagen for hair growth.

    9. Want To Look Good? Invest Time & Money In Your Looks

    Let’s admit it – in order to look good, you have to be willing to invest your time, resources, and energy. It takes some effort to find clothes that are fitting, it takes willpower to step on that treadmill, it takes courage to try different hairstyles and it certainly takes a ton of time to prepare healthy meals every day.

    But hey, you want to look good, and it’s important to you, right? Then it’s totally worth the effort, even if it means spending 15 minutes extra on that skincare routine or waking up 30 minutes earlier for that morning workout. When you want something, you have to work for it, there’s simply no way around it, sigh.

    Related: Glow Up Challenge – How To Become Prettier In 30 Days Or Less

    Beauty Tools And Products That Help You To Look Good

    10. Know Your Worth

    Last but not least – if you want to look good, practice remembering your worth too. Loving and appreciating yourself doesn’t mean you have to be arrogant, or full of yourself.

    Knowing your worth, feeling confident in your abilities, embracing your values and life rules simply shows the world that:

    • You like yourself;
    • You know that you look good;
    • You don’t really care what everyone else thinks.

    That’s called confidence and that’s irresistibly sexy!

    Related: 10 Etiquette Rules That Show You Are a High-Class Lady

    PART 2: How To Look Good At Work

    Have you ever wondered if there is anything specific that helps you to look good at work? There is!

    Some things can help you to elevate your looks in business or commercial environment and even help you to perform better.

    Woman Shows How To Look Good By Standing Straight

    1. Make Sure Your Nails Are Flawless

    I hate to say it, but it’s easy to get unfriendly looks just because your nail polish is chipped. If you’re an employee, a flawless manicure is a must. Not only can it help you to look good while interacting with other people, but it’s also aesthetically pleasing to your own eyes.

    I know you’re busy enough with all that work overload (aren’t we all, eh?), so my recommendation is to choose gel manicure, which can last a lot longer than regular polish. A nice gel mani will last you up to 14 days! Do it once and forget for two weeks, girl – now that’s life!

    If you don’t have time or resources to visit a nail salon twice a month, invest in an at-home gel polish kit. Trust me, you will save hundreds of dollars in the long run.

    I was really afraid to do my own gel manicure at first… But it turned out very easy and pleasant because gel polish does not dry until you put it under a UV lamp – which means you can sweep and swipe that gel polish until it looks perfect.

    Gel Nail Polish Kit To Make Nails Look Good

    Modelones Gel Nail Polish Set – Nude Gray Series

    2. Stay Hydrated

    This may sound funny, but if you want to look good at work, you gotta stay hydrated. People undervalue the importance of water way too often! Lack of moisture can make your face look tired and dull – all of this can be avoided with a few sips of water several times per hour. You don’t need to chug a whole gallon – just make sure your body is getting regular water ingestions, and you’ll look good just because you’ll be properly hydrated.

    3. Dominate In Power Colors

    Have you ever noticed how striking black and white, or red outfits look? It’s something about these colors that make you look really good and almost hypnotic when you wear them…

    So when you strive to look good at work, wear clothes in colors that speak: power, confidence, status, energy! Deep black, snow white, cherry red, and navy blue are perfect! Plus, these colors look extremely stylish in cold winter months, like December (Christmas, yay!). Heels, a hint of high-quality fragrance, red lipstick are other options that help you to look good and professional.

    Beautiful Woman Shows How To Look Good In Red Dress

    PRETTYGARDEN Women’s 2020 Casual Short Sleeve Dress

    PART 3: How To Look Good In Pictures

    Ah, the camera game! Knowing how to look good in pictures is a pretty useful thing to learn, so here are my best tips that I’m sure you’re going to love.

    1. Take your photos from far away

    The number 1 lesson to learn if you want to look good in pictures is to create distance. Taking pictures up close always makes your face look distorted and totally not what you look like in reality. To look good in a photo, ask someone else to snap it for you (a few feet apart), or use a timer function and pose!

    2. Never take your pictures from the bottom

    Taking a photo from the bottom angle makes you look weird and adds extra “weight” that doesn’t necessarily exist in reality. On the other hand, taking pictures from the top perspective emphasizes your eyes and cheekbones, which will always look good, in any photo.

    Blonde Beautiful Woman Shows How To Look Good In Pictures

    3. Play with angles

    Every one of us has an angle that makes us look good – you just have to find yours! To do that, don’t be afraid to experiment and take a ton of pictures just to find out which angle looks the most flattering (and no, it’s not silly or shallow). Once you find it, play it like your best card and emphasize your best side to look good in every selfie (and life, of course!).

