Word for took away

  [ teɪk əˈweɪ ]  

1. Забирать, выносить, удалять;;
2. Покупать еду навынос;
3. Захватывать дух.

•  Анекдот с Take Away

1. Забирать, выносить, удалять

Чтобы не загромождать мозг всевозможными переводами данного фразового глагола, переведем его буквально и объединим в одну группу:

  • Take – брать, убрать;
  • Away – прочь.

Теперь, когда вам встречается фразеологизм, представляйте ситуацию, когда что-то / кого-то убирают.

Заголовок CNN с фразовым глаголом Take Away

Putin has a pot of gold. Republicans and Democrats want to take it away.

У Путина есть горшочек с золотом. Республиканцы и демократы хотят его забрать

Take these chairs away – we don’t need them.

Уберите эти стулья – они нам не нужны.

I was given some pills to take away the pain.

Мне дали таблетки, чтобы снять боль.

They were taken away in a police bus.

Их увезли в автозаке.

Supermarkets are taking business away from small local shops.

Супермаркеты отнимают бизнес у небольших местных магазинов.

Soldiers took away four people, one of whom was later released.

Солдаты увели четырех человек, один из которых позднее был освобожден.

I don’t want to take away from his achievements, but he couldn’t have done it without my help.

Я не хочу умалять его достижения, но он не смог бы сделать этого без моей помощи.

If you take 4 away from 12 you get 8.

Если вы отнимете 4 от 12, то получите 8.

What I took away from his talk is that going to university is definitely worth it.

Что я вынес из его выступления, так это то, что поступление в университет определенно того стоит.

2. Покупать еду навынос

В Англии – Take Away,
В США – Take Out.

Is that to eat in or take away?

Это для еды внутри или навынос?

Two burgers to take away, please.

Два бургера с собой, пожалуйста.

3. Захватывать дух

Идиома Take your breath away означает «захватывать дух».

It was one of those musical moments that can take your breath away.

Это был один из тех музыкальных моментов, от которых захватывает дух.


The circus is full of people. A beautiful young girl is standing with a cake in her mouth. A big lion comes up to her and takes the cake. A well-dressed man asks the people: “Who is going to do the same thing? You’ll get 1000 dollars!” – he says.

Nobody wants to. At last somebody says: “I’ll do it. Only take the lion away.”

Посмотреть перевод

Полный цирк людей. Красивая молодая девушка стоит с тортом во рту. Большой лев подходит к ней и забирает торт. Хорошо одетый мужчина спрашивает людей: “Кто сделает то же самое получит 1000 долларов!”

Желающих нет. Наконец кто-то говорит: “Я смогу. Только уберите льва.”

  •     Фразовые глаголы с Take
  •     Фразовые глаголы с наречием AWAY

  • 1
    took away

    Lennie took his hands away from his face. — Ленни отнял ладони от лица.

    English-Russian phrases dictionary > took away

  • 2
    took away

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > took away

  • 3
    and he took away the strange gods, and the idol out of the house of the Lord… (2Chr:33:15)


    и низверг чужеземных богов и идола из дома Господня

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > and he took away the strange gods, and the idol out of the house of the Lord… (2Chr:33:15)

  • 4
    he took away the key

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > he took away the key

  • 5
    he took away up the river

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > he took away up the river

  • 6
    they took away his pension

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > they took away his pension

  • 7
    they took away his post

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > they took away his post

  • 8
    and he took away the strange gods, and the idol out of the house of the Lord…

    Религия: и низверг чужеземных богов и идола из дома Господня

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > and he took away the strange gods, and the idol out of the house of the Lord…

  • 9
    and he took away the strange gods, and the idol out of the house of the Lord…

    Англо-русский религиозный словарь > and he took away the strange gods, and the idol out of the house of the Lord…

  • 10

    брать; требоваться

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. acted (verb) acted; behaved; functioned; operated; performed; reacted; worked or wrought

    3. apprehended (verb) accepted; apprehended; compassed; comprehended; followed; made out; saw; tumbled to; twigged

    4. appropriated (verb) annexed; appropriated; arrogated; confiscated; expropriated; preempted; sequestered

    5. asked (verb) asked; call for; called for; craved; demanded; entailed; involved; necessitated; required

    6. assumed (verb) assumed; commandeered; pre-empted; struck; usurped

    7. ate (verb) ate; consumed; devoured; fed on; partook of

    8. attracted (verb) allured; attracted; bewitched; captivated; charmed; derived; drew; enchanted; fascinated; magnetized; wiled

    9. bore (verb) abided; abode or abided; bore; brooked; digested; downed; endured; ingested; lumped; stomached; stood; stuck out; suffered; supported; sustained; swallowed; sweat out or sweated out; tolerated; went

    12. caught (verb) bagged; captured; caught; collared; nailed; overhauled; overtook; secured

    13. cheated (verb) beat; bilked; cheated; chiseled or chiselled; cozened; defrauded; did; flimflammed; gulled; gypped; mulcted; overreached; reamed; swindled; victimised

    14. chose (verb) chose; culled; elected; marked; opted for; picked; picked out; preferred; selected; singled out

    16. deducted (verb) deducted; discounted; drew back; knocked off; subtracted; take off; took away; took off; took out

    17. got (verb) came down with; contracted; developed; gained; got; netted; sickened; sickened of; sickened with; won

    19. seized (verb) clutched; grabbed; grappled; nabbed; seized; snatched

    21. treated (verb) dealt with; handled; played; served; treated; used

    22. understood (verb) believed; conceived; expected; gathered; imagined; supposed; suspected; thought; understood

    English-Russian base dictionary > took

  • 11
    took votes away

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > took votes away

  • 12
    take away

    1) убирать;
    уносить You may take away. ≈ Можно убирать (со стола). He took away the key. ≈ Он унес ключ. Please don’t take your hand away, it makes me think that you don’t like me. ≈ Пожалуйста, не убирайте руку: мне может показаться, что я Вам не нравлюсь.
    2) уводить, увозить, удалять I’d like to take you away for a holiday, but I don’t know when we shall be able to afford it. ≈ Мне так хочется увезти тебя куда-нибудь в отпуск, но я не знаю, когда мы сможем себе это поволить.
    3) вычитать to take away five from seven ≈ из семи вычесть пять
    4) отбирать, отнимать to take away smb.’s life ≈ лишить кого-л. жизни
    5) делать хуже;
    портить The billboards take away from the scenery. ≈ Щиты для объявлений портят вид. убирать;
    уводить — to * the garbage убрать /вынести/ мусор — you may * можно убирать (со стола) — he took away the key он унес /увез/ ключ — «not to be taken away» «не выносить из зала» (объявление в читальне) — to take the child away from the school забрать ребенка из школы — when he was taken away когда его увезли /забрали, увели/;
    когда его не стало, когда он умер — what takes you away so soon? почему вы так скоро уходите? — he took himself quietly away он тихонько ушел /удалился/ уходить;
    бежать — he took away up the river он бежал вверх по реке отбирать, отнимать — to * matches from a child отобрать у ребенка спички — to * smb.’s life лишить кого-л. жизни — they took away his post у него отобрали должность, его лишили должности — to * smb.’s reputation испортить кому-л. репутацию;
    лишить кого-л. доброго имени делать хуже;
    умалять — the billboards * from the scenery щиты для объявлений портят вид вычитать — to * five from seven из семи вычесть пять обыкн. pass увлекаться — he was taken away when he promised that он был очень увлечен /весь во власти чувства/, когда обещал это

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > take away

  • 13
    take away


    1. 1) убирать; забирать; уносить; уводить

    to take away the garbage — убрать /вынести/ мусор

    he took away the key — он унёс /увёз/ ключ

    ❝not to be taken away❞ — «не выносить из зала» ()

    when he was taken away — а) когда его увезли /забрали, увели/; б) когда его не стало, когда он умер

    what takes you away so soon? — почему вы так скоро уходите?

    he took himself quietly away — он тихонько ушёл /удалился/

    2) уходить; бежать

    2. отбирать, отнимать

    to take away matches [a knife] from a child — отобрать у ребёнка спички [нож]

    to take away smb.’s life — лишить кого-л. жизни

    they took away his post [his pension] — у него отобрали должность [пенсию], его лишили должности [пенсии]

    to take away smb.’s reputation — испортить кому-л. репутацию, лишить кого-л. доброго имени