    PART 4: How To Look Good Without Makeup

    Makeup is awesome, but there are times in our lives when we just want to look good… without it. Maybe your workplace has strict no-makeup makeup rules, maybe you’re invited to a third date with that guy you’re crushing on really hard, maybe you are prioritizing productivity instead, or maybe you just don’t want to overwhelm your already tired skin.

    There are so many reasons to look good without makeup and thankfully, it’s not that hard!

    Young Beautiful Woman With Shorts Shows How To Look Good Without Makeup

    1. Take the best skincare you can afford at the moment

    SPF sunscreen, bb cream, masks – pamper your skin so it can be glowing, healthy, and soft without any makeup on. Taking care of your skin doesn’t require a lot of effort, but it can reward you with an even complexion and healthy pores. If you struggle to find what really suits your skin, see your dermatologist – this way you will avoid overspending on products that don’t help your skin. Also, sometimes our skin needs stronger treatments to bring down inflammation, get rid of bacteria, or minimize scars and wrinkles.

    Related content:

    • 25 Habits For Stunning Skin
    • How To Heal Forehead Acne

    2. Enjoy messy hairdos

    Hey, if you want to look good while you’re all natural, it’s also the best time to enjoy those messy, straight-from-the-bed hairstyles! Simply wash your hair and let it air dry. If you don’t like how your hair dries, make it look good (or better) by adding gentle, messy waves or straightening those frizzy bad boys with a flat iron.

    3. Keep them lips juicy!

    When your skin is clear, and your hair looks great, the last thing to check for is your lips. Are they clean? Are they moisturized?

    To make your lips look good (and irresistible) without makeup, put them on a nice lip scrub session.

    Then, apply a generous amount of lip balm and check on them a few times a day to make sure they still look good!

    Can You Look Good At Any Age?

    Absolutely, 100% yes! Just because you’re used to seeing younger models everywhere on the media, it doesn’t mean that only young women can look good.

    There are tons of women who look good despite their age – and that’s not some kind of an exception to the rule. A few examples of women who look good after 50 (or even 80!) are Christie Brinkley, Demi Moore, Jennifer Lopez, Halle Berry, Elizabeth Hurley – this list could go on and on.

    You can age gracefully and look good at the same time – it all comes down to your choice and the way you feel about yourself in the first place.

    How To Look Good: Final Points

    If you want to look good, you need to take care of your appearance – that’s undeniable. But have you noticed that quite a few of these points are directed at your confidence, self-love, and self-worth? Because hey, even the prettiest girl can look good hiding behind four walls – but does it matter if she’s afraid to show her beauty to the world?..

    Confidence and courage to embrace the way you look are undeniably some of the most important things to remember when you want to look good. It can make people fall for you, and not just because you’re pretty… It’s because you like yourself and that, my friend, is absolutely, extremely, magnetically attractive.

    Related: 65 Self-Loving Ways To Improve Your Appearance

    Like these tips on how to look good? Scroll down for more content like this!


    We strive to use high-quality information and deliver content that is based on science, latest research, comprehensive studies, or expert advice. These reputable sources have influenced or inspired this article:

    • Westfall RS, Millar M, Walsh M. Effects of Self-Esteem Threat on Physical Attractiveness Stereotypes. Psychol Rep. 2020 Dec;123(6):2551-2561. doi: 10.1177/0033294119860255. Epub 2019 Jul 4. PMID: 31272292.
    • Thomas HN, Hamm M, Borrero S, Hess R, Thurston RC. Body Image, Attractiveness, and Sexual Satisfaction Among Midlife Women: A Qualitative Study. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2019 Jan;28(1):100-106. doi: 10.1089/jwh.2018.7107. Epub 2018 Oct 10. PMID: 30307808; PMCID: PMC6343186.

    • Agata Groyecka, Katarzyna Pisanski, Agnieszka Sorokowska, Jan Havlíček, Maciej Karwowski, David Puts, S. Craig Roberts, Piotr Sorokowski. Attractiveness Is Multimodal: Beauty Is Also in the Nose and Ear of the Beholder. Front. Psychol., 18 May 2017

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    It takes a lot of time and effort to look this good.

    I’m going to look this good from now on.

    I mean, I’m in my 20’s. I’m never going to look this good again.

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