    3. делать хуже; портить; умалять

    the billboards take away from the scenery — щиты для объявлений портят вид

    4. вычитать

    he was taken away when he promised that — он был очень увлечён /весь во власти чувства/, когда обещал это

    НБАРС > take away

  • 14
    take away

    1. phr v убирать; забирать; уносить; уводить

    take off — убирать, уносить, снимать

    2. phr v уходить; бежать

    3. phr v отбирать, отнимать

    take from — брать; взять; отнимать; отнять

    4. phr v делать хуже; портить; умалять

    5. phr v вычитать

    6. phr v обыкн. увлекаться

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. decry (verb) abuse; belittle; cry down; decry; depreciate; derogate; detract from; diminish; disparage; dispraise; downcry; minimize; opprobriate; run down; take from; write off

    2. deduct (verb) deduct; discount; dislodge; displace; draw back; knock off; substract; subtract; take; take off; take out; withdraw

    3. separate (verb) abstract; distil; distill; draw away; fractionate; remove; separate; withdrawn

    English-Russian base dictionary > take away

  • 15
    take away

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > take away

  • 16
    take away

    фраз. гл.

    1) убирать; уносить

    You may take away. — Можно убирать (со стола).

    He took away the key. — Он унёс ключ.

    Please don’t take your hand away, it makes me think that you don’t like me. — Пожалуйста, не убирайте руку: мне может показаться, что я вам не нравлюсь.

    2) уводить, увозить, удалять

    I’d like to take you away for a holiday, but I don’t know when we shall be able to afford it. — Мне так хочется увезти тебя куда-нибудь в отпуск, но я не знаю, когда мы сможем себе это позволить.

    4) отбирать, отнимать

    to take away smb.’s life — лишить кого-л. жизни

    5) делать хуже; портить

    The billboards take away the scenery. — Щиты для объявлений портят вид.

    Англо-русский современный словарь > take away

  • 17
    take away

    to remove
    убрать, унести

    She took away the food. Only time can take away her pain.

    English-Russian mini useful dictionary > take away

  • 18
    take away

    1. III

    1) take away smth. /smth. away/ take the pail away and empty it вынесите ведро и т.д. и выкиньте мусор; what takes you away so soon? почему вы уходите или уезжаете так скоро?; this cream takes away wrinkles этот крем удаляет /разглаживает/ морщины id his performance took our breath away у нас от его игры /исполнения/ и т.д. захватило дух

    2) take away smb., smth. /smb., smth. away/ illness took him away он умер от болезни; take one’s life away покончить с собой

    2. XI

    be taken away have your trunks been taken away? ваши чемоданы уже унесли?; be taken away from smb. his pension was taken away from him его лишили пенсии, у него отобрали пенсию

    3. XXI1

    take away smth. /smth. away/ from smb. take away his post from him отнять у кого-л. его должность и т.д.; take one’s job away from one лишить кого-л. работы

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > take away

  • 19
    put away

    1. phr v убирать, прятать

    2. phr v откладывать, копить

    put off — откладывать, отсрочивать

    put by — откладывать; припрятывать

    3. phr v отделываться, избавляться

    4. phr v отказаться; перестать думать; оставлять, бросать

    5. phr v разг. упрятать в тюрьму или в сумасшедший дом

    6. phr v разг. смолотить, слопать, уничтожить

    7. phr v разг. заложить, затерять

    8. phr v эвф. убивать

    9. phr v мор. отчаливать

    10. phr v уст. развестись

    опускать в могилу, хоронить, погребать

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. buried (verb) buried; entombed; interred; laid away; planted; sepulchered; tombed

    2. bury (verb) bury; entomb; inhume; inter; lay away; plant; sepulcher; sepulture; tomb

    3. consume (verb) consume; polish off; punish; shift; swill

    4. consumed (verb) consumed; polished off; punished; put down; shifted; swilled

    8. expel (verb) banish; discharge; dispel; drive away; exclude; expel; isolate; send away

    9. kill (verb) carry off; cut off; destroy; dispatch; down; kill; lay low; take off

    10. killed (verb) carried off; destroyed; dispatched; downed; finished; killed; laid low; slew; slew/slain; took off/taken off

    11. murder (verb) assassinate; cool; do in; execute; finish; knock off; liquidate; murder; rub out; scrag; slay

    12. murdered (verb) assassinated; cooled; did in/done in; executed; knocked off; liquidated; murdered; rubbed out

    English-Russian base dictionary > put away

  • 20
    the one that got away

    He took so long to make up his mind about his first really serious girlfriend that she married someone else. He thought of her now, a little ruefully, as the one that got away — Он так долго не мог решиться жениться на ней, что она вышла замуж за другого. Сейчас он с сожалением думает, какую чудесную девушку он проворонил

    Ah well, you can’t win them all, you can win most of them but there will always be the one that got away, it’s like in fishing — Всех не перетрахаешь. Большинство из них клюют на это дело, но обязательно найдется одна такая, которая сорвется с крючка, как на рыбалке

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > the one that got away


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См. также в других словарях:

  • Took — Take Take, v. t. [imp. {Took} (t[oo^]k); p. p. {Taken} (t[=a]k n); p. pr. & vb. n. {Taking}.] [Icel. taka; akin to Sw. taga, Dan. tage, Goth. t[=e]kan to touch; of uncertain origin.] 1. In an active sense; To lay hold of; to seize with the hands …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Away goals rule — The away goals rule is a method of breaking ties in association football and other sports when teams play each other twice, once at each team s home ground. By the away goals rule, the team that has scored more goals (points, baskets) away from… …   Wikipedia

  • took a vacation — went away on a vacation, took a trip …   English contemporary dictionary

  • took — teɪk n. act of taking; something taken; amount taken or collected at one time; income, proceeds, profits (Informal); movie scene filmed without interruption; sound recording made in one session; successful inoculation v. get into one s… …   English contemporary dictionary

  • took time — lengthened the amount of time, did not act right away …   English contemporary dictionary

  • take sth away — UK US take sth away Phrasal Verb with take({{}}/teɪk/ verb [T] (took, taken) ► to remove something: »The federal government threatened to take away $1 billion in highway funds. take sth away from sb/sth »The amendments are not really taking any… …   Financial and business terms

  • take away — 1) PHRASAL VERB If you take something away from someone, you remove it from them, so that they no longer possess it or have it with them. [V n P] They re going to take my citizenship away… [V n P from n] Give me the knife, he said softly, or I… …   English dictionary

  • Broke Away — Infobox Single | Name = Broke Away Artist = Wet Wet Wet from Album = Holding Back the River Released = December 18 1989 (UK) Format = CD, cassette …   Wikipedia

  • take away from — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms take away from : present tense I/you/we/they take away from he/she/it takes away from present participle taking away from past tense took away from past participle taken away from informal take away from… …   English dictionary

  • take away from — ˌtake a ˈway from [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they take away from he/she/it takes away from present participle taking away from past tense took away from …   Useful english dictionary

  • took and carried away — In criminal pleading, technical words necessary in an indictment for simple larceny …   Black’s law dictionary


Synonyms of took (away)

  • as in removed

  • as in removed

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took (away)


Definition of took (away)next

past tense of take (away)

as in removed

Synonyms & Similar Words


  • removed

  • eliminated

  • emptied

  • deprived

  • stripped

  • cleared

  • divested

  • stript

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • imbued

  • invested

  • infused

  • inoculated

  • steeped

  • suffused

  • inculcated

  • enlivened

  • animated

  • ingrained

  • invigorated

  • charged

  • engrained

  • leavened

  • endued

  • planted

  • implanted

  • instilled

  • indued

See More

  • imbued

  • invested

  • infused

  • inoculated

  • steeped

  • suffused

  • inculcated

  • enlivened

  • animated

  • ingrained

  • invigorated

  • charged

  • engrained

  • leavened

  • endued

  • planted

  • implanted

  • instilled

  • indued

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Thesaurus Entries Near took (away)

took a powder

took (away)

took back

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“Took (away).” Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/took%20%28away%29. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.

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What is another word for took away?

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[ tˈʊk ɐwˈe͡ɪ], [ tˈʊk ɐwˈe‍ɪ], [ t_ˈʊ_k ɐ_w_ˈeɪ]

Table of Contents

  • v.

    decry (verb)

    • poor-mouth,
    • detract,
    • HIT,
    • calumniate,
    • reprobate,
    • bad-mouth,
    • run down,
    • derogate,
    • rail against,
    • devalue,
    • depreciate,
    • dump on,
    • rap,
    • defame,
    • knock,
    • disgrace,
    • discredit,
    • underestimate,
    • undervalue,
    • reprehend,
    • malign,
    • abuse,
    • vilify,
    • asperse,
    • pan,
    • minimize,
    • underrate,
    • throw stones at,
    • denounce,
    • take swipe at,
    • cry down,
    • do a number on,
    • traduce,
    • take away,
    • write off,
    • opprobriate,
    • slam,
    • disparage,
    • mark down,
    • lower,
    • condemn,
    • discount,
    • diminish,
    • belittle,
    • put down,
    • downgrade,
    • censure.

    discharge (verb)

    • carry away,
    • unburden,
    • unstow,
    • remove,
    • empty,
    • unpack,
    • send,
    • remove cargo,
    • disburden,
    • take off,
    • Unship,
    • off-load,
    • Unlade.

    discount (verb)

    • abate,
    • redeem,
    • sell at discount,
    • modify,
    • deduct,
    • strike off,
    • rebate,
    • hold a sale,
    • allow,
    • knock off,
    • undersell,
    • make allowance for,
    • subtract.

    do away with (verb)

    • cancel,
    • discontinue,
    • eliminate,
    • wipe out,
    • slay,
    • do in,
    • kill,
    • murder,
    • put an end to,
    • finish,
    • bump off,
    • exterminate,
    • liquidate,
    • put to death,
    • slaughter,
    • abolish,
    • discard.

    draw back (verb)

    • retreat,
    • withdraw,
    • recoil,
    • shrink,
    • reel in,
    • recede,
    • sheathe,
    • pull back,
    • start back.

    incarcerate (verb)

    • commit,
    • impound,
    • constrain,
    • jail,
    • confine,
    • intern,
    • cage,
    • slough,
    • coop up,
    • bastille,
    • send up the river,
    • throw book at,
    • settle,
    • hold,
    • restrain,
    • detain,
    • put on ice,
    • book,
    • put under lock and key,
    • imprison,
    • immure,
    • railroad,
    • lock up,
    • restrict,
    • put away.

    intercept (verb)

    • prevent,
    • ambush,
    • deflect,
    • interpose,
    • appropriate,
    • hinder,
    • seize,
    • cut in,
    • hijack,
    • stop,
    • catch,
    • take,
    • obstruct,
    • block,
    • cut off,
    • interlope,
    • head off at pass,
    • arrest,
    • make off with,
    • check,
    • curb,
    • shortstop.

    jail (verb)

    • prison,
    • throw in dungeon,
    • throw the book at,
    • send up,
    • can,
    • throw away the keys,
    • sentence,
    • put behind bars.

    ransack (verb)

    • gut,
    • loot,
    • rake,
    • hunt,
    • look into,
    • poach,
    • leave no stone unturned,
    • scan,
    • sack,
    • rape,
    • ferret,
    • overhaul,
    • investigate,
    • filch,
    • strip,
    • pillage,
    • pinch,
    • peer,
    • despoil,
    • look high and low,
    • raid,
    • pry,
    • steal,
    • maraud,
    • scour,
    • look all over for,
    • go through,
    • comb,
    • scrutinize,
    • lift,
    • lay waste,
    • rob,
    • seek,
    • purloin,
    • go over with a fine-tooth comb,
    • thieve,
    • pilfer,
    • rifle,
    • ravish,
    • shake down,
    • rustle,
    • probe,
    • explore,
    • search,
    • spoil,
    • rummage,
    • plunder,
    • sound,
    • spy.

    take (verb)

    • take out,
    • draw back.

    wipe (verb)

    • dry,
    • wash,
    • clear,
    • towel,
    • rub,
    • sponge,
    • clean,
    • obliterate,
    • dust,
    • mop,
    • clean off,
    • erase.

    withdraw (verb)

    • run along,
    • back out,
    • get lost,
    • get away,
    • take a hike,
    • disengage,
    • get off,
    • absent oneself,
    • retire,
    • drop out,
    • pull out,
    • switch,
    • give way,
    • exit,
    • vacate,
    • leave,
    • phase out,
    • draw away,
    • keep apart,
    • detach,
    • abjure,
    • seclude oneself,
    • keep aloof,
    • take leave,
    • secede,
    • check out,
    • fall back,
    • ease out,
    • quit,
    • quail,
    • give ground,
    • bail out,
    • extract,
    • blow,
    • make oneself scarce,
    • go,
    • depart,
    • bow out,
    • exfiltrate.
  • Other synonyms:

    Other relevant words (noun):

    • removed,
    • Took,
    • stole,
    • quenched.

How to use «Took away» in context?

When I was a kid, I would always love going to my grandma’s house. I loved how she always had so much candy and would give me extra just because I was her favorite. Even though I always felt really bad about taking away from her, I still loved going there. Now that I am an adult and can afford my own place, I don’t always have time to go to my grandma’s house. I miss her cooking, her hugs, and her sugar-laden cookies, but I also miss not having to worry about taking away from her.

Word of the Day

narrowed down

calm down,
cut down,

Nearby words

  • took at face value
  • took at one word
  • took at one’s word
  • took at ones word
  • took at word
  • Took away
  • ‘tween decks
  • (take) offence
  • (that’s a) good question
  • (the) best of luck
  • (the) more fool you/him/her etc.


  • TOOK AWAY synonyms at Thesaurus.com
  • TOOK AWAY synonyms and antonyms — Merriam-Webster dictionary
  • Powerthesaurus.org
    — TOOK AWAY synonyms
  • Collins Dictionary — synonyms of TOOK AWAY
  • YourDictionary
    — another words for TOOK AWAY

  • empty
  • remove
  • send
  • disburden
  • unburden
  • unlade
  • unpack
  • carry away
  • off-load
  • remove cargo
  • take off
  • unship
  • unstow
  • deduct
  • diminish
  • knock off
  • mark down
  • modify
  • abate
  • allow
  • depreciate
  • rebate
  • redeem
  • remove
  • subtract
  • undersell
  • hold a sale
  • make allowance for
  • sell at discount
  • strike off
  • take off
  • abolish
  • bump off
  • cancel
  • discard
  • discontinue
  • do in
  • eliminate
  • exterminate
  • finish
  • kill
  • liquidate
  • murder
  • put an end to
  • put to death
  • remove
  • slaughter
  • slay
  • wipe out
  • deduct
  • discount
  • pull back
  • recede
  • recoil
  • reel in
  • retreat
  • sheathe
  • shrink
  • start back
  • subtract
  • withdraw
  • confine
  • detain
  • imprison
  • jail
  • lock up
  • book
  • cage
  • commit
  • constrain
  • hold
  • immure
  • impound
  • intern
  • railroad
  • restrain
  • restrict
  • settle
  • slough
  • bastille
  • coop up
  • put away
  • put on ice
  • put under lock and key
  • send up the river
  • throw book at
  • ambush
  • arrest
  • block
  • catch
  • cut off
  • deflect
  • hijack
  • prevent
  • seize
  • stop
  • appropriate
  • check
  • curb
  • hinder
  • interlope
  • interpose
  • obstruct
  • shortstop
  • take
  • cut in
  • head off at pass
  • make off with
  • confine
  • detain
  • hold
  • imprison
  • lock up
  • sentence
  • bastille
  • book
  • cage
  • can
  • constrain
  • immure
  • impound
  • prison
  • railroad
  • put away
  • put behind bars
  • put on ice
  • send up
  • throw away the keys
  • throw in dungeon
  • throw the book at
  • comb
  • gut
  • loot
  • pillage
  • plunder
  • raid
  • rob
  • scour
  • seize
  • appropriate
  • despoil
  • explore
  • ferret
  • filch
  • hunt
  • investigate
  • lift
  • maraud
  • overhaul
  • peer
  • pilfer
  • pinch
  • poach
  • probe
  • pry
  • purloin
  • rake
  • rape
  • ravish
  • rifle
  • rummage
  • rustle
  • sack
  • scan
  • scrutinize
  • search
  • seek
  • sound
  • spoil
  • spy
  • steal
  • strip
  • thieve
  • go over with a fine-tooth comb
  • go through
  • lay waste
  • leave no stone unturned
  • look all over for
  • look high and low
  • look into
  • make off with
  • shake down
  • remove
  • deduct
  • discount
  • eliminate
  • draw back
  • knock off
  • take off
  • take out
  • clean
  • dry
  • dust
  • erase
  • mop
  • obliterate
  • remove
  • rub
  • wash
  • clear
  • sponge
  • towel
  • clean off
  • depart
  • disengage
  • drop out
  • eliminate
  • go
  • leave
  • pull back
  • pull out
  • quit
  • retire
  • retreat
  • abjure
  • blow
  • book
  • detach
  • exit
  • extract
  • quail
  • recede
  • recoil
  • secede
  • shrink
  • switch
  • vacate
  • absent oneself
  • back out
  • bail out
  • bow out
  • check out
  • draw away
  • draw back
  • ease out
  • exfiltrate
  • fall back
  • get away
  • get lost
  • get off
  • give ground
  • give way
  • keep aloof
  • keep apart
  • make oneself scarce
  • phase out
  • run along
  • seclude oneself
  • take a hike
  • take leave
  • take off
  • take out

On this page you’ll find 361 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to take away, such as: empty, remove, send, disburden, unburden, and unlade.

  • grow
  • increase
  • mark up
  • raise
  • build
  • construct
  • get
  • keep
  • forge
  • go forward
  • start
  • free
  • let go
  • liberate
  • release
  • cancel
  • cease
  • stop
  • allow
  • encourage
  • free
  • give
  • let go
  • release
  • aid
  • assist
  • help
  • keep
  • permit
  • promote
  • refuse
  • reject
  • abet
  • forward
  • free
  • let go
  • liberate
  • release
  • give
  • offer
  • protect
  • receive
  • find
  • ignore
  • neglect
  • order
  • organize
  • care for
  • clean
  • neaten
  • tidy
  • increase
  • raise
  • add
  • give
  • hold
  • keep
  • maintain
  • offer
  • dirty
  • begin
  • come
  • continue
  • engage
  • enter
  • join
  • keep
  • persevere
  • stay
  • arrive
  • combine
  • come in
  • face
  • meet
  • unite
  • advance
  • allow
  • permit
  • remain

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

How to use take away in a sentence

I will take away the hedge thereof, and it shall be wasted: I will break down the wall thereof, and it shall be trodden down.


Neutral passenger-steamers were allowed to take away refugees other than Spanish subjects.


And I will say: Make a way: give free passage, turn out of the path, take away the stumblingblocks out of the way of my people.


Take away from a man all that heredity and environment have given him, and there will be nothing left.



OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • abolished
  • bumped off
  • canceled
  • did in
  • discarded
  • discontinued
  • eliminated
  • exterminated
  • finished
  • killed
  • liquidated
  • murdered
  • put an end to
  • put to death
  • removed
  • slaughtered
  • slew
  • took away
  • wiped out
  • carry away
  • disburden
  • empty
  • off-load
  • remove
  • remove cargo
  • send
  • take away
  • take off
  • unburden
  • unlade
  • unpack
  • unship
  • unstow
  • abate
  • allow
  • deduct
  • depreciate
  • diminish
  • hold a sale
  • knock off
  • make allowance for
  • mark down
  • modify
  • rebate
  • redeem
  • remove
  • sell at discount
  • strike off
  • subtract
  • take away
  • take off
  • undersell
  • abolish
  • bump off
  • cancel
  • discard
  • discontinue
  • do in
  • eliminate
  • exterminate
  • finish
  • kill
  • liquidate
  • murder
  • put an end to
  • put to death
  • remove
  • slaughter
  • slay
  • take away
  • wipe out
  • abolishes
  • bumps off
  • cancels
  • discards
  • discontinues
  • does in
  • eliminates
  • exterminates
  • finishes
  • kills
  • liquidates
  • murders
  • puts an end to
  • puts to death
  • removes
  • slaughters
  • slays
  • takes away
  • wipes out
  • abolishing
  • bumping off
  • canceling
  • discarding
  • discontinuing
  • doing in
  • eliminating
  • exterminating
  • finishing
  • killing
  • liquidating
  • murdering
  • putting an end to
  • putting to death
  • removing
  • slaughtering
  • slaying
  • taking away
  • wiping out

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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